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Winds. In between, some pretty decent weather across the eastern borders of scotland, coming down to the eastern side of england. Too far towards the west, you start to run into showers, pretty heavy across wales and the south west, urged along by a noticeable breeze, and it is cold and miserable underneath that band of Rain And Snow and strong winds and that eases further north, followed by showers, turning wintry across higher ground, and then a new set of Weather Fronts across the South West Quarter. This is the feature that evens out the weekend because having had the bulk of the sunshine through saturday, england and wales are not doing quite so well. It does bug up along the south coast. Further north, scotland, after a disappointing saturday, gets better sunday, for the most part, save for the far north east. See you later. Hello. This is bbc news with maxine mawhinney. The headlines. Sinn fein make big gains in Northern Irelands Assembly elections. The dup is still the Biggest Party but with just one more seat than the republicans. The two parties now have three weeks to try to agree a new power sharing coalition. President trump accuses the obama demonstration of tapping his phone during the president ial election campaign. The president tweeted this is nixon watergate. There are fears for the future of vauxhall plants in britain after a french car company, which produces peugeot vehicles, reportedly reaches a deal to buy General Motors european operations. Mercedes is recalling 75,000 thousand cars in the uk because of a risk of them catching fire. It follows the discovery of a fault in a fuse in some models. Britain is not legally obliged to make a final Budget Payment to the eu after brexit, according to a house of lords committee. Downing street has described the report as a significant contribution. Now on bbc news, inside out examines the plight of indian women whove been abandoned by their british husbands. Not a day had come in my life where you really feel that you want to end this right now. Sorry. Breaking The Wall Of Silence the wives separated from their husbands, shunned by their communities and treated as tainted goods. The moment their daughter has been left by her husband, her status becomes zero, nil the impact for women who are left, who have been abandoned, is quite devastating. Its leaving them almost in chains within their society. With thousands of brides branded as outcasts, we reveal the injustices and indignities many of them encounter. They marry us, they bring us over, then they treat us like a dirty rag. Ritu has just arrived from india. Shes embarking on an extraordinary personal mission to find her estranged husband. I am feeling a bit nervous as well as emotional, as i have not seen this man since one and a half years. I dont know how he will react when he sees me. Shes used up all her savings and put her Teaching Career on hold to come to london and get out of a marriage in which she feels abandoned. I felt betrayed. I felt that my whole world has been disturbed or shaken and shattered. In fact, ritu barely knew her groom. It was an arranged marriage and before exchanging vows she had only ever met him for one single hour. In india the arranged marriage is a really common concept, so. Vikram had come to my place prior to the marriage was finalised, prior one week before the wedding and it was just a normal chat. I mean, whats your likes and your dislikes . What are your dreams of life . And what he has been doing in london. Youre meeting a stranger for the first time, and hes going to be a husband, so at the back of the mind. You are nervous, you are excited, you are attracted towards him. Ritu insists she did not feel pressured into the marriage, but the wedding took place just 48 hours after they had met. We literally had one day, me and my family and my relatives, to prepare the wedding as much as we could. We arranged everything, the temple where wed get married, the dinner after the wedding and everything. The wedding night, was it what you hoped . It didnt go well, to be frank. Vikram had a flight early in the morning, so he left in the midnight. We did not even spend a night together. After returning to the uk, he assured ritu that he would arrange for her tojoin him. But within four months, the relationship became strained and rims visa application, which required her husbands support, was never completed. She now wants a divorce, but in india it is extremely difficult to divorce an absent spouse. She feels trapped in a meaningless marriage to a man she barely knows and might never meet again. Sometimes i have to really curse myself that why did i take the decision . I could have taken some time. I could have asked him not to get married so soon. Not a day had come in my life where you really feel that you want to end this now. Sorry. There are believed to be Tens Of Thousands of women left in limbo like ritu. Many are brides from india, pakistan and bangladesh, who claim they have been cast aside, abandoned, by their british husbands. For many of these wives, abandonment is just the final incident in a relationship that was characterised with abuse and deceit from even before the wedding. Throughout their marriage, many of these women are exploited forfinancial gain. Some are forced into domestic slavery. Others are even duped into giving up their children. We are looking at thousands of women, so this is not an insignificant number. Were only beginning to touch and scratch the surface of the problem. But we see is a continuum of Sexual Violence that they have been subjected to, physical, sexual, financial, Emotional Abuse and the end process is often abandonment. Kulwant was brought to the uk from india by her British National husband four years ago. She says that as well as being treated as a domestic slave, her husband subjected her to violence every day. In desperation, kulwant says she eventually picked up her son and ran away. That was 18 months ago and ever since, her husband has refused any contact with her. Along with her son, kulwant now lives in temporary accommodation and with the help of a charity shes trying to rebuild her life. I have travelled from london to punjab, the north of india . Its the same journey that every year hundreds of indian British Nationals make looking for a wife. At a secret location in chandigarh, the capital of punjab, a special meeting for women is being held. Most of the women here are married to men from abroad and, according to the head of the charity who organised this event, many have Something Else in common their husbands have deserted them. More and more girls are in such a big mess. I see a lot of beautiful educated women, they are in a mess. Generally, its 15 cases a month. Its increasing. In this region alone, the local authority estimates that there are well over 15,000 Abandoned Wives. Their husbands come from all over the world, but british men are thought to account for over one third of these cases and for many of these grooms the motivation is not love, its money. Usually, its like this he comes here and he asks for massive money from the dowry and they marry, the girls parents give the dowry, he took the money, he enjoys his honeymoon months and then, he never comes back. Despite being outlawed since 1961, in india it is customary for the brides family to give money or gifts to the groom prior to the wedding ceremony. These dowries often amount to Tens Of Thousands of pounds and it doesnt end there a lot of women say that well after the marriage, Dowry Demands continue, and, ultimately, when they cannot meet Dowry Demands, they are abandoned. In a rural village on the outskirts of punjab, kalmajit married a man from europe three years ago. To pay for the dowry and the wedding, her father scraped together almost all of his life savings. Within days of accepting his hand in marriage, kamaljits says her husband started complaining about the dowry. Eventually, says kalmajit, her husband abandoned her and returned to italy. She claims he left her even though she was pregnant. Just a few weeks later, kalmajits daughter died, but even then she says her husband did not contact her. Many women like kalmajit still desperately hope to revive marriages with husbands who have left them, because the alternative carries a heavy stigma. Life as an abandoned woman in india means living as an outcast, an outcast wife. The impact for women who are left, who are being abandoned, is quite devastating, because it can affect herjob prospects. It can affect the way the Community View her. And the way they view their families as well. It can affect, if she has children, how the children are seen, how the children are raised, and if you come from very poor environments, very poor families, then actually what that is doing is adding additional pressure to the family and a sort of additional reputation risk. She feels she has no value and Society Makes it sure she has no value. The problem is that serious. It could lead to a suicidal attempt. And there have been hundreds of examples where parents have committed suicide. Ten days after arriving in london, ritus had no success in tracking down her husband, so shes come to a womans group, seeking advice and support. So, basically to sum it up, he doesnt want to know you. Literally, you just want to end the relationship, but trying to find the reason behind it, but at the end of the day you cant go back, you cant move forward, you are stuck, stagnant. Thats a very horrible position to be in. I think you cannot ever get answers to the questions you are looking for, because from what you said you cant expect any sanity from him. If she finds him, ritu wants to ask her husband for a divorce. But most wives left in india never get the opportunity to do this. Uk Immigration Rules prohibit them from entering the country. She will have problems in serving him in england, because she cannot come in as a visitor because she has to disclose she has a husband and she is married to a British National and once she discloses that she will be asked why arent you applying for a spousal visa, and a spousal visa needs a husbands support, so she is caught in catch 22. Unable to obtain a divorce via the british courts, Abandoned Wives must turn to the indian judicial system. Getting a divorce from a spouse who lives abroad is a complex, expensive process in india. Some of the parents here have been trying to get a resolution for their abandoned daughters for years. Our legal system is little bit slow, it will take years and years to get the decision. There are a number of difficulties, of hurdles for each and every step, and more over these girls dont have is the money to pay for the legal system, even to go from one station to the other for the documentation and there is no direct legal system available, where she could apply as in a domestic marriage, if it fails. Abandoned wives are not only at the mercy of the courts when it comes to obtaining a divorce many face legal difficulties, if their husbands take their children. Six years ago, sonali got married in pakistan. Her husband, a British National, arranged for her to come and live with him and her in laws in london. I came here and i was seven months pregnant. I was thinking everything would be fine and my life would be better but they treated me like a slave or servant in their house and they never allowed me to go outside. Shortly after she had given birth, sonali says her husband suggested a Family Holiday back in pakistan to help her recover. On their second night abroad, he was out with friends but phoned her with a strange demand. My husband called me first and said, i am coming to pick up my son because a few relatives are coming from karachi, the city in pakistan, and they need to see him. He just took my son from me and i dont know why i was feeling scared that time, i dont know, but ijust called him again and again, but suddenly his phone was switched off. Eventually, sonali realised her husband had been deceiving her all along. He had taken her three month old baby and left the country. I was thinking there is no reason to live. I cry every day, every other minute. Most of the time i Start Talking with his clothes. When i went to sleep in the night, i put his clothes with my pillow and no one take him, because he is my son and he is sleeping here. My mother is like, no this is not your son, this isjust his clothes. Abandoned in pakistan, sonali had no clue how she would access legal help to get her son back until she came across the website of a uk based charity. If there are children involved, there are some legal remedies available, not easy, but there are. Fortunately, that is a situation which the judiciary have woken up to, there has been Case Developments that allow women even if theyre abandoned and abroad to bring proceedings here. Southall black sisters secured a specialist family lawyer, who made the child a ward of court and arranged for sonali to return to the uk, where her case was heard in the high court. The high court has said, because its a British National child, and the best interest of the child are a paramount that the force of the law should and could be used, so that the child could be reunited with his mother, and the husband was in effect, ordered to support her Immigration Application to allow her to come back to the uk. Sonali has been granted indefinite leave to remain in the uk under the Domestic Violence act. It means she will not have to return to pakistan, where Abandoned Wives and their children are often persecuted. Six weeks on, and ritu still has not found her husband. Her time in london is running out, but shes found a charity that there are only a handful of charities that specifically support women in ritus situation. They have recently been overwhelmed with new cases, triggering calls for more systematic help from governments and legal agencies across the globe. What we want to see is a better harmonisation of law, so that a woman can be granted a divorce in one country and have it recognised in another. A woman can be granted a Maintenance Order in one country and have it recognised in another, but also that governments and State Agencies cooperate so if a woman is denied a right by sending her to another country, she is not stuck in international limbo. Ritu has finally found an address for her estranged husband. She decides that she wants to go there today. I dont know how vikram will react to it and i dont know how i will hold my emotions. I just want to know why my husband has abandon me from this marriage, why doesnt he let go of the relationship. So i really hope i get my answers today. This is the first time ritu will see her husband in over eighteen months and due to the sensitivity of the situation, we chose not to film it. It was. It was really sad that vikram did not even recognise me. He doesnt want to answer any of my questions. In fact, the meeting was tense and her husband called the police. I spoke to the police, they said, you need to go to india and get this sorted. Now if the police cant help me, where will i go . I was expecting that it will be worth coming here, but i dont think so. Ritus husband denied all of her claims. There are no Second Chances for her to speak to him in the uk. Her flight back to india leaves tomorrow and she cannot afford to return. Unable to secure a divorce from their british husbands, many south asian wives resign themselves to a life of injustice. A life where their chances of meeting another partner, of having a level of respect in their communities, are diminished. Yet their british husbands face no such cultural barriers. They are free to continue their lives as they wish. Ritu is leaving london. She is departing without securing a divorce, but with hope and faith that she will be able move forward with her life. When i was getting the blessings, you feel that inner strength in you, and you feel so positive, the vibrations around you and you just think, yes, things are going to work out, and i hope with the grace of god, that ijust get what i want. To say there is a mixed bag of weather on offer this afternoon would be underplaying the case. When this picture was taken by our weather watchers, you notice how threatening some of the cloud looks. If we move for Hundreds Miles towards the north east, the fife coast wasnt doing very well on that picture was taken, and that sort of condition is all tied in with this sort of weather front, the emphasis on the slow moving, which is producing strong Rain And Snow. Some sunny spells and some hefty showers. That Weather Fronts doesnt move very far very fast and weve got concerns about the Rainfall Totals mounting up on the eastern side of aberdeenshire. Further south, a scattering of slow moving showers across the South West Quarter of scotland. The eastern side of england, for the next hour of two, could be predominantly dry. They have been there or thereabouts across wales and South West England for a good part of the day. Propagating more widely across the southern counties, the strength of the wind through this evening overnight, we could be looking at gusts for a wee while. The weather moves towards the Shetland Isles and showers follow on behind, then a new band of cloud, wind and rain piles into the south west. Reaching the first part of sunday that neck of the woods. It moves so slowly but surely but it is quite slow moving, so surely but it is quite slow moving, so be really wet start across the South West Quarter and really quite windy. About whether orientate itself towards northern wales, and on towards and via the midlands. At last we can talk about sunshine, getting into a good part of northern and Eastern Scotland, South Eastern Scotla nd and Eastern Scotland, south Eastern Scotland and Northern Ireland and brighter skies getting in across the south. Sunday on into tuesday, no signs of a meaningful High Pressure, although that is what we would call although that is what we would call a transient ridge of High Pressure before the next set of Weather Fronts piled their way in from the atlantic. We get through the week ands wet weather, a lot of cloud, some showers, and tuesday is all downhill. This is bbc news. The headlines at 2pm sinn fein celebrates a surge in support in Northern Irelands Assembly elections. The dup is still the Biggest Party but with just one more seat than the republicans. President trump accuses the Obama Administration of tapping his phone during the president ial election campaign. Concerns over the impact for 4,000 Vauxhall Workers in britain, as a french car Company Reportedly reaches a deal to buy General Motors european operations. A house of lords report says britain is not be legally obliged to make a final Budget Payment to the eu after brexit. Also in the next hour thousands of people march in london to demonstrate over nhs cuts. Protestors have travelled from across the country and Jeremy Corbyn is expected to address the crowd

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