Transcripts For BBCNEWS The Big Cases 20240707 : comparemela

Transcripts For BBCNEWS The Big Cases 20240707

andrew leak, who is thought to have killed himself after the attack last sunday, was motivated by an extreme right—wing ideology. now on bbc news, the big cases: the suitcase murderer. i saw a lady that looked like she had slipped down some steps. devon and cornwall police have identified the body found in a wooden area as mee chong. she wanted to do good, | and jemma mitchell saw that in her. she forced the body into a suitcase, transported the body some distance. you have shown absolutely no remorse, it appears that you are in complete denial. june 2021. a summer's day in the coastal resort of salcombe on the south devon coast. i was with george, my boyfriend, and my mum and dad, and we were on holiday and just having a couple of weeks down there. just normal stuff that we do, like going to the beach, going on walks, having some nice food, going on the boat, i've got a little boat down there as well, so i like to go on that. but charlotte's idyllic family holiday was about to be shattered one afternoon. out walking, they made a gruesome discovery. at the time my mum, she saw some fabric, she said, over the wall, and it was quite close to us, it was quite easy to see. and she knew that something was wrong but she didn't want to look again, so she shouted us over and said, can you look what's down there, i have seen something, i'm not too sure what it is. and so i looked then, and i saw a lady that looked like she had slipped down some steps, and then initially my reaction was to rush down and help her, because it looked like she had maybe just fallen, like, i guess that is what you presume, someone has had an accident. but it wasn't an accident. the family had discovered the body of a missing woman, mee kuen chong, also known as deborah. she lived more than 200 miles away in london. while we were standing around waiting for the police to take our names, i overheard one of the policemen say that she didn't have a head, the lady. and up until that point, it felt quite different, it felt like it was just a really sad, unfortunate thing that this lady had slipped over. but then when obviously we heard him say that, it was a little bit more scary. the discovery sparked a major police investigation, led by london's metropolitan police. these are the last sightings of deborah chong, seen walking close to her home just days before her death. the 67—year—old was born in malaysia. she lived here in wembley, in north—west london. a devout christian who befriended the homeless and opened her door to those in need. deborah chong, from all we have known about her, was someone who cared for others. that theme came through. she was open, welcoming, wanting to help the homeless, people stayed at her address without paying rent. she wanted to do good. these are the last known images of ms chong, captured here on cctv, walking with one of her lodgers two days before her death. in north—west london, at 9 brondesbury park, jemma mitchell was seen leaving her home at 6:23 in the morning with a large suitcase. she has the blue suitcase with her, and you can see it is quite light, she is able to lift it off the ground. this is the suitcase that ultimately deborah chong's body would end up within and be transported to salcombe, devon. just before 8am jemma mitchell is seen approaching deborah chong's house. five hours later she is caught on camera again further up the road. exactly what happened during that time remains a mystery to police. several hours afterjemma mitchell arrived at deborah chong's address, jemma mitchell has two suitcases, one is the blue suitcase she left her address with, this suitcase is now decidedly bulkier. we say that the body of deborah chong is within it. jemma also has a separate suitcase which has all of deborah's personal belongings within that. to get back home, jemma mitchell calls for a cab. she gives them a false name and a different destination address — not hers, but her neighbour's. as she tries to leave, she is left waiting. despite reluctance from the taxi operator, she agrees to wait. just after four in the afternoon, jemma mitchell arrives home. mitchell has been dropped off by the cab, not to her home address but next door, 11 brondesbury park, and we can see her now taking that blue suitcase which contains deborah chong's body into the hoarding, the front hoarding of 9 brondesbury park. later that evening, jemma mitchell was seen entering st thomas's hospital in london. she had a fractured finger — she told doctors that she had trapped it in a car door. that was a lie. it would be that same evening on ”june when police were called about deborah. her lodger, seen for the final time alongside her here, called to report her missing on the day she died. by 26 june the search for deborah was well under way. nobody excethemma mitchell had any idea what had truly happened to the 67—year—old. that morning, mitchell is seen on cctv picking up a hire car in central london. she is loading the blue suitcase into the back of this hire vehicle, she is having extreme difficulty in actually getting it into the boot, she is using her body weight and levering the heavy suitcase into the back boot area. once she has loaded the car up with various other things, she then departs on her way to salcombe. jemma mitchell leaves her home at 9:53am. automatic cameras record the carjust before 11 driving west on the m4 towards bristol. by 1:59pm she stops near bristol to get petrol. just after 6pm jemma mitchell is forced to stop again. she pulled into a garage close to the south devon coast. her hire car had a burst tyre. i was up at the malborough garage buying bin bags i think, randomly, and i was just walking back to my car and heard this grinding noise, and the car coming in a very strange direction into the petrol station. and it was apparent that she looked like she was going to crash into the forecourt shop. so i ran over waving my arms, as did another guy, tojust sort of say whoa, stop, stop. she pulled over, having pretty much hit the front of the shop, and was sort of looking a bit surprised. nicky powell stayed with jemma mitchell while she called the aa to come and repair the tyre. i found it slightly odd that she said to me that the car had felt strange from kingsbridge, that is a long way to drive before stopping and having a look. there are plenty of places she could have pulled up. also the direction she came into the petrol station, that i assume she came from, was not the kingsbridge direction, it is the salcombe direction, that seemed rather strange. and then again, the clothing she was wearing were more suited to having been doing the gardening all day or housework, rather than the sort of clothes you put on to go to visit family and go for a scenic drive, it would seem slightly odd, but again, people dress how they wish to dress nowadays. so again, i didn't question any of it. it was just a normal working day for me at the time, i got called to go and give a member assistance, and i rememberas soon as i finished the job, i phoned my wife and just said, "claire, look, you are never "going to believe what is going on. "i just had this really weird job." for roadside technician lee garden, it was to be a callout like no other. i removed the puncture tie and the damaged wheel, and we needed to put it back in the vehicle because it had belonged to the vehicle, so you would normally put it back in the boot, because that is the best place for it, the safest place for it. but she didn't want it to go back in the boot, she wanted it put on the back seat, which i thought was a bit strange at the time. but we put it in the back, and we had to strap it in to make it safe with the seatbelt, and that is when i was in the back of the vehicle, i noticed there was a strong smell. at the time... i didn't really know what it was, it's not something i have really smelled before. it was sort of like a dank, murky sort of musty smell, which was quite potent, nothing i have really smelled before. so that took me, and was a bit, yeah, a bit odd. two hours after her emergency stop, mitchell finally leaves the garage. she turns toward salcombe. cctv recovered by police tracks herjourney through the countryside. about a0 minutes later, jemma mitchell's car is seen driving along bennett road in salcombe. less than an hour later, the car reappears on cctv on bennett road. detectives would later conclude mitchell dumped deborah chong's body in the woods. automatic number plate cameras logged mitchell's drive back to london overnight. by 6244 the next morning, she was back home. she is caught on cctv taking items from the car boot, including the blue suitcase, back into her house. on the afternoon of 27 june, less than 2a hours after deborah chong's body was dumped in woodland, it was discovered by charlotte rollings and her family. deborah's handbag was found too. inside, a length of rope, which the jury would later hear matched rope found at jemma mitchell's home. the business card of an evangelical church and scraps of paper bearing passages from the bible were also found. but it wouldn't be until several days later during searches of the woodland that the head was found, ten metres away. what followed was a huge murder investigation. meanwhile, jemma mitchell was trying to put police off the scent. three days after the murder, she sent an email to the missing persons unit. she wrote: . the email was to become just one piece of a significant amount of evidence. police had concluded jemma mitchell was their prime suspect. banging. police! excuse me? hello, there. hello, how are you? yes, good. sorry, what's your name? i'm trying to sleep. are you jemma? speaking indistinctly. hang on, one second. jemma, do you want to come out? yeah, sure, sure. hand to the side of your hand. all right, jemma, at this moment, i'm arresting l you on suspicion of murder, 0k? you don't have to say anything. speaking indistinctly. anything you do say may be given as evidence, 0k? - once you are in the cuffs... am i allowed to... i'm going to explain. everything to you, ok? should i get some shoes on? speaking indistinctly. who's inside at the moment? my mother. your mother? if you wanna... can someone lift that up? let's step back inside. is anyone else inside? just your mum? yeah. there is someone else inside? orjust your mum? just my mum. shall i bring her out? bring her in for a minute. intense searches ofjemma mitchell's brondesbury park home followed in the days after her arrest. on top of a neighbour's shed, they found the blue suitcase which was used to put deborah's body in. they also found a fake will made byjemma mitchell, which left most of ms chong's assets to her. the person driving the volvo waited in the car all that time. when questioned in police custody, jemma mitchell repeatedly refused to engage with officers. literally chucking it down with rain, and it was windy. why is that, jemma? no comment. the car stank, didn't it, jemma? no comment. it stunk of a dead person. no comment. stunk of deborah's decomposing body. is that right, jemma? no comment. almost a year and a half after deborah's body was found, jemma mitchell entered the dock at the old bailey for her trial. the jury heard the former osteopath had a first—class degree in human sciences and was trained in human dissection. she declined to give any evidence in her defence. a woman from london has been found guilty of killing her friend and dumping her body more than 200 miles away in devon. afterjust eight hours of deliberations, the jury found jemma mitchell guilty of murder. a woman has been found guilty of the murder and decapitation of a friend she met in church. jemma mitchell killed mee kuen chong at her home in wembley last year before taking her headless body 200 miles away, in a suitcase. deborah was 67 years old when she was murdered in june of last year. today at the old bailey, 38—year—old womanjemma mitchell has been found guilty of that murder. deborah was born in malaysia. through her own hard work and initiative, she made a good life for herself, finally settling in london, where she was a much valued and loved member of her community. mitchell has never accepted responsibility for deborah's murder so there are questions which may remain unanswered. why she kept the body for over a fortnight, why she decapitated her, and why she deposited her remains in salcombe. but what we we do know is it that it was an evil act carried out by an evil woman, and the only motive, clearly, was one of financial gain. on friday 28 october, mitchell was back in court. this time, she was to be sentenced for murder. it was a historic moment at the old bailey. she became the first murderer and first woman in england and wales to have her sentence televised. jemma mitchell, i have to sentence you for the murder on 11 june of last year, of mee kuen, otherwise known as deborah chong, which you were convicted by the jury yesterday. i have had regard to the victim impact statement read to the court from members of herfamily, who are not, unnaturally, in a state of shock and devastation as to the circumstances in which she met her death. the court heard a statement from deborah's sister, amy. in it, it said: . the enormity of your crime is profoundly shocking. even more so, given your apparent religious devotion, as well as the fact that deborah chong was a good friend to you and had shown you great kindness. the sentence of the court is one of life imprisonment. will you please take the defendant downstairs? as we head into sunday it remains windy but beyond sunday we begin the new week on an unsettled note with wind and rain and then high pressure will build on from that week onwards. settling things down and with the air source from the south it will turn mild for some of us. no pressure is in control for the second part of the weekend and it will be quite a windy day for all. wet across the south—east corner of england with the rain piling up here. elsewhere sunny spells, scattered showers, emerging categories and some sundry as well. windy with scales around southern and western coasts but blustery for all areas. the temperature starts to creep up a little. 14 degrees also in the 12 or 13 further a little. 1a degrees also in the 12 or 13 further north. low pressure still with us as we leave sunday and go into monday, as a buzz on the chart and it will be windy. spells of rain followed by sunshine and showers. this is the picture for monday. it begins dry and then the rain and cloud pushes northwards and eastward, some of the rain heavy at times. into the afternoon we could see something a little dry and by pushing into the south. once again it will be windy with scales around southern and western coasts at 60 miles an hour with exposure over the hills and exposed headlands. milder, 15— 16 degrees in the south up to 16 degrees for the central belt of scotland. it stays unsettled as we move into tuesday and this band of rain will spread across the country with strong wind followed by sunny spells and blustery showers. tuesday a wet start to the days the rain spreads north and east into the afternoon. sunshine and showers, most affecting southern and western areas, some could be heavy on foundry, a windy day once again 40 to 50 mile an hour gusts likely around southern and western coasts. in the sunshine with the mild air in the south we reach 15 or 16 degrees again, further north around 11 or 12 celsius. and then we start to see some changes we had to the middle part of the week. the low pressure pulls away to the north and high pressure builds in on the near continent. that will bring us mild air on the south—westerly wind. we will start to see conditions drying up a little bit. on wednesday further showers, exposed southern and western coasts but i think a lot of dry weather around with good spells of sunshine particularly through the central and eastern areas. bridges again in the mid teens in the south around 12 degrees in the south around 12 degrees in the south around 12 degrees in the north. a little above the seasonal norm. thereafter, wednesday and beyond the area of high pressure looks like it will build then pushing the weather systems away back out into the atlantic and we will draw some mild airfrom the self and southwest for a time. but as we move into the following week we could be looking at more unsettled weather pushing down from the north—west with something close that mccall there. very mild for the outlook for much of the country thanks to that area of high pressure towards next weekend in the following week, however, could be will start to see cold weather moving down from the north—west. mild three next week as you can see the temperature well above the seasonal norm, largely dry thanks to high pressure and in the following weekend more and more unsettled and like i mentioned there could be signs of something colder in the following week. this is bbc news. i'm rich preston. welcome if you're watching here in the uk or around the globe. our top stories: with the us midterm elections just days away, president biden and former presidents obama and trump have all hit the campaign trail in the push for victory in a critical contest. it's a choice — a choice between two vastly different visions of america. this tuesday, you must vote republican in a giant red wave. iran admits supplying a limited number of drones to russia. ukraine says tehran has yet to come clean on the full extent of its involvement in the conflict. british police say extreme right—wing terrorist ideology was behind the firebombing of a migrant processing centre in the south east of england.

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Biden , Elections , Us , Couple , Bbc News , Headlines , Campaign Trail , Barack Obama , Philadelphia , Contest , Donald Trump , Number , Drones , Iran , Evidence , Effort , Rally , Votes , State Media , Has , Russia , Ukraine , Republican , Pennsylvania , Police , On Tehran , Conflict , Involvement , Fact , Zelensky , Firebombing , Extent , Immigration Centre , Terrorism , Result , British , South East England , Authorities , Andrew Leak , Sunday , Ideology , Attack , Suitcase Murderer , Cases , 8am Jemma Mitchell , Lady , Body , Steps , Saw , Area , Mee Chong , Devon And Cornwall Police , Suitcase , Remorse , Distance , Denial , June 2021 , 2021 , Salcombe , Mum , South Devon , Summer , Resort , Dad , Boyfriend , George , Boat , Walks , Well , Food , Beach , Stuff , Walking , Discovery , Family Holiday , Charlotte , One , Something , Fabric , Over The Wall , Reaction , Deborah Chong , Family , Someone , Woman , Mee Kuen Chong , Wasn T An Accident , Accident , West London , Policemen , Names , 200 , Head , Thing , Point , Police Investigation , Metropolitan Police , Death , Sightings , Devout Christian , Homeless , Door , Malaysia , Wembley , Need , 67 , Wall , People , Address , Theme , Others , Rent , Cctv , Ms , Mitchell Dumped Deborah Chong S Body In The Woods , Lodgers , Images , Brondesbury Park , 9 Brondesbury Park , Two , 9 , Home , Ground , 6 , 23 , Devon , House , 8 , Afterjemma Mitchell , Road , Camera , Mystery , Five , Suitcases , Deborah , Cab , Belongings , Neighbour , Name , Hers , Destination , Waiting , Reluctance , Taxi Operator , Four , 11 , Hoarding , It , Car Door , Finger , Lie , Doctors , St Thomas S Hospital , Lodger , Excethemma Mitchell , Way , Idea , The Search For Deborah , 26 , 26 June , Boot , Back , Hire Car , Hire Vehicle , Difficulty , Central London , Car , Things , Body Weight , Cameras , M4 , Bristol , 53am , Carjust , 53 , 59 , 1 , Petrol , Garage , Burst Tyre , Noise , Bin Bags , Malborough Garage , Direction , Petrol Station , Forecourt , Guy , Arms , Tojust Sort Of Say Whoa , Bit , Stop , Front , Aa , Nicky Powell , Look , Places , Kingsbridge , Salcombe Direction , Sort , Clothing , Housework , Clothes , Gardening , Scenic Drive , Job , Member Assistance , No Other , Wife , Callout , Claire , Roadside Technician Lee Garden , Puncture Tie , Vehicle , Place , Wheel , Back Seat , Seatbelt , Smell , Dank , Murky Sort , Musty Smell , Emergency Stop , Odd , Nothing , Countryside , Car Reappears On Cctv Bennett Road , Detectives , Car Boot , Drive , Number Plate , Items , 6244 , 27 , 27 June , 2 , Woodland , Charlotte Rollings , Rope , Jury , Inside , Handbag , Length , Business Card , It Wouldn T , Searches , Scraps , Evangelical Church , Paper Bearing Passages , The Bible , Murder , Email , Murder Investigation , Scent , Three , Ten , Missing Persons Unit , Prime Suspect , Amount , Banging , Hello , Hang On , Speaking Indistinctly , Yes , One Second , Hand , Jemma , Say , 0k , Suspicion , Anything , Side , Cuffs , Say Anything , Mother , Everything , You Wanna , Ofjemma Mitchell , Brondesbury Park Home , Anyone , Orjust , Made Byjemma Mitchell , Arrest , Top , Shed , Fake , Person , Assets , Volvo , Police Custody , Rain , Comment , Officers , Car Stank , Right , Stunk Of Deborah , Didn T It , Half , Degree , Defence , Osteopath , Trial , Dock , Human Dissection , Human Sciences , Old Bailey , Friend , Deliberations , Eight , Decapitation , Jemma Mitchell Killed Mee Kuen Chong , Womanjemma Mitchell , 38 , Community , Member , Life , Valued , Initiative , Hard Work , Questions , Fortnight , Responsibility , Court , Motive , Evil , Gain , Friday 28 October , 28 , Murderer , Wales , 11 June , Circumstances , Victim Impact Statement , Members , Devastation , Regard , State Of Shock , Herfamily , Unnaturally , Amy , Statement , Enormity , Crime , Devotion , So , Kindness , Defendant , Sentence , Life Imprisonment , High Pressure , Wind , Note , Pressure , Some , South , Weekend , Control , Part , Air Source , South East Corner , Showers , Coasts , Temperature , Scales , Spells , Areas , Sundry , Categories , Sunshine , Little , North , Chart , 1a , Buzz , 13 , 12 , 14 , Afternoon , Times , Picture , Rain And Cloud Pushes Northwards , Headlands , Hills , Exposure , Central Belt , Scotland , 16 , 60 , 15 , Country , Band , Hair , 40 , 50 , Continent , Celsius , Weather , Central , Conditions , Lot , South Westerly Wind , Looks , Teens , Self , North West , Airfrom , Weather Systems , Atlantic , Mccall , Thanks , Much , Outlook , More , Signs , Rich Preston , Presidents , Victory , Trump , Globe , Push , Stories , Hit , Choice , Visions , Red Wave , Say Extreme Right Wing Terrorist Ideology , Migrant Processing Centre In The South East Of England ,

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Transcripts For BBCNEWS The Big Cases 20240707 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS The Big Cases 20240707

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andrew leak, who is thought to have killed himself after the attack last sunday, was motivated by an extreme right—wing ideology. now on bbc news, the big cases: the suitcase murderer. i saw a lady that looked like she had slipped down some steps. devon and cornwall police have identified the body found in a wooden area as mee chong. she wanted to do good, | and jemma mitchell saw that in her. she forced the body into a suitcase, transported the body some distance. you have shown absolutely no remorse, it appears that you are in complete denial. june 2021. a summer's day in the coastal resort of salcombe on the south devon coast. i was with george, my boyfriend, and my mum and dad, and we were on holiday and just having a couple of weeks down there. just normal stuff that we do, like going to the beach, going on walks, having some nice food, going on the boat, i've got a little boat down there as well, so i like to go on that. but charlotte's idyllic family holiday was about to be shattered one afternoon. out walking, they made a gruesome discovery. at the time my mum, she saw some fabric, she said, over the wall, and it was quite close to us, it was quite easy to see. and she knew that something was wrong but she didn't want to look again, so she shouted us over and said, can you look what's down there, i have seen something, i'm not too sure what it is. and so i looked then, and i saw a lady that looked like she had slipped down some steps, and then initially my reaction was to rush down and help her, because it looked like she had maybe just fallen, like, i guess that is what you presume, someone has had an accident. but it wasn't an accident. the family had discovered the body of a missing woman, mee kuen chong, also known as deborah. she lived more than 200 miles away in london. while we were standing around waiting for the police to take our names, i overheard one of the policemen say that she didn't have a head, the lady. and up until that point, it felt quite different, it felt like it was just a really sad, unfortunate thing that this lady had slipped over. but then when obviously we heard him say that, it was a little bit more scary. the discovery sparked a major police investigation, led by london's metropolitan police. these are the last sightings of deborah chong, seen walking close to her home just days before her death. the 67—year—old was born in malaysia. she lived here in wembley, in north—west london. a devout christian who befriended the homeless and opened her door to those in need. deborah chong, from all we have known about her, was someone who cared for others. that theme came through. she was open, welcoming, wanting to help the homeless, people stayed at her address without paying rent. she wanted to do good. these are the last known images of ms chong, captured here on cctv, walking with one of her lodgers two days before her death. in north—west london, at 9 brondesbury park, jemma mitchell was seen leaving her home at 6:23 in the morning with a large suitcase. she has the blue suitcase with her, and you can see it is quite light, she is able to lift it off the ground. this is the suitcase that ultimately deborah chong's body would end up within and be transported to salcombe, devon. just before 8am jemma mitchell is seen approaching deborah chong's house. five hours later she is caught on camera again further up the road. exactly what happened during that time remains a mystery to police. several hours afterjemma mitchell arrived at deborah chong's address, jemma mitchell has two suitcases, one is the blue suitcase she left her address with, this suitcase is now decidedly bulkier. we say that the body of deborah chong is within it. jemma also has a separate suitcase which has all of deborah's personal belongings within that. to get back home, jemma mitchell calls for a cab. she gives them a false name and a different destination address — not hers, but her neighbour's. as she tries to leave, she is left waiting. despite reluctance from the taxi operator, she agrees to wait. just after four in the afternoon, jemma mitchell arrives home. mitchell has been dropped off by the cab, not to her home address but next door, 11 brondesbury park, and we can see her now taking that blue suitcase which contains deborah chong's body into the hoarding, the front hoarding of 9 brondesbury park. later that evening, jemma mitchell was seen entering st thomas's hospital in london. she had a fractured finger — she told doctors that she had trapped it in a car door. that was a lie. it would be that same evening on ”june when police were called about deborah. her lodger, seen for the final time alongside her here, called to report her missing on the day she died. by 26 june the search for deborah was well under way. nobody excethemma mitchell had any idea what had truly happened to the 67—year—old. that morning, mitchell is seen on cctv picking up a hire car in central london. she is loading the blue suitcase into the back of this hire vehicle, she is having extreme difficulty in actually getting it into the boot, she is using her body weight and levering the heavy suitcase into the back boot area. once she has loaded the car up with various other things, she then departs on her way to salcombe. jemma mitchell leaves her home at 9:53am. automatic cameras record the carjust before 11 driving west on the m4 towards bristol. by 1:59pm she stops near bristol to get petrol. just after 6pm jemma mitchell is forced to stop again. she pulled into a garage close to the south devon coast. her hire car had a burst tyre. i was up at the malborough garage buying bin bags i think, randomly, and i was just walking back to my car and heard this grinding noise, and the car coming in a very strange direction into the petrol station. and it was apparent that she looked like she was going to crash into the forecourt shop. so i ran over waving my arms, as did another guy, tojust sort of say whoa, stop, stop. she pulled over, having pretty much hit the front of the shop, and was sort of looking a bit surprised. nicky powell stayed with jemma mitchell while she called the aa to come and repair the tyre. i found it slightly odd that she said to me that the car had felt strange from kingsbridge, that is a long way to drive before stopping and having a look. there are plenty of places she could have pulled up. also the direction she came into the petrol station, that i assume she came from, was not the kingsbridge direction, it is the salcombe direction, that seemed rather strange. and then again, the clothing she was wearing were more suited to having been doing the gardening all day or housework, rather than the sort of clothes you put on to go to visit family and go for a scenic drive, it would seem slightly odd, but again, people dress how they wish to dress nowadays. so again, i didn't question any of it. it was just a normal working day for me at the time, i got called to go and give a member assistance, and i rememberas soon as i finished the job, i phoned my wife and just said, "claire, look, you are never "going to believe what is going on. "i just had this really weird job." for roadside technician lee garden, it was to be a callout like no other. i removed the puncture tie and the damaged wheel, and we needed to put it back in the vehicle because it had belonged to the vehicle, so you would normally put it back in the boot, because that is the best place for it, the safest place for it. but she didn't want it to go back in the boot, she wanted it put on the back seat, which i thought was a bit strange at the time. but we put it in the back, and we had to strap it in to make it safe with the seatbelt, and that is when i was in the back of the vehicle, i noticed there was a strong smell. at the time... i didn't really know what it was, it's not something i have really smelled before. it was sort of like a dank, murky sort of musty smell, which was quite potent, nothing i have really smelled before. so that took me, and was a bit, yeah, a bit odd. two hours after her emergency stop, mitchell finally leaves the garage. she turns toward salcombe. cctv recovered by police tracks herjourney through the countryside. about a0 minutes later, jemma mitchell's car is seen driving along bennett road in salcombe. less than an hour later, the car reappears on cctv on bennett road. detectives would later conclude mitchell dumped deborah chong's body in the woods. automatic number plate cameras logged mitchell's drive back to london overnight. by 6244 the next morning, she was back home. she is caught on cctv taking items from the car boot, including the blue suitcase, back into her house. on the afternoon of 27 june, less than 2a hours after deborah chong's body was dumped in woodland, it was discovered by charlotte rollings and her family. deborah's handbag was found too. inside, a length of rope, which the jury would later hear matched rope found at jemma mitchell's home. the business card of an evangelical church and scraps of paper bearing passages from the bible were also found. but it wouldn't be until several days later during searches of the woodland that the head was found, ten metres away. what followed was a huge murder investigation. meanwhile, jemma mitchell was trying to put police off the scent. three days after the murder, she sent an email to the missing persons unit. she wrote: . the email was to become just one piece of a significant amount of evidence. police had concluded jemma mitchell was their prime suspect. banging. police! excuse me? hello, there. hello, how are you? yes, good. sorry, what's your name? i'm trying to sleep. are you jemma? speaking indistinctly. hang on, one second. jemma, do you want to come out? yeah, sure, sure. hand to the side of your hand. all right, jemma, at this moment, i'm arresting l you on suspicion of murder, 0k? you don't have to say anything. speaking indistinctly. anything you do say may be given as evidence, 0k? - once you are in the cuffs... am i allowed to... i'm going to explain. everything to you, ok? should i get some shoes on? speaking indistinctly. who's inside at the moment? my mother. your mother? if you wanna... can someone lift that up? let's step back inside. is anyone else inside? just your mum? yeah. there is someone else inside? orjust your mum? just my mum. shall i bring her out? bring her in for a minute. intense searches ofjemma mitchell's brondesbury park home followed in the days after her arrest. on top of a neighbour's shed, they found the blue suitcase which was used to put deborah's body in. they also found a fake will made byjemma mitchell, which left most of ms chong's assets to her. the person driving the volvo waited in the car all that time. when questioned in police custody, jemma mitchell repeatedly refused to engage with officers. literally chucking it down with rain, and it was windy. why is that, jemma? no comment. the car stank, didn't it, jemma? no comment. it stunk of a dead person. no comment. stunk of deborah's decomposing body. is that right, jemma? no comment. almost a year and a half after deborah's body was found, jemma mitchell entered the dock at the old bailey for her trial. the jury heard the former osteopath had a first—class degree in human sciences and was trained in human dissection. she declined to give any evidence in her defence. a woman from london has been found guilty of killing her friend and dumping her body more than 200 miles away in devon. afterjust eight hours of deliberations, the jury found jemma mitchell guilty of murder. a woman has been found guilty of the murder and decapitation of a friend she met in church. jemma mitchell killed mee kuen chong at her home in wembley last year before taking her headless body 200 miles away, in a suitcase. deborah was 67 years old when she was murdered in june of last year. today at the old bailey, 38—year—old womanjemma mitchell has been found guilty of that murder. deborah was born in malaysia. through her own hard work and initiative, she made a good life for herself, finally settling in london, where she was a much valued and loved member of her community. mitchell has never accepted responsibility for deborah's murder so there are questions which may remain unanswered. why she kept the body for over a fortnight, why she decapitated her, and why she deposited her remains in salcombe. but what we we do know is it that it was an evil act carried out by an evil woman, and the only motive, clearly, was one of financial gain. on friday 28 october, mitchell was back in court. this time, she was to be sentenced for murder. it was a historic moment at the old bailey. she became the first murderer and first woman in england and wales to have her sentence televised. jemma mitchell, i have to sentence you for the murder on 11 june of last year, of mee kuen, otherwise known as deborah chong, which you were convicted by the jury yesterday. i have had regard to the victim impact statement read to the court from members of herfamily, who are not, unnaturally, in a state of shock and devastation as to the circumstances in which she met her death. the court heard a statement from deborah's sister, amy. in it, it said: . the enormity of your crime is profoundly shocking. even more so, given your apparent religious devotion, as well as the fact that deborah chong was a good friend to you and had shown you great kindness. the sentence of the court is one of life imprisonment. will you please take the defendant downstairs? as we head into sunday it remains windy but beyond sunday we begin the new week on an unsettled note with wind and rain and then high pressure will build on from that week onwards. settling things down and with the air source from the south it will turn mild for some of us. no pressure is in control for the second part of the weekend and it will be quite a windy day for all. wet across the south—east corner of england with the rain piling up here. elsewhere sunny spells, scattered showers, emerging categories and some sundry as well. windy with scales around southern and western coasts but blustery for all areas. the temperature starts to creep up a little. 14 degrees also in the 12 or 13 further a little. 1a degrees also in the 12 or 13 further north. low pressure still with us as we leave sunday and go into monday, as a buzz on the chart and it will be windy. spells of rain followed by sunshine and showers. this is the picture for monday. it begins dry and then the rain and cloud pushes northwards and eastward, some of the rain heavy at times. into the afternoon we could see something a little dry and by pushing into the south. once again it will be windy with scales around southern and western coasts at 60 miles an hour with exposure over the hills and exposed headlands. milder, 15— 16 degrees in the south up to 16 degrees for the central belt of scotland. it stays unsettled as we move into tuesday and this band of rain will spread across the country with strong wind followed by sunny spells and blustery showers. tuesday a wet start to the days the rain spreads north and east into the afternoon. sunshine and showers, most affecting southern and western areas, some could be heavy on foundry, a windy day once again 40 to 50 mile an hour gusts likely around southern and western coasts. in the sunshine with the mild air in the south we reach 15 or 16 degrees again, further north around 11 or 12 celsius. and then we start to see some changes we had to the middle part of the week. the low pressure pulls away to the north and high pressure builds in on the near continent. that will bring us mild air on the south—westerly wind. we will start to see conditions drying up a little bit. on wednesday further showers, exposed southern and western coasts but i think a lot of dry weather around with good spells of sunshine particularly through the central and eastern areas. bridges again in the mid teens in the south around 12 degrees in the south around 12 degrees in the south around 12 degrees in the north. a little above the seasonal norm. thereafter, wednesday and beyond the area of high pressure looks like it will build then pushing the weather systems away back out into the atlantic and we will draw some mild airfrom the self and southwest for a time. but as we move into the following week we could be looking at more unsettled weather pushing down from the north—west with something close that mccall there. very mild for the outlook for much of the country thanks to that area of high pressure towards next weekend in the following week, however, could be will start to see cold weather moving down from the north—west. mild three next week as you can see the temperature well above the seasonal norm, largely dry thanks to high pressure and in the following weekend more and more unsettled and like i mentioned there could be signs of something colder in the following week. this is bbc news. i'm rich preston. welcome if you're watching here in the uk or around the globe. our top stories: with the us midterm elections just days away, president biden and former presidents obama and trump have all hit the campaign trail in the push for victory in a critical contest. it's a choice — a choice between two vastly different visions of america. this tuesday, you must vote republican in a giant red wave. iran admits supplying a limited number of drones to russia. ukraine says tehran has yet to come clean on the full extent of its involvement in the conflict. british police say extreme right—wing terrorist ideology was behind the firebombing of a migrant processing centre in the south east of england.

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