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Around. We are waiting for more news. Sajid javid, communities secretary, has gone in, we havent heard what hes got. Justin greening the Education Secretary has gone into. They have all gone in and have come out yet. Ten Cabinet Ministers trooping out Downing Street and an interesting reshuffle of the pack. Thanks for now and we will be back to you very soon. Lets take a look at weather prospects. Well start with the latest Satellite Sequence which shows it was a lovely day. We have sunshine, heavy rain in Northern Ireland and Western Scotland. It will stay wet in Western Scotland in the early hours and further showers another man, scattered showers for western england and well. Try further east and across major towns and cities have 13 degrees, low in rural spot. Into the morning, a breezy day through central scotland, quite gusty and breezy. Showers fading away from england and wales, wetter weather to be had in Western Scotla nd weather to be had in Western Scotland but Eastern Scotland as well. 18 degrees in aberdeen and 19 01 well. 18 degrees in aberdeen and 19 or 20 well. 18 degrees in aberdeen and 19 or20 in well. 18 degrees in aberdeen and 19 or 20 in london. Looking ahead to tuesday, it will be a breeze, the north and west of the uk with Thicker Cloud and rain, not so the further south you go. Light winds and pleasantly warm with sunshine. Hello. This is bbc news. The headlines at az32pm senior Government Ministers have warned theresa may to change her Leadership Style as she reshuffles her cabinet. Damian green is moved from work and pensions to the Cabinet Office. Trade secretary liam fox has also entered number ten. This is the scene live in Downing Street, where an announcement is expected soon on further appointments. Alun cairns, Secretary Of State for wales and the transport secretary, Chris Grayling, Have Bothjust entered number ten. Downing street and the Democratic Unionist Party have both insisted that no parliamentary pact has yet been agreed between them. The former chancellor, george osborne, has described theresa may as, a dead woman walking. Labour leader, Jeremy Corbyn, says there could be another election soon and he is preparing an alternative queens speech. Good afternoon, lets just recap on some fast moving Political Developments now. In the past few minutes, theresa may has announced a cabinet reshuffle, although the main roles, such as chancellor and Foreign Secretary will not change hands. Heres what we know so far. Damian green is made first Secretary Of State and Cabinet Office minister. A promotion to a key role for an old may ally. Liz truss is demoted. She moves from head of the Justice Ministry to Chief Secretary To The Treasury, a non cabinet post. But we understand she will still attend the cabinet. David gauke, who was Chief Secretary To The Treasury, has been promoted to become the new work and pensions secretary. Liam fox one of the cabinets leading brexiteers retains his position as International Trade secretary. And greg clark remains as business minister. Our correspondent ellie price is in Downing Street. Any other movement that you have heard of in the last few minutes, ellie price . Just in the last two seconds, actually. Justine greening has been confirmed as the Education Secretary and minister for women and equality. So we have had some movement there. There have been plenty of people walking in, so we have plenty of. You havejust elaborated on the ones we have heard, but we have yet to find out whether sajid javid will keep his job as communities secretary. We have also seen the transport secretary Chris Grayling go in as well as the welsh secretary alun cairns. David lidington, the leader of the house has gone in as well. They are coming in thick and fast. It was fair to say, we had about ten Cabinet Ministers walking up the road. We know that greg clark has stayed at business. It was thought he might have got a newjob but it does not seem like that now. Many of these ministers have kept their positions. The big jobs are already staying put, the home secretary amber rudd, the Foreign Secretary borisjohnson amber rudd, the Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson and the amber rudd, the Foreign Secretary borisjohnson and the chancellor of the exchequer Philip Hammond all retain their places. Justine greening hasjust retain their places. Justine greening has just appeared. Retain their places. Justine greening hasjust appeared. Are retain their places. Justine greening has just appeared. Are you happy with your job . Greening has just appeared. Are you happy with yourjob . She says she is very happy. Giving herjob as Education Secretary. And minister for women and equality is. So, yes, some movement here today. There had been suggestions that had theresa may been able to increase her majority substantially, she might have shuffled out some of these people, but it would seem there is a sense that not much has changed. The only demotion we have seen today is for liz truss, the justice secretary. She was demoted to the secretary. She was demoted to the secretary of the treasury, still a ministerial role that attends cabinet but no longer in charge of her own department now. On the surface it looks like the normal days following an election but we know the situation is far from normal, ellie. Theresa may, we understand is also going to change her style in terms of becoming more collegiate and her approach in cabinet and indeed, she has been actively encouraged to do that. Yes, actively encouraged to do that. Yes, actively and politely, however you wa nt to actively and politely, however you want to dress it up. This morning we heard from the Defence Secretary michael fallon, he said that he and other cabinet colleagues had suggested that she might like to play more of a collective role, that her government would need to be more collegiate and collective. Of course, plenty of criticism was thrown at the Prime Minister and the role of 42 mac aids in this election, they resigned yesterday. The Digestion Being that there had been a closed shop in Downing Street and the whole of the Election Campaign had been allowed team theresa may and not the conservatives. So there is a real shift now and that will change. Two aides. We heard from the Defence Secretary that that is beginning to happen. The reshuffle today, we will see a stronger role probably for the cabinet to play and potentially a stronger role for cabinet to have any brexit negotiations. So, yes, what we are certainly seeing as that theresa may is having to change her style, because, of course, there have been questions about her leadership. I think there is a general appetite amongst the Conservative Party that they do not wa nt Conservative Party that they do not want a Leadership Contest right now, but certainly, there is the feeling amongst our members and for mps that her days could well be numbered. And so her days could well be numbered. And so she needs to take moves to get them all on site. We saw so she needs to take moves to get them all on site. We saneremy hunt going in, we do not know whether he will retain his position at health, 01 will retain his position at health, or perhaps move elsewhere. Some people we have not seen, andrea leadsom, priti patel, yet to see them yet. Yes, some big questions. Jeremy hunt walked in with his nhs badge on his lapel, which apparently, at the last reshuffle, he was not wearing it and then came out wearing it. So we will wait and see what that means. Sajid javid has been confirmed as a Secretary Of State for communities and local government, so he keeps hisjob. Were waiting to hear from Jeremy Huntand were waiting to hear from jeremy hunt and indeed, some of the other people who have already gone on. To what extent, ellie price, can you tell us about the balance here of remainers and brexiteers in these appointments . I will be honest, anita, i have not done my arithmetic to work out exactly how it balances. Look, this is a cabinet that is staying roughly the same, it looks like there could be a little bit of shifting in and out but it is a cabinet that is roughly the same and, of course, there will be some junior ministerial roles that will need to be filled. Some of those Junior Ministers lost their seats in the election. There is a sense from within pro remain mps from the Conservative Party that theresa mays plans for brexit, her plans for a hard brexit might now be scuppered. I think those on the pull lives side might have something to say about that and might argue that but there is a sense that the arithmetic within parliament does not add up and so when you bring into play the other parties, do not forget, they will be given a vote on the deal, that potentially it brings back into play the idea of a softer brexit that membership of the Single Market may not be ruled out. But as i have said, those on the very pro league side of the party will have plenty to say about that and key members like liam fox, david davis, like borisjohnson, members like liam fox, david davis, like Boris Johnson, still members like liam fox, david davis, like borisjohnson, still remain very important members of the cabinet. Proleave. Thank you very much for that, ellie price. Let us very much for that, ellie price. Let us just take a look then at labour. The labour Leaderjeremy Corbyn insists that his party is ready to fight another election and was rewarded for a positive campaign. He was speaking to the Bbcs Andrew Marr and was speaking to the Bbcs Andrew Marrand said was speaking to the Bbcs Andrew Marr and said that the conservatives we re marr and said that the conservatives were in turmoil. We have a chaotic situation with a government that sought re election on the basis of wanting a bigger mandate and a bigger majority to bring stability to british politics and what have we got . A minority and read government is relying on the dup to try to get business in the House Of Commons when they have no agreed positions as for as i can work out on most issues. It seems to me chaotic and i think we are quite ready and able to put forward a serious programme, which beasley, has a massive support in this country. Remember, this Election Campaign turned around a great deal on the basis of an awful lot of people rejecting the politics of fear and instead embracing the politics of hope that we can challenge austerity and actually start sharing the welfare around this country much better. In terms of raw and brute numbers and the way that the system works, they got more votes and seats than you did and if they can form a coalition or some kind of government, then they have the right to do that. It is hard to see that with your numbers that you can stop them. They are trying to form a government at the moment, i have no idea what they will put into the queens speech, no idea what their stance will be on the legislative programme, it very clear on our stance. We fought this Campaign Onajobs on our stance. We fought this campaign on a jobs first brexit, oppose austerity and we fought it to start bringing fairness and justice, security for old people and real hope for young people. Surely the result has shown something very remarkable in british politics . Young people became engaged, or the people joined young people became engaged, or the peoplejoined in young people became engaged, or the people joined in that engagement, we had an incredible process. Something quite historic happened. Had an incredible process. Something quite historic happenedm had an incredible process. Something quite historic happened. It was an edge from the canteen but at the individual lost the election, you acce pt individual lost the election, you accept that . We did not win the election. As you know, i am a totally effervescent and optimistic person. We did not win the election but we had an incredibly good result, particularly, ifi but we had an incredibly good result, particularly, if i may say so, given the way that so many of oui so, given the way that so many of our incredible experience commentators wrote us one month ago. I will return once more to the numbers, the parliamentary numbers. You will put down, we read, an alternative queens speech, is that true . Yes, a substantial amendment to the queens speech that will contain within it the main points of oui contain within it the main points of our manifesto, so we would invite us to consider all the issues that we have put forward, which as i have mentioned, jobs first brexit, young people and austerity, as well as other things. What will you say about brexit . Ajobs first brexit and to negotiate that as quickly as possible but also, to guarantee the rights of european nationals to remain in britain, i think that will be. You will do that immediately . Yes, we almost did that albeit in a non binding House Of Commons vote for the conservatives and the majority abstained but bizarrely borisjohnson majority abstained but bizarrely Boris Johnson supported majority abstained but bizarrely borisjohnson supported that labour vote. Keir starmer said it was an open question as to whether you would stay inside the Single Market and the Customs Union would leave it, do you have a clear position on that . It is all about protecting jobs and industry in britain and maintaining that trading relationship. My question has come you stay inside the Single Market and the Customs Union . The Single Market is a requirement of eu membership but since we have no more membership but since we have no more membership they will have to be changes. But to be clear, that you are clear that we are leaving the eu . Yes, we need a tariff free access to the eu and we need Important University and Research Collaboration in europe and there is a whole host of european agencies in which he doesnt want to be part of. We will absolutely remain part of the European Convention onjune and the European Convention onjune and the European Convention onjune and the European Court of human rights, we are not walking away from those vital post war agreements that were made. Jeremy corbyn speaking to andrew marr. A short time ago i spoke to the former Conservative Party leader lord howard. He started supporting the recent actions of theresa may. Well, i think she is doing the right thing, i think she can stay and i think she should stay. I would just say to you, i was reflecting and trying to put events into some kind of perspective, Jeremy Corbyn won 30 seats on thursday, i won 33 seats in 2005 and resigned the next day. So, i do not think that we should let the thought thatJeremy Corbyn has won some runaway victory take hold because Thatis Runaway Victory take hold because that is not the position at all. Runaway victory take hold because that is not the position at altm may not be the position, but i suppose lots of people would argue that theresa may has not won a runaway victory either, and that she campaigned on getting a stronger mandate to enter brexit negotiations and actually, she has not, as she . No, of course, that is perfectly right. But we are about to start these very important negotiations one week tomorrow and we need stability. I think it would be immensely destructive to those negotiations if we had either a Leadership Election in the Conservative Party or a General Election, so i think theresa may should stay, she should conduct those negotiations, they are meant to ta ke those negotiations, they are meant to take two years, they will be put to take two years, they will be put to parliament at the end of that period of time and then we can see where we are in two years time. But whilst those negotiations continue, i think it is correct that theresa may should stay i do think it is the duty of every conservative Member Of Parliament to give her their strong support. You talk about the need for stability, but is there not also the possibility that theresa may, if she continues, will be seen as a weakened Prime Minister by eu brexit negotiators and that, therefore, the best dealfor negotiators and that, therefore, the best deal for the uk cannot be achieved under her leadership. No, i do not think so at all, i do not agree with that at all. When the eu negotiators are facing her across the table, we will be facing the Prime Minister of the uk. When they are facing david davis, they will be facing the Secretary Of State for brexit for the uk. They will not be negotiating with groups of members of parliament. So, i do not think it will affect the course of the negotiations and i was much encouraged by what Angela Merkel is reported to have said yesterday, that there is a need for a good deal for europe and a good dealfor the uk, we are their biggest market, they want us to prosper, we want them to prosper, so i think there is every prospect of a deal that is good for the uk and good for the eu. Do you think the nature and the shape of that deal will change as a result of this election . shape of that deal will change as a result of this election . I cannot see how or why. I heard Jeremy Corbyn saying, rather more clearly than i have heard him say before, that leaving the European Union means leaving the Single Market. Well, that is the position of the government. He has said he wants frea ky government. He has said he wants freaky access to in; single | government. He has said he wants frea is access to in; single | government. He has said he wants frea is the ass to in; single | are. This the the lord former leader. Let us go back conservative leader. Let us go back to ellie price, our political correspondent, at ten Downing Street. You have more news . Yes, David Lidington has become the justice secretary in the place of liz truss who was demoted 30 minutes a goal down to being a treasury minister, she is Chief Secretary To The Treasury. This is a promotion for David Lidington, he was leader of the house. Plenty more to talk about. What we are saying, i think, and it is important to remember, the same personnel gently moved around slightly. So be see those staying put, i have talked about it before, what rhetoric in, the chancellor Philip Hammond, the home secretary amber rudd, Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson, Defence Secretary michael fallon, the Brexit Secretary david davis as well as liam fox, the International Trade secretary and Justine Greening the Education Secretary, all are staying put to exactly where they were before. But a few little moves around. David lidington, we have just a few little moves around. David lidington, we havejust heard, he becomes justice lidington, we havejust heard, he becomesjustice secretary. A promotion for david gauke, he was the Chief Secretary To The Treasury but now becomes the department for work and pensions secretary. And, of course, damian green, theresa mays good friend from University Days get a promotion. He now becomes the first Secretary Of State, that sounds like a ceremonial role but it is essentially the first amongst equals, it is the sort of pop Cabinet Minister confidant to the Prime Minister, if you like. Potentially, what we think, instead of having a deputy Prime Minister. That is a bit of a move for him. No one has done any interviews as yet but liam fox has said he is delighted. Probably a sense of relief amongst some of these Cabinet Ministers here who thought maybe they were going to be shuffled out. That was certainly the rumour going around before the election when it was thought theresa may might be able to substantially increase her majority. Having lost that majority the suggestion is she has lost some of her authority to change things and certainly, there seems to be quite a lot of staying put going on here in Downing Street within the cabinet. La, we just here in Downing Street within the cabinet. La, wejust saw here in Downing Street within the cabinet. La, we just saw a here in Downing Street within the cabinet. La, wejust saw a picture a moment ago of liam fox, reading brexiteer, when he went into number ten earlier, do you get a sense that theresa may, although there have been a few changes and other people have remained in possession, that she is putting around her group of people who will shore up her position through this turbulent time . I think that is probably right, there are some key brexiteers in those key positions, liam fox as you mentioned remains the Secretary Of State for international development. Not had much to do just yet because the negotiations have not got properly and there are not any new trade deals to organise or finalise just yet. Boris johnson remains as Foreign Secretary and david deas as a Brexit Secretary, so key brexiteers. Damian green, A Well Known Remainer and he gets an even more senior Cabinet Position and his will obviously will be very important. I think there is a sense doing the rounds this morning amongst a number of pro remain mps who believe that the position of theresa may might need to change. That the position within the Single Market might need to be revised. The key brexiteers will have something to say about that but there is a sense that the brexit that theresa may had called for, the one that she said she wanted this election to be about, put up for question now given was surprising results, because some thought she was going to increase her majority. Ellie price, thank you for the moment, ellie price in Downing Street. Well, i have spoken toa number of Downing Street. Well, i have spoken to a number of former Northern Ireland secretarys to a number of former Northern Ireland Secretary S State to a number of former Northern Ireland secretarys state today to ask them for their opinions on the deal that has been worked out between the dup and theresa may and the conservatives and what impact that could have on the political talks in Northern Ireland. Shaun woodward was one of those, he was labours Northern Ireland secretary between 2007 and 2010 and he told me that theresa may was treading a dangerous line by forcing a deal with the dup. Since the time of john major, we got into position for the British Government, labour, conservative, have taken a view that they must be neutral in dealing with they must be neutral in dealing with the politics and politicians and the parties of Northern Ireland. That was how we put together the good friday agreement, it is how we have put forward the many devolution programmes achieving full devolution in 2010. Theresa may now, for her own survival, is now going to drive a coach and horses through the principle that neutrality. It is essential for both sides, unionists and nationalists, in Northern Ireland, to realise that the British Government is neutral. It is inconceivable that nationalists in Northern Ireland could possibly look ata Northern Ireland could possibly look at a conservative Minority Government propped up by the votes of the dup as being one about neutrality. And i have every respect for arlene foster, ive negotiated with her in the years that it was Secretary Of State for Northern Ireland, she is a very good politician. But she leads the dup and they have a very particular position. They have a position, for example, on gay marriage, it position on dealing with the troubles, a position clearly on the irish language. Right now we do not have an assembly up and running in Northern Ireland and what theresa may is doing for her own survival is risking that assembly getting up and running and that is morally reprehensible. Can you see a way through what is an incredibly tricky situation, if the dup deal goes ahead . Situation, if the dup deal goes ahead . What situation, if the dup deal goes ahead . What is the way to get back to the talks to try to restore the assembly, if sinn fein feels that they do not have a neutral broker in they do not have a neutral broker in the conservative government . The a nswer the conservative government . The answer is obvious, mrs may must back of trying to use the dup as a way to cling to the wreckage of the General Election that she brought about. She will not do that though, will she . That is why the Prime Minister must now decide whether she is the Prime Minister of the uk and all that that means or both she is putting the Conservative Party and even more her own leadership first and foremost . I had the privilege of working with a number of Prime Ministers, tony blair, gordon brown, i have worked Withjohn Major blair, gordon brown, i have worked with john major and david blair, gordon brown, i have worked Withjohn Major and david cameron. They would never have ever done such a thing. In which you would actually risk the stability of the political process of Northern Ireland and the Peace Process itself. By Brokering Politics in order to cling on to your office in ten Downing Street. That was Shaun Woodward for former Labour Secretary for Northern Ireland. Priti patel has gone into ten Downing Street, we wait to hear what has happened to her. We have heard that alun cairns has kept his role as Secretary Of State for wales, so another individual who is staying in the same position. Much more on that at five oclock and all of the other development of the day but now it is time for the weather with jay wynne. Hello, many of us had a decent sunday afternoon, not the case across the South East Of England and the channel islands, this was taken not so long ago by one of our weather watchers injersey. Along the south coast, some places were quite agree, they mist in hastings. Overall, a blustery evening, so mist abbas on the chart. We have the wettest weather here in Northern Ireland and Western Scotland. Some heavy and persistent rain for a time. That will turn showery in Northern Ireland later but it is remaining wet in the west of scotland. A scatter of showers for the western side of england and wales. The east should stay dry if breezy. Not a call back anywhere. By dawn, 12 or 13 degrees, rural spots will get lower than that but not cold anywhere. Enter the morning, it will be quite blustery across central and southern scotland. Gusts of wind is getting up to runs about 40 of wind is getting up to runs about a0 mph. Do bear that in mind of wind is getting up to runs about a0 mph. Do bearthat in mind if you have some travel plans. There will be frequent showers coming in on that crease. As we get down into northern england, some cloud in the morning, one or two Match Showers dusted around as you will find in Northern Ireland as well. For wales and southern england, fair bit of cloud but i suspect most places will start on a final. Variable amount of cloud, and a bit of a breeze. Quite a breezy day for all parts of the uk. Any showers across the southern half of england and wales will become few and far between into the afternoon. Good spells of sunshine. Some sunshine for Northern Ireland but in Western Scotland, outbreaks of rent. Dry in east of scotland, 18 degrees for aberdeen. 1920 degrees for the south eastern corner. Monday evening, still breezy, showers in the north west but more persistent rain has gathered to the west of ireland. That will be a key feature of things for tuesday as this weather system, mainly affecting the north and west of the uk, will bring more breeze and cloud, High Pressure then in charge and it could be played decently. For wales and central and southern parts of england, light winds, available months of cloud, it should feel pleasant. Furthermore, more cloud and public sovereign and a bit of a breeze. Tuesday afternoon in belfast, around about 18 degrees but temperatures could get up to 22, 20 three degrees in the south eastern corner. This is bbc news at 5. Im Annita Mcveigh at westminster, where theresa may is in the middle of reshuffling her cabinet. Liz truss is demoted from head of the Justice Ministry to Chief Secretary of the treasury, replaced by David Lidington. Damian green is moved from work and pensions to the Cabinet Office. This is the scene live in Downing Street, where further appointments are expected to be announced. Theres open speculation by senior conservatives over the Prime Ministers future, and warnings she needs to change her Leadership Style. Theresa may is a dead woman walking. Its just how long shes going to remain on death row. Whats your guess . I think we will know very shortly. I mean, we could get to next week and it all collapses for her. Downing street is forced to clarify its position over a deal with the dup

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