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In venezuela. I do not think it is fair, what has happened the past few months in a country, that you have had the majority of venezuelans protesting, demanding change, demanding free and fair elections, and they have been received by the National Guard and police with tear gas, with rubber bullets, and sometimes with regular bullets, would shotguns. More than 120 people have been killed. And according to the attorney general, she has said that more than 90 of those who have been killed our opposition protesters. Especially young people between 20 and 30. So there has been violence in venezuela, we condemn all violence. I do not think it is fairto all violence. I do not think it is fair to say that it has been on both sides. There is one side that has insisted on protesting peacefully, and every time that the police or National Guard appear, it ends with people being killed. Just tell us about the opposition and who they are. The opposition has evolved since it began in venezuela. Today you have parties from all ideologies. You have leftist parties, such as action democratica, such as popular will, my own party, which is a member of the international socialists. And you have centre right parties. The important thing is that the opposition now has younger leaders, younger members of congress, who wa nt younger members of congress, who want change for all younger members of congress, Who Wa Nt Change for all venezuela ns younger members of congress, who want change for all venezuelans and who believe that this change has to happen within a democracy. So the struggle these days is not between left and right. It is more between democrats and those who wish to change the rules by which we have governed this country for the past 50 yea rs. Governed this country for the past 50 years. The Social Experiment in venezuela has failed. It has failed very badly. The economic and political crisis we have is tremendous. There has never been Something Like this. Lots of people are not eating three times a day. Many people are eating from the garbage. Scarcity of asic goods is severe. garbage. Scarcity of asic goods is severe. Basic goods. It is very clear that most venezuelans want change, and most venezuelans are willing to elect a different president. The struggle these days is not between two halves, to parts of the country. It is between the majority who want change, and those who refuse to allow it. You are a party of the left, we should be clear. Are you saying that socialism doesnt work and you have seen that in venezuela . When i speak about socialism in such an easy way, because, when we say socialism in venezuela, the meaning here is more common than anything else, in venezuela this is not a socialist experiment, to be fair. It is more ofa experiment, to be fair. It is more of a leftist autocratic experiment. There is no Freedom Of Expression in venezuela. There is no freedom of speech. You have Hundreds Of Vidigal Prisoners in our country. So this is not a very socialist experiment. This is a country where those in power have tremendous efforts. They move around the city of caracas with bodyguards, in bullet proof cars. They have become an elite themselves, while the rest of the country has been suffering. This is not a socialist government. This is an elite who call themselves socialist, but they are actually interested in staying in power forever. Your party, popular will, isa forever. Your party, popular will, is a member of the cap next socialist international, socialist international, which means it is affiliated with the labour party in england. How important is it that foreign left of Centre Parties support your side of the argument rather than maduro was leg side . Very important. The government has a strong propaganda team. It is not fair. We do not feel supported when governments around the world present the situation here as if it we re present the situation here as if it were a conflict between left and right wing parties. Were a conflict between left and rightwing parties. This is a conflict between democracy and dictatorship. This is a conflict between respecting human rights and violating human rights. This is a conflict between the majority of the bully wa nts conflict between the majority of the bully wants change, and who want to bring that change about with elections, and between a minority willing to do anything to stay in power. Majority of the people who wa nt power. Majority of the people who want change. What do you think when you see jeremy want change. What do you think when you seeJeremy Corbyn trying to steer a fine line between the two sides . What i would say to Jeremy Corbyn is that he really needs to know what is going on in our country to be able to make a statement. Violence has not been done by both sides. Violence has been promoted by the government. They have Armed Paramilitary groups which have taken the lives of Hundreds Of Nipple in venezuela. Maybe the mothers and fathers of those who have been killed would be willing to speak to Jeremy Corbyn to explain and to tell him what the real situation has been. People such as neil malander, a teenager who went out on the streets to protest because he was convinced he should have a different future, people such as fabian rubina, who was killed by a gunshot shot by a member of the National Guard, and all he was trying to do was raises voice for a different country, for democracy. I am pretty sure the family of the people who have been killed are willing to let Jeremy Corbyn no what the real situation has been and how they have been killed during the past four months. Jeremy corbyn know. Nobody says it is easy to make spending decisions in the nhs right now, but among the unpleasant choices being made in parts of the country are cuts to ivf treatment. The Nhs Standards Set by nice, the National Institute for health and ca re National Institute for health and care excellence, is that women under 40 care excellence, is that women under a0 unable to conceive for two years should be able to receive three cycles of ivf treatment. But the group Fertility Network uk has found that almost half the areas in england have decided to cut that standard, cutting the three cycles to two or one or zero, or in some cases changing the eligibility rules. The only option is for them to then go private. Elaine dunkley has been to bristol, where they are consulting on plans to restrict ivf to be under 35s. Babies in low is ellies dream come true. Finlow. Herfirst run of ivf for successful at the age of 35. She was forced to go private and this is the system is unfair to those who cannot afford it. We decided to go private because the nhs refused me because i had an early miscarriage. They told me that i was sub fertile rather than in fertile, so i will was not going to receive funding. Not having a baby was horrendous. I know that not everybody wants that, but it was my absolute world, everything that i wanted. To then be turned down by the nhs, to be told they were not going to help me, it was devastating. It is a lot of money andi devastating. It is a lot of money and i think for a lot of people that money isnt available. I was very fortu nate money isnt available. I was very fortunate that my family was able to help me but i know not everybody is in that situation. If we have to go for a second round of ivf we will have to remortgage the house or get a loan. Under guidance via nice, those aged under a0 with Fertility Problems should be offered up to three cycles of ivf. Those aged between a0 and a2 should we offered one if they meet a certain criteria. But this doesnt happen. A cycle of ivf can cost in excess of £3000. Decisions about who is eligible is taken by local clinical Commissioning Groups. It is becoming a Postcode Lottery because of the way that we commission in the uk. It doesnt have to be that way. We have nhs england, for example, which has a National Programme for our Genetics Associate with ivf. But the Commissioning Groups are able to not only decide whether they will fund ivf, but to actually provide restrictive Eligibility Criteria if they do fund it. So very few people get a ccess they do fund it. So very few people get access to ivf that actually require it. Some have described it as unethical, unfair and discriminatory. Ultimately it comes down to costs, and whether the nhs should be funding the desire to become a parent when money is needed in so many other areas. Five areas have now stopped offering ivf. Since the beginning of this year, the number of cycles women are entitled to has been reduced by 12 clinical Commissioning Groups. In september these areas will decide on whether ivf should be restricted to women who are 30 35. Those most likely to concede with treatment. Conceive. 0ne concede with treatment. Conceive. One of those areas is in bristol, the place where the worlds first Test Tube Baby was born. This doctor has helped thousands conceive and does not think age should be the only factor. Success rates are very reasonable until the age of a2. So, yes, one can take an individual approach and clinics do that all the time. Remember, infertility itself is also classified as a disease. That means there are some couples, some people, where without help there is absolutely no way they will be able to achieve a pregnancy. And therefore they need medical help. Every day the nhs is forced to make difficult decisions over what it can and cannot afford. This is little consolation to those who feel time and funding is against them. Consolation to those who feel time and funding is against themlj consolation to those who feel time and funding is against them. I think it is really unfair people are treated differently across the country, in the Postcode Lottery. I can understand there are funding issues and they need to find ways to restrict it. But i think the way they are doing it is really unfair. Elaine dunkley reporting. We are joined by Professor Robert winston, a World Expert Infertility and one of the early pioneers ivf, and Freelance Journalist sarina bergman, who wrote in the independent today that ivf is costly and ineffective and it is time to stop offering it on the nhs. Professor winston, you would argue that there should not be a Postcode Lottery and the nhs shouldnt pay . Thank you for putting my argument for me. I agree with that. If we have a National Health service it has to be national. At the moment we have local Health Services because of the reforms in the Health Service. That leads to an equality, in equity. Inequality. What is the right level . Is it what nice specified . Three cycles is reasonable. With all due respect there are a number of countries in europe which offer free ivf and have a similar cost for the Health Service as we do, and they are investing the same amount. So it is not just investing the same amount. So it is notjust shortage of money. It is a political leader surjan political decision by the commissioners. Why do you believe there shouldnt be a priority for the nhs . do you believe there shouldnt be a priority for the nhs . I feel strongly about it. The nhs is grossly underfunded. We all about. The nhs exists to keep us healthy. Ivf is not a cure to an illness. It isa ivf is not a cure to an illness. It is a solution to people who feel they are not achieving their life goals. I do not think that is the responsibility of the nhs. Serena, have you had children . responsibility of the nhs. Serena, have you had children . I dont see how thats relevant. It is a very, very relevant. I disagree. How thats relevant. It is a very, very relevant. Idisagree. Iwill explain why. You dont have to once the question and i dont bring to be discourteous. But i have published hundreds of scientific papers, you have called me a pioneer of ivf, which is probably an exaggeration, but of all my achievements, my three children are the things that changed my life. They are the most important aspect of my life. They are the next generation. That is what we can contribute to. People who are in fertile suffer hugely. They suffer the Painjust Fertile suffer hugely. They suffer the pain just the same as somebody with injuries and illness do. At the moment this is not being fully understood and i think you should know better. Serena, we are not going to ask whether you have had kids or any of those kinds of questions. I am kids or any of those kinds of questions. Iam interested in whether you accept the feelings that people have about whether they can have kids or not are as big to them as they may be forced some of the other thing is that the nhs spends money on . Absolutely, the feelings for the individual are incredibly strong and my heart goes out to people who are unable to conceive naturally and wants to. But i think we have a problem in this society where we consider that the best way to become a parent is by conceiving naturally, and giving birth to a child. There is a huge amount of options for people unable to conceive and by putting so much money into ivf and presenting that as the number one option, we are not giving people the opportunity to explore alternatives. We have 70,000 children in this country being looked after by local authorities. There is. By an afraid that adoption is not a treatment for infertility, serena. Infertility is a symptom of a disease and there are at least 100 different causes of infertility, and at the moment, what is happening is a massive waste of money in the Health Service, because all sorts of investigations are being done and you start the treatment, you are given one cycle, and then of course you have lost all that investment. Morongo, ivf is not being costed because in some authorities it costs £1000, in others it costs £6,000. Until the nhs generally gets its house in order there is a massive problem. The problem really is that costing in the nhs is completely random. It isa in the nhs is completely random. It is a really big issue. But sirena raises the point, why not encourage people to adopt . Because there are less than 1000 babies that can be adopted each year and people dont unreasonably want to adopt a child that might have had very adverse experiences early in life. Most of the children you are referring to have been in care for years and you cannot adopt them early in life. I think it is a brave person who is prepared to adopt somebody under those circumstances. What is the point of nice . They come up with a standard, then the authorities go their own way and ignore it. I do think that is a problem. You should know if you are going to be gp you will receive the same care at the point of nhs. I also think it is telling that areas are making these difficult choices, it doesnt reflect well but they know they have to do it because we are facing such a huge crisis. Very briefly, if you had to cut ivf services would you cut the age threshold or the number of cycles . I would do ivf when it is really needed, and at the moment nearly half are unnecessary. The work we are doing now, the research we are doing can reduce the cost and i think that is urgently needed. 0k, we will leave it there. Thank you, both. Justin gatlin won the 100m at the World Athletics Championship over on saturday. If you watched, you could probably tell the crowd was not happy. The booing undoubtedly reflected the fact that gatlin has served two doping bans and the feeling that, as a result, it was unfortunate that he beat usain bolt in this showcase event. But Open Mindedness is a virtue, and there are many in the Athletics Business who think that Justin Gatlin deserves a lot more respect than he is given. Among them is gatlins agent, renaldo nehemiah. I spoke to him earlier, and he told me about those Doping Offences. The first Doping Offence happened whenJustin Gatlin was a freshman at the university of tennessee, taking adderall for attention deficit disorder. They recognised he wasnt trying but because of the rulings he was suspended for a year. They didnt want it to reflect on his record, it was in the record that they didnt want it to reflect as a Doping Offence or that he was doping. The next second offence was some type of cream applied to his skin in early april Spring Meeting back in 2006. But he did claim he was effectively sabotaged by a therapist who was actually trying to damage his career because they were in dispute with the management, correct . He had fired that Massage Therapist the previous fall, against my better judgment we couldnt find any other physios that we could afford at that time. Can you see why the crowds have great anger at people who have Doping Offences . I can see it back in 2010 when he first returned, 2011, when he was running again, possibly even as early as 2012. He ran in the London Olympic stadium and won the bronze medal and no one said a word. No one said a word in 2013, 201a or even 2015. Then suddenly when he started to challenge usain bolt when nobody else could challenge him it became an issue. I dont have a problem with everyone feeling the same way about anti doping but lets be honest, Justin Gatlin is not the only athlete who has tested positive. He didnt create doping and there will be others after him. It is unfair. There will be others in the stadium this week that have come off Doping Offences. I cannot speak because they are not winning but he has done his time, made by the rules, the iaaf reinstated him and we should accept that. To put the narrative out that it is justJustin Gatlin and hes the bad guy, it is not fair, it is inhumane, it is not sportsmanlike. How did he feel after he wins the 100m and hes booed . I had prepared him prior to this. We had been talking about a year and a half prior to that not everyone will accept you and you cannot please everyone. He who hasnt done wrong, and he without sin should cast the first stone. You cannot control the viewpoints of anyone, but he has conducted himself in a professional manner. Here is the icing on the cake. He gave usain bolt the greatest respect by bowing to him and usain bolt hugged him. He has no problem with Justin Gatlin, hes a great competitor, so if its good for usain bolt it should be good for everyone else. Usain bolt in his graciousness at published that in the press conference. Im ok with that. If the king, the legend is ok with it, we all should be. What do you think though of the professional commentators, the media, some of those involved in international athletics, even Sebastien Coe and steve cram who have taken a very hard line onJustin Gatlin and have done a lot to set opinion about him . Everyone is entitled to their opinion. I take offence to lord coe, hes part of the iaaf who set the rules and punishments, and when you do that you are supposed to be reinstated which means athletes who have offended have, and you dont allow them in and still condemned them. We are talking post 11 years after the ban. Other sports release their own and move past it. I dont have a problem with anyone having any issue with doping, i dont condone it but i dont think Justin Gatlin is the poster child for it. That is fact, and i will always say that. Thank you so much for making that case. An internal memo written by a male employee at google has caused serious ructions in the company. The author set out the view that some of the gender gap at google, for example in the numbers of men and women employed as software engineers, may not be as a result of sex discrimination, but simply as a result of biological differences in the way skills and characteristics are distributed between the sexes. His memo has found its way into the Public Domain and if you want to read it, you can google it obviously, and youll find some of the responses. The memo argues women and men are different. So the main point. Now the writer is at pains to point out you cannot stereotype based on gender but his sharpest critique is of the kind of Corporate Diversity that google promotes. Which brings us to the response of danielle brown, googles new head of diversity, integrity and governance. She chose not to take on the argument but tried to shut it down. Well, the memo raises two questions one is whether the author is right that genders differ in the distribution of attributes. But the other question is whether this should be allowed to be asked. Well, the memo raises two questions one is whether the author is right that genders differ in the distribution of attributes. But the other question is whether this should be allowed to be asked. Is there an authoritarian liberalism, that tries to suppress these conversations . With me are the writer and campaigner Caroline Criado perez and the director of the institute of ideas, claire fox. Caroline, do you think it is possible the writer is correct to say the reason there are fewer Women Programmers is because they are not as into programming . There is no evidence to suggest this is a result of biological difference. The idea that having a uterus makes me less predisposed to programming as opposed to the way we bring up boys and girls, for which there is a lot of evidence. I found it interesting reading his blog how much emphasis he put on facts and lets be rational about this and yet provided no citations or evidence. Is it possible he is right . Theres no evidence he cites, he says it makes evolutionary sense and says it is true across different cultures. When you look at the actual evidence, so for example there is plenty of evidence showing if you submit Two Scientific Cv is, one with a male name and a female name, exactly the same other than that, the male name gets employed and gets given a higher salary. He makes claims about women not negotiating, actually evidence shows women do negotiate but get penalised for it. This guy is perfectly entitled to his opinion, its just that i have no respect for it because its not based on evidence. 0n the substance of the issue, do you think he has a point or not . I dont agree with his point, but one substantial point he makes which im more sympathetic to his he says the reason why there are not as many female programmers for example is not because of sexism in many companies, and i am sympathetic to that because everywhere i look, and there is evidence for this of course, and every institution is bending over backwards to try to do something about diversity and gender imbalance. There is Something Else going on. The other thing is its quite interesting because he spoke about psychological differences as well. This is an argument i have with many contemporary feminists, im not saying you, but they say what we need is more female mps and more females on boards because that will lead to a softer, less aggressive atmosphere in parliament. I think that implies there is some kind of innate femininity that makes you a nicer person so that Identity Point of what he says is very familiar to us. When it is said by feminists its greeted as an interesting thought, when it is said by this guy, it is let on, where is your evidence . To be fair to feminists, there is disagreement within feminism and evidence suggests there isnt an innate. There is a fantastic book written by this actually. Studies continue to accumulate showing educated women in industrial democracies when they get choice they opt for socially meaningful work and fewer hours. Women do 75 of the underpaid care and governments to provide good childcare. We might have women choosing for reasons that society organises, doesnt give you enough child care or whatever the reasons, its society that might mean that women choose to work less hours and so on. That means that they therefore might not be choosing to do things with long hours. Its not google the sexist company. How free is that choice . I know, but the point. Claires point is it wouldnt be googles fault. Im not suggesting that google is deliberately. This guy is making the point thats what is said. There was a great story last year. A point made about a very, very bright young daughter who was equally good as sciences as the arts. She chose to do the arts, she was treated as though she was betraying the sisterhood because she wouldnt take up stem subjects. The important thing is that women are going to be the engineers of the future, they say. Brilliant. I love things like code first girls an the work they do. I like all that stuff. But i think it has to be that they choose. There is a danger, this is what this guy argues, that what happens is that women who dont choose to take up stem issues get accused of not being pioneers in the science and technology issues. Do you, would you say that. You know people draw generalisations about left and right handed people. Studies will say left handed people are better at maths, thats because of right brain dominance. Do you reject all this and just think its nonsense . I mean, you know, im not going to be completely dogmatic about it and say that there is no way in any future there will be some kind of. But i would say that whatever we find will be so minuscule as to be fairly irrelevant and will not demonstrate any way enough of a difference between the sexes to show why we have such a big difference. The science isnt100 there to determine whether its biology or society. Its legitimate to make the point. He can make whatever point he wants. And not get the sack. I dont care what he believes hes just wrong. No, but this is very important. He wrote this actually largely about how diversity has become an ideology in google. Hiring policies have been re organised around diversity ends rather than hiring people who are best for the job. I think that does no one a service, certainly not women for whom it is patronising. This guy is now getting absolutely internationally pillaried and hammered for being anti women. He isnt. He raises an important illiberalism. Im so sorry. The best person for the job, because diversity can lead to being the best person for thejob. It doesnt guarantee it. We need to leave it. Thanks both very much. The dup may be the most successful electoralforce in Northern Ireland, but in the rest of the uk the party has something of an image problem. It is often seen as stuck in the past, too religiously conservative, and sometimes illiberal, or even bigoted. A party for old people, not the young. So, is that image fair, or simply a reflection of people making too little effort to get to know the dup and its supporters . Well, Stacey Dooley makes documentaries for bbc three, which is of course primarily aimed at the younger audiences, and stacey has been to Northern Ireland to meet some of the partys supporters to get to know the dup better. Right now, i am on my way to go and have a chat with a young girl called ruth. Ruth is a dup supporter and i think she actually campaigns for them as well, so heavily involved. Shes 19, sojust started voting really. Hello. Hiya. How are you, ruth . Im stacey. This is my little brother. Hes with Arlene Foster and ian paisleyjunior. My dad is ian paisleyjrs election agent, so this was in 2010 when dr paisley was helping ian canvas. Tell me why you support the dup. Because im a christian. I agree with all their views, but also things in Northern Ireland, its more than just like the political views on gay marriage and stuff, its about, like, keeping sinn fein out and they have very real terrorist links in the past. What are your thoughts on gay couples . I believe its wrong, theres no easy way about that, but. I have been called a homophobe before, which is not true, because i have simply said there that i disagree. Tell me what is so wrong when a man kisses another man or has sex with another man. Its. You cant have sex like, erm, you cant have children with two males, you cant have children with two women. How do you do . Im stacey. Hows things . Imjackie. Yeah, nice to meet you. Nice to meet you too. Do you ever feel for ruth because her opinions are sometimes seen as being very extreme or radical, controversial . Do you think it difficult for ruth at 19 to sort of stick her heels in . I think it probably is, because i think theres an expectation amongst people in general, and particularly for young people that they should be liberal in their outlook. But i think you have to do whats right, especially if you feel youre standing before god, that you have to be right before him. And i dont think being very conservative with a small c necessarily means that you, you know, there shouldnt be a hatred towards people that you dont agree with. Whereas i feel thats coming the other way at the moment. Really, you feel people hate you . I think thats the reason possibly while you are here. Because there is that feeling that the dup are extreme. Jackie and ruth arent the only dup voters i meet who believe the party has been treated unfairly following the deal. Young unionists in Northern Ireland show their loyalty to britain by joining local bands. Im here to talk to some dup voters. How do you think the dup are being perceived back in england . Pretty much as a hate figure. They are being made out as if they are so against gays and they are really against abortion and all, but it is the inner beliefs of the party and thats really, for me anyway, thats what i see it as. Do you blame the dup for turning the screw on theresa may . No, i dont blame Arlene Foster for saying, right, you want to play ball, you need our seats. We need something off you, 100 . If sinn fein were in the dups shoes, they would have done the exact same thing. 1. 5 billion, that will be hopefully poured into your communities. Aye. Well, i hope the government stays as long as it can, like. Fair play to the dup. Ive been brought up being british, dont know anything else. I dont want to be anything else. Where are they, sinn fein and you say the others are catholics and all, they want just to wipe us from the map basically. When they say they want the british out of ireland, basically theyre talking about us. I need to meet the other side that seem so threatening to these unionists. The second Largest Political Party in Northern Ireland is sinn fein. Thank you. Im meeting dominic and tam, two of their supporters, at sinn feins west belfast office. They have said, you know, with every inch of themselves they would never ever in a million years entertain the idea of not being british and not being part of britain. As far as im concerned, a United Ireland is inevitable. And i think the more they sit down and engage about it and actually discuss what it would be like within it rather than a blinkered approach of never, never, never. I dont think its a pipe dream, i think its something i definitely will see in my lifetime. Its this faith that ireland will become united that worries dup voters. In protestant areas, theyre building bonfires to commemorate a 320 year old Battle Won By A Protestant king. Ive come to the cragar estate to understand more about the dup vote. Gwen is the Community Worker who is in charge of safety at tonights bonfire. Let me ask you this, gwen, do you think. How useful, how helpful do you think it is to put these posters on the bonfire . Because they are our enemies. We belong to britain. We are british, we are british subjects. I own a british passport and i am proud to say im british. We are british. Sinn fein want the United Ireland, that is the way they brought the war to this country. That is their main aim, and they will do it through any means. I actually believe that we are more british than the english are, to be quite honest. Why do so many people vote for the dup here . We are sort of forced to vote for dup, bringing the unionist vote together, so we would have the majority. Do you agree with everything the dup stand for . Absolutely not, no. With Same Sex Marriage and things, we dont care. We have people in here that are gay and we dont have a problem if a Family Member is gay. It doesnt matter to me. I suppose i came here assuming that i would be spending time with people who were intolerant towards same sex relationships, Same Sex Marriage, abortion. Actually on the ground, so many people here arent fussed by those issues. But some of them in my mind do seem intolerant toward their neighbours, the nationalists. And i think thats a shame. Because the Prime Minister is relying on the dup, its hard for her to be seen as truly neutral between the two sides. The danger is that theresa mays deal with the dup will deepen Northern Irelands bitter divide. That was Stacey Dooley, and a longer version of her bbc three film, Stacey Dooley meets dup voters, is available on iplayer now. Now, before we go, although we like to think weve been able to provide you with a whole a0 Minute Programme full of serious news, some of our colleagues in other outlets have been, shall we say, struggling with the news drought that august can bring. Heres the news channels simon mccoy. Just bear in mind, it is august. This does not look like a walk in the park. Dog owners and their pets in california have hit the waves in the Second Annual world dog surfing championships. Here are the pictures. Theres confidence, theres the size of the waves. Some events have big waves, some small. Theres style and technique. Its really interesting. The competitors main challenge is to stay afloat on the board. This is near san francisco. There are prizes for the best dressed and tandem surfing dogs, the winner being crowned top dog. Thats a shame, weve run out of pictures. I would like to have seen the extra pictures. Maybe he should have taken a leaf out of another news anchors book. Goodnight. What youre about to see is a channel a news exclusive. This is nutty the squirrel. Hes three years old. How about that that squirrel can water ski thats hilarious. What has the weather got in store over the next few days . I can tell you straightaway, summer is certainly not on offer. It will remain quite changeable. Umbrellas at the ready tomorrow. Downpours on the way to. Monday was mixed across the way to. Monday was mixed across the country. Some sunshine. A nice picture there from cambridge. Also some rain in henley up on thames. In the short term, a fair bit of cloud across the southern half of the country. Here is some rain. There are weather across scotland and Northern Ireland. This is where it will be quite chilly. The raines across the midlands into east anglia, just about lincolnshire to. There could even be a crack of thunder. These are temperatures in towns and cities. Take a look at scotland, in the sheltered spots in the glens it could be barely above freezing. Just a hint of 0rt and india. 0ughton in the air. A low Pressure System across france is bringing some dreadful storms to the alpine region. We are relatively close to that low Pressure System so we are affected by this cloud and rain around. During the course of the afternoon, late in the morning and in the afternoon, the clouds will double up and it will be a changeable day across the south. You know the sort of days where we have the sunshine and then the downpour comes, and you think, where is that from, and then sunshine again . It will be one of those days tomorrow across the south west and wales, particularly the south east and east anglia. This is a snapshot from around four oclock in the afternoon. It will change through the day. The best of the weather, Northern Ireland and scotland. In the lowlands it might even stay dry all they. All day. This low Pressure System is taking an unusual track. This one is coming out of france and going north. We are still being affected by it during the course of wednesday. In fact, look at that, a northerly wind. That is never a warm direction. Rain again from east anglia, down into the south east. 0nce from east anglia, down into the south east. Once again on wednesday, not a great day. For folks across the south east and east anglia we have potentially to make days of rain. Further north it is looking better. Thursday is probably the driest day of the week, then thursday night into friday we have some rain coming into northern parts of the uk. So a real mix of weather over the next few days. As i say, no real prolonged Summer Weather on the way for now. Im rico hizon in singapore. The headlines america flexes its military muscles as north korea says theres no way it will give up its nuclear programme. Calls for an inquiry after another Asylum Seeker is found dead at the australian run Detention Camp in papua new guineas manus island. Im Babita Sharma in london. Also in the programme south africas president jacob zuma faces a fresh vote of no confidence and this time mps will vote in secret. And how the chinese province of yunnan is fighting to preserve its rich architectural heritage. Live from our

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