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Who was born a girl 20 years ago, being four months pregnant. Right. 0k let us again. Martin, could you begin for us this time . We have two martins. We must not get confused. Theresa may in the sunday telegraph, setting out her vision for a shared society, and not the big society, which was the tactic of David Cameron. It is a society, unlike the famous quote from Margaret Thatcher although slightly misinterpreted. A big defining. She said there was no such thing as society. Yes. Everyone is focusing on brexit but from the Point Of View of the prime minister, her big focus is this idea of trying to present herself and reposition the tory policy as a party for the ordinary person, a person who was struggling a little with the difficult changes in the workplace and globalisation and so forth and saying here is a government that can intervene and fix broken markets. She talks about promoting american greste. She talks about education in that respect. Building more houses, addressing the how to sing shortage for people bringing house prices down. All of these different interventionist policies she is alluding to it this stage in her article for the sunday terra graft. Telegraph. She is setting out a big reform agenda over the coming weeks and months. I think this is what she wants her legacy to be rather than brexit. It is a challenge now to see whether or not she can deliver this. It was not a traditional conservative message. This is pitching a big tent on what should always historically be seen as the labour territory. He used to try and reclaim tory territory and to move the Centre Ground on his way. One could argue relatively successfully. Theresa may is now trying to do it on her terms. It was interesting, however, there was talk in this article about, also about brexit and they call it the Quiet Revolution by those who thought the Syste M Revolution by those who thought the system had been stacked against them for too long. This is the central crux, really, they are trying to set out a message which i am not entirely sure comes across particularly strongly or sufficiently well but the premises there that she wants to be seen as someone who understands the concerns and can to some degree and so them. Whether or not she can. There are two things here. An allegation that she is trying to say that the tory party is not about what it used to stand for, it is about something different. And as you were just saying, martin, of cores are until now the force of globalisation in a sense, the received political wisdom is that this is how the world is evolving we need to go with it and work with it and you need to adapt. She is saying actually there are things that government can do to help and to mitigate some of those big changes. Moving on. Brexit. The elite story in the sunday times. Sir Ivanka Rogers who just quit as an ambassador. Apparently he had secret meetings with David Cameron before christmas. What was said . They are not secret any more. It is interesting. There has been a schism which has widened into a genuine ructions between theresa may and David Cameron. Ivanka rogers who, as we know, quit in high dudgeon from his role as eu ambassador. That was cameron before christmas and offered some aggressive warnings about the way brexit negotiations or more negotiations were taking place. Speaking about the fear of mutually assured destruction and the Biggest Issueis assured destruction and the Biggest Issue is whether we have an orderly or disorderly brexit and were heading for a car crash, he told David Cameron. David cameron a p pa re ntly David Cameron. David cameron apparently privately shares those views the brexit will hurt the economy. We should not be surprised by that, given his stance in the vote. I suspect that people in the inner circle around theresa may will be particularly angry and feel that once again she has been undermined toa once again she has been undermined to a degree by her predecessor. Once again she has been undermined to a degree by her predecessorlj dont to a degree by her predecessor. dont think they will be too say that seeing it come out, either, because it puts a pile of pressure, it keeps the pressure on those who are still in favour of brexit. suppose so although i think this is a debate that wants to go away. A very swift appointment of sir Ivanka Rogers as a replacement to tim burrow was obviously designed to try and close the story down because it seemed like a 24 hour was story, to be frankly. A diplomat that no one heard of leaves in a flurry. An analysis of the e mail. Heard of leaves in a flurry. An analysis of the email. So this brings it back in a sense that it is perhaps not very helpful. On the other hand, as you say, it perhaps reinforces the view that actually he was not, he was not independent in a sense. It was a very political position. But maybe David Cameron encouraged him. That will be the allegation. Talking about people who go to europe to native. If that is theirargument, perhaps go to europe to native. If that is their argument, perhaps the brexiteers will be trying to push on point to sir ivanka and others. Continuing with brexit, im afraid, it is an interesting story. The uk at risk of a trade catastrophe. This comes from a canadian gentlemen. You mentioned earlier that this man is a canadian and he often says what he thinks. Generally speaking canadians are polite. However this chap, what has he been saying . He was part the Negotiation Team to deal between canada and the eu which took nearly a decade to negotiate. He suggests that there is a danger of a catastrophic brexit because of the government ignoring the concerns of trade experts. We had one man saying we have had too much of experts. The thing is, however, the observer ta kes a the thing is, however, the observer takes a stand because of its stand on brexit. Conversely if you look at the Sunday Express you have the newly appointed potentially newly appointed Us Ambassador to the eu, there seems to be incredibly excited at the prospect of brexit. What that means as both sides are looking for people to bolster their views. The point of this canadian man is that it is the length of time that it ta kes. It is the length of time that it takes. Look at the problem can ever faced. They take an awful lot of. And that in itself is a dangerous business. There is some justification in that but it is not a simple thing to get a trade deal on the government itself has indicated there may have to be a transitional deal with the eu. Of course, achieving a true that additional bill is also problematic. Some of his warnings could be justified. Im not sure that his allegations about the inattention of the government is valid i think the government is well aware of that risk and doing its best to deal with it. Whether they can not is another issue altogether and we will have to see what happens over the coming couple of years. Continuing on. The Mail On Sunday has a curious complicated story but it has the scoop on its hands here. An Israeli Embassy official apparently targeting, saying they wanted to ta ke targeting, saying they wanted to take down the foreign minister, a Junior Minister in the Foreign Office department. They have filmed at. What a curious business. I think this is the story of the night. You have a diplomat from the Israeli Embassy saying that because alan duncan, the number two in the Foreign Office is no truth pro palestinian views, saying at this dinner where he was recorded overtly by somebody who didnt realise he was a journalist, suggesting, in fa ct was a journalist, suggesting, in fact wanting somebody else to take down sir alan duncan and, indeed, other mps who were deemed to be not favourable to israeli interests. That is quite a statement and israeli ambassador apparently has now run up israeli ambassador apparently has now run up alan duncan and apologised for this and said that the comments were completely unacceptable. He put out a statement which we should emphasise that they have said. The transcript on the tape is at least somewhat accurate in terms of what was said. It is interesting. I think there will be so interesting. I think there will be so Difficult Conversations for the aid to another junior so Difficult Conversations for the aid to anotherJunior Minister who appears to have been the second party in these conversations. We must be very cautious about that. We do not have independent verification. But she will be asked to give more information about what was and wasnt said at the dinner. But there is clearly. The arab israeli issue remains at the heart of politics in this country and probably always will because there are two very divergences views. Diplomacy is taking a great turn. We have an israeli wanting to ta ke turn. We have an israeli wanting to take down our minister. You have donald trump telling us to an point as ambassador. We have the eu and battered resigning in high dudgeon. Diplomacy is to be quiet behind the scenes and at the moment it is spectacular. The sunday times has a picture of a young lady on the front page and a chap with a very alarming looking rifle. British bride of isis chief. Can you explain this one to us . They are talking about a White American convert who was a leading figure in isis who married a british woman and went out to syria, she divorced him and came back. It is talking here, a fairly straightforward story in that sense. It illustrates, albeit that she has let them come back. It does illustrate this continuing danger of british people, women as well as men who are increasingly going to syria. People from, who you would never think are going to go out there. This particular chap, we were talking about the man, he came from ina very talking about the man, he came from in a very prominent American Military family, apparently, according to the story. Quite an amazing background he has. According to the story. Quite an amazing background he hasm according to the story. Quite an amazing background he has. It does seem bizarre that somebody who appears to have had his roots embedded deep in the American Military structure, an American Family and obviously he has had ple nty of family and obviously he has had plenty of involvement in the army, should end up being a key isis recruiter. It is remarkable. But then again, a number of the sort of Western Bornjihad as, you would never have imagined from their background that they would end up being. Quite a few converts go. That is one of the things that happens. Of course there are people who come from those type of backgrounds. They started off from white middle class backgrounds and convert and become far more radical than the average person. Now i think this is very much one for you to talk about, martin lipton. Many pictures are round of wayne rooney is all over the back pages. Why . M is all over the back pages. Why . M isa is all over the back pages. Why . M is a good story. Hes got his 249th Goalfor is a good story. Hes got his 249th goal for Manchester United which means he is thejoint record goalscorer. A few months ago he scored his 50th goal for england so heres the record goalscorer for england. In both case he took the record that had been set by sir Bobby Charlton who was there watching the match today. I think it is fitting that wayne rooney should do it at old trafford in a home game rather than away in some far reaches of europe which it may have been the other week when they played in the ukraine. He has been the dominant english footballer of the last decade. We may argue, well, he should have achieved more in did not achieve what he could have been and is not a superstar. He nevertheless has been england was the best player. A record goalscorer another record goalscorer for the most hated Clu B Record Goalscorer for the most hated club in english football. And a Record Number of games and all of that. For the most Celebrated Clu B that. For the most celebrated club in english football. They probably say the same as us, actually. He has done quite well. Quite does quote well . Apparently he has 26 penalties and Bobby Charlton had nine although you say he played far fewer games that sort of even set out. The 249th goal, i think was not actually a key grey haired or anything. It was. It was not the cleanest strike. It sort of floated off his shin, really as the ball came in. These need, i read. He guided towards the goal and he will take it. Hes got fantastic goals as well. Some brilliant strikes and cabins. He scored 249 goals, 12 years. Longevity is impressive in itself. And he remains an iconic english football player. He may not be the player he was but here still something special. And very quickly. From the sunday telegraph, abc breakfast time. My lovely colleague misidentified

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