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Give them to you as best we can. Lee has just set me a message saying, will the british living abroad be subject to the same rights . We cannot say that at the moment. Theresa may the rose released a proposal to the European Union. There has been no deal between the uk and eu. For the British Government has said is they wa nt to British Government has said is they want to have a generous and reciprocal arrangement but the details of what rights eu citizens may have. Paul asks, what was the arrangement . The dinner featured theresa may for a while. Michel barnier, the eus Chief Brexit Negotiator would come in and briefed the other countries on how this Brexit Negotiations are going. After that, we are expecting a briefing. At some point, this building and briefing rooms around will fill up with eu leaders who will tell us what they made of the dinner and what they made of the dinner and what theresa may said. Keep those questions coming. If youve got any questions, send them to bbcos. For the first time in a while, there is an air of optimism surrounding this eu summit. That sentiment was clear in an open letter written by European Council president donald tusk ahead of todays meeting. In it, he said, we are witnessing the return of the eu rather as a solution, not a problem. This was mr tusk a little earlier. The 80th European Council in which i have participated as Prime Minister. But never before have i had such a strong belief that things are going better. Our optimism should still be extremely cautious, but we have good reasons to talk about it. A lot of the positivity has to do with this man, french president emmanuel macron. His defeat of Marine Le Pen in the French Election earlier this year stemmed the tide of nationalist sentiment sweeping europe. He isa he is a staunch and passionate defender of the European Union and has visions of what this institution is to become. He has been telling a lot of people ahead of the summit. Hes held interviews with no less than eight european newspapers, outlining his vision for europe. With me now is ulrich ladurner, de zeit brussells correspondent, and eszter zalan, eu observer. Before we talk about mr macron, your reaction to what theresa may has said about eu citizens . It is not a place to negotiate about brexit. Michel barnier mentioned proposals but i cannot comment on that because it is an issue with him. One thing i found that was missing from theresa mays comments during dinner was what would happen to the jurisdiction of the European Court ofjustice, something the eu is looking to have, overseeing citizen s rights. That will be contagious issue. When it comes to president macron, i have seen Francois Hollande hit a few times. He did not generate excitement at seeing mr macron arrived, the atmosphere was different. There is a lot of expectations from emmanuel macron. There could be a momentum again from the german and French Border of the eu. But it still remains to be seen whether that will kick in again bring results. From the german point of view, macron is very welcome. He isa of view, macron is very welcome. He is a strong president , he won a huge victory in the elections, and now we have to see his ideas on how they work out. There is a lot of preparedness in germany to work with him. One of the issues he sees, and encrypt the grated europe is a good thing, but there are countries like denmark or not persuaded. Integrated. There is a possibility for them, but integrated. There is a possibility forthem, but member integrated. There is a possibility for them, but Member States not poster that. Chancellor merkel talked about wanting to have a stronger integrated europe. President macron will meet all other sceptic countries like Eastern Europe tomorrow morning, so we will see how well he does convincing them. I think merkel macron are clear that they want to go on ahead with integration, the eurozone, defence and security, nobody will be excluded. I do not think it is a second time. Two years ago, i was standing in the sun in athens, talking about the huge pressures on the eurozone and the Greek Economy because of its national debt. Have those Core Problems been removed or are they just out those Core Problems been removed or are theyjust out of sight for the moment . Definitely not removed. Greece is a small country but 3 of gdp of the eu is greece. The bigger problem is italy. Next autumn, it will be a huge problem. Italy might come back as a huge problem and politically there will be elections and a 5 Star Movement could upset the political establishment. We will ta ke the political establishment. We will take a break from european the political establishment. We will take a Breakfrom European Politics but you are very welcome to keep those questions coming. Mosuls famous landmark, the leaning minaret, was missing from the skyline for the first time in eight centuries today, flattened by so called Islamic State. This was mosul less than 2a hours ago. This is a Satellite Image of mosul now. As you can see, the destruction is considerable. Iraqi Prime Minister Haider Al Abadi called the destruction of the Al Nuri Mosque an official declaration of defeat by is. Bbcs orla guerin has the story. An Amatuer Recording captures a key moment in the collapse of the caliphate the destruction of the Al Nuri Mosque and its landmark leaning minaret. Now rubble remains in place of one of iraqs great treasures, which had stood for eight centuries. Iraqs Prime Minister says in destroying the mosque so called is has officially admitted defeat here. The bbcs Arabic Service managed to film the Al Nuri Mosque just hours before it was levelled. These are probably the last images of the minaret still intact, with the black is flag flying. It was inside, at the pulpit, that the is leader, abu bakr al baghdadi, proclaimed himself leader of all muslims, in july 2014. Now hes in hiding. And nearby his men are surrounded. Iraqi forces are hunting them down, street by street, house by house. But the troops are facing fierce resistance the militants are going down fighting. As they make their last stand, civilians are fleeing the city at least those who can find a way. But for many, like this man, it is a struggle to escape the battlefield. May god oppose the militants, he said. I spit on them. The destruction of the mosque is not the end of the fight to free the city. But Iraqi Military sources say they hope they can now advance more swiftly, closing in on the last pocket of resistance. They say is is down to just a few hundred men, and they are hemmed in in the old city. Orla guerin, bbc news, western mosul. Welcome back here to the European Union. We are getting so many questions about this announcement from theresa may that eu citizens in the uk who have been in the uk for five years will be able to remain in the uk beyond the point that the uk exits the eu. John says, does this five years mean before the brexit vote and will everyone else be deported . We do not know the exact cut off dates although we know the uk government is targeting a date somewhere between when article 50 was triggered in the uk is scheduled to leave the eu. Regarding anyone an deported, we have no details on that. Rahman says, how will cross Border Security issues be tackled . We will turn to that issue and how brexit fits into that in a few minutes. The short answer is, we dont know, but i spoke to the Prime Minister of belgium earlier and i asked him if he was concerned about this and he said, we can have smart cooperation once brexit occurs. There is a willingness to make it work. Ali says, what is eu status mean . Regarding citizens, it means if you are a citizen of a European Union country other than the uk and have been in the uk forfive Union Country other than the uk and have been in the uk for five years, you will be able to remain beyond brexit. Eu status means if you are a member of the european country not the uk regarding what theresa may has been saying. I will get more of your questions in a minute. We will also talk about security and defence regarding the European Union because those are issues which are coming up a great deal. An independent review has found that senior figures in the Church Of England helped to hide historical sexual abuse by a former bishop. Heres our religious affairs correspondent, martin bashir. And what hurts our hearts most. Charismatic and ambitious, peter ball, like his twin brother michael had been a bishop in the Church Of England. Theirjoint achievement being heralded on national television. Making spiritual noises. But in 1993, peter ball was forced to stand down as bishop of gloucester after accepting a caution for gross indecency. Despite his admission, he continued officiating in churches and several public schools. Any message for the victims . Very, very sorry. A Second Police investigation led to him being jailed at the old bailey in 2015 for abusing 18 adolescents and young men. Todays review, entitled an abuse of faith, says the Church Colluded with peter ball instead of being concerned for the welfare of his victims. They didnt follow any proper process in considering the evidence that they had. They did not think about survivors. They approached it again confused by the sense of peter ball being fundamentally innocent. One of the witnesses says this review should provoke immediate change to church practice. I think the church has demonstrated it can no longer be responsible for policing itself. I think safeguarding in the church needs to be in dependent of the church and i think safeguarding should be nationalised and overseen by an external body. The most striking revelation in todays report concerns several letters that were sent here to Lambeth Palace by victims of peter ball in the early 1990s. Then archbishop of Canterbury George carey chose not to pass those letters on to the police. Today, lord carey apologised, saying he regretted his failure to do so. Lord carey has been asked by the current archbishop, justin welby, to step down from his position as honorary assistant bishop. The Church Of England says that safeguarding will now be central to its practice. Martin beshir, bbc news, at church house in london. Were live from the eu summit in brussels. There is still a hubbub here because many eu leaders remain in the building. Theresa may has actually left but has made a proposal to those leaders saying eu citizens living in the uk for five years will have the right to remain in the uk when The Point Of Brexit is reached. The economy is also a big issue, migration is a big issue, but so is security. Just in the last week, there have been Terror Attacks in london, paris and brussels. On tuesday, a man set off a bomb at the central Train Station before being shot by security forces. The threat of islamist extremism and terrorism is front and centre in the minds of eu leaders. The leaders have talked about the progress theyve made fighting Islamic State and have already agreed to tougher checks on people arriving at the eus external borders, to boost co operation with countries in the middle east and africa, and to improve Intelligence Sharing on terror suspects. What impact will brexit have on that . There have been plenty of warnings like this one from former british deputy Prime Minister nick clegg, last month, theresa mays extreme approach to brexit will have the direct consequence of severing our ties to a fantastically useful weapon in our armoury against terrorism. The uk government rejects that analysis. I spoke to the Prime Minister of belgium earlier who said a good functioning relationship on this issue should be possible. I spoke to Giulia Paravicini from politico europe. You will be incredibly penalised by britain leaving the eu. Britain is one of the top four contributors to some of the key databases on crime, Terrorist Fighters and therefore, onceit Terrorist Fighters and therefore, once it leaves, and is amber rudd, it takes away its data from the platforms, eu and uk citizens will find themselves less safe. But with the uk not be able to share that information and pull funding, even if it was outside the eu . So far, there is no precedent for this. One problem is to be part of europe all, the uk would have the recognise the jurisdiction of the European Court ofjustice, not something they are keen on. The other issue is that the only country that has so far wide agreement and access to the database, despite agreement and access to the data base, despite having agreement and access to the database, despite having opted out onjustice database, despite having opted out on justice and home database, despite having opted out onjustice and home of the issues, is denmark, and the axis they have is denmark, and the axis they have is minimal, so how will the uk Have Com Plete is minimal, so how will the uk have complete access to the database . It will be very challenging. The uk is one of the most valuable and trusted partners when it comes to security to the eu, so maybe they will get a special deal. I am getting deja vu with some of these policies. After the paris attacks, there was talk of better cooperation, after the Brussels Airport attack, there was talk of better cooperation, why is it not happening already . Intelligence sharing and information is still treated as a precious commodity that states trade on a bilateral level and are veryjealous of. And why should i give you all in the way near or slovenia, minor countries, when i do not get anything in return . It is not done in an automatic way and there is not the political willingness to share more. And who in the end ends up being affected by this other citizens. Welcome back to the European Council here in brussels. What has been striking, covering not just this summit and the build up to it, but also the uk election, is where ever we have been, whether on the beach in cornwall or talking to the beach in cornwall or talking to the Prime Minister of the netherlands, everyone is saying they would like more information on brexit, and that has been brought up by the number of questions you are sending in. There is a thirstjust to know what is. The race. It is one of the things we saw in the recent election campaign. There is a lot of rhetoric but very little detail about what brexit might mean in practice and about some of the compromises that will have to be made on the uk side and the eu side if we are to get a decent deal for everyone. I do feel we have not necessarily had an honest debate about brexit yet maybe it is time to start. Matt wants to say, i thought we we re start. Matt wants to say, i thought we were supposed to not get a Running Commentary on Brexit Negotiations, so why is this been made public . The formal Negotiating Route is between Michel Barnier and david davis and the teams. Theresa may wanted to come here make a statement when she was with other eu leaders but earlier this donald tusk said this is not how we negotiate, we have our negotiators to do this, the European Council is not the right place. But mrs mabel have made the intervention, everyone will have listened politely and then moved on. Ali says, does that mean eu citizens who have not been in the uk for five yea rs who have not been in the uk for five years may have to go . This Isjust A British proposal. We have already had detailed proposals from the European Union suggesting all eu citizens living in the uk should have the same rights they have while britain is in the eu. What we dont yet know is when a cut off date may be. The british proposals are sometime between the day we triggered article 50 and the day we are due to leave. I suspect it will end up being march 2019 because if you made march 2017, it would mean people arriving in the last couple of months would have to leave. We are getting more questions on this than anything else. Raj asks, what dates for five years run from . We honestly do not know that yet. At the moment, you have to be a resident forfive the moment, you have to be a resident for five years to be a permanent resident. Anyone in the uk on the cut off date, whenever that may be, i suspect it will end up being the day we leave the European Union, will be eligible to take part in this scheme. This is just a british proposal. The eu has a more detailed proposal out there already in the squad to be some compromise between the two. Do you think the uk government is risking a Surgeon Migration into the uk when it announces there could be a cut off point . That is unlikely. People know that the eu is leaving already and what we have seen in the last year is that net migration from the European Union in 2016 has fallen considerably and fewer people have been coming from Eastern Europe, but the biggest single difference is that quite a lot of eu citizens have beenin that quite a lot of eu citizens have been in the uk and have upped and left. Numbers are coming down already. It is unlikely that there will be a big surge because we have seen Anecdotal Evidence that polish Fruit Pickers are thinking, if i will not be made to feel welcome in the uk, i can pick fruit in germany instead, and that is particularly also because of the currency issue, they get less bang for their buck now because of the way the pound has fallen since the referendum took place. We have had a significant announcement on defence with the eu looking to broaden it much more closely on that issue. What is the argument in favour of this great integration . More effective, save more money. Eu countries tend to do the Defence Planning and research on their own. If they have a union in so many other things, why not combine and be more efficient in that way . There is also the bigger geopolitical point, most of us are members of nato, do we rely on a United States under donald trump indefinitely or is this the kind that europe needs to take more responsibility for its own defence . Summer that will be done within nato but germany and france in particular wa nted but germany and france in particular wanted more eu defence capability and with the uk on its way out, there is more political will to get that done. Give us an idea of the chronology from this point onwards. Right now, the 27 leaders without theresa may are discussing the fate of two eu agencies, the Banking Authority and the medicines agency, in the uk and will have to be relocated elsewhere, then they will meet again tomorrow to talk mainly about the economy. In the end, that is one of the big issues behind all the drama on brexit and refugees. So they could appear at any point . The code. Thank you very much for all your questions. I will be on twitter ina your questions. I will be on twitter in a couple of minutes if you want to talk to me there. Goodbye from all of us here in the European Council in brussels. While some people will be enjoying the cooler fresher feel to our weather, others will be asking, although he returned . In our forecast for the week ahead, it will not return on anything like the scale we had on wednesday. Fast forward to thursday in a westerly wind brought fresh air across the country and we shaved a good 10 degrees of those temperatures in places. As the change took place, a few of us had thunderstorms and many more had a quiet day, but with extra cloud, limited sunshine and a fresher feel. That is the way the weather will be through the next two days, fresher and breezy, rain at times that spells of sunshine as well. The fresher air will come from the west from the atlantic. Also coming from the atlantic, an area of low pressure bringing a frontal system southwards and eastwards. The front will not move quickly it all. In fact, it will get stuck across parts of northern england, wales and the midlands. Heavy bursts of rain can find the hills and the west. Drying up for scotland and Northern Ireland and staying dry the southern and eastern areas. Ourfront continues to journey slowly south eastwards during friday night and, for saturday morning, it sits across east anglia and the south east. It will take time to clear away. A great and damp start of the weekend but as the front clears things will brighten up. A scattering of showers as well in a breezy day, quite windy towards the north of scotland where there could be gales at times and a cool feel to the weather. That caulfield will continue on into sunday as well. North westerly winds across the country. A lot of dry weather at this stage, just a few showers up towards the north east. Sunday night into monday, this is where some heat could return, the chance for humid airto push on could return, the chance for humid air to push on from the south. Across siberia, thunderstorms and they may come into play. But monday itself looks likely to bring a band of rain in from the west is our area of rain in from the west is our area of low pressure wobbles its way in. Uncertainty about the timing. That is where we could pull in the warm and humid air. Monday night into tuesday, this is where we could see some of those thunderstorms creeping in across parts of the country, but no sooner has the humid air arrived and it will be swept away again from the west. That pressure air looks likely to return as we get deeper into next week. That Brief Flirtation with something more humid all come about because of this dip in thejet all come about because of this dip in the jet stream on the southern and eastern side of the jet stream, we are able to tap into the warm and humid air but, as we get deeper into the week, the jet stream breaks through and we are into the fresher airand not only through and we are into the fresher air and not only will we be in the fresher air, thejet air and not only will we be in the fresher air, the Jet Stream Air and not only will we be in the fresher air, Thejet Stream could well is bring up areas of low pressure at times and moved across the country. Generally speaking, after a Brief Flirtation with something warm at the beginning of the week, towards the end of the week, we get back to that fresher feel, rain at times, sunshine, breezy, and that weather will take us breezy, and that weather will take us right through the end ofjune and into the start ofjuly. Tonight at ten Emergency Checks on hundreds of high rise buildings, following the catastrophic fire at grenfell tower. The kind of cladding that can catch fire has been found on at least eleven other tower blocks, as the Prime Minister promises every step is being ta ken to ensure safety. Our focus is on supporting the victims, Finding Homes for those made homeless, and making sure this countrys Housing Stock is as safe as possible. In north london, Camden Council is removing panels from five of its blocks, as labour says its time for a new approach to social housing. From hillsborough, to the child sex abuse scandal, to grenfell tower, the pattern is consistent. Working class peoples voices are ignored, their concerns dismissed by those in power. Well be reporting on the urgent work being done to check the safety of tower blocks throughout the uk. Also tonight. After long hours of brexit talks in brussels tonight,

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