Transcripts For BBCNEWS Our World 20170820 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS Our World 20170820

world. this is mosul, iraq's second city. there is nothing left, nothing that is not untouched. when isis unleashed their reign of terror, the world watched in horror. for the people of mosul, there was no escape. isis have been routed. but what happened to the people who survived? the road to mosul is long and convoluted. to reach even the outskirts of the city, you have to navigate numerous checkpoints. these roads are busy again, but all around you can see the remnants from nine months of fighting. we've just entered west mosul and we're yet to see the full devastation of this war. while it very much feels like this city is functioning again, there is very much a war going on here. there are still pockets of isis fighters in the old city. the baghdad government has declared this war over but the threat from isis still lingers. i was here in 2013 and mosul then was one of the most dangerous cities on earth. i was making a film about the arab world's oldest paragliding club. oh, you're such a show—off! like life wasn't already hard enough. a shia—led military backed by the government in baghdad was oppressing the local sunni population. allahu akbar! it was these conditions that helped pave the way for isis. when isis took the city, i tried to contact the paragliders i'd met on my visit here in 2013. most had fled, but 42—year—old rada adari had decided to stay. hello, rada, it's yalda. i'm well, i'm well — how are you? rada, are you safe now? there is nothing violent here now. i tried to keep in touch, but eventually, the calls stopped. and this is what liberation looks like. iraq's second largest city, just ruins. a legacy of the months of bombardment and intense streetfighting. the bulk of this city is just completely destroyed and devastated. there is nothing left, nothing that is now not untouched. i can't even begin to imagine what it would have been like for the people trapped in this city. they weren't allowed out, isis wasn't letting them, and there was constant bombardment here, and now everything is destroyed. trapped beneath these ruined are untold numbers of bodies. ishar tahal is homeless along with a million other people in this city. what are your children saying? dr amjad hazim is getting to work the only way he can. mosul‘s only functioning hospital is overwhelmed. there is no one checking the people who are coming and going and so the security forces are concerned that some of these people could be isis fighters or isis supporters. this is shrapnel in the back and i am examine this side of the shrapnel and this... and just outside, another explosion. a reminder that this war is still not over. at the height of the fighting, dr hazim was treating up to 700 people a day. now the numbers have dropped to 500, and notjust from injuries but illnesses caused due to the lack of clean water. returning home could be deadly. according to the army, retreating isis fighters have rigged 90% of the buildings with improvised explosive devices. do you have the resources? i mean, do you have enough men to... explosion they've just. . . is that another one? so many more still in this area? the iraqi military is now accused of targeting and killing people they suspect of belonging to isis. the government say they're investigating these allegations. when islamic state swept into mosul three years ago, the world watched in horror as they unleashed their reign of terror. initially, many here welcomed isis. they saw them as liberators from an oppressive shia—dominated government. mosul university. 0nce home to over a million books on philosophy, law and literature. rare maps, ancient manuscripts and a ninth—century koran have all been lost. this is one of iraq's most famous universities, it is now completely destroyed. isis was using this as a headquarters. they converted the science labs into makeshift weapons factories. computer, mathematics. when iraqi forces retook the east of the city they discovered what they had long suspected and feared. chemicals such as sulphur mustard. according to the us pentagon, the university was central to isis's chemical weapons programme. we are just inside what used to be the computer department. there is hardly anything left here, but classes have now resumed so we are going upstairs to have a look at one of the classrooms. hi, hello. this seat of learning represented everything isis stood against. intellectuals like ali, a renowned professor of law, feared for their lives. you are a professor, that would have been hugely risky if they found out who you were. you are a professor, that would have been hugely risky if they found out who you were. what did you do? the sense of life flooding back into this town is palpable. this cafe has just reopened. but there are still deep scars. fikri was a student at the university. when isis came to power, she had to give up her studies, but much worse was to come. religious police, known as the hisbah, controlled everything. shaving, smoking, using a mobile phone, were all considered immoral, and the punishment for these transgressions, any thing from public lashings to execution. for the three years isis ruled the city, very little information came out about life inside the caliphate. it's difficult to believe that as foreigners we can now drive freely in the streets. but it's a false sense of security. it's not safe here in east mosul. there are fears that many isis fighters havejust gone back into the community. now checkpoints everywhere, we still have to be so careful. i've come to visit dr hazim, from mosul hospital, at his home in the east of the city. nice to see you. thank you for having us. as—salamu alaykum. this is traditional food? we can come freely to go home now, but life was very difficult in the past three years? 0ver lunch, dr hazim explains that it was his profession that ultimately saved him and his family from the wrath of islamic state fighters. did that make you nervous that your son would go out to treat isis fighters? is there fear, then, that there could be another uprising? are you scared about the idea that isis may come back? how do you feel now? are you able to breathe freely? thinking back to the paragliders i met here in 2013, i remember the love they had for the city. and the freedom they sought through their sport, soaring above mosul. one of them was a true rebel. the wind is like a man's heart, it changes every two minutes! through a contact, i discovered she had stayed in mosul. she had even stood up to isis, running for election to the city council. but that rebellious, outspoken streak was eventually to cost her. friends say she was taken from her home and shot in the street. the people of mosul have suffered a great deal in these past few years. now they have to rebuild a broken and divided city. real reconciliation will be a battle. and all the while, isis fighters are hiding among the population. waiting in the shadows. hello again. saturday was another day of sunshine and showers, showers particularly frequent across more northern parts of the uk. in scotland, many of them were heavy and thundery. this is one of the clouds working across the skyline of argyll and bute, a big cumulonimbus cloud working into the scottish highlands. some beautiful pictures there. a few showers left over across north—western scotland, for most, a dry start to day. these kind of temperatures first thing in the morning. 0ur weather today is going to be influenced by this. hurricane gert a few days ago was to the east of the united states, but since then it has moved north, and it has been ripped apart by the strong winds of the jet stream. the moist remains of gert are now racing across the atlantic tied in with this normal area of low pressure. sunday starts off for most of us as a much better day. dry weather, a few showers around. more in the way of morning sunshine. in the afternoon, things clouding over a little bit. some bright weather for most of the uk. towards the south—west, a different story. through the afternoon, gradually seeing the cloud thickening up to bring outbreaks of rain. initially quite light and drizzly, similar in wales. later in the evening, the rain getting a bit heavier. for the midlands, eastern and northern areas of england, dry with some sunshine. probably clouding over in northern ireland. in scotland, far fewer showers. dry weather and light winds, should feel pleasant when that sunshine comes out. sunday night seas the rain turn increasingly heavy. notjust across england and wales but also in northern ireland, later in the night we will see heavier rain arrive. along with that band of rain, turning quite murky with mist and hill fog. rain tied in with this weather front. early in the week it will push north, taking some heavy bursts of rain with it. allowing some warmer air into the south of the uk. the warmer air is behind this front. a cloudy start with some damp conditions and hill fog, it may stay wet in northern ireland for a chunk of the day. rain crossing into northern england, central and southern scotland but probably not reaching the far north of scotland. increasingly humid in the south. not much in the way of sunshine but temperatures still in the low 20s. although tuesday starts cloudy, if we do see some sunshine breaking through the cloud in the south of england, temperatures could reach around 27 celsius. after weeks of looking for it, i finally found some warm august weather. hello and welcome to bbc news at broadcasting to viewers in north america and around the globe. my name is gavin grey. 0ur america and around the globe. my name is gavin grey. our top stories: spain's government says the terror cell behind last week's attacks has been dismantled, but a massive manhunt continues for one key suspect. several members of the jihadist cell came from this small town in the pyrenees. a shocked community searches for answers. in other news: tens of thousands march in boston in opposition to a planned right—wing rally. president trump applauds the protestors for standing up to hate. and a british man injured while helping victims of finland's first terrorist attack insists he's "no hero."

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Haridwar , Uttaranchal , India , United States , Iraq , Baghdad , United Kingdom , Boston , Massachusetts , Finland , Gert , Southwest Finland , Uttar Pradesh , Spain , Northern Ireland , Craigavon , Pyrenees , Spain General , Spanish , Iraqi , British , Scotland , Amjad Hazim ,

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