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Who will the uk government be negotiating with . We report from brussels on the eus brexit negotiators. The eus Trade Commissioner warns donald trump against protectionist measures and promises to push for fair trade. We take a look at how the eu is responding to president trump. Do you think we should have new legislation for robots . Why not . And, should we be worried about the rise of the robots . Why members of the European Parliament are demanding new regulations to protect humans from artificial intelligence. So, all that to come and more in the next half hour. First, our guide to the latest from europe in just 60 seconds. Mps overwhelmingly agreed to let the government begin the uks departure from the eu as they voted for the brexit bill. The ayes to the right, 494. The noes to the left, 122. Romanias Prime Minister insisted he wont resign, despite mass protest calling for him and his cabinet to step down over a now abandoned corruption measure, with many saying they have lost trust in their leaders. Following a surge in fighting in Eastern Ukraine between Government Forces and russian backed separatists, eu Foreign Ministers condemned the attacks on civilians. 23 of the 28 Member States are breaching air quality standards, according to the European Commission. It recommends phasing out environmentally damaging subsidies such as tax breaks for privately used company cars. And the idea to provide free inter rail travel passes to all eu citizens on their 18th Birthday has hit the buffers. The European Commission will instead offer a cheaper Plan Awarding A General Travel Budget to schools. With us for the next 30 minutes i am joined by the ukip mep Gerard Batten and labours anneliese dodds, welcome to you both. Anneliese, what happens if the European Parliament votes against this deal in a couple of years . That is a very good question and there is the possibility of that. It is just before european elections, not a great time to have a rational debate on issues. Any idea what the answer is . I hope we can get away from the conflicting, argumentative approach we have had. You dont know . I dont know. If it is rejected, if there is no deal, which our british leader said she preferred to a bad deal, i probably wouldnt. If theres no deal, that means exiting, just wto rules, no clear future relationship. It wouldnt be good for europe either. No, very bad for all sides. What do you think . An interesting point, perhaps the council will do what it does when the European Parliament votes for a directive it doesnt want because it has been amended in such a way that it doesnt want. It then ignores that and does it anyway. Whether it has the power to reject the vote of parliament, im not sure. That would be well nigh impossible if the European Parliament took a vote against something as basic as the brexit deal. It could hardly ignore it. What would happen is what mrs may said, then we would exit on World Trade Organization rules. Crash out on wto rules. Which is precisely why going down the article 50 route is wrong anyway. That boat has left the harbour. No. What we will do is have two years of negotiation with people who dont want to negotiate with us. Whove told us we cant have what we want. And end up and having a deal they can reject anyway. What the government can still do, and i am the brexit spokesman for ukip, writing our exit plan. Step one should be to repeal the 1972 European Community act, which would under our law mean we are no longer members. All eu legislation would remain in place because it has been incorporated as acts of parliament. Bill cash has done a very good draft. We havent time for your thesis on that. That is not the governments strategy. It is also not how these issues are set out in the treaties. We have have Legal Framework and we have to make it work. We have to be grown ups, start a decent conversation and stop shouting, and threatening the rest of the eu saying we will slap tariffs on their cars, turn our country into a tax haven. We need an adult conversation. The europeans have been quite vocal but i have noticed a change in tone, a more constructive tone in the past couple of weeks. I think so. It is no good for the rest of the eu if we dont have a deal which will work for everybody. We have to take some of the steam and the highfalutin politics out of it and talk about it rationally. Good luck with that. When the brexit talks get under way, they will be led in the uk by david davis, Secretary Of State for exiting the eu. We know that. What about the people he will be facing across the Negotiating Table . Adam fleming reports from brussels on the eu figures going head to head with the uk government. Who are you . Who knows who this is . Look familiar . Mr barnier. Very important. French. Yes. Do you know much about him . Yes, he is going to negotiate the brexit deal with the uk. Do you know him . Yes, because i am french. Is he a big deal in france . Yes. A big dealish. He is a big deal. Une grande fromage. Mr barnier is a former French Foreign minister, former European Commissioner, and mastermind of the 1992 winter olympics. His catchphrase is, keep calm and negotiate. Let us get a more three dimensional picture from meps who know him. He is a bit taller in real life. Actually, far taller. What is he like, do you know him . Yes. He is a very competent person. True european. He is very expert in one of the most sensitive areas like the Financial Services area. He not someone with anti british feeling, not at all. When he was commissioner, he always looked for a balanced solution in the area of Financial Services. But of course as a chief eu negotiator, he will try first of all to protect the interests of the union, and also to strike a good agreement. I could say that he is french with a british style. What does that mean . He is very concise, very precise. When someone gives him an argument or an idea, if it is something reasonable, he will say, ok, it was not the first idea but i accept it. But if he thinks it is a red line, he will be always firm and resilient until the end. Parliament has its own negotiator, Guy Verhofstadt, leader of the liberal group. But his precise role isnt quite clear. Is he going to be in the room actually . Absolutely, yes. He is a very good negotiator and everyone recognises that. Years of experience. The Prime Minster of belgium, you gain a lot of experience if you have done that successfully. We represent half a billion people. It is vital that any negotiation takes into account the needs and aspirations of the people of the European Union, that is what it is all about. Then theres the man from the council, didier seeuws, a belgian lawyer, hardly a household name. Let us find out more from an old colleague. He has a lot of expertise. Hes excellent at coming up with compromises when you have positions which are seemingly irreconcilable. He often finds a way of reconciling them. He will have the knowledge. He will know the positions of the Member States so will often be able to say to barnier, you can agree this or that, it might be risky or might not get endorsed by the other Member States. Or that has no chance. Wait, the cast of characters gets even bigger. The Trade Commissioner, Cecilia Malmstrom, will be a big player if the uk and the eu try to do a Free Trade Deal at the same time. Never far from any decision is martin selmayr, chief of staff to the Commission President jean claude juncker. Give me one name who is going to be the most influential person in negotiations . I suppose it is mrs may. The elected representatives on both sides. Mr barnier. So far, with his gallic flair, towering presence, ability to captivate the british press, it does seem mr barnier will be so, what do we know of Michel Barnier . He has already said one of the key things in this wh,ebate things in this debate which is Freedom Of Movement, is not up for discussion. He said it cant be changed, britain has to accept it. Thatst he one thing the british people dont want to accept. Now mrs may has said we are leaving the single market, Free Movement is not a matterfor debate. He is supposed to be negotiating our position. No, their position. No. Their position. To arrive at this mythical deal at the end of this long protracted process, he said Freedom Of Movement is not up for negotiation. But it isnt a matter now. I am not sure, Freedom Of Movement was one of the four freedoms that comes with being a member of the single market. If we are now saying, rightly or wrongly, we are now saying we will not be a member of the single market, Freedom Of Movement is not an issue. But the issue about tariff free trade is, there is a solution. But you were talking about Freedom Of Movement. They are talking about that in order to talk us Out Of Trade Issues which is the second biggest issue. No. A Free Trade Deal you can do. We do Free Trade Deals with the eu and other countries, bilaterally, they dont involve Freedom Of Movement issues, i would suggest. The eu canada deal, the latest, has no Freedom Of Movement implications. Is that right . Sometimes, when britain is trying to secure trade deals with countries like india, we have come a cropper on that issue. A visa issue. Exactly. I would come back on one thing about the british people decided they dont want to have Freedom Of Movement. Most Opinion Polls show even a majority of leave voters said, if there was a toss up between having access to trade across the eu, and some Freedom Of Movement, they would prioritise access to trade. Clearly, theresa may has decided she wants to take us in a particular direction. There will be some Freedom Of Movement and some access to the single market. These are the issues that have to be negotiated. Do we know anything yet there were so many names in adams film, all with their own constituencies, i dont mean that in a political sense, but their own interests in brussels. Do we have any idea what the common line will be . Ultimately, the eu 27, whether we are talking about them represented in the eu institutions or in Member States, they want the best outcome for all of them. That is one that has a good deal for britain as well. That will not happen if we keep having a zero sum politics and this trade off saying, if we have a deal that works for the rest of the eu, it wont work for britain, and vice versa. Who is saying that . Unfortunately, some political voices. Who . We have had threats from theresa may saying, if we dont get that deal, we will turn ourselves into a Bargain Basement tax haven. No. That is your partys phrase. She never used that. What she is saying is, if we did come out on wto rules, we would need to also consider our economic model. There are plenty of choices between being what we are now, and singapore which isnt that much ofa bargain. Philip hammond has pushed the same line. They know what they are saying. They are grown ups, they know the messages they are sending. They are damaging, when we should be building bridges rather than blowing them up. Except that if you hear what is coming out of europe recently, i was listening to a Baltic States minister this morning on another channel, he was much more conciliatory. Poland is beginning to say the same. Even Michel Barnier has said he understands the importance of the London Capital markets to the whole of the eu. What i wanted to ask you is we have a rough idea, i put it no higher than that because of the white paper and mrs mays Lancaster House speech, of the British Governments negotiating position, a rough idea. Dont we need, doesnt the eu now need to give its equivalent of its rough idea . Yes. A good point. We will have these long protracted negotiations to end up in a position where we should know where we want to be now. Which is we have freedom to make our own laws, continue trade on a tariff free basis. The people, although parliament has a vote on this, and the European Parliament could scupper the whole thing by voting against it, depending what it looks like. It is the council that makes the decisions to accept. The council of ministers. They are the heads of government in their own countries, they will come under pressure from their own industries and businesses to reach a sensible agreement rather than the ideologues in the European Parliament. One thing that could scupper the negotiations would be if the eu insists on agreeing some kind of brexit bill upfront, whether it is a0 or 60 billion. Because i would suggest to you no British Government can agree to that. Well, in an ideal world, would we be here at all . I can understand their thinking. More recently they have been saying they want to agree a methodology for deciding what the commitment would be, rather than a figure. But people extrapolate figures immediately. What would we be paying for . Take one example, imagine a lithuanian Civil Servant who joins the commission when she is 25. When she joined, the British State had a liability for part of her pension when she retires. That still will be there in the future. In the same way the British State has a liability for my pension when i have paid national insurance. But you are not leaving the British State. You are aware the brussels pensions, the pensions of bureaucrats, are between two and three times average earnings in britain. Do you think the british people will stand for that . Paying the pensions that are up to three times their average wage . I agree with you, there will be difficult discussion. What i worry about is if this is turned into bashing a small number of people essentially. Small amounts of money in comparison to the overall amount we could lose in trade deals, and i am not saying it is peanuts. It is a lot of money. In comparison to what we could lose, we need to look at these issues with an adult head on our shoulders. What would you say to the demand, if that is what it is, for a divorce bill . Well, the eu will do what everyone else in the world has to do, when their income drops, they have to also reduce their outgoings. There will be people who have got pension liabilities. But i think that will be minimal. The governments can agree between them how to deal with that, with obligations to particular people who have been working for a lifetime. But the idea of mr verhofstadts proposal of giving billions of pounds in order to pay for our membership up until 2020, the end of the current budget period, is pure fantasy. It shouldnt happen. There are lots of things the Leave Campaign kept promising, Like Research funds, we were told we would still get that. The money for that has to come from somewhere. It is our taxpayers money anyway, and Research Funds are a small proportion, the government can easily make that up. We shall see, plenty of time to debate this in the months ahead. Donald trumps arrival at the white house three weeks ago has got something of a political earthquake in brussels, with eu leaders going public about their concerns about the new president s approach to trade, defence, human affairs, international relations. In an open letter, the president of the European Council that brings all the members together as heads of state, donal tusk wrote Donald Trumps presidency and the change in washington puts the European Union in a difficult situation with the new administration. Seeming to put into question the last 70 years of American Foreign policy. The Chief Brexit Negotiator Guy Verhofstadt told a thinktank in london, chatham house, injanuary, on a trip to washington after the election, every europenan i met in the us had only one conclusion which is that the eu has fewer friends than ever in the usa today. This week, the eus Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmstrom attacked Donald Trumps protectionist policies of trade and migration, saying, there we go. The one thing that is clear is, for the First Time Since this was an issue, the white house is run by someone who is basically hostile to the eu. That is a total change from any previous administration. How should the eu handle this . Well, i think it is very important that we try and get some kind of workable relationship, but not one where the eu and we will talk about britain as well, where we are in a supplicant relationship. I am worried about the idea we have to somehow support everything that donald trump is doing and not criticise it in order to have that relationship. We will still have those commercial relationships at the same time as criticising him on human rights. Are we still going to depend on america for defence . Potentially. This whole development could push more defence cooperation across the eu, could push the eu to working more together. Spending more money . Who knows . That is in the gift of the eu 27 now. That is not something for britain to be involved in. We meet our 2 on nato. An interesting point raised there. It could be, if the 27 now regard the white house as something that is hostile to them, this could actually pull europe together in a number of fronts. Yes. I think they should cease their hostility to mr trump, and accept the situation, and talk to his ambassador rather than insulting him, mr malloch. He hasnt been appointed yet. It will be him or someone like him. He is a fantasist. He makes up. Let us not go down that road. He has had enough of our time for the moment. This point has been made, you are right, if the eu wants to preserve itself in some form, it should look at what has gone wrong. All these political things we have been talking about, it should get back to the idea of Facilitating Trade and cooperation, then it could have some future. Like the European Free trade association. That is what we were told it was supposed to be. Nobody would object to that. It is difficult for you. The Transatlantic Trade Deal is dead, over. There is a huge argument over defence and of the right attitude to russia. There will be increasing we have not even touched on the white houses attitude to germanys trade and currency policy. Rough times ahead. The way we can face up to them is actually not by supplicating ourselves in front of donald trump. I am very concerned, you talk about trade deals, we have had no assurance from the uk government as part of our new deal with the uk and the us our Health Services wont be opened up. We havent even started negotiating it. Mrs may says she wants to start. No, she said as far as shes concerned the nhs is not for sale. At the end of the day, that trade deal, if it does that, that is a matter for the parliament across the road to decide. The british people will decide that. The british people are quite disturbed by having their leader appearing to fawn and supplicate herself in front of another foreign leader. If people decided they wanted to have control when they voted to leave the eu, i accept a lot of people did, surely we dont want to leave the eu suddenly to become controlled by the us. We have to move on. Meps are gearing up for a vote on proposals for a new law governing non military robots. I guess the Military Ones got a get out ofjail card. A committee decided treat leaps in Technology Required regulation at an eu level. Here is adam again, hes been joined by his new friend, his only friend, sheldon. Do think we should have new legislation for robots . Why not . Yes. Meps on Thejustice Committee agree, they have spent two years coming up with ideas for new legislation. Robots before, in industry, they were kept far away from humans because of the dangers. Now we see a new generation, but it is also linked to interconnectivity, because a new generation of robots are connected to networks and they collect a lot of data. As they become more intelligent, how will we interact with them and what will be the influence on our daily life . Top of the list is sorting out who is responsible for Driverless Cars if they have a crash. It also suggests robots have a legal status of electronic people. Parliament was turned into a sort of low budget edition of robot wars to get everyone ready for a vote next week. For all the new technology on display, there is plenty of Old Fashioned Human Politics as well, because meps are split on a range of issues, whether there should be a new eu robotics agency, a tax on robots for all the jobs they replace, even whether robots are scary or not. If meps vote it through next thursday, the report will be handed to the commission who will decide whether to proceed with legislation which could take years. Meaning one country is unlikely to be affected. What do you think about brexit . Brazil . No, not brazil, brexit a problem of communication. The french socialist candidate for president is suggesting we should tax robots. That would put them in their place. On a serious note, we do need to think about what we do to support people who might be made unemployed through these developments. In finland, they have brought in a universal income, partly to help people whose jobs are being digitised. Tax robots . Try sending a tax bill to the terminator. I will leave that to you. I wont try that myself. Thank you, both. That is it for now. Thank you forjoining us, bye bye. 0 not everyone is seeing rain, sleet oi 0 not everyone is seeing rain, sleet or snow today. We are seeing lovely sunshine across the north and north west of scotland. And britter, sunnier breaks into corn wall. It is windy pretty much anywhere you are. Evidence of that is north wales today, with a choppy looking sea here. So a windy, cold picture, Snowing Enthusiastically into the pennines at the moment. So bear that in Mind Fivejourney in pennines at the moment. So bear that in mind five journey in the highest routes, you will encounter more snow for a few more hours. This is the picture at 6. 00pm. Away from Northern England not much wet weather. Some snow drift through wales, for example. Another area of Rainfall Points to Northern Ireland deeper into the evening, so some outbreaks of rain through here. A few showers peppering parts of main lip Southern And Eastern Scotland and still clearer skies in North West Scotland where we will see a frost down to minus 5 or minus 6. Elsewhere, where we keep plenty of cloud, temperatures going down and a few spots close to freezing. You will notice later in the night. Not a huge amount of weather left. Patchy rain, sleet and hill snow for parts of Eastern Scotla nd hill snow for parts of Eastern Scotland and north east england. Some areas to the south of the uk will see temperatures go up a few degrees as the night goes on. That ta kes degrees as the night goes on. That takes us into monday morning. A sunnier picture across parts of southern england, south wales. A few spots into the west. Keep a lot of cloud down the eastern side of the uk, still damp, drizzly into Eastern Scotland. A bit of hill snow to be found. A windy day wherever you are, strong winds with gales affecting parts of west wales and western england. Gusts in excess of 60 miles per hour, in a few spots in west wales. 11 in plymouth. Most fall well short. And factor in the wind for most. Still a cold feeling day. 0n for most. Still a cold feeling day. On tuesday, cloudier skies this time in the west as the Weather Front approaches with outbreaks of rain and showers. The best of Theshine On Tuesday looks to be across northern and eastern parts of the uk. Gettingmilder this week. We will start to sees the winds as well later in the week. The combination of all of that, with a bit ofshine here and there, means it is going to be milder. With a bit of sunshine. Double figures for more of us on wednesday onwards. Not bone dry, or with a huge amount of sunshine but with a huge amount of sunshine but with some sunny spells and a chance ofa with some sunny spells and a chance of a further showers later on in the week. More online. This is bbc news, im shaun ley, the headlines at three. North koreas latest missile test receives Widespread International condemnation. The commons speaker, john bercow, dismisses claims his impartiality has been compromised, after revealing he voted remain in last summers eu referendum. Labours deputy leader, tom watson, denies the party has been considering possible successors tojeremy corbyn. A group of retired bishops has accused Church Of England leaders of suppressing the views of gay christians. Also in the next hour new zealands stranded pilot whales find their way again. More 200 caught on a beach are refloated and returned to sea. Singing. La la land is in the running for a record breaking haul at tonights baftas, with 11 nominations

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