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Latest epic from mark insults martin scorcese. From martin scorcese. Welcome to you both. We have to work a bit harder this time. Before we look into the stories, lets look at the front pages. The Financial Times leads on what it would call a £24 billion expedition on Closing Oil Rigs in the north sea. Theresa may says her comments on brexit is the biggest key yet that we will be leaving the Single Market. Snp leader Nicola Sturgeon is calling for another Independence Referendum for another Independence Referendum for scotland unless the uk holds on to Single Market access. The telegraph reports that borisjohnson is in new york meeting some of Donald Trumps top team. A star is forecasting an arctic blast that these uk as freezing weather that has killed people in north america and europe heads here. The queen makes her first public appearance since a heavy cold has caused had at cancel christmas engagements. The sun says it to nhs patients die everyday from first. Compensation is demanded from volkswagen over the companys omission scandal. Boris johnson has gone to new york. That is where we will start. Johnson in the us as may speaks out on trump. The Foreign Secretary heads west. Theresa may was asked about Donald Trumps misogynistic comments during the election campaign. Borisjohnson was critical of donald trump as well and then changed his mind. He might have had some patching up to do . Borisjohnson was clearly out of his mind, is what he said, when he was talking about the ban on muslims entering the us but then he quickly changed things around. He said no, the billionaire was a dealmaker and he wants to change the whinge a rama. I think it interesting, theresa may speaks out on trump, she didnt actually. It was about his comments about ladies. Where men, not ladies. Women. Whatever makes you feel comfortable. She said she didnt agree with it. It was unacceptable. However, he said it about himself and has already apologised. Headline here isnt quite right. Its not like johnson is out there because she has spoken out. Johnson is out there to meet the team. How important is the Trump Administration going to be for us . Obviously very important. This is quite a surprise story because we didnt know Boris Johnson was going, we didnt know theresa mays chief staff had been to meet the trump team. Theresa may, once again, has oii team. Theresa may, once again, has on the quiet refused to give a Running Commentary and has been doing important work in the background. To be fair, she is without doubt known as an incredibly hard working individual. Without doubt known as an incredibly ha rd working individual. She without doubt known as an incredibly hard working individual. She does her homework before she announces things. It does not surprise me a jot that she is doing the work. She has had phone calls with trump himself and he wants to be the new Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher relationship. They want to build on the special relationship. She couldnt be more different, really, couldnt be more different, really, could she . Considering how little she is on twitter. This is the interview with sophie rich on sky today, giving us a clue, or not, john, on where we are heading on brexit. Not much of a clue. The problem with these big interviews with the Prime Minister is that she did not depart much from the previous script and she made it as clear as she could without being utterly defective. Britain is not going to be a member of the Single Market after we least because controlling immigration is more important to her. But isnt that clearer than what she has been for some people s tastes . She is not clear as to whether access to the Single Market is on the table or not. People knew that you couldnt have brexit and stay in the Single Market. David cameron clearly said it, to stay in the Single Market means that you would accept freedom of movement, except paying into the community and accept laws made by them and people said that they dont wa nt them and people said that they dont want that say she said very clearly today that we cant have a little bit or take little bits of what is on offer of the year you. We have said we are coming out but what we will do is get the best deal for the uk on trading. That is what she said going forward. It was a lot clearer but you are quite right, she is a poker player and hasnt really revealed her plans stop she will need those Poker Playing Skills when she goes into deal with the other 27 countries. It is taking quite a while for the penny to drop. A lot of people who voted remain dont like the idea of not being part of the Single Market will stop she is being asked about it all the time and just want to be completely definitive because she is entering a constipated negotiation. In the telegraph, schools will be trying to spot Mental Illness in pupils. We are expecting an announcement from the Prime Minister tomorrow about extra help for people with mental health. She wants to end the stigma of suffering people have. She is giving a big speech on social policy tomorrow which will take further what she said in her sky interview about wanting to end the stigma of Mental Illness. This is very important. A good thing to say. Very easy for a new Prime Minister to say because she hasnt had time to have to deliver on it. Delivering on it is going to be more difficult and we look forward to seeing the details in the speech. There arent many details in the telegraph story. More to come. There is an element of best practice in here. I have a friend who said what she did in her school of which they have much they had someone of which they have much they had someone like this looking out for girls, this was a girls at school, eating disorders, whether it was depression, anxiety. She said they had increased within that school and had increased within that school and had already internet abyss and was showing really positive results. Implemented this. They want to expand it out to everybody. I think it is 50 will have had a Mental Disorder or illness by the age of 14. They say to a young and support people. But you need them to have Child Mental Health services which is chronically underfunded. It is one thing to spot them but we then need to treat them. Listening to theresa mays interview. She said this isnt all about money. A lot of it is about prevention. She talked about what she had done when she was in the home office and what she had donein in the home office and what she had done in prisons. This is about preventing it and saying whether help is needed, speaking to the pa rents, help is needed, speaking to the parents, getting support in schools. What can we do to join the dots . I think it is a positive start. Lets look at the son. Shocking figures here on the number of people who malnutrition has caused their death. A dramatic front page. Not directly related to the stories from the red cross. It is about the sort of rashes on the nhs. Not quite as dramatic as it seems pressures. Did i every day of its burst or malnutrition is overdoing it. First or starvation is on the Death Certificate as a factor in these people but it is obviously, as people but it is obviously, as people are dying, their bodies are shutting down so water and food are going to become issues. It is not as clear cut as sun is making out. Going to become issues. It is not as clear cut as sun is making outm is saying the nhs staff are so overworked they dont have time to help people eat and drink when they need that help. I think it is a much more placate a picture than what we we re more placate a picture than what we were talking about it earlier. It also refers to the liverpool pathway which was stopped in 2013. Where food and drink was removed, wasnt it . Absolutely. If it is through negligence, that is awful, what can we do . That is not a way for a relative to pass away. But if it is chosen path to go down, it is very different. That is why we have here, although deaths have gone up this year, they down more than 1000 from the preceding decade and that is because they stopped the liverpool pathway in 2013. Again, read the item, it is far more complicated and not as drastic as apes as on the front page but i can tell you, any of these people who have not got compensation who have seen their pa rents compensation who have seen their parents not looked after properly, is wrong, it needs to be stopped. Lets look at the mail. Give us £3000 each. British drivers tell vw. Why . Why do they want this money . Sw was done for cheating emissions tests. In america, owners of the vw cars tests. In america, owners of the vw ca rs have tests. In america, owners of the vw cars have been given compensation. Vw cars have been given compensation. Vw was done. British and european drivers think they should have some as well. Big bill. It is also surprising that the states not part of the eu have got their Money Straightaway and if you are part of the eu, you havent got anything wait for two years and you might get it. Just thought i would mention it. It is amazing that nobody in the eu has got compensation and america has already done the deal. Just saying, just putting it out there. Draw your own conclusions finally, the times, thousands of british holidays face ruin as drought is declared. U2 dont care for this story. Why not . You guys. Dont care for this story. Why not . You guys. It is not snowing in the alps and it is snowing in funny places like the greek islands. That isa places like the greek islands. That is a more interesting story. We could also have freezing temperatures. But for a little bit less of snow in i know you are interested , less of snow in i know you are interested, but we were not as interested. Im naturally curious about so many things. Interested. Im naturally curious about so many thingslj interested. Im naturally curious about so many things. I think as you said to put the juxtaposition that that freezing conditions in greece but not in a snow in the alps made itan but not in a snow in the alps made it an interesting story. Thank you, im glad you listened to my appeals to try and say something. I could have talked about that story myself but i thought i would give them a hand. The point is, there have been so hand. The point is, there have been so little rain but they are not even allowed to make fake snow which you can normally. Fake snow . How can you be so keen on skiing that you will actually go to the lengths of creating fake snow on the mountain . There is a lot of money involved. Water could be used from the mountain reservoirs. Those pictures we re mountain reservoirs. Those pictures were of where there is too much of snow or smelling odd places. Turkey and greece, causing enormous problems for people. And fatalities, of course, as well. That is the papers for tonight. John, esther, they give very much. We always like you. You can read a Decal Review On Oui you. You can read a decal review on our website. Details. It should be on iplayer as well. No doubt you will tell me if it isnt. From all of us, its good mate. Coming up next, the film review. Hello, and a very warm welcome to the film review. To take us through this weeks Cinema Releases is antonia quirtke. We are going to start with silence, Martin Scorseses new film,

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