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To rise, the government says no more than six people can gather together in groups in england for monday. In belarus, another leading opposition figure has been detained. That means nearly all of the main leaders of the protests have been detained or deported. Latest from jonah fisher on that. 13,000 people are homeless on the island of lesbos. They had lived in the largest migrant camp in greece but this was last night. A fire destoyed the camp the only welcome news being that no one died. Already around 400 unaccompanied children are now being flown to the greek mainland. And germany is urging eu members to take in migrants well see if they choose to. Weve also had this tweet from the president of the european commission. She says we stand ready to support, with member states. 0ur priority is the safety of those left without shelter. Lets hear more about those who need that help. Amanda munoz de toro leads an organisation which provides legal aid to refugees in lesbos. At the moment, there are thousands of people that are just on the streets with out any type of access to medical aid, water, food, blankets. They spent the whole night, they just lost all of their belongings, the last things they had. There are thousands on the streets and outside the camps, there are Police Checkpoints where people are not allowed to leave a specific area, and also not allowed to access or provide aid. There are people with disabilities, people who have suffered torture, Sexual Violence and this experience is always re traumatizing. Well next lets hear from the greek authorites. The bbc has spoken to the greek minister of migration and asylum. It appears it started from Asylum Seekers, they did not like the quarantine. We found 35 positive cove rt the quarantine. We found 35 positive covert patients out of 2000 tests. We had to take these people into a quarantine area that created disorder, which led to the fires, multiple fires. Of course, the faber grade and the police will be investigating. They will be the fire brigade. There will be zero tolerance for acts of violence. Now, unfortunately, its no surprise that there has been a disaster at this camp. Its notoriously overcrowded almost four times its capacity and tensions been rising because of a series of cases of covid 19. Heres the minister again. It appears it started from Asylum Seekers who did not like the quarantines. We found 35 positive covid 19 patients out of 2000 tests. We had to take these people into a quarantine area. That created disorder which led to the fires and multiple fires. Of course, the fire brigade and police will be investigating. There will be zero tolerance for such acts of violence. Thousands of people have arrived on this island in years, they were placed in this camp and couldnt leave until their asylum application was processed on the mainland. Its been a slow process. Our correspondent has reported previously. Here she is on who has been housed there and what conditions were like. The majority are from afghanistan, about 70 , but the rest is made up of people from 70 different countries, a lot of syrians, obviously. This is an arrival point for people who mostly by boat from turkey. We have seen quite an uptake towards the beginning of this year of arrivals on that route. Theres also a very tense situation on the island of lesbos as there has been the last few months even before covid 19 where some far rates groups have travelled there, some local population had expressed a lot of animosity towards migrants, so a really tense situation already in lesbos, and this is not going to help them anyway at all. Well already this tragedy is being linked by some to broaderfailures. Heres the International President of Medecins Sans Frontieres tweeting. Thats echoed by any number of commentators. This is greek journalist Matina Stevis gridneff writing for the New York Times saying. And Daniel Howden is at the Refugee Studies Centre at oxford university, arguing. Needless to say the eu and greece do not see what has happened in these terms. Heres the greek minister of migration and asylum again this time on the broader issue of migration into the eu. We cannot have amended capacity to cope with migration flow. Greece has been asked to carry a burden which was too high. We have been the largest entry point to the eu in the last five years. Thats something very difficult for us to cope with and especially for the five islands. They took of the majority of 2019 arrivals in that year. In the next half hour well hear from un officials who are on lesbos. The eu wants an emergency meeting with uk officials thats because the uk has published new legislation that will seek to over ride parts of the brexit withdrawal deal that it signed and that will, by its own admission, break international law. Heres the european commissions Vice President. I expressed out concerns and sought assurances that the uk will fully and timely comply with the Withdrawal Agreement including the protocol on Ireland Northern ireland. In this context, i will call for an extraordinary joint committee on the Withdrawal Agreement to be held as soon as possible so that our uk partners elaborate and respond to our strong concerns on the bill. The focus here is Northern Ireland and a protocol that comes with the Withdrawal Agreement that the uk signed. Northern ireland, is part of the uk. And the republic of ireland is in the eu. And there have been no border checks or any type since a peace deal in 19905 that ended violence between unionists who want Northern Ireland to remain in the uk and republicans who want Northern Ireland to join the republic. And avoiding a hard border is seen as key to maintaining the peace. To prevent any customs checks on the border, the uk agreed to two things that Northern Ireland would continue to follow some eu rules and so remain aligned with the eus single market. And that there would be some checks on good moving between britain and Northern Ireland. This new uk legislation gives the uk the option to unilaterally change which goods are checked. Which is right at the heart of how the whole thing works. Heres our reality check correspondent chris morris. In order to achieve that, it meant there had to be some additional bureaucracy between Northern Ireland and the rest of the uk, between Northern Ireland and Great Britain, so one Northern Ireland and Great Britain, so one of the things it said was that the goods moving from Northern Ireland to Great Britain would have to fail in an export declaration form. No one of the things the internal market bill says is that no longer has to apply, or ministers would have the right in the event of there being no trade deal to decide to unilaterally to change that measure. Irelands Prime Minister there has called the uks actions disturbing. Here he is explaining why. The degree to which it drags Northern Ireland back into the centre stage is very, very regrettable. It has a potential to be divisive in that context. And we must all work to make sure that that doesnt transpire. Michael martin also raised concerns about what this would mean for future talks around trade. Heres more from him. Meaningful negotiations can only proceed on the basis of mutual trust. Unilateral actions which seek to change the operation of measures already agreed included in an International Treaty and incorporated into domestic law do not build trust. Weve also heard from sirjohn major the british Prime Minister who started the Peace Process in Northern Ireland. Hes said. Swire would you do they said this today. Its worth remembering who was pushing for that speedy timetable, jim picard from the Financial Times tweeted this a little bit earlier. Well, more background on this particular development of the brexit story at our website. Now, lets bring in the formal brussels correspondence, current presenter of newscast, adam fleming. Adam, you have been doing the story long enough to not be surprised by anything, but how do you read the last 2a hours . Anything, but how do you read the last 24 hours . Welcome i will give myself a bit of a pat on the back, because of the time the deal was signed last year, a few of us were saying, actually, there were still some holes and things that needed to be sorted out in the ireland protocol and it will be worth keeping an eye on the joint committee which is the committee made up of old officials from the uk and the eu who meets every so often because they have got some detail to fill in. That is what this is all about. I have to say though, the reaction from all of my old contacts in brussels today has just been universal horror. It just in brussels today has just been universal horror. Itjust depends what and of the scale the horror has been at it. Thats reflected public as well. The president of the european commission, president of the european counsel who tend not to get involved in the to day elements of the ongoing brexit process, both tweeting of the ongoing brexit process, both tweeti ng pretty of the ongoing brexit process, both tweeting pretty strongly today, and the phrase they are all using is. Latin for agreements must be kept, deals must be stopped too. What they are deals must be stopped too. What they a re really deals must be stopped too. What they are really annoyed about is that, first of all, this is about irelands come of the Peace Process, and avoiding a hard border. Everyone put so much effort, emotion, thought going backwards and forwards going into that bit of the brexit deal, so the idea that its been tinkered with now after the deal was done is quite worrying to them. Also, the big principal here, something in the Withdrawal Agreement called article four which says this deal will have direct effect in the uk, whatever british law says. The government in the uk is now proposing a law which overrides that and in brussels they ask him if they can override this pitch, what else might they overwrite in future. Stay with us please, adam. The uk government is also facing criticism over this in parliament. Heres one example. If ministers think it is acceptable for this government to not obey the law, how on earth can the Prime Minister expect the public at home to do so . Mr speaker, we expect everybody in this country to obey the law. Interestingly, the leader of the 0ppositon keir starmer didnt use any of his six questions to raise brexit all were focused on the governments handling of the pandemic. The Scottish National party took a different approach. The Prime Minister and his friends are creating a rogue states, one where the rule of law does not apply. Why does the Prime Minister think that he and his friends are above the law . Well, on the contrary, mr speaker. This uk internal market bill is about protecting jobs, protecting growth, insuring the fluidity and safety of our uk internal market and prosperity throughout the united kingdom, and it should be welcomed, i believe, in scotland, Northern Ireland, wales and throughout the whole country. Other Government Mps have defended the legislation by saying it is just tidying up loose ends. Well, peter foster from the Financial Times is the journalist who broke the story on sunday. Adam fleming. They knew how this would go down. Downing street wouldve known this, so surely whether this is a good plan ora so surely whether this is a good plan or a bad plan, so surely whether this is a good plan ora bad plan, it is so surely whether this is a good plan or a bad plan, it is upland, deliberate. Well, its interesting when you talk about the domestic politics and playing those clips from the house of commons, when we think about the domestic audience for this. So with labour, the recent yea rs for this. So with labour, the recent years term or didnt want to go there is because he didnt want to give borisjohnson the opportunity of presenting him, the leader of the labour party, is either pro eu or anti brexit. And i think hejust wa nts to anti brexit. And i think hejust wants to avoid even getting into that issue. Kier starmer. Then on the tory backbenchers, the Prime Ministers own party, there are quite a few, a large handful of them and who would like the brexit deal to be ripped up entirely. Is this a way of borisjohnson giving ripped up entirely. Is this a way of Boris Johnson giving them ripped up entirely. Is this a way of borisjohnson giving them something that looks a little bit like ripping up that looks a little bit like ripping up the brexit deal entirely but isnt quite, because, actually, if you read the small print of this bill published today, its about giving the government powers to do something in the future if a certain situation arose. So it might not be quite as dramatic as some people think. Then you mention the eu and how this plays with them. Im hearing that merrill shaft events, not a household name, but one of the Vice President of european commission, he chairs thatjoint committee which is working on working out the details of the brexit deal and how it affects ireland might be coming to the uk in the next couple of days. I wonder if he is now being presented a nightmare vision of the future from his point of view that may be might encourage him when he is in the room with michael gove, his british counterparts, to perhaps see its from a british point of view and the bits of the ireland protocol of the brexit deal that need to be worked out maybe will be worked out in a way that is more in a british view thanit way that is more in a british view than it is an eu view. And all of this is incredibly tactical. Just posing the question. Intriguing. Adam, thank you very much indeed. Those of you watching, if you dont already subscribe to his podcast, put that right immediately. Its excellent. Yet more evidence that governments across europe are having to take action to try and control covid 19. From monday, social gatherings of more than six people will be illegal in england. Heres the Prime Minister. In england from monday, we are introducing the rule of six. You must not meet socially in groups of more than six, and if you do, you will be breaking the law. This will apply in any setting, indoors or outdoors, at home or in the park. The ban will set out in law, and it will be enforced by the police. Anyone breaking the rules risks being dispersed, fined and possibly arrested. There are exemptions schools, workplaces, weddings and funerals. But this is an effort to simplify the rules around gatherings the government is admitting they had become too complicated. The rules really simple, one of the pieces of feedback we have, including from the police, was that we needed the rules to be super simple so that Everybody Knows what they are. You cant together in a group more than six, now this will be rigorously enforced by the police. And this is why why the government is acting. This graph shows daily cases steadily rise sincejuly and you can see the line getting a lot steeper in recent days. And officials have again pointed out infection rates for people aged from 17 to 21 are rising particularly rapidly. This is englands chief medical 0fficer chris whitty. We are following a pattern extremely similarto we are following a pattern extremely similar to what france followed. And as you can see in france, that rate has continued to go up. The same is true in spain. One important aspect of this is englands ability to test people. Its capacity has increased significantly across the summer but there still isnt enough. Theres been an apology from the official in charge of testing and this week weve heard of people being directed to travel hundreds of kilometres to get a tested. This was the issue the opposition turned to at Prime Ministers questions. I just want it fixed. I dont need to have an argument. Work out that there is a problem, except that there is a problem, work out that there is a problem, accept that there is a problem, tell us what the solution is and we will all and try to make it better tell our constituents. Ive been listening, is he saying that too many people are coming forward for tests, its a capacity problem . Or not . Mr speaker, its obviously a function of the growing demand and the growing Public Confidence in nhs test and trace that we have to supply more and more tests, and thats what we have been doing. I dont know whether hes been listening, i have been trying to give the house the figures. Things to the heroic efforts of test entries, we have gone up from 2000 in march to 320,000 tests a day today. Earlier, matt hancock said people getting tests when they werent eligible was part of the problem. About 25 of the people who come forward , about 25 of the people who come forward, we estimate, are not eligible for a test. Previously, because we have not had this problem and we want getting a test to be as easy as possible, we havent put in place on the website to go through strong requirements to prove the eligibility. I dont want to have to do that because i dont want to put a barrierfor do that because i dont want to put a barrier for symptomatic people to get a test. But unfortunately, we have seen this quite sharp rise in the last couple of weeks of people without symptoms who dont have a good reason coming forward forgetting a test. Rob watson is with me now. Rob, a difficult day for the government to navigate, have you judged its actions and words . Goodness, which went on brexit are oii goodness, which went on brexit are on covid or both . Start with coalbed. Covid 19. The mac lets start there. I think its pretty clear what the governments overarching aim is and that is try to avoid another National Lockdown in any closure of schools and universities by saying to the great folk of the uk, look, come on, lets try and do some things that would avoid that. Youve heard the rule of six, but alsojust reminding youve heard the rule of six, but also just reminding everyone youve heard the rule of six, but alsojust reminding everyone about the washing of the hands, covering of the face and keeping your distance. Keeping their fingers crossed, the authorities, that is, that that will be sufficient. So to not reverse this rise, but to keep it in check. That is a difficult message when you put it alongside the governments message of do go and eat out more and do go back to work more. Well, you know, that is the criticism that has been there of the criticism that has been there of the government for the last few months. Indeed, there is some stuff oii months. Indeed, there is some stuff on social media, of course, rather mocking the Prime Minister on this one. It is a difficult message to say to people, look, be careful, but the back to the office, go out and shop, go have fun, butjust be careful. Difficult as the message as the message may be, thats what it is. Rob we will leave it there. A bit short on time. Thank you for joining us. We will talk to in the next few days. Next we turn to brazil the speed at whch the virus is spreading has eased but and while the curve has started to ease there, the coronavirus is still spreading next we turn to brazil the speed at which the virus is spreading has eased but its moving inland, to more remote areas. Were going to focus on the amazon and arrival of covid 19 is coinciding with its fire season. Both in their different ways create respiratory problems whcih means extra pressure on hospitals. Heres the latest report by katy watson. Brazils amazon is once again going up in smoke. A year after International Outrage over the extent of the fires, they are back and as devastating as ever. But they arent just killing the rain forest. Theyre also choking its people. Dr victorino has been working relentlessly for six months dealing with covid 19. Hes the best chance for the towns residents who otherwise have to travel eight hours to the nearest intensive care bed. The situation isnt easing here, he says. Hes still seeing new cases every day. But now its fire season and the team isntjust battling covid 19. Translation every day, i have patients returning with breathing problems that are getting worse because of pollution, and the fires in the area. They dont know its because of the smoke, they think theyve got covid 19 again. This 27 year old woman was the first person in the town to be diagnosed with covid 19. With no Previous Health issues, there were moments herfamily feared for her life. Translation sometimes im at a loss for words to explainjust how difficult it was. I wouldnt wish it upon anyone. Even today, i have a shortness of breath when the weather is very smoky or polluted like this. I cant stay out in the cold. I start to feel pain in my lungs, pain in my chest. Across town, dr lucas has taken an emergency call. To get there, we have to take a boat. Its not straightforward. Were trying to get across this river to follow an urgent case of suspected covid 19 but the ferry has gone, it wont come back, and its not expected to return for another hour. This is the reality of Emergency Services the amazon. Finally, were on our way. Dr lucas has been thrown in the deep end. The day after he graduated in march, the World Health Organization declared a pandemic. This 62 year old woman has all the symptoms of covid 19, and her son is in hospital with the virus. The team tests are but the result is negative. It could be two things, dr lucas tells her. Perhaps its too early to do the test. In these parts of the amazon, they only have access to rapid tests rather than a more reliable swab test, or doctor lucas suggested could be smoke inhalation. Translation im not ruling covid19 out because her smell and taste are affected and the patient has a cough. She is weak, shes got body pain. Well continue to test for covid. Coronavirus is still coursing its way through the community but their problems are bigger than just covid 19. People here are on the front line, living in the crosshairs of both the virus and the fires. Katy watson, bbc news, in sao felix do xingu. In the next half of outside source, we will update you on why one of the major vaccine trials for covid 19 has been paused. We will also update you on the situation in belarus where another opposition figure has been detained. We will also have the latest on the California Wildfires which continue to spread. See you in a minute. Following the latest changes to coronavirus rules announced by the government, we here on the bbc news channel want to help get your questioned answered. You may be confused about how the six person rule could affect you or maybe you run a Hospitality Business and have a question about managing contacts. Whatever the query you can get in touch with us by emailing yourquestions bbc. Co. Uk or by using the hashtag bbcyourquestions on twitter. Well be answering many of your questions here on bbc news tomorrow at 9. 30 in the morning and again at 4. 30 in the afternoon. Good evening. The cloud and the odd spot of drizzle that we have had over our southern parts through today is clearing away, that is a weak weather front and it is weak because we have got a ridge of High Pressure building across the uk at the moment and that is also reducing the amount of showers that we are seeing in the north, they are becoming confined to the north east of scotland. And actually, the cloud will tend to melt away as we go through the evening and overnight notjust the cloud either melting away but the winds will fall light. So, ingredients are there for a chilly night. It was quite muggy in the south in particular last. It will be distinctly chilly overnight. The glens of scotland are expected to fall to freezing in a few spots. And further south through the countryside areas, into low single figures. The towns and cities as you can see here are low enough. So, at the chilly start to our thursday morning. There could be a little mist around, even a little shallow fog and some of the river valleys. But that should clear and we should have plenty of sunshine, an abundance of sunshine first thing. The cloud will tend to build up through the day. It mightjust produce the odd shower for Northern Ireland but more so for western and northern scotland. Further south and east, mostly dry and staying mostly dry for england and wales but notably, the temperatures are 7 degrees for england and wales but notably, the temperatures are several degrees down on recent days. I still think it will feel pleasant enough because of the light winds and the sunshine. Its still Early September but its a notable change. And so a chilly night will follow in the south tomorrow night but by that time, we have got low pressure establishing itself. So, showers merge into longer spells of rain, and quite heavy and substantial rain across the scottish mountains and also for Northern Ireland. Northern england will also see some rains before it brightens into showers in the north but again, further south and east, largely settled and dry on friday, just a bit more cloud around. That weather front just about fizzles away, then, through friday night as it crosses into southern england but again to the north, we are watching that next pulse of rain come in on our next area of low pressure. So, initially starting as showers end of saturday. By the end of the day, it looks like we will see heavy rains spilling back into probably Northern Ireland, more so scotland. Whilst elsewhere, parts of eastern scotland, much of england and wales largely dry, feeling warm with the light winds. And then as we change our up our wind direction into a more southerly for sunday, we will see it warm up again and our first pulse of rain clears away saturday night, so quite a wet night and potentially some more rain for the far north west than into sunday. But it stays 24 in the south. But by that stage 24 in the south. Hello, im ros atkins. This is outside source. Theres been a huge fire at a migrant camp on the island of lesbos. The largest migrant camp in greece has been destroyed by fire, leaving thousands without shelter. Well go live to lesbos, to hearfrom the United Nations refugee agency, on the ground. To hearfrom the United Nations Boris Johnsons government has published details of how it wants to override parts of the brexit withdrawal deal. This is the message from ireland. Meaningful negotiations can only proceed on the basis of mutual trust. As coronavirus cases continue to rise in the uk the government says no more than six people can gather in groups, in england, from monday. And one of the most high profile covid 19 vaccine trials has been paused. Though were assured thats a standard part of the process. Lets go back to our top story. A fire has destoyed the largest migrant camp in greece leaving 13,000 people homeless. Already around 400 unaccompanied children are now being flown to the greek mainland. We know that part of this story is a rise in covid 19 infections in the camp. There was anger about quarantine measures being implemented. We also know there have been plenty of warnings these camps werent prepared for coronavirus. Human rights watch published this article in april. It says. Dr siya na mahroof shaffi works for an ngo based at camp moria and has a sobering message about the potential for more Coronavirus Infections amongst the refugee population. Our modelling calculations which we have been doing for the last three months as this pandemic was evolving demonstrate that within ten days, within ten days, the whole population will be infected. Lets go live to lesbos now and speak to Astrid Castelein from the unhcr. Thank you forjoining us. What can you tell us about the thousands of people who need help this evening . Indeed we estimate that about 5000 to 5500 Asylum Seekers and refugees have lost their shelter last night and it might be even worse as a second fire has started again this evening. What we are doing as the Un High Commission for refugees is to Work Together with the government is to find Suitable Solutions in order to find Suitable Solutions in order to reestablish temporary sites and to reestablish temporary sites and to protect the most verbal including indeed the unaccompanied minors that are being sent to the mainland for some unhcr has worked closely with the Identification Service to identify and move them to a gathering point and thereafter to the airport. It is indeed an overcrowded site where unhcr has on several occasions urge the government to decrease the population. We are extremely concerned about their Living Condition especially in the context of covid where overcrowding does not allow Asylum Seekers to comply to the basic precautionary measures such as handwashing, physical distancing and even since the identification of cases, worse confinement measures resulting in further overcrowding. They are urging the government to allow persons at least with covid to be transferred to other locations and including to the mainland. Do you agree with the french group saying that this fire facing thousands of people is directly connected to the greek government and the European Unions policies towards these people . Are those two to blame . The European Union pots or policies towards these people. Well, there is a need to ensure the necessary medical and staff are employed on the island. We have also urge the government to reduce the population on the island by increasing the help in the mainland, by improving the Living Conditions in moira, but also have adequate reception capacity on the mainland. We are now also facing this problem with a lot of Homeless People because recognised refugees do not have easy access to socioeconomic rights which would allow them to live in society and alleviate some of the pressure. Astrid castelein, thank you very much. She is from the United Nations and joining us from act iii and as she told us there are still fires burning in the campus of so u nfortu nately burning in the campus of so unfortunately it will be a second difficult night for some. The crisis in belarus continues to escalate. Another prominent Opposition Leader has been detained. This is maxim znak hes a key figure in what the opposition calls its Co Ordination council. He missed an interview this morning and when a colleague called him, he said someone had arrived and hung up. He later messaged the word masks. Thats believed to be a reference to the facemasks worn by security services. And sure enough its now been confirmed hes been detained. And hes not the only one. This is another Opposition Leader, Maria Kolesnikova she was detained by masked men on monday. She then foiled an attempt to deport her to ukraine by ripping up her passport at the border. Shes now in detention under suspicion of state treason. The authorities are targetting the opposition because there there have been weeks of Anti Government protests over last months election. To no ones surprise Alexander Lukashenko was declared the resounding winner but many disputed the result. And as a response these opposition figures formed a Coordination Council. As of today, everyone pictured here has either been arrested or have fled the country. Jonah fishers been covering this story in detail. Heres his latest. The real questions would be, is he going to be kept and held inside belarus and perhaps put on trial for something . Or is he going to be given the choice which many of the Opposition Leaders are given which is effectively you stay here injailorwe take you to the border with ukraine, with poland, with lithuania, and you can effectively choose to go into exile instead. So, i would expect in the next 12 24 hours, we will probably hear a little bit more about where he is. Perhaps he might pop up in another country. The uns special rapporteur on belarus says opposition members are being faced with a choice of prison or exile. They can face charges of up to eight years in prison for organising so called mass disorders. Or the alternative is to flee the country which many have done as mrs tikhanovskaya. Or indeed, and this is new and it takes us back to the worst times of the soviet union under stalin when people were almost forced to go in exile. I mean, this is unseen in contemporary history. There is one member of the Council Leadership who remains free the Nobel Prize Winning author and journalist svetla na alexievich. And she now appears to be facing threats. Heres a tweet from the belarussian journalist hanna liubakova. Diplomats from several countries have joined her at her flat here she is speaking to journalists at the doorway. She has, not surprisingly, had a lot to say. Jonah fisher has the details. She said, they have stolen our country, now they are trying to object the best of us. But hundreds of others will come to replace those who have been taken away from our ranks. It wasnt the Coordination Council that rebelled, it was the entire country that rebelled. Thats really reflecting a broader point, really, that though the Opposition Leaders are being rounded up it seems pretty much one by one that is unlikely to have much of an impact on the demonstrations, because they are very much decentralised, organised by groups of strikers, of workers, of students, not particularly led by these opposition figures. So i would not imagine that the crowds will drop at the demonstrations. Lets turn back to covid 19 and another important story. The pausing ofa another important story. The pausing of a trial vaccine on the virus. A huge amount of hope is being pinned on efforts to find a vaccine against coronavirus. The news of a suspected serious adverse reaction in one of the volunteers whod been injected with one potential vaccine, from astrazeneca was a setback. Heres the uk health secretary. I would rather this went completely smoothly. However, we are absolutely clear that safety comes first with the vaccine. So there has been a pause while they investigate an incident this has happened before, and then the pause has been lifted. But itjust shows how much of an emphasis we put on the safety of the vaccine, even though, of course, we are all desperate to see it work. The volunteer was a british woman who had to go to hospital after developing an inflamation in her spine. The story was broken yesterday by the us website stat, theyre now reporting that astrazenecas ceo has told shareholders the trial participant had serious neurological symptoms but that she could be discharged from hospital today. Its very possible this volunteer getting sick had nothing to do with the vaccine about 18,000 people have been injected with it so far and in any group that large, sometimes people will fall ill for a variety of reasons. One british doctor involved in the trial has been tweeting about how they monitor people. This story has been making waves notjust in the uk. In the us, 30,000 were about to receive this vaccine in a trial there, although thats now on hold. When the white houses chief adviser on the pandemic went on cbs this morning it was the first thing they asked him. Lets start with one of the leading vaccine candidates is now on hold because of an adverse reaction from one of the volunteers. How concerning is that to you . Well, i think its important to point out that thats the reason why you have various phases of trials. We see this generally, for the most part, but you dont know until you investigate its, its an adverse event thats related to Something Else thatjust happened to have occurred during that period of time that the Clinical Trial was on. But you cant presume that. Lets speak to dr Eleanor Murray from Boston University school of public health. Good to see you. If you dont mind i will use exacted same question we have heard from my cbs colleague, how concerning is this to you . think ideally we would like to see no adverse events coming out in the vaccine trials but really the fact that this has been reported and been reported so quickly and that they are taking action in terms of halting the trial and investigating, those are good news because this shows that they are taking safety seriously as other people have mentioned, a lot of people have been given this vexing and we do expect that things will happen to people during trials that may or may not be due to the vaccine. It can be pretty challenging to figure out but that is an important thing to do and this is an important thing to do and this is why we dont rush vaccines, why we have phase three trials that will help release things house. To help us help release things house. To help us understand this, would it be standard for a large scale vaccine trial to be positive some point . This is actually the second time that the astrazeneca trial has been paused. It is not also prizing to see a trout that is pause for an adverse event to see a child that is pause. As the earlier commentator said, if someone falls down the stairs, he needs to be investigated to make sure it is not related to the vaccine. I think this is normal business as usual and everything working the way it should. It is concerning that there is a possibility that this could be related to the vaccine but at the moment we really dont know. All we know is that it happened and someone who did receive the vaccine and whether it is related or not that its up to the investigators to find out and let us know. But i think we can become a net that they are being really open with the public and that is really reassuring in determining whether this vaccine will be safe or effective. What people might find wes reassuring is that this comes just a few days after the fda said that perhaps stage three Clinical Trials would not be necessary for all vaccines. Do you think this News Highlights that the fda is getting it wrong . Yeah, i think a lot of epidemiologists and scientists were really concerned about that fda statement. The whole purpose of phase three trials is to give the vaccine in a controlled way to a lot of people who are then carefully monitored so we can detect whether any Adverse Reactions to the vaccine occur so we can make sure it is safe, that it actually works, so i think everybody on the scientific side is really pushing for phase three trials to be completed, for those to have the time they need to evaluate the safety and efficacy of the vaccine and i think this highlights how important this phase three trials are in that we do not wa nt to three trials are in that we do not want to rush or skip over them. Doctor murray thanks for coming onto outside source. That is doctor Eleanor Murray from bostons school of public health. Right let me show you latest video of the wildfires in california. There are at least 25 major fires that are out of control and strong winds and a historic heatwave are making them worse. So far more than two million acres of land have been burned thats also a record. The largest fire is called creek fire. It began in the sierra mountains on friday trapping groups of hikers and campers. Cbs correspondent, danya baccus, is there. Firefighters are working around the clock to try to contain the fire here. We are near the creek fire that has now burned more than 100,000 acres. Like you mentioned, there were dramatic rescues. We saw more than 100 people being rescued yesterday being reunited with their loved ones after being trapped surrounded by the fire for almost three days. What we do know right now is that firefighters are also preparing for a wind event that is expected today. The wind could actually fuel the already very large claims here. Large flames here. Thousands of people are having to leave their homes who are actually driving through an evacuation zone to get to the location where we are now. We were at the cal fire command post, this is where firefighters are meeting up, getting their assignments before they actually go and try to tackle that fire. What we saw where a lot of dark streets, Police Barricades not letting people go past the barricades to get to their homes. We are talking to people who are just kind of waiting to see what will happen. Many of them are fearful that they will not have a home to return to. Firefighters are battling three of the top four largest fires in the state history. So resources are stretched thin as they try to get all of them contained. Things to cbs for that report. Stay with us on outside source still to come. Theres a state of emergency overflooding in sudan with the nile at its highest level in over a century. 22 people were killed when salman abedi detonated a suicide bomb as fans left the Manchester Arena following a concert in may 2017. Today, the inquiry into the bombing has heard that the first fire engines didnt arrive at the scene until two hours after the blast because of confusion over whether there was an ongoing threat. Judith moritz reports. All in the same moment, a husband and wife stood with their arms around each other. A schoolgirl told her friend she loved her. A teenager was asked what her favourite song was. But before she could answer, a bomb exploded and took these and 18 other lives away. Men, women and children, their futures wiped out in a moment. The detail of their deaths heartbreaking to hear. But the Manchester Arena inquiry is examining every aspect of the 2017 attack. We need to know whether a different and better response by the Emergency Services would have saved more lives, or even a single life. A life likejohn atkinsons. He had a leg injury and was initially conscious and able to speak, but he had no professional medical help for over an hour and was dragged out of the arena on a billboard. He died two hours later. Today, new details also emerged about what the authorities may have known about the bomber, salman abedi, before the attack. In february 2017, a phone was seized in prison from this terrorist organiser, abdalfaouf abdallah, whos known to have previously discussed martyrdom with abedi. When analysed, this telephone was found to have been used to make calls and attempted calls to Salman Abedis number. And as will be obvious, this was just months before the attack. Next week, the bereaved families will begin the emotional process of reading tributes to their loved ones. Judith moritz, bbc news, manchester. This is outside source live from the bbc newsroom. Our lead story is the largest migrant camp in greece has been destroyed by fire, leaving thousands without shelter. Widespread floods have hit much of central, west and North Eastern africa. In sudan, the nile has risen to its highest level in over a century. The floods are yet another blow for a country struggling to emerge from conflict, political upheaval, and economic turmoil. The government in sudan has declared a state of emergency. The bbcs senior africa correspondent, anne soy, reports. This is the island of tuti, where the blue and white nile rivers converge in sudan. The country is experiencing their worst flooding since records began. Satellite images showjust how bad the situation is. This was before the rains. Now see how sudanese farms on the bank of the nile have disappeared underwater. Lives have been lost. Livelihoods destroyed. And homes damaged. Translation ijust took my children and left. The beds and everything are still inside. All i took were some clothes. The neighbours wanted to save the rest of the furniture from the rooms and the water level increased again. The government has declared sudan a Natural Disaster zone and water levels continue to rise, putting more people at risk. Translation we are trying to convince the people of tuti island to leave but they wont. We tried to convince them to save their lives, we told them that people will stand by them and that the houses can be replaced. There is a scramble to stop natures destruction. Some areas of the country are getting swamped for the first time in living memory. And important ecological sites are under threat. It is notjust in sudan and neighbouring countries, across central and west africa, more devastation. This is senegals capital dakar. They remain inundated days after exceptionally heavy rainfall. The country recorded in just one day more rain than they usually receive ina wet more rain than they usually receive in a wet season westing about three months. Residents are desperate to minimise destruction. In this community, they are trying to save their Health Centre as fears of disease outbreaks increase. More rains are predicted to continue pounding on the affected areas in the continent in coming weeks. There is no respite in sight. Anne soy, bbc news. From that report from east africa to a report from west antarctica. The biggest glacier in west antarctica is melting at an alarming rate releasing billions of tonnes of water in the ocean every year and pushing up sea levels round the world. Now scientists have discovered one of the reasons why. They say deep channels under the ice appear to be letting in warmer water, causing it to melt faster. If the glacier disappears completely, it could flood cities around the globe. The bbcs chief environment correspondent, justin rowlatt, has been to see it. We are whiskey 35. Our next call will be 17 40. This one antarctic glacier is the size of the uk, and is already responsible for 5 of world Sea Level Rise. And the rate the thwaites glacier is melting has accelerated fivefold in the last 30 years. Last year, a team of british and american scientists set up camp on the glacier. It is one of the most remote places on earth. By measuring the gravitational pull of the sea bed under the ice, they discovered a network of deep channels, a key step in understanding why the glacier is changing so rapidly. So these channels are really, really important because they are the pathway that links the deep ocean to the grounded ice sheet. And although the surface waters around antarctica are really, really cold, the deep ocean waters are actually somewhat warmer. And it is if these warmer ocean waters can get in to the ice, that you can actually start to see quite rapid changes in ice sheet behaviour. This is what they think is happening. A series of huge channels, some almost a kilometre below the ice, allow the warmer, deep ocean water to flow up to the front of the glacier. Melting it increasingly rapidly. Another team of scientists work from an icebreaker ship at the front of the glacier. Exceptional sea ice break up last year meant they could survey over 2000 Square Kilometres of the sea floor in front of the thwaites ice shelf. It is so important to understand what is going on in antarctica today, particularly these big glaciers like thwaites, because they are changing really quickly as the climate warms and as they melt, they are feeding more and more water to our Global Oceans which is increasing the rate of Sea Level Rise. There is up to 3. 5 metres of Sea Level Rise locked up in the ice here in west antarctica. That is enough to reshape the map of the earth, flooding many of the worlds greatest cities. Understanding why this remote area is changing and how quickly it will do so, is essential if the world is to prepare for the rising waters to come. Justin rowlatt, bbc news. Thanks very much indeed tojustin for that. More details on that story and any of the others recover, do go to the bbc news website, and you will very easily be able to find that. We will be back with the next addition of outside source in a couple of minutes time. Good evening. The cloud and the odd spot of drizzle that we have had over our southern parts through today is clearing away, that is a weak weather front and it is weak because we have got a ridge of High Pressure building across the uk at the moment and that is also reducing the amount of showers that we are seeing in the north, they are becoming confined to the north east of scotland. And actually, the cloud will tend to melt away as we go through the evening and overnight notjust the cloud either melting away but the winds will fall light. So, ingredients are there for a chilly night. It was quite muggy in the south in particular last night. It will be distinctly chilly overnight. The glens of scotland are expected to fall to freezing in a few spots. And further south through the countryside areas, into low single figures. The towns and cities as you can see here are low enough. So, a distinctly chilly start to our thursday morning. There could be a little mist around, even a little shallow fog and some of the river valleys. But that should clear and we should have plenty of sunshine, an abundance of sunshine first thing. The cloud will tend to build up through the day. It mightjust produce the odd shower for Northern Ireland but more so for western and northern scotland. Further south and east, mostly dry and staying mostly dry for england and wales but notably, the temperatures are several degrees down on recent days. I still think it will feel pleasant enough because of the light winds and the sunshine. Its still Early September but its a notable change. And so a chilly night will follow in the south tomorrow night but by that time, we have got low pressure establishing itself. So, showers merge into longer spells of rain, and quite heavy and substantial rain across the scottish mountains and also for Northern Ireland. Northern england will also see some rains before it brightens into showers in the north but again, further south and east, largely settled and dry on friday, just a bit more cloud around. That weather front just about fizzles away, then, through friday night as it crosses into southern england but again to the north, we are watching that next pulse of rain come in on our next area of low pressure. So, initially starting as showers end of saturday. By the end of the day, it looks like we will see heavy rains spilling back into probably Northern Ireland, more so scotland. Whilst elsewhere, parts of eastern scotland, much of england and wales largely dry, feeling warm with the light winds. And then as we change our up our wind direction into a more southerly for sunday, we will see it warm up again and our first pulse of rain clears away saturday night, so quite a wet night and potentially some more rain for the far north west than into sunday. But by that stage 24 in the south. Hello, im ros atkins, this is outside source. Theres been a huge fire at a migrant camp hello, im ros atkins, this is outside source. Theres been a huge fire at a migrant camp on the island of lesbos. Thousands of people have been left with nowhere to stay. The greek government says the blaze was started by some of the residents whod been quarantined for coronavirus. We had to take these people into a quarantine area that created disorder which led to the fires. Multiple fires. Boris johnsons government has published details of how it wants to override parts of the brexit withdrawal deal. This is the message from ireland. Meaningful negotiations can only proceed on the basis of mutual trust. In belarus, another leading opposition figure has been taken away by masked men. Every one of the Opposition Leaders who posed for this photo last month,

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