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A question over queens speech, the programme on the 28th ofjune, this is becoming a confidence issue now. This is why the conservative papers are so this is why the conservative papers are so worried about this and they are so worried about this and they are mailing it to the performance in the aftermath of Grenfell Tower because what i think they are all sensing, the response wasnt good enough, and they know this isnt going to go away. It will go into the winter. This is a big turning point. In one constituency it has shown the contrast between rich and poorin shown the contrast between rich and poor in britain today. It has put a magnifying glass, hasnt it . She was there initially but she was just meeting the emergency services. Why is that . I wonder who is giving her ad vice and the moment. Whos giving her advice at the moment. She isnt overly charismatic, people seem isnt overly charismatic, people seem to like that and she has always beena seem to like that and she has always been a little bit stiff and not a David Cameron kind of Prime Minister and that was working but her complete inability to show emotion where it matters has really hurt her and directly wonder, nick timothy and directly wonder, nick timothy and fiona hill, who is giving heard this ad vice, not to them meet the victims, especially when they saw jeremy corbyn, who played this fa nta stically, jeremy corbyn, who played this fantastically, coming across as somebody who actually cares. I completely agree with you that she has been unlucky, she was not directly responsible for the fire but this has become a symbol of the tories against labour, the rich and the poor, a man who is going to make the poor, a man who is going to make the victims and a cold woman who wont. That message could have been avoided. We have this now, the Sunday Telegraph talking about this stalking horse leadership challenge. Not a difficult week for her, obviously, but this idea of her not being able to water down brexit. We dont know who could possibly be the challenger. This story, if it were not so serious, could be very funny, the way it has been written. Mate facing the threat of a stalking horse leadership challenge. The assistant Political Editor of the Sunday Telegraph says that this has happened in the past, figures from the past, like the challenger to Margaret Thatcher in her pomp, but name names, ben, who is it . And he cant. This is becoming quite a story. The eurosceptics have warned that any attempt to keep britain in the Customs Union and the single market, any leeway from getting out of the European Court ofjustice isnt acceptable. Well, actually, those items, per se, were not on the referendum paper. I recall my days on the telegraph, michael might colleague, william deeds, he said to me about 22 years ago, he thought that the european issue, this was post maastricht, is going to split the tory party and he asked whether it would survive. I hope hes listening up there because it is really a very big issue. This is the issue, where mrs may is in great difficulty, she cannot curb the hard isolationists, as i call them, who really wa nts isolationists, as i call them, who really wants to. It is more than the tail wagging the dog. This is a real problem for the tory party because as long as this goes in they will be in a poor state to fight a general election and that wont be in five years time. Can we have another so soon . The sunday times suggesting that the tories are giving her ten days. Yes, if you read the story about the backbench mps, the Shadow Leaders who are secretly pulling the strings come at the 1922 club, it seems that they have run out of patience with theresa may. Quotes like she is making the party more toxic, she needs to stop feeling sorry for herself. They have a problem here in that they dont want another messy leadership challenge. Who do they have . Michael gove, equally toxic. David davis, chief brexiteer, but not really Prime Minister material. People talking about Ruth Davidson coming down from scotland. She isnt an mp and i think she is incredible but she is a remainer, so if the eurosceptics but she is a remainer, so if the Eurosce Ptics Want but she is a remainer, so if the eurosceptics Want A Eurosceptics that isnt her. Who are we left with, borisjohnson. That is a prospect that is the only thing stopping those tory leaders from ending her Prime Ministerial career. They are waiting to have somebody viable to replace her and they dont. Between a rock and a hard place because the observer is saying that business would like her to rethink a hard brexit. What is she going to do. The observer is the cheerleader of the soft brexit. Talking about no deal, no brexit immediately. If things go the way that Angela Merkel fears in europe over the next year or so, that may come to pass. Mrs merkel is preoccupied with things like migration, the viability of the eurozone and italy above brexit. And her own election as well. That is less of a worry than it was. Working in the continental press, it is amazing how the gap isntjust the channel, it is several Atlantic Ocea ns channel, it is several Atlantic Oceans between perceptions in europe. What is going on in brussels and london. Ithink europe. What is going on in brussels and london. I think that the opening of the brexit negotiations will be a formality because they got to work out what they are talking about because both sides seem to be talking past each other. I think there is a lot going there. It is led by my great friend william keegan, who has a Business Column which is always saying no brexit. We we re which is always saying no brexit. We were discussing the other day, im going to charge him for plagiarism, because i gave him the line that the poverty we could face could be worse than anything, possibly worse than austerity. And there i see it in the observer the serious side of it, i think that business really hasnt spoken yet and i think were going to hear a lot more of it as we build up to hear a lot more of it as we build up to the Party Conference season, which is when it will really come out. That is the point, ten days to go but nobody is actually handling her, in the old metaphor, the pearl handled revolver. Some big names being mentioned in the article, the big beasts of business. It is an impossible position, isnt it . Big beasts of business. It is an impossible position, isnt mm big beasts of business. It is an impossible position, isnt it . It is something we are covering a lot, what business wants from brexit. Businesses have been making preparations for hard brexit but there are so many considerations that arent on the table at the moment because the rhetoric is all about migration, sovereignty and it hasnt moved on to what we want. Whats clear when you look at the juxtaposition here, the Sunday Telegraph saying that you had better not soft on brexit, everyone is taking this as proof, whatever they wanted, whether it Isjeremy Corbyn or the hard brexiteers, that this shows that people are with them. This result, which is. I think everyone lost, that is my evaluation of the resort but everyone is taking it as of the resort but everyone is taking itasa of the resort but everyone is taking it as a sign that they were right. It is so im clear and it is totally up it is so im clear and it is totally up forgrabs. It is so im clear and it is totally up for grabs. This proves that i was right. It shows what a lousy is gelant a right. It shows what a lousy is gelanta right. It shows what a lousy is gelant a lousy instrument a referendum is. The Sunday Express says that the queen is calming the nation. We saw her with volunteers on the front line. Again, arguably, perhaps a suggestion that it should have been theresa may but we have the queen stepping up. Her appearance shows that theresa mays line that she didnt meet people because of security concerns, caught out there. The queen has shown phenomenal leadership, as she has threw her career. She has been a unifying figure, in the context of the fire and the election. It is at times of political uncertainty, like 2010, there wasnt a clear government, that this monarch that we had in the background who looks nice on banknotes has a very important constitutional role and people look to the monarchy for leadership. In one sentence, you would a code that . Yes, it is turning what we saw in the movie, the queen, on its head. Somehow they have grown an emotional quotient thatis have grown an emotional quotient that is lacking in the Political Leadership at the moment. We will have to leave it there. Dont go away. We will be going back to have another look at the papers in about half an hours time. Stay with us for that. Now, the weekend weather. It has been the hottest day of the year so far, temperatures reaching 30 degrees in a number of spots around greater london. We had high temperatures across much of england and wales. Sunshine came out in Northern Ireland and Northern Scotland in places, and it got quite warm as well. Our weather watchers have been out. You can see the extent of the sunshine on todays Satellite Picture but you cant help but notice this cloud thats been with us all day, bringing wet weather to western scotland. Temperatures will be slow to fall, so it will be an uncomfortable night. 23 degrees in london at 11 oclock. Temperatures will be slow to fall. Clear skies overnight and it will cloud over across Northern Ireland and scotland overnight. The cloud will be thick enough for spots of rain in western scotland. Thats how we start on sunday, a damp and mild start. Quite a lot of cloud in Northern Ireland but in scotland and Northern Ireland it will thin and break in the afternoon. Some fog on irish sea coasts. For most across england and wales its going to be a beautiful start to the day, plenty of sunshine. At 9am, we will see temperatures rocketing up, 2a degrees. Another hot day. For the rest of the day the cloud is going to be broken up in the southern and eastern counties of Northern Ireland and parts of scotland but in england and wales again we will have plenty of sunshine and it will become hot, temperatures around 3 in the south east, the high 20s in the rest of england and when the sunshine comes out, low to mid 20 in scotland. Very high levels of pollen and uv so it may be worth putting on some suncream. Next week we will keep the hot air across southern parts of the uk but the High Pressure will bring in some fresh air from the north so the temperatures will drop away, for example in sheffield, down to 20 between monday and tuesday. Further south, we will keep the hot weather for much of the week ahead. This is bbc news. The headlines at 11 00 police say they now believe 58 people are dead or missing, presumed dead after the Grenfell Tower fire but warn that figure could rise. You have the absolute commitment of myself, the metropolitan police and eve ryo ne myself, the metropolitan police and everyone involved that as soon as we can, we will recover those who have died in the Grenfell Tower. Theresa may admits the Support Forfamilies in the initial hours after the disaster was not good enough, after meeting some of those made homeless by the fire. The queen observes a minutes silence at events to mark her official birthday, in memory of all those who died in the tower and in the recent attacks in manchester and london

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