in the middle east, such is the fog of war and the amount of propaganda and inaccuracies being circulated. take this report by merlyn thomas from bbc verify. misinformation has been circulating. iran's state tv repeatedly aired a video of a fire in chile, claiming that it was footage of missiles successfully hitting targets in israel. we found the original version of the clip, which was posted to tik tok in february. and the israel defense forces posted this video compilation on ex of iran's retaliatory attacks. most of the clips are of the attack, but there's one old clip here right at the end of the video, and that's from nearly ten years ago of a russian grad rocket launcher. as well as those two examples, last weekend saw a plethora of other cases of disinformation being circulated. video of palestinians praying at the al—aqsa mosque last week was claimed as showing them celebrating saturday's iranian strikes, and footage from this video game, arma iii was posted as showing