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When i was little, my grandmother would recite the koran to me as i went to sleep. She made me feel blessed. This practice has become really popular where healers recite the koran in order to solve problems by expelling evil spirits. But there is a darker side to this, exploiting vulnerable women. This woman is a woman right� s activist, she has made it a safe space for girls struggling to be footballers. Her activism today springs from an injustice she has been living with for 20 years. When she was 16, she started having blinding headaches. Her parents brought a spiritual healer to see her. The healer remained a respected member of the community until he died a. Bushra never told herfamily and is not he died a. Bushra never told her family and is not sure he died a. Bushra never told herfamily and is not sure how they would react if she revealed it now. We spent months speaking to other women, ngos, courts and lawyers, gathering and verifying stories of abuse. In the first investigation of its kind, in morocco we spoke to 35 women who accused 25 spiritual healers of assault, rape or manipulating them into sex. This woman was advised to see a healer for her depression. We meet in secret. She says if her family knew what happened to her, they would kill her. Of these stories are not only in morocco. I have heard harrowing accounts of abuse in many other countries. Sudan stood out. In private online groups, ifound an stood out. In private online groups, i found an outpouring of stories. I wanted to know about popular healers and sudan. Healing is a business here too, but a very different one. Hundreds of people come here every week to be cured in the open. Like morocco, the business is unregulated. It in private Healing Sessions where women can be sexually exploited. Once again, we had to carry out our own research to find out how common the abuse is. 50 women we spoke to and sudan told us about a0 healers who had harassed, assaulted, raped or manipulated them into sex. Two journalists agreed to go undercover for us. Two journalists agreed to go undercoverfor us. They two journalists agreed to go undercover for us. They are hiding their identities for their safety. Three women told us they were approached in this cafe and recommended they visit a healer. He said he would remain cast unless they had sex with him. Our journalist calls ourjournalist calls him, posing as a client. He tells her, she must pay him the equivalent of a00 us dollars to be cured. We need to find out where he is so we can question him about his behaviour. There are very few places that women exploited by healers can go to for help. Fatimas is one of them. Where women can have healing offered by women. It is intense, watching women around me losing all awareness of their surroundings. Fatima has her own estimate of how many women have been abused by healers. Backin back in the city centre, we meet a tea seller. She is one of several women who told the bbc about a healer called Sheikh Ibrahim. She went to see him when her son became ill. She says Sheikh Ibrahim told her to have sex with him. We spoke to other women who made allegations of Sexual Assault and being manipulated into having sex with Sheikh Ibrahim. The allegations were so serious that our undercover journalists visit him to gather more evidence. Afterwards, i meet with them to see if they are ok. Bushra has decided to tell her mother what the healer did to her all those years ago. I returned to sudan to question the healers we have collected evidence again. First Sheikh Ibrahim, accused of Sexual Assault or Sexual Exploitation by three women. He has agreed to be interviewed about the allegations against him. Sheikh ibrahim removes his microphone, abruptly ending the interview. Return our attention to sheikh inaudible. Initially he agrees to be interviewed but then claims we have the wrong person. So a journalist from our team visits his house. We ta ke we take our evidence to sudans top religious authority. I tell him about the evidence we have gathered. During our investigation, more than 80 women broke their silence about appalling sexual violations. Despite all the evidence we have gathered, moroccan and sudanese authorities are not taking any action to protect these women. Hi there. For many, this weekend is going to be hot and humid again, especially for england and wales, with temperatures only slowly coming down across scotland and northern ireland. And as the cooler air starts to invade in there, were likely to see increasing chance of thundery downpours, some of which could be quite heavy in places. Certainly england and wales on sunday. Now weve had some cloud drifting up from the south as we move into the early part of saturday, some mist and low cloud around some coasts of South West England and wales. And its here where we could see some showers or some thunderstorms, same too, across the north and the west of scotland. But elsewhere, its a dry and a clear night. And again, another very warm and muggy one to start saturday morning with temperatures no lower than around 18 or 19 in one or two spots. So its a very warm start to saturday, pretty much from the word go. Well have sunshine around, but well, this Weather Front will be pushing into the north west of scotland, bringing thicker cloud breeze, outbreaks of rain, a few showers elsewhere. And there will be some scattered thundery showers developing across england and wales as we see temperatures peak at around 32 or 33 degrees in the south east. So this could be the hottest day of the heatwave. But these showers and thunderstorms, although well scattered, could be pretty intense if you catch one and theres a chance of some localised flooding as well. But most places will be dry to take us into saturday evening. We could see further clusters of showers and thunderstorms running up from the south. Again, its going to be a warm and a muggy night, especially so for england and wales with temperatures beginning to come down across the north west. Now the Great North Run on sunday across North East England looks pretty decent actually, although there will be some rain around. Some of it could be thundery. These temperatures will be pretty comfortable for running in, but we could start off with some Thundery Rain In The Morning and then into the afternoon. Heavy showers could develop with a bit of sunshine in between. But sunday is another warm and humid one for england and wales, with a scattering of thunderstorms developing into the afternoon. Temperatures again up to 30 degrees in the south east, but youll notice the low 20s for scotland and northern ireland. So things are turning cooler and the trend as we head into next week is for this cooler, fresher, less humid air to spread southwards across the country. And thatll introduce north Westerly Winds and also plenty of showers, particularly in the north and the west. Itll be much cooler by day, much fresher at night, but still some good spells of sunshine across the south. Live from london, this is bbc news. At least 296 people have been killed and many more injured after a powerful 6. 8 magnitude earthquake in morocco. World leaders are gathering in the indian capital, delhi, for the opening day of the g20 summit, with russias invasion of ukraine among the issues high on the agenda. World leaders have already begun arriving here at the g20 summit venue, where talks are due to begin shortly in the building just behind me. Rising floodwaters continue to hamper rescue and Recovery Efforts in greece following some of the worst storms ever recorded in the country. That as a un review on Climate Change says radical changes are needed to stem global warming

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