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Robin Hood Tax on Financial Transactions would raise billions of pounds for public services. Now, this is an election like none other. An election called in the aftermath of the biggest decision this country has taken for many decades the decision to leave the european union. The question no one yet knows is how peoples choices in that referendum how their feelings now about the result will affect which party they support. Over the next few weeks, the Bbcs Nick Robinson will be talking to voters to find some answers. This week, he visited a pub in halifax for a chat over a takeaway. Between now and june the 8th, im going to be travelling the country trying to see how different groups of voters are making up their minds who to support in the general election. First stop, this pub in halifax, where were talking to people who voted leave in the eu referendum. Working class voters here. Many of them would have had a traditional link to the labour party, some, maybe have defected to ukip, others may be considering the jump all the way to supporting the conservative party. Now, weve recruited this group of voters with the help of the Opinion Pollsters ipsos mori, and we want to try to get some answers to my questions. Lets go in for the first of my election takeaways. Were here above a pub in halifax. It may look a bit like a church because this is no ordinary pub. This is actually the place where the Halifax Building Society was founded, hence the oak panels and the stained glass windows, and were here to talk about politics and have a bit of a curry. I just want to get a sense of people here. When youre thinking about how to vote in this election, how big a factor, if any it may not be at all is that brexit decision . Is that going to affect how you vote or is it over . No, its not over. Its going to affect how i vote, because i voted to come out. I think the conservatives will definitely go down the brexit route. Yes . I think, if labour get in theres a possibility they will try for another referendum and change it all. So youre a bit nervous, john. A little bit, yes. Its not over as far as youre concerned . No, not yet, no. To me its onlyjust starting, really. I think it is over. 0k . I think even if labour get in and call for another referendum, i think the public will vote exactly the same way again. I think the vote would still go the same way so it doesnt worry me. John is a bit worried that if the wrong party gets in now, maybe it will all start again. Do you think so . No, no. So you can vote for who you like in the election, you dont have to worry about. No, and i think even if there was another referendum, i think the public would vote exactly the same way, i dont think it would alter the decision. Tony, yeah . I totally agree. I think the public feel a bit cheated, to tell you the truth, if anything. Its almost like saying to your kid, do your school day, School Sports day, you come last, its all about taking part. No, its not, its about winning, theres got to be a winner, theres got to be a loser. And when its done its done . And when its done its done, yes, exactly. You know, theyre dragging their heels, arent they . Whos they . Theresa may. Shes dragging her heels . I think shes dragging her heels. I dont think her heart is in leaving brexit, and i think all them sat on the bench going, oooh, like that, i just think theyre. How can i put it . Ill believe it when i see it. Its not concrete and its not set in stone. And i believe in black or white, in the sense of, you know, dont go round the houses. And you see, theres a big north and south divide, you know . You people down south i dont mean you, nick, but. Laughter. You know. Phew northeners, youre Working Class, we dont live in fancy houses, Million Pound houses and half a Million Pound houses. Thats interesting. You think the worry is that people who do have the money. Yes. You think that europe will. They think about themselves, money, money, money, money. You think they want to overturn the referendum . Yes, i do. I just. I think the public, we have spoken, weve said what we want, and i think even if, like i said, another referendum was called, it would go exactly the same way. There is so many people that want out, and like tracy said, i think it is the people with money that benefit from staying in. But what tracy is saying to you is, the rich people, theyll turn this around if they can, theyll find a way. No. You dont think so . No. I wonder what the future of ukip is if we are going to be out. Well, were going to be out, so. They lost really badly in the local elections. Yes. Do you care . I dont know. Let me let you into a secret. You all voted leave, thats why youre here. We chose you because you were leave voters. And you want to know why we voted leave . No, we want to know whether that affects how you will vote in the election. For you, not . No. Ill tell you how it works. Its what we get out of it, us Working Class people get out of it. And at the moment were not getting anything. Yes, thats the only thing swaying my vote is what policies are in place, what are they going to do with the nhs, what are they going to do with housing, disabled services. Its things like that. Thats more important . Thats far more important, yes. Do you agree . Yes, yes. Because i work in the Public Sector, i see it hands on, every day. I see the impact it has on families, young people. Did anybody vote ukip before . Almost. Almost . Yes. It was down to the wire, wasnt it, you know . There were just one or two things that didnt sit right with me. But did you get. How far did you get, were you there with the ballot paper and your pencil. . I got to the front door, put it that way. Really . Yes, it was that close, and it was literally a three minute mindset change. Ijust thought. I had to give my head a bit of a wobble. Laughter. Anybody else get close . No. So somebodys got to negotiate this deal. What sort of qualities do we need to see in the person negotiating the deal . Lets just throw out some words, what sort of words . Somebody who is strong. Strong. Whos going to try and get the best deal for britain when we come out, and whos not going to take the 85 Billion Euros bill they throw at us. Kerry . Confident. Confident . Not easily led. Nicola . Trustworthy. Strong. Thats a good one. When they make a decision they have to stay there. Yes. You said trustworthy, as well. Yes, he said confident but then when you said trustworthy, thats a good one. Nigel farage. Farage . Yes, well hes staying in europe, isnt he, to make sure we get a decent deal when we come out. Do you wish he was in there . While he stays there, giving them what for, yes. So youd vote for ukip, then . Possibly not vote for ukip. I think farage is ok, and i think he wants whats best for britain. I think we need somebody that doesnt exist at the moment. Somebody thats got a bit of backbone, somebody whos not frightened to say what they want and to say what the people are believing in, and. You know, not getting all excited and overly upset about upsetting the pc people, you know . Politically correct . Yes. Theres too much of it at the moment, so we need somebody thats a realist, somebody thats going to listen to the people and take what the people have spoken. Somebody who understands the needs of somebody from a Working Class background, not somebody born with a silver spoon in their mouth. I dont think theres anybody at the moment. They dont exist. It has to be practical, like i said to you. They dont come out, practically, and give people what they need, actually, theyjust randomly check you or go on the paper, this is what people say, but they dont go out, basically. A practical person, i would say that is the person. So not someone who talks too much, somebody whos got a plan . A plan and practical. Are there no leading politicians in britain who speak for the Working Class . Jeremy corbyn. He does . He does, yes. Yes, hes definitely the most down to earth, the most. The biggest realist out of them all, i think, and probably the most trustworthy out of them all. I wouldnt trust any of them in particular, but i think he comes across as the most trustworthy one. He gets slated a lot, doesnt he . He does, but he takes it, though, and he just carries on and carries on. Anybody else Likejeremy Corbyn . No . Not sure . Just me, on my own laughter. Nobody said theresa may . I tell you now, i voted labour the past few times, but i honestly dont know if i will vote labour again this time. Why . Theyjust seem like theyre doing round turns on themselves. A lot of in house arguing, cant seem to get their own house in order, and if thats the state of their house, well, i dont want them coming to my house, sorry laughter. Im the same, to be honest, im undecided, i dont know which way im going to go. I have voted labour the last couple of times, but. Whats making you hesitate . Theresa may. She annoys me a bit, but corbyn annoys me, so im a bit like. They are your main two, arent they, really . Yes. Historically, as in previous generations of your family, did anybody vote. My dads family was brought up labour, mums family was brought up conservative. Thats like mine, yes. Catholic and church of england, and i have never had any pressure on me to make a decision either way, so. Ijust wondered if sometimes people vote. Like their mum and dad . Generational. The problem with corbyn to me, is, he doesnt have the charisma. He reminds me of somebody from the 19705, like michael foot or an old labour mp thats nice and cuddly, but hes got no charisma for me. Or he hasnt got enough charisma. So i couldnt vote for him, personally. Plus a lot of the labour mps, i can think of three, corbyn, diane abbott and. In fact, i cant remember three, ican remembertwo. Its like a Homogenous Group and i dont even know who anybody is. Nobody said anything good about theresa may. Does anybody think shes good . I think shes all right. I think we cant blame a single person, though. Its not theresa mays decision. If shes doing something obviously she is discussing with all the Party Members everything, then she can make the decision. We cant say in the labour party, that person is going to be a strong person. Do you like theresa may, then . Not personally, im married laughter. Has anybody heard the slogan they use a lot about theresa may . She is strong and stable, thats what they keep saying. Youre saying youve not heard that . No. No . Does that ring true . No. You dont think shes strong or stable, i mean, or the tory government . No. And you dont. No, i dont. And the main reason you sounded upset. Yes . Was you thought theyd backed down, tracy, On Immigration. Yes, shes backed down, hasnt she . She has backed down. How . She says one thing, she says, oh, yes, well do it, you know, well close the borders, blah blah blah, and now, she is now turning round and saying, oh, well well let 10,000 in. That510,000 more kids for our schools, for our homes, for our nhs. No. What do you think On Immigration . Tracy is really bothered that you should try to get it down to nil, really, arent you . Nil. What do you think . Obviously im worried about it as well, no doubt about it. We people working here pay taxes and people that come from outside. Basically. Basically they get everything that we, basically, the people who live here, deserve it, but they get more things, but we dont, actually, and we pay taxes for themselves. You pay for it . They should only get. We are working and the tax we pay pays for them, for the last that are allowed in the country. So you want. . But some of the workers that come over are really hard workers and will do what some of our unemployed wont do. I dont think its necessary them thats the problem, them who come over and they work and they integrate with society. I think its the immigrants that come over and dont work, you know, take up the housing and the benefits, and locally its definitely a problem. What is, sorry . Immigration. Definitely in this area. Because . Theres so many that are not working, they take up the housing, commit crime. Crime is a big issue in calderdale. You sound like youre saying to us, hold on, nicola, youre saying, remember that immigrants are important. The ones who do want to come across, ive got friends and family who work abroad, and its tit for tat kind of thing, but some services over here cost double the amount because we need interpreters to support them. Because you work in the Public Sector . I do, yes. Lets just do a couple of other issues. What other issues . A few of you have mentioned the nhs, john, you mentioned the nhs. Yes. I think we pay vat to europe, couldnt we pay vat when we come out of europe and put it into the nhs and education and stuff like that . Still pay vat but use it for our own benefit rather than paying it into the bureaucracy of europe . I think that would be a good idea. But is the nhs important enough . You say thats the issue. Just go with the party that gets that right for me. Thats one of the main issues, i think. Yes. I think getting out of the eu is a very important thing because it gives us our own sovereignty and we can determine our own borders, who comes here, also we determine how our money is spent on what we need in this county rather than paying, what is it, £45 million a day to be in europe, Something Like that, so we could benefit from that a lot more than people in europe, you know . I want to ask you to think about the parties, ok . So, when you think of the tory party, what do you think . Snobs. Yes, more for posh people. Boys club. Yes. Jolly boys club, funny handshake society. Is it eton, theyve all been to eton . Theyre all private. You said you were thinking of voting for them . Yes, i am, yes. I mean, i went to Grammar School but thats by the by. But yes, im thinking of voting for them, because labour just dont. They leave me cold at the minute, sorry, but theyjust do. Tony, i got the impression you might. Its possible, anything is possible. You might vote for all these posh old etonians . No, i dont. If they tick all the boxes im looking for. You will hold your nose and do it anyway . I will do what needs to be done, you know, because its. Like i say, if they tick my boxes, well then, im sorry if somebody else doesnt feel the same, but hey ho, thats what politics is. 0k. Anybody want to have another word on the tories . What about labour, then, what words come to mind on labour . Undecided. Labour . I think for the workers. For the workers . For the Working Class. I dont think they are for the Working Class. Do you not . No, i think theyre for anybody who will vote for them. How soon do you think theyll actually. Because you all voted leave. How soon do you think we will be actually out, totally out . Two years. Two years and were out . I think 2018, actually, end of 2018. But if theresa may says were going to phase it and take our time to get out. Yes, itll be five years, i reckon. Five . But why phase it . It is what it is, lets have some backbone, right, brussels, up yours, sunshine, two finger salute, long live the queen. Yes. You know, and crack on with it. I get a sense, nicola, sorry to look at you again, but i get the sense, nicola, theres a chance you might not vote at all. Ive had times when i havent voted. Anyone else think they might not vote . No. Youll definitely vote . I think i will, yes. Its a shame to waste your vote, isnt it . I think its the criticism you get, its kind of the pc thing, isnt it, when you get. Its one of those things that. You dont actually say who you voted for because youre going to be criticised either way. I just choose not to vote sometimes because i really dont know who to vote for and i felt it was a wasted vote if i vote for somebody and counteract somebody else when you dont know what youre doing. Just do this word game when you shout out some words. So im going to say theresa may. What do you think of . Weak. Weak . A liar. I think its quite good that the country is led by a few females, weve got, obviously, the queen. Even if you dont like her, do you think shes strong . Yes. I think shes a bit of a battle axe but i think shes quite a strong person, yes. I think shes stronger than corbyn, im sorry. Ashley . Yes, even though i dont particularly like her, i think she has to be strong to have got where she is, she, today, even though shes a replacement, isnt she . She wasnt voted in. Some words about corbyn, what do you think of when i say corbyn . A wet blanket. I think a bit of a snake. Ashley . Annoying i cant say anything, you know . No words . No. Nicola . No personal opinion because i dont really tend to watch much about him but he hasnt got a very good reputation when it comes to what you do read about and hear about him. Insipid. Hes for the people. Thats not a word sorry. Its not, is it . No you feel strongly about this. Yes, i do, yes. I think labour have created a mess and i think they should come back in and clear it up. Theyll make a bigger mess. I dont think they will, i think theyll right their wrongs that they created in the first place. Does anybody speak for the Working Class in politics . Not really. Not even you, and you believe Injeremy Corbyn i do, i think out of all of them, its definitely him, but i dont think. I think theyve all come from privileged backgrounds to get to where they are, and i think none of them have ever lived on a Council Estate or have ever lived off benefits or come from single parent families. None of them have ever queued in a food bank, you know. That is what politicians lack, i think. They lack that. Experience. Yes, the experience. On the ground. Nicola, youre a single mum. Do you have that sense of people not having had the Life Experience that you had . Ithink ive. Ive been brought up by a 2. 4 family, but i work in fields where they are mainly from vulnerable families. Youth offending, domestic violence, and a lot of the families i work with, they dont vote, either. Because, you think, they think politicians are other people, not like us . Yes, i think they think theyre just not like us, yes. They dont vote because it doesnt make a difference to them. Yes. Thats the point. If it changed anything, theyd ban it all theyre interested in most probably is how much my pint is going to be and how much its going up, petrol and a packet of fags yes. But are they wrong . Well, no, it is their main thing, isnt it . Thats the first, oh, whats it gone up, oh, tax, well. i remember my mum watching the news just to see how much a packet of fags had gone up by. Shed never voted in her life but thats what she used to watch. How much it had gone up by. Growing up now, i do think that isnt the main issue. There are bigger things yes, there are bigger things in life some of the families i work with, they dont overspend, but they are very poor. They live hand to mouth. Yes. And. There is quite a Big Rich Poor Divide at the minute, i think. Well, thank you very much, thank you to kerry, john, nicola, anthony, ashley, irfan and tracy, thanks very much for sharing your views. Now, no small group of people, even though theyve been chosen by the pollsters ipsos mori, can ever tell you how any one constituency will vote, let alone how the whole country will vote, but what they can do is put the flesh on the bones of the things that we see in Opinion Polls and the things we hear every day. Next week well be hearing not from a group of leave voters but a group of remain voters. Some very welcome rain on the way for farmers over the weekend and initially its coming from this area of low pressure thats coming from a long way south towards the uk and its going to draw warm air which holds moisture, hence the chance of heavy rain. The cloud from the south west coming up already. The cloud brought rain earlier which has cleared and weve seen showers and sunshine. Showers fading away this evening and it will be clear for a good part of the night. To the west, Thickening Cloud with low pressure approaching and some wind and rain. Ahead of that, temperatures, eight or nine. Monday morning, rain coming in across much of scotland for the rush hour, wet across the south west, dry to the north east of scotland. Still mostly dry in the East Pennines but heavy rain in cumbria and lancashire, a wet start in northern ireland. Some rain in wales, the west of wales and rain across southern england, beginning to arrive in london. Much of Eastern England starting dry, perhaps some hazy sunshine. Cloud thickening and we will see some rain in eastern areas. The wettest weather is going to be over the hills in the west and south west of scotland, and wales. The rain easing off this afternoon, we may get some brightness. Even with the cloud it is going to be a warm day, 16, 17. The first rain from that Weather Front and then we get more heavy rain returning overnight and then the Weather Front is stuck across the uk. Where, difficult to say but it looks like it will be across yorkshire, wales and the south west of england. North of the blustery wind, sharp showers. East anglia and the south east, dry, and we have some warm air, temperatures may be 22. Not especially cold elsewhere, 17 or 18. On wednesday, Rain In The East Anglia and the south east of england, this will be the wettest day of the week for this part of the uk. Sunshine following on. Temperatures beginning to drop away. The last of the warm and humid air gets pushed into Northern Europe and cool air is coming our way. Sunshine and showers. This is bbc news, the headlines this weekends cyber attack, the largest of its kind says the head of the eus Law Enforcement agency europol, and the start of the working week could expose more victims. The slow down of the Infection Rate over friday night after a temporary fix around it has now been overcome by a second variation of it that the criminals have released so the numbers are going up. The new french president is sworn in at the elysee palace. Emmanuel macron promises to restore the confidence of the french people and said the country was on the brink of a great renaissance. He becomes the countrys youngest leader since napoleon. Nurses vote overwhelmingly in favour of a Summer Of Protest over pay. Labour says its proposed Robin Hood Tax on Financial Transactions would raise billions of pounds for public services

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