Anthony scaramucci is an excommunications director. This interview from the white house was recorded earlier today. So the Chief Of Staff was literally sworn in about 52 minutes ago, so he is setting in place the procedures by which he will run the white house internally. Where anthony fits into that you would have to ask General Kelly. Well talk to anthony. But lets give him more than 52 minutes and find out later in the week. We didnt need that long. Here is a quick recap of how we got here. I love the president. And im very, very loyal to the president. When mr scaramucci got the job ten days ago, the White House Press secretary, sean spicer resigned over that appointment. Then last week, mr scaramucci publicly the then white house chief of Chief Of Staff, reince priebus. He was replaced last week. That was seen as a win for mr scaramucci. But mr priebus replacement, generaljohn kelly, demanded mr scaramuccis removal in turn. Mr scaramuccis attack last week may have made that an easier sale. The president certainly felt that anthonys comments were inappropriate for a person in that position. And he didnt want to burden General Kelly also with that line of succession. Mr scaramucci was actually the Second Communications director, following mike dubcic, who resigned in june. The Current National security adviser, hr mcmaster, is also the second. The first, mike flynn, resigned after misleading the Vice President on issues around the russian influence scandal. Irritation with the investigation into that scandal eventually led to President Trump firing the fbi director, james comey. We also know the president may about be about to fire his Attorney General, jeff sessions, because mr sessions recuesed himself from that investigation. Maybe General Kelly will make the white house work. But theyve had a humiliation on health care in congress, that russian links investigation is rumbling on, and its still not a normal white house. That was from chris cook, put together quickly. Our north america editor, jon sopel, joins us now from outside from outside the white house. So, john, how many in dc saw that coming as quickly as that . I would love to tell you that we all saw that coming, the truth is i was in the White House Briefing room a few hours ago, and we were sitting around shooting the breeze and saying, you know what, it all suddenly feels a very much great deal calmer, compared to last week. Donald trump going on holiday at the end of the week for a couple of weeks. Its probably going to be a slight lull now and then probably absolutely nothing to do for a couple of weeks. And then we were sitting, and then came be flashed at Anthony Scaramucci was going. Not quite quiet, then. Even we understand that mr scaramucci was escorted off the premises. Ten days ago, he was seen as the answer to Donald Trumps prayers on communication and press relations. Now gone, departed. Briefly, one should say this is incredibly absorbing. Every minute were talking about the personnel and comings and going, not talking about health care, defence or global problems, paris climate deals or anything. And i think thats why it is important for General Kelly to have notched up this victory today but for future victories. He wants to bring a sense of order, process, a chain of command, a proper reporting structure into the white house so that when you are dealing with issues like, i dont know, north korea, or even domestic policy questions, youve got a white house that is pulling in one direction, not going off in Different Directions with Everyone Briefing against each other, which has been the hallmark of these past six months. Thank you very much. If you were watching on wednesday, you would have seen what i think was the only overseas broadcast interview with Anthony Scaramucci in that post. It was our very own emily matlis who captured that scoop. You had a close up glimpse of the chaos. Even before this happened there was a joke doing the rounds that the former apprentice boss one donald trump thought he had to eliminate one person each week, he somehow misunderstood the role of president. Now were on more than one a week. I spoke to him exclusively for the bbc for newsnight less than a week ago, and truth be told, here was a certain amount of chaos even then. To put it in context, i was standing pretty much wherejon was, that interview should never have happened. Scaramucci was walking past behind me, taking selfies, as is the want of Trump Administration, before that infamous dinner. That was an sean hannity and President Trump himself. When i realised who it was, i pulled out my ear piece and i tried to lure him onto newsnight. It was the thing that anyjournalist in my position would have done. The curious thing was that he didnt seem to need to refer upwards. He didnt ask me what i was going to ask him about. He didnt need to know how long the interview would be or what it was about. He was flattered. He came on without knowing. Thats kind of what we like about the guy. As a journalist, he is about as good as it gets. When i asked about the british story of the day, the brexit deal, chlorination chicken to coin a phrase, he fessed up, i know nothing about your chicken story. I promise if you come back in a weeks time, i will know chicken ioo . I will be wordperfect. I will be word perfect. Unfortunately that wont happen. There was an impromptu and that is being kind, seat of the pants attitude, notjust for me, but for him. The way its played out, it points to a deeper structural issue about the way the white house runs. This is the curious thing. I talk to members of the Trump Administration quite often, Notjust Scaramucci and the grown ups, shall we say, are keen to point out, they tell me, ignore the schtik. That is their way to say, there is a lot of stuff which is part hysteria, its noise, its the tweets, its the press briefings, its President Trump making a lot of noise around was going on. He says behind all that, there is actually a strategy. There is something going on smoothly beneath the surface, that the media doesnt see because the rest is entertaining. There is a sense tonight that john kelly has come in and decided to tighten the ship. One member of the administration told me in confidence, they always get excited when they see Recognisable Adult Behaviour from the Trump Administration. That equates to a good day for them. Perhaps this is General Kellys way of saying it is not enough to go round telling me like me to ignore the schtick, we have to shut down the circus, kill all the clowns, make the fanfare go away, and make people know there is a strategy to the white house. Thanks. Joining us now from new york is Jacob Weisberg editor in chief of the online News Website Slate and the presenter of the trumpcast podcast. Well, jacob, The Big Question is is kelly going to instil some discipline on this tumultuous white house . Well, first lets pause to savour for a minute what weve just been through. In your wonderful interview last week, scaramucci said he wasnt a back stabber, he was a front stabber. But he didnt go quite so far as to say he would be a front self stabber with such proficiency. I mean even in this white house where the shelf life of aides seems to range between milk and yoghurt this was incredibly swift. I think General Kelly has a difficult task before him. I have no doubt that he can function effectively as a gatekeeper for donald trump. The question is whether President Trump will allow himself to be gate kept. We know what a strong Chief Of Staff looks like in the white house and how they operate. There have been many examples over the past several presidencies. That means the president must not have separate private channels of communication and trump has shown zero ability to do. Trump is seen. And some of his staff has professed it as a philosophy, that chaos is a way of getting things done, smashing systems that are broken and need replacing, and this is all part of disruption. Do you think trump is persuaded, deep down persuaded, that is not the way to get things done, that you need just a bit of traditional governmental competence . No, i dont think he is persuaded. I dont know that chaos is his theory, but it works for him. Creating more chaos at the very least always changes the subject when hes in trouble from one crisis to another. I think youve seen even in the last week, which is by any standard about a chaotic as the white house has gotten. Of course, trump tweeted this morning that there is no white house chaos. But what its done is its removed the possibility of attention for anything other than trump. So the democrats tried to roll out their plan for the mid terms, Senator Schumer and nancy pelosi announced their better deal which is their Big Initiative heading towards the mid terms. There was no oxygen left for it. I mean it was just a brief flurry because within a few hours, trump was attacking his own Attorney General and within a few days, he was bringing in scaramucci and you know, theres only so much space in the news. No one was really able to get to anything beyond trumps chaos. No room for politics as normal. Just in terms of whos up and whos down, which are the different Donald Trumps, if you like, is going to prevail . The big question is steve bannon, who has been a bit quiet in the last week. Where is he out of all of this . Well, its funny bannon, bannon he got in trouble for appearing on the cover of Time Magazine with the headline that suggested he was the real power rather than trump. Theres nothing riskier to do in the Trump White House than claim the lions share of the attention. But i do think bannon has learned his lesson. I mean, hes been much less visible and prominent. There is an interesting new book about him and trump out, but he doesnt seem to be making any effort to put himself in front of the cameras the way Anthony Scaramucci obviously was doing all of the time. So i think bannon has hopes of survival but how he will get along with the new Chief Of Staff and the various other officials, it remains to be seen. You wouldnt want to predict longevity for anybody in the white house. On the other hand, you would have to say kelly is looking pretty indispensable at the moment because trump, it would be embarrassing to lose kelly in the next three months, and the way they were talking about him at the press briefing this evening as having full authority, new structure and discipline, everybody in the white house is reporting to kelly, you have to think now, trump is trusting this guy. I would remain sceptical. I think trump will do what he wants to do. But i think it places limits around trumps behaviour and probably the most important is it will make it very difficult for trump to fire the independent counsel robert muller. Because i think kelly would probably lay down in front of a truck on that one and trump would be faced with the choice of embarrassingly losing his new Chief Of Staff or going through with what he probably does want to do. Thanks very much. As we sit and reflect on the movie of the moment, dunkirk, and mark the 100th Anniversary of passchendaele, it is possible to be optimist being about the state of the world or pessimistic. Optimistic because we havent been involved in a war on the scale of the first and Second World War in 70 years. We have lived through an era of moderation. But economists used that term, great moderation, just before the financial crash. The quiet can foretell the storm. And it is hard not to look at World Affairs right now without concern, whether it is the conflicts that have erupted in The Middle East, the deteriorating relationship between russia and the us or the potentialfor a north korean Ballistic Missile to strike the west. Is it time to worry . Passchendaele from the sky after the battles of the First World War. Just 80 miles from britain, a scene of total devastation of the kind that most of us have not experienced. Today, the shape of passchendaele is unmistakably the same yet it is now just a pleasant belgian village, proof that the world can escape the darkness of the past. And yet new darkness can come, The World Today is undeniably in a volatile and brutal phase. We will handle north korea. We will be able to handle them. It will be handled. We handle everything. Thank you very much. No one has worked out a way to deal with the Clear And Present Danger of north korea, a country led by a single minded dictator with Nuclear Weapons. This weekend he tested another Ballistic Missile, fired it in the Direction Ofjapan and rails against the us. Is this the most foreseeable way to imagine a million or more people dying right now . Making for an unstable backdrop, the jostling of global powers. Trump blames china for not dealing with north korea and has new problems with putin. Each leader has something to prove, the world struggles for an equilibrium. Vice president mike pence was in estonia today. No threat looms larger in the Baltic States than the spectre of aggression from your unpredictable neighbour to the east. The cold war was of course, in the sense simple. What do i mean by that . That you had two great blocks, the Warsaw Pact On The One hand, nato on the other, where it that compare to today . It is not so simple, it is much more complicated, there are more actors on this difficult stage and therefore, it is, in my view, more difficult to handle. For those in syria, theyre probably already feels like the end of days, conflict that has already lasted longer than world wars one and two. The medieval violence of so called Islamic State adds to the sense of desperation. It cannot kill on a Nuclear Scale but has taken terror well beyond its own territory. And syria is just one conflict in the region that is fraught with explosive potential. First you have to know what happens when an atomic bomb explodes. Of course in the nuclear age, there have been periods in the past where we have felt that the end is nigh. Usually human beings are capable of stepping from the brink, but the danger is one thing leads to another as it did before the First World War. One problem triggers the next, reaction leads to overreaction. Care must be to ensure that what is relatively minor does not either by some intend some wire or by Accident Grow into something more serious and more threatening. A bbc War Game Exercise Last year managed to arrive at a scenario of Tactical Nuclear weapons being used in europe. The americans have decided not to take our advice and have used a Tactical Nuclear weapons to take out a target in russia. It would be nice to dismiss such outcomes as Television Talk are not the real world but the worrying thing is that the years of peace in europe have been historical exception, rather than the norm. Lets reflect on how serious the threat to the west and the world are. James jeffrey was deputy National Security advisor and a Us Ambassador to iraq hes in washington. Brian lord was the Deputy Director of gchq, responsible for intelligence and Cyber Operations hes in bristol. And Patricia Lewis is a Nuclear Physicist and Arms Control Expert who is the Research Director for interNational Security at chatham house. I would like to start at patricia maybe you can help me, do you the possibility of what one might call a big war between major powers in the world in the next 20 or 30 years . Yes i do. I see it as a possibility if we do not learn the lessons of history. So, the bad news is that it is very complicated and there are two major hotspots and there are other smaller ones. We do not quite, we never know what will ti