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One in tripoli. Another in the alley filled area of manchester. Weve heard in the last hour that Salman Abedis father has been spoken to. A man was found carrying a package which police apparently assessing and the uk Terrorist Threat level has been raised to critical. After four or five days, we will be in a position to name the victims after formal identification. We spoken to all of the families of those who have lain injured in our hospitals and we are doing all we can to support them too. We know that Salman Abedis family moved to manchester from libya. There were two important arrests here in the search for Salman Abedis brothers. Two of them were picked up with help from uk authorities. We know that salman abeditravel to this country regularly. After the libyan revolution that overthrew qaddafi, many libyans joined the revolution that overthrew qaddafi, many libyansjoined the islamic state, in fact they formed one of the first foreign fighting brigades, one of the most effective. It helped isis capture the de facto capital, raqqa. Fighters began to return here and eventually took control of the caliphates sutherland strongholds, sirte. Whether he was part of a wider network, we are not sure. Lots of investigation into those arrests. Lets talk about this report that is raking in the New York Times, these images, photographs that the newspaper is publishing on its website, here is the shredded backpack carried by the attacker. Its the blue back back, on the floor of the arena. It is very torn up. A couple of other pictures, some of shrapnel, and one that we can show you of the detonator. Of shrapnel, and one that we can show you of the detonator. No, we dont have that picture. Im filling you in as we are getting these pictures, but we have a picture of shrapnel and a detonator with a Measuring Tape next them. I think theres going to be a lot of questions as to how the New York Times got access to these pictures, whether they were allowed explicit permission to publish them but these are the first bit of evidence weve actually seen. There will be probably a lot of anger about this in government circles because theresa may says she has been on the phone to her colleagues to discuss what was being leaked from the investigation, but regarding the parts of the bomb, its difficult to say. The Frenzy Police are dealing with all those little bits of explosive articles because there could be some Tell Tale Signs as to who made them. Theres the Forensics Explosives Authority in kent who deal with these things as experts. Theres not much our next guest doesnt know about terrorism legislation, lord carlile, good to have you on the programme. Can i ask you whether the terrorism prevention and investigation measures in place, are they to patient do they go far enough . Theyve been used in sufficiently. They were available until 2010 at the height, there were 23 people on Control Orders at any any given time. It probably prevented a few dozen people from being murdered in suicide bombing attempts. In 2010, the Coalition Government decided to put in terrorism and investigation measures, there was a lot of protest including from myself and they added a relocation provision. That means something similar to Control Orders. Theyve barely been used. At one stage they went down to dear road. After the 2015 General Election its risen to seven individuals i believe they have an Important Role to play in dealing with people who are terrorist suspects. It has to go before a seniorjudge so its a fair system. Those who oppose them are just plain wrong, im afraid. Lets talk about the prevent measures, try doing courage people to come forward with information. Amber rudd says she wants to go further with it but weve spoken to a Community Worker today who said theyd raised these concerns and what they said to us is that prevent isnt working among muslim communities and how can it work if information isnt being dealt with. There are a number of prevent programmes that are working extremely well, including a significant one in birmingham. Those who complain about prevent, i do not believe have any evidence for what they say. However, amber rudd has given this a lot of personal, ministerial attention. I was present ata ministerial attention. I was present at a meeting before the General Election was called where i induced that the government were putting more money into prevent, and these events these atrocities demonstrate that money is needed. Its not only very good, but it is the envy of other governments. We should not throw out the baby with the bath water on the basis that some people have persuaded that its a, quotes, bad thing. Let me ask you about these leaks that have come through these leaks that have come through the American Media by the Us Intelligence services. Now these photographs that have appeared on the New York Times website, how unhelpful are they to this investigation . They are unhelpful because those investigating the case should be in control of their own investigation without the gratuitous interference of those who leaked material, and i think the New York Times has been completely irresponsible in publishing this material. It is annoying and irritating, and i share amber rudds irritation. There have been incidents in the past where americans have complained bitterly about information being known to british authorities and i think that the trump administration, which has a bad relationship with its Security Services at the moment need to get a grip and ensure that this kind of thing doesnt happen again, otherwise it will affects the cooperation with america, and other English Speaking countries, and the core operation particularly with european intelligence. If this happens on an everyday basis. Thank you for speaking to us. It will be interesting to see how well information is shared between britain Security Services and their american counterparts. Ariana grande has returned to florida. She has said she is heartbroken about the events. What have we heard from her . Her Management Team has sent out a statement saying how European Tour is cancelled until june statement saying how European Tour is cancelled untiljune five. Those gigs at the 02 arena have been cancelled. She wishes to pay proper respects to those who have been affected. She says, alloway x of life has been threatened, but once again, we will come together. Our way of life. There were photos of her arriving, appearing with her mother, wearing black. She was taken to her mothers home here and we are told she is staying close with family. She isnt accepting visitors orany family. She isnt accepting visitors or any messages family. She isnt accepting visitors or any messages and now family. She isnt accepting visitors or any messages and now this latest statement that they are cancelling the tour until further notice. Clearly this very fast moving investigation and a lot of questions as to who he have had contact with. And american and British Intelligence relations. Plenty more to come from manchester. Thats it from me and catty. We will be back tomorrow. This is bbc news. The headlinesjust coming up to quarter to eight. The father and brother of the manchester attacker are arrested in libya. Uk Police Believe that salman abedi had not acted alone. Here, Police Arrest the fifth man in connection with the incident. He was detained in wigan. Police said he was carrying a package. In another development, the New York Times has published photos of what appears to be the remnants of what appears to be the remnants of the bomb and a backpack it was carried in, on monday night. Let us return now to the latest news on the manchester bomb attack. Kelly brewster died while reportedly shielding her niece from the glass. Martin and Angelika Klis were there to pick up their daughters. A selfie ona nine to pick up their daughters. A Selfie On A Nine Tout for this couple. They we re on a nine tout for this couple. They were waiting for that daughters at a p0p were waiting for that daughters at a pop concert nearby. They were due to go home but never did. The parents missing after the blast, and then 19 year old daughter made a plea to find them on facebook desperate Body Information about their whereabouts, but it was confirmed the couple died in the attack. At this college, the principal told us that staff and stu d e nts principal told us that staff and students have been struggling. Alex has been with us for quite a while and we know her very well. There are chewed is across the college who are upset by the news, saddened, by what has happened to alex and her family. The students are deeply concerned about her and how she will be coping. We have arranged extra support for those students and staff, and of course, we are working with the city and the Wider Networks to make sure we can do everything we can to support alex, because actually, shes our First Priority at the moment. Originally from poland, martin and angelica were very popular and from poland. The Collection Bucket has been left at this counter to raise money for the daughters left behind. Martin cleese was a taxi driver here. The Management Team said he was a pleasant, loving family man well respected by his colleagues. They have said they would do everything they can to support his daughters, family and friends through this tragic time. Meanwhile, sheffield has lost a citizen, kelly brewster. She was at the arena with her niece holly and her sister. She shielded her niece from the blast, saving her life. There have been many tributes, this one from her grandmother. Her heroic actions dont surprise anybody who knew her. Its no surprise to anybody. She would help anybody. Its shocking i cant even think about it. Mac as victims families try to cope with the loss, others are still missing. Philip tron,. One of those who died was martyn hett, 29 year old br managerfrom stockport. We had hoped he had lost his phone. The people in manchester have been brilliant, and we were holding onto the that we would come and find him, but sadly we got confirmation that that was not the case. From the pictures, what weve heard, he was a real character. He was unique, a great character who loved life. So many friends who loved life. So many friends who loved him. He couldnt say anything bad about him. He was such a nice quy bad about him. He was such a nice guy. A bit Coronation Street and Ariana Grande fan. He was due to go to america. He had gone on about it. In the last couple of days, he had had a leaving party and the concert was going to be the last time he would see his friends. A celebration before who went away but it didnt turn out well. A celebration before he went away. This must leave the huge hole in the family . How will you cope . We had to support each other. Nobody plans for Something Like this to happen. There are many families in the same position as us. At the vigil yesterday, the city came together and lay flowers. Can that help . Yes. We have always lived here and it is out we have always lived here and it is our home town and it doesnt surprise me at all. Its the warmth of the people. The Family Members of martyn hett, one of the victims of mondays attack. This evening, Manchester United plays in the european final in stockholm. People have been gathering in manchester to watch, and there has been a minutes silence hailed for the victims. Held that the victims. Held for the victims. So that was the scene moment ago over those who lost their lives in the attack. Weve also had a statement to night from the organ Organisation Organisation who ran the Ariana Grande tour. They have said the tour has been suspended until they can assess the situation. There are seven different concerts in london, antwerp, poland, germany and switzerland, which Ariana Grande has now suspended so they can pay proper respects to those who have been lost. Refunds will be granted to all Ticket Holders for those cancelled shows. Five people have died in a crash involving a lorry and a car on the m6 in staffordshire. Foui women and a man who were all in the car died in the accident which happened between Stoke On Trent and stafford in the early hours of this morning. The lorry drivers been arrested on suspicion of causing death by dangerous driving. Liz copper reports. The crash was on the southbound stretch of the m6 between Stoke On Trent and stafford. The Emergency Services were called just after 4 30 in the morning. Foui women and a man travelling in the car a nissan micra were killed, while another man in his 40s was taken to hospital with serious injuries. We are still in the very early stages of the investigation. It appears that it was quite a catastrophic collision between the lorry and a car, so it was a very challenging scene. The lorry driver, who is from the west midlands, is being questioned on suspicion of causing death by dangerous driving. The motorway was shut southbound for almost eight hours, leading to lengthy tailbacks. The motorway has now fully reopened, but Accident Investigators will want to establish exactly how this crash could have happened, when it was early in the morning, traffic would have been relatively light and driving conditions were apparently good. Police are still trying to trace the victims next of kin, and are appealing for any witnesses to come forward. Liz copper, bbc news, stafford. The high street giant Marks And Spencer has seen its profits plummet in the last year. They dropped by 64 to £176 million. The retailer said the cost of overhauling the business, a decline in Clothing Sales, and the costs of opening new food stores were partly to blame. Our business correspondent, emma simpson, reports. Ad campaign no excuses. No staying silent. No holding back. The new campaign. The boss of m s isnt holding back either. Hes been making big changes, but theyve come at a cost. International stores like this one are closing. So too are some uk shops. The final salary pension schemes going, just some of the things that have put a big dent in profits. We want to create a business thats fit for the future, thats got foundations for growth. Weve got to get the estate right for a multichannel customer. Our customers are more and more digitally savvy and they want to shop in a different way. That means we need less stores but we need fewer, Bigger Stores with better experiences for customers in the uk. The new boss has also been trying to wean m s of what has been countless promotions and discounts, trying to sell us more stuff at full price instead. Although Clothing Sales grew at christmas, they have fallen back again in the last few months. So, is this new strategy working . Theyve done really well to cut back on the number of sales and retrain shoppers to actually pay full price for items. So, thats certainly helped in the short term. In the longer term, the core issue for m s is that its Clothing Sales have been more or less in decline for the past half a decade. Theyre really stuck in the middle theyre playing that dangerous middle ground where theyre not the cheapest, theyre not the most fashionable. The m s boss knows he needs to get clothing right. Trouble is, shoppers dont want to spend as much on fashion as they used to. Theyre spending money slightly differently. Theyre spending more on experiences, on leisure activities, on holidays. Spending decisions to buy more coffee are up by 7 . What that does mean is, in areas like clothing, spending tensions are reduced. And, for the first time in many years, the Clothing Market fell by nearly 2 . What weve got to do is make sure that in that environment, were doing the right things for our customer. Sounds easy. But turning round womens fashion, so crucial to profits, is no quick fix. And a market thats getting even tougher. The conservatives and labour have said that National Campaigning in the General Election will resume on friday, after suspending efforts for three days due to mondays attack. Both parties have also said that local campaigning, which involves activists knocking on doors, will re start tomorrow after a minutes silence in respect for the victims of the manchester bomb has been held. Ukip will launch its manifesto tomorrow. We will hear a more restrained tone. Its been a Robust Campaign so far. Jeremy corbyn will be giving a speech about democracy and British Values so there wont be a head on clash with the prime minister, attacking her health care plans. There will be a phased debate, and the one thing these horrific events will have done is to inject a bit of civility. Thank you, ian watson. Time for a look at the weather now. The temperature was warmer than it was yesterday. We have much more sunshine around. Eastern parts of scotla nd sunshine around. Eastern parts of scotland will enjoy the sunshine tomorrow. You can see the cloud spilling into western scotland, but very little cloud for england and wales. The cloud we do have will get pushed up towards the northern isles, clear skies for the most part. For developing through the english channel, moving into Eastern Parts of northern ireland, but generally dry and clear overnight, warm and humid. Temperatures, 1415dc. Warm and humid. Temperatures, 14 15dc. Warming up in the sunshine. A bit grey for a while. Well lose the fog in the south, some cloud bubbling up but some clear blue sky. The South West Of England will feel a bit warmer along the northern coast in the south west. Very little fault, lots of sunshine, temperatures into the mid 20s, generally warmer than today. Over much of scotland, Cloud Retreating back to the northern isles. A lot of sunshine on the whale friday, the winds coming in from the south all southeast. Drawing up some warm air, helping to boost those temperatures again, probably peaking around 29 celsius, around the moray firth. Elsewhere, widely into the mid 20s inland. There is a threat of Dundry Downpours in the South West Of England, wales, more particularly scotla nd england, wales, more particularly scotland and northern ireland. We could find temperatures close to 30 celsius. As we head into the bank holiday weekend, a hot and humid sta rts holiday weekend, a hot and humid starts before it turns cooler and fresh later on. This is bbc news, its 8pm. Im Christian Fraser live in manchester. The father and brother of the attacker are arrested in libya. Before carrying out the Attack Salman Abedi travelled to libya and possibly syria as well. Police believe he was not acting alone. Its very clear that this is a network that we are investigating, as i said it continues at a pace, theres extensive investigations going on. Police here have arrested a fifth man in connection with the incident. He was detained in wigan police say he had been carrying a package. In another development, the New York Times has published photographs of what appear to be the remnants of the bomb and the backpack it was being carried in on monday night. An off duty policewoman was among the 22 who were killed,

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