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Discussing their differences on issues such as the conflicts in ukraine and syria, with little sign of substantial progress. Following the talks in the black sea resort of sochi, Vladimir Putin said both he and Angela Merkel were seriously concerned about ukraine. Here is Steve Rosenberg, looking at how Russian Media view the meeting. This report says the meeting does not mean a thaw in relations between russia and germany. The paper says dont expect a breakthrough and suggest that Angela Merkel needs this visit more than glad you put in. This newspaper is more upbeat and says that her visit to Sochi Couldst signal a restart in german russian relations. This report says it is vital for Angela Merkel to work out the correct approach to relations with russia, which could affect relations between russia and brussels. It quotes a political pundit who says that merkel and putin will decide what to do next. Whats more, both moscow and berlin have to deal with a variable by the name of donald trump and it is still not clear how the americans will work out their Foreign Policy on europe, including russia. Finally, nothing about marcos visit to sochl nothing about marcos visit to sochi. Instead, an interview with Marine Le Pen, who styles herself as the anti Angela Merkel. This article is full of anti german bile. Comments like this from Marine Le Pen, saying germany is the only country to benefit from the eu, that germany is trying to force its viewpoint on weaker countries in the eu, and its clear that Moscow Supports Marine Le Pen, who was the political opposite of Angela Merkel. That was Steve Rosenberg looking at Russian Media ahead of the visit. Heresjenny hill with the view from berlin after the meeting. Angela merkel and Vladimir Putin have an interesting relationship. He speaks some german, she speaks some russian. They have very different outlooks on the world, but bayer said nevertheless to have a rather grudging respect for one another, despite the very fractious nature of so despite the very fractious nature of so many other subjects which will have been on the table. The most important subject for Angela Merkel certainly was the situation in the ukraine, and while she said today that they very much differ over their view of how that conflict began, they are at least united in their desire to perhaps see a ceasefire, perhaps see the terms of the minsk agreement met. Mrs merkel was a real leader in getting that agreement signed in the first Insta Nce Agreement signed in the first instance and she is at the forefront of the continuing sanctions over russias involvement in the conflict. Perhaps a little bit of an agreement in that we now know that the so called normandie format, the leaders of france, germany, the ukraine and russia, will get together again once the french elections are out of the way to try again to get the terms of the agreement met, though i have to say that here in berlin there is little expectation of any Great Success on that particular front any time soon. We saw a bitter backlash over the rather thorny issue of potential Russian Meddling in overseas elections. Behind the scenes in berlin there is a great deal of concern over whether russia might try to influence the german elections here in september. Mrs merkel today cited an example of a Fa Ke Merkel Today cited an example of a fake news story about a girl who was raped in berlin by immigrants. It turned out to be a false story. It began in russia. She said that is the kind of incident which we will shut down very quickly. In response, Vladimir Putin said insistently that we, russia, never meddle in foreign elections. You could certainly sends a bit of tension between the two might leaders. Sharp words from mrs merkel, who said that Vladimir Putin certainly ought to make sure that the Freedom Of The Press and non Governmental Organisations in russia is respected, and she also said she had asked him to use his influence to protect the human rights of gay men in chechnya. I think, here in berlin, also won the russian side perhaps, there were few expectations that anything particularly constructive would come out of todays talks. But mrs merkel is seen as the real interlocutor between the us and russia, partially because of that long standing relationship with mr putin. They talked about syria and other global conflicts, agreed to Work Together on the fight against international terrorism. As i say, very little thatis terrorism. As i say, very little that is constructive came out of the dialogue today, but perhaps as mr s merkel and her advisers in berlin would have it, it is better to be talking than not at all. Mrs merkel. Lets talk about sanctuary cities. They are large democrat led cities that are telling officials not to hand over Illegal Immigrants for deportation. In his first week in office, President Trump signed an Executive Order to punish local governments who didnt comply with Immigration Authorities by Cutting Off Funding but this failed to make it into a Budget Funding Deal on sunday night. Usually we concentrate on cities like new york or chicago when talking about sanctuary cities, but the debate on offering sanctuary to Illegal Migrants is also taking place in smaller towns and splitting communities. 0ur correspondent gary 0donoghue has been to salem, massachusetts. Translation we are being persecuted as if we were criminals or terrorists or bad people, right . But immigrants are the foundation of every economy, no matter what country you are in. Victoria, not her real name, is one of americas 11 million Illegal Immigrants. Almost two decades ago, she outstayed her visa, and she knows she could be taken away from her three children at any time. Translation loads of families have been separated, and not because they are criminals, because he says that he is going after criminals, but it is not just he is going after criminals, but it is notjust them. Salems infamous past as the site of the i7th century witch trials is a huge draw to the million or so tourists who come here each year, but its liberal new england atmosphere is also a huge draw for outsiders of another kind. The council says 15 of the 40,000 Plus Population were, like victoria, born outside the united states. Salem has declared itself a sanctuary for peace. City officials cant ask residents about their Immigration Status, which is designed to reassure immigrant groups. These residents do not want salem to be a Sanctuary City and they are Gathering Names to try to force a referendum in november. They fear that sanctuary status could lose the city money and annoy washington. I think it isjust a way to antagonise President Trump. Our president is doing nothing other than suggesting that our people follow the laws. The Police Department knows any pressure to cooperate further with Immigration Officials will fall on the shoulders officials will fall on the shoulders of its officers, and its chief sees big problems in alienating immigrants. The other night we have had a few incidents of domestic violence, whether fact that their Immigration Status was being used against them, and they were relu cta nt to against them, and they were reluctant to come forward. So they went through probably several different times of abuse. The numbers of undocumented people being deported without convictions have risen. It has made victoria think long and hard about the future of her own family. Translation think long and hard about the future of her own family. Translationzlj ask a friend to stay with my children and then to send them to me in my country. We are not safe. Practically nobody is safe, and we have to have a plan b. That report from gary. Lets move on to sport. Athletes including former champions have criticised proposals to overhaul the sports World Records set before 2005, as part of an effort to clear up doubts surrounding doping. The proposals come from the governing body of european athletics, and would mean that in future, World Records would only stand if test samples were stored for 10 yea rs. Lets talk more about this Withjohn Watson at the bbc sport centre. Hi, john. For people trying to digester and understand it, it sounds the people trying to digest and understand it, it sounds complicated. It is a way of restoring trust in athletics, which has been tainted in recent years following high profile Doping Scandals, the russian state sponsored Doping Scandal of last year, and they feel that this is one way of restoring that trust in the sport. We had the World Athletics Championships around the corner in the summer. Those watching around the summer. Those watching around the world will want to believe what they are seeing, and if records are set, they want to believe that those records have been set without the use of drugs and doping. How do they do that . This proposal would see any records set since 2005, when as you say samples from athletes can be stored for ten years, they feel that if that is the case, then records set in that time period can be trusted. Any records before 2005 would be erased. As you can imagine, any one of the athletes who set those records before that time period is very unhappy with these proposals which could come into place if the iaaf ratify the proposal. Which records could go . Jonathan edwards, the british triple jumper who set the record in 1995 at the World Championships in gothenburg, jumping over 80 metres, his record to go. Florence griffith joyner, her records could go. Almost half of the indoor and outdoor mens and womens records could go, so it shows the scale of the records that could go if these proposals are ratified. Lets see what happens, a lot of people unhappy. Thank you for joining me. Voting is underway for the bbc womens footballer of the year 2017. Five nominees have their hats in the ring and we are looking at each one over the course of the week. Today is the turn of norway and Olympique Lyonnais striker Ada Hegerberg. Hegerberg scored more goals than Cristiano Ronaldo In Uefa Competitions last year. My my name is Ada Hegerberg and people should vote for me because that would be the first time norway has had would be the first time norway has ha d su ccess would be the first time norway has had success outside skiing. I remember growing up with those Champions League nights are making some tackles and sitting down with the whole crew. Ive got a lot of good memories. Who do you want to see win bbc womens footballer of the year 2017 . You can vote at bbc. Com womensfootball. The vote closes on Monday 15th May at 8am. Stay with us on outside source. Still to come Marine Le Pen has been accused of plagiarising a speech from one of her former president ial rivals. Ill bring you the story. A jury at the inquest of a teenage Anorexia Sufferer who took her own life have found a lack of support for the family was a contributing factor. Pippa mcmanus, who was 15, died 5 days after she was released from hospital. The inquest found that there was not enough planning for her discharge. Judith moritz reports. Everyone called Pippa Mcmanus pip. She became obsessed with exercising and losing weight. Herfamily found her pacing repeatedly up and down. Anorexia had her in its grip for three years, and she change from a happy, healthy child to an emaciated girl weighing just four stone. At the age of 15, she decided to end her life. Her parents were in court today as an inquestjury found that her suicide was partly a result of the family receiving insufficient support. Pip spent her last three yea rs support. Pip spent her last three years fighting against anorexia, malnutrition, depression and self harm. We believe the failings in our daughters care from beginning to end resulted in her death. Can you talk us through the difficulties you had to cope with when she came home in those days . Instantly, getting back into the struggle of the illness, wanting to take full control, that put the family under quite a lot of pressure to get through it, what you would call a normal days living. In 2014, pepper was sectioned under the Mental Health act and taken to the priory hospital in cheshire. When pip was released from hospital, she had reached her Target Weight and wasnt considered a suicide risk, butjust five days afterwards, after ray row with herfamily five days afterwards, after ray row with her family about her obsessive exercise, she ran out of the house, saying that she was going to kill herself. She came to this station nearby and took her own life. The jury nearby and took her own life. The jury found that pips family had not been given enough information about her being a suicide risk, and that agency is supposed to help how hadnt worked together. He priory hospital said it will consider the jurys findings. Its parents want to open a centre to provide la help for other Anorexia Sufferers. Pips parents want to open a centre to provide early help for other Anorexia Sufferers. Our top story President Putin has dismissed allegations of Russian Meddling in the us election. Speaking at a meeting with german chancellor Angela Merkel. Lets move on to the french president ial election. The campaign is reaching its final stages, the run off between Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Penjust run off between Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen just four run off between Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Penjust four days run off between Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen just four days away. They gave fiery speeches at rallies in paris yesterday, and today, parts of Marine Le Pens speech are trending on social media, but not for the reasons she intended. They speak french the man on the right was Francois Fillon, who was eliminated in the first round of boating, and he gave that speech a couple of weeks ago, so now that speech a couple of weeks ago, so now Marine Le Pen stands accused of plagiarism. She has not responded directly but her Campaign Manager has played down the issue, saying it was a nod and a wink and saying it was a nod and a wink and saying it was appreciated by Francois Fillon and his supporters, no doubt. This is up close and personal as it gets. Youre watching Marine Le Pen addressing an audience. We are in the bunker of a hotel and i am whispering because i dont want to be talking louder than Marine Le Pen. She needs every single vote she can get. About an hour ago, she referred to the speech we just heard, and she said this was a deliberate nod to Francois Fillon, nearly two minutes of exactly the same words, because, she said, ultimately, journalist would not have paid any attention she had not done, so the world is talking about it and they are talking about her policies in fact, there is much more that she said that people will have ignored, but they picked up on that bit. I think, ignored, but they picked up on that bit. Ithink, ultimately, it has come down to the fact that the man who seems to have written part of that speech that she copied also took the same thing from a book he put out several months ago. He is a right wing author. Both of them used it. They talked about how french as a language is used all over the world, and how france needs to be at the top in world affairs. She explained this a short while ago, but also explaining what she will do for ethnic minorities here. I must say, she has not been entirely popular, some people clapping, but some people saying, are you racist . She said she is not but that she is here to talk about what she can offer as president. The so called Islamic State have launched an attack on refugees in North Eastern syria, killing and wounding dozens. It happened at a Border Crossing between iraq and syria. Sebastien ascher brought us up syria. Sebastien ascher brought us up to speed on what is happening. We are hearing from activists that is activist used suicide bombs, detonated themselves. From other sources, we have heard that their target in this particular attack was a group of iraqi displaced people coming across the border, as many have been doing in the past few weeks. Many have come across this particular route in the past three weeks. There is a refugee camp nearby under the control of Kurdish Militia. It used to be isis, but the Kurdish Militia drove them out of this area a while ago, and the Suicide Bombers went on them. One aid agency that has local staff there says it is still unclear how many victims were, but they said that 22 people were buried in the aftermath, including children. You talk about this being a targeted attack on these refugees what would be the motivation . It is not something that isis hasnt done. They have attacked people again and again who are fleeing the areas they control. It happened in mosul and all the areas that they control. Essentially, it is partly sending a message to the people still in the areas they control to say they cant leave. It is saying that when they do get out, you think you are going to be protected, that these other groups are going to make sure you are safe, but they wont and they cant, and we still had power. It is also essentially kind of lashing out, showing that even as isis loses territory, even as we are expecting that mosul may finally fall the next month or two, that isis can hit back. And where they have hit here is above raqqa, which is still the focus of a campaign that hasnt managed to get close to raqqa. A host of celebrities turned up of what has been described as the party of the year. The met gallery is held at the metropolitan museum of art. It is an exclusive event, tickets costing Tens Of Thousands of dollars, and a flamboyant dress code. Its the hottest invitation on new yorks social calendar, and the biggest night in fashion, that draws out only the stars. Stepping onto the red carpet is to enter a runway, but one with a very specific theme. This year, the Costume Institute is honouring a japanese designer who blurs the line between fashion and art work. For ray, there is no box. When she started, you would never believe that passion could be as influential and powerful as music, but it is. A lot of people say, how do you wear that . You do not weather is close, they where you. Sleeves need not apply, and Cotton Candy Face and head coverings are just a few of her signatures. The bravest dress the part. Unless you are madonna, with your own fashion statement. What statement are you making tonight . That. That we. Have got to get together and start thinking about peace on earth. The irony of the stupidity of war. The ball is not the place to play it safe. That unspoken rule, combined with his unconventional designs inspiration, has made for a night of truly unique looks. Thank you very much for bringing a little bit of glamour here thats it from us. Bromley, goodbye. From me, goodbye. I promise you more information about april and how dry a month it was. The full uk picture is now in and it looks like this. Brown areas were drier than average in april. A flicker of light in devon, mainly in scotland. Close the average, a little bit of blue. There is not much blue, lots of brown. Most places were drier than average, the tenth driest april on record. If you wa nt to tenth driest april on record. If you want to know the difference between that speck of blue and the driest place, keep watching. This was a view from the west of scotland. Scotla nd view from the west of scotland. Scotland had its warmest day of the year so far scotland had its warmest day of the yearso far scotland had its warmest day of the year so far 21 celsius in the highlands. Just ten around the humber, with cloud and a breeze off the sea. These differences will remain for several more days, along with plenty of dry weather, because the pattern isnt changing. Areas of low pressure being held at bay in the Atlantic By A Blog weather pattern, with High Pressure to the north of us. Around that, the east north easterly wind coming off the north sea, keeping it cool. Warm in the sunshine across the Western Parts of the uk. Some patchy, like brain for parts of east anglia and South East England on wednesday, though not amounting to much. The best of the sunshine will be in northern england, scotland and northern ireland. A similar picture on thursday. One or two showers from the cloud across southern areas. Not very many. Still the temperature contrast. If anything, the wind picks up on friday. A bit more sunshine across the south than over the next couple of days. There is still a chance a Weather Front may flirt with the far south west of the uk On Friday Night into saturday morning, with some rain. Still uncertain about that. For most of us on saturday into sunday, it is dry. The wind should be lighter by sunday, but there could be more cloud pushing into some of these north sea coasts. Again, those temperature contrast. Into next week, the High Pressure changes position, but it is important. As it moves towards the north west of us, the flow of air will be more from the flow of air will be more from the north, and that means colder air begins to push down through the uk next week. Colder for a time next week. That would be most noticeable favourite has been so warm this week, less noticeable ferret is so cold at the moment. Less noticeable where it is so cold at the moment. Some disturbances could bring showers to the south across the uk. A little more unsettled for a time. Earlier, i promised you the a nswer to a time. Earlier, i promised you the answer to the difference between the really wet place in april and the driest place, the difference between that bit of blue and somewhere within the brand. Actually, they are not too far apart. The wettest place in april was at clooney in in highland scotland. And by the way, there is an in there. An inn. I love the british weather tonight at ten, ahead of the brexit talks, the deepening tensions between britain and the european commission. Following leaked reports of a difficult meeting with jean claude juncker, theresa may signals that the road ahead could be rather bumpy. At the seaside today, on the campaign trail in the south west of england, mrs may hits back at claims that her approach to brexit is delusional. During the conservative Party Leadership campaign i was described by one of my colleagues as a bloody difficult woman. I said at the time that the next person to find that out would be jean claude juncker. Well have the latest on the questions about theresa mays approach to the brexit process. Also tonight. The shadow home secretary, labours diane abbott, accused of not having mastered the brief on one of the partys key pledges. How much would 10,000 Police Officers cost . We believe it will be about £300,000. £300,000 . Sorry

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