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Seeing a lot of in the next two yea rs. Michel barnier will lead the eus Negotiating Team. Hes in malta today with some of the eus centre right leaders. Maltese government spokeman kurtfarrugia says this is dayi of a very long and difficult road. Brexitday. There are some points that both sides agree they want to sort out as soon as possible. In fact, ijust in fact, i just saw a tweet come in from one of you watching. Myself and my husband are both swedish, we have lived in england for 20 years, will we be kicked out . I cant answer that. The status of uk citizens living abroad in the eu and eu citizens living in the uk is certainly a pressing one. Michel barnier was on twitter today. Michelbarnier Brexit made eu citizens worry about theirfuture in uk. Here is a seniorfigure here is a senior figure within the European Parliament, the president , speaking earlier. European Parliament Must defence it dozens rights. This is why we need an agreement citizens rights. We need Risse Brockley and non discrimination. Not reaching a dealfor the right non discrimination. Not reaching a deal for the right citizens non discrimination. Not reaching a dealfor the right citizens means not reaching a deal at all. As you can imagine, thatsjust one concern on a long list of issues to be thrashed out. Others are immigration and borders particularly between Northern Ireland and the republic of ireland, which is an eu member. Heres what Guy Verhofstadt, the European Parliaments brexit negotiator, had to say about that. The Brexit Agreement needs to fully respect the good friday agreement in all its aspects, and it means also that we will never accept a hard order again between Northern Ireland and the irish republic a hard border. Then there are economic matters. Theres the Suggestion Britain will have to pay an exit fee the argument being that the uk would still be liable for outstanding financial obligations in the eu budget it had already committed to, as well as things like eu pensions. Heres the wall street journals reporter in Brusselsjulia Verlaine said javerlaine the 60 euros billion question how big is the brexit divorce bill going to be . We dont know the answer to that yet. And theres the question of what kind of Trading Relationship the uk and eu countries will have afterwards. Heres Guy Verhofstadt again on that. We hope forfair we hope for fair and We Hope Forfair and constructive negatietignes we with other Trade Negotiations with other countries before the withdrawal, because until the withdrawal, the uk isa because until the withdrawal, the uk is a full member of the European Union with all of the rights, but also with all of the obligations. Lets being in ken brown, who has been covering the story all day lets bring in ben brown. Im interested in how the eu side of things, having won negotiation on the exit process and another on the future Trading Relationship. I dont understand how you keep those two apart . Well, thats what they want to do, they really do want to give them apart. In fact, i was talking to one member of the European Parliament who was saying, the thing with the british is, its like walking into a restaurant and having all of your food together at the same time, all three york courses. Where is the eu want to do things separate and have it has three courses, so you start off with the financial deal on the divorce settlement, whether it is 60 Billion Euros oi settlement, whether it is 60 Billion Euros or whatever, you start with that and then the other Exit Arrangements and the third course, if you like, is the trade deal. Thats the way the eu want to negotiate it, and they are going to be firm on this. Whereas the british wa nt to be firm on this. Whereas the british want to do it all together. And then they will be pleased they are finally getting on with this. I was there a few days after the brexit vote and there was an impatience to get on with it. But if we pause, this is a huge blow to the European Union, isnt it . This is a huge blow to the European Union, isnt it . It really is. I think psychologically the European Union, if you think about it, is only ever growing, in large, had new members, new countries, countries really knocking on the door saying, please, let us in, we want to be pa rt please, let us in, we want to be part of your club. Suddenly today we have got british and the British Permanent Representative knocking on donald tusks door and saying, actually, we want to leave your club and not be part of it any more. That isa and not be part of it any more. That is a blow psychologically. Then we have got the fact that britain is a net contributor to the eu financially. And the eu, everybody here says it, is going to be much the poorer financially after the United Kingdoms withdrawal, billions of euros shorter. And other countries are going to have to make up countries are going to have to make up that shortfall, that is another concern for them. Thank you, ben brown. Live with us from brussels, just outside the European Commission building. Dont forget, while the eu will negotiate as one whatever deal is reached, itll need to be approved by the parliaments of the 27 remaining members. Arguably the most powerful of those is germany. Heres the front page of die welt, a german newspaper, today ze door is schtill open. Very good, he says the germans dont have a sense of humour . jenny hill has been saying what it wants from brexit. It has been to shore up the future of the remaining 27. Angela merkel said that would be her lead during the talks. She also interestingly stress the need to protect eu citizens living in the uk. Germany and the uk for decades have been significant political and economic allies. Within the eu. Perhaps it is no wonder that today the German Foreign minister appealed, lets try to stay friends, although he did also acknowledged that these talks are going to be very tough and there may very well be ill will on both sides. What of course really ties germany and the uk together is business. The uk is germanys fifth most important trading partner and there is a lot of concern about how that will be affected by brexit. Today we heard from the finance Ministry Spokesman saying, the timetable for these talks is, and i quote, down narrow. He also talked about the uncertainty that this is creating with the business and economic environment as, poison. A lot of concern bird too. We are hearing a lot from, new factories who are keen to try and protect their deals with the uk, from car manufacturers. There is concern that the eu must be protected first and foremost. Concern that the eu must be protected first and foremostm germany is very influential, so is france as well. And of course there is an election coming up in france which will add an extra dimension. This is the front page of the Liberation Newspaper saying, we will miss you, and in a smaller front, Liberation Newspaper saying, we will miss you, and in a smallerfront, or not. Brexit is not the top story in france, the president ial election is, we have the first round towards the end of april, and whoever wins that will have a huge impact on how the french approach brexit. Lucy williamson is embarrassed. The two top contenders at the moment is in paris. Macron is committed to the eu, liberal and centrist. In paris. Macron is committed to the eu, liberaland centrist. His in paris. Macron is committed to the eu, liberal and centrist. His main rival is Marine Le Pen, far right and front nationale. She has promised to pull france out of the euro and hold its own referendum perhaps. Two very different stances. Emmanuel macron made it clear that as far as he is concerned there will be no Cherry Picking on his watch. If he is in the Elysee Palace when britain is trying to negotiate, they will find quite a tough cookie to deal with. He said that once britain leaves the eu it will become a bit like the island of guernsey, simply a trading post on europes borders. He is not going to be an easy customer to deal with. When it comes to Public Opinion here in france and political opinion, most of it or much of it seems to be with emmanuel macron. A lot of the candidates running in this election say they will make tough demands of britain, and there are good reasons for that. There are many here who say they just dont want to encourage the kind of exit support or encourage people here to say that they would like to leave the eu as well. Of course that is exactly what Marine Le Pen does want to do. If it is her britain ends up dealing with they will find a much softer negotiating partner, whatever National Interest she is looking out for she is also going to want to make brexit look as attractive as possible. Lets ta ke lets take a breather from brexit and bring you some sports news. Some very happy brazilian players are smiling. Brazil have become the first nation to qualify for next years world cup in russia. With four games to go brazil are top of the South American qualifying table and they cant finish outside the top who qualify automatically. Columbia, uruguay and chile are in the top four automatic qualification places. Youll notice in fifth its argentina. That is a potential problem for the argentinians. Lets talk to Tulsen Tollett about this. I have not have a chance to look at this brazilian tea m a chance to look at this Brazilian Team in detail. They didnt have a good last world cup. I assume they have rebuilt since then . They certainly have. A new manager took over from luiz felipe scholari. They we re over from luiz felipe scholari. They were beaten 7 1 in the semifinal by germany and then they lost to the netherlands in the third and fourth play off match. The manager was sacked after last years copa america in the emerging states. To tow then took over, they have won eight ina tow then took over, they have won eight in a row and they are now points clear. Nine points clear. Coutinho of local picked up the first and then two goals coming in the second half. Of liverpool. Neymar captained the team in the evening, the barcelona forward picking up that. He missed the penalty as well. It was the real madrid vendor who picked up the third to send them nine points clear at the top. Defender. This comes about because of the routes surprise 2 i about because of the routes surprise 2 1 win over uruguay. Per rooms. For me it is down to tito, the manager, who took over lastjune, it is brilliant. Tito, the manager, who took over last june, it is brilliant. Tulsen, thank you. Madeira is a small portuguese island off the coast of morocco. Its where Christiano Ronaldo grew up. Much of his family still live there. Well, the airport has been renamed in his honour. The man himself was there. As was the portuguese president and Prime Minister. Impressive guest list for a change in an airports name. But the story has become about this. A bronze bust of ronaldo which has been unveiled out the front of the airport. Its been the butt of countless jokes the main point being it doesnt look like him. You be thejudge. You can compare and contrast. Ronaldo and the bust. I will leave you to decide what you think about that the World Surf League has released its contenders for wipe out of the year. They can all be filed under completely terrifying. This usas wilem banks in portugal. He comes unstuck at the top of that wave. All of these guys practice holding their breath because they get help down for several minutes as well as obviously having huge volumes of water. Great britains tom lowe in halfmoon bay in california. Another huge wipe out. Nathan florence, off the tasmanian coast in australia. Some of these waves are up to 23 metres high. Its its unimaginable even thinking about doing this, to be honest. This is australias danny griffiths. A huge wave. Again this is in nazare, portugal. This has the biggest waves to be served anywhere in the world, you get pulled right up and over the top of the lid. Chiles rafael tapia. Again in portugal. He is probably thinking of racking up he is probably thinking of racking up millions of youtube hits. The winner of wipe out of the year takes home 5000. Id be looking for more than that. The person that filmed it gets 2000. Easier money. The winner is announced in california next month. We might play it to you when we get the result. In a minute we will be live in washington to talk to Anthony Zurcher about the latest in the investigations of the russian interference in the us elections. A minutes silence has been held on Westminster Bridge to mark the moment Khalid Masood began his Terror Attack last week. Four people were killed. Daniela relph reports. Their anguish and pain so obvious. The family of the american victim, kurt cochran, came to westminster to remember. They mourned his loss together at the place where he was hit and thrown from the bridge. Kurt cochran was the first to be hit when the Vehicle Careered onto the pavement. Teacher aysha frade also died. She had two children. Leslie rhodes was also killed on the bridge, he was 75 years old. The final victim was pc keith palmer. He died despite the desperate efforts to save him. Earlier, at exactly 2 40pm, the moment the attack began a week ago, the familyjoined others on the bridge whose lives had changed last wednesday. They included Andrei Burnaz from romania, who suffered a broken foot in the attack. His girlfriend Andreea Cristea was hit by the car and thrown from the bridge. She remains in hospital in a critical but stable conditions. Doctors, nurses and Ambulance Crews were also in westminster, with schoolchildren and representatives of different faith groups. They stopped in silence and solidarity. The memories of last week will have been particularly raw for the metropolitan police officers. A group who had lost a one of their own. They recalled the sacrifice of pc keith palmer. This afternoon is about remembering the victims of last weeks events. Our thoughts and prayers go out to everyone who was affected by the events last week. It was a moment of calm after the chaos here of exactly one week ago. It was also a united front against the horror and violence of the attack. Today, inquests opened into the deaths of three of those killed. It was also announced there would be two separate reviews of security following the westminster attack. But this afternoon was about an act of remembrance, a chance for londoners to stand together. Daniela relph, bbc news, Westminster Bridge. Im ros atkins, Thanks Forjoining me an 0utside source. 0ur Lead Story Is Britain has formally notified the eu of its decision to leave. Theresa may called it an historic moment from which there can be no turning back. I want to return to the investigations into alleged russian interference in the 2016 us election and president trumps allegation that barack 0bama had him wiretapped. Thats become more controversial because this man, devin nunes who oversees the House Of Representatives investigations is accused of inappropriately assisting the white house something he denies. The new development involves these two men. They are are running their own separate investigation for the senate the upper house. Heres some of what they said today. The mission of the committee is to look at any Campaign Contacts from either with russian government, russian government officials that might have influenced in anyway, shape orform might have influenced in anyway, shape or form the election process. Lets bring in Anthony Zurcher. Im confused, how can this and House Of Representatives need their own a p pa re ntly representatives need their own apparently quite similar investigations . Well, that is the way congress works, they are intelligent committees in both chambers of congress, People Who Wa Nt to chambers of congress, people who want to be involved in both chambers of congress so they are going to follow their own tracks. With all the attention focused on to the House Intelligence Committee it is easy to forget that the Intelligence Committee has been grinding away simple the beginning of this, rational term. Staffers are poring over thousands of pages and planning on calling 20 witnesses to be interviewed privately. They will possibly have their own public hearings with james comey, fbi director, and will reach their own conclusions. Is this a plate by the senate to get more responsibility against the other committee . The best that the House Committee has developed into with the allegations around nunez coordinating with the Trump White House and adam schiff, the democrat, calling for an independent investigation, it is logical that the senate Intelligence Committee tried to step in and seem like the big boys in this equation. Generally the senate is last partisan than the House Of Representatives. I think they have made a conscious effort to downplay partisanship today, to be seen, operating and to be working together in order to reach some kind of conclusions. To be seen, operating. Now, i just want to turn to the congress and a vote on tuesday that repeals a law meaning us Internet Service yesterday Donald Trumps reversed us policies aimed at slowing Climate Change. Also this week, china has reiterated its commitment to the paris Climate Change accord. The us is also a signatory. Heres a chinese spokesman on the obligations all countries have. Translation no matter how other countries policies on Climate Change change, as a responsible, large developing country, chinas resolve, aims and policy moves in dealing with Climate Change will not change. We are willing to work with the International Community to strengthen dialogue and cooperation, tojoin hands to promote the process of tackling Climate Change to jointly promote green, low Carbon Sustainable Development for the whole world, to create an even Better Future for the next generation. In the us there are big divisions between science and politics. The Scientific Community is trying to find new ways to break political barriers and reach the american public. Nada tawfik sent this report. Scientists have made a New Discovery that you can ignore politics but politics wont ignore you. That you can ignore politics but politics wont ignore you. Were going to cancel the Paris Climate agreement and stop all payments of the United States tax dollars to un global programmes. The public really do feel like their worldviews and mindsets are not being reflected in the science that has been put out there. Instead of changing the world with your mindset, they are doubting the fact. Conservative voters particularly concerned scientists, for that group trust in Scientific Research is actually on a a0 year low. How can scientists change that . I would love to see 20 of congress a double of scientists and engineers, i think we would have a very different approach to governing if we didnt have that made up of. Rather than waiting for a seat at the table, they are going after it. A Political Action committee was started to train scientists to run for office. It can be a challenge for office. It can be a challenge for scientists to communicate with the general public. We are working with our candidates to help facilitate that as well. But how many would actually be interested . It turns out, a lot. 3000 have already signed up for training. We have a lot of people in congress right now. The government went straight into Public Policy with no expertise into any area whatsoever. I think we need more politicians that go off on a track when they need and expertise in an area, whether it is medicine, science, agriculture, anything, and then comment with that knowledge and be able to make sound Public Policy. Thats the long game. But to put science at the centre of political conversation now, they are taking a page from the womens march. Conversation now, they are taking a page from the womens march. As a scientist and knowing a lot of scientists, it is embarrassing it took so long for people to mobilise. I think things got more dramatic in the last month. Caroline turned to twitter to organise a march for science in april. Injust twitter to organise a march for science in april. In just four hours, ten followers turned into 30,000, and now over 220 cities are planning marches of their own. 0bviously planning marches of their own. Obviously it would be great if it was an enormous crowd. But what is most important is that it is not just about kind of the politicians or the representative seeing it, it is about the people who are actually doing the march and the idea that he was around by people who kind of share this concern about the lack of evidence based policy but also just this passion for science. We have just got a tweet from apple, who is watching on bbc news channel in the uk. Now that article 50 has been started, can you go back to using feet instead of metres when youve described the waves in your Surfing Reports these negotiations for brexit of early important, but whether we use feet or metres will just be decided by those of us here at the bbc regardless of whether the uk is in the European Union or not. Thanks for all your questions. I will be back tomorrow at the same time. See you then. Bye bye. Hello there. There is the promise of some settled weather as we head into next week. Just recently though we have seen the Wind Direction changing to more of a southerly wind, drawing cup warmer air. Changing to more of a southerly wind, drawing cup warmerair. In order to achieve the highest temperatures we need to break the cloud and have more sunshine. This was where the warmer and drier was earlier on, but that is moving northwards towards england and wales. Pushing away some of this cloud, which is bringing some rain. That cloud is still bringing rain at the moment. The rain clears away from the midlands and gets small, pushed up towards irish sea coastal areas, moving away from wales into North West England and southern scotland, allowing more sunshine to develop across much of england and wales. It may well be a warmer day across the north east of scotland thanks to the bus boy winds, compared to the last few days where we have had the breeze. More rain to come we have had the breeze. More rain to come thanks to the northerly winds. Into the afternoon the threat of rain on the Western Fringes of wales on the far south west of england. For much of england and wales we get brighter skies and sunshine and we could get up to 22 celsius, 72 fahrenheit. As we head into friday, the main focus of the Rainbow Shift away from Northern Ireland up into scotland. Behind that to the south the main focus of the shift. We do not have much. We have more in the way of sunshine following on behind. Although it is fresher air, we change the Wind Direction to a certain extent and it will feel pleasant in the sunshine. This weekend will be a weekend of two halves. Showers on saturday degrees the new month, a Chilly Night On Saturday night and sunday looks like being the driest day of the two. The wind is not strong on saturday, the showers are going to hang around well. A bit hit and miss perhaps, but there could be heavy ones in there. Get some sunshine and its pleasantly warm. Those showers get pushed away by this short lived area of High Pressure that is building up from the south. That will serve all things down on sunday. A much drier day on sunday. That will stuff all things down. A bright day with some sunshine, pleasa ntly a bright day with some sunshine, pleasantly warm, i6 a bright day with some sunshine, pleasantly warm, 16 or maybe 17 degrees. The far north west, later on in the day, will see more cloud and strengthening wind as a chance of some rain. That is on the weather system, coming into the area of High Pressure cling on across england and wales. Movement of the band of rain is going to be painfully slow. Its going to be across western scotland, Northern Ireland, that we see most of the rain on of it, difficult to know how much sunshine there will be. We have still got some warm air. 16 or 17 degrees again quite likely, good for this time of year. Into the outlook, the band of Rain Pushing South eastwards across the uk. Not bad rain in the south east, continuing to be largely dry. High pressure building in from the atlantic. This is the settled weather that i promised you. High pressure building across the uk, centred more across the southern half of the uk. Dry weather, some sunshine, some cloud. Shouldnt be too cold at night and should be pleasa ntly warm too cold at night and should be pleasantly warm this time of year in the sunshine. Edition of the high as usual is crucial, because to the north of the high around the top of it we have got more of this Atlantic Wind affecting scotland in particular, blowing in cloudy skies. The other side of the mountains, more sunshine and warm. That is what we call the third effect. You can find out more details about that online. Goodbye. Tonight at 10 were at westminster, on the day the United Kingdom started the process of leaving the European Union. Britains ambassador in brussels handed over theresa mays letter to the president of the European Council at lunchtime today. The Prime Minister told mps that there would be consequences in leaving the European Union, but she was aiming for a smooth and orderly brexit. Britain is leaving the European Union. We are going to make our own decisions and our own laws. We are going to take control of the things that matter most to us. In brussels, the eus Negotiating Team declared itself ready for the challenge ahead amid promises of a united front. Brexit has made us the community of 27 more determined and more united than before. Well be in dover, which voted strongly to leave the eu,

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