Transcripts For BBCNEWS Outside Source 20200407

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Week and also a friend. For all of us in cabinet. The uks chief scientific advisor says its too early to say whether the pandemic is peaking, as britain records its biggest daily jump in deaths. Stark statistics coming out of the us show the heavy toll coronavirus is having on African American communities, as cases continue to climb. But wuhan, the chinese city where the coronavirus pandemic started, has reopened to the outside world after almost three months of lockdown. A warm welcome to the programme. The british Prime Minister, borisjohnson, the man responsible for leading the uks battle against coronavirus, has now spent nearly 2a hours in intensive care, fighting covid 19. Hes asked foreign secretary dominic raab to deputise for him. A short time agao mr raab gave this update on the Prime Ministers health. I can tell you he is receiving the very best care from the Excellent Medical Team from St Thomas Hospital and remain stable overnight. Standard oxygen treatment. Has not required any respiratory support. He remains in good spirits and in keeping with usual clinical practice, he is monitored closely and critical care. That was the Daily Briefing a little earlier on today. During that briefing we were also given the latest figures for the united kingdom. In the last day 786 hospital patients with coronavirus have died. This is the highest reported figure so far for a 24 hour period, but experts say the growth in numbers is actually lower than the predicted long term trend. It brings the total number of people who have died in uk hospitals hospitals to more than 6,000. Lets get more from our Political Correspondent jonathan blake. Hejoins us live he joins us live now. Hejoins us live now. We had an update about the Prime Minister, his condition and that raab had clear instructions from the Prime Minister about what he needs to do while the Prime Minister still remains in hospital . The latest update from downing street came through just over two hours a algol and indicates there is little change in the Prime Ministers condition. The Prime Ministers condition. The Prime Ministers condition. The Prime Ministers condition is stable and he remains an intensive care for close monitoring. Esn did spend it on my experience which is what is in line with what the foreign secretary who is deputizing for the Prime Minister said in his press conference from downing street earlier today and what we were told at lunchtime by the Prime Ministers spokesman. It seems he will send a second night here at st. Thomas is an london tonight. As for the government, the foreign secretary standing in front Prime Minister but facing current dominant questions earlier on about what his role is and how much authority he has. In a nswer to and how much authority he has. In answer to those he stressed the importance of collective responsibility held by the cabinet and the top team of ministers and Boris Johnsons and the top team of ministers and borisjohnsons government. And the top team of ministers and Boris Johnsons government. He and the top team of ministers and borisjohnsons government. He says ministers where united in carrying out the clear instructions given. He and downing street are very careful to almost portray him as a facilitator if you would like of the governments response rather than someone governments response rather than someone who is taking charge and making any Big Decisions in the Prime Ministers absence. When it comes to the figures themselves we had the highest reported figures so farup had the highest reported figures so far up hospital deaths but in fact a little bit of positive news because the numbers are longer than predicted so are we seeing potentially some of the impact of the lockdown into the third week . That is that since we got from the chief scientific adviser and the press briefing. He tabby added his comments but did say that there was a chance that the figures started to show the flattening of the curve and thatis show the flattening of the curve and that is what experts talk about when they look to these figures of a number of new cases and number of hospital admissions particularly to see the impact of the restrictions in place on the movement of people around the uk. They have been in place now for a couple of weeks so asi place now for a couple of weeks so as i say very cautiously the chief scientific adviser said there were some positive signs those restrictions were having the impact and the number of cases was flat and and the number of cases was flat and a half. When asked if there will be an end to those restrictions or an extension of them, the foreign secretary said it was too early to make any decision of that kind. The message in the uk stay outdoors and stay at home. Lets get the latest from mainlaind europe now. Spain has seen a rise in the daily figure for coronavirus related deaths, after four consecutive falls. 743 deaths were registered in the latest tally, but Authorities Say that some of this number can be attributed to deaths which took place over the weekend but had not been recorded. More people with the virus have died in spain than any other country, apart from italy. So lets take a look at the situation in italy. Doctors and nurses from romania and norway are being deployed to those badly hit areas in the north of the country, to help fight the pandemic. The teams, 35 people in total, are heading to bergamo and milan. Italy now has more than sixteen and a half thousand deaths. In france, the number of people who have died from coronavirus has surpassed 10,000. Additional measures to contain the virus are about to come into force. From wednesday outdoor exercise will banned in the capital between ten in the morning and seven in the evening. All residents leaving their home are required to carry a permission slip explaining why they are outside. So are the new rules being welcomed . Weve had this reaction. Translation there is no difficulty, some people we have to explain and reexplain the manner to fill out the permission slip because for some it is not always clear but it is ok. Translation frankly it is starting to feel long and i think it is starting to lay down on people mentally. Apart from that we know we dont have any choice, this is what must be done and we ask ourselves why these measures were not taken earlier. Personally i think it is quite late to decide to take these draconian measures. Reaction from france. Lets turn to the us, where new york continues to be at the centre of the covid i9 outbreak. Speaking in the last few hours the new York Governor Andrew Cuomo said monday saw the largest single day increase in the number of deaths. The bad news is 5,489 new yorkers have lost their lives to this virus. That is up from 4,758. That is the largest single day increase and we talk about numbers but that 731 people who we lost, behind every one of those numbers is an individual, is a family, is a mother, is a father, is a sister, is a brother. So a lot of pain again today for many new yorkers and they are in our thoughts and prayers. You have to remember these are individual people and the pain that ta kes pla ce individual people and the pain that takes place when we lose loved ones and Family Members. But there are some promising signs as well. Statistics released by the new york citys Emergency Department show that the number of patients admitted with coronavirus like symptons has slowed. Near the end of last month over 1,500 people were being admitted to new yorks a and e departments. Thats down to around 500. Mark levine chair of the new York City Health council committee, says this shows that the isolating measure put in place in new york is paying off. Across the nation its a mixed picture. A number of west coast states, including california, have seen a drop in the number infections. Down from a high of 1,400 to under twelve hundred. There were some of the first state to confirm cases of covid 19. But states like florida have seen rises in both the infection and death rate. Another state seeing a rise in cases is louisiana, dr rebekah gee is the ceo at Louisiana State University Health care services. We had a perfect storm again with mardi gras coinciding with locals spread here in the United States. Before we knew that this cyrus was circulating widely so it was two weeks after marty daraa where we saw the first death in the numbers started to spike. We saw enormous spikes, we have parishes in and the rest of the us counties. The highest number of cases per county are counties in louisiana. Also developing in the us today, new statistics on how African American communities have been hit by covid 19. As of sunday, 1,824 African American chicago residents have been diagnosed with covid 19. They make up just over half of all coronavirus cases in the city. But African Americans only make up 30 of the population in chicago. And when it comes to coronavirus deaths in chicago, African Americans account for two thirds. Chicagos Health Commisioner says shes not surprised and suggested a number of reasons. Lets get the latest from the bbcs anthony zurcher, whos in washington. It is not just it is notjust in chicago where the African American community is disproportionately affected by covid 19. Disproportionately affected by covid19. Exactly there have only been a handful of states that have recorded these figures broken down by that race the states that have done and have shown time and time again this sort of disparity and places like new orleans and cities like detroit, michigan and new york state. You see the same sort of thing but it raises the question of why and some of the reasons could be that african america ns have why and some of the reasons could be that African Americans have a higher disposition for hypertension, obesity, breathing issues, it could be that there are positions orjobs that are deemed essential that they are still going and working at a Grocery Stores and Health Care Centres and things that that are exposing them to the virus or could bea exposing them to the virus or could be a reflection of the inequalities of American Health care that certain segments do not have as much access to medical professionals and treatment they need and going undiagnosed and therefore they are showing up and Emergency Rooms until they require Critical Condition care or they end up dying there. Another issue or aspect of the us response that i want to get your analysis on is how the us response, you want to have a will look at why us states, the whole country has not lockdown in the same way as other countries. So if we take a look at the start of last week for example, 30 states had instructed residents to stay at home with the or is ordering lockdowns in certain areas. More state wide lockdowns over the coming days one of the biggest is texas and florida was next and after the governor there changed course after creeping them my previously resisting state wide orator. South carolina became the latest earlier on tuesday. Just explained to us why we are seeing such a difference across the many states of the United States . The many states of the United States . Part of it is because of the way the United States system of government is set up, state governors and governments have considerable power whereas the federal government cannot necessarily direct them to shut them down. Either officials would urge states to follow the guidelines and one of the criticisms of donald trump recently is that he has not been putting enough pressure on individual state governors who have been reluctant to shut down totally in order shelter and place directives and havent been pressuring them enough to do so. The power by and large breasts and all of these 50 states and the idea of this is it is generally a good thing because it lets different states to delay their responses to conditions on the ground but we you deal with Something Like this pandemic and the concern is that there needs to be a consistent National Response that will keep some of these other states that may not have a lot of other cases right now from becoming hotspots weeks or months down the line. I want to get your opinion on who is in charge of the covid 19 response. I want to show you this picture from the white house last week. Alongside President Trump we can see deborah birx, the response coordinator for the Coronavirus Task force, jared kushner, the president s son in law and senior advisor, rear admiraljohn polowczyk whos tasked with streamlining the us supply chain, Vice President mike pence, who leads the Coronavirus Task force, and Peter Navarro whos the director of trade and manufacturing policy. I thought it was mike pence who was in charge so who is an overall control to the United States response to this disease . That is a very good question and i think that is part of the concern is that there seems to be conflicting viewpoints within the administration with different people offering different directives. Looking behind the scenes someone like Donald Trumps son in law has been taking on an increasing role eclipsing perhaps someone might mike pence with the communication between administration and outside businesses and other officials who are medical experts who are running into conflict with people like the trade representative who has been pushing much harderfor these experimental drug treatments whereas the medical professionals are little more reluctant to order Something Like that without full testing. But when it comes right down to it, it donald trump is the president and the one in charge and the question is sometimes when you hear lower level staffers and some of the people in that room or elsewhere she directives is is donald trump going to follow up an echo that or will he Say Something different and with the way the white house is set up in the end what donald trump says, he is the final authority. Is the final authority when it comes to a lot of people praising the new york governor, but thank you. Very good to get your thoughts. Stay with us on 0ustide source, still to come. Is coronavirus playing havoc on your sleep . We will have a look at wuhan which is now reopened to the outside world. It has been more than three weeks since croatia suspended classes in elementary and secondary schools as well as universities because of the pandemic. However, one teacher has found a unique way to deliver a lesson. Matt graveling reports. Music. This is a music lesson with a difference. The musician a teacher. The audience his pupils. Music. Translation im in third grade. Translation im in grade six. Translation i dont go to school yet. Translation two days ago, i visited and sang to eight of them. Today, this is my third stop and i have arrangements for ten more. Notjust here in the centre, but to other areas as well, because the kids had to move out of their homes after the earthquake. Some even live outside the city. But i have to go and see them, too. Translation i take my hat off to the teacher for the initiative. Especially in the time when we must not go out. It means a lot for their motivation. This is 0utside source live from the bbc newsroom. We are focusing on the british Prime Minister borisjohnson who is facing a second night and intensive care for coronavirus. The government says hes in good spirits, stable and breathing without help. Lets catch up with whats happening in china because, for the First Time Since it began monitoring the toll of the coronavirus epidemic back injanuary, officials there report no new deaths from the virus. New infections have also dropped and all 32 cases reported came from overseas travellers entering china. But there are questions about whether the government has been underreporting figures. Steve mcdonnel is in beijing. Many have suggested that the figures here cannot possibly be catching all the cases, neither all the infections nor the deaths. But in a way it does not really matter because what really matters is the trend. If the sort of loop goes like that or like that, it does not really matter how high, it could be ten times as many people have died here as come up in the figures but as long as the trend is right and it does seem to be in terms of ice coming out the other end, it is quite constructive. And offering hope for other countries. This week marks a hundred days since the World Health Organization was told about a mystery illness in the chinese city of wuhan. And the city has just re opened to the outside world. The majority of stores have reopened and residents are able to travel again. Here you can see people arriving at wuchang station in wuhan. 11 Million People have been in lockdown there since the 23rd of january. The World Health Organisation has praised china over its handling of the outbreak, including its rapid quarantining of cities, but the government has also faced criticism for supressing information about the virus. In february this chinese doctor, li wenliang, tried to raise the alarm about the rapid spread of covid 19, but he was silenced by the police and later died after contracting the virus at wuhan central hospital. Sophie richardson is the china directorfor human rights watch. Rather than rebutting false information and sharing reliable data itself let the Chinese Government moved swiftly to do was accuse people of quote spreading rumours and finding ways of silencing then including the doctorate you just mentioned. It also extended to citizen journalists like one who has disappeared two months ago and has not been seen since but it also arranged all the way through censoring social media posts including families who were simply trying to get help and censoring articles or other kind of news that people might have found useful and helpful in this time of crisis in japan shinzo useful and helpful in this time of crisis injapan shinzo abe declared a state of emergency. People are being advised to stay inside and businesses will shut. Coronavirus infections in tokyo have more than doubled in the past week to about 1,200. It comes after the government announced a massive stimulus package, which mr abe described as among the worlds biggest, to soften the economic blow. Rupert Wingfield Hayes is in tokyo. If you take tokyo and its surrounding areas, it really is the Worlds Largest metropolitan area with a population altogether of around 37 Million People. The state of emergency really does affect a vast number of people. We understand it is going to go into effect initially for a month but it will not be the same as the lockdowns that have been declared in the uk or in america or in some other European Countries because the japanese government simply does not have the power to do it. The japanese government is requesting businesses close and requesting that ordinary citizens stay at home as much as possible. But a lot of life will continue to go on, the tokyo Transportation Network will continue to run and a lot of people will continue to go to work. But it is hoped because this is a disciplined and Law Abiding Society that it will be enough to stem the growth of covid 19 here. 1. 3 Million People have coronavirus worldwide. A staggering statistic. But the impact goes far beyond just those whove been infected. Lockdowns across the world are affecting billions of people. And while the stress of the pandemic is causing some sleepless nights others are experiencing the opposite more vivid dreams. I spoke with Swansea University psychology professor Mark Blagrove to ask him whats going on beneath the surface. Some of the time they will show our subconscious things that may not be quite so conscious of that at the moment a lot of people will be having the quite obvious stresses that they have in waking life and they may very well dreaming of the stresses. And added to that is the fa ct stresses. And added to that is the fact that because they can sleep in the they have greater amount of Rapid Eye Movement sleep across the morning even to about 30 minutes 40 minutes he could have at the end of the night and that could lead to very long dreams and far more dreams being recalled. And if people are having anxiety and long term nightmares, is there a way to control what is going on when going to sleep . What we found as if people talk about the nightmares are the dreams because in some instances they will be having dreams that are not quite nightmares or someone may be having a relaxed time and they may be having quite Pleasant Dreams but what we are finding is the benefits of sharing your dreams with other people so this goes beyond any benefits there may be to the individual for sharing their dreams but listening to others. Self disclosure and what we are finding and our experiments is depressing you share the dreams with out having more empathy towards you. The present situation with the lockdown is not only more time for dreaming but more time for sharing dreams and the day. We do not have too much time but should we be reading anything into the dreams, a recurring dream or something that keeps coming back to us . At the moment, we discussed with the nurse who was having coveted about a recurring dream she is having. The dream was transparent and away, having to do with the outside world being threatening and people inside the house not wanting to know the warning she was given where and her seeing a dead body and then having a cap on her face suffocating her. Seeing a dead body and then having a cap on herface suffocating her. The dreams can be quite transparent but they can tell you about your life in a metaphorical way and metaphors about you like to be quite enlightening. Fascinating insight. Are things to the professor for talking to us about that. Share your dreams with me and the team here. I will be back very soon, thank you very much. The weather will be cooling down over the easter weekend, but until then, its very warm for us, but whatever your view, there will be more cloud in the sky compared with what we have seen today. More cloud overnight will keep temperatures up, compared to last night, not much in the way of frost. Close to the south coast, showers around and rain covering more of north west scotland with a stiff breeze. Still clear enough in parts of Northern England and southern scotland. Temperatures fall close enough to freezing for a touch of frost, but where youre clear, youre best placed for a view of the super moon. One or two mist and fog patches developing tonight, clearing in the morning. Cloudy skies for many of us tomorrow compared with today, but there will still be some sunny spells around. You may catch a shower in southern england, the midlands. Northern scotland still sees some outbreaks of rain, maybe a spot in northern ireland. Where you have the rain, still quite breezy winds. Elsewhere, winds are reasonably light, and even though there is more cloud around, there are sunny spells and it is still warm. Temperatures in the high teens, a few spots in south east england into the low 20s. Pollen levels are high in england and wales. It is warmer now, the windows are open and perhaps that is why even if you are staying inside, you may be suffering as a result. Some fog patches around parts of southern england to start the day on thursday, still have a lot of cloud in scotland, maybe squeezing out some patchy light rain or drizzle. Most places will be dry, and the cloud breaks to allow some sunshine to come through. In england and wales, temperatures in the low 20s, but some chilly air lurking through northern scotland, where we are into single figures. Things start to change as we go into good friday, the frontal system edging our way that pushes east into saturday taking some rain with it, another area of low pressure following as we go deeper on into the easter weekend. What does that mean . Nowhere will be particularly wet. As you can see from a selection of places, theres the chance of catching a few showers, but there will still be sunny spells but really where it has been so warm, temperatures will be coming down and quite considerably by the time we get to monday, with a developing north easterly wind. Cooler over the weekend, chance of rain but certainly not a wash out. This is 0utside source on bbc news for viewers in the uk and around the world. Were covering all the latest coronavirus developments here in britain and globally. British Prime Minister borisjohnson is facing a second night in intensive care for coronavirus. The government says hes in good spirits, stable and breathing without help. Hes notjust the Prime Minister. For all of us in cabinet, hes notjust our boss. Hes also a colleague, and hes also a friend. The uks chief scientific adviser says its too early to say whether the pandemic is peaking, as britain records its biggest daily jump in deaths. Stark statistics coming out of the us show the heavy toll coronavirus is having on African American communities as cases continue to climb. Wuhan, the chinese city where the coronavirus pandemic started, has reopened to the outside world after almost three months of lockdown. Welcome. Borisjohnson has now been ill with coronavirus symptoms for 11 days and has spent the past 24 hours in intensive care. Mrjohnsons friend and former director of communications for many years, will walden, says hes optimistic that will be back in good health and running the country soon. I would imagine that, you know, on sunday evening he took the decision to go to hospital, you know, pretty reluctantly. Hes not a good patient in the sense that, you know, he often battles through colds and flu and that sort of thing, and hes pretty stoic and can be a bit bloody minded about this sort of thing. But i dont think hes been that in this case. The doctors were in Constant Contact with him, theyve advised him it was right to go to hospital. While hes there, clearly there is more cause for concern than there was, but hes in the best possible hands at st thomas with the best possible clinicians. While borisjohnson is in hospital, he has asked foreign secretary dominic raab to deputise for him. Today, mr raab chaired the cabinets coronavirus meeting and fronted the daily press conference, but he wont assume all of the Prime Ministers responsibilities. For example, the foreign secretary wont be holding a weekly telephone audience with the queen. Instead, Buckingham Palace will be kept updated by downing street officials. He also wont work out of number 10, continuing to operate instead from the foreign office, which is next door to downing street. He also wont have the power to hire or fire ministers or staff, but he will step in to chair meetings of the National Security council if necessary. And if mr raab were himself to fall ill, downing street says the chancellor, rishi sunak, would be the next stand in. David cameron, who served as Prime Ministerfor six years, says he has confidence that the system of government will continue to work effectively in Boris Johnsons absence. In our system, the Prime Minister always remains the Prime Minister, but if he or she cant take a decision, then the number 10 team prepare that decision for the deputy. In this case, dominic raab, the first secretary of state, so theres a very good system in place. The Civil Service is a great machine, professional, impartial, good at preparing these decisions and the right decisions im sure will be taken. But there remain questions over what would happen if cabinet ministers disagree on the best course of action in Boris Johnsons absence. The former head of the Civil Service, lord 0donnell, says that cabinet ministers are going to have to work on a collective basis to govern effectively. Borisjohnson remains Prime Minister until he resigns. So hes still the Prime Minister. Dominic raabs deputising for him when necessary as number 10 said. And he will chair various meetings, but im sure the cabinet as a whole, there are various strands, this is not a one man show. There are lots of them who will pull together, working with the cabinet secretary and the Civil Service to make sure that the essential things are done. Theres a lot to be done. People say decisions about exiting the lockdown are some way off, and, yes, they are, but you have to do the analysis now. You have to be working on what kinds of things were looking for, what kinds of things would work for this. Theres an enormous amount going on at the minute. And that work needs to carry on. It certainly does but lets take a moment to pause from politics and look at the virus itself. There is currently no cure for coronavirus. Hospital treatment is focused on treating symptoms while a patients immune system fights the virus off. More serious cases are taken into intensive care units, which are equipped to give a higher level of support. The latest survey of uk hospitals shows that the average age was 60 for Covid Patients in intensive care. Almost three quarters were men. Those with a bmi of over 25, defined as obese, made up 73 of all patients. And over 60 of patients who entered intensive care needed a ventillator within the first 24 hours. 0ur medical correspondent fergus walsh has looked at how one hospital in Central London has to be completely reconfigured to help treat patients with the disease. At first glance, it looks like a normal hospital, but coronavirus has changed everything. Ward after ward has been cleared for covid 19 patients. I didnt take this seriously enough. Imran isjust 37 and has breathing difficulties due to the virus. You dont know how bad it is until it actually hits you. And so i would absolutely urge everybody to listen to the government guidance and stay away from people. He has a wife and two children, everything to fight for. I have felt times where my body has been willing to just give up completely and im not. Im a very young and fit individual. From the moment patients arrive at a e, nurses and doctors face the risk of infection. I do worry about my staff because theyre being exposed to patients who have a dangerous disease. The man in charge at the hospital throughout this crisis leads from the front. Im a doctor myself, i work in a e with coronavirus patients. Im also anxious. But on the other hand, we are all professionals, we know how to protect ourselves and we know the risk, so we can deal with this. The biggest transformation has been in intensive and high dependency care, where the number of beds has increased fivefold, with plans for even more. But will it be enough . Can they cope with the surge . All those questions are really critically dependent on three things people, kit and oxygen. Weve got enough people, thats difficult because inevitably, staff have had to go off. We currently have enough oxygen, our current problem today is having enough itu grade ventilators. If youre purple, youre a confirmed coronavirus case. Orange is suspected. The very sickest patients will need a ventilator to breathe for them. If you look at our itu, there are two non corona patients, both of them longer stay weaning off ventilators slowly, the rest has been taken over by corona. We have another hospital doing urgent cancer, but this place is essentially becoming a huge corona centre. Everyone going into intensive care must wear full protective clothing. Beds have been created in every available space. So, this is an anaesthetic room attached to an operating theatre. And just look inside here. This operating theatre has now been repurposed for two intensive care beds. Its actually rather overwhelming because itjust reinforces the level of threat, the level of preparations going on here. And just what we are facing. Its the same layout in ten operating theatres, leaving just two for emergency surgery. Youre getting stronger, yes . All hospital visits have been stopped. Only in exceptional circumstances might a Family Member of a very sick patient be admitted. Its the personal cost of whats happening to patients, which isjust devastating sometimes. Its really hard because we cant let all the relatives in to see their loved ones. So, while the patients may not be aware, the relatives are really feeling this. Like all of us, the doctors and nurses wonder when life will return to normal. Certainly in my family, we have a holiday booked in august. Weve all got that as a date, i dont know if thats a hope. Like everyone in the country, i mean, in some ways, ive got a job, i am getting an income, i know that i am not suffering like a lot of people are. The whole countrys suffering here. And the whole country knows it owes an immense debt to nhs front line staff. Putting themselves at risk from coronavirus day after day to save lives. We certainly do, it is a huge debt. Now, lets turn to brazil, where the countrys Health Minister, Luiz Henrique mandetta, has said hell continue in hisjob battling the pandemic. Over the weekend, president Jair Bolsonaro had clashed with mandetta, publicly accusing the Health Minister of lacking humility after he criticised the president s attempts to limit social distancing rules to just the elderly and infirm. But after a meeting with bolsonaro, mandetta has vowed to fight on. Translation we have a fight to try to protect our society. A doctor never leaves his patient. I will not abandon the country, but i want to get better working conditions for everyone here. The only thing we ask is to be given a better environment to work here at the ministry of health. Lets speak now to katy watson, our south america correspondent. Shejoins us from sao paulo. A difficult situation when he had a leader of the country and the Health Minister during a Global Pandemic at odds. It is quite remarkable. On monday, a time when the numbers of coronavirus cases keep rising hymn of the deaths keep harassing him of there has been his political spat there has been his political spat the is Getting Better and bigger. So monday we heard rumours that bolsonaro will get rid of the Health Minister. A lot of rumours circulating about this because the Health Minister, his ratings have been giving up meanwhile bolsonaros ready to be going down because of the difference. The president thinks that distancing is almost pointless that distancing is almost pointless that it that distancing is almost pointless thatitis that distancing is almost pointless that it is a small cold or flu. And really not anything to worry about people need to get back to work in the economy needs to keep running. But of course that is set apart from the state governors who have put in tough measures and the Health Ministers will be sought was the ministers will be sought was the minister coming out and saying that he had won the battle and the government has repositioned itself and that he would keep his job. Government has repositioned itself and that he would keep hisjob. A doctor would not abandon his patient, he said. Getting life from the Health Minister saint brazil has Serious Problems of availability of things like respirators. How prepared is the country . This is been a concern. You said previously that he expects by the end of april the Health System will collapse. There is a big concern are the numbers are not being reported and certainly the testing is not near sufficient. Also people are worried of the fact that the real figures and we are talking 13,000 cases confirmed and now over 600 people who have died. These are masking much biggerfigures in the country. Some at the moment, the numbers are still very unknown. The consequences and situation in the next few weeks again still very unknown people are very concerned about what is going to be happening in the next few weeks in brazil. Thank you so much. Stay with us on 0ustide source, still to come, concerns in the uk about a surge in Domestic Violence cases and fears victims of abuse wont be able to their home while under lockdown. The british Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, has been receiving standard oxygen treatment in an intensive care unit in london. An icu ward provides treatment and close monitoring for patients who are too seriously ill to be cared for in other parts of the hospital. Intensive care units are where severely ill patients are brought. Their lives potentially at risk. The Prime Minister was taken into an intensive care unit like this one yesterday after his condition deteriorated. He was conscious, given oxygen via a mask, but not put on a mechanical ventilator, a more intrusive procedure. But most patients do need ventilation quite soon. So, whats it like to be on a ventilator, which takes over the breathing process . To be able to cope with that breathing machine, one needs to be very heavily sedated and usually given a paralysing agent a bit like curare that stops the muscles working so the breathing machine can do its work. The doctors and nurses working in these intensive care u nits a re co nsta ntly checking their patients. In normaltimes, you might expect your blood pressure, heart rate, breathing rate would be recorded probably once every few hours. Perhaps slightly more frequently if theyre quite unwell. In intensive care, we do it continuously, and theres a monitor by the nurses station that can be monitored all the time, even when a nurse isnt at the bedside. Going through intensive care is, of course, a very difficult experience. Getting out of hospital is a huge relief. I thinkjust coming out of hospital made me so much better, because it was a lonely period whilst i was in there, i had nobody really and to be around my family, and tojust. Now i try to get out in the garden. Get fresh air. And im really doing so well now. Downing street says borisjohnson is not on a ventilator at the moment, but he is getting oxygen using a mask. Richard galpin, bbc news. This is 0utside source live from the bbc newsroom. British Prime Minister borisjohnson is facing a second night in intensive care for coronavirus. Well just turn the focus away from coronavirus briefly. The vatican has welcomed a decision by Australias High Court to quash the conviction of Cardinal George pell for child sex abuse. Cardinal pell was released from prison and made his way to a monastery in melbourne. The 78 year old spent more than a year behind bars after he was convicted of sexually assaulting two choir boys in the 1990s. In a statement, Cardinal Pell said. A statement said the holy see. The holy see welcomed the decision and said it remains committed to preventing and pursuing all cases of abuse against minors. Earlier, pope francis offered his morning mass for all those who suffer from unjust sentences, which he compared to the persecution ofjesus. And then there was this tweet from the pope. I caught icaught up i caught up with our religion editor martin bashir. For the last 2. 5 yea rs, every martin bashir. For the last 2. 5 years, every single time i have asked the popes official spokesman about whether pope francis has a view about the proceedings when the car note was first charged and subsequently convicted and then appealed and then appealed to the high court. I was repeatedly told the pope had nothing to say until the pope had nothing to say until the process it run its course. It has run its course now and subsequently the holy see issued that statement saying that it welcomed the High Court Decision but also with on the say it reaffirms its commitment to preventing and pursuing all cases of abuse against minors. Some people have wondered whether this indicates that the cardinal may well get another job backin cardinal may well get another job back in rome. He was after all Something Like the third most senior person in the entire vatican. I think that is unlikely. He is 78 yea rs old think that is unlikely. He is 78 years old and he has told friends that he actually wants to stay in australia. Though it is worth keeping in mind that because he never had to hand in his red hat, he remains a cardinal never had to hand in his red hat, he remainsa cardinaland never had to hand in his red hat, he remains a cardinal and therefore if a papal conclave remains a cardinal and therefore if a pa pal conclave is remains a cardinal and therefore if a papal conclave is called between now and his 80th birthday next year, he could elect the next pope. Thank you to martin. And now back to coronavirus. The Coronavirus Infection rate among the religious ultra Orthodox Community in israel is double the rest of the population. The community has shown some resistance to government measures like social distancing. Its members often trust religious leaders more than politicians, so, as tom bateman reports, the government has a difficult job ahead. They are known as the god fearing. In packed neighbourhoods, lives follow scripture, faith protects as much as science. But danger is visiting israels most devout. The new virus of an interconnected world hitting the poor in crammed households, but also pitting police against the pious. The ultra Orthodox Community make up around 12 of israels population. But they are accounting for a far greater proportion of coronavirus cases. We spoke to some of the major hospitals in israel who told us that of the virus patients they are treating, between 30 and 50 come from the ultra religious communities. Avigail prepares herself to help. Part of an army of volunteer paramedics whose founder, her father, has been seriously ill with coronavirus himself. How do you start to protect the sick when few have smartphones, even tvs . Sometimes it is hard because they want to talk with their rabbis, and we have to wait for an answer to know what is the next step. But the Orthodox Community wants to know more and wants to help with the disease. Police hover as they try to break up crowds below. Then officers go in. Some in secularjewish israel accuse the ultra religious of not playing their part, failing to distance. Here was a rabbis funeral where hundreds gathered. In one jerusalem neighbourhood, religious fervour turns to rebellion. Nazis some shout at the police. Its a very, very strict Orthodox Community. Everything the government is telling them, even to save their lives, they will still go against because its the government. But many do vote for the powerful religious parties. First came resistance. But israels leader now seems to have convinced their rabbis of the need for social distancing. It is very hard for us, because normally here in this city we are always together. We try to do the best, even if it is much more harder than other places. One of the big ultra orthodox areas is now locked down. A military operation is planned to evacuate the over 80s. Now, masks and social distancing join prayer in protecting people here. Tom bateman, bbc news. Today, thousands of volunteers whove stepped up to support the nhs in england during the crisis have been given details of what tasks they can do to help. More than 750,000 people signed up to join the volunteer army. Thats three times the governments original target. The volunteers may have to deliver food and medicines, drive patients to appointments and phone those who are isolated, as our north of england correspondentjudith moritz reports. This chemists in leeds has never been busier, but its not that the shop is full of customers. Its the increased need for drug deliveries which is adding the pressure. Thats why the pharmacy has started using volunteer drivers whove signed up through the nhs. Itll be a huge help. There will be a lot of patience, especially those who are self isolating and wanting deliveries, so with the extra help from these drivers will be a massive bonus for everyone. The pharmacy is using nhs transport volunteers to get its medicines out. Right now, these are ready to deliver. Nigel works at a Primary School nearby and has done his first trial delivery. It went really well, and it was literallyjust delivering prescriptions, and again, a big thank you from the people and making sure theyre 0k. Nigel is one of three quarters of a million volunteers whove registered. All signed up, ready to go, just waiting to hear from somebody who needs some help. Im able to make and receive the telephone calls to the most vulnerable people. The nhs got three times the number of applications than expected for the scheme. There has been some frustration amongst volunteers who say they havent been asked to help yet. But those organising the programme say theyre starting it slowly and it will ramp up over coming weeks. Steve has helped with one shopping delivery so far, but hes furloughed from his job and would love to do even more. Ive got plenty of time on my hands and i can go out and help somebody in a heartbeat. If i got a call now, i can leave and help somebody do some shopping, pick up some prescriptions oranything, and i think there are hundreds of thousands of people who probably think the same. Theres still a need to fill roles not included in the scheme. In southport and 0rmskirk, the hospitals are appealing for help with jobs from laundry to cleaning. Right now, every volunteer is vital. Judith moritz, bbc news. An update from the uk to bring you before we go. The first coronavirus patients have been admitted to a huge temporary hospital set up in east london. The Nightingale Hospital at the excel Exhibition Centre has two wards, capable of treating 2000 people each. First patients had been admitted. Hello. With plenty of sunshine out there on tuesday, temperatures rose well above average for the time of year. Even with more cloud for the next couple of days, it will still be warm to very warm. Most of the uk avoiding the weather fronts at the moment. Just this weak one draped across scotland. For most, its dry, settled with High Pressure. The flow of air coming in from the south. All but northern scotland warm to very warm. Will turn cooler, though, through the easter weekend as well see in a moment. There will be more cloud around for many of us during wednesday. Still some sunny spells, but you may catch a shower southern england, the midlands, maybe thundery one later in south east england. Some outbreaks of rain mostly across northern scotland. Could see a few spots in northern ireland. There will be still be some sunny spells, but still its warm. Temperatures into the high teens, a few spots in the low 20s, especially south east england. This weather front is still close to scotland as we go into thursday. Elsewhere its still High Pressure, so it is still largely fine. Could be some fog in southern england to start the day on thursday. And from that weather front in scotland, the cloud thick enough to produce a bit of patchy light rain or drizzle. Could see an afternoon shower in wales, the midlands, Northern England. But most will stay dry, there are sunny spells and particularly for england and wales, temperatures in the warm spots into the low 20s. It all starts to change, though, as we go into easter. This is the picture going into good friday. This area of low pressure starts to push this frontal system in our direction. A greater chance of notjust cloud, but outbreaks of rain. And particularly on friday for northern ireland, scotland, but even ahead of this, you could see a few showers at least breaking out towards South West England, wales, into Northern England, leaving the east midlands, east anglia and the south east with the driest, sunniest weather friday. But for some, the temperatures nudging the mid 20s. But that does change for the rest of the weekend. As these weather fronts drift as across more of the uk as we go into saturday, and that means more of us start to see a chance of seeing some rain. Could be a few heavier bursts developing towards the far south of england into the south east as we go on through saturday. Some outbreaks of rain may be affecting part of scotland, one or two showers elsewhere, but by no means everybody is wet. Even though there are weather fronts more widely across us over the weekend, there will be some dry weather and some sunny spells. Saturday still has above average temperatures, widely into the mid to high teens. This area of low pressure looks like delivering a glancing blow toward the south west of the uk going into easter sunday. The closer you are to that, then the greater chance of seeing cloud and outbreaks of rain, maybe south west wales, especially South West England with some showers close to south east england. One or two showers elsewhere. But actually a lot of places looking dry. Notice that the temperatures are coming down. The cooling trend under way particularly on the north sea coasts. The reason for that is low pressure away to the south to go into monday, this is an area of High Pressure building down from the north across the uk, but the flow of air around that is initially coming down from the north east. And thats a chillier direction, so the colours are showing up here as temperatures will have come down closer to average, maybe a little bit below in some spots. As we go on deeper into the week, the wind will change direction again and it looks like warmth will start to come back across us from the south. Next week initially is looking cooler. Temperatures recover as the week goes on, and initially its High Pressure, most places are looking dry next week. A greater chance of showers especially in the west, as we go deeper on through the week. Tonight at ten, the Prime Minister is spending a second night in intensive care, as hes treated for coronavirus. Mrjohnson, last seen a few days ago, is said to be in good spirits, and the queen has sent her best wishes for a speedy recovery. He is being treated at saint thomas ince hospital where he is reported to be an oxygen and the minister deputising for mrjohnson has offered his support. All of our thoughts and prayers are with the Prime Minister at this time, with carrie and his whole family. And im confident hell pull through, because if theres one thing i know about this Prime Minister, hes a fighter. With Boris Johnson in with borisjohnson in hospital, the number of cases continues to rise. The governments chief scientist suggests that the rate of infections could be moving in the right

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