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The us State Department. That wouldnt normally be headline news. But lets talk to Barbara Plett usher and she can explain, hi barbara, that this is an event of note. Yes, its the first briefing that the State Department has had in six weeks. We used to get them every single day. Even in between transition administrations, theres been a hiatus of a few days. The place was packed. As you can imagine, there were questions about why the State Department had been silent for so long. The Spokesman Mark Toner put it up to the administration finding its sea legs, he said. Presumably that means that the Secretary Of State was coming up to speed with the department and coming up to speed with the white house. Mr toner said he contacted white house regularly and was building relationships with his foreign counterparts etc, so he was busy. He didnt really address the glaring lack of public diplomacy. Even more so, there were a lot of questions about the State Department budget, because mr trump wants to cut it. Up to 37 , which is a lot. That would not only be just the State Department but foreign aid. Here mr toner talked about the Secretary Of State wanting to defend diplomacy, looking at ways to resource the State Department. He also used words like reassess, reevaluate, efficiencies, avoid duplications that kind of discussion about budget cuts, frankly. That was quite a measured tone, i thought, frankly. That was quite a measured tone, ithought, given frankly. That was quite a measured tone, i thought, given some of the very strong opposition to the budget cuts from former diplomats who say if you cut us soft power thats a threat to National Security. You mention mark toner, lets listen to some of the things you heard him say. The State Department got a lot of tough questions. The toughest we re of tough questions. The toughest were probably on iran and this revised travel ban that was released yesterday. Let Mejust Revised Travel Ban that was released yesterday. Let me just revisit this. My point about all of this is i understand the power of people to people exchanges and having iranians come to this country and experience this country and the Cultural Exchange that entails and the broader goodwill that can build. But i think before all of that, we have to put the safety and security of the american people. Its because of that, that they would have been added to this list. What did you make of that . Well, he really got a push back on the whole logic behind the travel ban. It was very much focussed on iran. A lot of the people affected are iranians. Iran is not like a lot of the other countries on the list of banned countries. Its not a failed state. Its not a state in perpetual conflict which has lost control of its databases conflict which has lost control of its data bases or cant conflict which has lost control of its databases or cant control its borders. It is a rival to the us, an enemy perceived by many as such. The policy of the former administration was engagement. This is a real change. As many here know, a lot of citizens of iran dont necessarily support their government so why punish them for the policies of their government . Mr toner stuck to their government . Mr toner stuck to the line. He says look, its on the list of states that sponsor terrorism. It has shown to be able to export terrorism. This is about the security of the american people, but interestingly he was asked, is this about iran Getting Better Vetting Procedures in place, which is what the line about the travel ban is or is it about coming off the state sponsors of terrorists list, a whole other issue . He wasnt really able to answer that. The next clip i wa nt to able to answer that. The next clip i want to play concerns south korea, oi want to play concerns south korea, or the Korean Peninsula really. Theres been a deployment by america ofan theres been a deployment by america of an antimissile system in south korea. Lets hear the response to questions about that. Weve been very clear in our conversation was china that this is not meant to be a threat and its not a threat to them oi threat and its not a threat to them orany threat and its not a threat to them or any other power in the region. It isa or any other power in the region. It is a defensive system. It is in place, or it will be in place, because of north koreas provocative behaviour. This is the latest evidence that the Trump Administration doesnt seem overly concerned about upsetting the chinese. Yes, perhaps that, but also i think its evidence of the sense of the growing threat from north korea. This is something that mr toner really emphasised as well. Also the white house has been emphasising this stepped up activity of Ballistic Missile tests, which makes people in the region, also the americans, worry about being targeted by north korea, its ability to hit them. This Ballistic Missile defence system has been in the works for a long time. Its being moved in now, according to the State Department, because of this increased activities and as mr toner was saying, its defensive. Its not meant to be a threat to china. China worried about the powerful radars, it sees that as a threat. This was brought up a lot in the briefing today because Secretary Tillerson is going to asia next week, visiting china,japan, going to asia next week, visiting china, japan, south korea. North korea will be a big topic. That will be the message to china this is not a threat to you. The message will be, how can we come up with new ways of looking at how to deal with this growing north korean threat. Mr toner said they were looking at tougher sanctions. They were looking at implementing existing sanctions. That was a message to china. China is key in that. Other options are being examined as well, though he didnt say what they are. The fact that mr tillerson is going to asia next week shows the priority of the Trump Administration on dealing with this issue. Im trying to understand how the State Department fits into the Trump Administration more broadly. Did you feel this was a department in sync with the white house . Its difficult to say. As sa if house . Its difficult to say. As saif said before, this is the first real Public Exchange weve had in six weeks. We have met, some of us have met Off The Record with mr tillerson, exchanged ideas. But hes been very quiet. The department has been very quiet. The department has been very quiet. The department is not staffed up. There are 118 senior position thats need to be filled. Two of them have been filled. Thats very key with the state Department Working together with the white house and determining whether it is in sync with the white house. Its difficult to say. I think the bigger question right now that we have here is how much influence does the State Department have on the white house oi department have on the white house orjust even in Policy Discussions amongst the different agencies. You no, the pentagon, the white house, the National Security council, the State Department. These are all groups that Work Together onness sta b groups that Work Together onness stab lirk foreign policy. Because the State Department has been so, at least, publicly absent, we cant get a feel for it. It looks, on the face of it, that it doesnt have much of a say. Mr toner said that the Secretary Of State did have regular contact, personally, with the president and with people at the white house. But there is a whole issue of the State Department as a whole being used and publicly setting forth its agenda and being involved in the debate here in washington and that hasnt happened. Thank you. We look forward to the Second Press Conference of the Trump Administration from mr trumps State Department. Time for sport. If youre an arsenal fan, you may want to look away now. Arsenal against bayern munich, second leg of the last 16 tie. Olly foster is with us. Each time i kept checking the bbc live page, the score had changed. Yeah theyve been busy here. Waiting for the trump press c0 nfe re nce busy here. Waiting for the Trump Press Conference with much anticipation. The final whistle has gone at the emirates. Arsenal have been knocked out of europe, once again, for the third time in five seasons by bayern munich. Always likely because they got thrashed three weeks ago 5 1, in the first leg. Bayern munich have beaten arsenal again 5 1 at the emirates. That is Arsene Wengers biggest defeat at the emirates. They go out of europe 10 2 on aggregate. Absolutely humbled and humiliated, Arsene Wengers arsenal. I will give you the story of the match in a moment. Lots of placards out at the fulltime whistle asking, enough is enough, wenger out. This was a planned protest march saying much the same, before kickoff at the emirates this evening. Well, this is the story of the match. Can you believe, it arsenal had the lead at halftime. Theo walcott gave them the lead. Terrible defending from manuel neuer let one through at the near post. But colcielny who was injured, he was sent off. Goals followed from robben, costa. Bayern munich winning 51. That robben, costa. Bayern munich winning 5 1. That is robben, costa. Bayern munich winning 51. That is 102 robben, costa. Bayern munich winning 5 1. That is 10 2 on aggregate to them. Arsenal out and we wait to hear from arsene them. Arsenal out and we wait to hearfrom arsene wenger, them. Arsenal out and we wait to hear from arsene wenger, because since they lost in that first leg, it has been a miserable month or so for arsene wenger. Remember, it has been a miserable month or so forarsene wenger. Remember, he it has been a miserable month or so for arsene wenger. Remember, he was going to say exactly what his future held after what 20 odd years at the gunners, over 20 years. Held after what 20 odd years at the gunners, over20 years. I held after what 20 odd years at the gunners, over 20 years. I think that could be it for arsene wenger. How do you come back from that . Also 3 1 to real madrid against napoli in the other tie. They go through, the holders, 6 2 on aggregate. Thank you very much. While olly was speaking, i spotted this tweet from arsenal. This was a little bit earlier in the match. Saying thats exactly the start we needed. They went 1 0 up. Not sure what the twitter account has said since then. Lets talk about cycling. The furore around the delivery of a package to sir Bradley Wiggins in 2011 continues. This is a letter to a british mp from the head of team sky, Dave Brailsford. In it he admits mistakes were made around the delivery. Hes denied that the team broke anti doping rules. He went on to say regrettably those mistakes mean that we have not been able to provide the complete set of records that we should have. We accept full responsibility for this. Its also worth noting a number of Team Sky Riders have been tweeting support. It shouldnt need saying, but we all back Dave Brailsford100 . It shouldnt need saying, but we all back Dave Brailsford 100 . That looked like it was a coordinated push. A number of riders tweeted in a small space of time. It looks like some people, perhaps, didnt get the memo. Because chris froome, the leader of team sky, the man who won the Tour De France last year was tweeting about an amazing dinner about a restaurant in cape town. He didnt mention anything to do with Dave Brailsford. By the way, this is also interesting, i spotted this. Dan roan, the bbc Sports Editor messaging the chairman of team sky. Please can i ask if youre disappointed chris froome is yet to tweet a ny disappointed chris froome is yet to tweet any support for Dave Brailsford . I keep checking but no reply yet. Next the Brazilian Football Club which is on its first foreign trip after a plane crash killed most of the first team. Theyre playing against a venezuelan team. Heres their coach describing what the trip means to the club. Translation the most important thing is that we will play in copa liabertores, where the best teams of Previous Year always return. I hope we can be a big team in such a big competition. We know the difficulty was for us to stand again, to rebuild the team. What is at stake is much more than a simple match. What is at stake is the Continuity Ofa what is at stake is the continuity of a team that passed through a very difficult moment and is now standing again. I wanted to show you this. This is a clip from a game in brazil, featuring a game called commercial fc. Theyve just conceded a goal. If we play on the video. Youll see theyre about to kick off. Concentrate on this man who walks to the side and this guy who is about to do something special. There was no time to wait for the equaliser. So he just there was no time to wait for the equaliser. So hejust did it straight away. Pretty good, huh . Let me play you the whole thing. It bears quite a few viewings that one. A beautiful strike. They went one. A beautiful strike. They went on to win the game 4 1. It obviously inspired everyone. Coming up, were going to look at pollution in los angeles. Theres been a huge survey ofa angeles. Theres been a huge survey of a thousand cities around the world and its been found that, this wont come as a surprise, it has the worst rush hour traffic of any of those thousand cities. Were looking at what thats doing to air pollution. Tomorrow the Lawyer Acting on behalf of the azidis, dyazidis will ask the un to begin an investigation for the crime of genocide. The wife of the Actor George Clooney told fiona bruce why the cause is so important to her. I have been to refuges in germany and ive interviewed former Child Soldiers and young girls who we re Child Soldiers and young girls who were raped and enslaved by isis. Its been the most harrowing testimony ive ever heard. We know its genocide. The un has said so. Isis is trying to destroy them as a group. We are allowing it to happen without actually calling isis to account. What do you think can be done practically to bring Islamic State to justice . The first step that should be taken is for evidence to be collected on the ground. We know that its disappearing. There are mass graves that are being discovered, just a few days ago in mosul, a huge mass grave which is thought to have 4,000 bodies in it. Isis is a big bureaucracy believe it oi isis is a big bureaucracy believe it or not, theyre leaving behind documents. You need to collect dna and phone records. None of that is being done at the moment. Youre going to the un this week. What are you going to be saying there . Im addressing the un on the issue of accountability and saying something needs to be done. Why do you think theyre not doing it . This is exactly the question that ill be posing to member states. Im going to ask them are the crimes not serious enough for you to investigate . That cant be it, this is genocide. Do you think that theres no evidence for you to collect . Thats not right either. There are mass graves whose locations are known, you can start there. The fact that you are now not just a human rights lawyer, you are known because of your marriage to one of hollywoods biggest stars, does that help in terms of giving you a bigger platform and getting more people to listen to you . Lots of my work takes place Behind Closed Doors and that is not ever seen. I think if there are more people who now understand whats happening about the yazidis and isis, then i think its a really good thing to give that case the extra publicity that it may get. But, you know, if you dont have a good case, and you dont have a good message, shining a light on it wont get you very far. This is outside source. Wikileaks has published thousands of documents which it says contained doe tails of details of Hacking Methods used by the cia. I should say theres been no confirmation of those claims by wikileaks. Its yet to be confirmed by the cia or any media outlets. The fallout between north korea and malaysia over the murder of Kimjock Nap Has na jong nam has intensified. The malaysian Prime Minister has responded saying, this is an abhorrent act holding our citizens hostage. Its in total disregard of all international law. He enforced the exact same order on north koreans in malaysia. Its estimated there are 11 malaysians in north korea. And up to a thousand north korea. And up to a Thousand North Koreans in malaysia. Ive been speaking to Michael Bristow to get his analysis on whether this is legal from either country . Its perhaps not legal but whos to stop north korea . Over perhaps not legal but whos to stop north korea . Over the perhaps not legal but whos to stop north korea . Over the years its done things to contravene nuclear sanctions, Missile Tests and launches, its got away from them. It might not be legal, but it might not matter. North korea wants to put pressure on malaysia, conducting an investigation into the death of the half brother of the north korean leader, who was killed, Kuala Lumpur Airport in the middle of february by airport in the middle of february by a nerve agent wiped on his face by two women. North korea wants pressure on that investigation. Its not happy with how malaysia is doing it. By Holding Malaysian citizens effectively hostage in north korea, it is putting that pressure on malaysia. What would it like to be different about the investigation . Whats the outcome it would like to achieve from the pressure . Its difficult to say. Because north koreas a secretive state. It doesnt really say what it wants. Essentially it doesnt like the postmortem examination verdict, results which said that kim jong nam was killed by a nerve agent. It suggests that he was perhaps died of a heart attack, which would lead people to suspect it was natural causes, there wasnt a conspiracy to kill him in the first place. It would lead people not to point the finger at north korea. Essentially, they want people not to say that they want people not to say that they killed this half brother, but of course, they havent said that publicly. The us has announced its begun deploying a Missile Defence system to south korea. This is it, the terminal High Altitude area defence system or thud. China is not happy about this. Translation we oppose the deployment of this in south korea. We are definitely taking necessary measures to safeguard our own security interests. China has expressed its position to the us and south korea on many occasions, through multiple channels. Heres michael on that story. Its political really. By deploying this defence shield in south korea, advanced weaponry, even though its defensive, its aimed at counteracting any potential attack from north korea, china doesnt like it. Its on its own doorstep. It believes it tilts the Balance Of Power in asia. It shows americas commitment towards south korea and commitment towards south korea and commitment towards south korea and commitment to east asia. It doesnt wa nt commitment to east asia. It doesnt want america pouring in more arms and men into the region. It wants to push them away. That is essentially why its angry about this thing. Yesterday we were talking about north korea launching four Ballistic Missiles towards the sea of japan. We were saying three of them fell into what is called japans exclusive economic zone. You can see that area highlighted, marked in white and marked in red. The japanese Prime Minister had responded to those missiles by saying, this clearly shows north korea has entered a new stage of threat. Well, lets assess that claim with the bbc reality check. First of all, has a north Korean Missile travelled this close to japan before . Well, it has. It happened last august. You can see the bbc reporting on it online. Second, has north koreas weaponry become more advanced . We dont know what type of missiles were used. This is the picture the north koreans released of the launch. Many experts believe the missiles are likely to have been medium range, which wouldnt suggest north korea has advanced its capabilities. But all four were fired at the same time. According to Mark Fitzpatrick from the International Institute of strategic studies, that is significant. The latest tests yesterday werent a new system. They we re yesterday werent a new system. They were a well tested system. But the fa ct were a well tested system. But the fact that they fired a salvo of four at once shows a good skill at combination firing. And that they we re combination firing. And that they were directed against japan, combination firing. And that they were directed againstjapan, into japans exclusive economic zone. What they even said that they were directed against american bases in japan. Thats pretty threatening. Id say thats a lightening of the threat, yes. It appears the Military Threat, yes. It appears the Military Threat from north cee to its neighbours has north korea to its neighbours has north korea to its neighbours has north korea to its neighbours has increased even if the following is not new. Next, a report from james cook, our correspondent in los angeles, which isa correspondent in los angeles, which is a city that out of a thousand looked at in a survey has been found to have the worst rush hour. James has been looking at how that impacts on air quality the city of angels is bedevilled by traffic. Every year commuters here spend more than 100 hours going nowhere in Rush Hourjams as bad as this looks right now, with every passing hour its going to get worse. Eeconomists reckon it costs la 10 billion annually. Now technology is fighting back. Were looking at the road network in los angeles. Looking at the road network in los angeles. This company uses live data from 300 million cars around the world to Poipt Drivers in the right direction point. Increasingly the information it gathers in this control room is used to shape policy too. Instead of building an entirely new highway, maybe its targeted investment, targeted spending in bottle necks, targeted spending in bottle necks, targeted spending in bottle necks, targeted spending on Solutions Like smarter parking or intelligent traffic signals. With the data we collect Public Officials can customise what has the maximum Bang For The Buck in their cities. All of which sounds a long way from this. I which sounds a long way from this. Iget which sounds a long way from this. I get around. Which sounds a long way from this. I getaround. Las which sounds a long way from this. I get around. Las love affair with the car is the stuff of legend. Free wheeling lifestyle had a deadly result. From the 50s to the 70s smog choked this city causing premature deaths. The outlook now is much brighter. Modern day california has some of the toughest Emissions Standards in the world and smog has been vastly reduced. But theres still work to do. Our air quality is nowhere near where it needs to be. Its still not healthy to breathe on perhaps 100 or more days every year. Essentially, los angeles and the greater surrounding area still has the worst air quality in the united states. Public transport is part of the answer, compared to other big cities, the la metro is quiet in rush hour. Its becoming more popularfor rush hour. Its becoming more popular for a rush hour. Its becoming more popularfor a sum rush hour. Its becoming more popular for a sum pull reason. Because traffic is totally insane. Traffic. Because of the traffic. Too much traffic. The traffics horrible. Horrible. Iwould be sitting in traffic for like hours instead. So i take the subway. More from the bbc, so i can breathe series tomorrow. Thanks for watching. Bye bye. Hello, this is the forecast that doesnt just look at this weeks weather, but goes into next week too. And next week, were becoming more certain that High Pressure will settle things down for a time. Were not sure how long things will be settled and the influence of the High Pressure in terms of temperature. We analyse the reasons for that uncertainty by looking at Computer Model forecasts in a moment. This week its all about low pressure. Low pressure for wednesday is anchored to the north of scotland. You have Gale Force Winds here with plenty of showers. Theres a trailing Weather Front across southern parts of the uk, with clouds and outbreaks of the uk. Northern ireland, Northern England and southern scotland its dry and fairly sunny. There is a flow of mild aircoming ourway. Fairly sunny. There is a flow of mild air coming our way. So widely temperatures in double figures. Showers easing in northern scotland on thursday. Not so much rain in the far south of england, though some into the south west. Many places dry and bright and mild. Into the south west. Many places dry and brightand mild. Friday into the south west. Many places dry and bright and mild. Friday we take some cloud and rain northwards, plenty of cloud even behind that, but its still mild, just not as much sunshine. Heres The Big Picture going into the weekend low pressure for you. Still Weather Fronts coming our way. Initially on a flow of mild air. Breezy to windy on saturday. Bands of wet weather moving through. Drier slots in between. And its still initially quite mild. It could well be that Saturday Night is clearer and colder. Sunday temperatures have come down a few degrees and again, another spell of wet weather moving through or showers around. The weekend is unsettled, low pressure in control. Back to the thoughts about High Pressure. The picture going into the start of next week, High Pressure the Azores High Building in the atlantic to the west of us and beginning to topple over the uk. Thats the settle down process into the start of next week. So, you could see A Touch Of Frost overnight. By day variable cloud and sunny spells. Were becoming more certain about that. Less certain about how long that High Pressures going to stick around. To illustrate that i want to show you different Computer Model forecasts into next week, particularly wednesday. Computer models churn out these forecasts based on analysis of the atmosphere now using equations, project that into the future. Thats how we come into the longer range forecasts. Here is one, middle of the week looks similar with High Pressure close by and a similar position to the start of the week. If this comes off, temperatures will be close to average. Many places will be dry still. Heres another one, well High Pressure is closer to the uk. If this were to come off, it would be spring like and mild. But to the far north west of the uk, low pressure close by, rain bearing Weather Fronts may have an impact. Heres another one, same period. It is completely different. The High Pressure in scandinavia. Around that there could be a flow of colder air coming in towards at least the south and east of the uk. To the north west still clo to low pressure. Three close to low pressure. Three close to low pressure. If these were all the same, we say yeah, thats going to happen. Theyre same, we say yeah, thats going to happen. They re not. Same, we say yeah, thats going to happen. Theyre not. There is uncertainty into the second half of next week. What can we say about next week. What can we say about next weeks weather . High pressure, all of those had them nearby. So drierfor many all of those had them nearby. So drier for many of us compared with this week. Temperatures still open to question. Thats a look at the weather for next week. Lots of questions. We do eventually answer them, wejust questions. We do eventually answer them, we just have to become questions. We do eventually answer them, wejust have to become more certain. Tonight at ten, the government suffers a second defeat on its brexit bill in the house of lords. In a tense three hour debate in a packed chamber, peers eventually voted for a meaningful parliamentary vote on the final deal to leave the eu. Contents, 366. Not contents, 268, so the contents have it. The onlookers from the commons included brexit ministers, as peers debated the main amendment. It ensures that parliament has the Critical Role in determining the future that we will bequeath to generations of young people. This house is absolutely full of people who still havent come to terms with the results of the referendum. Well be asking how the vote could affect the prime

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