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From here in the worlds newsroom we send out correspondents to bring you the best stories from across the globe. In this weeks programme. I think god led this country to put donald trump in office. Divided america. After week two of Donald Trumps unique style of diplomacy, further splits in opinion. Nick bryant travels to the bible belt of tennessee and finds his supporters fully behind their new president. There are two americas right now and how you react to donald trump determines which one you inhabit. I am 12 years old. 12 years old. The children of la forced into prostitution. Angus crawford gets exclusive access to the us Police Operation to rescue them and meets the girls stuck in a life of hell. What sort of things have happened to you working on the street . Raped, someone pulled a knife out on me, a gun, tried to rob me. The curse of the zika virus. One year on from the outbreak, Camilla Costa reports on new health fears for the thousands of babies infected with the disease. Kenyas disappearing desert lake. Nancy kacungira finds out how Global Warming is putting the livelihoods of hundreds of thousands of people at risk. This shoreline here at lake turkana has seen some drastic changes in recent times. It is here now butjust a few months ago it was even further back than this, beyond those trees. We do advise that nobody enter the water. And, protecting australias beaches. Hywel griffiths reports on how shark nets are keeping the swimmers safe but harming marine life. Last year, they trapped over 130 of the targeted more dangerous sharks but they also trapped another 600 marine animals, including dolphins, rays and turtles. It is two weeks since he took the Oath Of Office and president Trumps Administration has already issued dozens of orders, many of them sharply dividing opinion. But the president s supporters say hes simply fulfilling the promises he made on the campaign trail, whether people like them or not. Nick bryant has travelled to the Southern State of tennessee to see how people are taking to their new president. The hills of eastern tennessee, a landscape that reminds us that it wasnt just the rust belt that won donald trump the presidency, but the bible belt, as well. Father god, we are so grateful to meet here together. Chattanooga prides itself on being the buckle of that belt and at this Bible Study Group this morning praise for his socialist conservative Supreme Court nominee and thanks to god for placing him in the white house. God has done work in him. He has changed him. You can just see it in the people he surrounds himself with. And i do believe hes brought a seriousness that people just didnt think were going to come out of donald trump. I think god led this country to put donald trump in office. I was very opposed to him. Mark west started out as a never trump republican. He is an Evangelical Christian who looked upon the new yorker as a philandering playboy but hes become a convert. Social conservatives and conservatives in general have been so fed up with washington for so long, for decades, that we wanted someone to go to washington and blow it up. Whether i was a trump supporter or not, so many of us are looking for trump to do exactly what he has been doing so far, to completely change the landscape, figuratively blow up washington and give us a new american revolution. It has been the pace of the trump presidency, its felt like a final furlong gallop, thats impressed kelly and todd floyd. We are excited to see what he will continue to do. You think he is making good on his promises . I think he is, i think the implementation of the Immigration Policy showed that he was not a career politician, but i think thats why he got voted into office, because we dont want Career Politicians any more. Theres no sign here of buyers remorse. To travel from coastal cities like new york and los angeles into these heartland communities feels like crossing into a parallel universe. There are two americas right now and how you react to donald trump determines which one you inhabit. The cannons from the American Civil War that dot this landscape can be viewed both as relics of the past and reminders of how conflict and divisiveness is almost written into this nations dna and once again it feels like the people of america are sharing the same continent but not the same country. Nick bryant, bbc news, tennessee. Well, Donald Trumps election has emboldened europes far right parties ahead of elections this year in france, The Netherlands and germany where the alternative fur deutschland party, the afd is putting up its own candidate directly against the chancellor, Angela Merkel. Jenny hill has been to find out whats behind germanys rising tide of right wing populism. Europes right promises a patriotic spring in communities like this theyre warming to the idea. It can be hard to make a living on germanys north coast and it feels a long way from berlin. Theyve little trust here in Angela Merkel, after all, they say, she has little time for them. Translation theyjust look after the big cities but these small communities up here, no, nothing is being done for us. Nothing gets through to us, theyve forgotten us. Good news for germanys right wing party alternative fur deutschland. Polls suggest one in every ten voters supports afd. In this region it is even more popular. Translation the other parties avoid the real problems. Merkeljust sticks to her views even though she sees what shes got us into, like the Terror Attacks. If she hadnt brought those people into the country the victims of the berlin Christmas Market would still be alive. And afd has ambition. This former Radio Presenter is standing directly against Angela Merkel in her own constituency. Hes unlikely to take her seat but its not impossible. Translation we have a big problem with Radical Islam and we need to talk about it. Its been taboo in germany, the afd broke that taboo. Thank god people now talk about their fears. Just look at whos carrying out Terror Attacks in europe. Theyre all islamists. 2017 may yet be the year europes Political Landscape shifts beyond recognition. There are elections in france and The Netherlands, too. The real Election Battles will be fought in communities like this where people feel forgotten by their National Governments, left behind by the political establishment. If europes leaders really want to stop the rise of the right, they must meet this challenge, reconnect with those voters and regain their trust. A recent display of right wing solidarity in the german 15g; gig fig zreg but in the shadow of a monument to german unity, afds bid for election glory already divides this country. Jenny hill, bbc news, koblenz. Its thought to be the Los Angeles Police departments biggest ever operation to find girls, some as young as 11, and young women who have been forced into a life of sexual exploitation. Officers made almost 500 arrests and rescued more than 50 people. Angus crawford was given exclusive access to the operation to free them. Look beyond the handcuffs and the painted nails, these arent adults. Just girls aged 16 and 17. A place of safety where young people can get help and support. We find minors every day that we are out here working, 11 is the youngest. On the street they call the blade, in the richest country in the world, children are bought and sold at any time of day, every day. A car approached us. Sergeant Brian Gallagher heads the area vice unit. His job tonight find those girls, get them off the street. They stop a man they recognise. He has a passenger. Its cold and shes shivering. It is 4 00am and a routine patrol of the vice squad has pulled over a car driven by a man they know is a pimp. When they stopped it a young woman got out of the car and theyre concerned about her. She says shes19. Her parents have reported her missing. See her tattoo . Its the name of her pimp. Here they call it branding. A lot of these girls when we talk to them theyll tell us theyre out here f3r2n has 3 3133sz. Its barbaric whats bemgflene my cousin grabbed me on the way home from school. America is slowly waking up to reality. Thousands of children are being sexually exploited for money. I am 12 years old. 12 years old. Thats why they launched operation reclaim and rebuild, state wide, lasting three days. Prostitutes and customers arrested, processed. Some are released with a warning. For others, its jail. Just 18, caught for a second time, treasure. She started on the street in middle school. You were a child when you first started doing this . Yeah. What sort of things have happened to you working on the street . Raped, someone pulled a knife out on me, a gun, tried to rob me. Hello. Crystal . Crystal is in for an unpleasant surprise. The caller is an undercover officer arranging a sting in a hotel room. Police department, can you turn around. This time the prostitute is an adult. So why is she here . Just listen. What kind of life is this . Falling apart. This is the only thing i can do to survive on the streets right now. For detective Brian Gallagher, it seems neverending. Children forced to work the streets turn into women who know only this, a life of violence and exploitation. Angus crawford, bbc news, los angeles. We have a report now from a region much of which has been closed to the outside world for many years, Myanmars Rakhine state. Its home to one of the worlds most persecuted communities, the Rohingya Muslims who have accused the burmese army of gross Human Rights Violations against them, including rape and killings. A government appointed Commission Set up to investigate these claims has postponed its final report. Nowjournalists are normally banned from visiting Conflict Areas of Rakhine Butjonah Fisher tried to take a trip there and this is his report. It is 6 30am in the morning and i am at the Ferry Terminal in sittwe, the capital of Rakhine State and we are waiting to get on board a ferry to go to the northern Rakhine State and where theres been considerable violence in the last three months or so. Up until now all independent observers and journalists have been prevented from going there. But this was different. This time we had been given official permits and travelled four hours up the river, north towards the conflict zone. As our boat docked in one town it became clear that there was a problem. We were met by police and security officials. Weve been told that our trip has been cancelled, we cant go any further. We cant go into the areas where theres been violence over the last few months. Clearly there are still things they dont wantjournalists looking into, things they dont want people finding out about. Things like scores of Rohingya Women testifying into smartphones that theyve been raped and looted by Burmese Security forces. Or video of unexplained piles of charred bodies in places where rohingya have clashed with the army. There is even footage filmed by the police themselves of officers assaulting rohingya prisoners. Before being turned back, we insisted that someone addressed the allegations on camera. Translation we have nothing to hide. The National Government is releasing all the true facts about this situation. The teachings does not allow rapings. It is all rumours. The burmese government has set up a commission to investigate but it is led by the Vice President who is a former general and seems aimed at proving that the military has done nothing wrong. This is a glimpse of the commission at work, Interviewing A Rohingya woman through translators. Incredibly, the footage was broadcast on state tv without subtitles to prove that rohingya claims of rape are false. Myanmars leader, aung san suu kyi, seen here meeting British Foreign secretary borisjohnson, has asked for time to solve rakhines problems. If, as many expect, the burmese army is exonerated by the commission, it will be clear that establishing the truth is not part of miss suu kyis solution. Jonah fisher, bbc news, myanmar. One year on since the World Health Organisation declared zika a global Emergency Scientists are only now beginning to understand just how it affects children. The mosquito borne virus has caused almost 2,500 babies in brazil to be born with microcephaly, a condition identified by an abnormally small head. But doctors say thousands of other infants are showing signs they too have Health Complications related to the virus, despite not having microcephaly. Camilla costa reports from recife in brazil where the outbreak first began. This is zikas devastating consequence. These babies will need help for the rest of their lives. Heres the best place for them to get the Specialist Care they need but there isnt enough money to help all of them. One of those on the waiting list is jose wesley. He became the face of zika after this photo went viral. A year later, jose is still very small for his age. He has breathing difficulties, trouble swallowing and cant walk. The only way his mother can feed him is through a tube. Translation I Come Here Three Times a week on tuesday, wednesday and friday. I wake up at 4. 00am and arrive here at 6. 00am because there is no other transport available. Then i wait for the doctor. Its very difficult but its not impossible. If it is for my babys health, nothing is impossible. A year after zika was declared a global emergency, doctors believe the number of babies affected could be much higher. I am with this 15 month old baby and shes one of those cases doctors she wasnt born with microcephaly but later on she showed signs that she too was affected by the zika virus in her mothers womb. Her mother thought she had escaped zikas devastating impact but after a few months something didnt seem right. Translation when the doctor said it was zika i was really surprised. But also relieved, because i had noticed she had motor problems, i wondered why she wasnt developing like other kids. So from then on i knew i was wrong and could treat her with therapy and stimulation. They call it congenital zika syndrome. Even if these babies are born with a normal sized head, they can have poor vision, hearing loss, and other disabilities later in their lives. Research shows that for every baby with microcephaly ten others might develop these problems. We still have a lot to learn but we already know that the microcephaly is just the tip of the iceberg. We expect to determine the risk of early and later symptoms related to this syndrome. Mirella is now getting the help she needs. Doctors are rushing to identify the thousands of babies like her who will also require treatment but the Brazilian Health system is already struggling to cope with zikas legacy. Camilla costa, bbc news, recife. Its the Worlds Largest desert lake but kenyas lake turkana is disappearing. Around 300,000 people live around its waters, many make their living by fishing in it. But now dam and irrigation projects in neighbouring ethiopia combined with Climate Change could see it reduced to a small pool of water. The bbcs Nancy Kacungira has been to lake turkana to find out more. Once part of lake turkana, this land is now as dry as the desert surrounding it. About 90 of the lakes water comes from the omar river in ethiopia. Water levels here are dropping, partly because dams and Irrigation Plantations being built in ethiopia are changing the flow of the omar river which is the lifeline of this lake. This shoreline here at lake turkana has seen some drastica changes in recent times. It is here now but a few months ago it was even further back than this, beyond those trees. Fishermen here are worried. The low water levels are threatening their only source of livelihood. Translation what we earn now is so much less. We used to go fishing twice a day but now we only go once. If the water levels keep going down, it will bring a lot of problems. This is the only work we have. We have nowhere else to go. Many other livelihoods here also depend on the lake. This boat maker is working on the onlyjob hes been able to get in a long time. Translation i have a few customers now because there are no fish in the lake any more. If there are no fish, there is no way i can get business because here fish is money. Commercial fishing activity at lake turkana and the number of people reliant on it has increased over the years but now that lifeline is not what it used to be. At a Makeshift Marketjust a few kilometres away from the lake this is whats on offer, a few small mudfish. You used to be able to get a fish the size of my forearm here but the size of the fish and these womens earnings have now dwindled. Temperatures in turkana have increased by two to three degrees celsius over the last four decades, a rate much higher than the global average increase of less than one degree celsius, another factor contributing to changes in the lakes water levels. Normally you have a level to which anybody will move in and move out. But this decrease is very abnormal. This lake is serving the community around. Theyre already in a hardship area as it is, and the source of livlihood, the fish they sell all the way to the congo, gone. And as the only water source in what is otherwise a desert, there is worry that if the lake continues to recede, communities on either side will start to fight over what little is left. Nancy kacungira, bbc news, turkana in northern kenya. From the Worlds Largest desert lake, to the sun kissed beaches of australia now. Campaigners there are calling for an end to the use of shark nets because theyre killing too many dolphins and turtles. A recent spate of Shark Attacks on the east coast has forced the authorities to put up more but some nets have been cut deliberately by those who oppose them. As Hywel Griffiths reports from sydney, there is a fine line between keeping swimmers safe and protecting marine life. In a country where catching a wave is a national obsession, the allure of the ocean is endless. As is the debate over how best to share these waters with some of the locals. Shark nets have been australias answer since the 1930s, sections are set hundreds of metres out at sea. They dont create an enclosure, but they do offer reassurance. I think theyre a great idea. We have got to try to protect our kids. So, thats what its all about to me. Probably against them. You see creatures in the wildlife getting stuck out there. You take a Risk Swimming in the ocean and thats where sharks belong. Thats what the nets are meant to keep out, great whites are one of ten species targeted by the programme here in new south wales. The nets are put in place from september to april when these beaches at are at their busiest. Last year, they trapped over 130 of the targeted more dangerous sharks but they also trapped another 600 marine animals including dolphins, rays and turtles. This video shows what happens when one becomes entangled. It group of tourists managed to set this turtle free but 19 others died in the nets last year. The nets have whale and dolphin alarms, theyre checked every three days. Around half of the animals are set free alive but some campaigners have decided to take matters into their own hands. This is their home, thats where they live. We dont want to exclude them from where they live. Theyre not coming up into the car parks to get us, so lets not go into the ocean to kill them. Diver dave thomas admits hes Cut Shark Nets in the past to free trapped rays. He argues they dont really protect humans, only harm the sea life. The net is a random thing. Its not based on any science or factual data. It is out there killing anything and everything and the risk to people is negliable. To people is negligable. We advise nobody enter the water. There hasnt been a fatal shark attack on these beaches in 60 years. People who deliberately tamper with the nets, that have cut the nets, released them from anchors, obviously very dangerous, not only for the individuals involved, but creating a real hazard for the swimmers and surfers at those beaches. Finding the right balance between protecting humans and preserving sea life is is as elusive as ever. Hywel griffiths, bbc news, sydney. Always nice to finish on a sunset. Thats all from reporters for this week. From me, phillipa thomas, goodbye for now. Monday turned out to be quite a day of weather across some parts of the British Isles with a combination of wind and rain and some hill snow for the northern parts as well. Tuesday, a chilly start wherever you may be. There will still will be some of that monday rain, if you like, lingering, especially across the eastern side of both scotland and england, because that Weather Front will make very, very slow progress through the day into the north sea, and that keeps that chance of a little bit of rain still there across those eastern parts. Where the skies clear further west, itll be a really cold start, there will be some ice around across south western scotland, Northern Ireland, maybe some sheltered spots across the western side of both england and wales. Here, the skies will have cleared for some overnight, and that will give rise to some sunshine first up across the south west and into wales but youll notice there are showers not very far away. Move a little bit further east from that, this is where we get into that murky zone all the way from central Southern England, through the midlands to Northern England and southern parts of scotland. Further east again, there the rain from that old Weather Front. Across Western Parts of scotland and Western Parts of Northern Ireland initially, i think this is where we are going to see some pretty hefty showers, at times, just merging together to give some longer spells of rain with the chance, i would have thought, of a little bit of hill snow yet again. On through the course of the day, those showers really getting going across parts of wales and the south west, you might even hear the odd rumble of thunder in the mix there. I think improving conditions gradually getting into central Southern England and maybe the north west of england, south western scotland. And relatively speaking, compared to whats to come, those temperatures not too bad. Nine or 10 degrees across Western Parts but underneath the cloud and rain in the east around about six degrees. Now, as far ahead as wednesday, that Weather Front is still lurking. In fact, its heading back towards the west, wouldnt you just know it, not the same intensity i suspect than weve seen of late and thats going to open the door eventually to some cold air, which, as we get on through thursday and into friday, absolutely wins out, such that cold air comes to sit across the British Isles in the latter part of the week with the mild air lurking out in the atlantic. And this is the difference it makes to the temperatures. No longer eight, nine and ten. Its three, four, five and six for many of us with only the western fringes pushing towards seven or eight degrees. A lot of cloud around. Im afriad it is going to be fairly leaden skies and that Cooling Process continues apace on into thursday, two, three, four, five or six degrees, so by the end of the week there will be cold easterly wind with a lot of cloud and the Odd Snow Flurry too. A very warm welcome to bbc news, broadcasting to our viewers in North America and around the globe. My name is lebo diseko. Our top stories a us court will start Hearing Arguments on whether to reinstate Donald Trumps travel ban. Several top us businesses say the order goes too far. An Amnesty International report says thousands of people were executed over a period of five years at a Syrian Military prison. They are hanged, and they are only told that they may be. That they are sentenced to death, a few minutes before the nurses actually tied around their neck. Noose is. French president ial candidate Francois Fillon apologises for employing his wife, after claims he paid herfor a non existentjob. And the biggest ever exhibition of one of the worlds most famous artists. Pop art legend David Hockney gets a retrospective in london

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