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hello, i'm anna foster in southern israel. you in southern israel. are here in israel with bbc news. you are here in israel with bbc news. the bombardment from israel in gaza continues, we can see on the horizon in the background, the gaza skyline and within the last few hours we have seen tank movements and continuing plumes of smoke heading up into the sky. it's been another intense night and day of bombardment as you can hear on the situation inside gaza is becoming increasingly desperate. the un agency unrwa which looks after palestinian refugees has said what communications have been cut in garzo since friday they are starting to return but they say the people who live there have stormed unrwa warehouses, they say they have been in there and taken what they need, things like food and water and basic hygiene kits so they say it is a sign of the desperation that is happening in gas at the moment is such a limited amount of humanitarian aid continues to make its way into the territory. around 80 trucks or so in the last week or so have passed which compares to 100 trucks a day which would happen in normal times. stay with us we will reflect on the humanitarian situation and the intensification of the israeli operation. let me show you these pictures that have been released by the israel defense forces. showing tanks and other armoured vehicles inside gaza. this is something we have been told started on friday evening in earnest and we know infantry troops and artillery are still inside gaza. the number of palestinian casualties continues to rise, hamas health officials say more than 8000 people have been killed since israel launched that offensive. israel has said it is responding to the attack by hamas and much 11100 people you remember were killed and more than 2000 people —— 200 people were taken hostage, the vast majority of those remaining inside gaza with only four of them being released in the last couple of weeks. israeli military says civilians in gaza should move south, they say humanitarian efforts will expand but of course this is enormously difficult for the civilian population. it has been reported in gas at that phone lines and internet connections are slowly returning to normal after being completely of service from friday. palestinian sources say israeli attacks cost us. let's talk about the un agency in gaza. unrwa, looks after refugees and says thousands of people have broken into several of its warehouses and distribution centres in the south and says they took white flour and other basic survival items that were being stored there, things like hygiene supplies. the agency has said in their words it is a worrying sign that civil order is starting to break down. and it concluded many people in gaza are scared, frustrated and desperate. let me show you some live pictures right now, this is the scene inside gaza at the moment. an image of devastation. you can see in the pictures and you can see when we look across the border as well, many damaged buildings that have been struck by artillery under bombardment from israel in the last three weeks. we will bring you up—to—date with all the latest developments across the next hour. let's start with the latest from our correspondent in the middle east. this is the second phase of the wahoo are clear. the destruction of the military with the war raging on, the death toll is rising. health officials in gaza now say more than 8,000 people have been killed. but palestinian rocket fire hasn't stopped. and as it strikes by air, israel says it is also widening its ground offensive. translation: the war - inside the gaza strip will be difficult and long, and we are prepared for it. this is the second phase of the war whose goals are clear — the destruction of the military and governmental capabilities of hamas and the return of the hostages home. although a telecommunications blackout now appears to be easing, it has been hard to get news from inside gaza. but there have been more international calls to stop the fighting and protect the civilians who are suffering. i am raising alarm about the possibly catastrophic consequences of large—scale ground operations in gaza and the potential for thousands more civilians to die. continued violence is not the answer. away from gaza, young palestinians in ramallah in the west bank were holding a visual, while nearby, officials met the president, a political rival of hamas. translation: i call on the brothers, the leaders of the arab states - to hold an emergency summit to stop this brutal aggression— against our palestinian people and our cause, | ito face the regional and globall challenges and to do everything possible to enable our people to stay in their land. - these pictures were released by the israeli military as it sends more troops and tanks into gaza. but its invasion has been more limited than some had expected. israel is pledging to eradicate hamas after its attacks this month led to the country's deadliest ever day, killing more than 1,400 people. with hugs and reassurances, the prime minister is trying to allay the fears of israelis whose relatives are being held hostage in gaza. there is more talk of a possible swap for palestinians jailed in israel. take them, we don't need them here, yeah. i want my family and all the hostages back home. already, this three—week—old war has been the most intense and deadliest in the decades—old israel—palestinian conflict. both sides are bracing themselves for more tough days that are yet to come. it is just after 11 o'clock in the morning and it is around this time every day we get an update from the israel defense forces. let's hear from the spokesperson. translation: n0 live english trnslation. translation: continues to act against us and we eliminate all those who attack us. anyone who breaches our security defence will be eliminated. we continue to assess the situation in order to enable a routine to continue. as near to all instructions and directors of the home front command and we will update you about anything that should possibly happen and you can see it on the up. please be aware and not everything that is happening because it is life—saving. we have notified 311 family members of the fatalities of the israeli defence forces, the families have been... we will continue updating them the whole time and we are exerting a supreme effort in order to bring them home. and we will continue doing so. this morning, there is a new era of the draft, look out, spotter soldiers and we saw what an important role they play. they are deployed in the defence of the country all offer on all our borders. including drafting a soldiers now but we will ensure they will all be prepared. any questions? the prime minister wrote that he was not giving _ the prime minister wrote that he was not giving any — the prime minister wrote that he was not giving any warning _ the prime minister wrote that he was not giving any warning whatsoever, . not giving any warning whatsoever, including _ not giving any warning whatsoever, including not— not giving any warning whatsoever, including not from _ not giving any warning whatsoever, including not from the _ not giving any warning whatsoever, including not from the head - not giving any warning whatsoever, including not from the head of- not giving any warning whatsoever, including not from the head of the i including not from the head of the intel including not from the head of the intei about— including not from the head of the intei about a — including not from the head of the intel about a possible _ including not from the head of the intel about a possible attack. - including not from the head of the intel about a possible attack. he i including not from the head of thel intel about a possible attack. he is not trying — intel about a possible attack. he is not trying to — intel about a possible attack. he is not trying to shirk _ intel about a possible attack. he is not trying to shirk responsibility. not trying to shirk responsibility and blame _ not trying to shirk responsibility and blame others. _ not trying to shirk responsibility and blame others. we - not trying to shirk responsibility and blame others. we want- not trying to shirk responsibility and blame others. we want to i not trying to shirk responsibility- and blame others. we want to know if there _ and blame others. we want to know if there was_ and blame others. we want to know if there was such — and blame others. we want to know if there was such a _ and blame others. we want to know if there was such a specific _ and blame others. we want to know if there was such a specific warning? - there was such a specific warning? translation: _ translation: i will not answer that question. we are now concentrating on the water, we are at a time of war. he is saying in the most clearcut ntanner— he is saying in the most clearcut manner that _ he is saying in the most clearcut manner that you _ he is saying in the most clearcut manner that you are _ he is saying in the most clearcut manner that you are all - he is saying in the most clearcut manner that you are all to - he is saying in the most clearcut. manner that you are all to blame. the idf. _ manner that you are all to blame. the de and _ manner that you are all to blame. the de and in— manner that you are all to blame. the idf, and in the— manner that you are all to blame. the idf, and in the general- manner that you are all to blame. . the idf, and in the general security services, _ the idf, and in the general security services, the — the idf, and in the general security services, the 655. _ the idf, and in the general security services, the 655. we _ the idf, and in the general security services, the 655. we will- the idf, and in the general security services, the 655. we will present. services, the 655. we will present everything — services, the 655. we will present everything to _ services, the 655. we will present everything to the _ services, the 655. we will present everything to the public. - everything to the public. translation: - translation: and we work based on public trust but that will be afterwards. now we are concentrating on the war and thatis are concentrating on the war and that is what we will continue to do. that was the spokesperson for the israeli defence forces. you might remember on friday evening communications, phone lines and internet workout for people in gaza, notjust internet workout for people in gaza, not just civilians internet workout for people in gaza, notjust civilians but humanitarian workers as well causing huge problems for people who were trying to get in touch with friends and loved ones but also stopping ambulances and civil defence services from reaching the injured. we have heard just in the last few hours communications are starting to return. 0ur correspondent in gaza who is now with his family managed on saturday to send this munication. you know, communication is very, very difficult in gaza since 2a hours, as israel cut all of the communication. mobile carriers, the two main mobile carriers are not functioning. the internet lines are not functioning everywhere. and getting information is really hard and difficult. very few people who are still having international sim cards, and they can do roaming using israeli mobile services, people who are close to the border, they still can communicate. and, between time to time, they post on social media. also, some of the local radio stations are still functioning. and they were able to talk to their correspondent in the north, who described what happened last night as the biggest ever air strike that targeted this area. he said that it was like an earthquake. we understand that the indonesia hospital was struck with an air strike yesterday. the hospital was out of service for quite a long time. like a week ago the hospital was out of service because of no fuel and it was evacuated. but today the main building of the hospital was destroyed. also around shifa hospital in gaza city, there was a lot of air strikes, 10—15 air strikes, according to people around shifa hospital. they are cutting most of the roads towards that hospital. communication, as i said, is extremely difficult. we are unable to verify a lot of reports about the number of people dead or injured. but, as far as the health ministry was doing a press conference this afternoon, they said about 400 people were killed overnight. but they said hundreds of others are missing under the collapsed building in the north. that was our correspondent in garzo who has moved from gaza city. that report was from saturday evening. he has been in touch with us in the last few hours and i will read you his message word for word, he says the returns of communications was a relief to some here but it was also a shock to others. my friend called me crying profusely, i wish they had kept the connection cop, ijust learned my mother—in—law and most of the family of my wife were killed in an israeli raid yesterday and others are under the rubble. as the internet service is restored most people are holding the phone is close to their faces and trying to call relatives and friends. the network is overwhelmed by the growing number of calls. the hospital here has become the hub for almost everything including those who are trying to charge their phones. that is the very latest from our correspondent inside gaza. the israeli government has also been talking again about the hostages, the israeli hostages being held inside gaza. still more than 220 of them and as you can see and hear this continuing bombardment is causing concerns for the families, friends of those hostages who are being held inside this territory with the sound and the sight of constant bombardment going on. yesterday, some of the families held a protest in tel aviv saying they wanted to meet the prime minister benjamin netanyahu and the defence minister. some of them that made benjamin netanyahu yesterday and before that meeting our correspondent spoke to some of them about their concerns particularly at this intensification of an apartment in tel aviv. there are those in israel watching the bombing of a people and seeing only one single face — their child, parent, spouse, sibling. in tel aviv, they've laid a place for each of them at a shabbat table. more than 200 hostages, held by hamas in gaza. theirfamilies today demanded to speak to israel's prime minister about his escalation of the war. jonathan was one of the hostages taken from the nova festival site. what would you say to prime minister netanyahu, if he comes here today? you've asked him to come here. what happens? we want him to come here, to look into my eyes and tell me, "you should trust me." to tell me, "listen, the kidnap is in first priority." after that, he will get all the support of all the country to kill all the hamas. but now, first of all, our kidnapped. meeting representatives of the families tonight, mr netanyahu suggested the heavy bombing could help bring the hostages home. the families said they would consider releasing all israel's palestinian prisoners as a price worth paying to get their relatives back. 2a hours ago, hope was beginning to sprout here. four hostages have been released, negotiations were ongoing and there was talk of a deal to release many more. now, 2a hours later, the mood here is different. a member of the kibbutz, one of the founders... one of the freed hostages told leo perry that she had seen his father, heim, alive and well in gaza. the first news of him, since he was taken captive from kibbutz nahal 0z. now, it puts me in a very delicate spot, because now i have something to lose. and that's the worst thing, because i know that hamas didn't kill my father yet, 0k? and i know that now the ball is in israel's court now. sirens. as benjamin netanyahu met families this evening, sirens cleared the memorial site. more rockets, sent from gaza, intercepted in the skies above tel aviv. israel says destroying hamas is about protecting its people. "protecting which people? " families here ask. bring their relatives home, they say. everything else can wait. lucy williamson, bbc news, tel aviv. let's head back into gaza and we can show you some humanitarian aid beginning to arrive. a un truck in the south, bringing much—needed aid, as we were telling you in the last hour or so, we were telling you that unrwa the refugee agency that looks after people, individuals have been breaking into warehouse and had been taking the basic needs for human life, and the israeli defence forces yesterday said in one of their briefings that they will be an increase in humanitarian aid getting through but the amount is small. in the last week or so there have been at tracks that have come through the crossing between egypt and gaza and thatis crossing between egypt and gaza and that is compared to 100 or so per day in normal times when consider the cis khan yunis in the sly pictures, the cities that some people, so many people who normally live in the north have been told to move to buy the israel defense forces and you can see many of the temporary settlements that people have created to try and give themselves some sort of shelter and roof over their head is notjust the bombardment continues but the inability for many of the civilian population to get the help the assistance that they need. let's talk a little more that and we can speak to a media and communications officer with the norwegian refugee council, the middle east operation. arcnet, thank you forjoining us. first of all, we hear that communications are starting to be restored. have you been able to re—establish contact with your teams? re-establish contact with your teams? . ~ re-establish contact with your teams? ., ,, , ., ., re-establish contact with your teams? ., ,, ., ., teams? thank you for having me here and es, teams? thank you for having me here and yes. we — teams? thank you for having me here and yes. we have _ teams? thank you for having me here and yes, we have managed _ teams? thank you for having me here and yes, we have managed to - teams? thank you for having me here and yes, we have managed to get - teams? thank you for having me here j and yes, we have managed to get one of our colleagues on the lines, 58 seconds in which he told us the threats we wanted to hear, i am alive. the rest of his message was about not being able to tell which house was bombed, at which time in which street, my colleague told me that there were streets being bombed outside and no one was getting any information on that. just this morning, with communication gradually returning, people were allowed to come to the scale of what happened over the last 36 hours and there are people who just discovered that relatives or neighbours or friends or family are stuck under the rubble, you know, unable to call emergencies. what is happening is going from bad to worse all the time around the clock and the level of support that is arriving are simply not enough. this support that is arriving are simply not enough-— support that is arriving are simply not enou:h. a ., ,, .,~ not enough. as we are speaking we can see the — not enough. as we are speaking we can see the continuing _ not enough. as we are speaking we can see the continuing pictures - not enough. as we are speaking we can see the continuing pictures of. can see the continuing pictures of what looks like quite a small amount of aid being delivered on a un bounded truck and we see pictures of the aid arriving earlier but give us some context about how much is normally there and how that aid supply has become? it’s normally there and how that aid supply has become?— normally there and how that aid supply has become? it's almost run down to nothing. _ supply has become? it's almost run down to nothing. we _ supply has become? it's almost run down to nothing. we supported - supply has become? it's almost run i down to nothing. we supported around 1000 households with small cash assistance because we could not provide it ourselves, we have not had the stock so what we have done is give people some cash so they can go to the supermarket and get what they can and they told us they could barely get their hands on bread. you have to wait five hours until bart, you have to go seeking friends who can lend you a litre of petrol siphoned out of a cast, that you can use to pump water into your tank and give your children some water to drink. this is what life in gaza is, the eight coming through norfolk near enough and will not be enough to feed or satisfy the needs on the ground. what we need is of trucks per day, these people must ration everything, food and water, or even sleep. people take turns to go to go to the bathroom, to sleep, to get hold of bread and now it's a matter of prioritising who is more hungry in the family. and who needs the loaf of bread or desperately. just finall as loaf of bread or desperately. just finally as we _ loaf of bread or desperately. just finally as we continue to see these live pictures of the scene in khan yunis, this message from unrwa this morning saying civil society in gaza are starting to break down as people become increasingly desperate. what are you hearing about that from your people on the ground? we are you hearing about that from your people on the ground?— are you hearing about that from your people on the ground? we are hearing the same thing- _ people on the ground? we are hearing the same thing. our— people on the ground? we are hearing the same thing. our teams _ people on the ground? we are hearing the same thing. our teams on - people on the ground? we are hearing the same thing. our teams on the - the same thing. 0ur teams on the ground over the place, some people have made their way from north to south went back to north, found out it is trying to run away from death, you know, it wasn't much better here or there are so again they have returned from north to south. civil society on the ground cannot do much within the restrictions that we have, we need a ceasefire and the opening of crossings and more frequent a trucks coming in and providing aid in safe environments for the people there. we need a ceasefire now.— for the people there. we need a ceasefire now. ., ,, , ., ., ., ceasefire now. thank you for “oining us. communications * ceasefire now. thank you for “oining us. communications and _ ceasefire now. thank you forjoining us. communications and media - ceasefire now. thank you forjoining i us. communications and media adviser with the norwegian refugee council. the middle east operation. talking about many of the humanitarian concerns we are seeing in gaza as we concerns we are seeing in gaza as we see concerns we are seeing in gaza as we see those pictures of the limited amount of aid arriving, it seems this morning through the crossing from egypt but many of the humanitarian organisations saying they are seriously concerned about they are seriously concerned about the civilian population on the ground as the continuing bombardment from a small continues, and here we are in southern israel, so close to gaza, hearing the consistent sound of mortars, explosions, artillery fire as continues to step up and intensified their bombardment. we will keep you up—to—date. stay with us. hello. we are heading for a change of month but not whether. it will stay particularly unsettled as we go through the week ahead. for now we have low pressure dominating the story, it will not start to weaken until tomorrow but for now it is bringing some rain and some of it has been heavy overnight. we see a band of persistent rain drifting steadily north from eastern england towards the scottish border so here is for we are likely to see persistent rain lingering, east or north easterly flow driving in a showery rain across eastern scotland accompanied by gales, gusts in excess of 50 miles an hour at times. northern ireland, wales, south—west england, some shops you driven in by the south—westerly wind, some showers in the south—east, sandwiched in between the two awesome brighter and drier internets. blustery afternoon for all of us, especially exposed coasts, temperature similar values in recent days, ranging from 10—15. colour in the north but here it will stay largely dry. as we go through the evening our weather front will sink south back into north—east england, weakening as it does so. we will help scattered showers and some cloud around and overnight lows of 7-11 but cloud around and overnight lows of 7—11 but with no pressure weakening and the wind falling lighter monday and the wind falling lighter monday and tuesday will be a slightly quieter day, fewer shower surround. a case of sunshine and showers and a feed of nuisance rain across eastern scotland slowly easing with top temperatures between eight and 16 degrees. similarstory temperatures between eight and 16 degrees. similar story into tuesday, the vent remaining light and we will have a case of sunny spells and scattered showers but i want to focus on the end of the forecast from wednesday into thursday because by the end of tuesday another weather front nurse north and east bringing rain for a time before another system on thursday and mersin. the ice scooting together and look could have quite a stormy speu and look could have quite a stormy spell during thursday so you will need to keep watching the forecast for the start of november. more rain to come, the potentialfor stormy conditions on thursday. live from southern israel, this is bbc news. the un warns civil order may be breaking down in gaza — as thousands of residents storm warehouses for food and other basic items. it follows weeks of bombing by israel who have said their walk with hamas is entering a new stage. —— war. prime minister netanyahu says his priorities are to destroy hamas and bring the hostages home. civilians in gaza have again been told to head south, where the israeli military says humanitarian efforts will be expanding. i'm lukwesa burak in london. our other main story... matthew perry — one of the stars of the hit tv show friends — is found dead at his home in los angeles. i'm anna foster, live from southern israel. this is bbc news. the un's agency, unrwa, says it is worried that civil order is starting to break down, following three weeks of war. it comes afterjust 80 trucks carrying aid reached the territory in the last week — and that has caused several warehouses in gaza to be broken into with food, first aid kits being taken. it comes as israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu said his country has entered the "second stage" of what he says will be a "long and difficult" war with hamas. he said ground forces are now deployed "all over the gaza strip." he urged residents to flee south to avoid the fighting. the war will be long and we are prepared for it. this is the second phase. we will be targeting the capabilities of hamas. at every stage until now and for now on, we will exhaust every possibility to return our abducted brothers and sisters to their families. after the war, all of us, we will all have to answer difficult questions. that includes me. here in southern israel, this is the scene, this is the northern part of the gaza strip behind us. ., , behind us. you can see the skyline. you can hear— behind us. you can see the skyline. you can hear the _ behind us. you can see the skyline. you can hear the sounds _ behind us. you can see the skyline. you can hear the sounds of- behind us. you can see the skyline. you can hear the sounds of artillery fire and mortar. we can see tanks moving towards gaza this morning. all of this has happened as part of the communication blackout over the weekend where israel intensified its military operations. there was no communication at all the people inside gaza. it was mostly cut off from the outside world, making it difficult to get a picture of what was happening on the ground. phone and internet connections are now being restored but the hamas—run health ministry in gaza says the death toll has now risen to more than 8,000. israel's defence force has said more aid will be allowed into gaza today but the un has warned of a humanitarian crisis. hamas, which is regarded as a terrorist organisation by many governments including the uk, has offered to release all hostages being held in gaza in return for the release of its prisoners in israeli jails. yesterday, the israeli prime minister met the families of hostages — many of them are campaigning for a pause in hostilities. after that meeting, some of the family is being held talked about how they were feeling. brute family is being held talked about how they were feeling.— family is being held talked about how they were feeling. we are very worried about _ how they were feeling. we are very worried about our _ how they were feeling. we are very worried about our dearest, - how they were feeling. we are very worried about our dearest, that - how they were feeling. we are very l worried about our dearest, that they are there _ worried about our dearest, that they are there and we don't know if the whole _ are there and we don't know if the whole military operation takes all these _ whole military operation takes all these hostages under consideration, but nobody —— that nobody will be injured _ but nobody —— that nobody will be injured. and of course we say we want _ injured. and of course we say we want all— injured. and of course we say we want all the _ injured. and of course we say we want all the hostages back home. all the hostages. it will be all the hostages. any negotiation will be with _ we want to be clear that all the hostages — we want to be clear that all the hostages will come back home and we want to— hostages will come back home and we want to know what will be done and that we _ want to know what will be done and that we want all back and we don't care what— that we want all back and we don't care what they will give for that. so, care what they will give for that. so. that's— care what they will give for that. so, that's what we were very clear. prime _ so, that's what we were very clear. prime minister was listening. he was listening _ prime minister was listening. he was listening to _ prime minister was listening. he was listening to everything and they said that — listening to everything and they said that he will do everything for that _ said that he will do everything for that. . �* , said that he will do everything for that. ., �* , ., , ., said that he will do everything for that. ., �*, ., , ., ,., said that he will do everything for that. ., �*, ., , ., ., that. that's the families of some of those hostages _ that. that's the families of some of those hostages being _ that. that's the families of some of those hostages being held, - that. that's the families of some of. those hostages being held, speaking in tel aviv yesterday. they held that protest yesterday and they want the world to think about the hostages, seeing their faces, knowing their names while they are held inside garden. we've been talking to a palestinian refugee agency saying about some people breaking into their warehouse is looking for humanitarian aid. we can see pictures of this yesterday. these are photos taken from the southern gaza strip. we are told they smashed some of the doors to get there. and you can see them carrying out some of the aid, flour, hygiene and sanitation kits. when you see pictures like that, the united nations as a whole is warning of a humanitarian crisis in gaza. 4.2 million people at risk there, food, water and fuel is continuing to run out and is not being replaced at the rate that really needs to happen. this is from the palestinian red crescent, who have said they've received specific warnings to evacuate one of the hospitals in the gaza strip and they say since this morning, there have been raids 50 metres away from the hospital. we can see that statement being released on facebook from the palestinian red crescent. pro—palestinian rallies have been held around the world. israel says it is recalling some of its diplomatic envoys to turkey, after president recep tayyip erdogan accused israel of "war crimes", during a huge pro—palestinian rally in istanbul. president erdogan said hamas was not a terrorist organisation, a claim which this week drew angry condemnation from israel. hamas has been proscribed as a terror group by the uk, us and other western governments. in response, israel said it would conduct a �*re—evaluation' of relations between the two countries. there have also been pro—palestinian protests around the world. i should remind you as we are talking you can see and hear the picture here. it's a foggy morning and a lot of what you see is on the skyline there is smoke. we've seen continuing air strikes and artillery and mortar fire this morning. as i step out of the picture, you can see white smoke rising on the horizon and when we look at these pictures that we are seeing so often, these live pictures coming from inside gaza, you can see the continuation of that bombardment. we can show you some live pictures from inside gaza where you can start to see the destruction. many of the buildings, particularly in the northern part of the strip have been hit over the last few days. you can see particularly on the skyline there, this haze, this smoke from the continuing mortar and artillery fire which you can hear in the background, as well. we are very close to an israeli artillery firing points and when you can hear those shells being fired, it shakes the ground here where you can see we are very, very close to what is going on. in the uk — around 3,000 pro—palestinian demonstrators gathered in london and across the country for rallies urging an end to israel's attacks in gaza. laura tra nt reports. (vt) laura tra nt reports. more than 1000 metropolitan police officers were deployed across the capital as people protested the attacks on gaza. three weeks after hamas launched an attack on israel, killing 1700 people and taking 220 hostages. in the crowds, there was chanting. pro—palestine supporter says a call for action. pro—palestine supporter says a call foraction. no pro—palestine supporter says a call for action. no action was taken by police over the chanting. in belfast, protesters gathered at city hall waving signs. protesters gathered in glasgow to ask for an end to attacks on gaza. brute gathered in glasgow to ask for an end to attacks on gaza.— end to attacks on gaza. we see --eole end to attacks on gaza. we see peeple taking _ end to attacks on gaza. we see peeple taking to _ end to attacks on gaza. we see people taking to the _ end to attacks on gaza. we see people taking to the streets - end to attacks on gaza. we see i people taking to the streets every week. we see people telling the government there should be immediate ceasefire. . , government there should be immediate ceasefire. ., , ., ., ceasefire. there was a show of pro-palestinian _ ceasefire. there was a show of pro-palestinian support - ceasefire. there was a show of pro-palestinian support in - ceasefire. there was a show of. pro-palestinian support in cardiff. pro—palestinian support in cardiff. and crowds congregated outside the main library in st peter's square in manchester. this weekend's demonstrations have been taking place around the world, calling for the fighting to stop and lives saving supplies of aid to reach those who so desperately need it. we've been getting reaction from hearing israel from gaza but also from around the world is well on israel's intensification and the start of its ground operation in gaza for the last 48—hour is. start of its ground operation in gaza for the last a8—hours. carmielarbit, is a non resident senior fellow for middle east programmes at the atlantic council. she gave her analysis of israel's actions in the past few days. yesterday, israel began its ground operation — yesterday, israel began its ground operation to destroy the capabilities of hamas and to bring hostages — capabilities of hamas and to bring hostages home but at the same time israei— hostages home but at the same time israet is _ hostages home but at the same time israel is under immense pressure from _ israel is under immense pressure from the — israel is under immense pressure from the international community, including _ from the international community, including the united states, to ensure — including the united states, to ensure its taking meaningful precautions and to protect civilian iives _ precautions and to protect civilian lives we — precautions and to protect civilian lives. we have seen casualties that are already— lives. we have seen casualties that are already staggering and a war that is— are already staggering and a war that is really in its early stages, at this— that is really in its early stages, at this point. i would expect the israeii _ at this point. i would expect the israeli military operation to continue _ israeli military operation to continue for weeks, if not months and we _ continue for weeks, if not months and we witt— continue for weeks, if not months and we will continue to see different developments as israel tries to — different developments as israel tries to look at its strategic points— tries to look at its strategic points on— tries to look at its strategic points on the ground and its response _ points on the ground and its response to international pressure. israet— response to international pressure. israet has _ response to international pressure. israet has a — response to international pressure. israel has a good history of recovering hostages but it often does _ recovering hostages but it often does through negotiations rather than recover and rescue do so it is iikeiy— than recover and rescue do so it is likely this — than recover and rescue do so it is likely this will come through negotiations with hamas. there are many— negotiations with hamas. there are many theories that israel had to use the ground — many theories that israel had to use the ground operations to let things play out _ the ground operations to let things play out but have not been successful and only a small number of bimbo _ successful and only a small number of bimbo released. but every time there's— of bimbo released. but every time there's an — of bimbo released. but every time there's an air strike in gaza, an israeii — there's an air strike in gaza, an israeli ground operation, any activity— israeli ground operation, any activity that israel does now to try to take _ activity that israel does now to try to take out — activity that israel does now to try to take out tunnels where the majority — to take out tunnels where the majority of the hostages are being held, _ majority of the hostages are being held. it _ majority of the hostages are being held, it will be seen as jeopardising the lives of those hostages. thousands of gazans break into warehouses for food. residents broke into warehouses and distribution centres we are still checking what is happening but the bottom line is that people are desperate, they are hungry. _ that people are desperate, they are hungry, they have not received any food for _ hungry, they have not received any food for the — hungry, they have not received any food for the last couple of days. we lost touch _ food for the last couple of days. we lost touch with our staff, and i think— lost touch with our staff, and i think the — lost touch with our staff, and i think the operation has come to a halt, _ think the operation has come to a halt, with — think the operation has come to a halt, with food and sub——— water supplies — halt, with food and sub——— water supplies. people are still struggling. we are still gathering facts on — struggling. we are still gathering facts on the ground as to what exactly — facts on the ground as to what exactly has happened. some food and some supplies that have been there for the _ some supplies that have been there for the last— some supplies that have been there for the last few days and we are checking — for the last few days and we are checking the supplies from various organisations but people are hungry, they are _ organisations but people are hungry, they are desperate. gaza is struggling with a lack of basic supplies, a shortage of food and water _ supplies, a shortage of food and water it's— supplies, a shortage of food and water. it's a very desperate situation. — water. it's a very desperate situation-— water. it's a very desperate situation. ., �*, ., ., , situation. that's all from us in southern _ situation. that's all from us in southern israel. _ situation. that's all from us in southern israel. we _ situation. that's all from us in southern israel. we will- situation. that's all from us in southern israel. we will keep| situation. that's all from us in i southern israel. we will keep you right up to date with this developing story but let's had back to the studio for some of today's other news. we'll have more on the conflict in gaza in a few minutes — but now let's take a look at some of the other stories in the news this hour. the actor matthew perry — best known for playing chandler bing in the hit 90s tv sitcom friends — has died at the age of 5a. the actor was found dead at his home in los angeles — first reports suggest he was found unresponsive in a hot tub at his house. warner brothers — the company which made friends — said he was an incredibly gifted actor, with comic genius which would live on. louisa pilbeam looks back at his life. as chandler in 90s sitcom friends, matthew perry was catapulted to worldwide fame along with his co—stars. it became one of the most watched tv shows of all time, running for ten seasons, and chandler bing was known for his sarcastic humor. backin back in high school i was standing in the cafeteria... naked. i looked down and i realise there's a phone... there. but in the early hours of today, us media reported that the actor was found dead in his hot tub. the los angeles police department confirmed to the bbc that a man in his fifties was unresponsive in a water emergency at the actor's home. warner brothers tv, which produced friends, said they are devastated by the actor's passing, saying he was a true gift to us all and that their heart goes out to his family, loved ones and all of his fans. ijust came up to say hi. hi! his co—star maggie wheeler, who played chandler's girlfriend, janice in friends, said perry broughtjoy to so many in his too—short lifetime... i can't stand the women. despite his success, perry was, by his own admission, a tormented man writing in his autobiography about battling drink and drug addictions throughout his decade. addictions throughout his decade filming friends. the cast of friends. when perry reunited with his co—stars for friends the reunion two years ago, he spoke about his troubles. i felt like i was going to die if they didn't laugh, and it's not healthy for sure. but i would sometimes say a line and they wouldn't laugh and i would sweat and and just like, go into convulsions. if i didn't get the laugh i was supposed to get, i was supposed to get... it would take you down. you didn't tell us that! no, i don't remember you ever saying that. oh, yeah, ifelt like that every single night. we got some time. should we get some coffee? sure. perry went on to star in a string of successful hollywood films, but it is friends that brought him international fame and chandler but it is friends that brought him international fame and chandler bing, who made so many people laugh around the world. 0n hollywood boulevard, a few hours after his passing, fans of the tv series "friends", remembered matthew perry and his iconic character, chandler. he wasn't glamorous. he was just your averagejoe and i think that was relatable for a lot of people. as a character, that, you know, you could feel the things he was feeling and then he turned it into comedy and then he turned it into comedy and made you laugh.— and then he turned it into comedy and made you laugh. chandler was so real for me- — and made you laugh. chandler was so real for me. he _ and made you laugh. chandler was so real for me. he had _ and made you laugh. chandler was so realfor me. he had more _ realfor me. he had more insecurities _ realfor me. he had more insecurities than - realfor me. he had more insecurities than the i realfor me. he had more i insecurities than the others and there _ insecurities than the others and there was— insecurities than the others and there was an _ insecurities than the others and there was an honesty _ insecurities than the others and there was an honesty to - insecurities than the others and there was an honesty to that i insecurities than the others and there was an honesty to that in| there was an honesty to that in terms — there was an honesty to that in terms of— there was an honesty to that in terms of being _ there was an honesty to that in terms of being unlucky- there was an honesty to that in terms of being unlucky in- there was an honesty to that in terms of being unlucky in love i there was an honesty to that in i terms of being unlucky in love and using _ terms of being unlucky in love and using sarcasm _ terms of being unlucky in love and using sarcasm to _ terms of being unlucky in love and using sarcasm to process- terms of being unlucky in love and using sarcasm to process trauma, | using sarcasm to process trauma, pain and _ using sarcasm to process trauma, pain and a _ using sarcasm to process trauma, pain and a difficult _ using sarcasm to process trauma, pain and a difficult childhood. i using sarcasm to process trauma, pain and a difficult childhood. hel pain and a difficult childhood. he made pain and a difficult childhood. made millions of people laugh pain and a difficult childhood.- made millions of people laugh and all over the world and i think it's one of those things that are lesser known impact that he had is that he taught a lot of people english. i always hear stories of people watching friends all over the world and that's how they learned english and ifeel that's and that's how they learned english and i feel that's an unappreciated part of his legacy. caroline feraday is an entertainmentjournalist based in los angeles — she gave us her thoughts on the news that matthew perry had died. if you think back to the 90s, it was the sitcom of the 90s and it had an audience of over 5a million people in america. just that episode, if you think how it's never off our tvs ever since. all of the stars have become quite timeless because we still think of them as the age they were when they were in friends because they are on tv so often. he was an a — lister that everyone light. no one seems to have a bad word to say about him, when they encountered him, worked with him, had to interview him. he said in a previous interview that he wanted his legacy to be if somebody bumped into him then they would say, he's a nice guy, and that seems to be what his legacy is, people saying he's a nice guy. yes, he had his demons. he spoke openly about them and wrote about them in his autobiography. it was almost like therapy for him when he released his autobiography when he released his autobiography when he talked in depth about his demons, the pain he gone through, he talked about the millions he spent on going to rehab and trying to get through that and i think what is clear from all of the tributes to him is that not only the shock that he has died so young but how much he was loved. that was caroline faraday, there. survivors and the families of people who died in a crush at halloween festivities in south korea last year have been holding a commemoration, exactly one year after the incident. one hundred and fifty nine people died in the itaewon district of the capital seoul when they became trapped in a narrow alley. live now to our seoul correspondentjean mackenzie. how are they marking this one—year anniversary? brute how are they marking this one-year anniversary?— anniversary? we are outside city hall in the _ anniversary? we are outside city hall in the centre _ anniversary? we are outside city hall in the centre of— anniversary? we are outside city hall in the centre of soul - anniversary? we are outside city hall in the centre of soul behind | anniversary? we are outside city i hall in the centre of soul behind me is this memorial service and there are thousands who have turned out here. many have walked from the alleyway where there was a prayer service up here to city hall. there is a memorial set up by the families of the bereaved and you can see photos of them there. people have been queueing thereon after room to leave white flowers there. there's also tension here because people are angry that a year on, no one has been held criminally responsible for what happened that night. that's despite an investigation and that the disaster was known to be preventable and that the authorities had not planned for the crowds and notably this evening, the president of south korea has chosen not to attend this this memorial event because he believes it's become politicised. they are looking for apologies and accountability in order to be able to heal and move forward and they are now pushing for a new independent investigation to take place. halloween is a very strong us tradition. has what took place last year change the mood of festivities this year? absolutely. there is such a stark difference this weekend to last weekend. this is normally a huge weekend of the celebration so last night, saturday night, that was a celebration of those events and yes, people went out. it felt like a saturday that people didn't go out necessarily to celebrate halloween. the bars and clubs were not holding halloween— themed events. the other contrast was how prepared the authorities were. they were huge numbers of police out, on subways, out in the streets, to control the crowds. a marked difference to what we saw last year. the emergency services were out as well. and despite this lack of accountability, they've learned lessons from what happened last year when it comes to their prevention and their planning and their response to these big crowd events. south africa have beaten new zealand in the rugby world cup final in paris, to win a record fourth title. the defending champions, south africa, won twelve points to eleven. new zealand played much of the game one man down after captain sam cane was sent off for a head—on—head tackle in the first half. he received the first ever red card in a world cup final. fans gathered at fan zones around south africa to celebrate the win. you are watching bbc news. we will be back shortly, live from southern israel. we can give you the latest on the conflict. stay with us here on the conflict. stay with us here on bbc news. hello. we are heading for a change of month this week but not weather pattern. it will stay particularly unsettled as we go through the week ahead. for now we have low pressure still dominating the story, it will start to weaken into tomorrow but for now it is bringing some rain and some of it has been heavy overnight. we see a band of persistent rain drifting steadily north from eastern england towards the scottish border so here is for we are likely to see persistent rain lingering, that east or north easterly flow driving in a showery rain across eastern scotland accompanied by gales, gusts in excess of 50 miles an hour at times. northern ireland, wales, south—west england, some shops south—west england, some sharp showers driven in by the south—westerly wind, some showers in the south—east, sandwiched in between the two awesome brighter and drier internets. blustery afternoon for all of us, especially exposed coasts, temperature similar values in recent days, ranging from 10—15. cooler in the northern isles but here it will largely stay dry. as we go through the evening our weather front will sink south back into north—east england, weakening as it does so we will help scattered showers and some cloud around and overnight lows of 7—11 but with no pressure weakening and the wind falling lighter monday and tuesday will be a slightly quieter day, fewer showers around. a case of sunshine and showers and a feed of nuisance rain across eastern scotland slowly easing with top temperatures between eight and 16 degrees. i want to focus on the end of the forecast from wednesday into thursday because by the end of tuesday another weather front moves north and east bringing rain for a time before another system on thursday. the isobars squeezing together and some stormy spells. so you will need to keep watching the forecast for the start of november. more rain to come, the potential for stormy conditions on thursday. live from southern israel, this is bbc news. the un warns civil order may be breaking down in gaza as thousands of residents storm warehouses for food and other basic items. it follows weeks of bombing by israel, which says its war against hamas has entered a new stage. prime minister netanyahu spells out his priorities — destroy hamas and bring the hostages home. civilians have again been told to head south — where the israeli military says humanitarian efforts will be expanding. i'm lukwesa burak in london. our other main story... matthew perry, one of the stars of the hit tv show friends, is found dead at his home in los angeles.

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Benjamin Netanyahu , Southern Israel , Hamas , War , Stage , Ground Operation , Air Bombardment , Inside Gaza , South , Hostages , Home , Efforts , Civilians , Israeli Military , Priorities , Matthew Perry , One , Food , Order , Story , Residents , Stars , Items , Fun , In London , Thousands , Storm Warehouses , Lukwesa Burak , Friends , Los Angeles , Hit , Bbc News , Anna Foster In Southern Israel , Bombardment , Smoke , Background , Horizon , Plumes , Tank Movements , Gaza Skyline , Un Agency Unrwa , Situation , Sky , Night And Day , People , Communications , Cut , Refugees , Unrwa Warehouses , Garzo , Palestinian , Aid , Water , Amount , Things , Sign , Territory , Desperation , Gas , Way , Hygiene Kits , Times , Trucks , Stay , Intensification , 80 , 100 , Operation , Pictures , Tanks , Something , Vehicles , Israel Defense Forces , Number , Artillery , Casualties , Officials , Health , Infantry Troops , 8000 , Attack , Offensive , 200 , 11100 , 2000 , Hostage , Majority , Four , 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, Fears , Reassurances , Swap , Family , Days , Sides , Israel Palestinian Conflict , 11 , Spokesperson , Update , Trnslation , N0 Live English , Anyone , Security Defence , Routine , Anything , Home Front Command , Cup , Instructions , Directors , Families , Defence Forces , Family Members , Fatalities , 311 , Effort , Soldiers , Era , Draft , Spotter , Defence , Borders , Offer , Role , Questions , Intel , Warning , Head , Intei , Others , Responsibility , Blame , Thel , Question , Specific , Manner , Clearcut , Clearcut Ntanner , Security Services , Services , Dude , Public , The Public , The General , Public Trust , 655 , Thatis , Internet Workout , Evening Communications , Workers , Notjust Civilians , Problems , Notjust , Injured , Ambulances , Loved Ones , 0ur , 0 , Communication , Mmunication , 2 , Information , Mobile Carriers , Mobile Services , Internet Lines , Everywhere , Roaming , Sim Cards , Two , North , Air Strike , Social Media , Radio Stations , Indonesia Hospital , Area , Earthquake , Hospital , Fuel , Building , Lot , Air Strikes , Most , Shifa Hospital , Roads , 15 , 10 , Reports , Health Ministry , Press Conference , 400 , Hundreds , Touch , Report , Word For , Relief , Friend , Shock , Returns , Connection , Cop , Crying Profusely , Ijust , Phone , Faces , Rubble , Internet Service , Raid , Wife , Mother In Law , Phones , Network , Hub , Government , 220 , Concerns , Protest , Sound , Tel Aviv , Sight , Prime Minister , Meeting , Defence Minister , Apartment , Around The World , Bombing , Single , Child , Parent , Spouse , Sibling , Shabbat Table , Peach , Escalation , Nova Festival Site , Jonathan , Theirfamilies , Support , Listen , Priority , Kidnap , Eyes , Wall , Netanyahu , Meeting Representatives , More , Negotiations , Hope , Palestinian Prisoners , Price Worth , Deal , Leo Perry , Mood , Kibbutz , Member , Founders , Thing , Heim , Captive , Spot , Alive And Well , Kibbutz Nahal 0z , Sirens , Court , Ball , Didn T Kill My Father , 0k , Evening , Memorial Site , Rockets , Skies , Protecting , Lucy Williamson , Truck , Warehouse , Refugee Agency , Individuals , Needs , Forces , Human Life , Increase , Briefings , Crossing , Tracks , Egypt , Thatis Crossing , Khan Yunis , Cis , Many , Settlements , Cities , Assistance , Roof , Shelter , Inability , Help , Sort , Norwegian Refugee Council , Media And Communications Officer , Arcnet , 0ur Teams , Contact , Teams , Lines , Colleagues , Yes , 58 , Rest , House , Threats , Streets , Street , Colleague , Scale , Neighbours , 36 , Happening , Emergencies , Clock , Level , Continuing Pictures Of , H A , Nothing , Aid Supply , Supply , Context , Households , Cash Assistance , 1000 , Bread , Cash , Is , Supermarket , Stock , Cast , Petrol , Litre , Bart , Five , Life , Eight , Tank , Children , Norfolk , Ground , Loaf , Matter , Prioritising , Hold , Bathroom , Sleep , Civil Society In Gaza , Scene , Death , Wasn T , Civil Society , Ceasefire , Crossings , Restrictions , Opening , Oining Us , Environments , Media Adviser , Ceasefire Now , Organisations , Small , Artillery Fire , Mortars , Explosions , Change , Rain , Pressure , Band , Flow Driving , Rain Drifting , Eastern England , Scottish Border , Rain Lingering , Showery Rain Across Eastern Scotland , Wind , Gales , Shops , South West England , Wales , Northern Ireland , Gusts , 50 , Showers , Internets , Coasts , Values , South East , Colour , Weather Front , Weakening , Cloud , Lows , North East England , Case , Feed , Sunshine , Nuisance Rain Across Eastern Scotland , Shower Surround , 7 , Temperatures , Spells , Tuesday , Similarstory , 16 , The End , Forecast , Least , System , Nurse , Mersin , Ice Scooting , Start , Spell , Potentialfor Stormy Conditions , Stormy Speu , Walk , Anna Foster , First Aid Kits , Second Stage , Gaza Strip , Sisters , Possibility , Part , All Of Us , Skyline , Sounds , Mortar , Saturday Night , Military Operations , Communication Blackout , World , Picture , 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Waving Signs , Belfast , Eole , Show , Show Of , Demonstrations , Library , Cardiff , St Peter S Square , In Manchester , Supplies , Reaction , 48 , Actions , Non Resident , Senior Fellow , Programmes , Analysis , Atlantic Council , Carmielarbit , Israet , Community , Precautions , Lives , Israei Hostages Home , Civilian Iives , Point , Stages , Israeii , Israeli Military Operation , Points , Rescue , History , Iikeiy , Theories , Operations , Bimbo , Activity , Tunnels , Gazans , Line , Distribution , Halt , Staff , The Operation , Facts , Shortage , Black , I Southern Israel , Studio , Stories , Conflict , Look , Warner Brothers , Age , Tv Sitcom Friends , Known For Playing Chandler Bing , Hit 90s , Hot Tub , 90 , 5 , Louisa Pilbeam , Factor , Comic Genius , Chandler In 90s , Fame , Co Stars , Tv Shows , Sitcom Friends , Seasons , Chandler Bing , Ten , Humor , Cafeteria , High School , Backin , Naked , Oman , Water Emergency , Media , Fifties , Los Angeles Police Department , Warner 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