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To the Wildfire Emergency in france now, and overnight it worsened forcing the Mass Evacuation of 10,000 people. This is the affected area in the south east of france the popular Provence Alpes cote dazur region. Lets try and show you how many individual fires lets try and show you how many individualfires are lets try and show you how many individual fires are burning along the mediterranean coast and on the mountains. Thousands of Fire Fighters and Military Personnel have been sent to the area. There has been a treat from the president marielle macron. Marielle macron. The bbcs Duncan Kennedy is in the south of france. The raging power of the fires was at its most this was bormes les mimosas, west of st tropez, where hillsides were engulfed by the burning shrubs and trees. For hours, it swept across the countryside in an unstoppable curtain of flames. Thousands of people, including british tourists were forced out of campsites and other homes. At around midnight we were then woken up. Ijust looked up and 180 degrees of my vision was like dantes inferno. It was in the sky, it was amazing and a very, very scary sight to see. The sheer force of the fires were caught by Holiday Makers on their phones. Strong Mistral Winds gave them an Unstoppable Energy and many burned throughout the night. Even the 4,000 firefighters and soldiers sent in couldnt get control when faced with this. The fires lead to a huge evacuation of 10,000 people, many from campsites like this one. They were told to spend the night on nearby beaches, out in the open. The morning brought no letup in the fires. Some tourists were far enough away to continue their holiday, but the lushness of their scenery, now replaced by a menacing inferno. In other places, all that was left was a vast, scorched landscape. An area decimated across 15 square miles. Translation we beat out the flames with shovels. We did all we could until the fire was put out. We contained it until the firemen came. Theres fire everywhere. 19 aircraft, including ten Water Bombers have been brought in. But the french authorities are asking other european governments for technical help. These fires have been burning for two days now and we are seeing fires on hills all around this area. We are also seeing aircraft, helicopters laden with water, trying to put them out, but at the moment they dont seem to be able to bring them under control. Temperatures here are in the 30s. Its sunny and the wind showed no sign of letting up. A combustible, deadly mixture that will continue to threaten this area. Duncan kennedy, bbc news, in southern france. New diesel, petrol cars and vans will be banned in the uk from 2040 in a bid to tackle Air Pollution. The government announced the move today which follows in the footsteps of france who will prohibit them by 20110, india which will phase them out by 2030, and norways with an ambitious target of 2025. Its all part of the fight against Air Pollution. Our environment analyst Roger Harrabin has the story Air Pollution is linked to 40,000 premature deaths a year. The government was ordered by the court to publish a full strategy to clean up the air this month. The biggest problem is toxic n02 emissions from diesel vehicles. I go down the gym every day of the week, but i would not dream of running down here. People tell me it is bad. I accept that. But there is nothing i can do about it personally. There is data coming out showing the effect on respiratory health, mortalities, in newspapers all the time. So massively concerned. Electric vehicles are seen as the long term solution. The government confirmed today its policy of banning the sale of new diesel and petrol cars by 2040. We have to get rid of petrol and diesel cars from our roads if we are going to make sure not only do we deal with the Health Problems Air Pollution causes, but also that we meet our Climate Change targets. The good news is the car industry is already moving in this direction. But what about pollution now . In the short term, local roads will be altered and bus services improved. London has deterred cars from coming into town with its congestion charge. In the autumn that will become a toxic charge for dirty vehicles in particular. But neither councils nor government want to take the rap for charging Diesel Drivers for using cars that the government originally encouraged them to buy. To reduce emissions that fuelled Climate Change. Paying drivers to scrap old diesel cars is another idea but the treasury said it is bad value for money. It will not happen, at least for now. So how useful is the governments new air strategy . We need to see the detail of what they are announcing. While we welcome the move to cleaner vehicles, it is too long in the future to do anything about the Air Quality Crisis we have now. Much more investment is needed in cleaner transport, critics say. They will be looking to the chancellor and his Autumn Statement to see how much the government is willing to spend to clean up illegally polluted air. Roger harrabin, bbc news. One of the vaticans most high ranking officials Cardinal George pell has appeared in court in australia on charges of historical sexual abuse. Mr pell was not required to enter a plea during the hearing and his lawyer told the court, Cardinal Pell will plead not guilty to all charges, and will maintain the presumed innocence that he has. Now theres been a lot of interest in this case and there was plenty of media waiting for mr pell to make his appearance. A photojournalist captured the chaos outside, he said hes seen some great media scrums over the years but this one was pretty full on. Our correspondent phil mercer was there. There was no Special Treatment for one of the most powerful men in the vatican when he arrived to these historical allegations of Sexual Assault at the melbourne magistrates court. Just like everyone else, Cardinal George pell had to use the front door. Escorted by the police and accompanied by his legal team, he was surrounded by a large media contingent. Interest in this case goes far beyond australia. The cardinal made no comment, but his lawyer told the magistrate that he would be pleading not guilty to all of the accusations. The hearing lasted about five minutes. The press pack was waiting when he emerged. The cardinal is arguably the third most influential figure in the vatican, and has been responsible for reforming its finances. He has consistently and steadfastly denied any wrongdoing. He has previously said he was the victim of a relentless character assassination, and has insisted he was innocent. Specific details of the allegations facing Cardinal George pell have not been made public. He has been granted leave by the pope to defend himself against the charges. The brief hearing today could be the start of very lengthy legal proceedings. The most prominent member of australias Roman Catholic church is due back in court in early october. Britains Adam Peaty Has won second gold medal of The World Aquatic Championship in budapest. He looks very happy, as you can imagine. His time of 25. 99 seconds in the final of the mens 50 metres breaststroke was just outside the new world record he set yesterday in his semifinal. The former two time olympic champion Rebecca Adlington was among those watching on. And absolute legend, we can call that, too well titled he smashed the world record twice this week. Ps more and more to come with the relay. What an absolute phenomenon, he has smashed this field apart. In the 100 metres breaststroke he has the 100 metres breaststroke he has the top ten times in history, heres nine in the 50 metres breaststroke. You ask yourself, what more has he got to show . The answer is he will get faster and faster and better and better and we have seen that already. Thinkjust better and we have seen that already. Think just how better and we have seen that already. Thinkjust how much of a role model he is, how much he is passionate about the sport, i think the capability of this guy is unstoppable and we will keep saying that. An amazing performance from adam peaty. Lets catch up with the womens european championships in the netherlands and two more nations have booked their place in the quarter finals. Tulsen tollett can tell us more. Im still based about adam p t. Very dazed, he has been incredible and three teams could of gone through to the quarterfinals in group c, as it is only to have gone through, the swiss goalkeeper. She failed to deal with the regulation free kick from frances player. Earlier, a player was sent off the front and from the ensuring free kick rose high and headed home for the swiss that put them in second. It all changed on them in second. It all changed on the other match. Austria topped the group after a first half double. They were seen to victory over iceland. A very thrilling indeed. Very thrilling indeed. Not settling for a famous tennis player, an announcement we were expecting from novak djokovic, very depressing and the stating the him. Disappointing for him, he says he went play again this year because of a persistent elbow injury. You will remember that he had pulled out of wimbledon because of this. He will miss. He has played 51 Straight Grand Stamp on and over 12 and a half year period. Bob remarkable. If you look at what Richard Federer has done this year after taking time off with his knee issue and coming back to win the australian open. If you look at what Roger Federer has done this year. Who can forget that the code breaking eight wimbledon title injust under two code breaking eight wimbledon title in just under two weeks ago . The good news is that andre agassi, his coach, will stay with him for the next season. If you look at what federer has done theres no reason that djokovic cannot add to his grand slam total. Coming up, did antidepressants play a role of one of americas worst Mass Shootings . Which took place at a Screening Of Batman In colorado five years ago . The british economy grew byjust 0. 3 between april and june, according to the office for national statistics. Simon gompertz has the details. Everything we make, all our building, all the services provided, the total is still going up, but at a much reduced pace. Construction had the toughest three months. All the truss roofs. This buckinghamshire House Building firm says higher prices and uncertainty about brexit are making Customers Put off decisions. Weve been given orders forjobs and at the last minute, the clients have pulled them away from us. Due to concerns over the market. While growth of Gross Domestic Product or gdp each quarter was strong for most of last year, its fallen back this year so the uk is lagging behind the fastest moving big economies. If we are struggling to push up production at a robust pace, then thats a worry because it puts a question over whether we can carry on creating newjobs and what sort of pay rises we can look forward to. The faltering Building Trade has a wider impact. Including on Service Businesses like the architect behind the same project, Services Like shops and restaurants have kept the economy growing, but here, there is concern. Its definitely not a crisis, because we are still busy on projects, weve still got lots of work on. Its just there is a slight levelling off from what has been a really quite productive last two or three years. Labour is calling for better pay rises and investment. The chancellor, with technology trainees today, countered that the government is investing in skills and infrastructure, but he adds promising a brexit transition period would kick start the economy. The transition period and interim structure with the European Union would give businesses and consumers that degree of certainty. And i think that would be a way of strengthening Economic Growth later in the year and into next year. One bright spot is a jump in film production, like the upcoming star wars, partly filmed in the uk. So far this year though, the economy isnt turning out to be the blockbuster wed all like to see. Simon gompertz, bbc news. This is outside source live from the bbc newsroom. Our lead story is . President trump says the us military will not allow transgender individuals to serve in the armed forces in any capacity. Five years ago, at the midnight premiere of a batman movie in colorado, james holmes, who had no record of violence or gun ownership, murdered 12 people. Did the Anti Depressant hed been prescribed, play a part in the killings. The bbcs panorama is claiming there may be a link Betweenjames Holmes actions and the drug sertraleen which he was taking. Shelley jofres been investigating. We need a rescue. James holmes talking in prison after the so called batman killing. Five years ago he fired into a packed cinema, killing 12 and injuring dozens more. The attack left his parents utterly bewildered. You cant believe its possible for anyone to cause that much harm, let alone the man you raised. The suspect is in a gas mask. Did antidepressants play a role in his crime . The Prosecutor Says no way. You know who agrees with me . The defence team that refuse to put on evidence of that nonsense. Thats what you think, nonsense . I do. Is it nonsense . It wasnt explored at james holmes trial. His defence focused on his mental state instead. Jurors are very suspicious of theories that a Defence Lawyer presents, even with mental illness, which is an established area of medicine. Panorama has learnt, in preparation for the trial, two years ago the defence brought uk based psychiatrist professor david healy to evaluate the evidence and meet holmes in prison. Professor healy came to a controversial decision. I believe if he hadnt taken sertraline he wouldnt have murdered anyone. His evidence was never tested in court. Panorama has scrutinised what happened Afterjames Holmes took the drug. A notebook provides some clues. Holmes wrote in his notebook how his obsession with killing evolved. Intense aversion of people, cause unknown, began long ago, suppressed by greater fear of others. And after he started taking sertraline, no more fear. Hatred unchecked, starts small. Buys stun gun and folding knife. Committed, shotgun. Professor peter tyrod, world expert on personality disorders, thinks the medication may have played a part in holmess crime. His symptoms were exactly right for giving sertraline, no question about that. His underlying personality, there is a certain detachment from people, like an alien species. And that sort of person worries me a great deal when i am prescribing. Pfizer says sertraline has helped many. Mind, Mental Health charity, advises anyone concerned not to stop medication suddenly without speaking to their doctor and says severe side effects are incredibly rare. More on the bbc website about that. The eus top court has ruled that a law requiring refugees to seek asylum in first country they reach applies in every circumstance. The law is called the Dublin Regulation you can read all about it on european commissions website. Hopefully it will work better than that. It states that the first eu country that a migrant first enters is the one responsible for their asylum. Austria and slovenia brought the case after several people applied for asylum in both countries. After leaving croatia. The court says it is croatias responsibility to decide their cases. Bethany bell has more from vienna. This is the Border Crossing where two sisters from afghanistan and their children passed over the border and asked for asylum here in austria. They were among thousands of people who came there at this point in time. The austrian authorities initially let the milk but eventually decided that it was not austria that was responsible for them, but croatia had their first Point Of Entry into the eu and they ordered that the sisters be deported. There was also a similar case to this involving a syrian man who claimed asylum in slovenia, he was also ordered to be sent back to croatia. Your lips top court has now upheld that decision by austria and slovenia, it said that thes rules on asylum are applicable even in extraordinary circumstances like the migrant crisis of 2015 and 16. Now, this means that several hundred p now, this means that several hundred p all who have been departed to austria this means that several hundred people whove been deported from austria to croatia will have to stay there. And in future people may try to avoid the authorities in torbay arrived in the country they wa nt to torbay arrived in the country they want to claim asylum in. For six years now, a un body has been painstakingly gathering information about possible war crimes and crimes against humanity committed during syrias civil war. You can find their reports online with harrowing testimony and according to the commission detailing war crimes that have been committed by all sides. But theres concern that no one will ever be held to account. Carla del ponte is on the commission. Shes highlighted this danger saying, this would be incredible, a scandal, and goes on to say. The violations in syria are by far the worst she has ever come across. Imogen foulkes is out correspondent at the un in geneva and had been looking into this. The problem is that to get a prosecution syria would have to be referred to the International Criminal court and that acquires an act by the Un Security Council and we know all along throughout the long years this conflict that the Security Council has been divided over sanctions, over whether to intervene over whether to formally demand to begin with that humanitarian aid be allowed in. It had russia and china on one side with their traditional position that the outside world shouldnt interfere with an internal conflict ina interfere with an internal conflict in a particular, what they would do asa in a particular, what they would do as a sovereign state and then we have america, france and britain on the other saying, we need to do something about this. They have been at loggerheads the whole time and they still are and until the Un Security Council is united syria will not be referred to the International Criminal Court Despite the fact that that is exactly what the fact that that is exactly what the icc was set up for, to try and say there are certain things that should not happen what ever the conflict. Given the scale and complexity of this web is the ewing go from here . You are absolutely right to say that it is very complex, the un has set up another body, called the impartial investigating. At the right time and it also all of the evidence collated so are into firewalls which could be then taken to prosecution, but for big, big, tribunal like you saw say in former yugoslavia you would need to have the end the war and that has not happened yet. There is an argument on the other side that says, howd you get the people to make peace who need to make peace . And to make peace who need to make peace . And that would be the Syrian Government and the opposition, if there were water that could be a possible place in the dockin could be a possible place in the dock in War Crimes Tribunal . That is something you often hear when people try make peace they say peace first, just as later. Not everybody agrees that that is a good method, though. Time to remind you of our main story, Donald Trumps tweets that says transgender individuals cannot serve in any capacity in the us military. That is our top story on outside source, Christian Frazier will be here at the same time is mine. Thank you for watching. Hello, the weathered charts do not scream Swarm Scorcher to me any thin as we head deeper into august there is increasing uncertainty made be distinctive by what is happening in the pacific. We have has. The different storms will have different impacts which will ultimately impact ourjet impacts which will ultimately impact our jet stream which impacts which will ultimately impact Ourjet Stream which at impacts which will ultimately impact our jet stream which at the impacts which will ultimately impact Ourjet Stream which at the moment but many of you over the coming days could do with a shake up. It is setting its stall, it over the uk, for the next few days, maybe to the south of the uk. Temperatures will be lower than they should be low pressure will be centred to the north west abuzz. This is it the first day, low pressure bow of the coast of scotland and northern ireland, windy conditions, showers to begin the day here. Elsewhere, priced up to thursday but the clouds push pull west to east. Anyone spot, maybe in a short space of time you will see the wettest of the weather, one or two a boarding the showers but you will be lucky if you do. The temperatures are down to mid teens for some a few. Then, keep an eye on this which will be bumbling round the southern portion of driving low pressure the southern portion of driving Low Pressure System for friday. Frequent showers in the north and west, gusty winds. Gale force across the highlands and hebrides. Showers in the Morning Suppressants at the developing area of low pressure pushes in. More prolonged rain across wales and southern england, maybe the midlands by the end of friday. Heavy bursts of rain to go with that which were wet its weight used words across most of england. Could be a wet spot the england and wales noticed the Low Pressure System wales noticed the low pressure syste m d oes wales noticed the Low Pressure System does not move and another system does not move and another system pushes ran the southern flank of it which should stay clear the saturday. Saturday is back to a more straightforward picture of sunshine and showers. At the weathered bod clears away it may help to keep away some of the showers east anglia. Some longer dry spells here, pleasa nt some longer dry spells here, pleasant enough in the sunshine. It is crucial just how pleasant enough in the sunshine. It is crucialjust how close that when ford is was as we gave to sunday that system i showed running around could bring further showers into the west through sunday. East anglia and southeast might get away with it. Sunshine and showers across the board once again and it is that story of some of you avoiding it, some may stay dry but when the showers come through it will build distinctly cool. Less potency to the low pressure distinctly cool. Less potency to the Low Pressure System as we get through in the monday in fact the wind is not as strong. There will be some showers around but when the wind is less strong they will would move less fast. More of you will about the showers throughout the day and when she do that Sunshine Overhead should make up for the rather cool and mass that is with us. But, really as we go into next week there are little changes, the jet stream is the withers but has more of the moran thing pattern and low pressure more of the moran thing pattern and low pressure might get stuck. Overall, the story is the same into next week, with low pressure close by and we will see the sunshine at times, august sunshine, style which will add a bit of the days but throughout we will have to be on guard the spells of rain. The breeze picking up at times when the showers and freezes with you temperatures barely august are a little bit on the disappointing side. No new diesel or petrol vehicles after 2040 the governments plans to tackle pollution. The aim is to encourage us all to switch to zero emission electric vehicles. We have to get rid of petrol and diesel cars off our roads if were going to make sure that not only do we deal with the Health Problems that Air Pollution causes but also that we meet our Climate Change targets. But some feel the plan doesnt do enough to lift the smog hanging over towns and cities now. Were very disappointed with this plan, it is unambitious, and it kicks the can down the road, rather than dealing with the urgent issue of air quality which is affecting people right now. And local councils will be given money to reduce pollution by Reconfiguring Roads and improving public transport. Also tonight, huge forest fires in the south of france

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