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Later on the programme. Applause. Jeremy corbyns comments went down well at wednesdays Election Debate but was that because the audience was not representative or did the bbc handle the Programme Wongly . And were these pictures of the Manchester Bomber Out Shopping Worthy of the attention they received on bbc news . First, Election Campaigns are often defined by actual or perceived blunders by politicians caught on camera or microphone and replayed endlessly, increasingly so in the social media age. After Diane Abbotts difficulty with numbers a couple of weeks ago, Jeremy Corbyn had this encounter on tuesday on womens hour. How much will it cost to provide un mea ns tested childcare for 1. 3 million children . It will cost. It will obviously cost a lot to do so. We accept that. I presume you have the figures . I will give you the figure in a moment. You do not know it . You are logging into your ipad. Youre announcing a major policy and if you do not know how much it will cost. The labour leaders failure to recall the cost of the proposal to extend Free Childcare in england featured prominently on bbc news throughout the day. It led the three bbc one bulletins. Many viewers felt that too much was being made of a mere memory lapse. Another viewer recorded her thoughts for us on video. On tuesday, we had the perfect illustration of the differential treatment of labour and the conservatives. Headline news on all the Broadcast Media because corbyn forgot a figure. Compare that to the treatment of philip hammond, chancellor of the exchequer, who on the today programme got his figures for hs2 out by £20 billion. It might have been balanced if they mention that labour had a fully costed manifesto whereas the tories manifesto was totally uncosted. Another election controversy followed on wednesday after a debate featuring representatives of the seven main parties, including Jeremy Corbyn and home secretary amber rudd in place of the absent prime minister. I was thinking how chaotic it would be if they all got together. It was a rambustious affair which at times, felt some viewers, itself degenerated into chaos. All speak at once. One viewer told us she found debates like that. More contentious was the reaction of the audience, put together by the Polling Company comres, who were commissioned by the bbc. Here is how a couple of Jeremy Corbyns comments went down. Have you seen people sleeping around our stations. . Cheering and applause. Have you seen the level. . Jeremy corbyn, can you respond to that point. . 300,000 people elected me to lead this party and i am proud to lead this party. Cheering. When amber rudd spoke, the audience responded in a less enthusiastic way. We have made a clear decision to make sure that we protect the poorest in our society. Groaning. You have not. The pensioners will be protected. Judge us on our record. Laughter. We have cut the deficit. The following morning, the daily mail front page screamed of bias on the bbc debate, and the foreign secretary Boris Johnson called the audience the most left wing he had ever seen. It was a Yammering Cacophony of views, many of them left wing. Even by the bbcs own standards, you would agree the audience was notably to the left of many people in this country. What did newswatch viewers think . Onejoins me. Why did you contact newswatch . I was actually shocked by the audience reaction. I thought the jeering, and cheering of some people but the jeering of others was unacceptable. It seemed to be that the audience was, at least 80 , left of centre in its bias and i thought that was completely unrepresentative of how the country votes. You raise the issue of whether the audience was unbalanced. Comres put the audience together. The company said this earlier in the week. The reality was, the audience was scrupulously put together, selected and verified and i think a politicians clapometer is not the best way to judge how representative it is of the voting public. It is actually to open the bonnet and understand how the audience was put together. It is like constructing a giant 3 d jigsaw. You have to look how representative is. Making sure it is representative of the 2015 result, the current voting intention, the people who voted remain and leave, and i can tell you it absolutely was. You raise concerns about the panellists. What was your concern about the way they came across and the way the debate worked . I do not understand why there were seven speakers and a number of them are from very small parties. If you look at the way people voted, plaid cymru got 0. 6 of the vote in 2015. They all got an awful lot of air time and i do not know whether the audience. They say everyone was represented, was the conservative audience 40 times the amount of plaid cymru . Ijust do not believe the audience was representative of the country. You also spoke about the sense that five leaders were essentially ganging up on amber rudd. What could or should the bbc have done differently . It was very difficult. It descended into chaos. It was a shouting match. I thought amber rudd actually did very well, under a lot of aggression. I think that the presenter should have stopped some of this shouting. I think perhaps the bbc should have thought about the format. Seven speakers is too much. Perhaps two presenters. Ground rules at the beginning about not making personal attacks and not shouting over people. Basically it was a complete turnoff. I know a number of people who turned off the tv. I think it put most people off politics. We asked the bbc to come and talk about the concerns. No one is available but we do have a statement. That is what the bbc have had to say. A final word to you. I do not think that is correct. I do not think. I think the militant side of the audience hijacked the programme. I think it is happening more and more and i think if there were more central right wing viewers perhaps they did not want to speak up and be subjected to a barrage of abuse just as emma barnett was last week in womens hour for asking a questionJeremy Corbyn couldnt respond to. Thank you very much. Finally, the aftermath of last weeks bomb attack in manchester continues to attract headlines with cctv footage of Salman Abedi Salman Abedi heralded as a bbc exclusive. A young man in a hooded top, Jogging Pants and trainers, on his own on a Sunday Morning shop. In this footage obtained by the bbc, he looks relaxed as he is captured on cctv browsing the shelves. He spent £8. 74 and bought almonds, tuna, scouring pads and air freshener. Staff in the shop believe this was salman abedi. Some viewers said they found the prominent use of the picture to be voyeuristic and lacking in any significant news value. One recorded her thoughts on camera. I simply could not understand why that was considered to be major news and to warrant the main spot. Of course, such a grave event needed extensive coverage but the coverage should have been news and not sensationalism. So many other things happened that week which were not mentioned or received a very scant coverage. To name one, 26 people were killed on a bus in egypt and yet it was hardly mentioned. I felt really sad that taxpayers money is used to fund Public Broadcasting that sometimes sinks to the level of tabloid journalism. Thank you for all your comments this week. If you want to send us your opinion or appear in person in the programme, call 0370 010 6676. You can also e mail us. Post your comments on twitter and do have a look at our website. We are off air next week in the aftermath of the general election but in a fortnight we will be looking back at the campaign coverage

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