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Thanit levels at times, and feeling colder than it has done recently. This is bbc news, the headlines jeremy corbyn, has said he accepts some responsibility for defeat in the copeland by election but that he is determined to finish the job he was elected to do as leader. Hes due to speaker later today. The conservative former deputy Prime Minister lord heseltine has said he will rebel against the government over brexit when the lords vote on article 50, the bill giving theresa may the authority to start negotiations to leave the eu. Police in malaysia have declared kuala lumpur airport, where the half brother of north koreas leader was killed with a nerve agent twelve days ago, to be safe. And preparations are nearly complete as hollywood prepares to host the oscars. La la land is expecting to be the big winner of night with 14 nominations. Now on bbc news Talking Movies, the oscars. Hello from hollywood and welcome to our special oscars Preview Edition of Talking Movies. Im tom brook. In todays programme, everything you need to know about the Academy Awards. The big name stars in the running. Would it mean a lot to you to get oscars recognition . Yeah, always. Its fabulous. And the documentaries and Foreign Language films vying for an oscar prize. Im toni. Toni erdmann. Will protests over President Trumps policies take centre stage on hollywoods biggest night of the year . This could be the most politicised oscars that we have ever had. Plus, our predictions on who will win the top oscar prizes. All that and more in our special oscars Preview Edition of Talking Movies. The 89th annual Academy Awards are about to get under way. The big question appears to be how many trophies will la la land take home . This ode to hollywoods golden age of musicals and to hollywood itself has many ardent supporters. It dominates the oscars field, with 14 nominations, matching the record set by All About Eve and titanic. It is pretty strange that we keep running into each other. Maybe it means something . I doubt it. La la land has won the hearts and minds of academy members. It has won virtually every other awards group in the run up to the oscars. Its creator, Damien Chazelle, toiled for six years to bring this finely crafted musical onto the silver screen. It stars emma stone and ryan gosling. It is a genre that i think we all thought was gone the old hollywood musical. I think itjust feels very special that it happened and i think the audience is connecting with that. You need a computer at nasa . You think women can handle this . The other main nominees are less dreamy than la la land and, in storytelling and casting, display diversity. Last year, the awards were beset by the Oscars Still White protests. This year, there are movies in the running, like moonlight, Hidden Figures and fences, rooted in black experience and with largely black casts. In all, six black actors have been nominated for oscars this year, as well as one of Indian Heritage. But that does not mean lack of diversity is no longer a problem. I think it is great that we have had more black nominees across all of the categories, from acting to cinematography and director. But obviously, Oscars Still White is notjust about black nominees. It is about all different nominees who are not white. We still have a way to go before we can say Oscars Still White is obsolete. How are you doing . Fine. Can you see me . There were surprise snubs and inclusions in the nominations. One of the biggest exclusions was amy adams, the star of arrival. She was widely expected to be a best actress nominee. But at least her movie, a strikingly intelligent Science Fiction film, did get a best picture nomination, amongst others. You wont kill . No, sir. You do realise quite a lot of killing goes on in war . The Surprise Inclusion was mel gibson as best director, for his work on Hacksaw Ridge. Also nominated for best picture, the unexpected nomination for gibson suggests a degree of rehabilitation in hollywood, after his transgressive behaviour of a decade ago. Another issue this year is the possibility of winners and nominees using the podium to express their frustration over President Trump and his policies. This could potentially be the most politicised oscars we have ever had. I think people are both scared and angry at what is happening in our country. I think, for the first time, vast number of actors feel that perhaps their role as citizens is more important and they will speak out. The protest extends beyond american shores. Iranian director, asghar farhadi, nominated for the salesman has decided not to come to the ceremony, because of President Trumps Executive Order on immigration. Many in the industry are expressing their displeasure with the administration. I think were living in a politicised moment, so undoubtedly, with the award shows we have seen over the last two or three weeks, people have things they want to say. And when they have a platform, they are going to say them. What would you say to people who believe the oscars is not the appropriate arena for voicing protest . I think art is inherently political and the oscars is a platform to honour the arts. And i think politics goes along with that art. So, i do not think they can be separated. Here in los angeles, the murder trial of fallen American Sports star oj simpson more than 20 years ago mesmerised the local population and much of the world. Those events have inspired a film to become a very strong contender in the oscars best Documentary Feature category. That race is our focus now. One day, everyones going to know everything that you have done, man. If nothing else, oj Made In America is a hugely ambitious work. A compilation of a five Part Television series which ran for eight hours. In the media saturated, racially charged trial of more than 20 years ago, oj simpson was tried and then acquitted of murdering his ex wife. The director sees the film telling the story of america through the lens of oj simpson. He was a star athlete. He was a pioneering, commercial pitch man, he was a hollywood star. So, before oj became infamous, he had already broken barriers and changed the way we looked at athletes, black athletes, especially. When you put on your local news at night, you see black men being paraded across the screen in handcuffs. Another oscar nominated documentary centred around race is 13th, in which director ava duvernay examines the mass incarceration of African Americans and its roots in the 13th Amendment in the us constitution. Her documentary makes the point that slavery still exists. The 13th Amendment abolished slavery, but not for people convicted of crimes. There is a criminality clause in the 13th Amendement which has been deliberately and consistently exploited for political gain and for profit. The black body has been used for everyone but black people. Household goods, parts of Guidance Systems for us missile defence. They are being put together by inmates and convicted people, who have not been paid for it. So, that is free labour and that is slavery. Race is also a central theme in the oscar nominated docuemtary, i am not your negro. The film brings forward the views of the highly influental African American writer, james baldwin, who died nearly 30 years ago. The film is based on his views. There are days when you wonder what your role is and what your future is in this country. Baldwins voice is very important today in this country. It is a time when there are huge black clouds in front of us. So, his guidance and his wisdom is really important. Your position, please. Please help us fire at sea is an italian Cine Verite Profile documentary about an italian island that becomes a Point Of Entry for african refugees seeking a better life in europe. The documentary focuses notjust on the refugees, but also on the islanders themselves. Some people are greatly affected by the influx, whilst others are not. The doctor says, let me explain what autism is. Life, animated is the fifth and final oscar nominated documentary and tells the story of owen, a severely autistic boy who learned to communicate with his family through the lines of the disney cartoons that he loves. His parents realised they could connect to him through Disney Dialogue. The whole family ended up speaking Disney Dialogue and really drew owen out of his autism. He learned to not only talk, but to connect with the world through these classic disney animated films. With a Host Of Critical Awards under its belt oj Made In America seems to be the clear frontrunner for the best documentary oscar. What happened 20 years ago still resonates today. The Academy Award is one of the most sought after trophies in the film industry, particulary for actors. Not only is It Validation from their peers, but it can, obviously, greatly enhance someones career prospects. With that in mind, lets look at who is in the running for the best actor and best actress categories. Why . You ought to know. I dont want to know the Best Actor Prize could go to Denzel Washington. He has won twice before. He is nominated this year for his role as troy, a Sanitation Worker in 19505 pittsburgh, angry at the world, in fences, which he also directed. It is based on the prize winning play of the same name. August wilson wrote an absolute masterpiece. It is an honour and a privilege to be a part of it. It was a privilege to act in it on stage and now to be given the chance and responsibility to interpret it as a film. I think the idea was that you would relocate. The Best Actor Trophy could also go to 41 year old casey affleck, who is neck and neck with washington, with this portrayal of a sorrowful handyman haunted by his past in Manchester By The Sea. A complex character. It was so difficult. I felt i learned a lot. I think i got better as an actor and the next time i do a movie, i will take all that stuff i learned on to the next film i make. Its very exciting ryan gosling is in the running for his performance in la la land. Andrew garfield, the british actor, is also up for a nomination for his role as the Pacifist Medic in Hacksaw Ridge. And finally, viggo mortensen, for his role as the survivalist father in Captain Fantastic who wants his children to grow up off the grid. The Best Actor Category is being viewed by many experts as a dead heat between Denzel Washington and casey affleck, with the former perhaps just having a slight edge. Two rules. You either follow my rules or follow my rules capiche . Thank you. I can do it differently. No, thats fine, thank you. For the best actress, emma stone appears to be the clear favourite for her performance as an aspiring actress in la la land. There is Something Special to this grand, larger than life musical. It is relatively small and heartbreaking. It incorporates love and dreamers. It encapsulates both of these. What was really attractive for me in the film was that i did not have to choose one side of her persona or the other. She is so complete. That is what makes her so worthwhile. Natalie portman, who has won an oscar before, was nominated for her role as Jackie Kennedy in jackie. She plays the wife of the president in jackie. The film is set in the immediate aftermath of the assassination of her husband, john f kennedy. Ruth mader is also nominated for loving, in which she plays the real life mildred whose, along with her husbands, legal battle resulted in a Landmark Supreme Court ending the ban on inter racial marriages. And finally, meryl streep, who gets a record 20th nomination for her role as the tone deaf opera singer, florence fosterjenkins. If she wins a fourth Academy Award, she will match the record set by katherine hepburn. But she is not the favourite and the prize is widely expected to be won by emma stone. One often overlooked oscars category, at least by the inward looking american media, is that of best Foreign Language film. All five nominees this year are strong candidates. If cinema is, as the late critic roger ebert put it, an empathy generating machine, foreign films often do the most heavy lifting, allowing movie goers All Over The World to experience lives very different from their own. Of the five films up for a Foreign Language film oscar, tanna, the australian entry, takes place in the most remote location. Its a Romeo And Juliet style story set on a South Pacific island. The cast is made up of locals and the dialogue is in a distinct native language. Sweden is represented in the oscars sweepstakes by a man called ove, the story of a recently widowed, suicidal curmudgeon, who eventually blossoms, partly as a result of the relationship he forms with his newly arrived persian neighbour. In this trump era, it does have a certain appeal in that its about a very conservative older man who initially resents and really does not like his Middle Eastern neighbours, but then grows to find they are good people. This could be one that People Choose for political reasons as well as sentimental ones. Toni erdmann. Im a consultant and coach. One of the strongest Oscar Contentions in the foreign film race may be the german picture, toni erdmann. Its a father Daughter Relationship drama, in which the Father Figure is trying to rescue his daughter from the soulless corporate world she inhabits. Its a very funny film that also serves as a critique of modern corporatism. Although when i make a film i dont say, yeah, i want to be critical about this or that, i dont like to judge people or things. Another contender is land of mine, which comes from denmark and is set in the aftermath of world war ii. A key element in the story is the relationship between a tough danish sergeant and german teens, enlisted to defuse dangerous mines, which had been planted on the danish coast by nazi occupiers. The fifth Foreign Language entry is a film called the salesman from iran, which observes the Relationship Translation its a realism drama, so because it has a drama, the audience follows the story and tries to understand what will happen, but at the same time there is another angle because its a family in the society, so it can talk about society, as well. Farhadi was planning to go to the oscars, but criticised the trump administrations travel ban, which includes iranians, and has decided not to attend the ceremony. This could give him an edge in a year when the left leaning academy may want to send a message to the president. As oscar nominees, all of these films will benefit from more publicity and increased exposure. Theyll earn more money and their message will be received by a much larger audience than those that failed to make the cut. In this case, it really is an honour just to be nominated. The Best Picture Award is the most coveted oscars trophy of all and this year there are nine films in the running. It seems that la la land is the favourite to win, but there are several other deserving candidates. I remember the last time i saw you. Moonlight, seen as a low budget wonder, one of the most praised films of recent times, has eight nominations. It was put together on a shoestring and shot in just 25 days. It begins in a drug ridden neighbourhood in miami, the story of a young, gay, black man. Yeah, its a Coming Of Age film, for sure, in form, but i also think in its simplest form its a boy becoming a man and finding himself in that process. How are you doing . Yeah, im fine. Arrival, also with eight nominations, is an Alien Invasion movie with a twist. It chronicles what happens to a linguist who learns the aliens language. Through this encounter, being in contact with the aliens, learning their language, this particular language will change her life, basically. I maybe should not say that on camera, because its one of the keys of the movie, but it is really a film about our relationship with nature also, i would say. Ive dreamt about being a doctor, but. With six nominations, Hacksaw Ridge is also up for best picture. Im adopted, im not really indian. Lion has six nominations, too. A feel good, real life tale of a Young Australian man of Indian Heritage who uses google earth to find his birth mother in india. It stars dev patel, virtually upstaged in the film by young sunny pawar, who plays the younger version of his character a boy who gets very lost. This is a boy who, you know, was struggling for survival on the streets of india. Hes torn away from his family and the first half of the movie is about him using his instincts to escape danger and predators in this maximum city. What happened to my brother . Manchester by the sea also has six nominations. This story is emotionally powerful and some would say brilliant cinema. Its directed by kenneth lonergan. Other Best Picture Nominees include fences, the adaptation of a Pulitzer Prize winning August Wilson play, and hell or high water, which could be described as a modern western, which is being viewed as two bank robbing brothers robbed by a bank. Ive never seen a mind like the one your daughter has. One of the most liked Best Picture Nominees, with three nominations, is Hidden Figures, the story of three African American women who battled racism and sexism at nasa in the 1960s. Their mathematical calculations played a pivotal role in the usas manned space programme. Weve got no shot. And back to our best picture frontrunner, la la land. For its film maker, who is very likely to win for best director, its a personal story. Being a young artist trying to make it today and trying to deal with how do you balance dreams with reality . That was the story i wanted to tell, a story that i felt was very suited to a musical and ijust hope it will connect with other people. Youve never seen it . Ive never seen it. Oh, my bookmakers predict la la land will take the best picture trophy. If not, the prize will go to moonlight or Manchester By The Sea, but it seems it will be a big night for la la land. Heres to the mess we made. Now, lets look into the Talking Movies crystal ball and come up with our predictions on whos going to win the key oscar prizes. Jeff bridges, newcomer lucas hedges, Michael Shannon and dev patel are all in the running for best supporting actor. But it seems the prize will go to mahershala ali, for playing a tender hearted drug dealer in moonlight, mentoring a young, bullied boy. Hey, man, i got you. Hes kind, hes gentle, hes wise, hes loving, but hes also someone who comes from really challenging circumstances and so in some ways he reflects a lot of people that i knew growing up and its why i am attracted to it, why i was so attracted to playing the part. Moving onto best supporting actress, nominees michelle williams, octavia spencer, Nicole Kidman and Naomie Harris all give excellent performances. But its expected that the oscar will almost definitely go viola davis, who portrays the matriarch in fences, playing opposite Denzel Washington in some powerful things. I think August Wilson wrote the perfect script and i think he wrote a role that is absolutely completely in her narrative. Herjourney is complete, herjourney cant be any more specific, so all i did was i was courageous enough to just dive into her life. In the major best actor, best actress prizes, expect those to go to Denzel Washington and emma stone. Best director, la la lands Damien Chazelle will be taking that home. Best Foreign Language film could be toni erdmann or the salesman, but more likely to be swedens a man called ove. Best adapted screenplay will be awarded to moonlight and Manchester By The Sea will end up with best original screenplay. Best Documentary Feature, that award will go to oj simpson Made In America. And, finally, we think best picture will go to la la land, with the film as a whole collecting ten statu ettes. Well, that brings our special oscars Preview Edition of Talking Movies to a close. We hope youve enjoyed the show. Please remember, you can always reach us online and you can find us on facebook too. So, from me and the rest of the Talking Movies production crew, here in la, its goodbye. But, remember, you can catch me reporting live from the red carpet on oscars night. Hello, the weather is going to throw just about everything at us over the next couple of days. Rain, gales, snow, ice, hail and thunder, not to mention just a few, and some sunshine as well. It wasnt a bad start in North Lincolnshire or indeed across the scottish highlands. Some beautiful sunrises captured by our weather watchers a little earlier on. But through the day out west things are changing, increasingly wet and windy weather here, courtesy of this lump of cloud which has been named, not by the uk met office, but by the irish weather service. They have named this storm ewan, because they are concerned about impact across the republic of ireland. Here, we will see some wet and windy weather in Western Areas, gales or severe gales in western coastal districts and some rainfall here as well, some quite heavy bursts of rain at times. Lets focus on these Western Areas because through this afternoon coastal parts of the South West Of England could see wind gusts of 40 50 miles an hour. Coastal parts of wales, north west england, northern ireland, the isle of man and then more generally across Southern Scotland later, we could see gusts of 50 60 miles an hour. Not a great day for a trip to the coast or a walk over the hills, particularly when you couple those strong winds with heavy bursts of rain and some snowfall across Northern Scotland as well with some cold air in here. All the while the south east stays largely dry. Some brighter spells, but generally quite cloudy this afternoon and temperatures 11 or 12. This evening we see this Band Of Rain Moving across england and wales, tending to fizzle away as it goes. Rain and snow moving northwards across scotland and severe gales across the far north of the mainland and the Northern Isles as well. And the real rash of showers starts to pack in from the west as temperatures start to fall as well. That would lead us to some icy stretches tomorrow morning. Bear that in mind if you are travelling the monday morning commute, particularly in the north west. We will see some spells of sunshine, but we will also see lots of showers, these showers heavy with hail and thunder, wintry especially over high ground, but in low levels if you get a heavy shower, you could see some sleet and maybe even some snow. A very different feeling day as well, 4 8 degrees. What about tuesday . Still this cold north or north westerly wind, still plenty of showers, some sunshine in between, 6 9d, and stays very changeable as we head through the rest of the week. This is bbc news. The headlines at 11. Jeremy corbyn has said he takes a share of responsibility for his partys defeat to the conservatives in the copeland by election but that he remains determined to stay in hisjob. Constant attacks on the leadership. Constant leadership elections. Constant divisions dont allow us to to project a vision. The conservative former deputy Prime Minister, lord heseltine, has said he will rebel against the government when the House Of Lords votes on the bill giving theresa may the authority to trigger brexit. Police in malaysia have declared kuala lumpur airport, where the half brother of north koreas leader was killed with a nerve agent 12 days ago, to be safe. President trump tweets that he will not be attending the white house Correspondents Dinner in another sign of the deteriorating relations with the media

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