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Snipers from is in streets around here and other than that they have drones, this will be a hard fight. And in os sport, well be looking towards the 2024 Olympic Games. More on our top Story Donald Trumpjunior releasing emails showing he was eager to accept what he was told was damaging information about Hillary Clinton provided by the russian state, during the president ial campaign. It appears to be the first confirmation that a trump associate attended a meeting in the expectation of being handed Sensitive Information from russian officials. Theres been strong criticism from democrats and some republicans. But there are those saying its no big deal like Elizabeth Price foley, an american legal theorist and a supporter of the president. I think at this point it is much ado about nothing and there is nothing illegal about obtaining Opposition Research from whatever source. Recently politico ran stories showing that a dnc operative, which isa Campaign Showing that a dnc operative, which is a campaign arm of the clinton campaign, had meetings out the Ukrainian Embassy for the express purpose of obtaining dirt on donald trump during the campaign. So i think we are naive if we think this kind of thing does not happen all the time and it does not make any of this activity illegal. I think it is pretty normal. It certainly doesnt show. You go as far as to say that you think what we have heard today, donald trump junior said he you think what we have heard today, Donald Trumpjunior said he loved the idea he would get information from a russian state source, is normal . Yes, absolutely, in fact what is wrong with it . Normally what would happen, as what happened with the Hillary Clinton campaign, is you have low lower levels darfur meeting with in this case ukrainian officials and you have the report back and the only difference here is that instead of a dnc staffer, it was actually Donald Trumpjunior who again, is not his father. You talked about this not being the president himself. It is as pretty much as close to the president as you can get, also the fact this is an administration that has repeatedly said it has had no contact with russia, repeatedly denied it and here we have an e mail published by the president s sun saying he accepted the offer of a russian lawyer who purported to show him damaging information. There is no indication yet that miss veselnitskaya was a representative of the russian government. Veselnitskaya was a representative of the russian Governmentm Veselnitskaya was a representative of the russian government. It was not whether she turned out to be what she said she was it is the fact it was offered and he accepted it with no surprise and did not report it as something suspicious that a foreign power was getting involved in an election campaign. What you dont know with all respect is whether or not there was letting down by the campaign as to whether miss veselnitskaya was actually a russian government official, just because she used the words in the e mail does not mean she was a russian government official. A lot more on that story on the website as well as analysis about where this leaves the investigations. Just a day after declaring victory in mosul, iraqi and Coalition Forces have been accused of using Excessive Force by the Human Rights Group Amnesty International. This is the report on Amnesty Internationals website. Among other things, it claims that between february and june of this year, nearly 6000 civilians were killed as a result of attacks by iraqi and us led Coalition Forces. It also said a claim by the British Government that hundreds of raf air strikes in and around mosul resulted in no civilian casualties is at best implausible. As youd expect, the report has been dismissed by Coalition Forces. Heres the Coalition Spokesman in mosul. I would challenge the people from Amnesty International or anyone else who makes these charges, to First Research facts and make sure they are speaking from a position of authority. I would argue this. I believe the most precise campaign in the history of warfare. We have gone to extraordinary measures to safeguard civilian lives. Measuring every single time how many civilians we think may or may not be in the target area and what ammunition to employ and how can we strike that building and take out only that room and notan building and take out only that room and not an entire floor, the entire building. These things are factored into every single strike, that number in the tens of thousands. I turned to bbc arabic newsnight presenter Rasha Qandeel for more analysis on this. The problem is the three parties accused of committing what can be mounting to war crimes are the iraqi government, the Coalition Led by the us and what is called Islamic State. The problem with the use of fa 18, heavily used by the us is it is a super hoard it and basically a twin engined carrier and indiscriminate and disproportionate as a weapon and this can affects the lives of civilians. The iraqi army has, there have been accusations flying around about what sort of treatment may have with civilians. What is called Islamic State, the main thing is taking civilians as a human shield and if you put the three together the report is based on what it says to be witnesses. It might map to be real war crimes committed by the three parties. We have had a strong response from the us, saying the report is offensive to people who risk their lives to rid mosul of Islamic State. The facts we have mentioned, the weapons being used, the number of civilians in a small area, makes it closer to be believable. Rather than the opposite. The problem is, the United States has to react like this. There are two ways to put any case of a war crime are two ways to put any case of a warcrime in are two ways to put any case of a war crime in front of the icc. Whether the Security Council takes the whole thing to the general prosecutor or general prosecutors ta ke prosecutor or general prosecutors take the whole thing on his own or her own in front of the icc, it could amount to be catastrophic for the american army, coalition and individuals who can be taken up cases. Victory has been declared but whats the true reality of the situation on the ground in mosul . According to the un, some 3000 civilians remain trapped and sporadic fighting has persisted. The bbcs Basheer Al Zaidi filed this report from a rooftop in mosul. As youll see Coalition Bombing continues. The people of mosul are celebrating on the first day after declaring victory on is, but The Sound Of Music is mixing with the sound of bombing from the western side where there are pockets held by extremist militants. The iraqi aviation and Coalition Forces launch air strikes targeting these locations and it is not known when it will be cleared. There is an overwhelming sense of relief among the people, who hope the next stage for their city will be based on reconstruction. It would allow hundreds of thousands of people who have fled the city to come back home. With is all but defeated in mosul according to the government, anyway the next challenge is to achieve similar success in syria. And that means taking back the city of raqqa. 0ur correspondent gabriel gatehouse, along with Cameraman Fred Scot and producer peter emmerson, have been with them on the front line. In raqqa Islamic State is making its final stand. Fighting their way into the heart of the caliphate, a Fragile Coalition of power is great and small, of arabs and kurds, of Men And Women. This person is in command of around 1000 fighters on the raqqa front lines. Together these Men And Women make up the Syrian Democratic forces. An alliance that includes arabs but is led by the kurds. Their success against is has come thanks in no small part to backing from the United States. The americans have quietly built up a presence on the ground, providing weapons, training and firepower. This commander and her unit are on the western front. It isa her unit are on the western front. It is a tight squeeze inside the home armoured truck with a couple of herfighters home armoured truck with a couple of her fighters driving towards the centre of raqqa. Islamic state is supposed to be surrounded inside the old city. But is have built tunnels. They frequently pop up way you do not expect them. Where you do not expect them. These fighters are coming up against is snipers in all of these streets. 0ther coming up against is snipers in all of these streets. Other than that they have drones, suicide carbons. It will be a very hard fight into the centre of raqqa. Inching their way into the city house by house. Some fighters are so close, they can hear is in the building across the street. This is a battle for territory, they are fighting to take the capital of the caliphate. But something has happened here. Everyone is springing into action. They think they have got. Some isis snipers in the buildings around. What is going on . They are moving here. They now face Islamic State that perhaps its most dangerous. We did, cornered, and with nothing left to lose. But the fall of is is within sight. Stay with us on 0utside source still to come. Looking at the 2024 and 2028 olympic bids because the international 0lympic bids because the International Olympic committee voted unanimous unanimously to award both the sake time. A trail of new technology is helping people with dementia to stay in their homes for longer. It monitors activity and sends alerts if theres a problem. Heresjohn maguire. For phil and june bell, the home theyve lived in for 30 years is very definitely where their hearts are. Theyre trialling technology that should help june stay here for as long as possible. She was diagnosed with dementia a year ago. One of our aims has always been to stay as long as we can within the home, our home. And what the technologys done is enable us to do that. You said it makes you feel safer, doesnt it. It does, yeah. Yeah, to think that somebodys out there, concerned about me, and i think thats, you know, quite touching, really. And this is how the system works. Various sensors in the house monitor junes movements and activity. Phil also regularly checks her health, Blood Pressure and oxygen levels, for example. The information is then immediately sent to this Clinical Monitoring Team and staff here can combine junes medical and Environmental Data to build up a fuller picture of her health. If you look at some of the motion data here, we see that shes moving in the living room, hallway. Also, we see how often she was in bed. We can look at some body temperature, and all the data, could suggest if shes becoming agitated or not, is there an infection going on not . Putting everything together could give us a good picture about how well she is. A Red Stethoscope and an on screen alert warns the team of potential problems. They may then call the household, enlist help from medical teams, or ask staff from the Alzheimers Society to pay a visit. The results of the trial, the first of its kind in the uk, wont be known until next year, but early indicators are positive. These gadgets are helping people stay longer in their homes, safe and secure in the knowledge that help, if needed, is just a phone call or a mouse click away. John maguire, bbc news, surrey. This is 0utside source live from the bbc newsroom. 0ur lead story. Donald trumps son has released emails implying he knew about what appear to be russian efforts to influence the us elections as early asjune last year and was offered incriminating information on Hillary Clinton from a russia source. Its been raining in South West London today. That doesnt normally make the news here but it does mean that play was stopped on some of the courts at wimbledon. Marc edwards is at the Bbc Sport Centre for us to round up the action. We have been getting used to end the sunshine, what a shock today. It has not stopped the days big story. We might have taken 40 years Butjohanna Konta is the first british womens wimbledon semifinalist since 1978 and had to fight back from one sets down to beat simona halep, the second seed, using beat simona halep, the second seed, Usmg Aggresswe beat simona halep, the second seed, using aggressive tactics from the start and finishing the match with 36 unforced errors to janne korpis nine. Producing 48 winners to 26 so the right game from konta. The brit will take on the five time champion Venus Williams on thursday for a place in the final. Venus williams beatjelena place in the final. Venus williams Beat Jelena 0stapenko place in the final. Venus williams Beatjelena 0stapenko in straight sets and at 37 is the oldest player to reach the last four since martina in 1994, williams competing at her 20th Wimbledon and one victory away from what would be a ninth final at wimbledon. There has been a fairy tale, continuing for the unseeded slovakian magdalena rybarikova. 35 previous attempts at a grand slam and has never got past the third round since turning pro. She was ranked outside of the top 400 in the as march, due to injuries. She was appearing in her first as march, due to injuries. She was appearing in herfirst grand slam quarterfinal, at 87 in the world, the lowest ranked semifinalist in a grand slam in history. The International Olympic committee is preparing to vote on whether to award the 2024 and 2028 summer games at the same time. Paris and los angeles are the only two cities in the running and made presentations on tuesday. The french president Emmanuel Macron was at the meeting in switzerland, throwing his support behind the paris bid. French people are ready. 0r french people are ready. Or they would not be here, if they were not ready. They decided to hope, they decided to make a bid themselves. I am here to say, ok, our people are ready to host these games. Not to be outdone, us President Donald Trump tweeted saying working hard to get the olympics for the United States. Stay tuned. Lets speak to marc at the Bbc Sport Centre again. La, paris, where is Everyone Else . Due to the spiralling costs, a lot of people have dropped out. Rome, toronto, and these two cities now vying for that 2024, though it seems it will be decided hopefully amicably now in this meeting so that one will get 2024 and the other 2028. Paris has said quite clearly they want 2024. They are the favourites for 2024 and there is a feeling the ioc will look favourably on the capital after the failed bid for 2008 and 2012 games. Two more less make it the anniversary of the last games hosted in 1924. La last hosted in 1984. They have indicated they are open to waiting four more yea rs. They are open to waiting four more years. The french president putting out a strong message. He has welcomed an executive ioc Campaign Committee two days after being sworn in as president and sees it as a unifier and is very much pinning his hopes on a 2024 Olympic Games in paris. Will you be paris, will it be la . We will find out soon. Thanks. The future of the british grand prix has been left uncertain after silverstones owner confirmed theyve activated a break clause to stop hosting the race after 2019. Silverstone has been home to the race every year since 1987. However, the British Racing drivers club, which owns the circuit, is struggling with the financial cost of hosting it. Moscows Bolshoi Theatre has called off a much anticipated ballet about soviet star dancer rudolf nu reyev. The World Premiere was due to open on tuesday, but was pulled last minute. Its raised questions on whether censorship is returning to the arts in russia. The theatre insists the production will go ahead next year, as Sarah Rainsford reports from moscow. It was be the event in russian ballet. The life story of rudolf nureyev, one of the greatest ever dancers, played out on the Bolshoi Theatre stage. So when the premiere was pulled at the last minute, rumours began to swirl here. This was the last run through, met with great applause. So was the story of an openly gay dancer too much for todays conservative russia, or could this be linked to a Corruption Case involving the director . A kremlin critic. Not according to this man, the boss of the Bolshoi Theatre calling in the press to say that he chose to tell nureyevs story, even though he realised it would upset a lot of people. He has pulled it, he insists, as the ballet was underrehearsed and not good enough. Listening to him was a prima ballerina. Earlier, she had posted this on social media, warning that censorship was returning to the arts. This man is shocked as well. He had three roles in the ballet, including one as a transvestite and he says he does not agree with the official explanation. Translation i dont agree the ballet was raw. If they let us have extra rehearsals, the performance would have been ready, we would have had time. In recent years, the Bolshoi Theatre has become almost as well known for the scandals and intrigue backstage as well as its performances, so as the management insists there is nothing suspicious about the decision to call off this much anticipated premiere with just days to go, the questions are likely to linger. But one historian of the bolshoi saw some Rehearsal Footage and suggests the decision could be about quality after all. The decision to put it on correctly reflects the decision to put on well rehearsed and tight and all the social media blocking is there and the multi media rules, it is a tough decision. But correct. The bolshoi insists that Nureyev The Ballet will premiere next may complete with a huge naked portrait of the dancer. What began as a homage to a star now looks like a test of artistic freedom here. Back to the main story. Donald trump junior releasing e mails implying he knew about russian efforts to influence the us elections as early asjune influence the us elections as early as june last year. The influence the us elections as early asjune last year. The lead democrat on the House Intelligence Committee has spoken in the last half hour. On the House Intelligence Committee has spoken in the last halfhour. As we saw the constantly evolving stories from the president s son, we cannot rely on public representations from the family about contact with the russians. We have seen a pattern of obfuscation and dissembling about these meetings. Originating with denials that they have never had meetings and forced acknowledgement once the meetings were disclosed and then a shifting explanation about what the meetings were about. Thanks for watching. Hello, it was a mud free glastonbury and so good so far for wimbledon until tuesday. Rain stopped play on the outer courts but at least Johanna Konta gave us plenty to smile about but also plenty to smile about for gardeners and growers. We could seek as much as an inch of rain before the system clears through and that will be the first significant rainfall across much of eastern and south Eastern England this month. It will leave a legacy of cloud in the morning. A stiff breeze along exposed east coasts. Sunshine will break through and it will be a pleasant day. In Western Areas temperatures will respond. Up to 23 degrees. Just a little bit fresher along the east coast. As we move into thursday we will see High Pressure building and staying with us Pressure Building and staying with us before this Weather Front introduces more showers and again we see unsettled, Mobile Westerly theme continues. Thursday relatively dry with sunny spells and isolated showers. More significant showers by the end of the day into the north west. In that Weather Front will enhance the showers as we move into friday. Nothing particularly significant. The wind will have a fresher north westerly feel. And we have the westerly flow is so the potential for more showers along west facing coasts. Rain threatens from the west. This Mobile Westerly theme is set to continue and isobars squeezed together so wet and windy weather to come at the start of the weekend. As it trip, it weakens. There is a risk of breezy conditions and more showers potentially on saturday. If the showers ease and we keep sunshine, it will be a degree warmer. The Weather Front a nuisance into sunday. I want to draw your attention to High Pressure building to the south west. So far this week we have seen a Mobile Westerly flow and we keep the showers, potentially to the west, but a good deal of dry weather and with sunshine we will start to see warmth building in the south east. The jet start to see warmth building in the south east. Thejet stream has been sitting pretty much across the uk and delivered the westerly flow, but we will see more of an amplified jet strea m we will see more of an amplified jet stream next week. That will drive in some warmer air across the country, even starting to feel hot and humid from the south. Only one slight potential problem. We could see low pressure potential problem. We could see low pressure developing into the south east, and as it bumps into the humidity that could trigger sharp thundery downpours in the longer 10 day period. The best of the dry weather looks likely to be into the far north and west. Still a lot to play for, and dont make this the last forecast you are going to see. The nhs contaminated blood scandal more than 30 years ago the government finally orders an inquiry. More than 2,000 people died and thousands of other victims were left infected with hiv and hepatitis c. The inquiry, that ive announced today, will give them those answers, so they will know why this happened, how it happened. This was an appalling tragedy and it should never have happened. Andy evans was infected when he was five and contracted aids at 16. Hes campaigned for an inquiry for years. At the very minimum, we were let down. At the worst, i think there are people to blame for a lot of the infections that occurred. Well be asking why victims have had to wait so long for answers. Also tonight president trumps son publishes emails showing he was keen to accept an apparent russian offer to help his fathers

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