Transcripts For BBCNEWS Outside Source 20170124 : comparemel

Transcripts For BBCNEWS Outside Source 20170124

plans for two hugely controversial pipelines. they're called keystone xl and dakota access. we can see them here on this map supplied by the authorities. keystone is in green. it runs from canada to kansas. dakota access would run from north dakota to ill now. “— would run from north dakota to ill now. —— illinois. the reaction‘s been fierce. it was always going to be. here is a statement released by senator bernie sanders. "today president trump ignored the voices of millions and put the short—term profits of the fossil fuel industry ahead of the future of our planet." this, though, is how the president sees things. this is construction of pipelines in this country. we are and i am very insistent that if we're going to build pipelines in the united states, the pipes should be made in the united states. unless there's difficulty with that because companies are going to have to gear up, much pipeline is bought from other countries. from now on we will make pipeline in the united states. we build it in the united states, we build the pipelines. we want to build the pipelines. we want to build the pipelines. we want to build the pipe. got to put a lot of steel workers back to work. a short while ago, the white house press secretary, sean spicer, held a briefing. "this decision will create jobs and that the environment is a priority." president trump is known to have had partial investments in two of the pa rent partial investments in two of the parent companies overseeing the development of the dakota pipeline. a spokesperson for him announced late last year that he'd sold off his stocks, but it remains unclear when that occurred. let's go now to washington to katty kay. the president would have been under no illusions how controversial this would have been. no president obama delayed this to carry out environmental studies because of his concerns from environmentalists. in some ways this is not really an economic issue. this has become a symbol of the environmental fight of the concerns for the environment versus creation of jobs. the concerns for the environment versus creation ofjobs. it's clear that, under the trump administration, jobs are going to win. i spoke it a senior republican senator just after that signing took place. he sits on the energy committee, on the environmental committee, on the environmental committee and he told me that he's thrilled by this. it shows that donald trump really is committed to two things: deregulation and building jobs in the united states. now environmentalists really hate the keystone pipeline and dakota pipeline, one, because it goes through hallowed ground of native americans and on the keystone pipeline, it's bringing oilfrom the tar sands of canada, one of the most environmentally unfriendly ways to extra ct environmentally unfriendly ways to extract oil from the ground. on a lot of fronts environmentalists don't like this. when you speak to the republicans you're referring to, who are delighted about this, do they care that this potentially makes them look as if they disregard the environment or do they reject that argument outright? you hear donald trump today also saying that he is an environmentalist. they will tell thaw they are concerned about the environment and the republican senator i spoke to said we can have clea n senator i spoke to said we can have clean airand we senator i spoke to said we can have clean air and we can have clean water and we can do it in conjunction withjobs, water and we can do it in conjunction with jobs, the two don't have to be set up against each other. critics of the pipe lines say that's not possible. you heard bernie sanders saying that america is sacrificing the long—term future of the planet for the fossil fuel industry. make no mistake about it, though, this is a change that is going to stay here in the united states. donald trump made it absolutely clear during his campaign that he favoured more energy exploration, production and use and he is in favour of deregulating the fossil fuel industries. environmentalists won't like it, but it's here to stay. here is the second thing to ask you about. let me show this to you. a short while ago, the whous press secretary sean spicer held a briefing. his first two appearances in the job both featured him defending mr trump's erroneous claims that the inauguration crowd was the biggest there's been. the one today featured mr spicer defending mr trump's renewed claim that there were millions of fraudulent votes in the election. it's a claim backed up by no evidence whatsoever. here's mr spicer. reporter: does the president believe that millions voted illegally in that millions voted illegally in that election and what evidence do you have of widespread voter fraud, if that's the case? the president does believe that. he stated that before. he stated his concerns of voter fraud before. he stated his concerns of voterfraud and before. he stated his concerns of voter fraud and people voting illegally during the campaign. he continues to maintain that belief. reporter: exactly what evidence. senator ryan says that's there evidence, the national association of secretaries of states say they don't agree with the president's assessment, what evidence do you have? as i said, i think the president has believed that for a while based on studies and information he has. back to catty. he's got a tough job, information he has. back to catty. he's got a toughjob, mr spicer, defending the claims when there's nothing to back them up. key words, studies and information. of course, we wa nt studies and information. of course, we want to though what the studies and information are because nobody else has seen any evidence suggesting there was widespread voterfraud. suggesting there was widespread voter fraud. you've had suggesting there was widespread voterfraud. you've had republican secretaries of state and officials say widespread voter fraud and illegal immigrants voting or people voting illegally simply did not happen in their state. he's setting himself up against the republican establishment here. why? why say something like this that dominates the news cycle when you're doing an awful lot in terms of actual policy changes that may very well be quite popular with american voters, but then gets overshadowed by something like this. sean spicer couldn't point to those documents and evidence and studies because as far as we know, they simply don't exist. those are the two issues i was planning to ask you about, i have one other thing. i was listening to a clip of donald trump at the beginning of the programme, i thought, there's an interesting phrase in what he said earlier. just listen to this again and his reference to the past. we will build oui’ reference to the past. we will build our own pipeline. we will build our own pipes. that's what it has to do with. like we used to, in the old days. the old days, he's talking about. there say nostalgia about the way mrtrump ran about. there say nostalgia about the way mr trump ran his campaign and now how he's running his presidency. it's interesting that you picked that up. i was thinking exactly the same thing when i heard it. that's what the phrase "make america great again" you could argue the most important word in that phrase is "again". there is a nostalgia in this administration for an era where there was less crime and less drugs and things were simpler and people had jobs and arguably at a time when america was whiter and more homogeneous. is mr trump running up against the course of history? has the globalisation train left the station? and is he going to find that he cannot take america back to a world where protectionism ruled and things were made only in america and things were made only in america and that world has changed, that technology is changing that world, frankly, as fast as anything else. and this idea that it's going to be like the old days, it really isn't, because i'm moves forward. it is doing so at a very fast pace right around the world. thank you very much indeed. we'll speak through the week. that issue of protectionism, we will speak to that issue of protectionism, we will speakto samira that issue of protectionism, we will speak to samira hussain in new york about that. mr trump has been talking to the us autoindustry. the message is, if you want to sell cars in the us, make them in the us. back to washington and new york in a little white. we must turn to what has been by far the biggest story here in the uk today. the uk supreme court has ruled the british parliament must approve the formal start of brexit negotiations. in other words, prime minister theresa may can't take this decision alone. let's go through the reaction of the parties. here'sjeremy corbyn, leader of the opposition labour party. we wa nt we want to make sure that process goes ahead, but we also want to make sure that our government is held to account throughout this process, so they don't turn britain into a tax haven on the shores of europe. we actually maintain living standards being, we improve —— standards, we improve living standards and improve workers' rights and have market access to europe. that's the labour party. next let's talk about another significant elements of this ruling. is that the scottish parliament and the welsh and northern irish assemblies, will not be formally asked to approve the triggering of article 50. here's scotland's first minister, nicola sturgeon. i think it's a matter of democratic principle that the scottish parliament, on such a big, fundamental issue, with so many implications for the devolved settle m e nt implications for the devolved settlement should have a say on whether or not it consents to the triggering of article 50. we will forward a motion that allows the scottish parliament to do that. i would hope the uk government would pay attention to it. tim farron, leader of the liberal democrats tweeted, "the lib dems are clear, we demand a vote of the people on the final deal and without that, we will not vote for a 50." the biggest single question here is whether this ruling will delay the start of the brexit negotiations. brexit secretary, david davies, doesn't think so. pwe p we will, within days, introduce legislation to give the government the legal power to trigger article 50 and begin the formal process of withdrawal. it will be separate to the great repeal bill that will be introduced later this year, to repeal the european communities act 1972. this will be the most straightforward bill possible to give effect the decision of the people and respect the supreme court'sjudgment. the people and respect the supreme court's judgment. the purpose people and respect the supreme court'sjudgment. the purpose of people and respect the supreme court's judgment. the purpose of the bill is simply to give the government the power to invoke article 50. this story is a curious one. on one level, it looks to be hugely significant and it's certainly a high profile defeat for the government. on another level, the time table of brexit doesn't appear to have been shifted. here's rob watson at westminster with his reading of the story. on one level, it is deeply significant if you're interested in the constitutional, legal arrangements for the united kingdom. but actually, will it have much difference, make much difference politically? i don't think so. i mean, it's true that the supreme court has now said it's parliament that has to give approval, notjust the prime minister. but of course, that would only be a massive story if parliament were somehow going to come to the rescue of those would wa nt come to the rescue of those would want britain to stay in the european union. though it's perfectly true that most mps personally voted to remain, i don't think there's any mood or majority for somehow blocking or delaying brexit. big day legally. is it going to somehow stop, complicate, super delay brexit? i don't think so. run us through exactly what has to happen in the house of commons and the house of lords before article 50's triggered. in the next couple of days, possibly as early as thursday, the government will introduce a bill, presumably a very short one basically saying something like, we recognise that the government should now begin the article 50 process. that will then have to be voted on in the house of commons and in the house of lords. ideally from the government's point of view, all in the next couple of weeks. a quick word about the opposition labour party. the majority of its mps supported staying in the european union. how's it going to play this issue? the opposition labour party is just in a horrible position. what it's saying it will do is it won't block brexit, but it will try to hold the government to account. i say the opposition labour pa rty‘s government to account. i say the opposition labour party's in a horrible position because half of its mps represent constituencies where people voted to leave the european union. about the other half of their mps voted in constituencies where people very much wanted to remain in the eu. it's in a very, very difficult position. actually, to get the big politics picture on this, i don't think that the real problems for theresa may are going to be managing parliament, at least in the short—term. her real political problems are going to be when her brexit plan meets the reality of negotiating with the other eu 27 and perhaps even longer term than that, in keeping the union here in britain together, because this court ruling very much upset the scottish national party, which is saying possibly it brings a second referendum that bit closer. having heard rob say perhaps theresa may's greatest challenge is in brussels, i spoke tojonny dymond who's there. if you want to sum up the feeling here it's four words: get on with. it the desire very strongly of officials and politicians in brussels and in other european capitals is that the brexit negotiations start soon, finish on time and are done with. i think there is an absolute resignation to there is an absolute resignation to the fact that britain is going to leave the european union. and what leaders of the eu and the officials here in the eu do not want under any circumstances is for brexit to be the only thing that is discussed in the only thing that is discussed in the european union for the next two, three, five years. there are very major challenges, some of them nothing to do with brexit, the migration crisis, there is still a banking system to be reformed. there are still the crisis of the euro. then there are issues thrown up by brexit, which are not directly related to britain leaving. that's issues such as how to restore some kind of popular legitimacy to the european union. what they don't want to be doing is talking the fine details of brexit, when they want to be trying to work out how to strengthen and maintain the union. for them, getting some kind of certainty over what's going to happen in the next few weeks and getting certainty that article 50, that resignation note, will be triggered on time, by the end of march, by theresa may, is the most important thing. in thea in the a few minutes it's outside source business. coming up in a few minutes, on the same day he revives controversial oil pipeline project, donald trump tells autoexecutives that to a large extent, he's an environmentalist. we'll pick up on that with samira hussain in nyc. a man who was on holiday with his wife in tunisia has said the thomson staff he booked the holiday with didn't warn them about any potential security risks, just a month before terrorists attacked them on the beach. jim windass, whose wife claire was killed in the sousse attack in may 2015, also told the inquest that thomson staff didn't mention the foreign office travel advice available online. our correspondent, richard galpin, was at the royal courts ofjustice. this is a really important piece of evidence in this inquest. of course, the role of the holiday companies is key. it's been discussed already a lot during this inquest, did they provide enough information to the holidaymakers, many of them who booked through thomson, did they provide sufficient information to the people planning to go to tunisia at that time? this is outside source, live from the bbc newsroom. our lead story is: president trump has signed executive orders to relaunch two controversial oil pipelines in the us. the projects were rejected by barack obama following years of campaigning by environmentalists. the gambian parliament has skaed the state of emergency imposed last —— scrapped the state of emergency imposed last week by the former president, ya hya yahya jammeh. he's now in exile. the new president, adama barrow, is expected to return home from senegal in the coming days. organisations that provide sexual health services in africa have criticised president trump's decision to reinstate a policy that denies them access to american funding. bbc swahili's covering that. and us authorities have seized $20 million in cash hidden under the mattress on his bed. the money's believed to be linked to a $1 billion pyramid scheme. stories from the uk, the us and west africa. next let's go to israel. ? new homes are going to be built in israel. the defence ministry has said the move is meant to fulfil demand for new housing to maintain regular daily life. the announcement may not be unrelated to the arrival of president trump in the white house. mark lowen can explain. this is the second time in the space of a week that the israeli government has announced more building in settlements, 2,500 homes to be build in the occupied west bank announced today. and over the weekend, there was an announcement that over 560 new homes will be built in settle m e nts new homes will be built in settlements in occupied east jerusalem. both of these announcements coming after the inauguration of donald trump. a feeling here that the israeli government is feeling emboldened, even encouraged by the new administration in the us to build more in the settlements after the relationship between israel and the us under barack obama plummeted, partly over the issue of settlement building. mrobama was partly over the issue of settlement building. mr obama was fiercely opposed to the settlements. he allowed a un resolution to pass condemning israeli building in the settlements. donald trump, his son—in—law and pick for us ambassadorfor son—in—law and pick for us ambassador for israel have donated to the settlements and will take a more pro—israeli policy. there is also a feeling that this is done partly for domestic political consumption. the prime minister here, benjamin netanyahu, is facing a bill challenge at the moment from the —— is facing a big challenge from the far right. he's trying to burnish his credentials by choosing an issue that will go down well with nationalists. the issue of settle m e nts nationalists. the issue of settlements is so contentious because it violates international law, according to the un and it is being built in areas that the palestinians want for a future state, that are going beyond israel's borders, according to the 1967 border demarcation. so the palestinians have reacted furiously. a spokesman for the palestinians saying this would foster extremism and terrorism and calling on the international community to take a stand against israel and against the issue of settlement building. donald trump met with executives from the us autoindustry today. here's what he said. we're going to make the process much more simple for the companies and everybody auto else that wants to do business in the united states. i think this you will find this to go from very inhospitable to very hospitable. we will go down as one of the most friend lip companies. right now it's not. i have friends that want to build in the united states and have to wait years and year and then don't get the approval. do these car companies like the idea of making cars in the us? it comes at a tricky time. we're seeing a little bit less demand for some cars, but if you talk about ca i’s some cars, but if you talk about cars in the united states, which is really what we're talking about, there is a little bit more demand for suvs and bigger kinds of cars. it doesn't mean that these car operators need to build new factories. they could revamp the ones they have. it's really interesting to see just how much donald trump is speaking directly with corporate america. this is not something we would typically see with an american president. in terms of action, policy that mr trump can ta ke of action, policy that mr trump can take in order to encourage these companies to base their manufacturing in the us, what's available to him? what he has said is that he wants to cut back on regulation. so when it comes to regulations in the car industry, it could be anything from taxes, corporate taxes, to anything regarding the environment and emissions or anything limiting in terms of how freely part can travel. and these are some of the issues that the makers have raised auto with trump in their hour—long meeting in. terms of what will actually happen, they was short on specifics. when some of the car makers spoke with reporters afterwards they said they believe today was a healthy conversation but no real specifics in terms of what regulations the president is looking to cut. i guess we'll have to give him a little longer to come up with those. only in the job a few days. certainly people would like to see them. this is what happened to bt‘s share price today. down 21%, the biggest slump in the company's history. it's bought bt is writing down the value of its italian unit by £530 million. here's bbc business editor, simonjack. it was a real shock, bt‘s not the kind of company we expect to have profits warnings. it's a very strong company with quite a reliable, dependable and forecastable business. we just don't expect these kind of issues. why this sudden and very dramatic slump? bt has problems on a number of fronts. today we learned the accounting scandal in bt‘s italian business is much worse than expected. the black hole there has widened from £145 million to £530 million. even more worrying for investors, it warned today that profits in its core business will be 175 million lower this year and next. now that's down to stagnating revenue from some of its biggest customers, who are not renewing major contracts. today's news is set againstan major contracts. today's news is set against an already uncertain back drop for the company. the company is fighting calls from competitors and the regulator to split off its open reach network division. it has one of the biggest pension fund deficits and it's been spending big on entertainment. there's a lot of nervousness around bt at the moment, particularly given the ongoing review of open reach and the review of pensions due to happen this year. if there's one thing that investors hate, it's uncertainty. given the amount of uncertainty there is at the moment any knock to bt sees an amplified effect which we've seen with the share price today. heads have already started to roll. the bbc has learned tonight the head of bt europe is expected to resign imminently. all this will put pressure on the ultimate boss, who's beenin pressure on the ultimate boss, who's been in charge during a period of bold expansion for bt. we're in the process of really building our broadband business... bt expressed disappointment at i vent in —— events in italy. shareholders will be disappointed today too. when a company as big as bt says its biggest company aren't spending money, it's a worry for the wide ere economy. i'm back in a couple of minutes. bye—bye. thanks very much forjoining me. we're looking at the uk weather prospects in a little bit of detail ina prospects in a little bit of detail in a couple of minutes. first of all, i want to take you across the world. first of all to asia to highlight an ongoing problem with intense rainfall across parts of thailand and also malaysia. i notice recently that in some areas of thailand their seasonal rains have been several times above what they would expect to see at this time of year. further north, it'sjust cold at the moment across the korean peninsula and into japan as well. across the pacific, we've seen a succession of low pressure systems rather like this one battering california and many of these south—western states in recent days, there have been real issues there. as that moisture comes in from the pacific or out of the gulf of mexico and runs into the cold air that sits at this time of year across the northern half of north america, we get a real conversion into some disruptive weather. it's either freezing rain or its excessive snowfall. that will be the way of it across the north—eastern quarter over the next 24 hours. you don't have to go that far to see significant snowfall. that band of cloud moving across the sahara produced this snowfall. that's quite an extraordinary picture. they haven't seen anything like this in algeria for about 40 years or so. further south, something more expected at this time of year, more necessary , expected at this time of year, more necessary, heavy down pours all the way from the mozambique channel up towards the gulf of guinea. further north, it's disturbed at the moment across the mediterranean. area of low pressure here. frontal systems running out of the atlantic towards scandinavia. high pressure in the middle keeping it settled, yes, but not warm. that's the way that wednesday is going to start right the way from moscow to madrid. the sellu res the way from moscow to madrid. the sellures are subzero. it doesn't get that much better by day. there's dry weather around but a number of locations have had significant issues with fog. it's been disrupted to —— disruptive to travel plans. having had such a cold start, temperatures really struggle to recover. look at that, those are the daytime max mums we're expecting for wednesday. you've got to be in tenerife to get real warmth. once we come back to the british isles and the second half of the week, the high pressure keeps us dry, but with the flow around the western flank of that high coming in from that cold continent, just notice how we're pushing that prospect of cold air ever further north across the british isles. so dry, yes. save for the western fringes of ireland. despite that sunshine, the temperatures really disappointing. that's how it looks on the thermometer. this is how it feels when you put in the strength of the breeze. john hamm onned will have the details in a few minutes ( these are some of the main story is here in the bbc newsroom. president trump has signed an executive orders which reverse blocks on two major oil pipelines in the us. we will build our own pipeline. we will build our own pipeline. we will build our own eggs. that is what it has to do with. like we used to in the old days. his choice of us ambassador to the un has been approved. we will talk to barbara platt asher about that live at the state department in a couple of moments. the supreme court has ruled that the uk parliament, not the government, should be responsible for triggering the brexit process. we will get more on that from the bbc news up right now. we are also going to talk about the latest talks

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Fronts , Oil , Tar Sands , Bringing Oilfrom , Environmentalist , Republicans , Argument , Senator , Water , Air , Each Other , Pipe Lines , Thaw , Don T Have , Conjunction Withjobs , Airand , Critics , It , Change , Mistake , Campaign , Use , Production , Favour , Energy Exploration , Fossil Fuel Industries , Thing , Job , Appearances , Whous , Claim , Election , Votes , Claims , Inauguration Crowd , Voterfraud , Evidence , Reporter , President , Case , People , Secretaries , Ryan , States , Belief , Association , Information , Words , Nothing , Assessment , Catty , Toughjob , Course , State , Officials , Nobody , Wa Nt Studies , Something , Immigrants , Establishment , Policy , Terms , Voters , News Cycle , Documents , Issues , Phrase , Clip , Beginning , Programme , Reference , Oui , Trump , Nostalgia , Presidency , Make America Great Again , Mrtrump Ran About , Word , Sagain , Crime , Drugs , History , Mr , Station , Globalisation Train , Homogeneous , World , Protectionism , Isn T 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Profile Defeat , Time Table , Reading , Difference , Constitutional , Arrangements , Gambian Parliament , European Union , Rescue , Approval , Prime Minister , Would Wa Nt , Notjust , Mps , Majority , Mood , Big Day , House Of Commons , House Of Lords , Point Of View , Opposition Labour Pa Rty , Position , Staying , Constituencies , Half , Problems , Parliament , Politics , Union , Plan , Negotiating , Reality , 27 , Challenge , Court , Referendum , Scottish National Party , Heard Rob , Feeling , Tojonny Dymond , Brussels , Politicians , Desire , Four , Resignation , Leaders , Fact , Capitals , Some , Circumstances , Challenges , Five , Three , Euro , Banking System , Migration Crisis , Crisis , Details , Kind , Certainty , Doing , Legitimacy , Thea , Resignation Note , The End , March , Extent , Source Business , Autoexecutives , Oil Pipeline Project , Inquest , Terrorists , Staff , Jim Windass , Man , Attack , On The Beach , Holiday , Wife , Didn T , Security Risks , Wife Claire , Thomson , Tunisia , Sousse , 2015 , May 2015 , Richard Galpin , Piece , Travel Advice , Foreign Office , Royal Courts Ofjustice , Holidaymakers , Many , Role , Holiday Companies , Source , Executive Orders , Newsroom , Bbc , Lead , State Of Emergency , Campaigning , Projects , Last , Ya , Hya , Adama Barrow , Yahya Jammeh , Organisations , Exile , Home , Sexual Health Services , Africa , Senegal , Stories , Funding , Money , Mattress , Bed , Cash , Swahili , West Africa , Pyramid Scheme , 20 Million , Billion , 0 Million , 1 Billion , Homes , Israel , Defence Ministry , Demand , Housing , Move , Life , Arrival , White House , Mark Lowen , Settlements , Building , Space , 2500 , Weekend , Announcements , Inauguration , Both , Settle Me Nts New Homes , East Jerusalem , 560 , Settlement Building , Relationship , Mrobama , Son In Law , Ambassadorfor , Un Resolution , Ambassador , Benjamin Netanyahu , Bill Challenge , Pro Israeli , Domestic Political Consumption , Un , Nationalists , Law , Credentials , Nts Nationalists , Areas , Spokesman , Palestinians , Border Demarcation , Israel S Borders , 1967 , Terrorism , Community , Stand , Extremism , Executives , Business , Simple , Auto Else , Everybody , Friend Lip Companies , Friends , Car Companies , Making Cars In The Us , It Doesn T , Factories , Kinds , Suvs , Car Operators , Corporate America , Ones , Action , Regulations , Order , Regulation , Car Industry , Manufacturing , Ta Ke , What , Anything , Taxes , Part , Emissions , Specifics , Reporters , Auto , Makers , Car Makers , Meeting , Nbt , Conversation , Longer , Company , Share Price , Simonjack , Unit , Writing , Slump , Value , Â 530 Million , 530 Million , 21 , Shock , Profits Warnings , Number , Dependable , Investors , The Black Hole , Core Business , Accounting Scandal , Worrying , Italian , 145 Million , Â 145 Million , Contracts , News , Revenue , Customers , Back Drop , 175 Million , Competitors , Regulator , Spending Big , Entertainment , Pension Fund Deficits , Nervousness , Open Reach Network Division , Review , Uncertainty , Reach , Pensions , Amount , Knock , Beenin Pressure On The Ultimate Boss , Heads , Head , Boss , Broadband Business , Shareholders , Expansion , Disappointment , Events , Italy , Couple , Worry , Economy , Thanks , Aren T Spending Money , Bye , Bit , Detail , Weather , All , Problem , Prospects , Qina , To Asia , North , Rains , Times , Parts , Rainfall , Thailand , Malaysia , Cold , Succession , Pressure Systems , Japan , Korean Peninsula , Pacific , Conversion , Moisture , Runs , Gulf Of Mexico , Snowfall , Freezing Rain , Cloud , Band , Sahara , 24 , They Haven T , South , Picture , Mozambique Channel , Algeria , 40 , High Pressure , Area , Systems , Mediterranean , Keeping , Yes , Gulf Of Guinea , The Atlantic Towards Scandinavia , Fog , Locations , Madrid , Sellu Res , Subzero , Temperatures , Warmth , Mums , Tenerife , Continent , Prospect , Flank , Flow , British Isles , Thermometer , Sunshine , Ireland , Western Fringes , Breeze , Strength , John Hamm Onned , Oil Pipelines , Blocks , Eggs , Choice , Brexit Process , State Department , Barbara Platt Asher , Ros Atkins , Westminster , Talks , Bbc News ,

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