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Going to freak you out. A transgender man is pregnant by his transgender female partner. Did you get that . The transgender couple have had a baby. This next story is going to freak you out. A transgender man is pregnant by his transgender female partner. Did you get that . Neither partner has had surgery, which means they conceived the baby just like any other couple. Hello. Rain is in the forecast, we have not heard that very often at all. The weather will be dominated more by low pressure this week. The rain was hit and miss over the weekend, the band of cloud brought rain for a while, but otherwise it was sunshine and showers. The cloud is arriving, and it will bring with it this area of low pressure, rain. It is coming from the south, so it will draw up cloud and heavy rain. Rain spreading across most of the uk, not much in the south east. The wettest will be over the western hills, but through the afternoon the rain eases off a bit. Where you have shelter, you could get some sunshine. Still some heavy rain over the hills of wales and tracking through lincolnshire, but not that much towards the south east. Even though there is a lot of cloud around, it is quite warm air. The first area of heavy rain moves away into the north sea, then we could get another dose coming back through the irish sea into wales, scotland and across northern england. We also have the south westerly wind which will be strongest through the irish sea, and a mild night. Quite a change in the forecast. Low pressure dominating on tuesday, the main feature is the Weather Front, which is stranded across the uk. Where it stops, it is difficult to know on tuesday. It looks like it is across yorkshire, lincolnshire, the midlands. It does not look too far away from the south east by the end of the day. We have some warm and humid air, so it could be as high as 23 or 24. Even behind the rain, it is not particularly cold at all. Things start to change again on tuesday, the Weather Front is further to the south east of the uk, and it threatens to bring heavy rain. Eastern england and east anglia, it will be the wettest day of the week for this part of the uk. Away from here, sunny spells, blustery showers in the north west, but temperatures will be lower. The warm and muggy air is getting pushed into central europe. It is cooler air that will dominate from thursday onwards. That means sunshine and showers. The rain in the south east out into the near continent, not much for eastern uk, more showers further west. Then we have the area of low pressure that starts to amble towards the uk by the end of the week. It intensifies the showers. Some gusty wind, especially in the south west. It will feel cooler. Looking ahead into the weekend, we are going to find the low pressure still very close to the uk. That means more showers. It is slowly pushing towards the near continent, and there is High Pressure to the west. Next weekend, we find the High Pressure pushing into the uk, but it is a very slow process. Western areas become drier with more sunshine. Across the east, the chance of showers or longer spells of rain, but at least it will not be as windy

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