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The uk government has raised more details of its post brexit position on the European Court ofjustice. Here is the Prime Minister. When we leave the European Union we believe the jurisdiction leave the European Union we believe thejurisdiction of leave the European Union we believe the jurisdiction of the European Court ofjustice the jurisdiction of the European Court of justice and the jurisdiction of the European Court ofjustice and we will be able to make our own laws, parliament will make our laws, british judges will make our laws, british judges will interpret those laws and the British Supreme Court will be the ultimate arbiter of those laws. If you want every detail on how the government sees this working you can get that online on the website. Before we get to the politics, here isa before we get to the politics, here is a timely video from adam fleming on is a timely video from adam fleming o n exa ctly is a timely video from adam fleming on exactly what the European Court ofjustice dolls. Does. There are actually two courts, the court ofjustice, where National Courts can ask for a eu laws to be clarified and eu countries can get into trouble for breaking eu rules. And the general court, where decisions made by the european institutions can be challenged by countries, companies and individuals. It means all sorts of stuff co m es individuals. It means all sorts of stuff comes up, the cases today include sharing Airline Passengers details with canada, which countries should process refugees, something about a German Cosmetics Company but remember, this is absolutely not the European Court of human rights. That is totally different and totally separate. All these guys have served here in the past and nowadays every member state gets at least one judge here. Shall we see them in action . European languages overlap. This is everyjudgment from european languages overlap. This is every judgment from the 1920s to 2010 in multiple languages and four supporters it is amazing. To critics, these are examples of foreignjudges interfering critics, these are examples of foreign judges interfering in critics, these are examples of foreignjudges interfering in other countries. We have a stream of cases coming in, around about 700 cases every year. We have neither the time nor the inclination to sit around hatching some federalist plots. So where do we think this place will feature in the brexit negotiations . Well, the eu wants a big future role for the ec], particularly when it comes to the rights of eu citizens living in the uk. The British Government isnt quite so sure. Anyway, case definitely not closed. The uk government says if its plan comes to pass it still wants both sides, uk and the eu, to take half an eye on each others rulings and to that idea the European Parliaments chief to that idea the european pa rliaments chief brexit to that idea the European Parliaments chief brexit negotiator says if the uk government wants to keep an eye on rulings, the European Parliament thinks the ec] must keep both eyes open to protect the rights of citizens. A reference to the issue of eu citizens currently in the uk and what their post brexit status might be. The Financial Times on the uk government paper says this confirms how much theresa may has soft her stands since last october. We can talk to emma vardy about that. Hello. Is that fair comment from the Financial Times . What the government has put forward is ideas, this is something it will need to get the 27 other countries to agree to. It does show that some a cce pta nce to. It does show that some acceptance that while the jurisdiction of the European Court ofjustice is going to end, there is broad acceptance here that the influence of the European Court of justice is going to continue and the question is, how much influence, how much will it continue to influence us much will it continue to influence us Going Forward . You might see some divisions there between brexiteers and those in the leave campus to some people accused the Prime Minister of back sliding, climbing down on one of her red lines on brexit but really what is one of the hurdles is the rights of eu citizens in the uk and that is because the European Commission argues that it once the European Court ofjustice to be able to rule on this issue whereas the uk wants british courts to be able to rule on the rights of eu citizens. Thatll be one of the big hurdles Going Forward. What about the chronology . Putting these ideas into the open, is that i play ahead of the next round of brexit box . This is a future partnership paper, ideas that at once the eu to consider and that has pointed to other models of ways of arbitrating eu disputes in the future and it says, look at countries like canada and singapore, these countries have and singapore, these countries have an agreement with the evening but for those countries, the European Court ofjustice is not binding, not overriding on the laws of those countries so it says there are other models we can consider and we can form some sort of arbitration model Going Forward. When you listen to the rhetoric from the government, all this talk about trying to remain as closely united with the Customs Union Going Forward as possible, when you look at that, it is almost difficult to see how we can com pletely difficult to see how we can completely cut any ties with the European Court of justice completely cut any ties with the European Court ofjustice Going Forward. That is how this is looking today, the big challenge is to convince the eu to agree with us and thatis convince the eu to agree with us and that is why the uk this week has put forward a number of ideas and Teacher Partnership papers to try to move the eu towards a position that works for the uk. Thank you for taking us through that. And there is much more information on the ecj along with information on every element of brexit online from bbc news. The syrian conflict and there are many numbers of ways i could illustrate the complexity of this war, this map is one of them. Each colour represents territory held by different groups or countries. And many of the different groups and countries involved in this conflict wa nt to countries involved in this conflict want to defeat the Islamic State group. But they dont agree on how and we have seen an illustration today, these are pictures from ankara, that is the president of turkey with the us defence secretary in ankara. They are working together to fight Islamic State but there is one issue they do not agree on, the us arms, kurdish ypg militia, turkey considers them to be a terrorist group but at the moment they are having to agree to disagree. As i have been discussing many times, it is losing territory in iraq and in syria. The most high profile example is mosul. I have a report from lyse doucet. She is with Syrian Government troops. This is the man leading the syrian army against Islamic State in eastern syria. The general wants to take us to the front line to see their latest successes. Vowing with a soldiers swagger to take back all of syria. Tens of thousands of men under his command. Translation i am hellbent on victory, were not scared of death. I am the commander on the ground and i have been wounded three times. This is my arm, look at it. Every inch the ruthless commander. Charismatic, controversial. He is on the eu sanctions list, accused of suppressing peaceful protest in 2011. The general laughs this off, insisting he is fighting terrorism. This is now the armys forward firing position. Days ago, this area was under is control. Now the fighters are just over the horizon. These soldiers tell us the latest operation destroyed the closest positions of isjust beyond that ridge so that will allow the syrian army and its russian and iranian allies to move forward by a number of miles. They are heading towards the next province. All of it is in is hands, except for a small enclave. So that is the next big target for the syrian army. Were heading back to the desert town, passing on the way a russian convoy. Moscows military might and iran backed militias are crucial here. When is arrived here three years ago, almost everyone fled. Even in ruin, it is a major prize. It sits on a strategic crossroads. Gas fields all around here. The soldiers take us into what they say was used as a makeshift base. A box of munitions lying next to a jumble of womens clothing. The soldiers tell us that is kept women here. And in many houses, they say they found cords like this hanging from hooks. Used, they say, for torture. Trademarks of iss savage rule but there is no one here to confirm exactly what happened in this house. Just outside, this old wreck pulls up, the spoils of war, such as they are. Kicked back into life. Is had meant this to be a car bomb. We are proud to get it back, the soldier says. Whatever is took, we will take it back. Lyse doucet, bbc news. If you want more Background Information on the history of this syrian war, you can find that online from bbc news. Time for the sport, we will talk about wayne rooney, he scored more goals for england than anybody else but not any more, he has announced his retirement. He was given a chance to join the squad for the World Cup Qualifiers next month but he has opted out. He says. I will talk together. Every time i was selected was a privilege but i believe now is the time to bow out. I have given the as big preview good to see for the first time in 30 seconds there was a time this announcement would be surprising but not this time . Good to see you ain not this time . Good to see you again it has been on the cards. The englands top goal scorer, 53 goals in119 englands top goal scorer, 53 goals in 119 appearances for england and he is calling it a day and he has had a very long career, part of the english setup since 2003, making his debut against australia and he burst onto the stage at the euros in 2004 and has played consistently for his clu bs and has played consistently for his clubs and the National Team so 14 yea rs, clubs and the National Team so 14 years, he has been quite tired in the last couple of seasons but Gareth Southgate was about to become fully qualifiers next month against malta and slovakia that he has had a rejuvenation at everton. He came back to everton in the summer and rejoined his boyhood club and scored twice in the last two games. A lot of fa ns twice in the last two games. A lot of fans were excited to see what he could bring to england but he is passing on the button to people like harry kane, who will try to emulate his feat of being a record goal scorer but he is also the second most capped playerfor england, after peter shilton. Not only a stellar career scoring for england but he has also been one of the most consistent players. He has had a phenomenal career, tributes have been pouring in from social media, players past and present. His legacy will be as somebody who tried hard, he has gone from glory but sadly has not had a major trophy but people will see him as a positive force. Thank you. We will speak to gavin soon. In a few moments we will turn to angola because it is election day and the pulls have closed and the winner will mean the leader of the country for the past 38 years leader of the country for the past 38 yea rs has leader of the country for the past 38 years has relinquished power but it is not so simple. We will explain. A Road Safety Charity once driving on rural roads to be made compulsory for learners. Brake says that eddie of Young Drivers killed crashes and 2015 died in country roads. Watch what can happen on a quiet rural road. Incredibly, the horses and riders have now fully recovered. Good boy. Alis experience was worse. It wasnt caught on camera, but her last horse was killed. Shed been riding with her son and a friend in a village near melton mowbray. Despite all wearing high visibility gear, a car slammed into the back of them. Dylans spine was broken. He had to be put down. The carjust missed her son. How are you, after that . The early days were very difficult for everybody. It was a lot of flashbacks, a lot of fear, a lot of grieving. But, also, not knowing if i would ride again. I live in the countryside and i know that the roads will be busy because its harvest time. Just pull in here. Now, a charity says all drivers should be made to learn this kind of thing. 80 of young driver fatalities occurred on rural roads. Thats why brakes calling for a radical overhaul of the learn to drive system. Rosie lives in bristol city centre. Shes not used to country lanes. We took her out with a specialist instructor. Whats going to happen if you see a tractor coming towards you . How much space is it going to take up . She learns valuable lessons. I definitely get mainly nervous that im not doing it right, because they all know the roads very well and they shoot round them. Just reassuring me that going slower so you dont crash is a good thing. The department for transport says our roads are some of the safest in the world. But farmers feel the driving test does need to be modernised. Agricultural machinery is getting bigger, roads arent getting any wider and theyre not building any more of them. So the issues that were having every year, youre getting more issues on the roads. The message is that for everyones safety, including passengers, the challenges of rural driving need to be understood. Claire marshall, bbc news, leicestershire. Welcome back. I am ross atkins with outside source. Donald trump has been taking a more measured tone in nevada and just a little while after he blasted opponents at a Campaign Rally in arizona the previous evening. As promised, we can talk about the elections in angola, we might not cover them every time they come around but this time it is different, the result will matter but perhaps not as significant as the fact that this man, president of sa ntos, the fact that this man, president of santos, is standing down. He is the second longest serving president in africa. You can work out who the longest serving is. The man in charge of equatorial guinea. He took office one month before to santos in 1979. He is not going anywhere. In terms of the reasons why he is going, we can show you those wires coming in, and we have a long article about why he is giving up and one of the reasons might be that his children remain in prominent positions in power. You will get more on this for outside source. Fulfilling his civic duty, this might be the last vote is president of colour from do santos but it is his first for someone other than himself because he will be stepping down. Angola headed to the polls early this morning. Anticipation has been high, voters were easy to get to this polling station in downtown rwanda after it opened late. The Voting System is confusing, here voters choose both candidates and their party in one vote. The Winning Party and candidate are elected by proportional representation. Young people are expected to be a huge pa rt people are expected to be a huge part in this vote, they did not live through a civil war so they are inclined to vote for change. Three major candidates have promised change and we hope yet to see if they can deliver. Translation this is my first time voting, i hope everything goes well and my vote makes a difference and there should be more employment for the youth, or hospitals and schools for children. I never knew any other president or other Political Party in power and if that happens it will be more than welcome because we angolans have the right to have all political options. In south africa, hundreds of rhino horns are being auctioned. This is a justification. Trade and not need will help the rhinos and not everybody agrees. I can assure you that the auction website tells us it will last until friday afternoon and people can make bids online if they register. Some of these horns belong toa register. Some of these horns belong to a rhino owned byjohn hume, he has 1500 of them on a farm north of johannesburg. This is a way to save the rhinos from extension, to breed and protect them better. One of the ways to protect them better is not to make the horn on available to everybody. Before 2009, when you could buy horn legally in this country, there was virtually no poaching. After 2009, it has escalated out of control. The poaching is out of control in this country. Whoever buys these horns in this auction, they cannot export them from south africa, there is a ban on International Trade of ivory but nonetheless, you might not be surprised to hear there have been critics of this auction. And here is one of them. This auction can only be done within the borders of south africa and as far as we are aware, there is limited demand in south africa and the website is published in chinese and vietnamese and it has been angled for some kind of exporting trade. One more story, confusion over nigerias president and his health, he came back home after months in the uk but that is not the end of it. There has been speculation saw to cut through all of this, we have a man who knows more than most about nigeria, peter from the bbcs focus on africa at he started off by telling me about what we know about the health of the president. I am afraid we do not know. Not at all and not wanting to sound like a government official, the answer is we have not been told and we do not know. He has a serious illness of some type . He has been treated here and was treated for 100 days and before that the trip lasted 47 days and each time we ask the question, what is wrong with the president , we are told it is not your business. He is home and will be receiving treatment . We cannot a nswer be receiving treatment . We cannot answer that question. His Spokesman Says he looks better than he did when he travelled to london for treatment and he is back to start work. That is talk about the practicalities of working, yesterday we heard his office is rat infested so we heard his office is rat infested so the plan is to be based at home . We are told he has done to offices within the president ial villa, he will be working in one in his private residence because the official one is rat infested and thatis official one is rat infested and that is a direct quote from his spokesperson. But much information but what we have got, we have just been told. A reminder of an earlier story from rotterdam, a concert cancelled due to a terror threat, the mayor told us. We also have this from the mayor. The police say, they took this information seriously enough that after discussion with organisers it was decided to cancel the event. This is all connected to concerns about a bus found and the mayor told us it had spanish license plates and gas bottles were found near the concert hall. Lots of information coming in, it is not quite fitting together yet but it will do in the next few hours and you will see that on the bbc. Goodbye. Summer warmth made a vague attempt ata summer warmth made a vague attempt at a return earlier this afternoon but that was swept away dramatically by heavy downpours over the last day. One example of some disruption caused by the heavy downpours was here in North Yorkshire but azarenka lured away on wednesday, things improve. Spells of sunshine and things generally look a lot less dramatic in the forecast for the week ahead. A lot of that is down to the jet stream, which week ahead. A lot of that is down to thejet stream, which is week ahead. A lot of that is down to the jet stream, which is diving right down here to the south, developing an area of low pressure off the coast of iberia and that leaves us with a very slack pitter patter on. Not a lot of white lines on the charge and isobars, the wind is not strong. Nothing much to push the weather around so what you get during thursday will be similar to friday and saturday as well. Thursday bringing showers across Northern Ireland and western scotland, some into Northern England and further south and east, largely dried up with spells of sunshine and temperatures of 18 22. Outbreaks of rain continue in the north west into friday, further sign it stays largely dry with the odd mist patch and temperatures around 14 degrees and temperatures around 14 degrees and friday is essentially a repeat performance, southern and eastern areas staying dry with sunshine and the further north and west, the cloud and a greater chance of seeing showery rain. Here, temperatures at 70 degrees in glasgow and belfast but towards the south east it will feel pleasantly warm with highs of around 24. We keep that slacker pattern into the weekend, not many white lines, but many isobars. The wind light, showers stranded to the north west so scotland and Northern Ireland seeing showers, some heavy, largely dry south and east and 25 degrees in london. A change on saturday night, potentially there is a risk we will see showers and thunderstorms dipping into the south east and east anglia. Just a risk. Some of those could hang around through sunday, still showers for the north west, where it will be breezy and generally a lot of dry weather and spells of sunshine. Into monday, bank holiday for many, things begin to turn more lively. White lines squeezing together, more ofa white lines squeezing together, more of a westerly wind and a more concerted band of rain looks likely to push into scotland, Northern Ireland and sinking southwards into Northern England and perhaps the south west. The south east still largely dry and the wind picking up and that is just the first sign of something a little more mobile. Going through next week, thejet strea m going through next week, thejet stream at this stage looks likely to be pushing across the atlantic and blowing out across the British Isles but even then it is half hearted. This area of High Pressure does not make much progress across the country, this low pressure just affects the far north. Next week, in northern areas, there is likely to be some rain at times and generally a cool feel, further south, closer to the High Pressure, often dry and in the Sunshine Feeling pleasantly warm. Things look . Take as we go through next few days. Things look less dramatic. Theresa may promises british law for british citizens post brexit but others accuse her of a climbdown. Under new government proposals, the European Court ofjustice will not have a direct say over our affairs. When we leave the European Union, we will be leaving the jurisdiction of the European Court ofjustice. But critics say it will be impossible to avoid european judges having a role in enforcing disputes between the uk and the eu. Also tonight. The cyclist convicted of wanton and furious driving after knocking down a woman who then died. Donald trump takes aim and lets rip in a tirade against the media. These are really, really dishonest people. And theyre bad people. Donald trump takes aim and lets rip in a tirade against the media. A nation had lost its princess. Theyd lost a mother harry and william speak about dianas death. Itll either make of break you

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