Transcripts For BBCNEWS Outside Source 20170117 : comparemel

Transcripts For BBCNEWS Outside Source 20170117

unverified allegations that russia has compromising information on donald trump. the uk is going to leave the eu's single market. and you can argue that had become politically inevitable. many people supported brexit because of concerns about immigration. theresa may was never likely to ignore that. and the eu's most seniorfigures have consistently said no membership of the single market without freedom of movement. they were never likely to compromise. for all the talk of soft brexit it was hard to see what that meant in practical terms. none the less, this speech is a moment a huge significance. not just for its headline announcement — but other policy details too — and it tone. here are some of the key moments. we do not seek to adopt a model already enjoyed by other countries. we do not seek to hold onto bits of membership as we leave. no. the united kingdom is leaving the european union and myjob is to get the right deal for britain as we do. i want to be clear. what i am proposing cannot mean membership of the single market. while controlled immigration can bring great benefits, filling skills shortages, delivering public services, making british businesses the world beaters they often are, when the numbers get too high, public support for the system falters. i can confirm today that the government will put the final deal that is agreed between the uk and the eu to a vote in both houses of parliament before it comes into force. i know there are some voices calling for a punitive deal that punishes britain and discourages other countries from taking the same path. that would be an act of calamitous self harm for the countries of europe and it would not be the act of a friend. britain would not, indeed we could not accept such an approach. let's get some reaction to the speech. nigel farage, one of the most vocal campaigners for brexit. he calls this real progress. this the leader of the opposition labour party jeremy corbyn. she has said leave the single market then at the same time says she wants to have access to the single market, i'm not quite sure how that's going to go down in europe. i think we have to have a deal that ensures we have to have a deal that ensures we have access to the market, we have britishjobs dependent have access to the market, we have british jobs dependent on that market, that's what we'll be pushing for. whether it is specifically this form of single market i don't know. she seems to be wanting to have her ca ke she seems to be wanting to have her cake and eat it. leader of the liberal democrats — who are pro—european: "this is a theft of democracy, a presumption that the 51.9% of people who voted to leave meant the most extreme version of brexit available." next here's foreign secretary borisjohnson who supported brexit. why should they give us all of those things she suggested? as the prime minister said, we believe very strongly that this is in our mutual interest. we a re strongly that this is in our mutual interest. we are not leaving europe, we are disentangling ourselves from the treaties of the eu. we can remain powerfully committed to europe with a new european partnership of the kind she described, whilst also going forward with an identity as global britain. one person who did not answer questions wasjohn claude, he refused to take questions on that speech earlier. i spoke to the bbc correspondent rob watson for his analysis. cutting through all that normal talk of soft brexit, hard brexit, if you really boil this down and you slip away some of the rhetoric, the warm rhetoric towards europe, some of the more harsh rhetoric, it comes to this, theresa may is essentially saying what britain wants is all the bits it likes about europe, so things like free trade, co—operation on security and law enforcement, and it doesn't want the things it doesn't like, such as being part of a supranational doesn't like, such as being part of a supra national political entity like the european union and having free movement of people. so of course the question it really raises, the really obvious one is, what are the other eu 27 really going to make of this? are they going to make of this? are they going to make of this? are they going to meet britain halfway, some pa rt going to meet britain halfway, some part along the way? and also, crucially, what on earth are the banks and international businesses based in britain that make it the fifth richest country in the world, what are they going to make of this departure from the single market? can you explain whether customs union fits into this? now we know we are out of the single market, suddenly there's a lot of attention on that? yes, to put it as simply as possible, if as those who are leading the league campaign say, that britain is going to have this new local future, trading all over the world, striking new deals in asia and elsewhere, then it would need a new arrangement with the european union because currently if you are part of the eu customs union, all of those 28, current 28 countries, they all have the same ta riffs countries, they all have the same tariffs with the rest of the world and deals tween the eu members of the eu and other countries like india, for example, or the united states, or canada, that is negotiated as an eu level. so what theresa may is saying is that britain, and again, this is part of her overall rhetoric, is that britain would need something, guess what, uniquely british. not in the single market, not in the customs union, but maybe something that sort of looks a bit like it. some reaction from people inside the european union. article 50 has to pitch triggered by the uk before formal negotiations can begin. damian grammaticas is in strasbourg where the european parliament is based some of the time. here's more on the reaction inside the eu. the view here looking at this speed is that the first of all this has given a little bit more clarity, at not very much, from the eu side. what they say is that they understand that this is primarily a political speech that theresa may has had to give to a uk audience to try to rally people behind the british government's view, plan, if you like, for brexit. but here, interestingly, the reaction coming from the parliament chief negotiator who would be involved in some of the negotiations, he is said that theresa may was selling an illusion that the uk could somehow leave the single market, leave the customs union and still be able to enjoy all the benefits. so, privileged access to trade, ability for british companies to have access to the single market barrier free. companies to have access to the single market barrierfree. he said that would of course have to change because you wouldn't get such a good deal outside. another senior mep saying that theresa may had oversold the benefits of what could be achieved in trade deals with distant countries, and she was also overselling the difficulties there would be in achieving a deal with the eu of this sort. i wonder what comments of the prime minister when she said we cannot have a punitive deal here is a disincentive to others countries to leave, has that gone down well? in a short word, no. many people here that we've been speaking to have been saying they felt that the british prime minister came across, one said to me as arrogant, another said that this came across as quite hostile and wasn't the way to approach negotiations with 27 other countries. i think there was a general sort of agreement that this was perhaps' general sort of agreement that this was perha ps‘ before general sort of agreement that this was perhaps' before the negotiation. one senior mep said we understand she has to make these statements but we don't believe them, we don't think they are credible. the view here among the eu 27 is that if the uk were to walk away from negotiations and accept no deal it would be the uk that would be left far worse off. interestingly as a sort of end points to that, all from what i understand, the man conducting negotiations for the eu whenever they begin, he has said in a private briefing here today to meps, he is not seeking to punish the uk. this, primarily, is an idea thatis the uk. this, primarily, is an idea that is circulating in the uk amongst uk commentators and viewers of the process that the eu might seek to punish the uk. the chief negotiator two days telling meps he will not seeking to punish the uk but he will be very clear eyed and pragmatic. one more piece of news out of the european union this evening. this man — antonio tajani — has been elected head of the european parliament. he's italian and is part of the centre—right christian democrat group of meps. donald tusk and jean—claude juncker belong to the same group, which means they have the three biggestjobs in the eu. the european parliament can block or amend eu laws, and will have the final say on whether to approve a brexit deal with the uk. we'll have more on theresa may's speech in os business shortly. plus i'll show you this report about a town in ohio where chinese investment seems to be creating jobs. the inquests into the deaths of 30 british tourists at a tunisian beach resort 18 months ago continued today. the court heard from a senior foreign office official, who defended advice given to travellers at the time. our correspondent richard galpin has the latest. what we've heard today is that the foreign office decided not to increase its travel advisory, ie ta ke increase its travel advisory, ie take it to the highest level, which would be advising british nationals against all travel to tunisia, despite their having been the horrific attack in tunisia in the capital in march 2015, in which 22 mostly foreign tourists were killed. this camejust mostly foreign tourists were killed. this came just three months before the attack which is the subject of this inquest. so there has been a lot of focus on that and whether the foreign office should indeed have changed its advice or not. this is outside live from the bbc newsroom. our lead story. the british prime minister, theresa may, has ruled out membership of the eu single market when britain leaves the european union. she said staying in would mean accepting the eu's rules without having any say in making them. an air strike by the nigerian military has accidentally killed at least 50 civilians at a camp for displaced people in the north—east of the country. aid workers are among the casualties. the pilot apparently thought he was attacking boko haram insurgents. bbc hausa has more on that. the first ever video footage showing snow leopards and common leopards sharing the same habitat will be discussed at an international meeting starting in nepal today. there are concerns that common leopards are moving to higher ground because of a warming climate. bbc nepali has more on that. and you won't be surprised to hear that these pictures are very popular on the bbc news app at the moment. the huge alligator was caught on camera in florida by local resident kimjoiner. they were taken at a local nature reserve. the alligator has been nicknamed ‘humpback‘. the search for the missing malaysian plane mh370 has been suspended. the plane was flying from kuala lumpur to beijing in march 2014 when it vanished. 239 people were onboard. this area outlined in red is the area teams have been trying to search — now they've stopped. they say there is no new information about where the wreckage might be. this is the facebook page of voices370 — it's an association for some of the families. they say that the search ought to expand. and that it's "an inescapable duty owed to the flying public". here are some of the relatives. translation: there has to be evidence, you need to show us bodies, even if the passengers all died. i really want the plane to be found. i want to know what happened to my mother, i want to know where she is. this decision has been a betrayal of the commitment they made to the families. they have reneged ona to the families. they have reneged on a commitment they made to the public to pursue the answer is necessary to feel safe one more time when they are flying. the search has been going on for a long time and they haven't come up with nothing. it can't go on forever. i think everyone has really done a greatjob looking for the plane. the amount of money that must have been spent for the search must have been phenomenal. i respect the government and the malaysians government, they did a lot of work. let's look at the reaction to the speech by theresa may in the business world. as you'd imagine, this was a major topic of discussion at the world economic forum in davos. our business editor simon jack explained the reaction there. for months now businesses have been crying out for some clarity to help them plan what happens in the future and they got some today. no ifs, no buts, the uk is leaving the single market, clear enough. talking to leaders here this is an assumption they'd come to all by themselves, they'd come to all by themselves, they thought it was inevitable we would have to leave the single market because it would be incompatible with attempts to control migration from europe into the uk. they feel like the confirmation was helpful but didn't really advanced their sum of knowledge. what really got ears twitching was the tone in the uk prime minister took. she said listen, don't mess with us, we are quite prepared to walk away if we don't get the deal we like. we may even retaliate by lowering taxes. to be clear, what walking away means, it means walking away from a trade deal and going towards world trade organisation rules, international rules, not preferential ones like the uk has for the eu at the moment. many businesses, like the car industry and the agriculture industry, are worried the tariffs that would impose would be damaging to trade. a lot of people say this isa to trade. a lot of people say this is a negotiating position and everybody hopes the nuclear option will not be triggered. did we get clarity? we got some. does everybody think leaving the single market is a goodidea? think leaving the single market is a good idea? not everyone. are we any closer to knowing what a final deal will look like after negotiation with 27 partners? i'm afraid not. the majority of big business is hoped that we would remain in the european union. that has not happened. so what is the big business dream scenario intends of how this is organised? you are right, a lot of big businesses said this was not ideal but some are saying this is a political reality and it's time to roll up sleeves and get on with it. i hope we can get a favourable deal, it is in mutual interest to trade as freely as possible. in some industries we have a big surplus with the eu, in some we have a big deficit, is there likely to be a trade—off? winners and losers between different industries? yes. buti and losers between different industries? yes. but i think those businesses are taking a pragmatic view saying, this is going to happen, we better get on with it. i'd like to mention what happened to the pound today. what the prime minister did is say, when we thrash out a deal we will give the uk parliament a vote on whether to accept the deal. traders in the pound thought that meant there is some last—ditch scenario in which the uk does not leave the eu, because whenever there has been an impediment thrown into the exit the pound has gone up. other people saying this is just another example of market very badly misreading the political realities that are in front of them. thank you simon. staying at davos, something quite remarkable happened today. not only did the chinese head of state attend but he made the case for globalisation. certainly this is a strange state of affairs. here's some of what president xi jinping said. translation: the chinese tend to say honey melons hang from bitter vines. sweet dates grow on thistles and thorns. in a philosophical sense, nothing is perfect in the world. it's true that economic globalisation has created new problems. but this is no justification to write of globalisation altogether. rather we should guide and adapt globalisation, cushion its negative impactand globalisation, cushion its negative impact and deliver its benefits to all nations. china's leader sounding very poetic. let's talk to samira hussain in new york. have the roles really reversed between us and china? makes a good story but in reality is that what has happened ? story but in reality is that what has happened? certainly not the kind of language that you would expect to hear from the of language that you would expect to hearfrom the president of language that you would expect to hear from the president of china, especially when compared to the kind of rhetoric we heard on the campaign trailfrom of rhetoric we heard on the campaign trail from the president—elect donald trump. and unfortunately for those who believe in globalisation and lots of free trade it was not just rhetoric, those are still the same ideals that the president—elect has been talking about. and even those that are shared by some of the people that are going to make up his administration. perhaps most pointedly is at davos, one of the incoming white house advisers to the president has even said that, look, if china engages the united states with some sort of trade war, ultimately it's going to be china that loses out and not the united states, that the united states is in a much more powerful position. you can remember that donald trump has said that he wants to get really tough with china with regards to the currency manipulation and of course to some of the unfair trade practices, and has threatened to impose some pretty heavy tariffs against china. to be clear, donald trump is not arguing against capitalism, he is arguing against the current form it is taking on the international stage? what he is arguing, really, is unfairtrade deals. he says a lot of trade deals have been negotiated that don't work in the favour of the american people, so the big example is the north american free trade agreement which is a free trade agreement that was signed decades ago between canada, the united states and mexico. after the united states signed that agreement there was a big loss of manufacturing jobs here in the united states. part of what the president—elect has really campaigned on was saying that he is going to bring back some of those coaljobs and those manufacturing jobs. and what he wants to do is to open up some of these free trade agreement by the north american free trade agreement and renegotiate for something that is better for the united states. thank you. we are very interested to see how this will pan out in the next few months. those comments are aimed in part at donald trump who has talked extensively about the failures of globalisation and free trade. he's been scathing about how they favour china over the us. here's an interesting angle on the economic relationship between these two countries. this is a report from laura trevelyan who's been to a place called moraine in ohio to find out about chinese investment there. if donald trump's america now. like so if donald trump's america now. like so many towns if donald trump's america now. like so many towns across if donald trump's america now. like so many towns across the nation he w011 so many towns across the nation he won here with a pumice to bring back jobs. somewhat surprisingly the factory down the road is run by a company with its headquarters in china. it has moved into a plant general motors closed down making windshields where cars once rolled off the assembly line. on this ojai factory floor donald trump's anti—globalisation campaign rhetoric meets the reality. this chinese managed company is determined to become the biggest manufacturer of car windshields in the world. our goal obviously becoming number one. and to be able to achieve our goal, obviously you have to combine all the resources, manpower. so i believe we have to have two feet, one in china, one in us. they are putting their money where their mouth is, investing millions of dollars on the plant. more than 2000 jobs have been created locally. scott used to work for general motors and he's still grappling with the cultural differences. got to find some common ground on what our goals are, our goals and our standards. a lot of different things you don't necessarily see here that you don't necessarily see here that you would in an established american company. the american dream has taken a hit at the local tavern where there is nostalgia for the gm days when business was brisk. regulars say thanks to the company things are picking up. my son is working there, building the catwalks and stuff inside the price. trump supporters around this bar and across the nation hope the next president will bring business back to their communities. they may be surprised that china has now created manufacturing jobs, but a pay cheque is better than none. i'll be back with you in a couple of minutes time. if you have any questions, particularly about our lead story, you can see how e—mail on the screen. parts of the us planes were affected by an ice storm earlier in the week and the weather system responsible tracks across the midwest. into juicing warmer airfrom tracks across the midwest. into juicing warmer air from the self but as this system encounters cold air to the north, it continues to turn some of the rain to freezing rain. liquid form, freezing on impact with the ground, causing a whole lot of disruption. here comes that system across the great lakes, tracking towards new england with a wintry mix of freezing rain and snowfall. impact in this part of the world as we head on into wednesday. the low pressure system responsible tracks into the atlantic so conditions should ease across new england as we go through the day, but france trail all the way back across the deep south with further heavy and possibly destructive rainfall likely over the next few days. into australasia and i want to point out this band of cloud, an important cold front has introduced much cooler and fresher conditions into the australian open on tuesday. cool conditions prevailing on tuesday and wednesday, warming up a touch on thursday but nothing in comparison with the stifling heat at the start of the week. the hot air has shifted further northwards through new south wales and queensland. for the likes of victoria down towards tasmania a fresh feel again on wednesday with winds coming in from the south—west. thunderstorms on the frontal system could well be an issue across parts of new south wales and queensland. keep an eye on that. very disturbed wet and windy weather across parts of new zealand, particularly the south island. perfectly benign with plenty of sunshine and temperatures easing up to 30 degrees by friday. into southeast asia, quiet conditions, dry across most of india, some snow showers and the odd shower possible in sri lanka. lingering fog patches across northern cities with very little wind to shift those. in new delhi that could be an issue over the next few days. cold is the name of the game across continental europe yet again. another surge down towards iberia. tebbit is well below where they should be at this time of year. low— pressure they should be at this time of year. low—pressure system churning its way across the central mediterranean with bands of wet and windy weather. we've had a lot of snow over the alps in recent days, good news for skiers and fine and clear but cold conditions will continue to prevail across central and some northern parts of europe. across the uk we've got a rather completed picture because although high pressure is keeping things mostly dry, this frontal band is generating some cloud through central areas. what happens over the next week or so, nick miller will update you in half an hour. this is outside source. here are some of the main stories. the british prime minister, theresa may, has ruled out membership of the eu single market, when britain leaves the european union. she said staying in would mean accepting the eu's rules without having any say in making them. china's president, xijinpig, has defended globalisation and free trade at the world economic forum in davos. it's the first time a chinese head of state has visited the event. turkey says this is the man who entered a nightclub in istanbul on new year's eve and shot dead 39 people. we'll find out more about him. we speak to bbc uzbek about the claims he's from uzbekistan. and in os sport we've got baseball, squash, badminton and weightlifting.

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Globalisation , Leader , Davos , Chinese , Strasbourg , Case , Simon Jacks , Brussels , Middle East , Comments , Editor , Report , Vladimir Putin , Destruction , Jeremy Bowen , Aleppo , Market , Eu , Donald Trump , Uk , Compromising Information , Allegations , Russia , People , Theresa May , Concerns , Seniorfigures , Brexit , Immigration , Membership , Single Market Without Freedom Of Movement , Talk , Speech , Model , It , None , Tone , Moments , Significance , Policy Details , Terms , Headline Announcement , Countries , Bits , Deal , Myjob , Businesses , World , Benefits , Numbers , Support , Skills Shortages , Services , Beaters , System , British Government , European Parliament , Vote , Houses , Force , Continental Europe , Act , Path , Self Harm , Friend , Voices , One , Reaction , Nigel Farage , Vocal Campaigners , Approach , Progress , Labour Party , Jeremy Corbyn , I Don T Know , Access , Form , Jobs , Liberal Democrats , Theft , Cake , Presumption , Democracy , Pro European , 51 9 , Ca Ke , 51 9 , Borisjohnson , Version , Brexit Available , Prime Minister , Things , Interest , Kind , Partnership , Treaties , Identity , Questions , Bbc , Rob Watson , Person , Some , Rhetoric , Cutting , Analysis , Hard Brexit , Soft Brexit , Free Trade , Doesn T , Security , Law Enforcement , Part , Course , Question , Movement , Doesn T Like , Supranational Doesn T Like , Supra National Political Entity , 27 , Way , Country , Banks , Britain Halfway , Meet Britain Halfway , Pa , Earth , Lot , Yes , Customs Union , Attention , Departure , Deals , Trading , Southeast Asia , Elsewhere , League , Campaign Say , Tariffs , All , Members , Eu Customs Union , Riffs , Tween , Rest , Arrangement , Ta , 28 , Example , United States , Saying , Level , Canada , India , Something , Guess What , Article , 50 , Negotiations , View , Speed , Damian Grammaticas , Clarity , First , Plan , Side , Audience , Chief Negotiator , Illusion , Companies , Privileged Access To Trade , Barrier Free , Trade , Senior , Mep , Single Market Barrierfree , Sort , Difficulties , Disincentive , Leave , Word , Another , Wasn T The Way , Arrogant , Agreement , Negotiation , Statements , Perha Ps , End Points , Man Conducting Negotiations , Idea Thatis The Uk , Briefing , Idea , Commentators , Viewers , Process , Two , Group , News , Antonio Tajani , Head , Pragmatic , Evening , Piece , Centre Right Christian Democrat , Jean Claude Juncker , Donald Tusk , Say , Brexit Deal , Whether , Biggestjobs , Laws , Three , Os Business , Investment , Tourists , Town , Inquests , Ohio , Deaths , Tunisian Beach Resort , 30 , Foreign Office , Advice , Richard Galpin , Official , Travellers , Court , Latest , 18 , Ie Ta Ke , Attack , Nationals , Travel , Capital , Tunisia , 2015 , March 2015 , 22 , Subject , Inquest , Focus , Story , Lead , Newsroom , Rules , Air Strike , Nigerian Military , Camp , Aid Workers , Pilot , Civilians , Casualties , Leopards , Snow Leopards , Insurgents , Hausa , Habitat , 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Now , Company , Plant , Windshields , Headquarters , Factory , Back Jobs , Pumice , Road , Cars , Assembly Line , General Motors , Ojai Factory Floor , Campaign Rhetoric , Manufacturer , Car Windshields , Goal , Number One , Manpower , Feet , Resources , Scott , Mouth , Millions , 2000 , Goals , Differences , Standards , Business , The American Dream , Nostalgia , Tavern , Hit , Thanks , Son , American Company , Brisk , Regulars , Supporters , Catwalks , Communities , Cheque , Price , Stuff , Hope , Bar , Pay , Parts , Planes , E Mail , Screen , Tracks , Air , Weather System , Ice Storm , Self , North , Midwest , Airfrom , Freezing Rain , Tracking , Snowfall , Disruption , Mix , New England , Great Lakes , Conditions , Pressure System , Deep South , Trail All The Way , Atlantic , France , Cloud , Band , Rainfall , Cold Front , Australasia , Australian Open , Comparison , Heat , Touch On , New South Wales , Queensland , Issue , Winds , Thunderstorms , South West , Victoria , Tasmania , 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