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Broke out in syria and the war has caused untold loss of life. Millions and millions of people are being displaced both inside syria and outside of it and it has led to the greatest Refugee Crisis since world war ii. A truce between the government and rebel groups is nominally in place but it is continually broken. After six years of conflict, the government is now backin of conflict, the government is now back in control of all the major cities in syria and we will focus on a few of them. The bbc has been looking at 2a hours in the life of several people across the country. We will start in hospital. The the syrian army and its allies drove all rebels from aleppos old city last year. That part of the city last year. That part of the city was almost completely evacuated. Sinners, some residents have returned and here is one of their stories. Just south of aleppo is a place called. The attempts to go on as normal include football games. Finally, we will return to the old city of the capital, damascus. It has escaped the worst of the fighting but nearby areas are in a rebel hands and the fighting is going on sporadically in the citys old town. We spoke to some younger people affected. Asi as i said earlier, if you want Background Information on the syria conflict how it started and developed some of the situation is now, you can find out online from bbc news. Let us turn to Outside Source sport. Ivanka trump has said how do we allocate places in the next world cup. Theyll be 48 teens compared to the 32 we currently see. Teens. Dragon is rubbish. Compared to the 32 we currently see. Teens. Dragon is rubbish. That means teens. Dragon is rubbish. That m ea ns two teens. Dragon is rubbish. That means two teens go through to make up means two teens go through to make up that 48. They will go to a Play Off System and over five confederations. Five out of the six will be in there. If it was brazil in the last tournament, south america would then get two team is going through in those six teens. The way it works is the top two teens would miss the first round and the remaining ones would play each other and the losers would go out at the top two would play the winners of the last two games and then those two teens winning the last two would go through and it will surf as a test for the world cup coming up in the following year. They may be the death knell of the Confederations Cup which is normally be laid before the world cup. Lets talk about greg norman. He is a Golfing Legend and also good front the donald trump. And the president is keen on golf. He has played a number of times since becoming president and greg norman has been talking to us about the man in the white house. His flexibility for a 70 year old is pretty good. He hits the ball a fairly long way. Ive played with him a few times. Are you surprised rory mcilroy got the stick he got . Yes, but he got it wrongly. Its a great story and if i give you an analogy, i get a call from the white house and they say the president will be in australia, he would love to play golf with you andi he would love to play golf with you and i go, im nota he would love to play golf with you and i go, im not a democrat. I do wa nt to and i go, im not a democrat. I do want to play with him. So i called President Bush and said, mr president , ive got to seek your advice, its free, right . Ijust get advice, its free, right . Ijust get a call from the white house and their request in the late golf with president clinton in australia, but im a republican. He said, greg, just let me tell you, respect the position of the president of the usa. Go and play golf with the president. And i said yes, sir. And this is why i can say with complete authority that i prejudged the president. I was an idiot because it turned out to be one of the great friendships i have had to this day. Because when i got to know him, he was just a because when i got to know him, he wasjust a wonderful guy. Because when i got to know him, he was just a wonderful guy. There were times when he would phoned me up when the whole tiger woods thing was going up and he would say i should going up and he would say i should go down and talk to him and help him. This goes back to respect the position of the president and thats all i ask of everybody out there globally. Greg norman talking about george bush, bill clinton and donald trump. It is reasonable to say bobsleighing is not a big african sport, so this next is impressive. The nigerian womens team is about to qualify for the Winter Olympics in south korea next year. This report tells us their story. It is cold. It is really, really cold. We are from a continent that would never imagine sliding down highs at 18 miles an hour. The idea of getting people to take to that is in itself empowering. Im a fulltime im a full time student and now im trying to start a federation in their blueprints, not only for a country, but a continent, because there has never been and other african country with a bobsleigh federation. We have all sacrificed oui federation. We have all sacrificed our social life, it is nonexistent. But we dont care any more, weve got each other, that is good enough. The sport in itself is an extremely expensive one. To Reach Ourfinal dull went need at least 150,000. To do this, we have the guts of our cable, no new clothes, moved to a place that is cheaper. For everything that gives the battle are trying combat it. Im determined to qualify. No matter what comes along the way on this path i have to stay on it. Once i decide to go, just keep going. You wouldnt bet against them, would you 7 keep going. You wouldnt bet against them, would you . Good luck to them. We will soon be live in washington to get the latest on the Senate Investigation overseen by these two gentlemen. It is weather russia interfered in the us election. Sugar limits for everyday foods such as biscuits and Chocolate Bars having published by Public Health officials in a bid to make british children more healthy. The aim is to cut the sugar eaten in such foods by 20 in the next three years as our help correspondence reports. Its tempting stuff. But eating too much sugar is rotting childrens teeth and fuelling obesity. A third of children are overweight or obese when they leave primary school. Now as part of government plans to tackle the problem, the Food Industry is being given new limits for how much sugar should be in nine popularfoods. Companies are being urged to reformulate their products so that they contain less sugar, or to make them smaller. The aim is for the uks annual diet to contain 200,000 fewer tons of sugar by 2020. We expect people to see over time smaller Chocolate Bars, smaller cakes, smaller biscuits, particularly when they eat away from home, Infamily Restaurants and so on. We also expect people not to notice the changes, because we know if changes are gradually made to our food, generally we dont notice them. Your bread is now 40 less salty than it was ten years ago. I bet you havent noticed. And there will also be the new tax on sugary drinks, starting in a years time. Dieticians say theres no time to lose in trying to improve childrens health. Around one in five 10 11 year olds are obese. We know from research that excess sugar is linked to weight gain and when you are obese you are more at risk of conditions like type two diabetes, which can lead to Heart Disease or even blindness. The Food Industry isnt being forced to make these changes, but trade bodies say theyll take on the challenge and experts in nutrition think this is the quickest way to improve our diets. Because the Legal Process of writing mandatory guidelines is so awkward, so long, people resist it and try and protect their own interests, that doing it on a voluntary basis is actually quicker to write the regulations and quicker to amend them if they dont work. The nine food groups announced today account for less than half of childrens total sugar intake, so theres still work to be done on sugar thats less obvious, in foods like pasta sauces. Health campaigners have praised the plans, but they want the government to keep up the pressure on food companies. We live in the bbc Newsroom Rumour with Outside Source. South korea has ousted president who has been arrested on corruption charges. She was removed from office. Let us have a quick look what is coming up. If youre outside the uk, it is a world news america next. Here in the uk, the news at ten is next. Now, the Senate Intelligence committee has held its first open hearing into the allegations that russia interfered with the us election. Remember, there is a separate House Of Representatives investigation and it has become embroiled in a controversy because this man who oversees it is accused of inappropriately assisting the white house. He denies that and is overseen one investigation and these two are overseen the senate inquirer. One is a republican, one a democrat, let us listen to the republican. We are all targets of a sophisticated and capable at and we must engage in a whole of government approach to combat russian active measures. The language youve heard today has been strong, explicit as youll see in this clip. Russias president , Vladimir Putin, ordered a deliberate campaign carefully constructed to undermine our election. First russia struck at our Political Institutions by electronically breaking into the headquarters of one of Political Parties and stealing vast amounts of information. Russian operatives also hacked e mails to steal personal m essa 9 es hacked e mails to steal personal messages and other information from individuals ranging from Clinton Campaign manager to former secretary of state, colin powell. This stolen information was then at weaponised. It is so frequent we hear these allegations being made in washington, it is important to keep reiterating that the russians deny having anything to do with any of this. There is Vladimir Putin earlier. Translation did the russian government attempt to influence the outcome of the us election . At one time, ithink outcome of the us election . At one time, i think about taxes and addressing the americans, reagan said read my lips. We all live to washington now. Somebody is not telling the truth. As the Senate Inquiry going to go about finding out what happened . Inquiry going to go about finding out what happened . And they spoke with a number of academic experts today to try and gather more information. They are Reviewing Thousands of documents provided by the Intelligence Services that have evidence of support the conclusion reached earlier this year that russia was to influence the us election. There will also be talking to former officials in the above an illustration, the intelligence community, about their views and allegations they have made about russian involvement, as well as members of Donald Trumps administration. I want to point out that Vladimir Putins wrong, that was not ronald reagan, but george w bush. A reporter quoted a senior democrat on the lower house and their investigation and said this. Ive heard of money laundering, but never information laundering. What precisely is the allegation here . There was an article in the New York Times today that said the information was gotten about incidental surveillance from members of the Trump Administration itself two members of the National Security council who apparently gave documents which were taken to the capital, and i went back to the white house and inform donald trump. The idea of this laundering is that the white house itself gave it and was presented as something that was discovered and ta ken was presented as something that was discovered and taken back to the white house. This was all an attempt to advance the White House Administration line backing of Donald Trumps assertion that he was watched by the obama illustration. Thats one story i want to ask you about. First of all, an extraordinary attack by the president on certain republicans. There is donald trump saying the Freedom Caucus will hurt the entirely republican agenda if they do not get on the team and fast. We must fight them at the democrats in 2018. This must be related to the that did not go through last week. Is that did not go through last week. Is their health care. That did not go through last week. Is their health care. It was probably the most organised opponents of the Health Care Bill within a House Of Representatives when they were debating it. They we re when they were debating it. They were a group of around 30 hard core libertarian leading conservative True Believers in their objections we re True Believers in their objections were that the repeal did not go far enough. Donald trump and his Administration Try to put the pressure on the Freedom Caucus to bring them around and say this was the way obamaca re bring them around and say this was the way obamacare was going to be repealed and they dug in their heels and it appears now that trump is following through on threats to challenge Freedom Caucus members, call them out and possibly undermined every election in 2018 the same way his administration would oppose democrats. Its astounding and an escalation of the rhetoric within the republican party. On are less talk about the president s daughter, ivanka trump. She is now the assistance of the president. Weve already seen her in a number of high profile meetings, this picture was used an awful when Angela Merkel visited. She was also involved with meetings with the japanese leader before President Trump was inaugurated. On one level, we saw it coming, but lots of people are saying this is nepotism. Is it out of the ordinary or regular for a president to do this . It is certainly out of the ordinary for a president to elevate one of his offspring to a formal role within the west wing of the white house. Ivanka trump had been given prime office space already within the white house, so this is in effect putting her in a position where she has to be applied to the ethics rules that govern white house employees. Weve seen president ial spouses are prominent, informal roles. Hillary clinton, joe in the bill Clinton Administration was probably the most prominent of that, maybe going back to Woodrow Wilson and his wife in the 1920s. But this is remarkable as far as president ial children go. Theres no modern president s for it. Ivanka trump is taking on this role and Melodia Trump is being very, very low key. Weve talked a bit a number of times. Thejudge in hawaii who temporarily blocked President Trump us temporarily blocked President Trump us Revised Travel Ban has now issued a longer lasting order. Erie is explaining why. Here he is explaining why. Here he is explaining why. Here he is explaining why. You have this Flashing Light behind you saying. If thejump Flashing Light behind you saying. If the jump administration wants to get this through it will have to fight. All the indications that it has the energy . They have said they will appeal the decision. The idea they may do it again is probably too much. They will see this fight to the supreme court. They feel they have legal grounds that the first immigration order. You saw from this hawaiianjudge that immigration order. You saw from this hawaiian judge that the original order and campaign statements about a so called muslim ban as evidence of the unconstitutionality and religious discrimination that was intrinsic in this new order. The order will be suspended until the court fight. Thank you. Our lead story on Outside Source today has come from south korea where the former president has been arrested on charges relating to that Corruption Scandal we have covered many, Corruption Scandal we have covered any Corruption Scandal we have covered many, many times. If you want more detail on that, you can get it online. Goodbye. The next few days will be cooler. We have Spring Warmth coming up on those southerly winds along with sunshine. The sunniest weather was across the South East Today where temperatures reached 22 degrees. Warmer than recently in north east scotland. There is still rain out towards west on friday, quickly clearing South West England and wales by the afternoon. He considerably cooler day for the north and north east of scotland on friday. The rain gets heavier and lighter and patchy eventually arriving in Southern Scotland and maybe some sunshine for Northern Ireland before the gaps showers can go later. For most of england and wales, a dry afternoon with sunshine. Fresher, but temperatures 1517. Sunshine. Fresher, but temperatures 15 17. Weekend, april showers. Chilly overnight as sky is clear allowing for dry and find weather for the second half of the weekend. The South East Of England may miss most of if not all the showers on saturday. Plenty showers elsewhere though. Possibly with hail and thunder. Temperatures of 12 13. The showers that do form will fall away in the evening. For the second half of the weekend for many of us it will be a better day. A cold start, but lots of sunshine in the morning before the cloud spreads out in the afternoon. Temperatures could get up to 17 degrees. Even higher on monday asa to 17 degrees. Even higher on monday as a southerly wind develops. Most places will have a dry day. Wind and rain in the north west later. Rain is delayed. These Weather Fronts will clamber down across the uk on tuesday, but weakening all the while as they run into a. The south east of the uk missing most of the rain. The rain becomes light and patchy and more showery as cooler air comes down in the north westerly winds. We could be stuck under low pressure, but given this orientation of the jet stream we will be sitting beneath High Pressure building across the uk as we head into the middle of the week, settling things down once again. Initially cool, but as the High Pressure builds, things will warm up. In the far north, stronger winds and mild atlantic air. Dry weather into next week. Possibly into the weekend. Chilly in the mornings with mist and fog, but dry, bright, sunny and with the light winds itll be warm the sunshine. Tonight at ten how ministers plan to transfer thousands of pieces of European Union legislation into british law. The parliamentary archives at westminster will make room for new additions to the british statute book, as the law binding the uk to the European Union is set to be repealed. We want a smooth and orderly exit and the great repeal bill is integral to that approach. It will provide clarity and certainty for businesses, workers and consumers across the United Kingdom on the day we leave the eu. But there are concerns that the process ahead could weaken the rights built up and guaranteed in eu law overfour decades. All rights and protections derived from eu law must be converted in domestic law. All rights and protections no limitations, no qualifications, and no sunset clauses

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