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The coronavirus continues to spread at speed. This time a week ago, there were under 3000 cases in china. There are now more than 17,000 and more than 360 people have died. 0utside china, there are more than 150 confirmed cases and a fatality in the philippines. In a bid to contain the virus, some countries are denying entry to people from wuhan, the city where it started. And china is accusing some countries of overreacting and stoking panic. For example, its unimpressed that the us has declared a Public Health emergency and is denying entry to all foreign nationals whove visited china in the past two weeks. Well, thats for the americans. This is what the world health 0rganisation is saying. There is no reason for measures that unnecessarily interfere with International Travel and trade. We call on all countries to implement decisions that are evidence based and consistent. In china, millions of people have returned to work after the lunar new year. These are the latest pictures. These are public areas being disinfected. There have been fever checks at transport hubs to try and spot people who have raised temperatures and could have the virus. Workers disinfecting these public spaces. China issuing an urgent appealfor public spaces. China issuing an urgent appeal for more protective suits, goggles and masks because its running low. And in the philippines there has been a rush to buy facemasks after a man from wuhan died. And in hong kong, hospital staff have gone on strike, demanding the border with Mainland China is completely shut. Lets focus now on the experience in wuhan. It remains on lockdown. People arent being allowed to leave or come in, and those there are being encouraged to stay at home. 0ne russian man who works there filmed this. Wuhan. Around 5pm, sunday. 0n the street you can see only fake people. Fake people here. Fake people there. And remember the new hospital that was promised in wuhan . Its finished. This is a time lapse of it being constructed in nine days. It is now admitting patients. Those images have been enthusiastically distributed by Chinese State tv. And the machinery in that construction being hailed as heroes. And there are other images circulating on chinese social media of fan art featuring the machines, a lot of it created by people stuck inside cities currently on lockdown. This one has a love heart in front of it. This one has been given the nickname, the cement king. Several countries are now trying to get their citizens out of wuhan. Australian evacuees had a long wait at the airport in wuhan. Eventually they were flown out. 89 children among those on board. Its the first plane of australian citizens and permanent medicines to be flown out. The plane flew to Western Australia before passengers were put onto smaller planes and taken here, to Christmas Island which is known for a large immigration detention centre. That will be used to house the australians in quarantine. Theyll be held here for two weeks. And these images from channel 7 show some of the the medical set up there. You can see an inflatable room to be used for isolating any potential confirmed cases of the virus. Its known as a negative pressure because it allows fresh air in, but stops potentially contaminated air from getting out. Since 2003, thousands of Asylum Seekers have been detained on Christmas Island under australias refugee policy. It currently only houses a family of four sri lankans who are fighting deportation. And the plan to house australians on the island has raised concerns particulrly whether it has adequate medicalfacilities. Indeed, not all of the 600 australians in wuhan are choosing to leave. But one woman from sydney told the abc i got a lot of pressure from my husband. He said the situation is not very good, all the other countries have started to close the borders. He said if we stay over here, it would probably take a couple of months to get out of wuhan, so he started to get really nervous. She got on the flight. Four flights carrying evacuees are scheduled for this week. Two other important parts of the story. Misinformation and racism. This post has been widely shared with information supposedly from an organisation called the department of diseasology paramatta, except that doesnt exist. And the information in it, advising people to stay away from suburbs with large chinese populations, is baseless. This is a doctor in australia. Shes tweeted a patient made jokes about not shaking my hand because of coronavirus in front of my team. I have not left australia. This is not sensible Public Health precautions. This is racism. Well, on misinformation and conspriacy theories, heres will sommer, a tech journalist for the daily beast. Were seeing a lot of these fake claims, whether its drinking bleach to ward it off or the idea that this is spread from Chinese People eating bats. Frankly, many of these ideas are very, very racist. They are blowing up on social media. Its tricky. Weve seen some tweets, even from epidemiologists, people who are experts in this field, being taken out of context and blow up online, by people who are very concerned about the coronavirus. The solution i think is very responsible reporting and people going to the experts on this, rather than seeing whats going viral and running with that. Angela hui has written about this for metro newspaper. In the article she says highlights some of the Media Coverage including this headline from the herald suns front page headline, chinese virus pandamonium, in which the word panda is highlighted. Shes also spoke about some of her personal experiences including this incident on the underground here in london. A white man, about in his 20s, 30s, sits next to me and then immediately shoots back up and mutters under his breath, oh, im not sitting next to the coronavirus and then goes across the carriage and sits somewhere else. At the time i was just like, taken aback by it, like, did this reallyjust happen . Not thinking too much about it and not saying anything at the time because i was in shock and i dont really want to kick up a fuss. I think thats what happened. And now youve shared this story, have other people come to you and said theyve experienced something similar . Yeah, quite a few people have experienced the same thing. The problem was, when the coronavirus broke out, it was around the lunar new year, so many people werent allowed to go back home and visit family because many people were on lockdown. It was quite sad in chinatown. Many people in chinatown. In london, you mean . Yeah, london chinatown. Many people were avoiding the area because of fear of catching something, catching coronavirus. A girl i spoke to, she was also on the tube and then she saw a man, she saw a man holding a newspaper and then there was a group of east asians who got on the tube and he was using the newspaper to cover his face like this, to get away from them. As soon as they got off the tube, he relaxed. Its just this, i think its kind of, really sad that everyone is being lumped together, it doesnt matter if youre east asian, southeast asian. Everyone is lumped together. Its regardless of whether your chinese or not, which i think is the sad thing. In your article you were just talking about your personal experience. You are highlighting some of the Media Coverage youve taken issue with. Have you been surprised by the tone youve seen in some newspapers . To be honest im not that surprised because i feel like a lot of east asian people experience this discrimination that isnt reported on and is often ignored. The scaremongering headlines, thinking the worst. Its making everyone think irrationally and do irrational things. Its just causing a frenzy where everyone is just scared. There is much more information on the coronavirus on the bbc news website. Between Syrian Government forces and turkey. Turkey has responded to the killing of six of its soldiers by artillery fire, by carrying out airstrikes against Syrian Forces in idlib province. That province is in the north west of syria. It says 35 syrian troops were killed. We cant confirm that. An independent Monitoring Group says at least 13 people died. Russia is also relevant to this it backs the Syrian Government and controls the airspace in the area. Heres president erdogan warning president putin not to intervene while turkey retaliates. Translation we are determined to continue our operations for the security of our country, our people and our brothers in idlib. Those who question our determination will soon understand that theyve made a mistake. Lina sinjab has this analysis from beirut in neighboroughing lebanon. There has been tension in the past between turkey and russia and both countries are pragmatic. Both leaders, putin and erdogan, are pragmatic and theyve found ways to protect their own interests. Now mr erdogan is also under huge pressure because six of his soldiers were killed in artillery shelling by the Syrian Government. He must address the public inside turkey and he must assert his position and turkeys position on syria and retaliate. Idlib is the last opposition stronghold in syria. Its home to 3 million people, including 1 million children. And its long been feared that it could host a final showdown between the government and rebel groups. Turkeys concern is a new refugee crisis. It has already taken in 4 million syrian refugees, who moved north, and it fears an escalation in idlib could see many thousands more seek refuge. The turkish troops whove been killed were involved in policing a demilitarised zone that was established in 2018 between russian and turkey. And these are pictures of Syrian Government forces, backed by russia, which have been pounding towns in idlib with airstrikes and artillery. President assad argues that this offensive is to drive outjihadists who were supposed to have withdrawn as part of the 2018 agreement. And that turkeys troops were caught in the crossfire of this operation. Despite that, turkey says russia has reneged on the 2018 agreement by backing the Syrian Government. Very complicated and important. I got the details from 0zge 0zdemir from bbc turkish. President erdogan has said that five soldiers and three civilian personnel from the army have been killed and because of the de escalation agreen between russia and turkey, turkish soldiers have been in the area. Russia say they have not communicated. The turkish soldiers have been but the turkish say that they have been saying they have communicated that to you as we always do. It is a bit complicated. We dont know the reason very well. The role of the turkish troops, were they just there to maintain this buffer zone, or were they working with rebels in idlib . Turkey have been saying they have been there because they want to prevent the refugee crisis. They dont want an influx to the border. In the 2018 de escalation agreement between russia and turkey, they agreed upon putting soldiers over there to control the zone but syria. They want to attack idlib back so the situation there has been complicated. How does that connect to the turkish efforts to create a longer buffer zone on the border with syria, so that any refugees can perhaps go there rather than into turkey . Has turkey been successful in establishing that . They havent put that on the table. It hasnt been completed, it hasnt been established, not yet. Stay with us on 0utside source still to come. We will turn to iowa in america because the first electoral contest of the us president ial election begins, the iowa caucus. Well bring you up to date. Officials at downing street today ordered seniorjournalists from some of the uks main news organisations to leave a briefing on borisjohnsons brexit plans, prompting a walkout by colleagues across the media. A number ten source said it reserved the right to choose which journalists it briefed. Dawn foster is a Political Columnist at the guardian, one of the papers that was excluded. I think they fully expected journalists to go in, listen to the briefing, maybe send a couple of tweets, but that the general public wouldnt really care about it. But because we walked out, the stories who walked out were right to walk out. You cant pick and choose who comes into a briefing. You cant withhold information from some publications and not others purely for propaganda purposes. It is number ten following their weight around to see what they can get away with and they discovered quickly that they cant get away with this. This is 0utside source live from the bbc newsroom. 0ur lead story isl china builds a new hospital in 8 days but is struggling to deal with the spread of coronavirus. There are now more than 17,000 confirmed cases in china and the virus continues to spread abroad. It is spreading much more slowly elsewhere. Malawis Constitutional Court has annulled the results of mays president ial election, citing widespread irregularities. The judge ordered that a fresh election be held within 150 days. The poll was narrowly won by the incumbent, peter mutharika. An air canada plane with 128 passengers on board has made an Emergency Landing at madrid airport shortly after take off. Air canada said one of the planes tyres apparently ruptured and part of the landing gear fell into the engine. The plane spent hours circling the airport to use up and jettison fuel, before coming in to land safely. The actorjoaquin phoenix has used his baftas speech to call out what he says is systemic racism in the film industry. Phoenix, who was named best actor for his role injoker, said show business was sending a very clear message to people of colour that youre not welcome here. At least 1a pupils have been killed in a stampede at a Primary School in western kenya. It happened in the town of kakamega, which is almost 300 kilometres from the capital nairobi. Rhoda 0dhiambo spoke to me from there earlier. The information we have is that at about 5pm, when the bell was rung signifying that the lesson had come to an end, the children rushed out of class and its at this point that some of them used a narrow staircase inside the school. Some of them fell on of the students and parents flock to the school trying to find out what had happened. The people from the Red Cross Team pitched a tent at the Red Cross Team pitched a tent at the school to try and control the situation. Is the situation still ongoing . Have the Emergency Services left . Emergency services are still ongoing. The children were admitted to the ka kamega ongoing. The children were admitted to the kakamega hospital where they are receiving treatment. The parents of the students studying at the school are present in the hospital. The hospital has asked for blood donations because currently the country is facing a shortage of blood. Theyre asking people to come out and donate blood. Police in london have been searching a hostel where a man who carried out a knife attack, had been staying. The attack took place in streatham, in the south of the city on sunday. Three people were injured, but no one is in a life threatening condition. The knifeman, sudesh amman had just been released from prison for terror offfences. Lucy manning reports. This unfortunately is not the first time. The high street, forensic teams, Police Investigating an attack, a former prisoner using his freedom to try and kill. Yesterday, it was streatham. Plainclothed officers, guns drawn, have shot a man after he steals a knife and start stabbing others. They have had sudesh amman under surveillance, so more officers quickly arrive, one on a motorbike. One of the armed officers approaches him as he lies on the ground wearing a fake suicide vest. Get back, they shout. A surveillance officer uses his armed colleagues for cover. They start to clear the street. People rush to help the injured, blood on the pavement. Start moving backwards, very quickly, please. A man and a woman were stabbed, both are recovering. A shopkeeper was running out and shouting he had stolen something. Then it happened really quickly, lots of people running and then we heard three bangs. I heard two shots. I noticed the policemen had guns on them. The third Police Officer was next to his side and then fired one more shot and that is when the guy dropped on the floor. When he dropped, he was trying to move his hand to reach out for something. When i looked closely there was something strapped to his chest, like a silver canister. I saw a trail of blood that was leading to a middle aged man who was on the floor bleeding. I knew that i had got a blanket in my bag. I pulled it out and we used that to stem the bleeding. And all i could think was, he is going to die in the middle of the street. Sudesh amman had only been released from prison ten days ago, automatically let out halfway through his three year sentence for terrorism offenses. He pledged allegiance to Islamic State and had manuals about knife attacks. Amman lived at this bail hostel around a mile from the attack. Because he was under active counterterror surveillance, it seems the authorities thought he was possibly one of the most dangerous people in the country, so why was he living behind these gates, rather than behind bars . 0fficers searched the hostel, removing evidence. The Police Stopped this attack but how will the politicians prevent it . New emergency laws. De radicalising people is a very, very difficult thing to do. There is a big psychological barrier that people find it hard to get back over. And thats why i stress the importance of the custodial option. And that is why i have come to the end of my patience with the idea of automatic Early Release. They are let out of prison, but the public is not out of danger. Stocks in china saw their biggest losses in four years on monday because of concerns about the coronavirus. Chinas central bank had tried to fend this off by announcing it was pumping 22 billion into the economy. Heres one economists reaction to that move. This is part of a catch up and i think that chinese investors, they see a lot of uncertainty. They clearly dont know whats going to happen next and clearly the number of cases are rising. Investors normally sell when there is uncertainty. Im concerned that this sell off can go on because china has the system where they have a limit down and stocks can only be sold. By no more than 10 each day. No such reaction from markets in the us. Wall street has been actually up for much of the day but that doesnt mean concerns are over for businesses with major connections to china. Michelle fleury is in new york. Imight i might have expected the markets to be down on this. Why are they proving resilient to these concerns . I think investors are taking a longer term view. They think that the coronavirus wont put a huge dent, at least not in america on economic growth, but there are still concerns. It has the ability to rattle wall street. Look at the oil price. It dropped sharply on fears that it will continue to disrupt the worlds second largest economy, china, which is a major consumer of energy. There are fears about the knock on effect on growth. And your understanding why. If you look at the announcements weve heard from companies over the last week or so, global businesses basically saying they are temporarily halting operations so that customers and workers arent exposed. Talking to economists, you see them putting it into two different things. You talk about goods and services which can be recovered further down the line. You might put off buying a washing machine but you will resume that purchase presumably later. Then there are things like airlines, flights, trip to casinos and disneyland. They are the sorts of things that probably wont come back. Thats lost revenue and thats where you can see the cost being counted. I appreciate that this is medium term but is the coronavirus releva nt to medium term but is the coronavirus relevant to the trade talks between the us and china . Will it lay into that or are they separate . At this point id say they are completely separate. Its interesting that wilbur ross, the commerce secretary, spoke on tv last week and he said that this was possibly an opportunity for american corporations. He was referencing that there should be no gloating and that there should be no gloating and that people should have sympathy for this terrible thing. But the point he was trying to make is that when companies are considering supply chains they might reconsider china. You could argue that American Companies are equally afflicted, from airlines to Companies Like apple. Thank you, michelle. Inafew in a few minutes were going to iowa. While donald trump has got the republican nomination sign up the democrat nomination is far from a done deal. Well tell you where iowa fits into that. The weather stories around the world 110w. The weather stories around the world now. Firstly we are going to new zealand where we have seen some extreme falls of rain. Its down to this weather front which has become stuck across the south west of the country, dragging in some tropical airfrom the country, dragging in some tropical air from the tasman sea. Very torrential rain, 350 millimetres, incredible, over 2a hours. Weve seen some incredible, over 2a hours. Weve seen some landslides and flooding and theres more to come before the weather slowly improves on wednesday. Colder south westerly wind is extending across the country. The rain will eventually settle down. In the middle of the week we may see some useful rainfall, thunderstorms around queensland and northern new south wales, some areas affected by wildfires. Northern australia, heavy rain. Low pressure enhancing the monsoon rains. Likely to see some flooding in kimberley. Indonesia, the wet season at the moment. In the capital, jakarta, torrential rain. Nearly 100 millimetres over the last 24 nearly 100 millimetres over the last 2a hours. The wind powered by co nve rg e nt 2a hours. The wind powered by convergent wind bringing those showers in and well see heavy downpours over the next few days. Very mild across central and eastern parts of the us. Cold areas starting to make inroads. A big drop in temperatures in a number of areas and at the same time a winter storm raging, 1 2 feet of snow over the mountains in utah. That will work into colorado, and also North Western kansas with freezing rain in the midwest. Severe thunderstorms across the far south, parts of arkansas, louisiana and may be parts of mississippi and texas. Well see temperatures dropping away. Winnipeg seeing a maximum of 17 away. Winnipeg seeing a maximum of 17 on tuesday. Much colder even in dallas. 23 on tuesday, 2 degrees on wednesday. They will notice that change in the weather. In europe, exceptionally mild weather across the mediterranean. Powerful weather fronts bringing rain to alpine ski resorts, which isnt great news. The area is getting colder and on tuesday the rain is going to switch to snow which is better news for the alpine ski resorts as the weather turns significantly colder compared with the warm weekend weve just had. Stormy conditions in the western mediterranean with mistral winds affecting france, corsica and sardinia and later blowing to italy and parts of croatia. Here, strong wind overnight, gradually easing on tuesday. Generally a day of sunshine and showers. Hello, im ros atkins. This is 0utside source. China builds a new hospital in 8 days but is struggling to deal with the spread of coronavirus. There are now more than 17,000 confirmed cases in china, and the virus continues to spread abroad. We made a choice. Borisjohnson sets out his vision of a future trade deal with the eu, and says britain wont follow their rules. Turkish troops are killed in syrian airstrikes in idlib. Turkey has retaliated with deadly consequences as the conflict threatens to escalate. And well be live in iowa where the first contest of the us president ial election is about to start. Weve put away the brexit countdown clock, but we have a new one. This one is counting down to the end of the transition period that the uk and the eu have agreed. That finishes at the end of 2020 and Boris Johnson swears he wont extend the deadline. That leaves two main options either a new trade deal is agreed, or theres no deal and the uk and eu fall back on the rules of the world trade organisation, something that would mean lots of tariffs and border checks. Talks start next month, but today both sides laid out their positions. There is no need for a Free Trade Agreement to involve accept eu rules on competition policies subsidies, social protection, or anything similar. All imports of goods or services supplied in the eu will need to comply with the eu rules or other standouts protecting our Public Policy objectives. One particular issue came up on both sides today. The level Playing Field. Its a phrase youll find in the political declaration thats a document signed by both eu and uk at the same time as the brexit withdrawal agreement. It says given the geographic proximity and economic interdependence of the two sides, the future relationship must include robust commitments to ensure a level Playing Field. This is to ensure their respective businesses dont have a built in advantage. This can apply to a whole range of things from maternity right, or food and environmental regulations. While many are welcome, they bring costs. Level play field deals ensure the costs are standard. And its been assumed that may mean the uk following eu regulaitons. Today borisjohnson turned that argument on its head. Will we stop italian cars or german wine from entering this country tarriff free or quota free unless the eu matches our uk laws on plastic coffee stirrers or Maternity Leave . Will we accuse them of dumping . Of course not. 0rwanting to dump . Of course not. Nick eardley, westminster. What did you make of that . We are already seeing one of the main contention, mainly one that is going to donate those taught dominate those talks on the free trade deal in the next few months. Boris johnson is saying he wanted to be able to do things differently. We will make trade deals with the United States or australia, other countries around the world, we want to be able to say them, we will do this because we worked to do it and that means not promising europe that we are going to stick by their rules, but for europe that means potentially, more friction and not accepting totally seamless trade like there is at the moment, so basically you have an early tension with the uk saying they want to do their own thing and europe saying thats fine but the more you do your own thing, the less likely there is we will come to a comp comprehensive agreement. Can you help me understand why the Prime Ministers positions . He frequently says he wa nts to positions . He frequently says he wants to reclaim the free market and he believes in free trade and doesnt believe in protectionism but yet hes taken the uk out of a big free trade area and is considering some options which would involve more tariffs. Thats the argument many ofjohnsons more tariffs. Thats the argument many of johnsons critics more tariffs. Thats the argument many ofjohnsons critics are making. Youre not taking part in your largest internal marketjust on your largest internal marketjust on your doorstep. The argument that the conservatives and brexiteers is part of the European Union because youre saying will have a Single Market with these guys,. That makes it harder to trade with other countries, so what borisjohnson believes is that if you strip yourself out of the European Union, yourself out of the European Union, you can then have Free Trade Agreements with everybody. As we know, is often easier said than done. The prime minster tried to make one thing clear today about the sort of relationship with the eu he really wants. We made a choice. We want a comprehensive, Free Trade Agreement similar to canadas. Lets look at that, under the eus deal with canada, which was negotiated in 2016 import tariffs on most goods have been eliminated. But the flow of services such as banking is much more restricted. And 70 of the uks economy, is services. The eu says it would only grant the uk that sort of deal, with Strings Attached the level Playing Field rules. And if canada is one thought, the Prime Minister has another country in mind too. The question is whether we agree a trading relationship with the eu comparable to ca nadas or more like australias. Not everyone is so enthusiastic. Heres Financial Times Political Editor George Parker georgewparker love the no 10 rebranding of a no trade deal brexit ie wto with tariffs, serious friction as an australia style deal. Just a reminder australia has no fta with the eu and is 9,000 miles away, not 30. Lets bring back nick eardley now. This is reminding me of how the Prime Minister has kept a no deal brexit on the table during negotiations, but he wants to say to the eu, all of these are available. Youre right, its a political tactic to say to the eu, you need us, if we need you, but we dont need you that much and if you dont give us what we want we will go away and try and negotiate those small deals on certain things like aviation for example. They dont have the fully comprehensive free trade deal they were talking about a minute ago. I think youre absolutely right. What youve see todayis absolutely right. What youve see today is both sides putting political cards on the table. The big question is, who is prepared to compromise and on what . Who in europe is prepared to say you have to follow those rules and may be if you did those ones and compromise on the british side, we could come to sort of some agreement. Its worth bearing in mind that a lot over the last three years, weve gone that sounds impossible. Last three years, weve gone that sounds impossible. Both sides have said they wont do it. Ultimately, they came to a compromise so its not to be an easy road. It will take a long time and it might not be straightforward. Good point. They need to find an agreement they can put in place by the end of this year. I hope youre in the mood for updates on the story because its gonna be a great number of twists and turns before theres any conclusion. Theres been a glimpse of hope in the humanitarian crisis in yemen which has been in a civil war since 2015. There are yemeni patients being boarded on to a un plane in the capital sanaa. Its been two years of difficult negotiations between the Saudi Led Coalition which controls the airspace and houthi authorities, who are in charge across the north of the country. Those patients have now left yemen and will receive medial treatment in amman injordan. The un says 233,000 people have died in the conflict thats from fighting and from side effects associated with disease. Lyse doucet filed this report from yemen. Kidsjust being kids. But some are critically ill and now they have a fighting chance to live. After months waiting in this sanaa hotel, yemens only cancer hospital. These children are not on any list to leave. Not ali who lost an eye. And not this boy, whose father says he cannot sleep at night because hes in so much pain. Doctors lost hope there would ever be a flight but they dont have what they need to treat patients here. Translation of course, this makes doctors angry when we cannot give the best treatment, or if the doctor loses his patient, its not normal. Sometimes i feel depressed. We cant provide some of the treatment and we dont have the equipment because of the blockage. Patients should not be affected by the war. We were taken to Sanaa International airport. A deserted departure hall. Stopping civilian flights. There is more than three years of dust in this hall. The saudis proposed a way out, divert civilian flights to another airport to search them, but, for sanaa, sovereignty trumps everything. Translation this airport has its own security procedures and that means civilian aeroplanes cannot carry weapons and there are satellites and they have their own spies on the ground. They know if there is any movement in sanaa airport they can prove it with photos. An airport can seem so ordinary but for so many people in yemen it has come to mean so much students can fly home, families are divided, patients cant get medical care abroad. And for the critically ill at the airport, the blockade has been nothing less than life or death. A city of the dead. This boys father died waiting for liver treatment, waiting for a flight. He tends his grave every week. Translation for two years they kept promising he would travel on a un flight, we had everything ready. This war has destroyed everything. Many patients have died, just like my father. A merciless war, these first flights a gesture from warring sides. For some, too late, but for many others, a glimpse of hope. If you want background on that conflict you can get it online from bbc news. In a few minutes we will look across all the contenders for the democratic nomination because in iowa, we have the first contest of the 2020 president ial election in a few minutes. A new mother has the story. With the birth of my first child, i suffered with some beer and dieting and ill Mental Health, but this time around and with eight weeks ago, i met a bunch better place. Severe Mental Health. Something that didnt exist in my first pregnancy. Five years ago, 40 of new mothers had no access to a Specialist Mental Health care. Now every woman in england has a dented naked team in her area dedicated team and her area. A dented naked team in her area dedicated team and her aream a dented naked team in her area dedicated team and her area. It can have a really negative impact on mum and on the baby throughout the rest of his or her life. With one in five less women experiencing Mental Health issues in pregnancy and post birth, Services Like this really are vital. Claire has been supported by her perineal Mental Health team since early pregnancy. Her perineal Mental Health team since early pregnancylj her perineal Mental Health team since early pregnancy. I have felt terribly anxious my baby was going to die so that was the main concerned because id had previous miscarriages. Claire was seriously unwell. The Mental Health team were absolutely amazing. They were fantastic. They looked after me, the nurses that came to see me and the medication that was provided saved my life. And my babys life. Its now been three weeks since the birth of my beautiful daughter and i have to say that this time around, it has been a completely different experience. It really is vital that the nhs understand and realise that womens Mental Health isjust as important as their physical health. Anna williamson, bbc london. This is outside source live from the bbc newsroom. Our lead story . China builds a new hospital in 8 days but is struggling to deal with the spread of coronavirus. There are now more than 17,000 confirmed cases in china, and the virus continues to spread abroad. Malawis Constitutional Court has annulled the results of mays president ial election, citing widespread irregularities. The judge ordered that a fresh election be held within150 days. The poll was narrowly won by the incumbent peter mutharika. An air canada plane with 128 passengers on board has made an Emergency Landing at madrid airport shortly after take off. Air canada said one of the planes tyres apparently ruptured and part of the landing gear fell into the engine. The plane spent hours circling the airport to use up and jettison fuel, before coming in to land safely. The first contest of the us president ial election starts today. Democrats and republicans in iowa will vote on the candidates. Donald trump looks unstoppable on the republican side, but there are 11 candidates for the democratic nomination. This poll from Emerson College polling shows Bernie Sanders ahead ofjoe biden by seven points. Other polls have it closer. Heres Bernie Sanders speaking in iowa. It is absolutely imperative for the future of this country that we defeat the most dangerous president in the modern history of this country. The candidates all agree donald trump needs to heresjoe biden. We cant turn four years of donald trump into a historical operation, but eight years, hell change the country in a way we cant tolerate. We need you, we need you, we need you. Iowa doesnt decide anything but it matters because it can generate or reduce momentum. Now, in most state primaries voters cast secret ballots. But in iowa residents vote in caucuses these are small neighbourhood gatherings where people publicly declare their vote. Theyre going to take place in nearly 1700 locations across iowa, from school gymnasiums to peoples homes. This is one from 2016 in a fire station. Lets hear from some of the voters this time around. I like a lot of the candidates, i think we have a really diverse profile this time, but im going for Elizabeth Warren. Pete buttigieg, because i think he can really bring people together. Hes a peacemaker, he doesnt come with a lot of baggage, i think hes a perfect choice. I think im gonna caucus for yang because i believe in voting for the younger candidate. I believe in getting our generation and politics, no matter what side you vote for. Gary odonoghue is in iowa with the latest. You can register at the door of the caucus if you want to, so anywhere between 230 and maybe 268, 80,000 people might take part today and as you say, 1700 locations across the state. Im going to one in a couple of hours time. Its in a school cafeteria. They are expecting 300 or so people to turn up there. And then do this weird little dance they do around the hall where they go and stand under a sign representing the candidate they favour and if one of those candidates dont reach this magic 15 number, then those people are free to go and stand with other groups in the hall, so its all your neighbours all know who youre voting for. Explained to me why all the candidates arent there . Michael bloomberg has decided not to contest these states in february. He is already involved in air war in super tuesday. He spent 300 million on tv advertising. Hes hoping thatjoe biden becomes a bit of a casualty of this february process and he could be there to mop up the sort of former republican, hes spending a lot of money but he has to wait for joe biden to fail. Voting starts in iowa in about four hours time. We should have all the results a few hours after that. Meanwhile, those contenders who are senators, so Bernie Sanders, joe biden, Amy Klobushar and Elizabeth Warren have had to be in washington today to attend Donald Trumps impeachment trial. Its just certain hell be acquitted. Remember, the republicans have blocked any witnesses from being heard. Well, closing arguments from both sides have begun. Heres adam schiff from the democrats. Donald trump has betrayed his oath to protect and defend the constitution. But its not too late for us to honour ours, to build our power to defend our democracy. And this is president trumps defense team. I simply ask this body to stand firm today. Protect the integrity of the United States senate, stand firm today and protect the office of the president , stand firm today and protect the constitution, stand firm today and protect the will of the American People and their vote, stand firm today and protect our nation, and i asked that this partisan impeachment come to an end to restore our constitutional balance, for that is in my view and in our view whatjustice demands in the constitution requires. Joaquin phoenix has been praised for using his speech at the baftas last night to call for greater diversity amongst nominees, for film awards. All 20 acting nominees were white, and no female directors were put forward for the seventh consecutive year. The actor, who won best actor for thejoker used his acceptance speech to call for change. This report by Will Gompertz contains flashing images. If there was any doubt that the lack of diversity in this years bafta nominations was a significant issue, thenjoaquin phoenix made it absolutely clear it was when he picked up his award for best actor. I think that we send a very clear message to people of colour that you are not welcome here. We really have to do the hard work to truly understand systemic racism. I think it is the obligation of the people that have created and perpetuate and benefit from a system of oppression to be the ones that dismantle it so thats on us. That cant happen soon enough for the director behind this critically acclaimed documentary film. A real change needs to happen. A real, fundamental, earth shifting change that the people who are in positions of power in the voting or the organisation of the baftas need to have a real hard look at themselves and think, do we have everybody that represents the people who are in the nation . Are you a member of bafta . Unfortunately not. Why not . I applied but for some reason i got rejected. Youre looking at baftas headquarters in london, which as you can see is having a major overhaul. Along with that, its annualfilm awards. The Voting System for which currently, as it stands, does not require all those judging or nominating in the main categories say, the acting categories, for example to have actually watched all the eligible films. Maybe that will change after Prince William baftas president made his feelings known last night. We find ourselves talking again about the need to do more to ensure diversity in this sector and in the awards process. Bafta take this issue seriously and following this years nominations have launched a full and thorough review of the entire awards process. Its notjust the bafta bosses under pressure. The oscars also been criticised for an all male director shortlist and only having one non white performer across all acting categories. You can expect to hear more about that when the golden statues are handed out in hollywood on sunday. Will gompertz, bbc news. Its not the dominant issue in iowa as the caucuses begin. Theres never been a woman as president in america. The republicans and donald trump look like they will have a male nominee this time around but for democrats, we dont know. In the polling in iowa, Bernie Sanders is leading, joe biden s second and elizabeth were in his running for an iowa is the beginning of the much longer process. Full coverage from iowa coming up in the coming hours. Goodbye. Hello there. It was a windy start to the new week and those of strong winds will be with us into the start of tuesday as well. Thats because the jet stream straight through the weekend but the strongestjet streams that bring those low pressures and will move to the northeast for the next few days as we had towards a midweek. That will allow to build in but for the day on tuesday, some very gusty winds still in excessive 70 miles an hour in some parts of scotland. 50 60 mph further south, and we will notice stronger winds in england and wales as well. Together with some wintry showers over the hills, though showers over the hills, though showers mostly rain, perhaps hail and thunder edging their way southwards as well. Tending to ease in the west later. The showers and the winds, but it will feel colder for many. Its a bracing wind, but that when all but dies out through tuesday evening and overnight. We pick up more with some patchy rain in the north and thats because we have that High Pressure moving and so after very little frost in january, i think we will have a widespread ground cross across air cross wednesday morning. This is set to stay around for two or three days. We will see some frosts but also much drier weather, lighter winds and also increasing patchy fog. Any patchy fog on wednesday morning will be slow. It will be relu cta nt to morning will be slow. It will be reluctant to clear away. But otherwise, despite that crisp start, it looks bright so we wont see temperatures into double figures but it will feel pleasant. Another chilly night to come into thursday, picking up a bit more fog as well. Temperature is not quite as low but a widespread ruralfrost temperature is not quite as low but a widespread rural frost in some towns and cities close to freezing. That risk of icy patches. Thursday ta kes that risk of icy patches. Thursday takes time to get rid of the mist and fog but still a good deal of dry, calm and sunny weather. It will be pretty chilly and it could lift into low cloud. Friday we hope with the wind started to pick up, there will be as many mist and fog problems, temperatures will tend to pick up as we pick up a southerly wind but its only because we are looking out to the atlantic for our next win system. The first one looks quite a week affair as it comes in to the area of High Pressures, but with time they will become more potent. So more definite areas of wet weather coming in. You may have noticed those tightly packed areas. Potentially some very windy weather because after the lighter winds, by the time we get to next weekend, where picking up a strongerjet strea m where picking up a strongerjet stream again. It looks very powerful, that jet stream stream again. It looks very powerful, thatjet stream coming out of north america so the more powerful the jet stream, the deeper the era of lower pressure. It looks as if towards the beginning of next week, we could have some Stormy Weather on its way as well. All to play for, lots of detail to fill you in over the next few nights. It does look dry for those night time fogs. But eventually Stormy Weather next week. Goodbye. Tonight at ten. Emergency legislation to be introduced to end the automatic Early Release from prison of those convicted of terror offences. It follows yesterdays events in south london, when a man was shot dead by police after stabbing two people. Sudesh amman, whod been sent to prison for terror offences, had been released at the end of january. Ministers say they want to change the system. We face an unprecedented situation of severe gravity and, as such, it demands that the government responds immediately. But the governments critics say the new plans would merely defer the problem of what happens when a prisoner is released. Also tonight. In china, the race to tackle the outbreak of coronavirus,

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