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Someone hasjust asked if someone has just asked if we are picking up tweets during the programme. We definitely are. Weve been talking about Donald Trumps trip to brussels today. Donald trump will be flying to sicily to model where there is a two day summit. How do you assess today . It was quite a strange day. You do not have to be a Body Language expert to feel that a lot of the nato leaders, european leaders, were uncomfortable with donald trump standing up on the stage and harrying them about not paying their fairshare harrying them about not paying their fair share for defence spending. The promised mark of 2 of gdp, the majority of nato members do not do that and he essentially lectured them, it could i did me of Inauguration Day when donald trump stood up and talked about all of the politicians behind him saying they we re politicians behind him saying they were benefiting the rest of the country was not. If we look at that in the context of america that is precisely what a lot of his supporters want him to do. Exactly. Making big european elite feel uncomfortable the same way he disrupted the us establishment during the president ial campaign. If nothing else it will help him a little bit, make him feel like he is living up to the Campaign Promises where he called me to obsolete and putting America First and having allies pay theirfair share. Very different to what we saw in israel and saudi arabia and rome when he was much more accommodating to his host. He is off to the g7 next. What will his goals be . Other leaders will his goals be . Other leaders will be talking about the environment and things, trying to back him down as far as immigration lows. He is going to push his line. Talking about enforcing borders, that was a strange thing to hear a nanny to speech. To deal with immigration. You will hear more of the same at this meeting and it will be an interesting thing to see how that resolved. A republican candidate in montana. A republican candidate in a special Congressional Election in montana has been charged for assaulting a british reporter. Have a listen to what happened. You were waiting to make a decision about health care. We will be talking about that later. Speak with shane, please. I am sick and tired of you guys. The last time you did the same thing. Get the hail out of here. The last time you did the same thing. Fox news confirmed the account of the guardian reporter. It is not clever. No. The republican candidate said he was assaulted by the guardian reporter. That is not held up by the teapot the eyewitness accounts. It is interesting to see the reaction. The way the Republican Party is handling this, sitting on their hands, there was a release from the Senate Committee saying that essentially this was not the man that we know, it was a mistake, but downplaying it. We have only had a few republicans say that this was a few republicans say that this was a reprehensible behaviour and not in keeping with traditional political norms and we have heard that a lot over the past year when politicians Say Something that does not keep with the norm and yet the party stands behind him for electoral gain. We are not going to prejudge what the police or a court might conclude but you can hear the animosity towards the poor to the media. It is hard not to see that in the product context of the general atmosphere between right of centre politicians and journalists. Donald trump said that certain Media Outlets were enemies of the american people. The polar drying the line between that type of rhetoric and violence against reporters. He has been charged with a Misdemeanour Assault by the local sheriff. He is supposed to have the hearing after the election. Upward of 60 may be of voters in montana have already cast a ballot so he could go on to win. Republicans a little off the hook because if he loses they can say this is not representative of the mood of the nation, an anti trump groundswell, it is a one off. Whereas if he wins he can say they won despite all of this. Republicans are not in peril. That is what people are watching with special elections, any sign of anti republican Groundswell Going Into next yea rs anti republican Groundswell Going Into next years midterm elections. Is that it . I guess that is it. I am back to dc. Wayne rooney came on at the end for Manchester United. Wayne rooneys future as an England International is in doubt. Hes been left out of the squad for its upcoming matches it is strange that this does not come as a surprise. Gareth southgate realises that wayne rooney has not had a lot of game time so he is Manchester Uniteds leading goal scorer and englands leading goal scorer and englands leading goal scorer with 53 and englands most capped outfield with 119 so he could play in a record breaking Fourth World Cup in 2018. He has made himself available. Is Gareth Southgate going to pick him . That will be the question because he has left out of a qualifier towards the end of last year and two games this year against lithuania and germany in march. For wayne rooney it is a case of he needs to be playing so does he play in the Premier League for Manchester United . Is does he play in the Premier League for Manchester United . Is it to everton he goes or overseas . If he does that he will be only the second person to actually play for the English National side having played overseas after david beckham. Played for two Premier League clubs, i will not be playing for anymore. Fifa says its aware of human rights abuses involving workers constructing stadiums for the 2018 Russia World Cup but it hasnt imposed any penalties. The workers were said to be north koreans working on a stadium in st petersburg. Fifa president said fifa and the local Organising Committee have required the general contractor to take immediate steps to rectify the issues identified. Heres the bbcs richard conway. The Monitoring Committee found evidence of workers and they have said they are no longer in the area and as faras said they are no longer in the area and as far as they are concerned they are not working on any other stadiums. They raised concerns about the appalling conditions that they may have been subjected to. Reports that the north koreans were subjected to Living Conditions where there was no sanitation, no running water, no heat. Lots of questions have gone unanswered today. No response from them. Fifa saying in a statement to the bbc that they are aware of this, that they have protocols in place, they are monitoring this, their committee was aware of this and it has not continued on and they are committed to these big events. The world cup in russia going ahead in an ethical way and with respect to human rights. Badmintons suddaman cup is being held on the gold coast in australia. The sports biggest names are in town and theyve been turning it on. Doubles is often where reaction is. Manchesters two Big Clubs City and United Havejoined forces to help the victims of mondays terror attack. The clubs have pledged to donate one Million Pounds to an Emergency Fund that will help the victims and their families. Stay with us on outside source still to come. Well speak to bbc urdu their reporter was the only journalist allowed inside the mosque where the manchester Suicide Bomber and his family were regular attendees. As details of the victims of the Manchester Bombing emerge, the city continues to grieve, Big Questions still remain. Is enough being done to integrate the children of immigrants in manchester . Nina warhurst reports. Like thousands who came before him and thousands since this man came from libya for safety. He cannot believe that salman abedi came from the Muslim Community. Why did he do that . It is not in our name. Libyans took to the streets of manchester to celebrate the fall of colonel gaddafi. My daughter called herself a mancunian. I said ok, you are. Salman abedi did not fit in. There seems to be an emerging subculture among the young individuals, mainly from the second generation, who do not feel they belong anywhere, they do not feel they have a value in life, they feel there is no future for them. If current strategies are not working what is to be done . It is important not to see it as a problem of one community or religion. This is a british problem. These individuals are born here, being raised here, feeling here. Here in Cheetham Hill less than two miles start of the arena the libyans we have spoken to who live here do not want to come on camera and you can see why. There is one thing that keeps coming up. Stopping radicalisation does not depend on imam is that teachers it depends on opportunities for young people. As one dad said, why would you blow yourself up if you had enough to live for . They are worried there will be repercussions. How did you feel on tuesday when you find out . How does that make people think of me or my brother or my father or my mother . Do you worry about the future . I do not think there will be here in ten years time. Because of all this stuff going on. Alis wife is worried that their daughter will be bullied for being libyan. Ali is worried about her going to concerts. This is outside source live from the bbc newsroom. Our lead story is that intelligence sharing between the uk i have just had a i havejust had a message i have just had a message asking i havejust had a message asking us to look l the connection i havejust had a message asking us to look. The connection between to look at the connection between the uk and libya. Police in britain continued to investigate the Manchester Bombing. They had stopped Sharing Information that they have said they have received fresh assurances and will continue to work with their us counterparts. We are learning more about the man who carried out that attack. One of his last things to do before the attack was to call his mother. He called him and asked can you give me my mum to call her. Something going on there. We also learned that salman abedi had been in libya very recently. That means he returned from libya this month. We learned that libya had been monitoring his younger brother. Certainly while libya is his original home country, he is libyan, he has been travelling to libya, we do not know how many times he has been to libya but he kept relations with his original country because his father and brother are still there and they are in custody. On his way back he stopped in istanbul in germany but only on a transitional basis, he did not enter the country. It is hard to speculate whether he was radicalised in libya or here in manchester on in the uk because some of his neighbours are seeing that he was naive, he wanted to be ina seeing that he was naive, he wanted to be in a gang, he did not sure a bright mind and others were saying he showed early signs of radicalisation and he still might be contacted the authorities. It is ha rd to contacted the authorities. It is hard to know whether he was radicalised in libya or britain but certainly his brother is a member of isis and some reports have indicated his father was part available in Fighting Group that had links to alqaeda and was part of the uprising against Connacht Gaddafi in 2011 and fought a long with more radical Islamist Groups in the years that follow. We do not know exactly how his Radicalisation Process has evolved but certainly there are links to his home country and these will be found soon. We are increasingly sure that his father and many other people fled libya because of gaddafi and then returned relatively recently to fight gaddafi. To fight gedda fee and to visit libya on a more sustained basis after the fall of the gaddafi regime. We know that tripoli is not necessarily the most of and place at least in Northern Africa and government as major difficulties in policing tripoli and the country as a whole. Isis has a strong foothold in libya and European Countries and the us are linking efforts to try to fight isis in libya. How easy is it for the uk government to get help from the government intra bully . For the uk government to get help from the government intra bullwm is going to be very difficult. He is supported by the International Community but he has negligible presence intra bully. It is mainly policed by right colours islamist movements spread Islamic Fighting group as part of. The fact that libya is unstable makes it harder for the Us Intelligence operations to communicate with intelligence operations in libya. This is that billy mosque where he and his family worshipped. You can see the family home is not far away. That home was raided on tuesday. This statement was made by the mosque on wednesday. Some Media Reports have reported that the bomber worked at the manchester is linux centre. Some media group ports have reported this. This is not true. I assure everyone, listeners, viewers in the uk, around the uk, this bomber has never worked in the centre. Thank you for attending a sling. Did salman abedi three here . He did attend this mosque. That was john sweeney asking the question. We know that salman abedi at his family we re know that salman abedi at his family were regular attendees at this mosque. A bbc reporter got into the mosque. A bbc reporter got into the mosque yesterday, the only journalist to do so. I wanted to go inside and pray but i was stopped, by the police, you are a journalist, you are not allowed then. I explained i need to pray. We argued for about her 15 minutes, the Mosque Administration got involved and i said to him this is my right, it is the mosque. I was allowed in but with a very strict conditions, number one was that i would not be allowed to pray behind the rest of the worshippers so i was asked to pray ina the worshippers so i was asked to pray in a separate corner, i was not allowed to go left to right, i was banned from speaking to any worshippers and the third condition was i was not to load my phone, taking pictures. Iaccepted was i was not to load my phone, taking pictures. I accepted all of these conditions which were really strange to me and never happen to me in any other mosque. You were not able to convert with any of the people inside . I was unable to speak to them, unable to find out what happened. It was one of those kind of mosques which was really organised and it seemed very well controlled. Most of the Administration People belong to arabic Muslim Community and when the player finished when the imam normally praise afterwards, collective prayers, but after the players finished the imam announced that nobody, no worshippers, are allowed to speak to the media or talk about the attack. It sounds like inside and outside this mosque is feeling an extraordinary amount of pressure. Yes. Of course. It became centre of attention within seconds. At the same time they had the opportunity to open up to the media and address the questions that has been raised by the press or by the people. Yesterday in the Press Statement they said salman abedi did not work here. Ok, but people want to know whether those reports that his younger brother was teaching the koran in the same mosque and his father was well known to worshippers as well, they did not deny any of those reports. People wanted to know. This mosque in particular have lost a n know. This mosque in particular have lost an opportunity to explain how things work and what islam and muslims are about. We will see you next week. We will see you next week. With a Bank Holiday Imminent do not make this the last forecast you see because the details will differ from day to day with a thundery breakdown on the way. No surprise because we have had the heat on thursday, temperatures in the 805. Temperatures in the high 205. Friday will be no different. Starting with sea will be no different. Starting with sea fog. It takes no time to clear and then it is basically allow people for months although we will 5ee Cloudier Skies Acro55 people for months although we will 5ee Cloudier Skies across the west of ireland. 25 29 on the cards. It will be very hot day for many. Even on the coast uv levels will be high and unusually high levels forecast on friday in southern areas. We start to see that change. The detail will be quite difficult with less landed a breakdown but it looks as if we will see Thundery Showers in the south west and Northern Ireland so quite a comfortable night because the humidity will be higher with tho5e showers falling. It is hot and humid to start the Bank Holiday Weekend but the thundery breakdown will occur gradually to different areas at different times before it 5e55ions up. Saturday look5 areas at different times before it 5e55ions up. Saturday looks as if we will start with showers acro55 england and wales perhaps Stagnating Acro55 Northern Ireland and Western Scotla nd acro55 Northern Ireland and Western Scotland so it could be quite wet. Severe thunderstorms but behind it nice weather and decent 5un5hine will come through. Not a wash out but not particularly pleasant for much of the day. Still hot, 5till some humidity to break down. Tho5e 5torms will continue to rumble on through friday night into saturday before pulling away with High Pressure building. The next area of low pressure coming into the south. We could see a Second Thundery Breakdown Acro55 we could see a second thundery breakdown across the southern and eastern half of the country later on the day and into sunday night it look5 the day and into sunday night it looks very thundery indeed. By that stage it has fresh and then the north and a slow and improving picture but not in the south. It look5 picture but not in the south. It looks as if we could have torrential downpours once again. Larger in full coming down from those Intense 5torms coming down from those intense storms and they will take up a a while to clear away. The5e temperatures probably quite conservative. It may be higher than that. High pressure around acro55 many areas. The Weather Front is with us acro55 many areas. The Weather Front is with us across the eastern side of the country. On tuesday we finally start to see the thundery weather clearing out of the way and we will 5ee clearing out of the way and we will see a few scattered showers elsewhere in temperatures back down close to normal but for most of the week they will stay above where they should be for this time of year. High pressure building from the mid week onwards, it looks set to be fair. Not as hot as it has been but pleasa nt fair. Not as hot as it has been but pleasant enough until late in the week. This is where we think we will get back to a more mobile Weather Pattern towards next weekend when low pressure comes in with Weather Fro Nts low pressure comes in with Weather Front5 from the atlantic and we will seem any front5 from the atlantic and we will 5eem any at times and initially midweek it will become settled and quite warm again. You can get more on the website. The police raid further properties in the hunt for a Terror Network and the nation falls silent to remember those injured and killed in manchester. The bomb disposal squad searched a house in wigan tonight, one of a series of raids by the police. The arrests that we have made are significant, and initial searches of premises have revealed items that we believe are very important to the investigation. All 22 People Killed in the bombing have now been identified. Ten are teenagers and children. So youve come especially for the concert, did you . Yeah. The queen visits some of the injured in hospital

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