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But in terms of who was seen to have a Good Campaign, and who wasnt having a Good Campaign . I think this is something that doesnt necessarilyjust come down to the campaign. I personally Supportjeremy Corbyn because this is a process, this is a great, and what he represents is part of this process. It is a shift from this, kind of, establishment politics to something which is more for the community, the bottom, the people. Who here thinks brexit wont actually happen now . I have no idea. I think it will. Just a softer version than what she wanted. It is this word that hangs there, brexit, what does it mean . You know . We dont know what it means yet. When it happens we will have a list of things that our policies and things that are going to happen. Maybe there should be a vote, then. If we all turn against it all of us in this room say, no, thats going to affect my mum, the children, thats going to affect the health service. We cant have that happen to our country. I think that britain will be outside the eu paying all the same fees for all the same privileges they have. They will not be part of europe because we voted to be out of it. Does everyone agree with paula on this one . But they are going to have to pay for it, because how can you trade, how can you trade in isolation . Ok, lets have a look at domestic agenda. If there was one issue that really. Caught hold of you during this election, in domestic terms come away from brexit, what was it . Austerity. Cuts, yes. Austerity, nhs. Stable economy. Last question, if there was an election next week, god forbid, who would vote Forjeremy Corbyn . Yes. Definitely. Put your hand up. One, two, three, four, five. Interesting. So youve switched now. Who would vote for a conservative other than theresa may . Quite possibly. Yes. If i said borisjohnson, would you put your hand down . Borisjohnson . Well, if he was the only choice. And who would vote for theresa may . I would vote again for theresa may. Two of you. I was voting for labour policies, notjeremy corbyn, but he is the leader, but i think it is about being policy driven. I think that is really important is. Is that the thing weve learnt . We need somebody inspirational to push it forward, but it should be about the ideas first and foremost. I think it is a shame that we focus on the personalities of the leaders, because thats not the thing, is it . Its what they do, not what theyve said. It sounds like we should take this on to the pub now. Thank you all very much indeed. Well a lot of the anger that weve been seeing today has been from friends and relatives who want to know what has happened to their loved ones. The tower is now a Burnt Out Shell and the site of a criminal investigation, and toxic and strucutually unsafe. So how do they even begin to make sense of what actually happened in here on tuesday night and how long will it be before forensic teams are able to provide answers as to who lost their lives inside. Lessons can be learnt from the aftermath of the 9 11 attack on the twin towers. One of the Forensic Pathologists of that catasrophe was Drjudy Melinek Whojoined me earleir from san francisco. Whojoined me earlier from san francisco. I asked her what she had learnt then that could be shared with us now. A thorough investigation is not something that can be done overnight. It takes weeks and even months, and sometimes up to and including years in order to get to the bottom of what happens. In the immediate aftermath, first and most importantly, the people who are responding and the supervisors in charge need to make sure that the structure is sufficiently safe and sound so that First Responders who are going in there and those who are charged with the recovery of the remains are safe, as well, otherwise well have more tragedies. And the next step would be to collect Important Information from the families of the deceased. About their ways to identify them, either identifying marks or scars, jewellery, tattoos and also collect dna. And how difficult you think it will be to collect dna . The most important thing is that we dont know at this particular point what the condition of the remains are. There could be a whole discrepancy between people who are intact, butjust suffered from smoke inhalation, compared to people whose bodies are completely charred. And a situation such as this you can have difficulty because, for example, in 9 11 we could get exemplar asked from the deceased. So we could get the toothbrush of the person who is missing. Or we could get the underwear of the person who is missing. And use that to compare them to the person. It easier to compare self to solve than to compare self to next of kin. It easier to compare self to self than to compare self to next of kin. And so in this particular situation, youve got people who are dead within their residencies, all of their personal property basically went up in flames with them, and so it seems that most likely the analyses are going to have to be to next of kin relatives, and thats more difficult. Am i right in thinking that in the twin towers, some 40 of bodies were never identified . That is correct. The reason for that is because of the forces at play in that particular incident where you had jet fuel. You had collapse of the building. You had fires that went on for months. We dont have exactly the same scenario here, so im hopeful that dna analysis will be more fruitful in a case such as this. This will be devastating news to many of the families. And they will want to know what happens if they dont get that identification. In the United States for 911 victims who were not identified based on their bodies, there was a Legal Process put into place, a judicial process, where the person was declared dead and a Death Certificate was created so that the families could then have closure, close out financial concerns, and move on, even though the body parts had not yet been identified. So there was a delay in that. And if and when dna analysis occurred at a later time those data points were merged with the Death Certificate that was put together byjudicial review. At least the Death Certificate allows the family to move on. Even when remains are taking longer to identify. You started by saying that the key was communication. Do you think authorities have explained fully enough here just how lengthy and difficult a process this will be . I think it is important that they set up a Command Centre and that they have Public Relation staff who are on hand to be able to answer these questions. Typically what happens is we will set up a Family Centre separate from the Coroners Office so that the families can go and get resources, as well. And in this particular situation you have people who are in need of housing, as well. And charity work. So that can all be centralised and you can use that Family Centre as a repository for also collecting information about the deceased and people who are missing, and also exemplars for dna analysis. Thank you very much, thank you. Before we go, i will go through some of the front pages. The same story but reported with different leads. The Protest Moves onto the street. The daily telegraph, militants hijacked the protest, they have accused them of exploiting it. This sun headline, it was murder. And there is a tale of two photos with the queen and theresa may. Thats all from us at the end of a week and a fortnight that will be remembered in this country for a very long time. Good night. We have some very warm if not hot weather this weekend with plenty of sunshine. It will feel increasingly humid and although sunny, a little bit of cloud in northern parts of the uk. High pressure tend to concentrate and hid the lowest part of the atmosphere. Notjust here in the uk but across spain, Dangerous Levels of heat building up. Very warm for Western Front and in the uk highs of 30 degrees celsius. The hottest weather we have seen this year. These are the kind of temperatures we will see by the end of the night. I warm one pretty much everywhere. Cloud over the hills of wales and Northern England but it will be quite thin and breakup weekly with sunshine and then coming out. Dry for most of us but a weather front far north of scotland. South westerly winds. Away from the north west corner of scotland, sunshine across the board a bit of Fairweather Cloud Bubbly Gum in Northern England. The warmest spot probably greater london. 29 celsius. Tomorrow night, we keep clear skies for the most part. Weatherfront still there in north west scotland. Temperatures falling back, through sunday at more of the same to come. The weather front is still there. More Cloud Filtering across northern ireland. Otherwise plenty of sunshine and, if anything, a hot day with temperatures probably peaking at 31 degrees across south east england. Making it the hottest day of the year so far. The hot weather continuing to the new part of the week particular it across england and wales. Temperatures could reach 32 on monday. Things turning cooler and cloudy as we head on to tuesday with the wards becoming restricted the Southern Parts of the uk. Lots of warm weather to come the next few days, go out and about and enjoy it. This is bbc news. The headlines President Trump tweets that he is being investigated by the man who told him to sackjames comey. Terrible and misguided. The president s view on the previous administrations deal with cuba. He has revoked the deal set up by barack obama. Effective immediately lam barack obama. Effective immediately i am cancelling the last administrations completely one sided deal with cuba. We wantjustice one sided deal with cuba. We want justice frustration one sided deal with cuba. We wantjustice frustration and anger following the Tower Block Fire in west london, as crowds gather to add their voice to calls for a nswe is. The british Prime Minister already criticised for her response visits some of the injured in hospital and announces a 6 million fund to help the victims. What we need

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