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With me are journalist and broadcaster rachel shabi, and deputy Political Editor at the telegraph, ben riley smith. Tomorrows front pages the metro leads with news that the British Public have helped raise more than £75,000 for the family of the murdered polish lorry driver whose vehicle was hijacked and used in the berlin Terror Attack. The times says the queen is apparently disappointed with theresa may, after the pm declined to share plans for brexit during her first stay at balmoral. The Financial Times says china has warned donald trump that co operation is the only way forward, after the us President Elect appointed a china hawk to run a new white house trade policy office. The Daily Telegraph highlights claims that some of britains leading universities are becoming no go zones forjewish students, due to anti semitism. The daily mirror leads with the story of shoppers diving for cover, as e cigarette batteries blow up inches from a pram. The guardian says violent and abusive men are being allowed to confront and cross examine theirformer partners in secretive court hearings. And the Daily Express warns that the uk faces violent christmas storms, with 90 mph gales and torrential rain. The story of the week has been the attack on the Christmas Market in berlin. We will start with the times. German spies knew that the suspect had talked of a suicide attack. So much is coming out about this man, the chief suspect in this appalling atrocity. Yes, anis amri. When you get these horrific events there is always this clamour to try and find answers about why it wasnt stopped and build better protections for the future. There Area Protections for the future. There are a string of quite worrying snippets which are coming out about what the Intelligence Services in germany knew about the lead suspect. The times brings out a couple of them tomorrow. This bloke had talked about a Suicide Mission, the Security Services had talked about him saying that maybe i will go on a Suicide Mission but they dismiss them because of suggestions were too vague and they didnt think they we re vague and they didnt think they were that credible. He was also seen visiting a mosque for the attack which was linked to islamist. And the third debt which is still worrying given the person is on the run, is that footage of him has emerged going to a mosque close to the Christmas Market. Taken together it does raise questions about why he wasnt apprehended. Our security correspondent Frank Gardner pointed out that the problem is that if you we re out that the problem is that if you were to keep tabs on everyone with links to Islamist Group or said something vaguely dodgy than you would be tying up so many people, at an enormous cost, that you just cant do it. You do have to prioritise. And the fact that this man seemed to be grandstanding, didnt really seem to have a definite plan, in terms of a Terror Attack, made the German Authorities think he is not someone we should continue to pursue. I think that sounds right. It is notjust that you would be chewing up resources, it is that you would actually be requiring a more powers to do those things. And that is always going to bea things. And that is always going to be a balance, whether you think we should give up more powers in the fight against terrorism. And of course we are all terrified, and this was a horrific attack, and we would all like there to be answers. But it is interesting, this whole thing of lorry attacks, you can paratoo a country like israel, which has much more surveillance. You compare it to. At levels which other countries would not be comfortable with, a higher level of security, a level that we might not be ok with. But it also cant deal with these random lorry attacks. We are dealing with something quite different, and it is not necessarily that our security and Police Services are doing anything wrong. It might actually be that they are doing all they can. The changing nature of the threat is something that is certainly keeping everyone on their toes, and everyone guessing. If there is an upside to this horrible story, then perhaps it is this. Go fund the berlin hero, british cash floods in for a Polish Truckers widow. The Polish Trucker whose truck was essentially hijacked in this awful Terror Attack in berlin, and who put up a tremendous struggle, it sounds like, to try and stop this attack from happening, or to try and make it less brutal than it actually was, try and steer it of course, it sounds like he really put up course, it sounds like he really put upa course, it sounds like he really put up a tremendous fight to try and do something, lost his life. And since then, a lot of donors have answered a call from dave duncan, who put up a call from dave duncan, who put up a Crowd Funding for this polish mans wife, and his widow, and his teenage son. They have managed to raise £75,000 so far, which is wonderful and heartening, obviously, atan wonderful and heartening, obviously, at an awful time. Just before christmas, as well, to lose the breadwinner, this is something that might help a little bit. But also shows, i think, just the level of violence that must have existed inside that cab, as he tried to wrestle with this guy, who was aiming forthis wrestle with this guy, who was aiming for this Christmas Market. And this poor man, this polish driver, tried to stop the carnage that was about to unfold. He got an indication of what was happening, and fought and gave his life to try and fought and gave his life to try and stop it, and an unimaginable tragedy for his wife and teenage son. You just hope this outpouring of kindness and generosity, from the brits and others, hopefully sends a message. Indeed, all right. The front 533 the ,. , message. Indeed, all right. The front lj salt is fee. It. Message. Indeed, all right. The frontieflefl is muffs mr clearly, salt is something that mr putin and Mrtrump Putin and mr trump only put on their chips. It is terrifying. It is absolutely terrifying. Just to explain salt, the strategic arms limitation treaty, it is what reagan and gorbachev used to bring down their stockpile of weapons. Now we have these two leaders talking about increasing their stock piles of weapons. Can you imagine a more powerful tweet than one which has overturned 30 years of american and Russian Foreign policy . It is a scary prospect. Since the end of the cold war there has been a systematic descaling of Nuclear Arsenals across the world, both in america and the ussr, dropping down. And then within the space of a couple of hours you have putin saying we are thinking about strengthening the nuclear potential of our Strategic Nuclear forces and then donald trump, on twitter, how else, says he will greatly expanded nuclear capability. It isa greatly expanded nuclear capability. It is a genuinely terrifying prospect that these two nations would begin to get into that. But the argument goes, some are suggesting, that the upside of this, if there is an upside, that donald trump is actually talking to iran and north korea. Yes. So we are now ina and north korea. Yes. So we are now in a situation where the President Elects quite significant communications about quite significant issues via the medium of twitter are then being decoded by his team. His team have to try and understand what the hell he is on about. They are saying that you know what, this is actually a deep proliferation statement. I can see how you might have missed that, but thatis how you might have missed that, but that is what it was de proliferation. I think we need that clarity. I am not sure that would bring clarity. Maybe it wouldnt. That is part of the problem. Some of these stories are beginning with donald trump has tweeted again, xyz, and fundamentally, yes, there is an issue with what he is saying, for some people, but it is the manner in which he is doing it which is quite concerning. There was a quote from malcolm rifkind, the former foreign secretary, talking about British Foreign secretaries, where he said they are either dull or they are dangerous. He went on to say that dorisjohnson isnt dull. The same applies to american diplomacy borisjohnson. Words matter when you are in an administration at that level. Going back to the times, the queen frustrated with theresa may over brexit secrecy. It seems that theresa mays reluctance to divulge any kind of specifics about brexit have disappointed not just any kind of specifics about brexit have disappointed notjust so many of us, but have gone all the way up to disappointing the queen. According to this report, the queen and the duke were quite looking forward , and the duke were quite looking forward, when theresa may came to balmoral a couple of months after coming into power, they were quite looking forward to perhaps a little bit of a secret exchange of information. But unfortunately all they got was what the rest of us are getting, which is that brexit means brexit, marm. Does this mean that she was holding back, theresa may, oi she was holding back, theresa may, or that she doesnt have anything to say . There is political bite to the story which will hurt number ten. There is a genuine Frustration Building about the lack of information. The referendum was in june, and we are about to have january and a couple of months, and there appears to be a Frustration Building about not enough details about where we are heading imagine. Is that because she is being scrupulously careful, before making any public statement, or is it, as critics say, they are beginning to just be totally. Realise the scale of this negotiation process . But if even the queen is reportedly getting frustrated with the lack of information, then it does get to the point when this is becoming a running narrative. Building up of stea m, running narrative. Building up of steam, isnt it . A disturbing story on the front of the guardian. The secret abuse of women in the family court. Violent former partners are allowed to take part in cross examinations. This is a horrifying story about Family Courts where apparently, because of cuts to legal aid, men and women are now representing themselves more in these courts, which has created situations where people who have been abusive to women are then allowed to cross examine them in court, sometimes the hours. A lawyer for the south east who deals with theseissues for the south east who deals with these issues says he has seen this happen in hundreds of cases. He has told the guardian, and he is urging that even if it means putting a student liar in the situation, student liar in the situation, Student Lawyer in the situation, evenif Student Lawyer in the situation, even if that is what it takes to stop these women being cross examined by sometimes violent and abusive partners, just trying to figure out a way where this duration doesnt happen, because it is obviously horrific and traumatising. It is the adversarial system that we have, isnt it . The example they give is really quite horrific. In one case a woman was cross examined for hours by her ex husband despite him being the subject of restraining order. So she has gone to the court and got protection from this bloke, and got protection from this bloke, and now she is being. Courts are undermining the protections being put in place. Presumably people are allowed to represent themselves, but do you want to totally withdraw that asa do you want to totally withdraw that as a right . Is clearly one of those terrible side effects. As a right . Is clearly one of those terrible sideeffects. And finally, e cigarette ab horror. Shoppers dived full horror as e cigarette batteries blow up, in a guys pocket. Ourjaws dropped at this front page, and the video is just as scary. It is out of nowhere and the middle of a supermarket, it bursts in his pocket, and having read a little further down, he was actually carrying a battery, a spare battery, that goes into one of these vaping cigarettes, and that came into contact with something metal. It wasnt the e cigarette itself, but the spare battery. These tiny lithium batteries, they are incredibly powerful. We saw those phones blowing up and south korea. And that close to a pram. That is the terrifying thing, it is such an ems. Many, many thanks to you for coming in and looking at some of the stories behind the headlines. Thats it for the papers this hour. This is my last papers for this year, so a Merry Christmas to you and happy new year. Coming up now, it is sportsday. Hi ever one oure watching sport today, live from the bbc sport centre. Pa rd ew gets pardew gets the push at palace. Who is Upfora Pardew gets the push at palace. Who is up for a Relegation Battle . Sam alla rdyce is up for a Relegation Battle . Sam allardyce the favourite to take over. An archery still on top despite losing all their 0lympic funding. Alan pardew has been sacked as manager of English Premier League side crystal palace, after nearly two years in charge. He leaves the club one point above the relegation zone. Palace has the worst record of

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