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From the other side of the arena where the bang was heard from suddenly came running towards where they were trying to get running out. That picture of a certain amount of his terrier that you are pointing out that no suggestion of any injuries at the moment his hysteria. I have seen pictures from looking down on the arena. There we re looking down on the arena. There were blue lights because ambulances may have been sent. No word on injuries. We do know that theory fear it self, people leaving and arena in fear like that, we know that can cause injuries. We know that can cause injuries. We know that police are responding to an incident, that people are scared, frightened, screaming, leaving the arena rapidly in an uncontrolled way. The immediate cause, as you say, if the sound of a bang. One or two, according to some reports. We dont know the cause. I saw pictures of big pink balloons in the arena, whether it was speakers exploding, gunfire, an explosion, as some people are reporting on twitter, a lot of different stories going around and we just dont know what the cause is of this incident that police are describing it as. We understand now, according to network rail, and Emergency Services are there so that includes the police. We have no reports at the moment of any casualties as a result of this. The suggestion is that at least two loud bangs were heard within the Manchester Arena. Quite Neither Centre of the city. Very close to Manchester Victoria Train Station and that caused a lot of panic around about ioas this evening with people tried to leave the Ariana Grande concert that was taking place. Police are still saying this is an incident, they are not referring to any explosion as such but that is what people who were inside the arena are saying, they are talking about two loud bangs. Greater Manchester Police have warned people to stay away from the arena for the moment. Transport out of Manchester Victoria station has been affected as well, according to network rail. It is developing story. We will bring you any more as soon as story. We will bring you any more as soon as we story. We will bring you any more as soon as we get it. President trump has demanded that iran stop supporting terrorists and militias. He underlined the strength of the link between the United States and israel, suggesting there was a rare opportunity to move forward and seek peace between israel and palestinians. Jon sopel sent us this report. Even with his arrival on air force one, a small piece of history was made the first ever direct flight between saudi arabia and israel. The two countries have no diplomatic relations. Hes here on an outreach programme, not that Melania Trump seemed very interested in that. The self proclaimed deal maker is after what he called The Ultimate Deal peace between israelis and palestinians. We have before us a rare opportunity to bring security and stability and peace to this region, and to its people, defeating terrorism and creating a future of harmony, prosperity and peace. But we can only get there working together. There is no other way. After the warmth of his reception in saudi arabia, it seemed the whole israeli ruling cast had decamped to the airport to make a public display of appreciation towards this countrys most important ally. It was then on tojerusalem, a still divided city, Whose Future Status will be hotly contested in any peace agreement. When donald trump was a candidate, he vowed the us embassy would move from tel aviv tojerusalem, now under pressure from the palestinians, that seems increasingly unlikely. As a candidate, he had nothing to say about settlement building in the west bank. Now that hes president , hes urging israelis to be cautious. It seems that the candidate and the president can be two different people. But symbols can be as important as words. It wont have been lost on israelis that donald trump became the first president to visit the western wall, one ofjudaisms most holy site. He paused, and put a note in a crevice, in a tradition going back centuries. The Trump Mission to bring together the three great religions of christianity, judaism and islam. This evening, donald trump went to have dinner at the israeli prime ministers residence, and Benjamin Netanyahu was sounding unusually upbeat and positive about the future prospects. For the first time in many years, and mr president , for the first time in my life tip, i see a real hope for change. But in the west bank, talk of change and new beginnings seemed as far away as ever, as Israeli Soldiers clashed with palestinian protesters, some clearly unhappy about the president s visit. Facebook says it takes very seriously its responsibility to monitor offensive material posted on its pages after leaked documents show its policy is not to remove all graphic content, including some threats of violence. The Live Streaming of people self harming is also tolerated because Facebook Says it doesnt want to censor or punish people in distress. Our media editor amol rajan has more details. The founder of facebook is nothing if not an idealist. Facebooks mission is to make the world more open and connected. But such openness comes with dangers. With nearly two billion users now, the sheer volume of content on facebook is proving impossible to control. The leaked Policy Guidelines refer to areas such as extremist violence, revenge porn and self harm. Moderators are required to intervene when there is a statement of intent to commit violence against an identified and vulnerable person. So a specific threat targeted against the american president would be deleted. But a more general expression of massive such as this would not. Malice. These guidelines show that the soon to be 7500 moderators who work for facebook are often making hugely important decisions under immense time pressure. But the reporter behind the story says its just too big a responsibility. We realise what the extent and breadth of the problems that facebook has, everything from racial problems on the site to revenge porn. Theres no way that Mark Zuckerberg would have thought iii years ago that facebook would have been facing those issues in 2017. A former facebook staffer says its role is not to be the arbiter of what is and isnt offensive material. Its not a bunch of people making it up as they go along. Over many years, this rule book has been built up as new Social Problems come along, new users come along. The company says, we work hard to make facebook as safe as possible while enabling free speech. In addition to investing in new people, were building better tools to keep our community safe. Amy wilson, who has self harmed in the past, was upset when asked by facebook to remove images of her healing wounds. She believes such images can symbolise recovery. But the images of people in crisis should never be shown. I dont think photos of actual self harm and somebody doing it on the live streams or photos of wounds, i dont think they should be shown at all. I dont understand how there could be any positive in it. Facebook say they work with Law Enforcement to save lives. But all this is uncharted terrain, neither a simple platform nor conventional publisher, Technology Giants are a new kind of Company Growing so fast that the law and Public Opinion is struggling keep up. 0k, ok, we bring you an update on the situation in Greater Manchester. British police, greater Manchester Police, said today that they responded to an incident in a venue in manchester. That is the Manchester Arena, where the american singer, Ariana Grande, was performing. These are pictures from inside the arena, there. Eyewitnesses said they heard a large bang. Somebody described it as the sound of an explosion. That sent a lot of people into a panic. There was a frenzy there as they all try to head to the exit. This all happened at about quarter to ii this evening. That at the end of the concert at the Manchester Arena. We are getting here some more lines. British Transport Police saying that manchesters Victoria Station is blocked with Emergency Services in attendance. There are Transport Problems out of the area as well. Emergency services are on the scene. Greater Manchester Police are saying at this stage, and this is a good half an hour since this happened, they have not given any more clarification, just saying that they are attending an incident, and they are attending an incident, and they are advising people not to head to that area where all of this is taking place. As i say, local lines from out of manchesters Victoria Station is blocked. Chris wood is a problem. The suggestion is people are still tried to get away from that area. So transport is a problem. Of an hour since we got the first reports from Greater Manchester at police say they responded to an incident. Half an hour. They are responding to a large bang according to local people and eyewitnesses that Manchester Arena. Wed go to the weather, but we will bring you more on this feeding. More sunshine and rising cambridges as well. It was quite warm. cambridges as well. It was quite warm. Good evening. More on this after we hear about it. Sunny skies further south. Rising temperatures. fie¥ cloud the of across the north of the uk. Particularly where the particularly in scotland, where the cloud has brought with it some outbreaks of rain, some heavy showers. That wetter weather is pushing its way towards the paws as are pushing its way towards the wards are skies isles, eventually. There are skies behind for many. A lot of low cloud sitting in the south west. That will feed its way overnight into wales and the south west of england, and the South West Ofenglanw Working. Where and the South West Ofenglanw Working where i are and the South West Ofenglanw Working. Where f are clear as well. Butwhere there arefileer the as well. Butwhere there aretleer the countryside to it skies, in the countryside to it could be chilly pursing in the morning. Warming up in the sunshine. Not much that to begin the day, though. A bit of hill fog. Some drizzle. The Channel Islands see more cloud. This south east see more cloud. They will push into the midlands. Northern inward, northern ireland, scotland, generally dry and sunny. Temperatures rising quickly, of course, in the sunshine. We start with cloud and rain towards shetland. That should clear away. For most, a clear day, with the cloud coming and going. Itll be a cloudy cold a along the south coast and in the south of england. Not as much sunshine is today in the south east of england. 22 degrees in london, not as warm as today. But the most part, high teens and low 20s. Or two showers. The most part, high teens and low 20s. Ortwo showers. Elsewhere the most part, high teens and low 20s. Or two showers. Elsewhere a dry story. We will start with more cloud. Especially in the west. And seigjfimmeefleeermthmgfi 7 pressure across the uk, and there will be with us for fud. Eastern parts in particular. For will be with us for fud. Eastern parts in p and jlar. For will be with us for fud. Eastern parts in p and jfe more will be with us for fud. Eastern parts in p and iii more sunshine for days. Dry and some more sunshine for the rest of the week. Getting our airfrom the near the rest of the week. Getting our air from the near continent, the rest of the week. Getting our airfrom the near continent, but saturday, at just should at 30 airfrom the near continent, but saturday just should at 30 airfrom the near continent, but saturday temperatures i at 30 airfrom the near continent, but saturday temperatures should 3 degrees. Temperatures should peak. Youre watching bbc news. We should be bringing you newsnight about now. We will continue with news, following the breaking story out of Greater Manchester, concerning an incident at Manchester Arena. We will bring you more on that when we get it. But lets continuous or election news. And the idea of a Capital Letter was put forward in a Government Review of social care costs. That was commissioned by David Cameron as prime minister. It was due to come into force last year, but then was put off until 2020. Alison holt examines ~ ~ ~. Year, but then was put off until 2020. Alison holt examines how ,. , ~ ~. Benfine getter safe . for his 88 year old mother, doris. Limited savings mean they qualify for council help, getting three visits a day. Like some more tea . Oh, i would love a tea. Ok, ill make you another cup of tea, then. Peter has spent the last few days trying to work out what the conservative care plans would mean for them. He believes theyd lose local authority help because the value of their home would be included in calculations for the first time. At the moment, were paying £68 a month. And if the new system came into effect tomorrow, wed be paying £950 a month. He says he finds little reassurance in the promise they could pay later. He also wants more details on how a care cap would work. Under the new system, i see only uncertainty. Rising very quickly. And just a complete lack of certainty for the future. So what would the tory plans mean for people who need care . At the moment, in england, anyone who has assets or savings of more than about £23,000 pays for their care. Last week in their manifesto, the conservatives said theyd increase that, allowing people to keep £100,000. The value of their home would be included in the calculations for both residential and home care, deferred payments would allow the costs to be recouped from someones estate after death. But it is what was missing that has caused the controversy. No mention to the cap or limit to the massive costs someone would still face before they got council help. It had been a 2015 election promise. Now theresa may says they will consult on what she calls an absolute limit, but doesnt say what that will be. Sir Andrew Dilnot wrote the report which said a cap on care costs was essential to help people plan ahead. Worried by last weeks proposals, he welcomes this change. The proposals, as they were described last week, failed to answer one of the two Big Questions about social care how is everybody going to manage the risks that they face . So people with last weeks proposals were left with an enormous fear about the future. Putting a cap in place means that people will be able to manage it, and that means this set of proposals is much better. Many questions remain about the costs and details of the plans, but for people like peter and doris, getting this right couldnt be more important. Alison holt, bbc news. We were telling you earlier about the breaking news out of Greater Manchester of the police and Emergency Services are attending what they described about 20 minutes ago as an incident, that they were having to deal with, now, greater Manchester Police have tweeted that it isa Manchester Police have tweeted that it is a serious incident at Manchester Arena. That is the tweet. Local people are being told to avoid the area. We know from network rail that transport services out of nearby Manchester Victoria station have been badly affected and Spero Blockages there. This all w 2 at w w; at about ioas this evening. Happened at about ioas this evening. And as they are blockages there. It was at the end of an ariane dirt grand a concert. Ariana grande. There were reports of a loud bang coming from inside the arena and the pictures you are seeing is some of the footage shot by somebody on their phone on what is clearly panic and hysteria as people are concerned for their safety. Those pictures are coming in in the last few minutes or so. Coming in in the last few minutes or so. There are suggestions from eyewitnesses that they have been casualties but that has not been confirmed a local ambulance or greater Manchester Police. There are there but i there certainly selim stage suggesting it. An Explosion Stage suggesting it was an explosion although eyewitnesses say it sounded like an explosion and thats certainly what people have been writing on social media who have been leaving that concert venue. The Emergency Services are in attendance, greater Manchester Police are there. As i say, in the last 20 minutes or so, they are upgrading that incident, as it were, to a serious incident. That is something they were not saying a few minutes ago. These are the pictures we have inside the venue. We are going to try and bring you any comments i can we had on the fact, i think we had somebody on the line now. A man called josh elliott who was there. Can you hear me . Tell us what happened, josh. Basically, she finished her last song, dangerous woman. We heard a big bang. People were saying there was too but we only had one. All i can remember is just everybody. Was too but we only had one. All i can remember isjust everybody. It was absolutely hectic, it was henri, gefi it was unreal. | the doors it was unreal. Ijust told anybody to get down. Some of our scott down onto the floor. Some of us got. There was a couple of people covered in blood. I think the reason why of people are panicking is that everybody ran out so panicking is that everybody ran out so fast. People were getting hit into walls and stuff like that. It was quite scary. We have been shown a little bit of the footage from inside the arena, josh, while you have been speaking and we can see thousands of people, desperately trying to get out, probably through the excerpts. Clearly a sense of panic and hysteria. Ive never been ina panic and hysteria. Ive never been in a situation like that, ever, ever in my life. A lot of people say like, it mostly the most horrific and terrifying thing that can ever happen to a person. I will never forget it. Some eyewitnesses have been saying people have been injured. Have you seen anything that might suggest that . When we first came out the door, There Wasi Guy the middle bizarrfl the middle of are also a womanoutsids who there was also a woman outside who looked like she had been hurt. She was on the floor. My friend saw her. Yeah, we saw two people altogether but we dont know how many altogether were hurt. So you are confirming that have been injuries asa confirming that have been injuries as a result of this but its unclear just how serious the injuries are. As a result of this but its unclear just how serious the injuries arelj think what the injuries have come from is people trying to get out as fast as possible and being hurt. I dont think it was, well, i dont know what it was. And usually we all thought it was a balloon. We just havent got enough. We just dont know what it is. Some people on social media suggesting it was some kind of explosion. Did it sound like that to you . Could itjust have been balloon is going off . During one of the songs, a lot of balloons came down. These balloons are massive. They were bigger than some of the kids. Thats what my reaction was,. Then my friend get on the floor. Me and my friend to get on the floor. I have heard speakers blow before as well. In situations this, before as well. In situationsthrs dont. Is. Before as well. In sitoetionstrfrs dont. Is. Its to to gel sorry. Tjflhe everybody; get moshe everybody; ~ get out he everybody; ~ get out off . Everybody; ~ get out off . Arena iody; ~ get out of; arena now . Get out off . Arena now . I ~ Get Out Ofi Arena now . I thinke to get out of the arena now . I think everybody is out now. We are back out. By the time we got out, the majority had got out. We were some of the last to get out so we think everybody was out. Everybody out now. Thank you, josh, thank you for getting in touch and telling us what you heard and saw as part of this incident. A news correspondent andy moore is here. There was a suggestion of casualties but that could be the result of thousands of people tried to get the excerpts. That is right. We are still not clear what caused this incident other than the sound. It may be that panic that maybe the serious incident that the police are talking about. There have been injuries but they may be simply from people tried to run away from the scene very people tried to run away from the scene very rapidly. Just go back on the question on the bang of banks that people heard, a lot of people inside the arena were convinced that the sound came from within the arena. the sound came from within the arena. Bangs. We have heard from an apartment nearby and she said she sleeping in her bed as that at slee ofg in her bed as that at slee of the apartment that at slee of the Apartment Block, slee of the Apartment Block, she the back of the Apartment Block, she heard a huge bang. She is not sure where it came from but it may have been outside the arena. Add to that the lines being blocked on the railway and i wonder if the sound of an explosion or a bang was inside the arena orjust appeared as though it was inside the arena. We still dont know. People are talking about possible gun shots being fired, explosions, as we heard, balloons, it might have been speakers. We still dont have any official information from the police or Emergency Services about the cause of this bank that what we do know, it has had a serious asset on people in the arena bang. Thousands of them. Some people, unfortunately, have been injured. That go to Rebecca Beattie who was inside the arena at the time of this loud bang. Rebecca, can you hear me . Yes, ican. Loud bang. Rebecca, can you hear me . Yes, i can. Tell us what you heard. Myself and my friend were in the arena at the time and we were at the other side of the arena to whether noise or whatever the noise was came from. We heard a very, very loud bang. Wejust from. We heard a very, very loud bang. We just had from. We heard a very, very loud bang. Wejust had running and screaming. We just tried to follow eve ryo ne screaming. We just tried to follow everyone else out the building. You managed to get out. It sounds as if you are safe. The suggestion has been that people may have been injured in this crush to get to the excellent. Did you see any injuries . Myself and my friend were quite close to annex it, luckily, so we didnt have to go very far. There we re didnt have to go very far. There were a lot of people pushing. We we re were a lot of people pushing. We were close to an expert. Obviously, the crush must have led to injuries an exit. The crush must have led to injuries an exit. Could it have been a large balloon . Lots of these things we re large balloon . Lots of these things were lowered down at the end of the Ariana Grande concert. Could it have been walloons . Are definitely dont think it was our balloon because we heard it from the other side of the arena. heard it from the other side of the arena. Balloon. It may have been some kind of speaker or equipment being used at the time, Something Like that . You are close to an exodus are you managed to get out pretty quickly. We are showing viewers some of the pictures of the pandemonium that clearly developed after that loud bang. Did you see people rushing to the, did you manage to get out of their way . Dgc people rushing to the exits. With people running from one side of the arena to the other. There was a lot of people trying to get out from one side of the arena. The suggestion is that Manchester Victoria station at nearby, there are problems there, according to network rail. Is that something you are seeing or experiencing . We didnt see anything there, no. We didnt see anything there, no. We didnt really go in that direction. We will leave it there. Thank you for giving us we will leave it there. Thank you forgiving us an we will leave it there. Thank you for giving us an update on what you saw and heard. Iam i am trying to think of did you appear the city. Victoria station is close by. I am trying to think of the geology of the city. They are certainly close together. We dont know the source of the problems. Geography. Transport police say they are dealing with a problem that is affecting the railway station. We heard from network rail that both lines were blocked for some reason. We do know why that is. We do know thatis we do know why that is. We do know that is related not. But i go back to what someone said about a bomb like bang that went off. This lady living in an Apartment Block nearby said the bang was so big that she heard from her room, the back of the Apartment Block. So could be that the explosion was not in the arena, but people thought it was. At the moment, there are reports of Police Helicopters flying over the arena. Emergency services are there in force. Ambulances are there. We have reports that some people are being treated by injuries. We dont have serious they are. We do not tell cause when the bang occurred, or if they were caused by people pushing and shoving to get out of the arena, as we heard from some eyewitnesses. Bear in mind that there would have been probably tens of thousands of people in the arena. And it was while a performance by Ariana Grande was taking place. There was a loud bang and everybody tried to make it to the accident, theyre full of what was happening. But on the line is sam ward. Sam was in an apartment a few hundred metres away from the area. Please tell us what you heard. I heard a large bang. Im not sure, but we saw about five or six ambulances coming out of the fire station. Previous to that, there were people rushing up and down the street, and police were all over the place. About ten minutes after that, the entire convoy of ambulances started to roll to the arena. This convoy pulled up outside the arena. Thank you for that, sam. So maligned will stop we are just getting a report from greater Manchester Police who are now say they have been confirmed fatalities. This following reports of an explosion at the Manchester Arena. Manchester police are now saying that some people have died as a result of the incident. They are not say how many. They are saying that a number of fatalities have been confirmed. They are also using the word explosion as a result of what happened. People are talking about a loud bang. Sam ward was telling us about that, as were some of our other guests, eyewitnesses, who said that towards the end of the concert, there was a loud bang. The suggestion from greater Manchester Police is that that was some kind of explosion, and they are confirming that a number of fatalities have resulted as a result of all about. Sam, from the sound of the explosion, does it surprise you that it sounds as if some people might have lost their lives. Lives . Note. It was an externally loud explosion, to the point where our lot of people work going out in curiosity. No. It was very out of the ordinary. Just now, as i look at the ordinary. Just now, as i look at the fire station, there are about six or seven Rapid Response vehicles lighting up with a number of Police Vehicles as well. It looks like some kind of operation. Sam, you can see this happening in front of you from your apartment . Yes. This is happening as we speak. Is the area clear . The suggestion is that the arena is now empty. People have managed to get out. But are there many people Milling Around the moment . Police have suggested people should stay away. There are no pedestrians on the route. There is one man working. Traffic is running smoothly. There is nothing that would suggest at this present moment that something has happened. Except, perhaps, for the occasional blue light, appearing, as i watched the Emergency Vehicles line up and organise themselves in case Something Else happens, i imagine. Thank you forjoining us, sam ward. They give your impressions on what happened and your eyewitness report. And i have it on the line andy, and you are waiting for Family Members at the concert . That is right. I did not go to the concert. My wife and daughter did. I was waiting at the first set of white doors. As i was waiting, an explosion went off, and it threw me through the first set of doors, about 30 feet to the next set of doors. When i got around that it when i got up and started moving, some people were on the ground. They looked dead. There were a lot of casualties. My first instinct was to run into the stadium and by my wife and daughter. Why could not find them, i went out and sought the police and fire services. I look at some of the body, tried to buy my family. Luckily, they were not there. They were found outside the arena. Ifound there. They were found outside the arena. I found out there. They were found outside the arena. Ifound out because so many reports came in that it was like a balloon, and things were not happening as it was. It was definitely an explosion and there we re definitely an explosion and there were definitely a lot of fatalities. We are looking at that statement from the greater Manchester Police confirming what people have been saying. A number of fatalities. These have occurred as a result of this. A number of people have been injured as well. People are being told to avoid the area. This explosion, a lot of force, then . People you off your feet . explosion, a lot of force, then . People you off your feet . I have been talking to one of the arena goals while waiting for my family to come out. And she and i got through the doors towards the wall, where you go in. She got up, and she was right. I got up, too. There was some force. My ears are reading, if i am talking loud. The whole building shook. Ringing. Talking loud. The whole building shook. Ringing. There is no doubt in your mind that this was some kind of detonation of a device . Definitely. Definitely an explosion. All right. You say that when you came to, you saw bodies around and people injured around you. I would say a good 20 or 30. I came out to where it happened. I stayed there for about 20 minutes. I could not get a hold on the phone. I was out with Emergency Services, so i left the area when i was told. It is shocking what happened. Just carnage everywhere. 20 30 people, you think, were very seriously injured . Yes, a good 20 or 30. And some were young children. Some were disabled people. Whoever has done it has done it at people. Whoever has done it has done itata people. Whoever has done it has done it at a childrens concert, because most would have been children. Right. No question at all, then, there was a suggestion that it was in the arena . You have no doubt about that. It is not inside. It is about that. It is not inside. It is a Big Box Office as you go near the white doors. So it was in the main pa rt white doors. So it was in the main part of the arena . Each of the building. There is the way down, ceta get in there. So people were not getting out when they needed to. What kind of screening might there have been . Was there any screening people going into the . Back so you cannot in there. I went there about five, getting their early. Into the arena. And then i went back to the arena. And then i went back to the hotel. There. And your family are the hotel. There. And your family a re safe . The hotel. There. And your family are safe . They are a little shaken, but they are a cave. They say they will not go to another concert in their lives. Where are you now . We are around the corner. We got the tickets in a christmas box. A special thing. Ijust hope they Release Names of people so they can let family. Release names of people so they can letfamily. I Release Names of people so they can let family. I mean, there are people outside panicking, not knowing what is going on. That arena holds thousands of people. There must be a lot of worried families, now, consider that their loved ones, they knew they were in the area or near it at the time of the explosion. Thank you forjoining us, andy. They give your recollections on happened. Our news correspondence, correspondence, andy moore, is still here with me now. Our news correspondence. One eyewitness said that he saw several bodies on the ground. Correspondent. Yes, powerful evidence there from andy, took about 20 evidence there from andy, took about 20 30 body. He talked about a powerful explosion as he was waiting to connect with his loved ones. Bodies. The source of the explosion, he said it was never box office. It seems it might not have been in the main auditorium. It might have been on the perimeter of the arena, somewhere. He talked about many of casualties being very young. As you would imagine that a concert like this. Many of the people they would have been very young. A lot of casualties were young children, in his words. So from the police, they are talking about an explosion. We still dont know whether that was an accident, or if there were some sort of criminal intent behind it. The police escalated the incident from an incident at first, then a serious incident, and now, as we are reporting, a number of fatalities. Soa reporting, a number of fatalities. So a very serious incident in manchester. We are just showing a still of some of the police and Emergency Services present in the area. In fact, the area around the arena, according to local people, they were swamped with police and ambulances. Bridge roads have been closed by police. Still confusion at this stage. Approach roads. Some witnesses said they heard two loud bang. Some others say that it was one. Others describe it as a noise from inside the arena. We just had a very detailed Eyewitness Account from andy, there, who was not there, but close by. His wife and daughter we re but close by. His wife and daughter were at the concert. The suggestion from him was that this explosion was near or buying a Ticket Office on the way into the arena itself. And that eyewitness said he was blown off his feet by the force of the explosion. And when he came through, he saw several bodies around him. They were lying on the floor. Police have confirmed that they have been a number of fatalities. They say that they will issue more details in the next few minutes or so. Of course, thousands of people were inside that arena at the time. A lot of people arena at the time. A lot of people are concerned for their loved ones. Finally, andy, before we go to the top of the hour, a Major Incident, questions about what caused the explosion. We cannot be certain how many people have been killed or have been injured, as a result of all of this. But a Major Incident in a major venue in a major city in this country . Just to summarise, perhaps, what we know. This happened at the end of the Ariana Grande concert at about quarter to ii this evening. Witnesses reported a loud explosion. From the evidence that we now have, it seemed the explosion may have beenin it seemed the explosion may have been in the outside of the building bya been in the outside of the building by a Ticket Office or box offers, not the main auditorium. We heard there from an eyewitness talking about 20 30 casualties. He said the police the police are talking about a number of fatalities from an explosion. We still dont know what caused the explosion ever was a bomb or criminal intent or an accident, some sort of terrible accident. We do not know at the moment. A very big incident with a number of fatalities. Indeed. Just showing pictures they are of the ambulances and Police Vehicles outside that venue, there. That is the scene. A lot of local roads have been sealed off and clearly, a very, very large police and Emergency Service presents. We are going to bring you much more on this on newsday with karin giannone. Just to reiterate, a Major Incident, involving what many people are suggesting has been an explosion. This was at the Manchester Arena in the north west, and greater Manchester Police have said that there have been a number of fatalities. More coming up at the top of the hour. Eye one in london. The headlines. Police in the uk say there are confirmed fatalities after reported explosion at a concert in the city of manchester. Witnesses report hearing a blast during a concert by a merrick and singer Ariana Grande. American. Israel, on the second leg of his foreign trip, donald trump says he has high hopes of a peace deal. I have heard it is one of the toughest deals at all but i have a feeling we are going to get there eventually, i hope. South koreas former president of Park Geun Hye will face court

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