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On a cold january morning. Time to eat breakfast. For families living on this street, its the start of another day. Daisy, would you get your boots on, please. But some lives here are farfrom normal. This is the most polluted street in the uk outside london. The pollution from traffic here is regularly breaking legal limits. Ive lived here for nearly a0 years, and the traffic, every year, you can see it getting worse and worse and worse. Its just beyond a joke. Its two weeks into 2017, and Hafodyrynys Road near crumlin is about to use up its entire Air Pollution Limit for the year. You dont want your children growing up being poorly. You want them to grow up being safe. You want them to be able to go out their front door and not be in danger of anything. And thats just not happening at moment. The poor quality air, dust and noise from traffic on this road is something People Living here have long been used to. Neils wife dawn has lived here all her life. She was born across the road. The air isnt so clear as what it used to be. You just cant breathe the same. Six doors up, amanda jones has tried to shut out the problem. Thats just one car going past. And notjust the noise. We keep window open just to let air through. The problem with doing that is that you end up with black dust coming through. Its all the exhaust fumes, as you can see, making my house dirty. Traffic pollution isnt just a problem here its something Health Professionals say everyone should be concerned about. Im meeting huw brunt from Public Health wales. Air pollution is something that affects everybody. Smoking is probably the number one Public Health priority. Air pollution probably comes second to that, actually. If you talk about obesity, inactivity and alcohol, they come, actually, behind Air Pollution. Here in wales, Air Pollution contributes to 2,000 deaths each year. Across wales to date, more than a0 of these have been declared including in crumlin, mountain ash, cardiff and newport. And just this year, another has been declared in merthyr tydfil. One of these areas is hafod in swansea. Its one of five in wales where Traffic Pollution is so bad its breaking eu law. Ive come to meet some of the People Living and working on the main street in hafod. Hayley williams is one of them. Hi, hayley, how are you, are you 0k . How long have you lived here for . Coming up to four years now. Some days you have the rush hour traffic, school traffic, but its constant traffic nearly all the time. Even the middle of the night, its traffic. And what about your children . How many children do you have . I have four children. What impact does the traffic have on them . Health wise, i suppose a little bit. It does affect them a little bit with their chests and that. I find the traffic, sometimes its the safety of how much traffic is there when they want to go out and play. Around the corner, equipment is being checked by the council to measure pollutants in the air. The neath road is one of the early areas we started measuring in, due to the high volume of traffic and residential exposure right next to the street. And what is being measured in there . Nitrogen dioxide is what were looking for. So, were looking for the products of combustion, secondary Nitrogen Dioxide to do with the road traffic, so basically vehicle exhausts. According to Health Experts, it isntjust smoke and dirt coming from exhausts thats causing an issue. Theres a far more worrying hidden problem. The Air Pollution were talking about from a Public Health perspective is the Air Pollution that you cant see Nitrogen Dioxide, the main source of which is diesel cars. And particulates, those fine particulates that you can breathe deep into your lungs. In the short term, were talking about eyes, nose and throat irritation, primarily. Long term, more serious consequences. 0n the heart, on lungs, and other conditions as well. Traffic pollution on Hafodyrynys Road is recorded by this monitor. Just a week after we started filming in january, the road breached its legal Pollution Limit for the whole year. Neil and dawns lives are spent indoors. They spend most of their time on the ground floor of their house, below road level. Its easier to breathe down here than what it is upstairs. Dawn is disabled, and neils her main carer. You might remember that one. Oh, yeah, i rememberthat. In the 70 years dawns lived here, shes seen a lot of changes. Weve always lived here, you know. And my mam, when she was small, she used to play hopscotch on the main road. Dawn remembers crumlins industrial past, which brought its own health problems. When the pits were here, we had coal fires and all that. There was a lot of smoke here. Now it is all around you. It does not go up. It seems to stay outside, it doesnt go up. You know. 68 year old dawn has chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. This inhaler i take twice a day for the emphysema. And this one, i take this twice a day, and i have this one for in between, when im doing things. I get breathless, i can use this. Poor air quality outside her front door makes leaving the house a daunting prospect. When i go out the front, all the fumes and everything, its harder to breathe, you know. Sometimes, we feel like prisoners here. The poor quality air is also something thats uppermost in deannas mind. Shes concerned that it might be having an effect on her son ajs health. My children are breathing this in, im breathing this in. Daisy doesnt seem too affected, but ive noticed with aj, hes a lot more chesty. To point where he coughs a lot, it takes him a lot longer to get over. We get a duvet, and we prop that up on the mattress so he can be elevated, so hes not lying flat. He coughs so much, he is sick, and i dont want to see him being sick. So many nights, im on there with him. His bed is actually quite near the window, and so you do get the dust coming down, and i dont think that helps. He has been given an inhaler for when hes really bad to help him breathe. Its not something i want for him. I want him to be healthy, to be able to go out and play without struggling to breathe. It makes you feel incompetent as a parent, sometimes. Theres a lot of traffic. On a hill, a lot of vehicles accelerating. Its narrow and confined. Paediatric respiratory consultant iolo doull deals with the effects of Air Pollution on childrens lungs. As an individual, you wont be able to say, ah, this child was exposed to lots of Air Pollution, this one wasnt. But on average, you will see, during the first few years of life, they are more likely to cough, theyre more likely to wheeze, but most importantly their Lung Development will be slower. Back in swansea, hayley is also worried about the impact pollution may be having on her familys health. Do you notice anything about the fumes from the cars . Oh, yes, definitely. My husband and i are both asthmatic, and that does affect you, especially when theres been high traffic, both of us need to start taking our asthma pumps. Hayleys daughter also has asthma. So, has anybody spoken to you generally about the impact of Air Pollution . Not at all. My daughter, i took her to the doctors recently, and her chest was bad, and the doctorjust put it down to it being wintertime and she was prone to having a bad chest. We showed iolo some of the footage we filmed with the families. The evidence that it causes asthma is less clear cut. Certainly, it can precipitate Asthma Attacks if people have it. And then i think the long term effects, were still learning about. If you think that you could do that with your finger, thats all going into kids lungs. Thats quite a scary thought. It is, isnt it . What can people do who live on hafodyrynys . What can they do to stop or try and prevent things happening . The options are very limited, arent they . Because apart from moving house, what do you do . For families living on wales busiest roads, its notjust the bad air thats causing problems. Noise is also a major issue. Its 4. 40pm, so as you can see the traffic is now starting to become bumper to bumper, so in another ten, 15 minutes, it literally will be stopped, going bumper to bumper. For amanda jones, the noise and vibration from heavy lorries is getting too much. I love my house, and i absolutely love where i live. Its just a shame that the road is busy. It does affect every aspect of your life. Some people are more sensitive to noise and cant sleep. Amandas installed high efficiency double glazing. As you see, its relatively quiet, you cant really hear the traffic. Im just going to open the window. And thats just with one window a little tiny bit open. I shut it and you can see it is fairly good double glazing. More than 200,000 people in wales are exposed at night to road noise exceeding World Health Organisation guidelines. So, how bad is the noise on wales most polluted road . The World Health Organisation says noise levels above 55 decibels are increasingly dangerous for Public Health. Average levels on Hafodyrynys Road are 75 decibels. Huw morgan chairs the welsh pollution expert panel. Hes using a monitor to record an accurate sound level. Were in the upper 70s most of the time here at the moment. This is pretty bad. It would be quite difficult to sleep upstairs here. It would be very difficult to sleep with the window open. Noise does have its own Public Health impact. Very serious Public Health impacts. It increases the risk of heart attacks, cardiovascular disease. You might not see that effect if someones only been living there a few months, but certainly over the long term, it has a very marked effect on peoples health, and in many cases it is additional to air quality impacts they receive, so not very good news. Some residents on Hafodyrnys Road say the noise has become almost unbearable. Because of dawns disability, she now sleeps in a room on theirfirst floor, and lorries pass just metres from her window. I put ear plugs in, but it dont make a lot of difference. And some lorries going past, you can feel the room shake. As you can hear on the road now, this is a quiet time of the day, so you can imagine what its like at rush hour. It doesnt stop. Even through the night. There is traffic nonstop. It wakes me up at half four, five every morning, you know. Its really noisy. Huw pops in to see neil and dawn, to find outjust how noisy it is. Outside, the Background Levels over 70. Every time a vehicle goes past, particularly a larger vehicle outside, that means a big increase on the Background Level in here. And that is the sort of thing that will just unsettle you. Motorbikes and lorries, they are up and down all the time. World Health Organisation guidelines say indoor noise levels shouldnt be more than 35 decibels. Deanna and Andrews House has been up for sale since april last year. They say they want to move away for a quieter life, but theyre struggling to get interest. Looks tidy there, doesnt it . Its a lovely house, just a pity people cant see beyond the road. Weve not had a single viewer. People dont want to live here, despite the fact theyre lovely houses, nice sizes, gardens like a different world, but people do not see beyond this road, which is a shame. According to current law, Caerphilly Council should have produced an action plan for Hafodyrynys Road by may 2015. Almost two years after the deadline, this plan still isnt in place. However, the Welsh Government has told us that it has received assurances that it will be by the end of this month. Under current law, councils only have to identify Pollution Hotspots and draw up action plans. They are not required to actually bring Pollution Levels down. Theyre also encouraged to draw up wider air quality strategies. We asked all 22 local authorities in wales if theyve done this, and only one has. So, really, in terms of statutory responsibility, were looking at measuring and monitoring. There, sadly, the statutory powers stop. Certainly, over the past decade, whats becoming increasingly obvious is the action plans arent working. And we have, i think, misled people by thinking that its only one or two little hot spots. They dont live in that hot spot, so it doesnt really matter. Theres no absolutely safe level. Clearly, there is a broad air quality problem. The Welsh Local Government Association said that despite severe cuts in budgets, air Quality Management remains a high priority for councils. They also said the onus for reducing Air Pollution levels does not solely rest with them, and that consumers, industry and governments all have a role to play. Pollution isnt just a problem for wales. Across the world, its becoming an increasing concern, and its something cities across europe are waking up to. In london, new mayor sadiq khan has doubled spending on the problem to £875 million, bringing in electric buses, more Charging Points for electric cars, and trying to get older diesel cars off the streets. Youre covered in, like, oily grease when you wipe your face, but you see a lot of people walking up here with masks, so obviously, there is some impact on all of us. Whenever you cough or sneeze, you know youve had some horrible black dust in you, so i think its pretty shocking. Im from scotland, where we have fresh air, so theres a noticeable difference. I caught up with mr khan last month, when he was announcing a toxic charge that some diesel drivers will have to pay when they enter the centre of london. Were not doing anything along these lines in wales. Should we be, and whats your message to the Welsh Government . Well, im the mayor of london, so let me tell you the context in london over 9000 londoners die here because of the poor quality air. There are children in london whose lungs are underdeveloped because of the poor quality air. Weve got to take action because inaction wont lead to an improvement of the air in london. So, can we replicate some of whats been done in london here in wales . What about electric cars . I got Behind The Wheel to put one to the test. Im just conscious of the speed im driving at because it tells you how economical youre being in terms of the miles that youre doing. You can see the miles counting down, which gives you a bit of anxiety. You want to make sure you can get where youre going to and dont run out of miles. Im picking up huw morgan in swansea. The council here has some electric vans, too. Do you find the vans useful . Theyve been fine for normal Council Light van work, where youre doing journeys of half a mile to a mile, lots of them, and if you charge up over lunch and carry on, it works out all right. So, best for short journeys . Yes, which is exactly what diesels are worst at. This is a challenge for an electric vehicle. Swansea, like many welsh towns, is a hilly place. And we have struggled when weve piloted electric buses. So, are electric cars a solution . We took our electric van around 150 miles of south wales roads. It seemed to cope quite well with cities, but motorways and hills were more of a challenge. Were driving downhill at the moment, which is great. You can feel the car is building up a good speed. Going uphill is harder. Charging it took a long time. Weve been charging it for an hour, were on 45 miles now, so, fingers crossed, that will be enough to get us back to cardiff. The Technology May not quite be there yet, but we did make it back. Just. Back on Hafodyrynys Road, and some of the residents are meeting with their local councillor to discuss ideas for improving their lives on the street. Weve got this problem of the pollution, and its going to get worse. Weve talked about a bypass, weve talked about electric buses, banning diesel cars, hgvs, one way system. What are the solutions . Weve got all the causes. But what is going to be done, and whos going to pay for it . One of the residents comes up with a possible suggestion Caerphilly Council should step in, and buy their houses. Compulsory purchase is a drastic solution. The problem of the pollutions not going away, so what they could do is take us away. Whatever the solution is, its going to cost money, demolishing the 23 houses on this side of Hafodyrynys Road sounds like a drastic measure. But around half of home owners in these houses have told us they would like to see it happen. I would be more than happy for them to say, well compulsorily purchase your house. As long as it was a decent price and i could buy somewhere else to live. Thats the only way i could see working. I cant see any other ideas actually panning out, unfortunately. I want to get from here, but how can i . I cant get another mortgage at my age. I wish theyd flatten it and give us somewhere else to go. We asked Caerphilly Council for an interview, but they refused. In a statement, they said they fully recognise that there are Air Quality Problems here on Hafodyrynys Road, and say it is down not only to the high volume of traffic, and the fact it is an uphill stretch of road in a steep sided valley. They say they understand the concerns of residents and they are working with them on options for the roads action plan. The Welsh Government recently held a consultation on the way councils deal with Air Pollution hotspots. But Health Experts say that, without funding, this wont make a big enough difference. We need greater investment in Air Pollution reduction interventions, no doubt about that. Weve all got a role to play, but i do think we need Stronger Leadership from the Welsh Government. And i think, without leadership on a national scale, then we will struggle to crack this problem. The Welsh Government declined an interview, but in a statement, said they are firmly committed to reducing emissions and improving air quality in wales, but they need the public to support it too. They said their consultation recognises the Health Benefits to be gained from reducing the populations exposure to Air Pollution as a whole. Theyre now in the process of considering responses to that consultation. We also asked the Welsh Government if they would follow in londons footsteps to invest in low emission zones. They said councils are already able to do this. For People Living on wales most polluted roads, a quick solution is needed. Each year, roads in the uk are allowed to breach a fixed Air Pollution Limit 18 times. So far this year, Hafodyrynys Road has breached that limit 60 times. Caerphilly council is due to meet on thursday, where, although they wouldnt confirm it, we understand they will consider compulsory purchase orders, along with other options. For deanna and andrew, they have made the difficult decision to take their house off the market. Until something is sorted, i dont think were in a position to sell, because people wont really want to come and live here. This is our home. We shouldnt have to choose between having a family or where we live. You should be able to have a Healthy Family wherever you live. Down the road, dawn is heading to bed. It may be another sleepless night. As she waits to hear what will happen on her street, the message to the rest of wales is clear doing nothing is not an option. The weather today was a little bit all over the place. We had some sunshine, a bit of rain, but overall quite cloudy. This evening, the skies are going to clear. You will notice it will turn nippy very quickly this evening. The night is about turn quite cold, even of frost on the way. The clear skies you can see to the west of our neighbourhood over the republic of ireland, thats heading in our direction. 0nce over the republic of ireland, thats heading in our direction. Once we say goodbye to the bits and pieces of rain, the remnants of the Weather Front once it pushes the north sea, we are underneath the clear skies. Apart from the north west of scotland, there, there might be a bit of rain. 0verall, scotland, there, there might be a bit of rain. Overall, a clear night for many of us add A Touch Of Frost in some areas. These cities and the temperatures. In rural spots, in some areas. These cities and the temperatures. In ruralspots, even the suburbs of towns and cities, temperatures will be very close to freezing. And nippy start on monday for many of us. This weather map for monday what we will see all week. What does it mean . This is Thejet Strea M what does it mean . This is Thejet Stream here, Weather Fronts what does it mean . This is Thejet Stream here, weatherfronts and rain. Thejet stream here, weatherfronts and rain. The jet stream will push Weather Fronts away for us. Away from us. Monday starts dry, bright, crisp, chilly. 5 6 in towns, colder in the countryside. A bit of cloud the further north you go. Wherever you are on monday morning its going to be more or less the same. Fine in the south, fine in the north. Lerwick, around seven celsius, maybe a few showers. In the afternoon, not all changes. It stays quite bright across all changes. It stays quite bright a cross m ost all changes. It stays quite bright across most of england, wales, Northern Ireland and scotland. The best of the sunshine in eastern scotland. A bit of rain getting into stornoway. Warm in london, 16 in london, 1a for belfast. Remember the jet stream i showed you . It keeps pushing Weather Fronts to the north west of us. It looks as though one of the Weather Fronts will be quite cheeky and will sneak into the uk. Only quite cheeky and will sneak into the uk. 0nlya quite cheeky and will sneak into the uk. Only a weak one. It means a week fronted a ribbon of cloud, a little bit of rain, not an awful lot. Behind it there is colder air dipping into scotland and blustery showers and gales in the north of scotland. 60 70 mile an hour gusts in northern scotland. Wednesday, quieter. South westerly winds, miles, some sunshine. The load to the westerners should pull away north. The week is not looking bad. The mildest weather will be across england and wales. A bit more blustery across scotland and cooler here as well. Goodbye. This is bbc news. The headlines at 5 00pm. The Brexit Secretary urges mps to back the bill for exiting the eu, to pave the way for the triggering of article 50. What we cant have is either house of parliament reversing the decision of the british people. Following a night of violence in rotterdam, turkeys president warns the netherlands it will pay the price for expelling his foreign minister. At least 48 people have been killed in a landslide at a vast rubbish dump in ethiopia. Attacks by Russian Hackers could undermine british democracy, gchq warns politicians

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