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In President Trump the roadtrip. What a week it has been in the united states. The transition of power from barack obama to donald trump, who is now the 45th president of america. So weve spent the last few days heading down route a5, stopping at high schools and sports grounds, factories, talking to ordinary voters about their hopes and fears, expectations for the next four years. What do you think of your new president , trump . Um. Give him a chance, to do what he said he was going to do. Welljust have to see how it plays out. We dont know what he will do this is a man who has not got a political record. She trump makes a decision and gets it done. I am concerned what he will think about us, especially mexicans. I think he can make America Great again. We just have to believe in him. I fought for this country, and i will never respect him as my president. Never. Were nearly at the end of the road here in alabama, but we started 1000 miles further north in freezing cold milwaukee, in the state of wisconsin. Milwaukee. Known for its harsh winters, for making cheese and beer, and now for its role in americas fragile new politics. This is no place forfragile. Go, go, go junior ice hockey. This is the green bay junior gamblers. Jonathan is coaching the under nines. He likes donald trump because hes different, a nonpolitician, an outsider. Itjust goes back to an alternative thats outside of the box. A different viewpoint. Hes a billionaire, though, he isnt exactly everyman. Hes a billionaire, though, a tv star he isnt exactly everyman. He certainly is not, but i think theres something to be said for him being able to relate to a plumber, a welder, a teacher. The state of wisconsin switched sides in this election. Its largely white, working class electorate normally votes democrat, but this time they chose trump. A little brassy, but i will give him a try. They like giving new things a try here, like soccer on ice. But might a Trump Presidency end up feeling like this . Your gloves are nearly as big as my hands. Engineerjason is confident. After nine redundancy threats in six years, he says its time for a businessman in the oval office. It would be nice to have a little bit more stability in the job front, so im hoping that from an economic standpoint, trump reflects giving that stability back to the country. Are you more optimistic for your own family and Household Economy now . Absolutely. Lets take about four steps. Confidence on the ice is another matter, for me at least. Torvill and dean some of americas top ice athletes practise on this rink. I understand you like to do this . But youre stopping youre not doing that as much. Nancy was an 0lympian and is now a coach. Its time to be a little risky. She told me donald trump can bring a winners mindset to the white house. Trump makes a decision and gets it done. Do you have any reservations about his personality, the things hes said about women, for example . I think everybody who is behind him has some reservations, because they really dont know the truth behind that and theyre just hoping at this point in his life, he has put that behind him. Wisconsin may have voted trump, but only by i . And some here are still struggling with the result. This is one of the most important jobs in the world and im not certain that hes prepared for it. But hockey mom leila is willing to give the new president a chance, even though as a muslim, shes worried by some of his comments. I try to look at the bright side. So i think we have to just wait and see what happens. You sound to me like youre maybe a little nervous . Yes, i might be. Are you prepared to support him . Um, not quite prepared to support him, but i am prepared to initiate change to support him. What does that mean . How do you initiate change to support him . Change my way of thinking, try to find the good. Here in milwaukee, many people told us they want to put the Country First now and move on. But is that the feeling elsewhere . And how easy will it be to unite . We hit route 45 as the nation prepares for its 45th president. Right through the middle of Donald Trumps america, to get a sense of the country hes taking over. But our next stop is not trump territory. Chicago. Tell you what. I could do with some breakfast. This is barack 0bamas favourite diner. He lived around the corner before he was president , and he still comes back. What does he eat here . Whats his favourite . Normally, hes a breakfast guy, he eats egg whites, Turkey Sausage and hash browns. I hope you are hungry . Very he is humble, he is strong. Taihitia is an obama fan. As a nurse, she likes the changes he made to healthcare, giving poorer People Better access. She worries donald trump will overturn the reforms, hitting the most vulnerable. They will not have adequate care, they will not have access to doctors, that they have to come through emergency services. And that many of them will be very sick, cant get medicine, some of them will die. Her son daniel thought having a black president would mean a more inclusive america, but he fears Donald Trumps brand of populism is now encouraging division. I do feel my safety might be in danger. Really you feel more vulnerable now . I do, i do in certain situations. Post trump . Post trump, yes, because it is something that you can see from the energy that trump built, and the way that people express themselves who support trump. A lot of them have certain beliefs and things like that that do not align with my existence. Some here do question the obama legacy, and think change is overdue. Aspiring Businesswoman Erica hopes donald trump will help people like her. Next, please. I believe that its going to open up doors for Small Business owners, hopefully, thats trying to create big businesses. Like you. Yeah. Maybe youll be as rich as donald trump in a few years. We head to the suburbs. Elgin, where nearly half the population is hispanic. Donald trumps plans to build a giant wall along the Mexican Border mean many here cannot support him. Never, never. Never the wall . Never the wall. I am concerned what he thinks about us, especially mexicans . But some views here may surprise you. Rosa hopes a wall would stop illegal immigrants. We have our own problems here in america. So, you know, to add more of them coming over here, i think that, i dont think its a good thing. And in the choir, margarita hopes donald trump will safeguard her pro life catholic values. Im so excited and im so happy for him. And we should not be afraid of anything, not even the wall or anything. This is called holy hill because there are so many churches. Elisa confirmed to me that that the Hispanic Community is split right now, just as america is split. Its a scary time because we dont know what will happen and how things will roll out and the unforeseen with our future, hispanics, and a lot of people are scared about whats going to happen. We dont want division. But look where we are. Time to get back on route a5. If you want to understand Donald Trumps election win, this is a good place to come. Next to route as, the ohio river meets the mississippi. Its an Essential Artery for the us economy, carrying 18 million tons of cargo every year. But things arent what they used to be. The locks which boats pass through here have seen better days. Nearly 100 years old, they regularly break down, causing long and costly delays. So around 52 hours at one time. So a boat could be waiting out there for 52 hours before coming through . Yes, sir. Mark, the lock keeper, says its a struggle to keep trade moving. The concrete is starting to break up and crumble. Every time it gets hit by a boat as it lands on it, it puts pressure on it and causes more cracks and stress on it. We patch it together and try and keep it going, but its not going to last for ever. Donald trump has pledged 1 trillion to rebuild americas rivers, roads and railways, a promise thats won him plenty of support round here. But he hasnt said where the money will come from. We head back on route 45 to see the kind of project the new president wants to encourage, a huge dam and lock system to replace the failing one downriver. Its nearly 20 years behind schedule and 2 billion over budget. Many here believe Donald Trumps life in business will mean he can deliver. I think he can if he really wants to put his mind with it and really wants to work with the people, for sure, why not . One person cant do it, but if you take a group of people and youve got good conversation and communication skills, good listening skills, you can pretty much accomplish anything. Has he got those skills . I hope so. Trumps critics say his pledges are unrealistic and unaffordable. But in an area where jobs can be scarce, theyre prepared to give him a try. Once you start pulling people and the government assistances go down in these communities, and people start making good, well paying jobs brought in, times will pick up, and in my opinion i believe it will offset the expense. Yes, it will be expensive first but if you look at everything in a business cost analysis, it will make a good return back on the investment. We drive on, into americas rural south. There are 2 million farms in this country. Willa Property Developer president understand this business . At the university of tennessee, students are learning how to weigh and vaccinate cattle. Stick it in, press it forward, pull it out. Some are gonna be more willing to go forward and some are wanting to hold back. Sounds like politicians i guess so donald trump won nearly 80 of the vote in the martin area. They like his confidence, and in turn they have confidence in him. He might have a few mess ups on the way, but eventually hell figure it all out. Were always going to need agriculture, cause thats what feeds us. So were going to need it to keep going. But is farming compatible with trumps plans for building . What about the land, the environment . Donald trump is a man who you associate with skyscrapers and new york city, not with farming and places like this. Do you think he understands you and what you want to do . I think hes going to help the small town people also out. I dont think hes going to be the big city man when he gets in office. What about farming, does he understand farming . Not as well as some agriculture people. Whether its agriculture or infrastructure, in these communities away from washington, many feel trump will be a president who finally speaks for them, someone not just following the political herd. Halfway through ourjourney down route a5, and as the 45th president prepares to take over, weve reached the deep south. One last practice before heading to washington. Tonight, the Tupelo High School band will be travelling 900 miles from mississippi to the capitol, to play at President Trumps inauguration. Your face is going to ache. You think so . What are you most excited about . Just to march in the parade and get to see washington for the first time. What do you think of your new president , trump . Um. Donald trump got 60 of the votes in this state. The students might be playing for him, but that doesnt mean theyre all fans of the new man in the white house. If youd been able to vote, put your hands up if youd have voted for donald trump. Not exactly overwhelming. Three. I think some of his ideas are actually pretty great and i think he can make America Great again, wejust have to believe in him and see what happens. You didnt put your hand up. No. Why not . I dont like him. But youre about to go and play for him. I know, but, like, im forced to. I like washington, but i dont like him. Youre going for the trip . Yeah, basically. Lots of celebrities said no to performing, didnt they, at the inauguration . Why did you say yes . Im not really a fan of trump, but im going for the experience and for my band. Im not going for him, im going for me. Music matters in this small southern town. In fact, it put tupelo on the map. Just off route 45 is the tiny house where Elvis Presley was born. But were not here to talk about the king we want to talk about the new president. Because as well as producing rock n roll stars, tupelo produces cars. Look at this. 1957 chevrolet. I wish wed hired one of these for our road trip. Donald trump has promised a return to the heyday of american manufacturing. He says hell create jobs and improve trade deals. This local Steel Company supplies the car industry. They believe the new president will cut red tape, cut taxes and boost growth. I feel very optimistic. The boss here hopes donald trump will fill his government with tough business people. And then if they dont do it, hell fire them but it isnt the apprentice, is it . No, its not. Politics is more complicated and more nuanced. Will he be able to cope with the political, diplomatic challenges . That remains to be seen. I think he is introducing something into the Political Landscape thats never been done before. Politics, all shook up. Elvis stood right here and asked for his first guitar. This Hardware Store is where the young presleys music career began. As well as guitars, they sell tools to local businesses and theyre waiting to see what trump really means for jobs and manufacturing. We dont know what hes going to do. This is a man who has not got a political record. He has gone on record sometimes supporting things, but not as a sitting office holder. Does it worry you that he hasnt really given much detail about what hes going to do . Hes made big promises, but not really explained how. It does worry us and i think it worries everybody, what the future holds. Anything you take to the parade is subject to being searched. The students are ready to go. Tomorrow, they will perform outside the white house, and this nation will have to march to a very different beat. Weve arrived. But this is washington county, alabama, one of americas poorest states. And on a wet morning, the busiest spot we find. We are open, ladies, open for business. Is the local food bank. These volunteers hand out hundreds of parcels every week. Well, here you go. To people like roosevelt, a president s name, but he is out of work and he trusts donald trump to make life better. I hope he is right about getting jobs. You just want a job . If he doesnt get it going, i wont like him. Will he . I hope so, i believe he can. Catherine and willeen run the front desk and say some of the poverty here is heartbreaking. Well, some of them come in and they dont have toilets in their houses. They believe donald trump will invest in this community. He spent a lot of time campaigning here, and it worked. He has been out in the community, out in the countryside, and he has seen how people need help, and he has been there with the money to help, and he does. He is not afraid to go into Poverty Areas and talk to the people, where most politicians, you dont see em around unless you have 1000. It is very tough for a lot of people, especially in rural areas. Larry will watch the inauguration later, once hes finished helping out here. He hopes donald trump will use his speech today to inspire the nation. I hope he says enough good things that people will give him a chance to do what he said he will do. You know, welljust have to see how it all plays out. Along this section of route a5, one quarter of the people live in poverty. Many believe trump can make America Great again. Cant believe that dude. But not tyrone. Wejoined him and his family as the inauguration began, and this former soldier fears donald trump will only make the country more divided. He is doing everything he can really to try to make us feel like this is not our america. But this hat will show you i am an american and i fought for this country. And i will never respect him as my president , never. Are you going to be watching the big moment . No. Tyrones mum says the new president is a bully and she hates his tirades on twitter. I dont like him, i dont trust him. He is talking about making America Great. I dont like the way he treats women. America is already great. We have met so many pro and against trump, but there are also voters likejeff. It is tough, real tough. Unemployed and unimpressed. On his porch, he told me it doesnt matter who is sitting in the other white house. Do you feel forgotten . Yeah, ido. I really do. These small counties do. Bad roads, bad bridges, you know. They dont look out for us. Do you think donald trump will change that . Is he going to look after the likes of you . No. You dont think so . No, no, i do not. Why not . Because the politicians, the governors, they all have their hands like crabs in a bucket, you know, theyre looking out for themselves. After 1000 Miles Crossing the united states, we reach the end of route a5. And this divided nation will try to move on and begin its newjourney. Oui our weather has been fairly settled. Some cloudier and foggy days. This posted from kent on sunday. And sunnier days. Parts of scotland on saturday. It has been settled because of pressure across Continental Europe and a feed of chilly air interview 0. Where has global pressure come from . Group in the atlantic and eventually it looks like lower pressure and more u nsettled like lower pressure and more unsettled weather will reaching across the uk by the end of the week ahead out in the atlantic. We start the week with High Pressure problems and one of those is fog. Especially across parts of england and wales. Not just especially across parts of england and wales. Notjust monday but also tuesday, bends Freezing Fog Patches could have an impact on travel. That is not just could have an impact on travel. That is notjust in england and wales but to be most problematic dense Freezing Fog Patches. This will keep temperatures close to freezing. Elsewhere, out of the fog, some sunshine and patchy fog. Most dry on monday and temperatures still on the chilly side, around three to six celsius. Looking at the picture for tuesday, a little attack by a Weather Front from the north west of the uk, trying to push into the area of High Pressure. A Battle Taking place this week between the settled High Pressure trying to hold on and lower pressure coming from the atlantic. For scotland and northern ireland, rain, cloudier skies, atlantic. For scotland and northern ireland, rain, cloudierskies, windy weather, and the potentialfor bricks of rain. Foggy starts filling parts of england and wales with High Pressure close by breaks of rain. You can really see the clash between the low and High Pressure in The Big Picture for wednesday. The initial front has The Big Picture for wednesday. The initialfront has died The Big Picture for wednesday. The initial front has died at best and most initial front has died at best and m ost pla Ces Initial Front has died at best and most places on wednesday are still dry. Still feeling the influence of High Pressure. Died a death. Western parts of the uk seeing strong winds at times. The risk of gales. Still on thursday most places are dry. With more of a breeze across the uk, the fog that is decreased. Then the picture for friday shows on other fronts trying to come into the uk and it looks like this one may have more success. With breaks of rain nudging into western areas. A lot of uncertainty about timing at this stage and this front coming into the uk. Still, Eastern Parts of england seeing some sunshine and relatively chilly. Into next weekend, looks like low pressure will wind the battle as It Sta Rts Pressure will wind the battle as it starts to move South Eastwards across the uk. 0f starts to move South Eastwards across the uk. Of course there is still uncertainty about timing. The jet stream coming in from the atla ntic jet stream coming in from the atlantic is where things are turning more active and it is really, though, the north and west of the uk filling most of the impact with low Pressure Systems coming in. It is towards the south east is still a bit of a battle, the High Pressure relu cta nt to bit of a battle, the High Pressure reluctant to loosen its grip. It looks like along with those runs starting to move in, there is milder air pushing enes unal temperatures are heading to a little above average for the stem of year. Pushing them so the temperatures. The further east you are, the closer you are to High Pressure. Those Weather Systems may not have much left in them by the time they reach you, the relatively less windy and wet compared with other parts of the uk. That is our weather. Tonight at ten there are demands for theresa may, to explain why mps werent told a Trident Missile test went wrong. To explain why mps werent told a a missile, like this, failed to reach its target just weeks before a parliamentary vote to renew the system. Did you know that misfire had occurred . Well, i have absolute faith in our Trident Missiles. When i made that speech in the House Of Commons what we were talking about was whether or not we should renew our trident. Was whether or not we should renew 0pposition mps are demanding ministers make a statement before the house tomorrow. Ministers make a statement also tonight ministers make a statement the white house is accused of telling falsehoods in a battle with the media, about President Trumps

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