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Bringing us tomorrow. With me are barrister and broadcaster Sophia Cannon and political commentator, lance price. The ft leads with Donald Trumps First Press Conference as President Elect in which he criticised the Intelligence Agencies and the media for spreading what he called fake news. The President Elect also features on the cover of the metro after he denied claims russia has Compromising Information on him. The times leads with the accusations by donald trump that spy chiefs acted like nazis by leaking reports about him. The Daily Express cites new research claiming Arthritis Pain can be relieved by 45 minutes of exercise a week. The telegraph leads with a clash between the head of the nhs and number ten over hospitalfunding as the number of a e patients hits a record high. The sun follows the latest trial of rolf harris as he faces accusations of Sexual Assault from seven new victims. Where else can we start but with the tramp . The trump. He gave his First Press Conference for six months, the first since he won the election and a lot of it focused on allegations that he is in bed with the russians. Literally. didnt think i would be spending my time reviewing the depth and the discussed of the scatological references of a President Elect of the United States. This is, dare i use the word, unprecedented. His first election he is in the mire, he is in the dirt and yet again i cannot discuss with my children what is happening. We dont need to go too deeply into the allegations. Essentially, a lot of information has come out concerning possible ties between donald trump and russia and the suggestion is that the russians have stuff on mr trump that colours his view of moscow, perhaps suggesting for explaining his favourable view, some might say, of vladimir putin. It is even worse than that. The central allegation is that the russians have stopped on him that could make an subject to blackmail and therefore subject to the influence, even though he is president of the United States and thatis president of the United States and that is an extraordinary allegation. That he could be under the thumb of the russians because of activities he is alleged to have participated in. He says all of that is untrue. It really was the most extraordinary press conference. We have got used to saying we cannot believe he said that, we cannot believe he did this, we cant believe that has happened. We will have an awful lot of this over the next four years, but that was so over the next four years, but that was so much in the press conference, lashing at the media and that is a spy lashing at the media and that is a spy agencies. That is the sort of thing we have come to expect from donald trump, but to accuse the fbi and the cia of nazi style tactics, which is effectively what he said at this press conference, he has got to work with these guys. That is the front page of the times. You are acting like nazis, trump tells spy chiefs. He expresses anger at lurid document click. It is an ex mi6 agent who drew up certain claims in this dossier. We have got to be clear for our viewers that this was not put together by the fbi or cia, this is allegations and information that would lead by a private detective, effectively, in the pay of the democratic party, or a Big Democratic Party donor and this Detective Agency is run by an ex mi6 agent and he has got all this information concerning allegations relating to mr trump and moscow. Information concerning allegations relating to mr trump and moscowm the case of nominative determinism, it is Christopher Steen have to thank for this. He was deep undercover and had worked with the assassination of Alexander Litvinenko and he had an idea that there was something going on, a relationship between trump and putin way before we had any idea that he was even thinking of standing for the presidency. What he did, it seems to be that he did a reconnaissance of this situation at the time and has put this together. In one memo dated june 2016 it claims that the kremlin has been cultivating trump for at least five yea rs. Cultivating trump for at least five years. It is something of a dystopian spy novel. When we hear about spies of old and kim sotheby, sorry, kim philby, these stories, they must be literally true. Donald trump completely denies them all. Having said that, it is notjust some sort of story, notjust having said that, it is notjust some sort of story, not just some freelance guy put this together, it was presented to the Intelligence Agencies and they looked at it and they examined it and they had to make an assessment and determine whether to go forward with it. They saw enough in it that was credible that they believe was consistent with other information they had and the bbc is reporting there is more than one source, to put it on the desk of president 0bama and to put it to donald trump himself. They have looked at it and they think there is nothing there. It is not sufficient with that to ensure that the outgoing president should be aware that under the incoming president should be told of the allegations. One seems now that the fbi and cia have got to look into all of this. This man will be the commander in chief, privy to Intelligence Briefings every couple of days or so. His finger on the bottom of the nuclear arsenal. We have to see this for what it is, if he has been cultivated for five yea rs he has been cultivated for five years and the level of fear that must be rippling now through the Republican Party itself, but they have been outplayed by putin in The Game Of Chess that they always thought they had won to this level, that he has actually got his own man in the white house. It will be there for four years. The other important point is this has an impact on American Public opinion. Their willingness to rely on what the cia and fbi say in future because you already have a lot of democrats who think the fbi handed the election to trump the bringing of the e mail stuff in the last couple of weeks. You now have the guy he won turning on the fbi and cia turning on them. You can say it isjust the fbi and cia, the court did last time round. The way in which he is undermining all the Institutions Of American Democracy that he approve of, is a very dangerous precedent. The fear is, from my point of view, for the first time in history we have got the cyber world, the world of espionage contrasted so easily with this open source journalism, social media, all happening at the same time. We cannot even checked our fa cts. Time. We cannot even checked our facts. How can we do this . What really annoyed him in the press conference, we really annoyed him in the press conference, we can really annoyed him in the press conference, we can go to the front page of the telegraph actually, trump defined as mi6 officer fears moscow retribution, what really annoyed him was cnn. Cnn put together their own report on this dossier and the report, i understand, was partly put together by Carl Bernstein no less, of watergate fame, but does feed put the whole unredacted thing out there on the internet and when trump was asked a question by cnn, trump went com pletely asked a question by cnn, trump went completely berserk. He conflated cnn carefully, judiciously going through this dossier and taking out what it felt would the right elements and getting elements from its own sources as well, as i say partly written by Carl Bernstein, so old, legitimate media some might argue and conflating that with Buzz Feed Chucking absolutely everything out there with no filter whatsoever. Donald trump talking about the good news, he made it clear that he believed that cnn was a fake News Organisation because it got involved in this, yet he has profited from the news over the last year through the news over the last year through the whole campaign. As a former Communications Director at yourself, how would you have varied, the you think, in this completely new, incredibly difficult media world . look at it and i think back to the days when i worked for tony blair and Alistair Campbell in Downing Street and we had our own war against the media, even though the media was more benign toward Tony Blairthan it is media was more benign toward tony blair than it is toward donald trump in america and it occurred to me, we would have loved to undermine the media in the wake donald trump has succeeded in undermining it. Our objective was to turn and when it was a objective was to turn and when it was a bad story and said that was just the media, you can trust them. That is what he is trying to do. Before i worked there and was a journalist and i was very conscious of the distinction between the two and it was a very importantjob of the distinction between the two and it was a very important job that the media had fully power to account. It is one of the checks and balances in every democracy. You and your colleagues understood, even Alistair Campbell, understood the importance of the media in a democracy. Of course, but we were doing a different job. Democracy. Of course, but we were doing a differentjob. We were promoting the interests of the person in power and so you take off your journalist person in power and so you take off yourjournalist had person in power and so you take off your journalist had and person in power and so you take off yourjournalist had and put on a different hat. We were undermining an institution which i hold very dear. You would have loved to have twitter. Whether we would have had that. Whether we would have used it in the wake donald trump does, they dont think so. What is interesting is that the whole debate about russia and antics in bedrooms and whatever has completely deflected from the substance, the real substance that many people say should have been discussed and that is his interests, his own Business Interests and Conflict Of Interest that might exist as a result of him being the ceo of a great Multinational Company and being president of the United States. All these Pictures Of Trump today, it is these Pictures Of Trump today, it is the right. It is the biggest distraction to what is really going on. It is the fact that a president , he is not quickly have the normal checks and balances of his team, he has not released his Business Interests, so we can fact check what the conflict are, we can only guess. These issues are side issues to what we really need to do, which is find out who this man is, what is he doing and what will he do in the future . If, even before he has started, he is kicking the legs out, burning down what we have fought so ha rd burning down what we have fought so hard for. It occurred to me in one of my worst moments, there be donald trump wanted all this stuff out there because it gives them an opportunity to talk about something else. The public, frankly, when it comes to sexual peccadilloes, they have heard it all and signalfrom mr trump and factored it in. They voted for him anyway. A possible Conflict Of Interest could be more problematic for him. Lets move on. We have a couple of minutes left. Simon stevens, head of the nhs in england, front page of the telegraph, he is in a bit of a battle with number ten. He is in a real battle. He is a very well respected civil servant. I worked with them when i was in at number ten, he was working for the health secretary, alan milburn, but the tories loved him as well. People live as listened to Simon Stephens because he is a serious guy and he has gone Out On A Limb in effectively saying that theresa may has not been honest in terms of the work of money going into the nhs and that she is stretching the truth, in effect, to claim that the nhs has been given money more than they asked for. It is clear we have a serious crisis in the nhs. Even given the fact that we have had a very mild winter so far. What would it be like if we had a harsh winter . There is Colder Weather on the way. We went through a period when a lot of money was going into the nhs, it really was a lot of money going into the nhs and we didnt have this Winter Crisis but they are back. can see Theresa May Shelving who will rid me of this troublesome man . Like Thomas Becket saying if we have problems with our major services, they beat somebody else is in the way. It is not our fault. They beat somebody else is in the way. It is not ourfault. It they beat somebody else is in the way. It is not our fault. It is the way. It is not our fault. It is the way it is managed, but the funding. It is the same austerity issues that have been rising since 2010. Theresa may is suggesting some hospitals are not being managed well enough. That is partly why a e departments are in crisis. One of the reasons Simon Stephens reacted the way he did was at numberten was stephens reacted the way he did was at number ten was briefing as if they were getting ready to blame him rather than the lack of funding. Rather than deal with the issue, rather than deal with the issue you blame someone else. That is definitely not something he would have done. Our style at all. Press regulation. Page two of the times. Here we go. 140,000 views have been given and press recognition. The suggestion is Newspaper Groups should be heavily fined and pay the legal costs of any court action if they did not sign up to an accredited, what the Press Regulation regulator that has been put forward. Section 40 is a new way to ensure that there is access to justice for the smaller quy access to justice for the smaller guy, The Little Man who has his name or her name brought out into the press in a way they can never seek redress. They dont have the hundred and £40,000 and this is the whole idea, that we must see it for what it is. It is not telling the press what to do, it is holding their feet to the flame. Newspapers have fought an Effective Campaign against it. We dont know what these 140,000 people think, but the implication is a lot of them disagree with that. On the face of it, we dont know what the views are of the majority of these people, but one suspects that, given the fact that if you will take the daily mail with the times to court you need deep pockets, then the idea that they will have to pay the legal fees suggests that he may be able to get some redress. When the papers, the simple view is we have to pay the simple view is we have to pay the costs win or lose, that a of peoples sense of naturaljustice. I understand the argument, but given the papers and easy way to attack the proposals. Many thanks. Thats it for the papers tonight. You can see the front pages of all of them online on the bbc news website. It is therefore you seven days a week. If you missed the programme on an evening you can watch it later on i player. Thanks to sofia and lands a game and to you for watching. Quite a lot going on with the weather over the next few days. Bad that in mind if you have travel plans. Strong winds and wintry showers, gales across scotland and generally it is a windy night. There will be sloping down to levels in scotland. Wintry weather in Northern Ireland and northern england. Not so cold in the far south and west. It will be a frosty night. There will be patches of ice to content with as well. We keep that wintry mix going across the northern half of the uk. Further south as the rain interacts with colder air it will turn to snow. Prince of wales and the south west and into the midlands. They called a day across the board, especially in northern areas. One or 2 degrees on your thermometer but it will feet below freezing. Through the evening, and a mix of rain, sleet and snow working its way to the south east. It will lead to some snow line at low levels. It leaves behind frost and ice. This is bbc news. The headlines at 11 oclock. Donald trump has hit back at allegations that russian intelligence has Compromising Information on him. It was a group of opponents who got together, sick people, and they put back together. The head of Hospital Trusts in england says it is time to stop pretending that the nhs can do everything with the money it is being given by government. And on newsnight donald trump lashes out at those who publish unverified allegations as news. We also hear from the doctor fired for questioning whether or not transgender children really questioning whether or not Tra Nsgender Children really know their own Tra Nsgender Children really know theirown mind

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