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The full report. Well hearfrom usain bolt, who is looking ahead to his final races as a professional athlete. Lots of ways you could have described monday in the white house. Trump took to twitter to tell us it was a great day. One way of putting it. Another is it was the day where the new director of Communications Left ten days after being hired, several days before he actually had taken up the job formally. The New York Post put it this way, drawing comparisons with the Survivor Television programme. Making the general point that this perhaps is a chaotic situation. We can speak to a conservative political commentator from dallas, host on the Digital Tv Network the blaze. Great to have you on the programme. Thank you for having me. When you look at what happened yesterday in the white house and over the last week, is that what you voted for . Difficult to say. Part of me wants to trust what trump says over twitter. When he said it was a great day in the white house. Part of me also once to commend him for getting Anthony Scurry part of me also would like to commend him for getting rid of the press secretary. Maybe they are putting things into shape. If they truly are draining the swamp then maybe this is a good thing. However, as somebody who voted for trump it is difficult to see the rules shifting so much. It seems like there is so much insecurity in the white house. You wonder how much he will be able to fill his promises and that is what i am concerned with. What did you vote for . What did you want from this president. What i think a lot of millennials voted for trump for, well, we are entrepreneurial. He has promised to cut taxes for small businesses. The corporate tax. He plans to do that. The concern for me and millennials is to advance our freedom and keep us is to advance our freedom and keep us safe. Those things he has proven to. Promising to cut taxes for small business. And taking the threat of isis and islamic terrorism seriously. Hes done those things very well. Despite the drama, despite the russian inclusion series, despite the fact the media has been out to get him, he has done those things well. Looking at the job statistics for the us, almost 600,000 newjobs since he came into office. But in the last four months office. But in the last four months of the Obama Administration there we re of the Obama Administration there were nearly 700,000. Are you convinced the president is really making a huge difference . convinced the president is really making a huge difference . I am hopeful. The stock market is at an all time high. Unemployment is also ata all time high. Unemployment is also at a low. We must look at that. Consumer confidence is high. Oil prices are looking to stay low. Overall the morales something which should be accounted for. Overall the morale of americans is something. In the first few months of trumps presidency hes accomplished a lot. Notjust numbers wise by adding hundreds of thousands ofjobs, but also boosting our confidence and morale. Making it easierfor us to start confidence and morale. Making it easier for us to start businesses and be entrepreneurs. That needs to be accounted for. Help me with one thing. I have watched plenty of the blaze clips. It seems to be separate from the republican party. Clearly trump has a strained relationship with some part of the republican party, as well. Are you and your viewers on the blaze supporters of trump, the republicans, is there a distinction . There is a distinction. There are several different facets of republicans. Thereafter several different facets of our viewers. Just like there are different facets of democrats. Not all Trump Supporters would call themselves conservatives. Not all conservatives would say they support trump. We have a wide range of viewers and commentators. We feel free to either support trump and pledge our allegiance that way. We also feel free to criticise trump. For the most pa rt free to criticise trump. For the most part we reallyjust believe in defending the Constitution And Defending The constitution and defending liberty. If trump goes in that direction we commend him for it. If he doesnt we criticise him. Perhaps we could check in in a couple of months time. Thank you. You can see her on the blaze and other conservative online broadcasters. Now, sport, and the olympics. We know which cities will host the next three summer olympics. 2020 is tokyo. 2024, paris. 2028 it will be Los Angeles Clippers paris and los angeles both wanted to post 2024. It will be los angeles. To host the Olympic Games is considered a privilege but it is an expensive one. Paris, the city of lights. Paris campaigned hard for the 2024 games. But this success has been helped by the number of cities that dropped out. One by one, rome, budapest, and hamburg withdrew. Fea rful of budapest, and hamburg withdrew. Fearful of gusts and a lack of public support. Fearful of costs and a lack of public support. Pitching to host the olympics for a third time, la wanted to bring the summer games third time, la wanted to bring the summer games back to the us the First Time Since 1996. With most of its infrastructure already built it boasted it could host the games tomorrow. But now they have confirmed they are to wait. In 2028 we are bringing the games back to la. One of the great capitals of this olympic movement. A city that has always been a games changer. And will be again in 2028. In exchange for its patients, la will get a financial sweetener from the International Olympic committee. Extra funding for an extended planning period. The only championship in terms of athletics which competes with it, the world athletics championships, which are about to take place in london. Usain bolt will be the start of the show as always. It is his last professional outing. He has been described as the greatest sprinter of all time by the International Olympic committee. He has eight olympic golds. He gave a press c0 nfe re nce has eight olympic golds. He gave a Press Conference earlier. Because i never thought i could beat a world record. That was my dream. That was my main dream growing up. Throughout everything that was going on i a lwa ys everything that was going on i always wanted to become a 200 metres olympic champion. I remember after the first olympics, they were saying im a legend, nobody has done that, andi im a legend, nobody has done that, and i said it is my first olympics. This does not mean much. The second one was, like, you are a legend. I was, like, ok, cool. But nowi one was, like, you are a legend. I was, like, ok, cool. But now i have got my goal, i can say i am because i have proven myself. If i am here at the championships you know i am fully confident and ready to go. As long as i show up for the championships my coach is happy, i am happy, i am championships my coach is happy, i am happy, iam happy with championships my coach is happy, i am happy, i am happy with my abilities. I know when i go out there i am ready to go. Fully confident. 100 . I wont be betting against him. More information on the bbc sport app. Serena williams isnt playing tennis at the moment. She is pregnant. She tweeted that it is black womens equal payday on the 31st ofjuly. She wrote a much longer article on the same issue. She detailed how black women have to work on average eight months longer to earn the same as male counterparts for one year. We can speak to our correspondent who has been covering this story. She is right, isnt she, black women earn less . Absolutely. The 31st of july was black womens equal payday. That was on monday in the us. It took black women nearly an extra eight months to earn as much as white males in 2016. Unbelievable. Given her position in the world in not just given her position in the world in notjust sport, given her position in the world in not just sport, but across society, what she has achieved, she feels she has influence. She admits it could be anyone of the 24 million black Women In America who fall into this category. She has renewed vigour in terms of Setting Goals to achieve. Thanks very much. You can find that article by Serena Williams very easily online. Inafew easily online. In a few minutes we must turn back to venezuela. Two venezuelan Opposition Figures have been rea rrested. Opposition figures have been rearrested. They were already under house arrest. They have been taken toa house arrest. They have been taken to a militaryjail. This is in the aftermath of sundays controversial election. All the latest on a Situation Changing by the hour. 60 people have died in the uk in the past eight months after taking the painkiller fentanyl. It past eight months after taking the painkiller fenta nyl. It is past eight months after taking the painkiller fentanyl. It is 50 times more potent than heroin. It is linked to the death of the singer prince. Two thirds of the known deaths have been in yorkshire, humberside, and cleveland. The rock legend prince died suddenly last year at the age of 57. Fans gathered near his home in minnesota where his body was found. Purple rain. A year on, medical examiners concluded his death was due to an accidental overdose of the drug fentanyl. It was unclear where he had got it from and no one was charged over his death. Fentanyl is a drug used to treat cancer patients. But now police in the uk are becoming concerned at its growing use by drug addicts here. It is said to be 50 times more powerful than heroin. And it is killing people. Sean, who does not want his face shown, lost a sister to a suspected Fentanyl Overdose a few months ago. She had gone and bought some and she knew what it was. She went back to the hostel, and was found two days later. And most of those who have lost their lives have been heroin users. They are that far gone on heroin and other drugs, the lifestyle that they lead, nothing matters to them. They just want that relief. Just getting away from the world for an hour or two. Fentanyl is so lethal that this is how police were kitted up when they raided a suspects house. Protected against breathing it in. There is an even more powerful substance, a tiny grain of which could prove fatal. So why are more people using these drugs . We believe this is partly down to the ongoing need for dealers to be trying to compete with each other and sometimes introducing drugs in the marketplace they believe might give them a competitive edge. And increase profits. Fenta nyl is known as a synthetic opioid and addicts mix it with heroin. Police say people are playing Russian Roulette with their lives every time they take it. Jim kelly, bbc news. We are live on the bbc newsroom. Our lead story coming from turkey. It has begun its largest trial related to last yea rs has begun its largest trial related to last years attempted coup. Almost 500 people are accused. Some of them have been marched into court while being heckled by government supporters. I have a feeling we will be talking about venezuelan everyday for the foreseeable. The political crisis goes on. Todays focus is two videos showing two arrests. This is the first. It shows a prominent venezuelan Opposition Leader in his pyjamas being Ta Ken Venezuelan Opposition Leader in his pyjamas being taken from his home by intelligence officers. Leonardo lopez was also picked up. He is also a significant opposition figure. Apologies, i cannot bring you the images. This clip shows him being arrested, too. This has been posted on social media by his wife. You can see him being taken away by security agents. Both men were originally under house arrest for inciting violence during Anti Government protests few years ago. Something they deny. They have been taken to a military not far. I think this screen is playing me up. I wanted to show you caracas, the capital of venezuelan. We are told by the Supreme Court they have been arrested because they were planning to escape. No evidence has been offered to back up that claim. But what may well be relevant is this video. Posted online by Antonio Ledezma. He called sundays election a fraud. He accused the government of abusing public powers. That has not gone down well. He also urged people to take to the streets. Im showing you these pictures time and time again over the last few months. Violent protests, violent clashes with the police. Just on election day on the day after at least ten people died in venezuela. The vote on sunday was for a constituent assembly. Not a regular election. This assembly can add to or older the countrys constitution. Thats why it is controversial. Alter the countrys constitution. They disagree onjust the countrys constitution. They disagree on just about everything to do with it. In the last few hours the us has called for the release of these two Opposition Leaders. Will grant is in caracas. This is the latest. It looks like it came from the top. You mentioned the various elements that were explained by the government as their reasoning as to why Antonio Ledezma and Leonardo Lopez were arrested. They were already under house arrest. Specifically for an alleged plan to flee. They both released videos around that disputed poll and boycotted election by the opposition. The government says just by issuing those videos that breaks the rules of their house arrest. Their lawyer has told the bbc and theirfamilies have their lawyer has told the bbc and their families have told the bbc that isnt the case. Is the Opposition A Coherent entity in venezuela . In recent years it has been more coherent and unified than it was during chavezs time in power. There was a loose amalgam of different parties. Now theyve come under a single umbrella. The round table of democratic unity. There are so many conflicting interests and ways of dealing with the current political and economic situation. Some think it should be more radical. Some think it should be done democratically. Some think they should be on the street. Some think they should be in the national assembly. Its a difficult situation with different interests and clashes going on. This is clearly a hugely political act and provocative act. What has the reaction been . What have the consequences been . The consequences in terms of what people on the streets are is that, depending on who you speak to, in this particular neighbourhood this is where lopez was mayor. Antonio ledezma was mayor of the entire city. If you speak to people here, they feel the consequences are very serious. That they are not far from somehow knocking the government out of power. Of course, if you speak to people on the government supported areas, the shantytowns in particular, they are very sure that this is somehow an attempt by the opposition to, sort of, strangle their democratic movement. This is still such a conflicted nation. It just depends on who you speak to. Lots of people concerned about the idea of Opposition Figures being picked up in the middle of the night and being taken off to prison. I want to play with report about a woman who has travelled from china to the us to have her eggs frozen. This process is illegal in china for unmarried women. So many people seek the treatment overseas. Bbc chinese has followed the journey of a 31 year old photography studio owner. She travelled from beijing to los angeles as you will see in this report from bbc chinese. A lovely report. That was made by bbc chinese. I would like to turn back to a story from 30 minutes ago. We are getting more information about an attack in afghanistan. In a city in the west of the country. Around 30 people have been killed by a suicide attacker. We understand there have been many injuries, as well. This is where the attack took place, inside a mosque. This explosion coincided with Evening Prayers at around 8pm. Officials are saying there are at least two attackers, the suicide bomber, and another attacker who shot at worshippers with a firearm. No groups have taken responsibility. It is ina no groups have taken responsibility. It is in a shia muslim area. Nobody has claimed responsibility. I would like to bring in the bring in sameera. I understand the ipad is back. It is back. It has done really well. Sales have been blockbuster. Apple has said you can expect something similarfor apple has said you can expect something similar for the next three months when it revealed its new iphone from the tenth anniversary. Short and sweet. We are out of time. Thanks very much. If you would like more on apples results, including the uptake in sales of the ipad after three years going down, you can get more details on the bbc website. See you tomorrow. Goodbye. We have changed the month but not the weather. Tuesday was another day of intense downpours for some. Given we have changed the month lets take this opportunity to look back at some ofjulys highs and lows. After the 29th. Well start with rainfall for the uk. Wetter than normal. In the dark blue areas you have been most wet. In terms of temperature, from the uk, really close to average. As well as being wetter than normal, part of the uk were warmer than normal. Parts of scotla nd warmer than normal. Parts of scotland cooler than average. In the yellows a nd scotland cooler than average. In the yellows and oranges, more sunshine than average. Shetland was sunnier than average. Shetland was sunnier than cornwall in july. Than average. Shetland was sunnier than cornwall injuly. That is a rarity. There is your tuesday sunshine from shetland. This is your cloud in cornwall. Notjust cloud, this is a funnel cloud, a tornado not quite touching the ground, such was the turbulent nature of tuesdays weather. On wednesday, the same pattern. Things start wet and windy and cornwall. And sunny spells in the Northern Isles. Low pressure moving in. Wet and windy weather will be spreading north eastwards over the uk. South western coasts will have heavier bursts running eastwards. But not reaching scotland until the evening. Temperatures around 17 to 20 celsius. The rain finally reaches into the north as we go through wednesday night. Low pressure go through wednesday night. Low pressure across go through wednesday night. Low pressure across scotla nd go through wednesday night. Low pressure across scotland on the southern flank on thursday. A rather blustery day. Quite brisk winds. Showers most frequent from Northern England and scotland. It will be windy but sunny spells for most. The low pressure will be moving slowly. Behind it, a westerly component to the wind. So even cooler on friday. Showers towards North Western parts. Not many further south and south east. That cool weather pattern, breezy, as well, continues into the start of the week. The low pressure into the start of the week. The low pressure only finally reaching scandinavia at this stage. Most showers affecting North Western areas on saturday. Not many for the south. Decent sunny spells but nowhere will be particularly warm. Another Weather System is over at the west poised to move in on sunday. Towards the end of sunday, the start of next week, we talked about the southern track of it keeping us unsettled. Yet here it is still in the southern flow with the low pressure still in the southern flow with the low pressure moving through. But what did wejust low pressure moving through. But what did we just passed here . It looks like the jet stream is taking a wavy pattern in the atlantic, encouraged by the remnants of Tropical Storm emily coming out of the usa. With this pattern we are more inclined to see High Pressure moving in for a time next week. We are more confident that will happen. And settle things down for many. How long is still open to question. It could well be that we are still around the Northern Edge of this High Pressure system, touching scotland, and we could get something more typicalfor the time scotland, and we could get something more typical for the time of year. Cloudy skies and wet at times in the Northern Isles and cornwall then gets the sunshine. How long the High Pressure will stick around is something we will be looking at in the coming days. A big hike in Electricity Prices for british gas customers. More than 3 million will be affected. Electricity bills will go up by 12. 5 from september. The governments condemned it. Consumer groups says its a slap in the face for families. They seem to overcharge. The bills go up when the prices go up and then they dont go down when the prices go down. Im not sure where british gas is coming from but i guess the other option is choose a different supplier. But british gas argues its own costs have risen. Well be asking what, if anything, the government can do to Keep Energy Bills down. Also tonight. At least 60 people have died this year after overdosing on the painkiller fentanyl. Dozens more deaths are being investigated. Moped menace. Police reveal new tactics to tackle the two wheeled crime wave thats hitting london. The president s men but not for long

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