Transcripts For BBCNEWS Outside Source 20170221 : comparemel

Transcripts For BBCNEWS Outside Source 20170221

the frontrunners has come to london to court french voters. welcome to the programme. the trump administration has issued tough new guidelines on immigration in two memos. you can find them online. this is one, enforcement of the immigration laws to serve the national interest. let me bring you a picture about the implementation of that plan. they are designed to widen the net for deporting illegal in from the united states and speed up in from the united states and speed up their removal. let's bring in the bbc's up their removal. let's bring in the bbc‘s correspondent in washington. i suppose a lot of people will be wondering exactly how this is different from what went before with the obama administration? what the obama administration focused on was on detaining and deporting individuals caught early on within two weeks of crossing the border and within 100 two weeks of crossing the border and within100 miles of the order and expediting deportation of them. here, this says that anyone found anywhere within two years of entering the us is eligible for expedited deportation. the obama administration also focused on workers convicted of serious crimes. but this donald trump memorandum says it is notjust people who have committed crimes, but people charged with crimes, people who have committed offences that they could be charged with, in addition to people who have abused public benefits or anyone that immigration officials deemed a threat to national or public safety. so it is much more sweeping. they are going to deputise local police officers to help them enforce immigration law. they are also talking about hiring up they are also talking about hiring up to 10,000 new border agents. this isa up to 10,000 new border agents. this is a much more broad enforcement of immigration law everywhere in the us and not just along immigration law everywhere in the us and notjust along the borders. when you talk about those numbers, surely you talk about those numbers, surely you would have to get congressional improvement for the funding for those thousands of new positions? right, and one of the things the memorandum has said is that the department of homeland security is going to be putting in budget requests going to be putting in budget req u ests to going to be putting in budget requests to get more funding. they have some flexibility over spending. they have some authorisation to hire people to increase border performance. —— enforcement. the barack obama administration decided not to use that programme. the way the obama people talked about it was that they had to decide, because there are 11 million undocumented people in the country, they have to focus on a certain subset. but donald trump wants to focus on illegal immigrants everywhere and they need the resources to do that. anthony, stay with us, because there are other issues to do with us president donald trump. today he just condemning threats against jewish communities and community centres in the united states. let's listen to him speaking earlier. this tour was a meaningful reminder of how we have to fight bigotry, intolerance and hatred in all of its ugly forms. the anti—semitic threats targeting ourjewish community and community centres are horrible, and painful, and a sad reminder of the work that still must be done to root out hate and prejudice and evil. mr trump is echoing what his daughter was tweeting. schir ivanka trump has converted tojudaism. they are both referring to the fact that since the beginning of the year, there have been reports of threats to jewish centres year, there have been reports of threats tojewish centres in 19 states. just last week, there were 27 jewish community states. just last week, there were 27jewish community centres that reported receiving hoax bomb threats. on monday, 11 more. no bombs were found at any of the locations. another example is in st louis in missouri. they have opened an investigation into 170 headstones that were damaged at a jewish cemetery. let's bring anthony back in to speak to us on these issues. why do you think trump has decided to make the statements today? they have been getting a lot of pressure in the last few days to come out more aggressively against these threats to jewish more aggressively against these threats tojewish community centres. you have to view it in the context of what happened last week, which was that donald trump was asked twice during press conferences to condemn anti—semitism. the first time, he dodged and talked about his electoral college victory. the second time, he got a lid on towards the reporter asking and told her to be quiet —— he got belligerence. people within thejewish community look back and see the way donald trump conducted his campaign and some of the supporters who were what nationalists and engaged in some anti—semitic rhetoric. they also looked at early in his administration, when they sent out a press release talking about the holocaust and not mentioning jews or anti—semitism. they see it as a pattern but they wanted the trump administration to come out more aggressively and to condemn anti—semitism, although they do not necessarily think he's doing enough even with that. thanks for speaking to us. let's move on to a new study which has revealed thousands of oil and gas builds at fracking projects across america. research has found more than 6500 incidents between 2005 and 2014. they looked at four states, pennsylvania, new mexico, colorado and north dakota. 70% of the spillages were reported in north da kota. the spillages were reported in north dakota. they had so many sites in that area but environmentalists say spills can contaminate water sources and damage the environment. i spoke with the bbc‘s environment correspondent for more on this. there has been an oil boom, but the rules on spills in north dakota are different from other states. 16% of their wells are leaking every year. other states have to have much bigger spills before they have to report it. small spills in north da kota report it. small spills in north dakota have to be reported. but they are not being reported in other states. so it may not be a true measure of what is happening. why those four states? those four states are prominent in fracking for oil and gas, but they also have the better records. the difference between this and other studies is that this looked at the long term. others have just looked at the fracking process, oftenjust a couple of weeks when people put the drill in the ground and start cracking the rocks. this looked over the lifetime of the well and they found much more spills coming from the liquid containers, notjust the well itself. will the report make a difference? it will raise concern. it has been an area of great difficulty for different states to understand what is going on. scientists are calling for a uniform way of measuring this across all states. let me turn to the head of the environmental protection agency, scott pruitt, a controversial nomination by us president donald trump. he is speaking today. what is top of the agenda? as you say, perhaps the most controversial appointment in the history of the epa. 800 former staff members wrote to the senator, saying, don't appoint this guy. top of his agenda is to reduce the role of the epa. when he was attorney general of oklahoma, he sued the epa more than a dozen times, so here's a poacher turned gamekeeper and he has been setting out his thoughts today on what the epa should look like. he has been striking a conciliatory note and saying you have to listen. but people are worried that really, there are big changes coming. what do you think are some of the issue is particularly held by the obama administration that mr trump might wa nt to administration that mr trump might want to roll back? there are two issues clearly been reported on at the moment. one is called the waters of the us role, which many republicans see as an overreach of the epa, regulating areas they don't need to do. the other is the clean power plant. this was the centrepiece of president obama's attem pts centrepiece of president obama's atte m pts to centrepiece of president obama's attempts to reduce carbon emissions from the us. it is likely that president trump and scott pruitt will want to overturn this. us president donald trump is expected to sign an order which will lift a ban on mining for coal. throughout his campaign, he was clear that he wa nted his campaign, he was clear that he wanted to bring back coal—mining jobs to the united states, but is that a pledge he can fulfil? the bbc's that a pledge he can fulfil? the bbc‘s michelle fleury has gone to west virginia. this corner of west virginia is coal country, and after years of hardship, the people here are breathing a sigh of relief. at this mining repair company, donald trump's win has buoyed hopes of a coal revival. the day after the election, it was like we had won the super bowl. the confidence we had in the future was elevated. we had not seen the future was elevated. we had not seen that for quite a while. when obama came into office, he said there was a war on coal, and that is oui’ there was a war on coal, and that is our livelihood. and she is not alone. i met coal miner said over coffee and cake. west virginia has an opportunity now to stabilise and hopefully grow in the coal industry. that optimism is tempered by realism when to trump's pledged to bring back coaljobs. i don't think he can do everything he has promised. but he could cut back on regulators. he can get industry going again. the sense of optimism here is palpable, andi sense of optimism here is palpable, and i have also noticed an increase in activity since the last time i visited the region. but whilst there isa visited the region. but whilst there is a new man in the white house, the economic realities facing the industry have not changed. this graph helps explain coal‘s decline. in the past few years, demand for us coal has suffered because of an explosion in natural gas production and growing competition from renewa bles and growing competition from renewables such as wind and solar energy. scaling back environmental rules on the industry will not change this massive. not everyone is waiting for coal to come back, though. jamie adams is a former miner turned computer code. would you think of going back to the coal industry? i probably wouldn't. the uncertainty of worrying whether you will have a job the next day. couldn't do that again. back at mining repair specialists, staff numbers are back up to precrisis levels. we want to work. we don't wa nt levels. we want to work. we don't want hand—outs. levels. we want to work. we don't want hand-outs. people here don't necessarily believe donald trump can save us coal. for them, it's about having someone in the white house who will give the industry and the region a chance. still to come, we will bring you the latest on the french elections as contenders pop up in london and beirut to burnish their presidential credentials. merseyside police are searching for a convicted killer after he escaped custody while on a hospital visit in liverpool with the help of armed men. stuart flinders has more on shaun colin walmsley, who was serving a minimum of 30 years in walton prison. he was sentenced injune 2015 for murder with a recommended tariff of 30 years for the murder of anthony duffy, who died of multiple stab wounds. he was serving his sentence in liverpool. he was serving a sentence in liverpool when this afternoon, as you say, he was on a scheduled hospital appointment at the entry university hospital, and the appointment was over and he and two prison officers were getting into a car to return to the prison when two men confronted them. it is said that they were armed with a gun and a knife and a threatened the prison officers and demanded that walmsley be released. all three then disappeared in a gold coloured volvo. we are told that neither prison officer was hurt in this incident, but the three men are now missing. this is outside source, live from the bbc newsroom. our top story: the white house says it is empowering agents so they can remove any document of immigrants convicted of even a minor offence. let's document of immigrants convicted of ever at minor offence. let's take document of immigrants convicted of ever at what‘ offence. let's take document of immigrants convicted of ever at what our ence. let's take covering today. the in 595 has accused pro—moscoww ukraine has accused pro—moscow rebels of breaking a new ceasefire deal in the east of the country only hours after they started the truce. they say they have seen the residents of rebel forces pulling heavy weapons back from the line. that is on bbc ukraine. the bbc‘s other service reports that azerbaijan's president has appointed his wife to serve as first vice president. critics say this is an attempt to further tighten his grip on power in the oil—rich republic. a british man who died while carrying out a suicide bombing for so—called islamic state group in iraq has been identified as a former guantanamo bay dick cheney. this is a picture of abu—zakariya al—britani released by islamic state. the bbc understands his original name was ronald fiddler. he was a 50—year—old man from manchester. islamic state claims he detonated a car bomb at an iraqi base to the south of mosul. we found out his name by going through a recruitment document from 2014, when he crossed over the turkish border into syria using the name he had changed too. his original name was ronald fiddler. he then adopted an islamic name and later, he was given a kind of nickname, abu—zakariya al—britani, and that is the one that so—called is death as. he spent two years in guantanamo bay, a lot shorter than many people spend, but he was picked up many people spend, but he was picked up in pakistan in 2001 and handed over to the americans, extraordinarily rendered from kandahar to guantanamo bay. there, he cooperated with us interrogators. he told them how the taliban handle prisoners and he was cleared for release. a british newspaper said he was given £1 million, about $1.5 million, of compensation by the british government when he got out of guantanamo and back into uk society. but ten years later, he went off tojoin society. but ten years later, he went off to join so—called islamic state, saying, i don't know much about islam, but i want to be a fighter. that is interesting, that he only said he had a basic knowledge of islam. his age also struck me. 50 years old. knowledge of islam. his age also struck me. 50 years oldlj knowledge of islam. his age also struck me. 50 years old. i am sure that in a battle space, he was probably known as grandad, because thatis probably known as grandad, because that is old for a fighter. most of the western fighters who have gone tojoin, you're the western fighters who have gone to join, you're right, the western fighters who have gone tojoin, you're right, they tend to have a skin deep, very shallow knowledge of islam. theyjust want to fight. he ate 50 would have been 30 years older than most of them. an israeli soldier who killed a wounded palestinian attacker has been jailed for 18 months. this happened in hebron in the occupied west bank last march. two palestinian man attacked israeli soldiers with knives. this happened after one of the palestinians, abdel fattah al—sharif, is still alive. then the israeli soldier, elor azaria, al—sharif, is still alive. then the israeli soldier, elorazaria, comes up, circled in red. this is the moment before he shoots that wounded man in the head. the case has divided opinion in israel. let me bring you some of the people who we re bring you some of the people who were outside the court today. they we re were outside the court today. they were protesting in support of elor azaria, the israeli soldier. they we re azaria, the israeli soldier. they were demanding his release and condemning the trial. donnie dymond spoke to me about it earlier. for a lot of israelis, elor azaria was a young construct caught in a hostile military situation without clear orders from his commanding officers, who saw a friend of his being injured by a palestinian attacker and who snapped. the other side of the argument from the israeli defence force is that the army has a moral standing that needs to be upheld. but many israelis felt he should never have faced trial and should not have been found guilty of manslaughter and that he should not be facing 18 months in prison. those we re be facing 18 months in prison. those were represented by the small but vocal group of protesters that i spent much of the day with today in tel aviv. there are significant disquiet amongst israelis about the sentence. there is also enormous hostility from palestinians towards the sentence, because they see a very different situation. they see this as an example of what they say goes on the whole time, which is the israeli military over reacting and killing palestinian citizens, some of whom are involved in attacks, some of whom are potential attackers, but many of whom they say are badly treated by the military and suffer from what they would call trigger—happy attacks from israeli soldiers. do you feel there will be run again this is —— ramifications from this incident? there are definitely divisions in israeli society. it was a vigorous and at times bitter debate about what should happen to elor azaria and whether or not the prosecution should go ahead. the palestinians we re should go ahead. the palestinians were angry. there was a presumption that a good kick things off again and that the palestinians were so angry that it could turn into something, but that has not really happened. yes, there are palestinians who are upset, but i don't think it has changed anything on the ground. the palestinians are in the same position they were in before. the israelis are in the same position. the israeli defence force will be pleased that this case has concluded. the sentence is probably lighter than many expected. there will be an appeal. i don't think it is changing anything radically in the balance between israel and the palestinians. to be honest, you have a dead attacker, abdel fattah al—sharif. you have got elor azaria, who is going to prison, and the conflict between israelis and palestinians grinds on. the accountancy firm pwc has released its annual gender equality scorecard. iceland, sweden and norway were the standout winners. let's look at the graphic to show who got it better. pwc says the gap is closing and it could happen for the first time in poland within a decade. time to meet a businessman turned reality television star with his eyes set on politics. i am not speaking about the us president, i am talking about kevin o'leary, who some have dubbed canada's donald trump. he has just some have dubbed canada's donald trump. he hasjust announced his run to lead ca nada's trump. he hasjust announced his run to lead canada's conservative party. kevin o'leary is best known for his appearance on the american reality television show shark tank. the successful canadian businessman is now trying his hand at something different — politics, running for the leadership of canada's conservative party. a businessman turned reality star becoming a politician. sound familiar? it should. kevin o'leary is even being called canada's should. kevin o'leary is even being called ca nada's donald should. kevin o'leary is even being called canada's donald trump. there isa called canada's donald trump. there is a similarity. we have both gained notoriety on reality television, remarkably through the same producer, mark burnett. that is where it ends. i am a half lebanese, half irish immigrant. if there was a wall around canada, i wouldn't exist. his policies are not mine. yourformer exist. his policies are not mine. your former colleague exist. his policies are not mine. yourformer colleague on exist. his policies are not mine. your former colleague on dragons' den called you opportunistic and said that this leadership bid has to do with you seeking fame and attention. how do you respond to that? people are tired of politicians spinning them bs. there are done. they would like to hire an operator, someone are done. they would like to hire an operator, someone with execution of excellence that puts in place great people to perform and deliver results. you seem very aware of the populist wave that is through different countries. is that what is carrying you as well? i don't think it isa carrying you as well? i don't think it is a short—term phenomenon. the fa ct it is a short—term phenomenon. the fact that we are seeing this around the world, for different reasons, but the canadians have a choice now. do you want another politician, or would you prefer kevin o'leary? am not going to run this as usual. trudeau, i was very optimistic with, but now i realise along with many other canadians that he doesn't know what he's doing. the chance that i am going to let him plunge my country into 1.5 trillion of debt is zero. not a chance in hell. i am going to win the leadership. i will shine the light of transparency on him for the next two years, and then in 2019, we are going to have an exorcism. i am going to unwind everything he did. that is it for this half—hour of outside source. we have some windy weather on the way here in the uk over the next couple of days. firstly, let's look at the weather in indonesia. jakarta has picked up 144 millimetres of rain in the last 24 hours. it is because we have this line of showers, the into tropical convergence zone, which is a band of thunder that goes close to the equator, where the winds from the southern hemisphere bump into the winds from the northern hemisphere. in the next few days, the heaviest showers are working northwards. in australia, meanwhile, you can see this area of cloud across parts of queensland. that is ex—tropical cyclone albert, which will bring torrential bursts of rain. we are looking at 200 millimetres of rainfall during wednesday. in the south—east of australia in contrast, the wind is coming from the interior, so a warm day coming up in melbourne. mr new zealand should stay fine and dry, with warm summer sunshine. —— most of new zealand. on thursday, little overall change in new zealand, staying largely dry and sunny, but we have more of that wet weather to come in parts of queensland. turning fresher in melbourne. in europe at the moment, we have an era of low pressure that will be bringing windy weather to denmark and northern germany. gusts could reach 50 miles an hour. there will be a spell of snow in oslo, but turned back to rain. generally mild conditions across most of europe. let me draw your attention to this bump in the weather front to the west of the british isles. this is a developing storm system. it is going to bring windy weather our way. before we get there for wednesday, we have a band of rain overnight pushing across england and into wales. mile to the south, with temperatures stay in double figures. to the north of this, colder conditions. wednesday will be a windy day for the northern isles. gusts could reach 70 to 80 miles an hour and there will be further blustery showers coming and going. for wales, it will be pretty wet, with drops of rain crossing into the midlands and east anglia. still mild in the south, but the cooler air is hang on across the north. through wednesday night into thursday, this is where we will see the area of low pressure explode. a very powerful storm system will become doris. that will bring some windy weather to both wales and northern england. there will also be ill snow affecting scotland. matt taylor has the full forecast in half an hour. the white house says it is empowering agents so that they can move any undocumented immigrants convicted of even a minor offence. many immigration eight across us cities in recent days, the numbers facing deportation set to be much greater. —— many immigration raids. president donald trump has addressed anti—semitic threats. president donald trump has addressed anti-semitic threats. anti-semitic threats targeting ourjurist community and immunity centres are horrible. —— ourjewish community. we have a special report from albania looking at increasing numbers of people being trafficked across europe every year. and one of

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Taliban , Community Centres , Research , Oil , Gas , Fracking , Jewish Community , Thousands , Impact , One , Country , Prison , Soldier , Case , Israeli , Elections , Militant , French , Palestinian , 18 , Two , Programme , Frontrunners , Voters , Court French , London , Administration , Immigration , Enforcement , Memos , Guidelines , Us , Removal , Picture , Interest , Plan , Speed Up , Immigration Laws , Implementation , Net , Deporting Illegal In , People , Lot , President Obama , Bbc , Correspondent , Washington , Deportation , Order , Anyone , Border , Individuals , Expediting , 100 , Donald Trump , Memorandum , Crimes , Workers , Offences , Immigration Officials , Addition , Benefits , Immigration Law , Police Officers , Threat , Border Agents , Safety , Public , Isa Up To , 10000 , Numbers , Everywhere , Funding , Borders , Improvement , Notjust , Department Of Homeland Security , Budget Requests , Things , Positions , Tests , Spending , Flexibility , Authorisation , Budget Req U , Border Performance , Way , Subset , 11 Million , Threats , Immigrants , President , Issues , Communities , Stay , Resources , Anthony Duffy , Reminder , All , Intolerance , Bigotry , Forms , Tour , Hatred , Ourjewish Community , Trump , Work , Daughter , Ivanka Trump , Hate , Evil , Prejudice , Tweeting , Schir , Fa Ct , Reports , Beginning , Tojudaism , 27jewish Community Centres , Hoax Bomb Threats , 19 , 27 , Example , Investigation , More , Bombs , Headstones , Locations , St Louis , Missouri , 170 , 11 , Statements , Anthony , Jewish Cemetery , Pressure , Context , Tojewish Community Centres , Reporter , Time , Electoral College , Press Conferences , Victory , Lid , Campaign , Some , Supporters , Thejewish Community , Quiet , Nationalists , Belligerence , Anti Semitism , Press Release , Rhetoric , Holocaust , Pattern , Thanks , Study , Incidents , Fracking Projects Across America , 6500 , States , Pennsylvania , New Mexico , Colorado , 2014 , Four , 2005 , 70 , North Da Kota , Spillages , Sites , Spills , Area , Environment , Water Sources , Environment Correspondent , Oil Boom , Environmentalists , Rules , Wells , 16 , Measure , North Da Kota Report It , Difference , Term , Studies , Others , Records , Fracking Process , Oftenjust , Ground , Report , Containers , Couple , Rocks , Drill , Lifetime , Notjust The Well , Head , Difficulty , Concern , Scientists , Nomination , Environmental Protection Agency , Scott Pruitt , Don T , Epa , Appointment , Agenda , Saying , Top , Staff , History , Senator , Guy , Members , 800 , Role , Times , Thoughts , Setting , Poacher , Gamekeeper , Attorney General Of Oklahoma , Issue , Changes , Note , Waters , Wa Nt , Attem Pts Centrepiece , Other , Republicans , Attempts , Power Plant , Areas , Overreach , Carbon Emissions , Atte M Pts , Coal , Coal Country , Pledge , Mining , West Virginia , Corner , Ban , Coal Mining Jobs , He Wa Nted , Michelle Fleury , Election , Win , Hardship , Hopes , Mining Repair Company , Coal Revival , Breathing A Sigh Of Relief , War , Office , Confidence , Super Bowl , Livelihood , Cake , Coffee , Opportunity , Coal Miner , Oui , Everything , Optimism , Realism , Regulators , Coaljobs , White House , Man , Industry , Region , Sense , Lisa , Increase , Activity , Graph , Realities , Production , Decline , Explosion , Demand , Natural Gas , Wind , Competition , Everyone , Renewables , Renewa Bles , Solar Energy , Miner , Computer Code , Uncertainty , Wouldn T , Jamie Adams , Staff Numbers , We Don T Wa Nt Levels , Job , Mining Repair Specialists , Couldn T , Precrisis Levels , Someone , Chance , Hand Outs , Levels , Contenders , Credentials , Beirut , Merseyside Police , Stuart Flinders , Shaun Colin Walmsley , Men , Minimum , Hospital Visit , Killer , Custody , Help , Liverpool , 30 , Sentence , Murder , Walton Prison , Stab Wounds , Tariff , Injune 2015 , 2015 , Prison Officers , Hospital Appointment , Car , Knife , Gun , University Hospital , Source , Prison Officer , Incident , Story , Newsroom , Gold , Volvo , Three , Agents , Offence , Document , Rebels , East , Ence , Ceasefire Deal , Pro Moscoww Ukraine , Let , 595 , Line , Forces , Truce , Residents , Weapons , Ukraine , Vice President , Attempt , Power , British , Wife , Grip , Service , Republic , Azerbaijan , Critics , Al Britani , Suicide Bombing , Former Guantanamo Bay , Islamic State Group , Abu Zakariya , Iraq , Dick Cheney , Name , South , Car Bomb , Base , Ronald Fiddler , Manchester , Mosul , 50 , Recruitment Document , Syria , Kind , Islamic , Death , Nickname , Pakistan , 2001 , Prisoners , Interrogators , To Guantanamo Bay , Release , Compensation , Society , Newspaper , Government , Off Tojoin Society , 1 5 Million , Â 1 Million , Ten , 1 Million , 5 Million , Age , Fighter , Knowledge , State , Battle Space , Oldlj Knowledge Of Islam , Western Fighters , Grandad , Tojoin , Most , Thatis , Skin Deep , Western , Theyjust , Attacker , Soldiers , Knives , Hebron , West Bank Last March , Elor Azaria , Abdel Fattah Al Sharif , Elorazaria , Red , Opinion , Court , Trial , Support , Israelis , Azaria , Donnie Dymond , Argument , Officers , Orders , Side , Military Situation , Construct , Friend , Being , Saw , Who , Standing , Army , Manslaughter , Israeli Defence Force , Group , Protesters , Disquiet , Tel Aviv , Attacks , Military , Citizens , Situation , Hostility , Many , Attackers , Debate , Ramifications , Divisions , Israeli Society , Presumption , Palestinians , Kick , Prosecution , Something , Position , Anything , Force , Defence , Upset , Appeal , Balance , Accountancy Firm Pwc , Conflict , Gender Equality Scorecard , Sweden , Iceland , Pwc , Gap , Graphic , Winners , Norway , Politics , Businessman , Canada S , Kevin O Leary , Reality Television Star , Eyes , Run , Ca Nada S Trump , Lead , Appearance , Conservative Party , Reality Television Show Shark Tank , He Hasjust , Leadership , Hand , Businessman Turned Reality Star Becoming A Politician , Similarity , There Isa , Ca Nada S Donald Should , Policies , Mark Burnett , Half Irish Immigrant , Wall , Notoriety , Lebanese , Colleague , Attention , Leadership Bid , Exist , Fame , Dragons , Yourformer Exist , Operator , Politicians , Bs , Results , Excellence , Place , Execution , Phenomenon , Populist Wave , Countries , It Isa Carrying , Canadians , Trudeau , Politician , Reasons , World , Choice , Debt , 1 5 Trillion , Hell , Transparency , Light , Exorcism , 2019 , Zero , Weather , Rain , Showers , Indonesia , Jakarta , Tropical Convergence Zone , 24 , 144 , Band , Winds , Equator , Thunder , Northern Hemisphere , Southern Hemisphere , Parts , Cloud , Bursts , Working Northwards , Queensland , Australia , Cyclone Albert , Rainfall , Contrast , Mr , Interior , New Zealand , Melbourne , South East , Warm Summer Sunshine , 200 , Change , Sunny , Low Pressure , Gusts , Snow , Spell , Europe , Turning Fresher , Denmark , Northern Germany , Oslo , Storm System , Conditions , West , Weather Front , Bump , British Isles , North , Temperatures , Figures , Wales , Northern England , Northern Isles , 80 , Drops , East Anglia , Midlands , Rain Crossing , Forecast , Scotland , Matt Taylor , Doris , Cities , Immigration Raids , Deportation Set , Eight , Centres , Special Report , Ourjurist Community , Immunity , Rise , Number , Address , Fbi , Albania ,

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