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Cities may follow. In the studio, a former Top Gear Presenter says its all nonsense. Friends of the earth says its about time. Good evening. He was Barack Obamas head of the cia and he departed office the day donald trump became president. John brennan will deliver the Dimbleby Lecture On Bbc One tomorrow night, but tonight he talks to newsnight about the threat from north korea, and whether Donald Trumps promise of us unilateral action is wise if china will not help. He is scathing about the president s proposed ban on travellers from certain muslim countries, and he told us the Trump White House notion of a deep state including the Intelligence Agencies working against him is delusional. I began by asking him if President Trump was right to say that if china wont solve the issue of north korea, america will do. North korea does pose a very serious challenge for the asian region and for the world because of its continued march on a Nuclear Weapons programme. China certainly holds a lot of sway with north korea. I think its critically important for the United States to continue and to deepen the discussion with china about how best to manage this north korean challenge. But the north korean issue is a complicated and complex one. It doesnt lend itself to simple solutions. Theres not a simple Military Solution to it, given that north korea has a tremendous amount of fire power, artillery, that could rain down on seoul, if there was going to be military action. So i am just hoping that mr trump and his advisors have spent the last couple months really learning and understanding what the challenge is, what the implications are of certain policy courses. This is something that requires a very thoughtful and measure approach. President trump says that using the term radical islamic terrorism will help win the us win the war on terror, do you agree . No, i dont. A lot of people say that. When you refer to the terrorists as following radical islam, it legitimises the terrorists, in terms that theyre actually carrying out a legitimate tenant of the islamic faith and they re not. Do you think that Donald Trumps proposed ban on several Muslim Majority Countries would make America Safer . I think its very important that there be measures taken to protect countries from individuals who may be trying to enter the borders for terrorist purposes. This proposed executive order, really, ithink, was too simplistic and misguided. Do you think it would be counterproductive . I do. Because, first of all, a lot of citizens from those countries, who have very legitimate reason to travel to the United States, family, personal, professional, educational, i think they will really see this as reflecting a different approach and a different tone from the United States, which has prided itself over our 241 years welcoming people from all walks of life in all countries and, to me, i think theyre going to see it as profiling specifically nationalities. Us intelligence is suggesting that wikileaks are helping the russians. Do you Thinkjulian Assange is unwittingly being used by the russians . He may be unwittingly being used by the russians but i think hes wittingly advancing russian interests and making sure that their objectives and goals and agendas are being pursued. Maybe he is naive enough or uninformed enough that he is being duped by the russians. I think he is well aware that he is a pawn in their hands. Why do you think Donald Trumps so well disposed to Vladimir Putin . Youd have to ask him. Have you actually seen evidence that the russians have been compromising material, for example, what the russians Call Compromat on trump for example. There are active investigations ongoing right now about russian involvement in the last president ial election. There are two investigations in the congress, as well as fbi investigations. I am going to leave to them to make determinations about what the russians did or what they might have. Actually, when trump says only the Fake News Media think his team were included with russia. The fbi director hasnt ruled it out. Clearly youre not ruling this out either. These are ongoing investigations. Just like the chairman of the Senate Intelligence committee, involved in the investigation, said it would be premature at this time to make any determination or rule anything out. The british Home Secretary said that the government should be given access to whats app another end to end encryption service. Do you think shes right . There needs to be a way for the government to work with these companies, such as whatsapp, so the government can carry out its responsibilities to protect society and to carry out the rule of law. When there are these very sophisticated technologies, such as the unbreakable encryption, it really impedes the governments ability to protect its citizens. The lecture youre giving tomorrow youre saying clearly that youre concerned about the competence of some politicians to enter positions of authorities that dont have the skills for carrying out their solemn governmental responsibility with competence, integrity and efficacy. Who are you thinking of . I can think of a lot of Government Leaders around the world who arrive in those positions without the needed experience, the needed knowledge to carry out these responsibilities in a very complicated world. You talk about a variety of people you might the kinds of people that you might be talking about. You said if this person came from, even in an unrelated celebrity inducing field. I mean, youre being coy. Youre talking about donald trump, arent you . I am expressing my views and concerns about how important these government positions and leadership positions are and how we as societies need to have confidence that the individuals who have such power and authority are up to the task. Was donald trump right to tweet his accusation that president Obama Wiretapped him before the election, was he right to say that . I guess a president can say whatever he wants, particularly one that tweets. I think that there is a solemn obligation on the part of an individual, such as the president , to tweet or to Message Information that is accurate, that is that is measured and that is not just a spontaneous or impulsive number of words that theyre trying to say. I think that there are some things that have been tweeted, coming out of washington, where the care was not taken and the individual who tweeted it was not mindful of the importance that people attach to the words of a president. Donald trump would say that the real story thats going on, whats going on just now, is leaks for the intelligence community, not the teams alleged links with russia, is he right . He is certainly right that these leaks are appalling. They need to stop. Any unauthorised disclosure of Classified Information is something that needs to be addressed. One of Donald Trumps first outings when he became president was to make a speech in front of the cia memorial. He talked about his disputed Inauguration Attendance figures rather than actually paying tribute to the cia agents who had fallen in the course of duty. What went through your mind when you saw that . That wall of honour is Hallowed Ground for the agency. I know many of the individuals who are represented on that wall with those stars. So, when i saw mr trump up there, talking about politics, it really struck a nerve and it was notjust my nerve that was struck. Many of my colleagues, former and current employees of the cia, felt that was something that should not have taken place. I felt i had to give voice to the concerns of agency officers, which i did. Because you criticised donald trump for comparing intel agencies to nazi germany. I wonder how that was received by the intelligence agency, not what you said, what he said. The intelligence professionals at cia and other parts of the Community Take great pride in their work. They dont do it for public acclamation or ticker tape parades. They do it silently and most times their great work is never known. When there is criticism and baseless criticism and impugning the integrity, the mission of Intelligence Officers, yeah, Intelligence Officers take umbrage at that. The white house all but accused gchq of helping president obama wiretap donald trump. I mean, was thatjustified . Did it damage the five Eyes Alliance . Again, there are a lot of things that have been said and tweeted and whatever that ijust i am mystified over. As to why they were done. If at the end of these investigations, into the leaks, it is found that there has been leaks by cia officers themselves, they will undermine their own organisation. They will undermine the organisation that youve served for all these years, if thats found to be the case. Anybody who releases Classified Information, whether it be to a Foreign Intelligence Service or to the media, to me, is carrying out a Treasonous Act against their country. They should be held to account. There have been instances where cia officers in the past, just like british Intelligence Officers of the past, have gone bad. The deep state. Well, no. These are individuals who have violated their oath of office. You dont believe in the deep state . I do not, absolutely not. Thats ridiculous that theres a deep state trying to undermine either the credibility of the presidency or is trying to pursue other policies. Thats what donald trump and steve bannon thinks. Anybody who thinks there is a deep state and the cia is part of it in the Us Government is delusional. Thank you very much indeed. Thank you very much. The former director of the cia talking to me this afternoon. Well put up the whole of that interview with john brennan on newsnights Youtube Channel later on. And you can see his Richard Dimbleby lecture on bbc one tomorrow night. At 2 30pm this afternoon in russias second city, a suspected bomb detonated on a metro train, killing at least 11 people and injuring many more. St petersburg is Vladimir Putins home town, and tonight he laid flowers at the Metro Station. Russia is used to Terror Attacks by chechen separatists. But the countrys involvement in syria has also brought threats from is propaganda groups. Heresjohn sweeney with what we know, and a warning that his film does contain some upsetting images. The fog of terror in St Petersburg metro today. The bomb packed with shrapnel was powerful enough to shred metal doors. This is the moment passengers struggled to escape from the doomed train. Long before the authorities arrived, passengers did their best to help the casualties. 11 dead, 50 injured and little clarity on the big questions. Who did this . And why . What happened is relatively clear. A bomb on the tube train travelling between Sennaya Ploshchad and Tekhnologichesky Institut stations, exploded. Another device was defused at a nearby station. Relatives were desperate to hear news from the missing. Translation she was supposed to have left school by three and now her phones dead. I talked to a couple of witnesses who were more or less ok, i asked them what happened. They said that people were trying to help each other, to get out of this hell as fast as possible. Terror attacks against ordinary people on tubes, trains and planes in russia are depressingly common. Feeding conspiracy theories that the kremlin itself might be ultimately responsible for some. But the most likely culprits are attackers sympathetic to islamic state. My immediate suspicion is to look towards Islamist Networks in some shape orform. We have seen them repeatedly launch these sort of attacks in russia, against Public Transport in this sort of co ordinated fashion, it would seem instinctively that you would see the attack being linked in that direction. There are other contenders. Vladimir putin is fighting wars in syria and ukraine. Blood is being spilt in russias always troubled province of chechnya. And one pro kremlin voice even pointed the finger at anti corru ption protestors, but tonight Law Enforcement sources said that a Suicide Bomber was responsible, who could have links to radical Islamist Groups banned in republican. This is how the master of the kremlin responded. Translation Law Enforcement bodies and special services are working, and will do all they can in order to find out the cause of whats happened. But putin has built his reputation on being the guarantor of russias security. Clearly this is a blow to putin. I mean, the fact you have had an attack while he was in the city, an attack on Public Transport, in a sort of multiple potential devices in this co ordinated way suggests a dramatic Security Failure which ultimately will be seen as laying at his door. Tonight, while what drove the killer to commit 2a atrocity remains unclear, ordinary people are yet again grieving for their loved ones. Oksana antonenko is a Russia Expert at the London School of economics. Shejoins me now from brussels. Good evening. From what you know and what we are saying here, there are a number of different possibilities. The russian government says it is investigating a suicide bombing. What do you think might have happened . First of all let me start by expressing my deepest condolences to everybody affected. It was a well planned and orchestrated attack, which was aimed at inflicting the largest possible damage for the civilians, in fact this Metro Station is very close to number of russian universities, and the time of the bomb coincided with the time and the lectures finished at the university and the students were going home. So it was very well planned and executed and the fact that the second bomb was found at another station, reportedly concealed as a Fire Extinguisher shows it wasntjust a lone Suicide Bomber, it was a very well orchestrated and well researched and co ordinated attack, therefore, it is clearly, work of an organisation at least several people than it is just a lone extremist. There are of course several theories, most point to links with is. It could be some russian nationals or even nationals from central asia who were fighting in syria, on the side of is. The estimates indicate round 10,000 or more russians were fighting in syria, and probably round 4 6,000 central asians who were many radicalised during their time in russia, as migrants, working in russia. The second Potential Herery and that someone is seriously investigated at the moment, that it is linked to the indigenous is linked groups within russia, in fact, terrorism in russia has been continuing, now, for a while. Last year, alone, in the knot caucasus 200 russian Law Enforcement personnel and civilians were killed in the is linked attacks and just a few days ago, on 24th march, there was a very large attack outside of, at the national guard, again organised by the is linked local group, so leer clearly we have a Large Network of is affiliated groups. Group, so leer clearly we have a Large Network of is affiliated groups. But it would be fair to say recently in the caucasus particularly these have been bombs in less populated area, areas that do not attract so much media attention, this presumably on the day that Vladimir Putin was there to meet the president of belarus, this was timed to make the maximum impact abroad . Well, not only abroad. It is to make the maximum impact on russia itself. Russia of course is entering the president ial election campaign, it is a time when the politics i again, coming to the forefront, i think we are seen the protests recently, and it is really something which is aimed in my view, mostly at the domestic audience. I think one perhaps big question of whether it is really an is affiliated attack is no one has claimed the responsibility for this attack. Usually is, in, declares that responsibility. Tell me though, Vladimir Putin, you know, it will be laid at his door, the commentators said in the film, because he see himself as a strong man, the idea is he going to going to keep russia safe, how destabilising will this be . During those kind of attacks the nation usually rallies round the flag. I dont think it will be, if it is just one attack, it is not going to be something which is going to undermine i think putins very high popularity rating. If on the other hand we are present at the beginning of another campaign and we remember in the mid 2000s there we re bombs going on in the transport system. In russia almost on a weekly basis and clearly they are still going, as i mentioned in the North Caucasus and can be in other parts of russia, then, of course, we will see much more i think tensions building up before the election campaign, but i think one Terrorist Attack is not going to be in my view very damaging to putin but rather will strengthen his popularity. Thank you forjoining us. Time was when Co2 Emissions were the main target for Government Action on the environment, but if the expected announcement tomorrow by the mayor of london is anything to go by, the focus has swung hard to Nitrogen Oxides or noxes emitted by diesel cars. Siddiq khan looks like hes going to announce that he is fast forwarding a toxin tax on diesel cars in the city, and other towns and cities in england are expected to follow suit. Naysayers insist that diesel cars only make up 10 or so of harmful Air Pollution. Campaigners retort that the other polluters arent at ground level where the humans are. Heres naga munchetty. Air pollution, a problem that refuses to fade. Its stench has lingered far too long in the uk. Health concerns are intensifying. The government attributes 40,000 premature deaths a year to it. And it wants to be seen to be doing something about it. The government will publish its plans in a couple of week. According to the sunday times it will clamp down on diesel vehicles. A toxin tax could be charged. In the ten worst affected, diesel cars as well as commercial vehicles could be banned during peak hours. We have had a government that has simply rested on giving advice to people to stay at home when Air Pollution is high, that is nowhere near good enough, we need much more proactive action when it comes to tackling Air Pollution at source. Air pollution, let us remember is not only responsible for many thousands of premature deaths, but also costing the economy anywhere up to £20 billion in terms of ill health and so forth. So we do need action like low emission zones, we need the government to step up, just as many governments are already doing across the rest of the world. Tell me what this is . A poster about Air Pollution. Yeah . And to stop the dust getting in the air, so healthier life for all of us. I like that. The mayor of london recently introduced a new £10 toxicity charge, dubbed the t charge. It is reported that tomorrow he will announce a charge of 12. 50 for every polluting vehicle entering any part of Greater London. Notjust the centre of the city. London is one of the worst affected areas in the uk by Air Pollution. Here on oxford street, the limits for nitrous dioxide were breached 16 times last year. That is 150 more than is allowed. Now transport accounts for 80 of the uks total Nitrous Oxide Emissions by the roadside. Diesel engines emitt on average more than petrol and that is why the government is so keen to reduce their use, especially in cities. Nearly one in two new cars bought last year were diesel. They are seen as more economical, and when it comes to Carbon Dioxide emissions, less harmful. However in recent years studies have Focus On Nitrous Oxide as more harmful. It is confusing. Volkswagen was found guilty of Falsifying Emissions Data on its diesel vehicles, pretending they were cleaner than they were. That was for its Laboratory Tests. However, now there is doubts being cast over the value of tests done by all auto makers in a controlled environment. A uk government study compared Laboratory Test results with the actual performance of vehicles on the road. The dotted line shows the emissions target, which the vehicles met under Laboratory Test conditions. The bars show that all models emitted more Nitrous Oxides on the road. On average the readings were six times worse. So how can drivers be deterred from diesel . A tax is another way of trying to tackle emissions from diesel cars. They can be applied nationally, with more flexibility and they can also be a Revenue Generator to invest in low emission transport, including Public Transport, low emissions buses and active transport such as walking and cycling. Road vehicles are not responsible for the majority of diesel emission, some reports suggest they contribute to just 10 . 15 of the biggest cargo ships currently pollute more nitrogen and sulphur oxides than all the worlds cars put together. Aircraft emissions are still rising. Regulations are being tightened for them, but travellers on the road are likely to feel the pinch first. If diesel is a killer, the killer has to be stopped. 73 of the pollution is coming from what is known as commercial, public and residential combustion, burning wood. You have 10 of cars that are producing this tiny sliver of pollution and nobody is doing anything about these pollutants that are at pedestrian level from smoke from burning wood. So its an easy target. People were told that diesel cars went environmentally friendly. We are talking about children growing up are talking about children growing up with smaller lungs. We are talking about worsening asthma and changes in the brain to do with alzheimers. Would you not rather go after the aircraft then going after 10 of cars . As your introduction made clear, it is where pollution takes place. Most of us to me at live a big chimney but most of us live a big chimney but most of us live near a road. Live a big chimney but most of us live neara road. Dieselvehicles are the worst and the government is clear on that. It is true that if you take somebody to oxford street, you take somebody to oxford street, you can see sadiq khans point. 260 buses per hour on oxford street. That is your problem. Nobody is talking about ships, that is 8 . Nobody is talking about rail, another 8 . Machinery, diggers, nobody is talking about rail, another8 . Machinery, diggers, road rollers, 14 of background pollution. Nobody is talking about this. Instead, as always, we demonise the diesel driver. It was in1998, demonise the diesel driver. It was in 1998, the 3p cut in diesel, made us in 1998, the 3p cut in diesel, made us all drive diesel cars and greenpeace were advising and Friends Of The Earth were advising gordon brown. Im afraid, thats not true. We we re brown. Im afraid, thats not true. We were saying very clearly in 1999 and 2000 that we were not advising diesel cars because of the help pollutants. How do you help people . These are people who perhaps with a small family car, a diesel car, they got it because they thought it was environmentally friendly, they have two drive to work, there are marginal seats. The conservatives will also have a problem because you are going to hit these people for having to travel to work. |j are going to hit these people for having to travel to work. I agree that drivers are anti because most people driving diesel cars bought them because they were told they we re them because they were told they were at green choice. Angry. Event were at green choice. Angry. Eve nt te n were at green choice. Angry. Event ten yea rs were at green choice. Angry. Event ten years to buy another car but that word is, they will be hit in the next 12 months. We need action on diesel cars in the earliest opportunity. Every day of action is another day. Isnt it the case that if he gave people help to get through this, it would be better for everybody, more a electric cars, fewer diesel cars . It would be better. I have been campaigning for electric cars for yea rs campaigning for electric cars for years and years and years. The secretary of transport the other day, i told secretary of transport the other day, itold him secretary of transport the other day, i told him to get his act together. But the cost of those consumers who were told to buy diesel. If you say that every diesel car, 50 million, will have its value reduced by £50 million, that is 75 billion that we will be costing consumers. Talking of the Greater London area, you have the Congestion Charge, that is monitored, so you can tell who is coming in and out, but when it comes to newcastle or leicester, how are you going to monitor this . We need these clean air zones to be properly funded and we need local authorities to be supported. From Central Government . Absolutely. It is not fairto government . Absolutely. It is not fair to say to introduce the clean airzone and fair to say to introduce the clean air zone and provide no support. I wa nt to air zone and provide no support. I want to go back to the point of the cost of drivers, because people driving diesel cars are just as at risk atair driving diesel cars are just as at risk at Air Pollution as people on the street, because you are being poisoned by this. It may be that you are asking people who pay the Congestion Charge in london to pay £12 50 when they bring it into london and that is going to Hit Trade In London as well. Three things need to happen we need to restrict where diesel cars can go. We need distance between Exhaust Pipes and childrens lungs. Would you like every diesel bus taken off the streets . We have seen progress on buses in london. Once we have cameras, we have enough Surveillance Cameras, we have enough Surveillance Cameras in every town to monitor us at all times, so it will be quite easy to monitor numberplates. And we will miss the worst polluters because we dont measure pmios, ultrafine particles. It is not in the mot, or in the vehicle excise duty, so we will miss the Pollution Thatis duty, so we will miss the pollution that is out there. Would you agree that diesel cars that arent the most environmentally friendly, ten, 15, 20 years old, scrap them . We should be testing for more particulate pollution. We dont do that. So change the mot. Thats not always being enforced as it should be. We know filters that take out particulates are being removed. That process is legal. Particulates are never being measured. They are. The point is about particulates is that we have seen huge action bringing the particulate emissions from diesels down, we havent seen action on nox. The car makers have been lying to us. Under the governments watch and eus watch. Those regimes were supervised by the government and eu. We are in a Public Health crisis. We know that nox is not under control. We know that the uk government is breaking the law. Its a simple point. The uk is obliged to meet legal limits on Nitrogen Dioxide and it isnt. Thank you very much very much indeed. If youre black and grew up in britain in the 70s or 80s, perhaps the first person of a similar background you would have seen on a programme like this was darcus howe. An anti racism campaigner, a member of the British Black panther movement, writer, agitator, Public Intellectual and a broadcaster and documentary maker, howes death was announced at the weekend. He had been living with Prostate Cancer for more six years. He edited race today for 11 years, working alongside Farruk Dhondy and linton kweisi johnson, and is credited with a Tra Nsformative role in immigrants rights. In a life that spanned 7a years and began in trinidad, darcus howe saw britain transformed, and often he was the heart of that struggle. Heres stephen smith. Im sitting opposite a man, he knows nothing, he talks all the time. The result is he is a trencha nt buffoon. He has no idea how to present television shows, he looks ridiculous in that fashionwear, he swans around all the time hoping that people will recognise him, when in fact nobodys even remotely interested. Hes taking up enough time on this show already, and he hasnt even opened his mouth. Darcus howe. Sorry, thats the introduction to robert elms. Sorry, do you know robert elms . Ive just read out the introduction to robert elms. Heroic and uncharacteristic restraint from darcus howe. A formidable civil rights campaigner and broadcaster. Back in the 70s, howe was more than a match for the met, when he and others were charged over disturbances in west london, following police raids on a restaurant. Officers told the old bailey theyd seen howe orchestrating a crowd to throw stones at them. Where did you see all of this . We were in an observation van. I said bring the observation van. The lawyer said darcus, please, exhibits are. I have nothing to lose. Bring the van. So they bring the van and there were these slits at the back. The four policemen seeing the same thing, seeing the same thing from the same slit. So i measured it quietly while the judge and they were round the side, and went home, cut out a piece of paper, foolscap, the size of the slit. Recalled the witness and said tell me, how four of you could see the same thing at the same time, through that slit . He say my eye was here, rhyss eye was here. Rogers eye was here, and the next eye was here. It was your face. And that is what eventually broke the spirit of the prosecution. Darcus absolutely, by defending himself, was the star of the show, out of the nine defendants, and with Shakespeare Quotations and all sorts of things. He stood up in the dock and was very impressive. Darcus was a fearless warrior, in the struggle against Racial Injustice in this country. People talking about the Civil Rights Movement. There was no Civil Rights Movement in this country, there were anti racist struggles were being raged and darcus was at the heart of that. He was at the centre of it. No one got a free pass from darcus howe, who went on to be a high profile and punchy broadcaster. Being an a lister was no guarantee of an easy ride as La Toya Jackson found out. The other story i want to tell you is about a family of nine children, who had talent, but made it to the top because of terror and violence, from parents driven by ambition. But he met his match in comedienne joan rivers, on radio 4. Since black offendsjoan, i will. Black . Wait, just stop right now. Black does not offend, me, how dare you how dare you say that can we just say that you dont think joan is a racist and perhaps we can move on. You are damn right. I will not continue. I dont know whether shes a racist or not, i dont care. You said the word black offend me. That is the stupidest thing i ever heard. Normally i dont, wouldnt ever meet you in my life. Nor would i choose to meet you. Howe was in demand as a commentator on issues of race and identity. Whether discussing symbols of britishness. I love england. I like being here. I like living here but im not a patriot. You could like the country, i love the countryside, i get along beautifully with the english people, we are part of a space, but i am not patriot. Or the background to riots in 2011. Did you ever sense this was going to happen . Absolutely. Why . I have a grandson, whos15, and who cannot count the number of times he was stopped and searched. Ah. I think darcus, in a way more than anybody else, acted as an intermediary. He still had the trust and confidence of the black community, but to some extent, at least, he had the trust and confidence of the police as well. Utterly unbiddable, his own man, darcus howe wouldnt let anyone off the hook, no matter how celebrated. We read the nations headline. Tiger woods, i am not black. Just as we were coming to grips with our new hero. Hang in there, brothers. Tomorrow mornings front pages we begin with the sun which reprises an old headline, this time, its up yours senors. There is the picture of gibraltar. The guardian seeks to ease tensions over gibraltar. The mail, Three Million of car debts they cant repay. And finally a story in the telegraph, the story that the National Trust has air brushed easter. Church of england Condemns Rebrand Egg Hunt and remove reference to faith. The National Trust has dropped the word easter from the annual easter egg hunt. Thats just about it tonight. We leave you with our new brexit correspondent, bob danvers walker. He has filed this report on gibraltars preparation on life post eu. Goodnight. Along almost the entire length of gibraltar bay, it is a grand panorama of ships of war. Inside the protective moles, safe from torpedo attack, proudly ride the floating arsenals of the british navy. Always in the foreground is the navy. The people of gibraltar like to feel theres a manowar about the house. So gibraltar stands, watchdog of empire. Many central and eastern parts had a pleasa nt many central and eastern parts had a pleasant day with sunshine and warmth, this taken this after noon by one of the weather watch is. It is all change because our quest we have thick cloud moving in watchers. That is going to bring outbreaks of rain. Here is the satellite sequence. It will be quite grey for the south coast. We reached a 18in grey for the south coast. We reached a 18 in eastern london. This weather is going to bring rain and atla ntic weather is going to bring rain and atlantic air. Rain should clear from scotla nd atlantic air. Rain should clear from scotland and northern ireland, turning fresh at the end of the night, down to five or six in larger cities, lower than that in rural spots. Cloud cover in england and wales with temperatures around eight or nine degrees but it will be dull and then to start in wales and the south west. Not much rain at 8am and it is quite grey from the Isle Of Wight into east anglia with outbreaks of rain extensive, and low cloud into northern england. Sitting down on the hills, so it is quite grey here. Northern scotland is going to be quite windy in the morning and we will see some early showers rattling through on the breeze. It will be quite windy in Northern Scotland through the day. With scattering of showers, the rain in the south east will be there in the afternoon. After a damp start in the south west it should be bright with sunshine coming through and temperatures up to about 15 in cardiff, 1a in london, 11 or 12 in glasgow and belfast. As we head into the middle of the week, we have High Pressure building its way in all the time. That will settle things down. A lot of dry weather midweek onwards. Notice the isobars are close together. That means it will be breezy in the north and east. A north westerly wind, not a very warm direction. Cloud around on wednesday, spells of sunshine, and they last longest in the south and west with wind at its latest. Temperatures mid afternoon wednesday in the range of 10 1a degrees. A chilly start to the day on thursday and again on friday. Both days look similar with a fair bit of cloud, a little sunshine coming through at times and temperatures of 1a or 15 degrees. Im marika ora in im marika or a in singapore, the headlines. Russia is in mourning after 11 people are killed in St Petersburg. The Prime Minister calls ita petersburg. The Prime Minister calls it a Terrorist Attack. Translation there was a huge bang. It was deafening. I was sitting next to an Metal Railing and i think it save my life. Everyone was knocked in One Direction by the blast. A year after china abandoned its one child policy, we report on the rise of older mothers giving birth with the aid of fertility treatment. Iam babita i am Babita Sharma in london. Ben speight to find more survivors as 100 remained missing in columbias devastating landslide. And as trump

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