bought a physical copy, right? well, the physical copies of our paper went up considerably that morning on friday, and also on the morning of sunday morning, which was the day after the resignation. so people rushed to the new stand to buy more copies. 0bviously, during lockdown times, we haven't been able to sell as many copies because shops have been closed. thankfully, things are opening up now. but, digitally, it's a fascinating story. so, that video, when we put the video out there, it's actually been the biggest, most—viewed video in the sun's history. and i think the reason for that is that people really wanted to see for themselves — is it true, is it real? sometimes you can look at a grab at the picture and really wonder what is the circumstances, is it really that bad, could it have been faked? and when you watch the video, you know this is real. the traffic to our website and our apps over the whole of that weekend was hugely up. and when i start my day editing the newspaper, the top of my conference list is google search — what's everybody searching for on google this