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Can you confirm if he was a British National and whether there are concerns there are others involved in this and the potential for other attacks . As i have said it is an Ongoing Investigation and to give any more details about him, his associates or investigations would be inappropriate so i cant answer. Do you know the nationality of the attacker . We know we have a range of nationalities and we are working with their host countries. As you would expect in a tourist locations such as Westminster Bridge it would be wrong for me to mention those now until we have managed to liaise with the host countries and the families. Are you talking about islamist state . Are you talking about islamist state . Islamic related terrorism is oui state . Islamic related terrorism is our assumption. Inaudible in terms of levels of concern the Prime Minister said earlier we are not changing the National Threat level. The independent body that looks at those issues decided it is not necessary at that stage so we are still at the level of severe and an attack remains highly likely. Given what has happened on a precautionary basis across the country we are stepping up police patrols, unarmed and armed and the public will see far more of their local Police Forces over the local days, particularly in crowded and iconic places. How long will the centre of westminster be closed as a crime scene . The examination of the crime scene . The examination of the crime scene will take many hours, parliament will reopen tomorrow. Some of the crime scene will restrict some of the entrances, but business must return to normal as quickly as possible. You say you think you know the identity of this attacker, was he known to you before . I will not talk about the details of the investigation, the individual concerned and associates, let us get on with the investigation. Inaudible the parliamentary protection team, a combination of armed and unarmed officers doing different roles and sadly the officer who lost his life today was unarmed supported by armed collea g u es today was unarmed supported by armed colleagues who have shot and killed the attacker. Are you surprised that he got so far . He tried to Enter Parliament and was stopped very close to the gate. Does that have to be changed in the future . Close to the gate. Does that have to be changed in the future7m close to the gate. Does that have to be changed in the future . It is too early to talk about matters like that. Our parliamentarians say they wa nt that. Our parliamentarians say they want open democracy and the balance between protection and the ability to you of the public to have access is important and that is something for them to consider with us over the coming days. Use it previously the coming days. Use it previously the military would be on hand to provide reassurance. In the light of what has happened today, is that something londoners can expect to see on the streets soldiers . There is no plan to do that in the coming days, i made the point early on in line with our normal response to a Terrorist Attack we seek terrorist, military support if necessary but that has not been necessary today. Thank you for your time. Mark rowley, the assistant Deputy Commissioner giving us a pretty comprehensive statement confirming quite a few details for us. Naming the Police Officer who lost his life today, pc keep palmer, a8, 15 years service, husband and father keith parmar. As he said three members of the public lost their lives in the attack, the attacker was killed during the course of the incident, a0 people injured now. We heard 20 earlier, including some very seriously injured, including some Police Officers who were returning from an event not far from the Palace Of Westminster crossing Westminster Bridge when this happened today. They think they know the identity of the attacker but they are being cautious about that and they are working on the assumption that this was committed in the context of international terrorism. They are not going further than that at the moment but thatis further than that at the moment but that is the context that they are broadly offering right now. That was mark rowley, the man in charge of this very comprehensive and wide ranging investigation. As he was explaining it, with hundreds of officers involved. Back to Laura Kuenssberg for some thoughts on the range of detail provided. There were some big headlines from mark rowley, first of all that the scale of the attack was bigger than we thought moment ago, with five people now known to have been good including the attacker, and a0 injured. Also significant that he said the polices Working Assumption is that this is an islamist related Terror Attack. And also a hugely significant piece of information that the Police Believe that they do know the identity of the person who tried to attack Parliament Today and lost their life in the process. A very significant fact put out into the Public Domain even at this early stage of the investigation, the police being clear that they think they know who carried out this shocking attack. So very significant chunks of new information Coming Out Less Tha N chunks of new information coming out less than eight hours after the attack, and it brings us on to what the government does next. Of course, Terror Attacks have taken place in this country before. Other european governments in recent years have had to deal with similar situations. But the very difficult thing for any politician is how to balance our liberty versus the risk to the public. It is an extremely difficult conundrum for any leader, and four theresa may now, a huge challenge that she must try to address, although i should take that night senior government although i should take that night senior government sources are telling me that it is just too soon to be considering making any changes to be considering making any changes to the current regimes we have. This bike todays shock, it is important to underline that the Terror Threat to underline that the Terror Threat to this country has not been raised by the Security Services tonight. Laura, we will come back to you if there is any other news. Leaders from around the world have sent their support to london, and the united kingdom. Frances president hollande, whose country has suffered a series of recent Terror Attacks, sent his condolences. There were also messages of support from Germanys Angela Merkel and the belgian Prime Minister charles michel, whose capital suffered a Terror Attack exactly a year ago. Donald trump has offered the full co operation and support of the united states, so lets cross to washington and our north america editorjon sopel. Tell us a little more about what the white house has been saying . The president was quick to get on the phone to theresa may to express solidarity and condolences and say that america would do everything it could to bring those responsible to justice. Those comments have been echoed by other political leaders in other government departments. One thing that hasnt happened is that we havent seen the president seeking to politicise the attack in the way that he did after the brussels attack and the belgian attacks, saying how itjustified the strict measures against radical islam, as the president refers to it. But at the same time as the president was talking to theresa may, a summit was getting under way with 68 foreign leaders in the fight against so called Islamic State, Britain Being represented by boris johnson, the foreign secretary. This is Donald Trumps number one Foreign Policy priority. He is determined to say, ourjob is to destroy Islamic State. With no holds barred, we must do whatever we can. There has been an intensification of that fight. We spoke to the nato Secretary General and said, what do you do when you have got someone who is armed with a motorcar . He said that while the fight against Islamic State could be won, there is no way you can give people 100 security against that. Jon sopel, many thanks. As you can imagine, plenty of police and Emergency Service imagine, plenty of police and Emergency Service Activity Still at westminster tonight. We will be back with more on the days news here. But lets have a look at the days other main stories with reeta. In the light of todays events at westminster, the Scottish Parliament has delayed a vote on whether to demand a second Independence Referendum. Msps were taking part in a second day of debate when the Presiding Officer interrupted proceedings to say hed decided to suspend the session. Our scotland editor sarah smith is at holyrood. Events in london had an Immediate Impact in edinburgh . They did. The flags are at half mast outside the Scottish Parliament tonight. Earlier today, it outside the Scottish Parliament tonight. Earliertoday, it took outside the Scottish Parliament tonight. Earlier today, it took a bit longer for information to filter through. Whilst that debate was going on, we could see msps in the chamber checking their phones, getting the news. The First Minister left the chamber abruptly and eventually, one tory msp stood up and asked the deputy Presiding Officer to stop the debate. At that point, rather controversially, she said they would carry on with business as usual, as she put it. I understand that that is because parliamentary authorities were concerned that they didnt want to be seen to be giving into terrace, so be seen to be giving into terrace, so they carried on, but msps were really u nco mforta ble so they carried on, but msps were really uncomfortable about that, some of them tweeting from the chamber that the debate should be stopped. Some of them walked out. Half an hour later, the Presiding Officer himself came in and said the debate was going to be suspended because events in westminster meant that msps couldnt concentrate on the debate here about another Independence Referendum for scotland. But that was also controversial. One msp in particular looked really angry that the debate was being stopped. Others said they should have carried on, because terrorism shouldnt be allowed to derail parliamentary debate. The First Minister since then has said that it First Minister since then has said thatitis First Minister since then has said that it is heartbreaking news from

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