Transcripts For BBCNEWS President Trump 20170120 : compareme

Transcripts For BBCNEWS President Trump 20170120

together to the ceremony. along the crowds, some of the country's former presidents. of the country's former presidents. 0n capitol hill, the inaugural platform is almost full, but waiting for the arrival of donald trump. he will at the 35 words/ goodbye america's founding fathers, the oath of office, that will make him america's 45th president. hundreds of thousands of supporters, and protesters, too, in washington, dc for this event. dignitaries, protesters, too, in washington, dc forthis event. dignitaries, members of congress, military leaders, are already taking their seats on the platform ahead of the ceremony, and we will bring you every moment of it. in less than one hour, donald trump will be sworn in as the 45th president of the united states. the property tycoon won an unexpected victory in november's election after a controversial campaign. hundreds of thousands of his supporters are here in washington, but there are protesters as well. they have come for the event that will be viewed around the world. the ceremony is being attended by former presidents and first ladies, including bill clinton and his wife, hillary, mr trump's opponent in the recent election. in keeping with the new style of tru m p election. in keeping with the new style of trump era politics, he posted a twitter message earlier saying the movement continues, the work begins. michelle 0bama has arrived. she was in the car with melania trump in the procession that came from the white house. she left the white house looking very sober and serious. that is heard saying goodbye to her home of the last eight years, where she has raised her two daughters. she has turned up at the capitol, and will be entering the capitol building. she will be called onto the platform behind us, and you can see there, this is the on the east side of the capitol building, where the guests file in. they then go through the capitol and come out on the west side. ronald reagan, with a sense of theatre himself, like donald trump, moved the ceremony from the east side to the ceremony from the east side to the west side. we understand that president—elect donald trump, still president—elect, they are going into the capitol building alongside president 0bama. they will all be... there you go, the call to arms. there you go, the call to arms. there is president 0bama alongside president—elect donald trump. greeting well—wishers before they make their way out onto the platform. nancy pelosi, there, democratic leader of the house of representatives. paul ryan, speaker of the house behind them. donald trump, with a cheery, hello, everybody. if he is feeling nervous, he is not showing it. making their way now to the other side of the building. it was ronald reagan who moved the ceremony from the east side to the more grand westside of the capitol building, another president who had a sense of theatre and drama, and even television. joe biden and his wife, doctorjill biden. and mike pence, the vice president—elect, behind him, also with his wife. they will be making their way onto the platform behind me. chuck schumer, the senatorfrom new york. all of the dignitaries from the senate. senate leaders, republican and democrat, except for the 50 members of congress from the democratic party who have decided to boycott the ceremony. unusual to have members boycotting the ceremony in this number. there is ivanka trump. she will be an important part of this administration. and her brothers, donald trump and you can see eric trump behind him with the red tie, and tiffany trump, and barron trump, the five trump children. eric and donald junior, who will take over the reins of the family business. ivanka is moving here to washington with her husband, jared kushner. and barron trump, the youngest son, who will be staying in new york with his mother until the end of his school year at least, in trump tower, in new york. it is quite a first family. quite a change from the 0bama first family. now we have the trump first family. 0k, from the 0bama first family. now we have the trump first family. ok, i am joined here in our little perch overlooking capitol hill. i have our north america editor, jon sopel, and carlos watson on a republican who has not particularly been a supporter of donald trump. john, you are watching the new first family of the united states. what strikes you, this is a political occasion, ceremonial, but also deeply personal. the human stories that are unfolding. melania trump giving michelle 0bama that little tiffany box outside the white house. michelle 0bama does not have a lady in waiting that she can hand it to. and then, of course, you have hillary clinton arriving and waving to the cameras. you thought, how painful must that have been? and there you see her smiling and laughing now on the steps of the capitol, waiting for the ceremony to begin, flanked by george w bush and her husband and thinking, it would be unnatural if she didn't think, i got 3 million more votes than him, andi got 3 million more votes than him, and i am not there as the president being sworn in today, swearing on the lincoln bible. it is all these human stories, as well as the ceremonial, which follows, as it does every four years. if you had the sound turned down you would think there is nothing unusual about what is unfolding today. and yet it is extraordinary that we are witnessing donald trump, with no previous political experience, being sworn in as the 45th president of the united states. and never before has there been such uncertainty about what is going to unfold in his presidency. there is always in washington when we have these transitions of power between administrations, a change. a change in government, in policies, a change in tone in this city. but i can't remember a time, carlos watson, when there has been such a dramatic shift, how two men, so different in almost everything, in their worldview, in their view of america, in their understanding of what it president of this country, from barack 0bama to donald trump, and we are making this transition at a time when the country is bitterly divided. we have seen the violent protests on inauguration morning. something else i have never seen. and the backdrop to what is a peaceful transition of power, and smiling faces up on the podium, doesn't tell the whole story. smiling faces up on the podium, doesn't tell the whole storym doesn't, indeed. it would be hard to find the easy comparison. if you wanted to stretch back in modern times, probably 1968—69, nixon winning in the midst of vietnam and the midst of racial strife and other things. and again, the level of moral outrage, notjust political difference and dissension. and that presidency ended six years later in a very difficult place. that does not necessarily mean that has to happen here but there is no doubt about it, that he does not go forward with the kind of honeymoon that bush 41 had, or ronald reagan had for a bit, that bush 41 had, or ronald reagan had fora bit, or even that bush 41 had, or ronald reagan had for a bit, or even that barack 0bama had, even in the midst of the financial crisis he found himself in. so clearly there will be greater levels of protest and dissension, and frankly competition. the democrats will nominate a new head of the dnc in a few weeks, and that will kick off a level of competition and resistance that we have not yet seen. for donald trump supporters, cheering therefore the cameras on the national all, it is precisely these differences they are excited about. as we look at that wide shot, i cannot help but reflect on when i was here eight years ago, and trying to broadcast from there, and i missed my first broadcast because the crowds were so dense we couldn't get anywhere near. these crowds are thin. it was1.8 get anywhere near. these crowds are thin. it was 1.8 million who came for barack 0bama, from all over america, they travelled four days to witness a piece of history, the first african—american president. witness a piece of history, the first african-american president. he had the biggest turnout of any president ever. in even colder weather. his crowds were dense, right back to the washington monument, halfway down the national mall, at the top of that shot. this is fairly spartan. i don't want to make a trivial point, but these are things that matter to donald trump. he loves to be able to say, this was the biggest crowd ever. he will not be able to say that. he will probably say it anyway! that is the other thing we do not know, whether the tweeting, the random attacks on meryl streep, a satirical tv programme, a union leaderfrom pennsylvania, we have no idea whether that is the style he will ta ke whether that is the style he will take into the white house with him. so when we say uncertainty, this is not just about the detail of policy but about behaviour. you made the point earlier about it being hard to think of two people more different than donald trump and barack 0bama. when you go to a barack 0bama news conference, or listen to him speak, you feel that every word is being measured for nuance. there will be a slowness of delivery, as he wants to get the tone absolutely right so there can be no misunderstanding of what he said. with donald trump, you hear from the heart. what he said. with donald trump, you hearfrom the heart. there is no lack of authenticity about donald trump. you hear it, you feel it, and thatis trump. you hear it, you feel it, and that is how he has been until now, and we don't know if it will change tomorrow. i was talking to a former republican governor earlier who said maybe this is what the new era of politics looks like in america, donald trump may be the beginning of an era in which it is celebrities, or singers, or nontraditional political figures who manage to ca ptu re political figures who manage to capture public attention, who are well—known to the public, who managed to rally their supporters precisely, carlos, because they talk ina precisely, carlos, because they talk in a different way. this is what those people on the national more one from donald trump. they do not wa nt one from donald trump. they do not want him to sound like barack 0bama, or even george bush. no two ways about it. they're not only will be different candidates and different kinds of conversation, but frankly different policy approaches. i mean, you think about the campaign he ran. i'm going to build a wall and make mexico pay for it. when you think about the way he went afterjeb bush, the way he engaged. even, frankly, in the end, the way that he won, pushing aside the popular vote and clearly and unequivocally holding onto this electoral vote win, which, to his credit, was significant. it was not a narrow george w bush over al gore by five electoral votes. it was a meaningful win. no doubt that donald trump has ushered in a new era of politics and it will be interesting to see how the democrats respond. it will be interesting to see how the democrats respondlj it will be interesting to see how the democrats respond. i think all of us, as we, over the next four—year ‘s and the next 100 days as he hits the ground running, try to measure the success of this president, we may have to recalibrate the definition of success. because i'm not sure that for donald trump's supporters what matters are the facts and figures of individual policies, as much as the tone and feeling and mood of the country that donald trump drives. and i suspect that he will be able to become —— to be cut quite a lot of slack from his supporters by sounding nontraditional. he will need to keep that up. the thing that has struck me is the willingness of people to give donald trump the benefit of the doubt. they know that there are warts. they know there are issues. they know he may lack international experience. all of that. and yet it seems to me that an awful lot of his supporters just don't care. they know what they are getting as part of a package, in a way they couldn't warm to hillary clinton. they talked aboutjohn f kennedy as the first president of the ten of —— television age. donald trump is the first president of the reality television age. he is going to play communications very differently. lets go down to the national more all. almost a million turned out for barack 0bama. it looks thinner this time around. but there are supporters from donald trump who have come from all over this country to see their man take the oath of office. 0ur reporter is down there on the national more all for us. what is the mood like down there. excited, despite the weather? iimagine the there. excited, despite the weather? i imagine the atmosphere is building. if we move the camera down, you can sow that crowds are —— can you see that crowds are streaming in. closer to the capitol, the crowds are cramming in. these are the cheap seats, you could say. people here will be watching on big screens. 0ne of the hall marks of this campaign was how divisive it was. i'm joined by two people who've come to the inauguration today. hello, gorge. and jen from minnesota. hi there. hello. let's start with you, you we re hello. let's start with you, you were a donald trump supporter. how are you feeling today?” were a donald trump supporter. how are you feeling today? i was, i am feeling great. it's an exciting day. i wanted to be here. i think the next eight years is going to be very, very interesting. how are you feeling? your badge of course, shows us feeling? your badge of course, shows us you voted for hillary clinton. it's been a roller coaster of emotions, leading up to the election and since november 8. why are you here today? i'm here with a group of high school students. we're experiencing washington dc and we are here to visit the nation's capital and experience the wonderful treasures and witness of peaceful transformation of power from one president to another. how do you think donald trump can unite this country and bring people like you on board and have faith in him?” certainly think that's an area of opportunity for him right now. i hope that he goes into it listening and surrounds himself with compassionate and capable people, who are able to speak on behalf of the american public. what do you think to that, how can he bring people likejen think to that, how can he bring people like jen on think to that, how can he bring people likejen on board? think to that, how can he bring people like jen on board? i'm looking for him to govern as our president, the entire united states president, the entire united states president, both sides of the aisle. we need that. it's time for that. that was part of why i think this is a change and we have a shot at that. thank you very much. we'll let you get a spot further down the mall to watch the proceedings. that's it for now. here the crowds are filling up in the national mall. we're back with more later. down there on the mall with donald trump supporters, i should say, here we go back to the capitol. there's michelle 0bama and gill biden coming out onto the inauguration platform. michelle 0bama who has been through this twice before, of course, in 2009 and then again when her husband was re—located four years later, she's sat there watching her husband ta ke she's sat there watching her husband take the 0ath she's sat there watching her husband take the oath of office to become president of the united states. it's a very rare club. there are not a lot of people who have been in michelle 0bama's situation. she leaves the position of first lady incredibly popular with the american public. she has high approval ratings. many people have wondered whether she might run for politics herself. her husband says, not on your life, it's not going to happen, dream on. michelle has no interest in being a politician. but she became a very powerful advocate for hillary clinton. she was called the secret weapon during the campaign. she's been a well respected and well liked first lady in her own right. she hands over to somebody younger and quite different and who does not, it seems, want to embrace the role of first lady of the united states with quite the vigour with which michelle 0bama has done so. of course, she was a powerful career woman in her own right as a lawyer in chicago, working in chicago hospital systems and had a very successful and important job that she had to give up tojoin her husband to come down here when he left chicago and became president of the united states. there have been questions about how happy she was to do that in the way that hillary clinton had also had to give up a career as a lawyer to become bill clinton's first lady. but she took on the role with gusto and barack 0bama has been very publicly grateful to her over the last few weeks, several times mentioning how important she has been and talking about how she took on this role that she didn't ask for but that she did so with grace and style. i think most americans would agree with that. and you look at the way she is able to communicate and the way she communicates and the way she's done it as first lady, notjust doing the odd conventional interview. you know dancing on tv with one of the late night tv hosts, doing james corden's car pool karaoke. melania trump being escorted onto the platform by the military guard there, a woman who will not be taking up residence, initially, in the white house, but will stay in new york with her son until he finishes his school year. somebody who has made it clear that she does not relish this position. yes, i felt you she does not relish this position. yes, ifelt you could she does not relish this position. yes, i felt you could see she does not relish this position. yes, ifelt you could see it yesterday slightly, when she was at the republican congressional leaders lunch. donald trump asked her to say a few words. there was a look on her face as if to say, that is the last thing in the world that i would like to do right now. in fairness to her, she did and she was fluent and articulate and talked about making america great again and was right on message. but ijust think america great again and was right on message. but i just think that to look at their faces and maybe you can overinterpret just from look at their faces and maybe you can overinterpretjust from facial expression, i've been struck by looking at both her and donald trump today that, the 0bamas are relaxed. they are leaving office. it's all behind them now. they know how difficult it is. you just get a sense, i think, from her and from him, a sense of oh, my goodness, what is going to happen when the door closes behind us this afternoon in the white house and it is suddenly for real and the decisions are coming at you fast, on all manner of different matters. she looks spectacular, former slovenian model, tall, graceful, beautiful, fa ntastically model, tall, graceful, beautiful, fantastically dressed. she's always immaculate looking when she appears in public. but this morning she also looks, as you suggested, like the ca res of looks, as you suggested, like the cares of what is about to happen. she is not skipping lightly. her feet, i suspect are feeling very heavy with the burden, extraordinary burden that must be on you to be president. we look at these pictures of the people smiling, if you are a spectator today and you've got a ringside view, it's fantastic. if you are one of the participants about to be thrown into the middle of all this — about to be thrown into the middle of all this - we can hear the applause, from where we are sitting for melania trump. carlos watson, first lady, it's not an easyjob, is it? the last several first ladies have really made it their own in different ways. michelle 0bama approval ratings that exceed even her husband's, whether it's been on the question of fitness or education really has weighed in. laura bush was incredibly popular as well. needless to say hillary clinton — was incredibly popular as well. needless to say hillary clinton - we are seeing barack 0bama and joe biden, theirfinal moments as president and vice president of the united states. that's one that worked out, huh? that was not immediately a match made in heaven. they were two competitors in the 2008 primaries. joe biden did poorly in the first and dropped out early. had some inopportune things to say about the future president. one of his last acts in office, president 0bama awarded joe biden the highest civilian award in america, the presidential medal of freedom. joe biden was taken totally by surprise. there was very touching scenes where he cried openly and thanked the president. this has been a very close relationship. i suspect, given the man they are about to hand over power to, these two men, joe biden and barack 0bama, will not be disappearing from american political life in the way that they might have thought they were going to, if hillary clinton had won. certainly not joe hillary clinton had won. certainly notjoe biden. hillary clinton had won. certainly not joe biden. i hillary clinton had won. certainly notjoe biden. ithinkjoe biden, i don't know if you saw that interview re ce ntly don't know if you saw that interview recently where he very openly talked about his regrets that he didn't run and talked about the number of worries that he had — and talked about the number of worries that he had - and talked about the possibility of leaving open the possibility that he could do it again in 2020. hard to believe. the democratic party is in very bad shape in the united states in the moment. barack 0bama has not left his party in full health. the republicans have been elected in local offices right across the country. these two men are leaving office today, but they have a mission between them to try and restore the fortunes. one of the very unusual aspects — restore the fortunes. one of the very unusual aspects - of the party. of what is unfolding today is that barack 0bama of what is unfolding today is that ba rack 0bama isn't of what is unfolding today is that barack 0bama isn't going to get on marine one, i mean he's going on holiday — marine one, i mean he's going on holiday - i am going to pause you there... and the vice president, joe biden, escorted by the senate democratic leader and the house democratic leader and the house democratic leader and the house democratic leader nancy pelosi. applause barack 0bama ba rack 0bama leaving barack 0bama leaving office with a smile on his face. a reporter shouted him a question at him this morning, "have you got one last word, any last words for the american people, mr president? he replied, "thank you." there he is, greeting the trump family. barack 0bama has been gracious to the trump family and he's reached out to donald trump in phone conversations. but he hasn't stopped himself from being critical either in. his final press co nfe re nce being critical either in. his final press conference this week he made a point of saying, "if i feel that american values are under threat, you will hear from me." american values are under threat, you will hearfrom me." so american values are under threat, you will hear from me." so this american values are under threat, you will hearfrom me." so this is not a man saying that he is going to disappear in the way that man there, george w bush, did when barack 0bama became president. the other point, barack 0bama became president. the other point, ba rack 0bama isn't leaving washington. he's going to be living about two miles from the white house, while his younger daughter finishes high school. he's going to be around and there are going to be a lot of people looking to him when they see something they don't like, they're going to be saying — they see something they don't like, they're going to be saying - look at this scene for a minute, jimmy carter, former president of the united states, ba rack carter, former president of the united states, barack 0bama, former president of the united states, bill clinton, former president of the united states, george bush, former president of the united states, that is some political gathering. that's quite a gathering. and then you obviously have the new heirs to the throne. there's dan quail, former vice president for george hw bush. you say the democrats are in a tough place and 0bama will speak up. place and obama will speak up. here we have him. donald trump making his way out onto the inaugural platform on the west side of the capitol, where he will be sworn in. as the 45t h where he will be sworn in. as the 45th president of the united states, donaldj 45th president of the united states, donald j trump, 70 45th president of the united states, donaldj trump, 70 years old. born in new york city. a real estate billionaire who won an election that nobody ever thought he was going to win, when he first announced his candidacy in june 2015. he wrote a famous book the art of the deal, 30 years ago, talk about closing the ultimate deal that no—one thinks you can close. that's what he did in convincing more than 60 million americans and nearly 300 electoral votes to come his way. we talk about the human side of this, he's preceded by paul ryan the house leader and mitch mcconn le l, the senate majority leader. these are people he will have to work with closely if he wants to see his legislative ambitions realised. we can hear the cheers echoing now from pennsylvania avenue to where we are. let's ta ke let's take a moment to watch and listen to this extraordinary moment. ladies and gentleman, the vice president—elect, michael richard pence. applause mike pence, the for the momenter governor of indiana —— former governor of indiana —— former governor of indiana —— former governor of indiana. he has been intimately involved in the transition process, selecting candidates for the cabinet, channelling donald trump and somebody who republicans feel they can work with. he's well known, of course, to republicans in that building, where he's standing right now. there have been times during the campaign when his relationship with donald trump was not easy. particularly around issues of those tapes and women and sexual abuse allegations and mike pence made it very clear he did not like what he was hearing from his boss. but in terms of politics and policy and agenda, he is a supporter of donald trump's mission to change the way america works and up end the policies of president 0bama, a conservative republican, christian conservative republican, christian conservative republican. like joe biden, he likejoe biden, he is likely like joe biden, he is likely to have a meaningful hand in policy. the senate sergeant at arms, frank larkin, the house sergeant at arms, rules committee ranking member and senate democratic leader, charles schumer, speaker of the house of representatives, paul ryan, senate majority leader, mitch mcconnell, house majority leader kevin mccarthy and house democratic leader nancy pelosi. the republican and democratic leadership coming in before the president—elect. this is notjust a new president but a change of power in washington, very firmly switching from democrats to republicans. this is going to be a different america, with a different political bent. this is a conservative, hard right term that america is about to take under this president. and now we are waiting. donald trump about to come out onto the platform, the last person to arrive. ladies and gentlemen, the president—elect of the united states, donald john trump. applause ladies and gentlemen, the chairman of thejoint ladies and gentlemen, the chairman of the joint can for inaugural ceremonies, the honourable roy blunt. thank you, all of you. if you have a seat, you can sit down. mr president, mr vice president, seat, you can sit down. mr president, mrvice president, mr president—elect, mr vice president—elect, mr vice president—elect, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the inauguration of the 45th president of the united states of america. today, the legislative, the executive, the judicial branches of our constitutional government come together for the 58 inauguration of the president of the united states. millions of people all over the world will watch and will listen to this event. 36 years ago, it was the first inauguration on this side of the capitol, president ronald reagan said that what we do here is both commonplace and miraculous. commonplace, every four—year ‘s sense 1789, when president george washington took this exact same oath. miraculous, because we have done it every four years since 1789, and the example it sets for democracies everywhere. washington believed the inauguration of the second president would be more important than the inauguration of the first. many people had taken control of the government up until then, but few people had ever turned that control willingly over to anyone else. and as important as the transfer, the first transfer of power was, many historians believe that the next election was even more important. in 1801, one group of people, arguably for the first time everin people, arguably for the first time ever in history, willingly, if not enthusiastically, gave control of the governments to people they believed had a dramatically different view of what the government would, should and could do. after that election that actually discovered a flaw in the constitution itself, which was remedied by the 12th amendment, thomas jefferson, at that inauguration, beyond the chaos of the election that had just passed, said, we are all republicans, we are all federalist. after four years of civil war, lincoln's second inaugural speech tried to find reason for the continued war when he pointed out that both sides prayed to the same god. he had earlier written about those fervent prayers, that one side must be, and both sides may be wrong, but in 1865, he looked to the future, and the memorable moment in that speech was, with malice toward none, and charity for all. in the middle of depression, the country was told that the only thing we had to fear was fear itself. and president kennedy talked about the obligation in democracy to country. the great question that day was, ask what you can do for your country. so we come to this place again. commonplace and miraculous. a national moment of celebration. but not a celebration of victory, a celebration of democracy. and as we begin that celebration, i call on his eminence, timothy michael cardinal dolan, reverend doctor samuel rodriguez to provide readings and the indication. —— invocation. the prayer of king solomon from the book of wisdom. let us pray. god of our ancestors and lord of mercy, you have made all things. and in your providence have charged asked to all the creatures produced by you, to govern the world in holiness and righteousness, and to render judgment with integrity of heart. give us wisdom, for we are your servants, weak and short lived, lacking incomprehension, of judgment and of laws. indeed, though one might be perfect among mortals, if wisdom, which comes from you, be lacking, we count for nothing. now we view is wisdom. who knows your will and was there when you made the world. who understands what is pleasing in your eyes, what is conformable with your commands. send her forth from your holy heavens. from your glorious throne, dispatch her, that she may be with us, and work with us. that we may grasp what is pleasing to you. for she knows and understands all things, and will guide us prudently in our affairs, and safeguard our spy her glory. amen. —— safeguard us by her glory. from the gospel of matthew, the fifth chapter. god blesses those who are poor and realise their need for him, for the kingdom of heaven is prayers. god blesses those who mourn, because they will be comforted. god blesses those who are humble, for they will inherit the earth. god blesses those who hunger and thirst for justice, for they will be satisfied. god lessons those who are merciful, for they will be shown mercy. he blesses those who are pure in heart, for they will see god. god blesses those who work for peace, for they will be called children of god. god blesses those who are persecuted for doing right, for the kingdom of heaven is prayers. and god blesses you, when people mock you, and persecute you and lie about you, and say all sorts of evil things against you, because you are my followers. for you are the light of the world. the city on the light of the world. the city on the hilltop that cannot be hidden. no one likes a lamp and then puts it under a basket. instead, a lamp is placed on its stand, where it gives light to everyone in the house. in the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see, and eve ryo ne shine out for all to see, and everyone will praise your heavenly father, respectfully injesus' name. we come to you, heavenly father come in the name ofjesus, with grateful hearts. thanking you for this great country that you have decreed to your people. we act knowledge we are a blesses nation, with a rich history of faith and fortitude, with a future that is filled with promise and purpose. we recognise that every good and every perfect gift comes from you, and the united states of america is your gift, for which we proclaim our gratitude. as a nation, we now pray for our president, donald john trump. vice president michael richard pence. and their families. we ask that you would biz stone upon our president the wisdom necessary to lead this great nation, the grace to unify us, and the strength to stand for what is honourable and writing your site. in proverbs one, you instruct us that our leader's heart is in your hands. gracious god, revealed to our president the ability to know the will, your will. the confidence to lead us, injustice and righteousness, and the compassion to yield to our better angels. while we know there are many challenges before us, in every generation you have provided the strength and power to become that lessig nation. guide us to become that lessig nation. guide us in discernment, lord, and give us that strength to persevere and thrive. now bind and heal our wins and divisions, and join our nation to your purpose. viking dumb come, thy will be done. let your favourably upon this one nation undergod. favourably upon this one nation under god. let these united states of america be that beacon of hope to all people, and nations under your dominion, a true hope for all humankind. glory to the father, the sun and the holy spirit. we pray this in the name ofjesus christ. amen. ladies and gentlemen, the missouri state university chorale. choral singing. music: now we belong by michael dennis browne. applause the missouri state university choral pram tillses two blocks —— practices two blocks from my home. we're pleased to find them and we're pleased to find them and we're pleased they're here. applause also, a great opportunity for me to introduce my colleague, the senator from new york, chuck schumer. applause my applause my fellow americans, we live in a challenging and tumultuous time, a quickly evolving, ever more interconnected world, a rapidly changing economy that benefits too few, while leaving too many behind, a fractured media, a politics frequently consumed by rancour. we face threats, foreign and domestic. in such times, faith in our government, our institutions and even our country can erode. despite these challenges, i stand here today confident in this great country for one reason — you, the american people. applause we americans have always been a forward—looking, problem—solving, optimist being, patriotic and decent people. whatever our race, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, whether we are immigrant or native born, whether we live with disabilities or do not, in wealth or in poverty, we are all exceptional in our commonly—held yet fierce devotion to our country and in our willingness to sacrifice our time, energy and even our lives to making ita energy and even our lives to making it a more perfect union. today we celebrate one of democracy‘s core attributes, the peaceful transfer of power and every day, we stand up for co re power and every day, we stand up for core democratic principles enshrined in the constitution, the rule of law, equal protection for all under law, equal protection for all under law, the freedom of speech, press, religion, the things that make america america. we can gain strength from reading our history and listening to the voices of average americans. they always save us average americans. they always save us in times of strife. 0ne average americans. they always save us in times of strife. one such american was major sullivan balou. 0njuly 14, american was major sullivan balou. 0njuly14, 1861, when the north and south were lining up for their first battle, a time when our country was bitterly divided and faith in the future of our country was at a nadar, the major, of the second rhode island volunteers, penned a letter to his wife, sarah. it is one of the greatest letters in american history. it shows the strength and courage of the average american, allow me to read some of his words, which echo through the ages. "my very dear sarah, he wrote, the indications are very strong that we shall move in a few days, perhaps tomorrow. if it is necessary that i should fall on the battlefield for my country, i am ready. should fall on the battlefield for my country, iam ready. i have should fall on the battlefield for my country, i am ready. i have no misgivings about or lack of confidence in the cause in which i am engaged and my courage does not halt orfaulter. i know am engaged and my courage does not halt or faulter. i know how strongly american civilisation now leans upon the triumph of the government and how great a debt we owe to those who went before us, through the blood and suffering of the revolution. and iam willing, and suffering of the revolution. and i am willing, perfectly willing, to lay down all myjoys in this life to help maintain this government and to pay that debt. sarah, my love for you is deathless, it seems to bind me to you with the mighty cables but nothing but op nip tense can break —— omnipotence can break. my love for my country comes on me like a strong wind and bears me on with these chains to the battlefield." he gave his life on the battlefield a week later at the first battle of bull run. it is because he and cou ntless bull run. it is because he and countless others believed in something bigger than themselves and we re something bigger than themselves and were willing to sacrifice for it that we stand today in the full blessings of liberty, in the greatest country on earth. and that spirit lives on in each of us, americans whose families have been here for generations and those who have just arrived. i here for generations and those who havejust arrived. i know here for generations and those who have just arrived. i know our best days are yet to come. i urge all americans to read this full letter. his words give me solace, strength. i hope they will give you the same. now, please stand, while the associate justice of the supreme court, clarence thomas, administers the 0ath court, clarence thomas, administers the oath of office to the vice president of the united states. allegiance to the same. that i will bear true faith and allegiance to the same that i take this obligation freely. that i take this obligation freely. that i take this obligation freely. without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion. without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion. and that i will well and faithfully discharge. and that i will well and faithfully discharge. the duties of the office on which i'm about to enter. the duties of the office on which i'm about to enter. so help me god. so help me god. congratulations. god bless you. been sworn in as the next vice president of the united states. the tra nsfer of president of the united states. the transfer of power is partially com plete transfer of power is partially complete now. next donald trump will ta ke complete now. next donald trump will take the 0ath complete now. next donald trump will take the oath of office. this is the beginning of the switch. you can see president 0bama smiling in the background. mike pence, former governor of indiana, waving to the crowd. now officially, the vice president of the united states. that meansjoe president of the united states. that means joe biden president of the united states. that meansjoe biden is no longer officially the vice president. he is the former vice president of the united states. we will have the formen tabernacle choir in a bit and then the chiefjustice of the united states will issue the 0ath then the chiefjustice of the united states will issue the oath of office to donald trump. mormon tabernacle choir. donald trump's mother was born on the isle of lewis, a scott by birth, in part and born on the isle of lewis, a scott by birth, in partand his born on the isle of lewis, a scott by birth, in part and his father, fred trump, the real estate magnate, surprised the world by winning the election. 0 beautiful for spacious skies machine for amber waves of grain hr for purple mountained imagine stays # above the fruited plains # above the fruited plains # america, america, god shed his grace on thee # and crown thy good with brotherhood from sea to shining sea # 0h, beautiful for brotherhood from sea to shining sea # 0h, beautifulfor pilgrim feet brotherhood from sea to shining sea # 0h, beautiful for pilgrim feet who 0 beautiful for heroes 0 beautifulfor heroes proved #in 0 beautifulfor heroes proved # in liberating strife # in liberating strife # who more than self their country loved # and mercy more than life # and mercy more than life # america, america # america, america # may god thy gold refine # may god thy gold refine # till all success be nobleness # till all success be nobleness # and every gain divine # and every gain divine #0 # and every gain divine # 0 beautiful for # and every gain divine # 0 beautifulfor patriot # and every gain divine # 0 beautiful for patriot dream # 0 beautiful for patriot dream # that sees beyond the years # that sees beyond the years # thine alabaster cities gleam # thine alabaster cities gleam # undimmed by human tears # undimmed by human tears # america, america # america, america # god shed his grace on thee # god shed his grace on thee # and crown thy good with brotherhood # from sea to shining sea. # from sea to shining sea. # and crown thy good with brotherhood # from sea to shining sea! # from sea to shining sea! # cheering and applause here it is, the moment that many thought would never happen, donald john trump is about to become president of the united states. he will take the 0ath president of the united states. he will take the oath of office and once he has done so, he is america's 45t h once he has done so, he is america's 45th president. please raise your right hand and repeat after me. i, donald john trump, do solemnly swear. i, donald john trump, do solemnly swear. that i will faithfully execute. that i will faithfully execute. the office of president of the united states. the office of president of the united states. and will do the best of my ability. and will do the best of my ability. and will do the best of my ability. preserve, protect and defend the constitution of the united states. preserve, protect and defend the constitution of the united states. so help me god. so help me god. congratulations, mr president. applause and there it is. donald trump is the president of the united states. the 45th president of america. he has now taken the oath of office. he is the commander—in—chief. he has the nuclear codes. he is the ceremonial head of state, the elected head of state. this is a man with an enormous amount of power. right now, the 21 gun salute blaring out around this city, to mark a moment that view it here thought would happen and many people around the world did not expect either. a big changes coming to america, and donald trump will be at its helm. applause chiefjustice roberts, president carter, president clinton, president bush, president 0bama, fellow americans, and people of the world, thank you. we, the citizens of america, are now joined ina we, the citizens of america, are now joined in a great national effort to rebuild our country, and restore its promise for all of our people. together we will determine the course of america and the world for many, course of america and the world for any course of america and the world for many, many years to come. we will face challenges, we will confront hardships, but we will get the job done. every four years we gather on these steps to carry out the orderly and peaceful transfer of power. and we are grateful to president 0bama and first lady michelle 0bama, for their gracious aid throughout this transition. they have been magnificent. thank you. applause today's ceremony, however, has very special meaning. because today we are not merely transferring power from one administration to another, or from one party to another, but we are transferring power from washington, dc, and giving it back to you, the people. for too long, a small group in our nation's capital has reaped the rewards of government, while the people have born the cost. washington flourished, but the people did not share in its wealth. politicians prospered, but thejobs left, and the factories closed. the establishment protected itself. but not the citizens of our country. their victories have not been your victories. their triumphs have not been your triumphs. and while they celebrated in our nation's capital, there was little to celebrate for struggling families all across our land. that all changes, starting right here and right now. because this moment is your moment. it belongs to you. it belongs to everyone gathered here today, and everyone watching, all across america. this is your day, this is your celebration, and this, the united states of america, is your country. what truly matters is not which party controls our government, but whether our government is controlled by the people. january 20, 2017, will be remembered as the day the people became the rulers of this nation again. the forgotten men and women of our country will be forgotten no longer. everyone is listening to you now. you came by the tens of millions to become part of a historic movement the likes of which the world has never seen the likes of which the world has never seen before. at the centre of this movement is a crucial conviction, that a nation exists to serve conviction, that a nation exists to serve its citizens. americans want great schools for their children, safe neighbourhoods for their families and good jobs for themselves. these are just and reasonable demands of righteous people and a righteous public. but for too many of our citizens, a different reality exists. mothers and children trapped in poverty in ourinner and children trapped in poverty in our inner cities, rusted out factories, scattered like tombstones across the landscape of our nation, an education system flush with cash, but which leaves our young and beautiful students deprived of all knowledge, and the crime and the gangs and the drugs that have stolen too many lives and robbed our country of so much unrealised potential. this american carnage stops right here and stops right now. we are one nation, and their pain is our pain. theirdreams we are one nation, and their pain is our pain. their dreams are our dreams. and their success will be our success. we share one heart, one home, and one glorious destiny. the oath of office i take today is an oath of office i take today is an oath of office i take today is an oath of allegiance to all americans. for many decades, we have enriched foreign industry at the expense of american industry, subsidised the armies of other countries while allowing for the very sad depletion of our military. we have defended other nations' borders, while refusing to defend our own. applause and spent trillions and trillions of dollars overseas, while america's infrastructure has fallen into disrepair and decay. we have made other countries rich, while the wealth, strength and confidence of our country has this pay to over the horizon. —— dissipated. 0ne pay to over the horizon. —— dissipated. one by one, the factories shuttered and left our shores, with not even a thought about the millions and millions of american workers that were left behind. the wealth of our middle—class has been ripped from their homes, and then redistributed all across the world. but that is the past, and now we are looking only to the future. we assembled here today are issuing a new decree to be heard in every city, in every foreign capital, and in every hall of power. from this day forward, a new vision will govern our land. from this day forward , govern our land. from this day forward, it's going to be only america first. america first. every decision on trade, on taxes, on immigration, on foreign affairs, will be made to benefit american workers and american families. we must protect our borders from the ravages of other countries making our products, stealing our companies and destroying our jobs. our products, stealing our companies and destroying ourjobs. protection will lead to great prosperity and strength. i will fight for you with every breath in my body, and i will never, ever, let you down. america will start winning again. winning like never before. we will bring back ourjobs. we will bring back our borders. we will bring back our wealth. and we will bring back our dreams. we will build new roads and highways and bridges and airports and tunnels and railways, all across our wonderful nation. we will get our wonderful nation. we will get our people off of welfare and back to work, rebuilding our country with american hands and american labour. we will follow two simple rules. by american, and higher american. we will follow two simple rules. by american, and higheramerican. we will seek friendship and goodwill with the nations of the world. but we do so with the understanding that it is the right of all nations to put their own interests first. we do not seek to impose our way of life on anyone, but rather to let it shine, as an example. we will shine for everyone to follow. we will reinforce old alliances and form new ones, and unite the civilised world against radical islamic terrorism, which we will eradicate completely from the face of the earth. at the bedrock of our politics will be a total allegiance to the united states of america. and through our loyalty to our country, we will rediscover our loyalty to each other. when you open your heart to patriotism, there is no room for prejudice. the bible tells us how good and pleasa nt the bible tells us how good and pleasant it is when god's people live together in unity. we must speak our minds openly, debate our disagreements honestly, but always pursue solidarity. when america is united, america is totally unstoppable. there should be no fear. we are protected, and we will a lwa ys fear. we are protected, and we will always be protected. we will be protected by the great men and women of our military and law enforcement. and most importantly, we will be protected by god. finally, we must think big and dream even bigger. in america, we understand that a nation is only living as long as it is striving. we will no longer accept politicians who are all talk and no action, co nsta ntly who are all talk and no action, constantly complaining, but never doing anything about it. the time for empty talk is over. now arrives the hour of action. do not allow anyone to tell you that it cannot be done. no challenge can match the heart and fight and spirit of america. we will not fail. 0ur country will thrive and prosper again. we stand at the birth of a new millennium, ready to unlock the mysteries of space, to free the earth from the miseries of disease and to harness the energies, industries and technologies of tomorrow, a new national pride will stir our souls, lift our sights and heal our divisions. it's time to remember old wisdom our soldiers will never forget — whether we are black, brown or white, we all bleed the same red blood of patriots. applause we all enjoy the same glorious freedoms and we all salute the same great american flag. whether a child is born in the urban sprawl of detroit or the wind—swept plains of nebraska, they look up at the same night sky, they fill their heart with the same dreams and they are infused with the breath of life by the same almighty creator. applause so to all americans, in every city near and so to all americans, in every city nearand far, so to all americans, in every city near and far, small and large, from mountain to mountain, from ocean to ocean, hear these words: you will never be ignored again. cheering your voice, your hopes and your dreams will define our american destiny. and your courage and goodness and love will forever guide us along the way. together, we will make america strong again. we will make america strong again. we will make america strong again. we will make america wealthy again. we will make america wealthy again. we will make america wealthy again. we will make america proud again. we will make america proud again. we will make america proud again. we will make america safe again. and yes, together, we will make america great ain! together, we will make america great again! thank you, god bless you and good bless america. thank you. god bless america. cheering and applause studio: donald trump there delivering an inaugural address 20 minutes long, directed clearly at his supporters and his followers, the people he called the forgotten americans. he talked about a tra nsfer of americans. he talked about a transfer of power from washington dc to the rest of the country and giving people back their power, but this was also a strongly nationalist speech. he talked about making america great again. he said there would be a new decree, a new vision that will govern our land, it will america first. he talked about total allegiance to the united states of america, about having hearts full of patriotism. this was an address to the people who support him, the people who he calls the forgotten americans and a strong nationalist call for america's role in the world. eternal god, bless president donald jtrump and eternal god, bless president donald j trump and america, our great nation. guide us to remember the words, who may dwell on your holy mountain, one who does what is right and speaks the truth. who knows that when you eat the labour of your hands you are praise worthy, that he who sows in tears shall reap in joy, because the freedoms we enjoy are not granted in perpetuity, but must be reclaimed by each generation. as our ancestors have planted for us, so we our ancestors have planted for us, so we must plant for others. while it is not for us to complete the task, neither are we free to desist from them. dispensejustice task, neither are we free to desist from them. dispense justice for the needy and the orphaned, for they have no—one but their fellow citizens and because a nation's wealth is measured by her values and not by her vaults, bless all of our allies around the world who share our beliefs, by the rivers of ba bylon our beliefs, by the rivers of ba bylo n we our beliefs, by the rivers of babylon we wept as we remembered zion. if i forget the old jerusalem, may my right hand forget its skill. the doer of all these shall never faulter. may the days come soon when justice will dwell in the wilderness and righteousness will abide in the fertile fields and the work of righteousness will be peace, quietness and confidence forever. amen. mr president, in the bible rain is a sign of god's blessing and it started to rain mr president when you came to the platform. it's my prayer that god will bless you, your family, your administration and may he bless america. the passage of scripture comes from first timothy chapter two. i urge then first of all that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanks giving be made for all people, for kings, for all those in authority that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. this is good and it pleases god our saviour, who wa nts all and it pleases god our saviour, who wants all people to be saved and come to a knowledge of the truth. for there is one god and one mediator between god and mankind, the man christjesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all people. now to the king eternal, immortal, invisible, the only god be honour and glory forever and ever injesus name, amen. we thank you feather for letting —— father for letting us share this great moment together. let us not ta ke great moment together. let us not take for granted the air we breathe or the life you've given us. we were all created by you with one blood, all created by you with one blood, all nations to dwell upon this land together. we are not enemies but brothers and sisters. we're not adversaries, but we're allies. we're not foes, but we're friends. let us be healed bit power of your love and united bit bond of your spirit. today we pray for our 45th president, the vice president and theirfamilies president, the vice president and their families and give them the wisdom to guide this great nation, the strength to protect it and the hands to heal it. we bless president donaldj hands to heal it. we bless president donald j trump, we hands to heal it. we bless president donaldj trump, we ask that you give him the wisdom of solomon, the peakness of christ. solomon kept peace among nations. joseph dreamt better for the people and christ who accepted us all. mend our hearts and stitch together the fabric of this great country. in the spirit of the gospel song writer, 0 deep many my heart, i do believe, the lord will see us through, i do believe. we are on our way to victory, i do believe. we will walk hand in hand, i do believe. we shall live in peace, i do believe. 0, deep in my heart, i do believe. 0, deep in my heart, i do believe, america we shall overcome." may the lord bless and keep america and make his face shine upon us and be gracious unto us and give us peace in the mighty name of jesus, amen. ladies and gentleman, please welcome jackie evanko accompanied by the united states marine band. please stand for the singing of the national an then. —— anthem. # 0, say can you see by the dawn's early light # what so proudly we hailed at the twilight‘s last gleaming # whose broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight # 0'er the ramparts we watched were so gallantly streaming # and the rockets' red glare the bombs bursting in air # gave proof through the night that our flag was still there # 0 say does that star—spangled banner yet wave # 0'er the land of the free and the home of the brave? # cheering and applause ladies and gentleman, please remain standing while the president and official party depart the platform. you will be released by sections shortly. studio: there we have it, the official inauguration ceremony is now over. donald trump, the 45th president of the united states, leaving the inauguration stand. he goes first. his wife melania will follow, president 0bama follows donald trump. now former president 0bama donald trump. now former president 0 ba ma follows donald trump. now former president 0bama follows behind. there he is, donald trump. property billionaire having just given an inaugural speech, promising to change america, promising to bring backjobs to america, promising that in everything it will be america and american workers first. he talked about american borders being ravaged by other countries. barack 0bama saying goodbye to bob dole and libby dole. bob dole who ran for president himself, unsuccessfully in 1996, against bill clinton. joe biden also leaving there. you see donald trump in the capitol building. he will be going off to a celebratory lunch for the new president with his wife. meanwhile, of course, barack 0bama will be going off to a new life in retirement. jon, quite a speech. quite a speech and i think we've heard so often an inaugural address thatis heard so often an inaugural address that is very carefully modulated and a conciliatory speech. i don't know why we thought donald trump would do a standard political speech. he delivered a more pollish version of the way he has campaigned throughout the way he has campaigned throughout the country, these past 18 months, and has sought to say, you know what, the way you saw me campaigning is the way i'm going to govern. it was like he kind of had the political elite all around him and said, look at you all, you've all done nothing. i'm going to transfer the power back to the people. i'm going to do the stuff that none of you have ever done. it was as anti—establishment address you could hear. with the establishment next to muslim. exactly. next to him. exactly, you could imagine them fidgeting like school children in their seats. as though he was telling them off, saying to the people, i am your telling them off, saying to the people, iam your man, telling them off, saying to the people, i am your man, you judge me on how i succeed. going forward and you know, hear him talking about, it's going to be hire first, buy american first, bringing back manufacturing jobs, american first, bringing back manufacturingjobs, bringing american first, bringing back manufacturing jobs, bringing back all these things, how easy is that when it's not just all these things, how easy is that when it's notjust cheap labour from the philippines or mexico, it's non—passport carrying robots that have taken non—passport carrying robots that have ta ken many non—passport carrying robots that have taken many american jobs. that is the challenge that he has laid out. this is how he wants to be judged on turning this all around. 0n infrastructure, yes, he can do that. he can introduce the legislation that will allow a vast increase in spending on infrastructure. that will create jobs, of course. but going forward, does he reboot the us economy, going back to manufacturing, to steel production, to doing all those things, textiles, that have gone away over the past 20, 30 years as a result of globalisation? carlos watson, republican strategist and media consultant, i listened to that speech and i imagine many people around the world and our audience in the uk and in europe and asia who were watching, millions of them watching that speech will have her the message from donald trump, every single decision we make will now be about america first. he said that definitively, and he said that throughout the campaign, make america great again, america first, and was crisp and clear about that. you and i have both acknowledged that president 0bama managed to cut the unemployment rate in half and it is below 5%, but what is hidden in there is that there are 9 million people believed to have dropped out of the workforce who are not counted in that number, so there is a meaningfuljoblessness in that number, so there is a meaningful joblessness problem and certainly a wage issue as well. so there will be opportunities. will he be challenged by questions of technology, trade and immigration, even a trade war? no doubt about it. but is it clear that he seems determined to do it, and as he said, the talk stops and action begins now? it would seem that is the case. carlos watson and jon sopel are here with me listening to this as the members, dignitaries and those establishment people who have just been told off by the new president donald trump leave the stadium. let's go down to the national mall and find out what donald trump's supporters made of the inaugural address. well, as you can see, people are starting to leave the national mall here. i am starting to leave the national mall here. iam halfway starting to leave the national mall here. i am halfway up, starting to leave the national mall here. iam halfway up, and starting to leave the national mall here. i am halfway up, and where i was it was not too crowded, but up close people were crammed in to watch the address on the screens. i am joined by some donald trump supporters. thank you forjoining us on the bbc. you are rob. you have come from? west chester, pennsylvania. patricia. we will start with you two. what did you think of the presidential address?” thought he gave an amazing message of unity among the people and giving the nation back to the people. it was a strong message and he conveyed it very well. he talked about eve ryo ne it very well. he talked about everyone having the same blood, eve ryo ne everyone having the same blood, everyone having the same blood, everyone having red blood, whether you are black or white, trying to unite a divided country. how successful do you think he will be in reality, away from the presidential address?” in reality, away from the presidential address? i really hope he is successful. it is a matter of everybody listening, talking and coming together, and that was his message. there were many protesters, but they were peaceful today. that is what i love about our country. it is what i love about our country. it is time to open hearts and minds and move forward and be successful as a country. you have travelled from atla nta country. you have travelled from atlanta today. having listened to that address, what kind of president do you think donald trump will be?” think he will be great. it is important to remember that it is a democracy and it is nice to hand the power to the people so i look forward to that. what weaknesses do you think he might have in office?” am not quite sure. every president has some, but i don't know what his might be. i think he has said he wa nts to might be. i think he has said he wants to repeal 0bama care, and that is something he might struggle with. back to you, patricia. donald trump had a list of policies and pledges, but someone like you was attracted to those during the campaign. what do you think should be the priorities now that he is president trump and will be in the oval 0ffice? trump and will be in the oval office? certainly addressing some of the economy and spending of government, bringing the government back to the people. government has become more about politicians and less about the people on both sides, so less about the people on both sides, soiam less about the people on both sides, so i am really hoping, and he seems sincere in what he says, that that is what will happen. but he is now a politician. isn't that amazing? everyone gave him no credit. back to the studio. thank you forjoining us. we are going tojump in here back to capitol hill, because we are now seeing the pictures of donald trump, you just saw him there, and president 0bama. president trump and president 0bama. president trump and president 0bama. president trump and president 0bama walking through the capitol building. they will now come out onto the east side of the capitol building, and you can see the helicopter. that is the helicopter that will take barack 0bama and michelle 0bama away from washington, whisk them away from this scene. they are now history. they are the past. and the future will carry on inside that building. they will get a ceremonial goodbyes from donald trump. they will then be flown to andrews air force base, and from there they will fly on a plane that will not be air force one, although it looks rather like it. it will be a special air mission plane that will fly them to palm springs, california, where they are going to ta ke california, where they are going to take a vacation. but this is the beginning of the end of president 0bama's eight years in office. he is now a former president and we will wait to see him come out, shake hands with those dignitaries, and leave office. here we go. president donald trump, former president barack 0bama. this is a remarkable moment in american history. two men, very different world views, have tried to work together in this transition programme, won a republican, one a democrat, one who has served eight yea rs democrat, one who has served eight years in office, one who was about to begin his term in office. from now on, it is donald trump who carries the weight of office with him. afinal carries the weight of office with him. a final chat between these two men. donald trump hasjust him. a final chat between these two men. donald trump has just given an inaugural address but in many ways it was a repudiation of the politics of barack 0bama. melania trump has also come to say goodbye to the 0bamas. barack 0bama, taking his wife's hand, a quick kiss on the hand for michelle. this is not an easy day for this couple. they leave their home, they leave theirjob, they leave the office of the presidency, and they are handing over to somebody with a very different world view, and in many ways a future that is very unknown. they say goodbye to their vice president. these couples have been close. jill biden and joe biden also saying goodbye to the trumps. asjon sopel said earlier, this is notjust politics, it is personal. what are these people thinking? barack obama is smiling and looking relaxed because this has been a long and gruelling period. we feel we have watched him age and grey with the burden of office. but he must also feel, listening to that speech, so what will be left of what i have done over the past eight years? and he leaves office with very high approval ratings, but in terms of concrete steps, is donald trump going to undo various bits of the policy, the iran nuclear deal, policy, the iran nuclear deal, policy towards the middle east, policy towards the middle east, policy towards the middle east, policy towards cuba, climate change. the list goes on and on. yes, it was a broadbrush speech from donald trump. he did not get into the specifics. but did he give us a sense of direction? absolutely, he did. he knows where he wants to take the country and what he wants to do, andi the country and what he wants to do, and i would imagine barack 0bama feels uneasy about that. carlos watson. the one thing we know about donald trump is that he does not feel as wedded to his statements as previous politicians. what are you suggesting? one-minute mexico is going to pay for the war, the next minute he is asking congress to do so. minute he is asking congress to do so. one minute he has a certain view on abortion and choice, and the next minute he has a different view. i think that in president donald trump, i would think that in president donald trump, iwould not think that in president donald trump, i would not be surprised to see him change course. whether it has been the secretary of state nominee, the epa nominee, the defence secretary nominee, we have heard them shift from his worldview on questions of torture, questions of russian hacking, even from questions of climate change as a hoax, you have heard some variability. here we go, donald trump, melania trump, barack 0bama, michelle 0bama making their way down the steps of the east side of the capitol, to the helicopter that will ta ke capitol, to the helicopter that will take the outgoing president and his wife. you wonder how much these two men will keep in touch. how much will donald trump seek advice from barack 0bama once he has left office? it will be an interesting relationship. who would have guessed that the relationship that grew between bill clinton and george bush? and the relationship that has clearly built up between barack 0bama and george w bush. they seem to be completely different types of figures. i think the fact that this relationship in some ways got started with the birth controversy, which many people judged to be at best racially tinged and at worst racist, i think that willjaundice to some extent how deep that relationship could become. in the case of clinton... donald trump says goodbye to barack 0bama. melania trump kisses michelle on the cheeks. barack 0bama and michelle 0bama are on the way out. there will be an outpouring of missing barack obama on the part of many americans. not just because his approval numbers are high, but when someone has in with you that long and leaves on a high note... there we go. the world says goodbye to barack 0bama, having beenin says goodbye to barack 0bama, having been in office for eight years, immensely popular around the world. he turns and waves goodbye. and that's it. the last we see of barack 0bama in washington. he will fly to andrews air force base, say goodbye to his staff. he is leaving office. the new man is coming back into the capitol building. that's it. he's alone now. he doesn't have barack 0bama at his side any more. he is the 45th president of the united states and the decisions and cares of office are now on his shoulders. one can imagine the briefing is taking place in a short space of time. maybe there were military operations planned in far—away countries on which he has to give final approval in the situation room. it starts immediately. it's not like you can suddenly say, we'll have a few days off from governing. the governing is intense. when we watch episodes of the west wing, or whatever programming happens to be, crises are discreet and follow sequentially. in real life, in government, it isn't like that. they come at you at multiple times and you are fending off umpteen different crises simultaneously. he will have to deal with these crises as he tries to change the country, and he will knock up against the reality of government. he will knock up reality of government. he will knock up against it but remember, right now his opponents are back on their heels of it, both on the republican side, because many of them didn't support him, and even on the democratic side, surprised by it. so we he will have a little bit of room, and he has the tool visit ashen grey executive orders, which he has said he will use aggressively to unilaterally affect some policies. the blades are turning, the helicopter that will take barack 0bama and michelle 0bama out of washington. it isn't marine one because the president is not on board. it is only when the president is travelling. so it is the helicopter that looks like marine one. it is a bog-standard helicopter. yes, that is how we get around in washington, dc. how the mighty have fallen. in the united states system he will always be president 0bama but he is no longer commander—in—chief. he is another citizen going about his business and off to andrews airbase in maryland for a plane that will take him away. there is a video they have put on twitter this morning of michelle 0bama and barack 0bama saying, you will not hear much from us for the next two weeks. we are going to be still, reflect and sleep a bit. and then they will come back, maybe recharged and invigorated after that. but how they manage the relationship of being the ex—president, living a couple of miles up the road, will be fascinating to watch unfold. look at this image. for a fascinating to watch unfold. look at this image. fora moment, look fascinating to watch unfold. look at this image. for a moment, look at the image. extraordinary, isn't it? when people speak of the symbolism of the transfer of power, their uc it. -- uc it. there it is. what a sight. right behind us. i've got to get a photo of this for posterity. this is extraordinary. this is an extraordinary. this is an extraordinary moment in the life of a democracy. actually, it's coming right over towards our position now. the helicopter blades will probably start to be very loud. we can almost feel this helicopter, it is right behind us. barack 0bama leaving washington, heading to andrews air force base. we're watching it over our shoulders, which is why we're turned away. he's just literally flown behind us. he flies off now. he's taking a holiday in california, in palm springs, with his family. he will be coming back to washington because his daughter has school here. he can't stay away for very long. trump tower. the old post office building and that is now the new trump international hotel. impeccable timing. just opened. meanwhile, inside the capitol building, the festivities continue for the new president for donald trump and his wife. they have an elaborate lunch lined up with members of congress, those very members of congress, those very members of congress, those very members of the washington power establishment who have just been told that the power is about to be taken away from them and handed back to the american people. senatorjohn mccain there, they will all file into the hall for a lunch of lobster and shrimp, peanut crumble, angus beef and chocolate souffle. my understanding is that donald trump has a fairly limited palate when it comes to food. he doesn't drink, of course. no alcohol for him at this lunch. he is teetotal, has been since his older brother died of alcohol poisoning, who was an alcoholic. he has admonished his children never to drink either. it's a teetotal family. jimmy carter had a teetotal family. jimmy carter had a teetotal family. jimmy carter had a teetotal white house. we don't know if donald trump will carry on that tradition. jimmy carter's white house was a very austere place.” think the white house christmas party would be a rather different affair if it was no alcohol being served, catty! katty! ithink we can trust there will be some alcohol present. trump, a long time hotelier won't be afraid to serve his guests. let's talk a bit more about the inaugural address, let's talk a bit more about the inauguraladdress, because let's talk a bit more about the inaugural address, because you're right, i think often times when we think of somebody standing there in this ceremonial position, they will express this ceremonial position, they will ex press a this ceremonial position, they will express a sense of the weight of office and unity of the country. my feeling about that inaugural address was that it was directed very firmly at donald trump's supporters, not very much interest in the people who did not vote for him or the fact that he comes into office having lost the popular vote, not much of an attempt at unity in the country. he made the comment that america, when it is united, is unstoppable. but america is not united. that was not a speech that did very much to unite the country. it was a very different tone from the speech he gave in new york in the wee small hours of november 8th after he won the election. he did talk about, i'm here to represent all americans. he was making the argument that eve ryo ne was making the argument that everyone is going to benefit from this and we are all together and he used that old military metaphor, if it doesn't matter whether you're black, brown or white, you all shed the same blood. it's going to be a challenge for him to try and bring people together, to buy into the policies that he is setting out. there will be many people, maybe on the east coast, maybe on the west coast, who voted in such big numbers for hillary clinton and who voted in greater numbers than they did for donald trump in terms of the popular vote, to get them to believe in this vision. but ifjobs are coming back, if people are seeing their living standards rise, and if they feel that their neighbourhoods are getting safer, these are the chael engs he's set himself. —— challenges he's set himself. he's set the bar very high about transforming american society in terms of drugs, in terms of crime, in terms of people feeling safe, in terms of people feeling safe, in terms of people having well paid jobs. as carlos poirnted out, donald trump has proved himself quite capable of setting one standard and operating ona setting one standard and operating on a different standard without turning much of a hair about changing the facts on the ground. correct. to say it in a positive way, he's quite versatile when it comes to his policy pronouncements, quite elastic. that is excellent. excellent word. it will be interesting to see where he lines up and what kind of success he has. frankly, in many ways, he comes into this situation better than the one that president obama got. you remember, he came into the situation where we were losing 800,000 jobs a month, where he was fighting two wars that hadn't been paid for, where the debt and the deficit were ballooning. so to the extent he does wa nt ballooning. so to the extent he does want to make meaningful change he clearly comes with a better background and a better scenario immediately than the kind of crisis—like atmosphere that new president obama stepped into. one of the bits of political genius that we saw about donald trump during the campaign was his depiction of the us economy as a basket case. whereas if you look around the world, the us economy is picking up nicely. growth rate is up. unemployment is way down. people are starting to spend again in the shops. there is an economic success story. he is going to inherit that at an early stage and is then able to say look at the transformation i've made. he will turn the narrative. he has been brilliant at creating that shaping of the political narrative. let's talk about his relationship with the rest of the world and how that might change for everybody watching this from other countries, some of whom are excited about this new era, and some of whom support a more populist agenda, as we heard laid out in that speech, and some of whom watching with trepidation about what might happen between america and the world. you and i were talking, carlos, earlier about the reality of the government. there is the reality of foreign policy as well. donald trump may want to do things and then jam up against the fact that china really does care about taiwan and the one—china policy. that could come back to haunt him later on. how much is america's relationship with the world about to change starting today? i think there's no two ways that you'll see in a couple of places, certainly russia. there will bea places, certainly russia. there will be a meaningful change. obviously, people on different sides of the aisle feel differently about that. there will be change. you're right we're less clear about what's going to happen in china. one of the other place s we have to understand is iran. we know that prm netanyahu has been close to trump. that will be a place to watch too. lo and behold, if in may, le pen, has more success than some people currently expect in that election, certainly donald trump could become an even larger figure in europe. let's go down now to the national mall and get a sense of what the crowds down there are feeling and thinking about this inaugural address, it's struck us listening to it, as one that was not particularly conciliatory, aimed at donald trump supporters and the kind of speech, i imagine, his supporters will have absolutely loved.” of speech, i imagine, his supporters will have absolutely loved. i am with a group of his supporters, they come from nearby fredrik in maryland. i will swing the camera round. i'm going to come over and talk to mary. thanks forjoining us. you were watching up close, how close were you? we were not too far up. a little while. what due make of that first presidential address from president trump? i thought it was excellent. he hit the point, he's putting america back to us, give it back to us. paying attention. i like the fact that he's going to pay attention to the people who are poon attention to the people who are poor, for example, detroit, places like that. he just is giving the power back to the citizens of the united states. and how much do you think he can build bridges? a lot of his message there talking about bringing power away from washington, that kind of thing. that's playing to his heart land, supporters like you, how can he reach across?” think he could reach across by listening to us. for example, i know on his campaign trail he went to cities that were, for example he we nt cities that were, for example he went to detroit, and i believe as long as he keeps the communication open, that he confronts, that he questions and that he listens. now, you've got a friend with you who's come to watch this inauguration from russia, no less. thanks forjoining us on the bbc. tell us what you thought of president trump's address and mary you might help with some of the translation. i think that trump is the president of united states and trump election american people. i support american election. you like mrtrump then? i support american election. you like mr trump then? yes. let's move down here. hello. what's your name? jimmy. what was the one stand-out thing from the address for you?” liked the way he says it is all about us. it's the people, it's finally come back to us. it's nice to know that you've got a person that ran for office one time and he ran for president of the united states and he won it. he didn't work up states and he won it. he didn't work up through the ranks for 30 years. he's one of us. when he's done, he's probably going to go back to work. that's the way it should be in the united states. let me ask you this, he said he wanted to drain the swamp, he railed against the political class here in washington, but he's going to be the political class. tell me quickly what you think of that? draining the swamp in my opinion is him taking away the people who come in here and buy stuff. you buy votes, you have big corporations that come in and want to spend money to sway political people. that's what i don't like. thanks very much. there you go. that's the view from a group of trump supporters here on the national mall, just as president trump has finished his inaugural address. thank you very much. after an address that millions will have watched right around the world, here in the united states, but of course, in countries that will now have to get used to a new way of doing business. president 0bama has left washington. he's touching down at andrews air force base. he is the ex—president, the former president of the united states, a civilian of course now. he heads off to a holiday in california with his wife. he will now say goodbye to the white house staff. this, as we've been hearing through the morning, from people who've worked in the white house and been in this position, it's always an emotional goodbye. president 0bama has handed over to a man would could not be more different than himself in style, in policy, in world view. there is a lwa ys policy, in world view. there is always a transition of power from a republican to a democrat or vice versa, this really has been an extraordinary transition of power in america, an inauguration many thought would never happen. but donaldj thought would never happen. but donald j trump is thought would never happen. but donaldj trump is now the 45th president of the united states. you've been watching this bbc news special on the inauguration of the next president of america. music: america the beautiful. # america, america # america, america # god shed his grace on thee # god shed his grace on thee # and crown thy good with brotherhood # from sea to shining sea.” brotherhood # from sea to shining sea. i donald john trump do solemnly swear... # with brotherhood... that i will faithfully execute the office of president of the united states, so help me god. # from sea to shining sea# from this day forward, it's going to be only america first. welcome back to washington. i am katty kay bringing you this day of celebration. he looked in relaxed mood ahead of the ceremony showing no obvious signs of nerves before taking the oath of office, a quick thumbs up to his supporters. past presidents were there as well as donald trump's defeated rival, hillary clinton. they all came to witness him being formally sworn in as president of america. preserve, protect and defend. the constitution of the united states. the constitution of the united states. so help me god. so help me god. congratulations, mr president. in his inaugural address, donald trump promised the assembled crowd that america should unite, and he will make america great again. and you can see the live pictures now of andrews air force base, just outside washington, where barack 0bama and michelle 0bama have arrived on an official helicopter to say goodbye to their members of staff. then they will get on a plane that looks remarkably like airports one, but because it's no longer the president travelling, it's no longer called air force one. this is a very emotional day for presidents as they leave office. he may be relieved after eight very busy years, and a gruelling election campaign to be leaving

Related Keywords

Applause Barack 0bama , Oath , Address , President Elect , Washington Dc , Melania Trump , Time , White House , 0 , Country , Ceremony , Presidents , Crowds , Some , 0n Capitol Hill , Donald John Trump , Platform , Words , Him America S 45th President , Oath Of Office , Arrival , Goodbye America S Founding Fathers , 35 , Supporters , Members , Event , Protesters , Dignitaries , Military Leaders , Congress , Washington Dc Forthis Event , Hundreds Of Thousands , 45 , Seats , One , Election , President Of The United States America , Campaign , Victory , November , Property Tycoon , World , Hillary Clinton , Bill Clinton , Keeping , First Ladies , Opponent , Michelle 0bama Out Of Washington , Politics , Style , Message , Car , Trump , Procession , Work , Movement , Mp , Tru , Twitter , Capitol , Goodbye , Home , Daughters , Two , Eight , Us , Ronald Reagan , East Side , Guests , West Side , Goodness , Side , Theatre , The Call To Arms , Way , Nancy Pelosi , 0bama , Greeting Well Wishers , Everybody , Democratic , House Of Representatives , Cheery , Hello , Speaker Of The House , Paul Ryan , Building , Joe Biden , Television , Drama , Grand Westside , Vice President Elect , Mike Pence , Doctorjill Biden , Wife , Him , Senatorfrom , Chuck Schumer , Republican , All , Leaders , Senate , New York , 50 , Part , Ivanka Trump , Number , Tiffany Trump , Eric Trump , Administration , Red Tie , Brothers , Barron Trump , Eric And Donald Junior , Children , Family Business , Reins , Five , Jared Kushner , Son , Mother , The End , Trump Tower , Change , Family , 0bama First Family , 0k , Supporter , Carlos Watson , Capitol Hill , Perch , John , Jon Sopel , North America Editor , Human Stories , Ceremonial , Occasion , Course , Lady , Box , Cameras , Steps , Must , Husband , President Bush , Votes , Andi , 3 Million , Nothing , Sound , Lincoln Bible , Four , Uncertainty , Experience , Co Re Power , Government , Presidency , City , Policies , Tone , Transitions , Administrations , It , Men , View , Understanding , Worldview , Everything , Shift , President , Something , Transition , Backdrop , Protests , Smiling , Podium , Comparison , Doesn T , Story , Whole Storym Doesn T , Things , Strife , Level , Midst , Notjust , Vietnam , Moral Outrage , 1968 , 69 , No Doubt , Place , Kind , Dissension , Honeymoon , Six , Bit , Protest , Bush 41 , Crisis , Fora , Levels , 41 , Competition , Head , Resistance , Dnc , Shot , Differences , Anywhere , Broadcast , We Couldn T Get , 1 8 Million , 8 , African American , Weather , History , Piece , Turnout , National Mall , Point , Matter , Top , Washington Monument , Thing , Crowd , Tv Programme , Meryl Streep , Tweeting , Attacks , Policy , Idea , Behaviour , Detail , Union Leaderfrom Pennsylvania , Ta Ke Whether , People , Word , News Conference , Nuance , Heart , Lack , Authenticity , Misunderstanding , Delivery , Slowness , Governor , Beginning , Thatis Trump , Celebrities , Figures , Attention , Singers , The Public , Ptu Re , One By , Ways , Nt One , Mexico , Pay , Wall , Kinds , Policy Approaches , Candidates , Conversation , Afterjeb Bush , Popular Vote , In The End , Credit , Electoral Vote Win , Which , Win , Al Gore , Success , Definition , Ground Running , 100 , Mood , Matters , Feeling , Facts , Lot , Drives , Slack , Sounding Nontraditional , Issues , Willingness , Warts , Benefit Of The Doubt , Aboutjohn F Kennedy , Package , Ten , Don T Care , Reality Television Age , Communications , A Million , Man , Reporter , More , 0ur , There , Atmosphere , Camera Down , Excited , Iimagine , 0ne , Screens , Hall Marks , Inauguration , Jen , Gorge , Minnesota , Badge , Roller Coaster , Nation , Group , High School Students , Emotions , November 8 , Capital , Another , Faith , Transformation , Treasures , Witness , Opportunity , It Listening , Behalf , Area , Sides , Public , It S Time , Aisle , Mall , Proceedings , Spot , Inauguration Platform , Gill Biden , 2009 , Post Office , Situation , 0ath , Sat , Club , Ta Ke She , Life , Position , First Lady , Dream On , Politician , Approval Ratings , Interest , Michelle , Weapon , Advocate , Respected , Somebody , Role , Vigour , Job , Lawyer , Career Woman , Hospital Systems , Chicago , Questions , Career , Times , Gusto , My Fellow Americans , Grace , Tv , Tv Hosts , Odd Conventional Interview , Doing , Car Pool Karaoke , James Corden , Woman , School Year , Residence , Military Guard , Lunch , Look , Yes , Ifelt , Making America Great Again , Fairness , Ijust , Faces , 0bamas , Facial Expression , Door , Beautiful , Decisions , Graceful , Tall , Model , Manner , Slovenian , Cares , Fa Ntastically Model , Fantastically Dressed , Ca Res Of Looks , Burden , Pictures , Feet , Applause , Middle , Participants , Spectator , Ladies , Easyjob , Question , Husband S , Education , Laura Bush , Fitness , Made In Heaven , Competitors , Huh , First , Primaries , Acts , 2008 , Scenes , Joe Biden The Highest Civilian Award , Medal Of Freedom , Surprise , Relationship , Interview , Worries , Notjoe Biden , Ce Ntly Don T , Ithinkjoe Biden , Regrets , Possibility , Shape , 2020 , White House Christmas Party , Mission , Fortunes , Office Today , Offices , Health , Isn T , Aspects , Rack 0bama , The Party , Ba , Marine One , Vice President , House Democratic Leader , Face , Smile , He Hasn T , Phone Conversations , Threat , Values , Saying , Press , Press Conference , Co , Nfe Re Nce , Ba Rack 0bama , Daughter , High School , Isn T Leaving Washington , President Carter , Scene , Rack Carter , Gathering , Throne , Dan Quail , Heirs , Obama , Donaldj Trump , Real Estate Billionaire , Donaldj 45th President Of The United States , 70 , Candidacy , Nobody , June 2015 , 2015 , Deal , Book , Art , 60 Million , 30 , Human Side , The House Leader , Mitch Mcconn Le L , 300 , Cheers , Ta Ke Let , Let , Pennsylvania Avenue , Ambitions , Gentleman , Momenter , Indiana , Transition Process , Cabinet , Channelling , Terms , Women , Hearing , Allegations , Boss , Abuse , Tapes , Agenda , America Works , Hand , Conservative , He Likejoe Biden , Christian , Ranking Member , Senate Democratic Leader , Rules Committee , Senate Sergeant At Arms , House Sergeant At Arms , Frank Larkin , Speaker Of The House Representatives , Kevin Mccarthy , Mitch Mcconnell , Leadership , Bent , Ladies And Gentlemen , Person , Applause Ladies And Gentlemen , Chairman , Ceremonies , All Of You , Thejoint Ladies And Gentlemen , Can , Roy Blunt , Seat , Mrvice , Legislative , Executive , Branches , Millions , 36 , 58 , Miraculous , Sense , George Washington , 1789 , Theirfamilies , Example , Democracies , Everywhere , Tra Nsfer , Control , Historians , Anyone Else , Everin , 1801 , Governments , Flaw , Constitution Itself , Chaos , Federalist , 12th Amendment , Thomas Jefferson , 12 , America God , Reason , War , Lincoln S Second Inaugural Speech , Civil War , Speech , Prayers , None , Charity , Malice , 1865 , Democracy , Obligation , Depression , Celebration , Timothy Michael Cardinal Dolan , Eminence , Reverend Doctor Samuel Rodriguez , Prayer , Indication , Invocation , Readings , King Solomon , Mercy , Lord , Ancestors , Pray , Have , Providence , The Book Of Wisdom , Righteousness , Wisdom , Holiness , Judgment , Integrity , Creatures , Laws , Mortals , Servants , Lacking Incomprehension , Will , Commands , Eyes , Holy Heavens , Glory , Affairs , Spy , Gospel Of Matthew , Need , Kingdom Of Heaven , Justice , Earth , Lessons , Thirst , Hunger , Who , Peace , Pure In Heart , Children Of God , You , Sorts , Lie , Lamp , Stand , Followers , Hilltop , No One , Basket , Light Of The World , Cannot Be Hidden , Everyone , Father , House , Name , Deeds , Respectfully Injesus , Ryo Ne Shine Out , Hearts , Knowledge , Ofjesus , Heavenly Father , Gift , Purpose , Future , Promise , Fortitude , Blesses , Gratitude , Families , Strength , Hands , Site , Proverbs One , Confidence , Ability , Challenges , Compassion , Angels , Injustice , Generation , In Discernment , Guide Us , Lessig , Wins , Divisions , Thy Will Be Done , Favourably , One Nation Under God , Viking Dumb Come , Nations , Hope , Humankind , Dominion , Beacon , Holy Spirit , The Sun , Injesus , Ofjesus Christ , Chorale , Missouri State University , Music , Michael Dennis Browne , Blocks , Pram Tillses , Senator , Colleague , Economy , Behind , Media , Benefits , Rancour , Threats , Institutions , Applause We Americans , Religion , Optimist Being , Race , Problem Solving , Wealth , Poverty , Disabilities , Born , Gender Identity , Sexual Orientation , Lives , Energy , Devotion , Ita Energy , A More Perfect Union , Transfer , Constitution , Core , Core Attributes , Rule Of Law , The Freedom Of Speech , Law , America , 0ne Average Americans , Fellow Americans , Listening , Voices , Sullivan Balou , 0njuly14 , North And South , Faith In The Future , Battle , 0njuly 14 , 14 , 1861 , Courage , Sarah , Letter , Average American , American History , Major , Letters , Nadar , Rhode Island , Indications , Echo , Ages , Battlefield , Siam , Cause , Misgivings , Blood , Debt , Revolution , Suffering , Civilisation , Triumph , Faulter , Orfaulter , Love , Help , Myjoys , Tense , Cables , Omnipotence , Op , Nip , Chains , Wind , First Battle Of Bull Run , Others , Blessings , Liberty , Cou Ntless , Spirit , Generations , Each , Who Havejust , Allegiance , Of The Supreme Court , Same , 0ath Court , Clarence Thomas , Mental Reservation , True Faith , Evasion , Duties , Congratulations , God Bless You , Transfer Of Power , Background , Switch , Ta Ke Complete , Next , Meansjoe Biden , Choir , Meansjoe , Formen , Chiefjustice , Mormon Tabernacle Choir , Birth , Fred Trump , Partand , His , Skies Machine , Scott By Birth , Isle Of Lewis , Scott , Real Estate Magnate , Plains , Purple , Amber Waves , Grain Hr , Brotherhood , Thee , Sea To Shining 0h , Beautifulfor Pilgrim Feet Brotherhood , Pilgrim Feet , Heroes , Liberating Strife , Heroes 0 Beautifulfor , Divine , Gold , America , Dream 0 Beautiful For Patriot , Gleam , Human Tears , Thine Alabaster Cities , Thine Alabaster , Sea To Shining , Thought , America S 45th President , Repeat , Office , Preserve , Best , Constitution Of The United States , Commander In Chief , 45th President Of America , Codes , Head Of State , Gun Salute Blaring , Amount , 21 , Coming To America , Either , Applause Chiefjustice Roberts , Citizens , Effort , Ina We , Many , Hardships , Orderly , Applause Today , Aid , Meaning , Nation S Capital , Cost , Rewards , Politicians , Washington Power Establishment , Factories , Thejobs Left , Victories , Triumphs , Land , 2017 , 20 , January 20 2017 , Rulers , Tens , Conviction , Centre , Jobs , Schools , Safe Neighbourhoods , Reality , Mothers , Demands , Ourinner , Students , Cities , Landscape , Education System Flush , Cash , Tombstones , Drugs , Crime , Potential , Gangs , American Carnage , Pain , One Nation , Dreams , Theirdreams , Destiny , Countries , American Industry , Expense , Armies , Depletion , Borders , Trillions , Military , Infrastructure , Decay , Disrepair , Horizon , Workers , Homes , Middle Class , Shores , Decree , Vision , Hall , This Day Forward , Trade , America First , Decision , Taxes , Immigration , Foreign Affairs , Ravages , Companies , Products , Prosperity , Destroying Ourjobs , Breath , Body , Ourjobs , Roads , Highways , Bridges , Airports , Tunnels , Railways , Welfare , Rules , Higher American , American Hands And Labour , Goodwill , Friendship , Anyone , Interests , Let It Shine , Terrorism , Alliances , Ones , Bedrock , Patriotism , Loyalty , Each Other , Room , The Bible , Prejudice , Pleasa Nt , Minds , Unity , Disagreements , Solidarity , Fear , Dream , Law Enforcement , Lwa Ys Fear , Action , Talk , Anything , Co Nsta Ntly , Challenge , Spirit Of America , Space , 0ur Country , Mysteries , Industries , Energies , Technologies , Sights , Disease , Miseries , Pride , Souls , Black , Bleed , Soldiers , Brown , Freedoms , Patriots , Salute , Child , Flag , Detroit , Creator , Night Sky , Breath Of Life , Nebraska , Mountain , Ocean To , City Nearand , Hopes , Voice , America Wealthy , Love Will Forever Guide Us Along The Way , America Strong , America Safe , America Great Ain , Studio , Cheering , God Bless America , Rest , Tra Nsfer Of Americans , Nationalist , Eternal God , Call , Donald J , Holy Mountain , Labour , Tears , Joy , Praise , The Truth , Perpetuity , Task , Dispensejustice Task , Needy , Vaults , Orphaned , Beliefs , Rivers , Allies , The Rivers Of Babylon , Ba Bylo , Ba Bylon , Old Jerusalem , Zion , Doer , Skill , Wilderness , Never Faulter , Fields , Quietness , The Bible Rain , Sign , Blessing , Passage , Scripture , First Timothy Chapter Two , Intercession , Kings , Authority , Petitions , Thanks Giving , Saviour , Truth , Godliness , Who Wa Nts , King , Mediator , Mankind , Ransom , Man Christjesus , Eternal , Immortal , Letting , Honour , Feather , Invisible , Air , Ta Ke Great Moment , Friends , Brothers And Sisters , Adversaries , Foes , Enemies , Bond , Donaldj Hands , Joseph , Peakness , Believe , Fabric , Gospel Song Writer , Deep In My Heart , Hand In , Believe 0 , Shine , Jesus , Say , Singing , United States Marine Band , Jackie Evanko , The Dawn , Fight 0 Er The Ramparts , Stars , Stripes , Twilight S Last Gleaming , Glare , The Rockets , Bombs , Proof , Wave 0 Er The Land , Star Spangled Banner , Home Of The Brave , Inauguration Ceremony , Sections , Will Follow , Inauguration Stand , Change America , Backjobs , Property Billionaire , Ba Ma , He Doesn T Have Barack 0bama , Bob Dole , Libby Dole , Ran , 1996 , Retirement , Thatis , Version , Pollish , 18 , Elite , Stuff , Muslim , School Children , Buy American First , Carrying Robots , American First , Bringing American First , Hire , Back Manufacturingjobs , Philippines , Legislation , 0n Infrastructure , Spending , Forward , Production , Manufacturing , Increase , Textiles , Media Consultant , Result , Globalisation , Audience , Europe , Asia , Uk , Workforce , Unemployment Rate , Half , 9 Million , 5 , Meaningfuljoblessness , Opportunities , Joblessness Problem , Trade War , Wage Issue , Technology , Case , Stadium , Let S Go , Iam Halfway Up , Patricia , Bbc , Pennsylvania , West Chester , Rob , Ryo Ne , White , Everybody Listening , Atla Nta Country , Atlanta , Weaknesses , List , Someone , Pledges , 0bama Care , He Wa Nts , Oval Office , Priorities , Soiam , Tojump , 0bama Walking , Helicopter , Them , Whisk , Goodbyes , Air Force Base , Plane , Palm Springs , Special Air Mission , Vacation , Ta , California , Air Force One , Leave Office , The Beginning Of End , Former , World Views , Transition Programme , Yea , Weight , Chat , Repudiation , Term , Afinal , Hasjust Him , Kiss , Couple , World View , Theirjob , Asjon Sopel , Trumps , Jill Biden , Couples , Climate Change , Bits , Middle East , On And , Iran Nuclear Deal , Concrete Steps , Cuba , Specifics , Direction , Statements , Choice , Abortion , Defence Secretary Nominee , Secretary Of State , Epa , Iwould , Hacking , Torture , Hoax , Variability , Russian , In Touch , Ta Ke Capitol , Advice , Fact , Birth Controversy , Types , Extent , Willjaundice , Racist , Cheeks , Outpouring , Approval Numbers , High Note , Beenin , Last , Staff , Waves Goodbye , Operations , Shoulders , Briefing , Approval , Governing , Programming , Whatever , Situation Room , Episodes , West Wing , Crises , Sequentially , Opponents , Heels , Didn T Support Him , Executive Orders , Visit Ashen Grey , It Isn T Marine One , Blades , Turning , Bog , Citizen , System , Business , Airbase , Morning , Video , Maryland , Road , Ex President , Image , Symbolism , Extraordinary , Uc , Sight , Photo , Posterity , Ex Press A This Ceremonial Position , Helicopter Blades , Holiday , School , Timing , Trump International Hotel , Festivities , Lobster , Peanut Crumble , Chocolate Souffle , Shrimp , File , Palate , Senatorjohn Mccain , Angus Beef , Alcohol , Brother , Alcoholic , Food , Alcohol Poisoning , He Doesn T Drink , Tradition , Katty Kay , Affair , Ithink , Catty , Won T , Inauguraladdress , Comment , Attempt , November 8th , Argument , Military Metaphor , It Doesn T Matter Whether , East Coast , Numbers , Back , West Coast , Ifjobs , Standards , Neighbourhoods , Bar , American Society , Chael Engs He S Set , Safe , Ona Setting , Setting , Has , Carlos Poirnted Out , Much , Standard , Ground , Operating , Hair , Policy Pronouncements , Correct , Wars , 800000 , Scenario , Deficit , Ballooning , Wa Nt Ballooning , Welcome To Washington , Thousands , Hundreds , Bbc News ,

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