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Conclusion straw. Thousands of people have been out on the streets and there have been clashes with riot police. Lucky the an eye on that as it develops as well and lots of you are sending questions so please keep those coming. We will bring our two experts back in a couple of minutes time to get them responding to the points you are raising. I should probably explain something for those of you justjoining me. Jamie in birmingham watching on the Bbc News Channel asked if i am on a beach. Im not on a beach but there is sand under my feet and there are palm trees all around and deckchairs because slightly incongruously we are spending today at a beach bar in hamburg because we can cover the port, one of the biggest ports in europe and also the protest that have been taking place very close to his has been a useful place to place ourselves but also slightly odd to be covering one of the most Important International summits for yea rs Important International summits for years surrounded by people drinking cocktails and sitting in deckchairs but there we go. Now, lets talk about one of the most important elements of this summit, Climate Change, because there are going to be many discussions around Climate Change and how the world tackles it, the way the Paris Agreement fit into it and if every one of those discussions will be in the context of what donald trump said injune. The Paris Climate Accord is the latest exa m ple the Paris Climate Accord is the latest example of washington entering into an agreement that disadvantages the united states. To the exclusive benefit of other countries. Leading american workers, who i love, and taxpayers to absorb the cost in terms of lostjobs, lower wages, shuttered factories and partly diminished economic production. That decision puts the usa in the company of syria and nicaragua as you can see from this map, theyre the only other two countries in the world not to have signed the agreement. That announcement from donald trump caused outrage all around the world. It certainly did in germany. Angela merkel expressed her displeasure may times. She did so last week. Translation the European Union and conditionally stands by the agreement in paris and will it rapidly and decisively. Increment it rapidly and decisively. Since the american decision to leave the paris climate agreement, we are more determined than ever to make a success. More determined than ever to make a success. We cannot and will not wait for the Scientific Evidence to convince every last doubter. The Paris Agreement is irreversible and cannot be renegotiated. A quick reminder of what the paris climate deal actually does. Signing it means a country has pledged to keep Global Temperatures well below 2. 0 Celsius Above Pre Industrial Times in fact, the ambition is rigidly low that and the long term ambition is for to be that and the long term ambition is forto bei. 5 that and the long term ambition is for to be 1. 5 celsius below preindustrial levels above preindustrial levels above preindustrial levels. Each countrys contribution to cutting emissions will be reviewed every five years. There is also a commitment to climate finance, jargon for richer countries supporting developing countries supporting developing countries to take on Climate Change without losing out economically. I have speaking the love been speaking toa have speaking the love been speaking to a specialist on Climate Change and the g20. What will happen in the g20, we know what trouble do but what is more important is to see how other countries will react. We know where europe is anjapan is but will the other 19 countries pull together, Reconfirm Paris and then do more, step forward to actually pledge to reform pa rt of step forward to actually pledge to reform part of their economy to deliver on paris. The first thing we are looking for is not humiliating oi are looking for is not humiliating or isolating the us but leaving the us to one side and the other 19 pledging to take paris forward. Given that the second biggest committees stepping away from paris, whats that likely to mean for the impact that the global effort can have on reducing emissions . Well, luckily the federal government in america is not in charge of most american emissions, as the states in america who control a lot of the levers around what Power Stations to build, how efficient to make houses, what cars to drive, so for the moment the Us Withdrawing road make a big difference in the real economy, its more of a political impact. Interestingly we have seen india start to say were not going to burn coal, were not like trump, they are going to move to use solar power and committed to having electric only vehicle since 2020 soap since trumps announced and we have seen the big emitters like india and china as Well Recommitting to more clean energy. The simple fa ct to more clean energy. The simple fact is they are big energy importers, theyd want be dependent on the middle east or Energy Imports and maybe there is money to be made in clean technology. They may not have oil at home but they can solar panels and wind farms and that is an economic advantage. Told me about your aspirations for the g20, realistically what are you helping two hoping to hear in those Press Conferences on saturday . We can be looking carefully at whether the g20 seriously agree to take board implement in paris in their economies. Paris is about climate, the 620 economies. Paris is about climate, the g20 is about economies are we wa nt to the g20 is about economies are we want to see every country say were going to have an economic plan to make our going to have an economic plan to make oui economy going to have an economic plan to make our economy is carbon zero, cutting fossil fuels, gives subsidies and put a timetable on that. Moving money out of dirty fuels and into clean fuels and a Big Report Came Outjust before the summit saying that more companies should disclose how much carbon they use an explosion to Climate Change s0 use an explosion to Climate Change so investors can decide where to put their money based on real evidence. We know donald trump and Angela Merkel do not agree on Climate Change and everyone is fascinated to see how the dynamic between them plays out at this g20 summit. Lets look at their relationship. Here are a couple of takes gksteinhauser gabriele steinhauser, Wall Street Journal can merkel manage the Axis Of Testosterone as trump, Putin Erdogan descend on germany . This is a tweet from the World Economic forums official account. wef at this years g20 summit, its trump against the world. Ona number of on a number of key issues mr trump and Angela Merkel do not agree. Lets look at some of them. Here they are on immigration. We recognise that Immigration Security as national security. We must protect our citizens from those who seek to spread terrorism, extremism and violence. Translation migration, integration has to be worked on, traffickers had to be stopped but this has to be done by looking at the refugees as well, giving them opportunities to shape their own lives where they are. As eric reguly of the Globe And Mail puts it ereguly the trump vs. Merkel smackdown Whose Trade Vision will triumph at the g20 . They have quite different views of globalisation and free trade as you will see. Translation open markets and free, fair, sustainable and inclusive trade as a key focus of our 620 presidency. Ultimately, it is for the benefit of everybody, so it is internationally orientated but in the best sense it is also domestic politics with people in each country. It is going to be only america first. America first. We will follow two simple rules. By american and higher american. One of the interesting consequences of donald trump scuppering the transpacific partnership, which was a big Free Trade Deal being worked on for pacific nations, has meant japan has increased its efforts to close a Free Trade Deal with the European Union and today we saw handshakes in brussels and an outline of how that Free Trade Agreement is going to work. When this goes through, 90 of trade between japan and this goes through, 90 of Trade Betweenjapan and the eu will be liberalised, there will be very few ta riffs liberalised, there will be very few tariffs or obstacles placed to trade between japan and tariffs or obstacles placed to Trade Betweenjapan and the eu and thats interesting because there have been a lot of questions asked like this one, does trumps election spell globalisations end. Lots of questions about the impact donald trump would have globalisation. Go back a few romp two months go back a few romp two months go back a few months, the paralysed asian of globalisation fears. What has been interesting in hamburg is in their different ways donald trump, Angela Merkel and those protesters all agree that globalisation is not properly working, they just dont globalisation is not properly working, theyjust dont agree on what to do about it. I sat down with amrita narlika, the president of the giga German Institute of global and area studies, and asked her why the current form of globalisation didnt seem to be working. There are two problems. One, it is true that all of globalisation has generated a great many benefits for countries in aggregate, there has been a real problem in terms of making sure that those gains seats down to every level of society and some state do this better than others, it depends on particular Social Contract in place. Ill is living there is a second problem, which is that academics, International Organisations have not done a good job in explaining to people what have been those gains of globalisation and i think we saw this in the case of brexit as well, that the Brexit Campaign was very loud and it seemed to drown out the remaining campaign and the remain people did not do a good job in explaining what is it that britain ready gets out of the line to European Union. I think its a similar problem globalisation. So cutting that the current form is not working, what would you do instead . I would say one of the things is all the leaders of the g20 really need to ta ke the leaders of the g20 really need to take into account and reconsider what global countries are willing to provide, they themselves but also other members of the international community. It will not be just free trade as we knew it perhaps. It might look like a different form of free trade or is it the security of Food Sovereignty . Then, they need to bring in the marginalised many in the processed. This means countries that feel they have been excluded from Decision Making since the second world war. So not only about the 620 second world war. So not only about the g20 and people within countries s0 the g20 and people within countries so that includes people who feel marginalised in developed countries and developing countries and then no matter how we renegotiate globalisation, and try and come with afairer globalisation, and try and come with a fairerform, it is going to be impossible to do this without making sure that there is enough space in the International Framework of rules that allows countries to take measures that can redistribute the benefits of globalisation and this will vary from country to country, s0 will vary from country to country, so it cannot be imposed from the top. But you are advocating more free trade or different free trade but how can you possibly do that when the worlds most powerful country is led by a man who has profound reservations about free trade was yellow american one by Being American first in the last 70 yea rs. Being american first in the last 70 years. America did a good job at being a hegemony and leading the world fly tipping trade a zero sum game. I think there are many many areas game. I think there are many many areas leading the world so i dont think trade is a zero sum game. Few be have responded to an interview i did with a protester who agree to talk to me as long as i didnt identify him. Someone saying, a man in hamburg wants to remain anonymous and you more a man in hamburg wants to remain anonymous and you more oi a man in hamburg wants to remain anonymous and you more or less show him. Banks of that message. We discussed at length the extent to which we would show him, he knew we would not show his name, but the way we portrayed him was agreed with him. We have not decided after the event at how we would do it and on that same interview i spotted this, saying you forgot to ask the protesters what they think about violence and what level of violence is acceptable. I then interesting point. I did talk about that with one protester, i said are you concerned it will turn violent and he said the police from violence, they provoke it. I said, nonetheless, i can send some protesters will seek out violence and he said, haverty is violence. He was very reluctant to condemn the use of violence by any of the protesters on the streets. He said poverty is violence. I have had those conversations and thank you for raising that issue. Keep those questions coming whether on the protests here at the g20 or the summit more generally. Ina in a couple of bits we will talk about Vladimir Putin the cost tomorrow for the first time donald trump and Vladimir Putin will come face to face. They will take part in what is corby family photo in the morning and they have own meeting in the afternoon and the whole world is watching take part in what is called the family photo in the morning. Its the planet closest to the sun with temperatures as high as four and fifty degrees celsius. Thats the challenge european and japanese scientists face as they unveiled a Space Mission to mercury, due to launch next year. Our science correspondent Rebecca Morelle has more. A mysterious world, mercury is the smallest planet in our solar system, and the closest to the sun. Covered in craters, Towering Cliffs and ancient volcanoes, until now, it has been little explored. A major new mission is set to change that. This is the spacecraft cold becky columbo, called becky columbo, after a famous italian scientist. It has taken nearly a decade to build. It is only when you get up close that you really get a sense of the size of this huge piece of kit. And this is a spacecraft built to withstand extremes. To get to mercury, it has to travel towards the sun, and that means dealing with intense radiation and heat. On the surface of mercury, temperatures can reach a50 celsius, and thats hot enough to melt lead. Its launch will take place next year. This is probably one of the most Challenging Missions we have ever undertaken. It is the long journey to get there and we have to deal with heat when we get close to the this on. But mercury is a tiny, enigmatic little world, which has so much to tell us about the formation of our solar system. The journey will take seven years, arriving at mercury in 2025. Once its there, the engine will be jettisoned, and two spacecraft will separate. They will Work Together to give us our best ever be. Us our best ever view. Well see its features in incredible detail, and peer inside to solve the mystery of what lies at mercurys core. This is the instrument we built at the university of leicester. British scientists have developed X Ray Cameras for this mission. We are going to be the first people on the planet to see this data coming back from mercury. Well be the first people to see x ray images of mercurys surface, which is going to tell us about what the surface is made of, and its going to revolutionise our understanding. The spacecraft will soon be packed up, ready for its long journey. And while it will be sometime before we get the first results back, Scientists Say the will be worth it. This is outside source live from hamburg where leaders from the worlds biggest countries are gathering for the g20 summit. I know all International Summits are not riveting and necessarily what we all want to follow minute by minute but this one matters more than any have done in recent years. They could set the agenda for how the world takes on its most pressing challenges for years to come. Two people right at the centre of those discussions are Angela Merkel and donald trump, who have already met here in hamburg before the formal beginning of the summit and their differences and how those differences and how those differences are managed will be central to whatever evolves on saturday afternoon here in hamburg. Meanwhile, the expected, there has been a big process the Macro Protest here in hamburg. For the most part it was peace but there have been violent and we know police have used pepper spray and water cannon. Now, the meeting between donald trump and Vladimir Putin on friday afternoon was always going to be widely anticipated. Primarily because of those allegations that russia medals in the us election and those allegations and suspicions that there may have been collusion between russia and Donald Trumps president ial campaign. It was all is going to be a spicy affair but then donald trump said this in a major speech in warsaw earlier. We urge russia to seize its to stabilising activities in ukraine and elsewhere and its support for hostile regimes including syria and iran and instead to enjoy the community of responsible nations in ourfight against community of responsible nations in our fight against common enemies and a defence of civilisation itself. Two journalists here in twojournalists here in hamburg have been helping us with the issues and first of all thats talk about this dollar trump and putin meeting. Theres a lot of anticipation but sometimes leaders dead with get to the subjects we would like them to talk about. I think its hard to predict with those two World Leaders what they will talk about and how they will react. It is hard to predict because they are two unpredictable people so i cant say anything. Even the bodyline which will be interesting. Indeed. There isa will be interesting. Indeed. There is a lot of concern about this meeting because of trebles behaviour when he met with the russian ambassador. I should explain to those of you watching the reason there is a huge helicopter is there had been helicopters all afternoon, right above us, i suspect it is not paying us attention but Pay Attention to the protests happening not far away from us but i hope you can hear us their cables up lets get some of the questions we are getting here. Sampson asks how much does it cost to host the g20 and is it the city that fits the bill or the country . The exact costs have not been determined yet but the German Government has an hundred and 50 Million Euros and for security only. A lot of other costs, we only know when the summit is over. Theres also the issue of the perceived cost because the protesters are demonstrating against the level of wealth and there is the appearance of overdoing it or staying in big hotels, the helicopters we have seen in the air today. We should also make the point that all the hotels, the taxi drivers it is good news but business are about to shut and they will lose out because of that. Carol was watching earlier, talking about the preparation done in advance of g20 summits and she would like you to explain that a bit more. Now discussing the key points and tomorrow morning they come to the head of states to discuss the result of the two days of discussion and tomorrow the head of states will discuss these points and tomorrow when all the head of states are there listening to the Concert People come together and try to make final declarations on the 620 so the Early Morning saturday they will have the final declaration ready to get things together and get the agreement for the head of state. Why should africans care . I suspect there will be people watching us in some countries not represented thinking, this very fair, were not even invited to take part. South africa is. Thats true. They are not pa rt of africa is. Thats true. They are not part of 620 but they are here as representatives of african unions. Africans should care or do care because this is about there not being part of the story that is what a lot of the demonstrations are about. One question saying he was under the most pressure, lots of important people here, he was feeling it . Angela merkel force or Angela Merkel for sure. Emmanuel macron is under pressure as well. Emmanuel macron but also donald trump. To risk having 19 countries against you and being lonely, im not sure whether that is his favoured position so pressure for him, too. Thank you for helping us, we appreciated. One more question, jack says, no, matthew says what about the Free Trade Deal between the eu and japan, where does the uk fit into that because brexit . Any deal cut by the eu at the moment affects the uk because the uk is in the eu but when the brexit happens, and the uk leads, it will then have two set about cutting its own deals because anything the European Union has initiated will not apply to the uk. Thank you for all of your questions. It has been a hugely busy day here in hamburg and the summit has not even formally begun. That will happen around atm tomorrow when the leaders make their formal arrival. You will see full coverage of that from bbc news and i will be with you throughout the day. Goodbye. We will see how the week will unfold and push it further into next week to see what is in store. Thursday had 20 of whether in store, 32 celsius at heathrow, nothing like the blank to plough further north and in the midst of all of this we had torrential downpours initially across east anglia but later in the day they really began to brew up across the pennines and yorkshire. Underneath is clear skies in the south glorious there, widely across the southern half of england and wales. Chris to the Weather Front the cloud was leaden and rain at times. Were not done with that scenario yet. A new day brings a new Weather Front from the atlantic pushing the prospects of cloud and Rain Across Scotland having perfected Northern Ireland overnight. Three friday and the cloud from a weakening Weather Front pushes its way into the heart of the British Isles but it. The temperatures pushing to 28 celsius in the south. A cooler day under that likes of cloud across the north of england. That blanket of cloud thickens up as we get through to friday night into saturday. This is disappointing fairfor friday night into saturday. This is disappointing fair forjuly and no doubt about it, a dank start to the day, perhaps the rain easing a touch into the afternoon but signs of another Weather Front just beginning to push its way towards the North Western quarter of scotland. So saturday and sunday and were caught the twig stand between a vigorous area of low pressure. One or two showers breaking out further north and all the while that Weather Front trying to comment towards a North West Of Scotland but there will be a zone through Northern Ireland, Southern Scotland and Northern England where we will the dry conditions. That area of low pressure takes much of it activity through the north sea during the course of monday. No getting away from the fact the cloud will be thick enough for there to be the chariot burst on what will be a cooler feel to the week given that the breezes will be coming in from the breezes will be coming in from the north and north west. Initially the north and north west. Initially the wind effect on the east coast. As we move out of monday into tuesday this area of High Pressure just topples its way across the British Isles and out in the atla ntic British Isles and out in the atlantic and we see the first Signs Ofa Atlantic and we see the first signs of a battle between low pressure to the north, High Pressure to the south. Tuesday it is the calm before the storm. As we get towards the middle part of the week the High Pressure will have lost out, at least for a time. Low pressure towards the north west of the British Isles and Weather Fronts across all parts, pretty much. The lows dominant in the middle part of the week. Rain for many, disappointing, cool and windy for all parts of the British Isles. A battle and there have to be winners and losers and for a time, albeit briefly later in the week, we will see High Pressure trying to knows its way back in, pushing the low pressure away from the British Isles and in this scenario, albeit temporarily, if the hype will win out for a time later next week the high will win out so we may see dry and bright conditions and it may well feel given the absence of the cloud just a bit warmer but i warn you, it will only be a temporary improvement. Tonight at ten. Police in germany clash with protestors, as World Leaders gather in hamburg ahead of the g20 summit. Police used tear gas and water cannon to try to disperse a crowd of several thousand anti g20 p rotesto rs. President trump has arrived in germany after a visit to poland, where he warned of threats posed by both islamist terrorism and government bureaucracy. Today, were in the west, and we have to say, there are dire threats to our security and to our way of life. Tomorrow, President Trump will hold his first face to face meeting with the russian president , Vladimir Putin. Also tonight. The iraq war tony blair was not straight with the nation about his decisions in the run up to the invasion, says sirjohn chilcot, who led the inquiry. I think any Prime Minister taking a country into war has got to be

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