settled my case by apologising for hacking my phone, and is paying me a sum in damages which they have insisted i keep confidential. were it not for the mirror's threat to seek their costs if i continued with my case, i would have sought to scrutinise these activities further and get to the bottom of the extensive cover—up which i believe took place. when i said to the mirror, "i want to go to court," they would say, "here's some money." and i'd write back to them, through my lawyer, "i don't want money. i just want to go to court." "oh, this is ridiculous. go away. "here's some more money." "why are you offering me more? i'm not asking for money. "i just want to go to court to hear the truth." "oh, this is ridiculous. go away. "here's some more money." and they kept going up and up and up, offering me more and more money till it got to the stage where — it sounds like, it is very much a first—world problem — it's like, if i didn't accept their offer and then went to court and the judge decided on an offer that was less than that, i would have been liable