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In driver only operated trains. Its southern today, but this issue threatens to spread across britain. Richard westcott, bbc news, croydon. Now its time for newsnight with kirsty wark. Now, newsnight. I would like there to be some kind of high earnings cap, quite honestly. You could set a limit on top pay. I think it is probably better to look at the ratio issue. Jeremy corbyn started the day with a Surprising New policy, and this afternoon, it was dead in the water. This was not even the topic of his big relaunch of which was meant to be about Freedom Of Movement. We will ask one of his closest lieutenants what he actually means. Also tonight jared is a very successful real estate person, but i actually think he likes politics more than he likes real estate. So it seems. Meet 36 year old Jared Kushner, Donald Trumps son in law and confident, soon to be Top White House adviser. Who is he bring to bear. And remember this . Had you ever met with speaker ryan before, mr kushner . Governor tarkin, ishould have expected to find you holding vaders leash. Charming to the last. Peter cushing and Carrie Fisher are no longer with us, but that is no obstacle to being a major character in a new star wars movie. Will Carrie Fisher now also get digitally resurrected, and would she really want that . Good evening. It was billed asJeremy Corbyns big day rebooting labours approach to brexit, and specifically its position on the Free Movement of people. But it didnt go according to plan. Instead he announced a radical new policy for a maximum pay cap for high earners. He said that salaries paid to some Company Bosses and top footballers were utterly ridiculous. But by the afternoon, after a former advisor to the Labour Leader had called it a lunatic idea, it morphed into a riff on pay ratios. But there was still confusion over any policy on Free Movement of people. Peterborough was an ideal venue for mr corbyns speech its a marginal held by the conservatives that labour must win back. It also voted leave. This is how some people in the town view the Labour Leader. He started off backing the remain campaign and then he switched and went to the brexit camp. And now hes sort of trying to backtrack himself and back the Brexit Campaign. And as a long supporter of labour, a few years ago i started to switch because of the way the Brexit Campaign was going. Honestly, i dont think he deserves the stick that he gets from a lot of people. I think hes quite well rounded and i think he has, like, a lot of respect for Mental Health issues. And like, young people. Which i think a lot of people dont really get. But, i think hes fine, i like him. Well, were not of his persuasion, but i dont think hes got the character to lead the country, or his party. Hes a good person, hes a good man. I like a lot of what he stands for. I think hes talking a lot of sense, to be honest. Ijust think its not necessarily that popular at the moment. Voters in peterborough today. The Labour Leadership is invoking a new strategy to engage with voters and as part of that they hope to emulate some of Donald Trumps tactics. So could this work . Heres our Political Editor nick watt. The world is turning its attention to america, and who would have believed that . Jeremy corbyn, who has spent a Lifetime Campaigning against us dominance, believes there are lessons for him in Donald Trumps victory. Today we saneremy corbyns first outing of the new year. There was a change of tack on europe as he said he is no longer wedded to the Crew Movement of people, then intriguingly, labour indicated that he may follow some of Donald Trumps tactics in reaching out directly to voters as an insurgent. Jeremy corbyn is not exactly americas number one fan. It seems highly unlikely we will see him here any time soon, and he profoundly disagrees with Donald Trumps outpourings on twitter, but he does believe that the incoming president has captured ways of communicating on social media that are highly effective for an insurgent. Newsnight understands that having seen off that second leadership challenge, Jeremy Corbyn now believes the time has come to rekindle that spirit as an antiestablishment candidate on social media. To my mind, mr trump is a racist, and a misogynist, and a pretty bad thing in the world, but i am smart enough to know that he has spoken to a lot of people very directly, and he has spoken to their concerns. Hes offered the wrong recipe, and hes played on those concerns. I want to listen to those concerns, as doesJeremy Corbyn, but sell a different message. He is certainly the man for us, because he appears on the sofa. The leadership has decided that Jeremy Corbyn should devote less time to the written press and more time to live interviews on television and radio. They admit it cant go wrong but say that live broadcasting allows leaders to speak more directly to voters. And then there are the donald trump lessons from twitter. Expect a modern version of labours rebuttal unit. One politician who blazed a trail for leaders speaking directly to voters has mixed feelings. I dont think ive got any lessons to teach anyone. My strategy didnt exactly culminate in success in elections. I have some sympathy, of course i do, given the powerful vested interests weve got in the written press in this country, theres a need, unhinged stuff that you get from Paul Dacre Run the daily mail and elsewhere, the Bully Boy Tactics of those papers, and i understand thatJeremy Corbyn and his team want to communicate with people that clearly they are not going to the pages of the. Mail and other parts of the brexit press. Jeremy corbyn may be looking to the us for inspiration on how to reach out to voters, but in common with all uk political leaders, his fortunes will be bound up with how the uk negotiates it way out of the eu. Today, in the strongly pro leave city of peterborough, he said he was no longer wedded to the principle of Free Movement. Allies said this marked a shift in language and a recognition that brexit does provide an opportunity for wider reform of the Labour Market by cracking down on agencies that have used Migrant Labour to drive down wages. The more i get the impression that the differences now between theresa may and the Principal Party of opposition, the labour party, is basically one of nuance and detail rather than substance. They both say that there have to be unspecified reforms to Freedom Of Movement, and that worries me because unless the labour party is prepared to hold the governments feet to the fire, this government, i worry, is going to Bok Choi Brexit very badly. A former member of the Shadow Cabinet believes thatJeremy Corbyn is on the right track but does not go far enough. I welcome a commitment to managed migration but i think we need more detail on how that will work in practice. I think that one of the main messages from the Eu Referendum back injune was that the status quo on immigration and Free Movement cannot continue, and people want the government to have more control of the numbers of people coming in. In common with the finest of start ups, todays strategy had a bit of a bumpy start. Jeremy corbyn appeared to suggest early on that he favoured a cap on maximum pay rates. By this afternoon, the position was a little more nuanced as he suggested the government could use its leverage in Public Sector contracts to force private companies to accept pay ratios, and the tax system could be used to change behaviour more widely. Jeremy corbyn is unlikely to be picking fights with hollywood stars. The moment, his mind will be on a windswept corner of cumbria where labour faces a tough by election fight. Todays message on brexit was no doubt aimed at copeland and other Labour Streets which recorded a strong leave vote. Caroline flint was a Shadow Minister under ed miliband. You and other senior colleagues wanted a specific policy on Freedom Of Movement. What did you want to hear today . I take a lot of positives from whatjeremy said today. After the referendum, he said the labour party needed to review immigration policy, and i think he did make clear today that as part of the discussions around the deal around brexit, then looking at what a fair and reasonable set of rules around Freedom Of Movement would mean to the discussion. But you were looking for something more specific, and he only said he was not wedded to the idea. Let me see what i was looking for. I believe that Freedom Of Movement is something we should have addressed a long time ago, and labour has sidestepped peoples concerns on immigration, particularly in communities outside the big cities, outside of london. Jeremy has said, and it is backed up by kia starmer and the deputy leader, that is part of the negotiations around brexit, of course we want full access to the Single Market as much as possible, but Freedom Of Movement has to be part of that. Add to that, i think Something Like 50 of those who voted remain also wanted reform of Free Movement as well. But you and others of your ilk want to see a two tier position. You want to see one strategy for senior skilled foe, and another strategy for others. You are rather long way from getting that. We have the start of a discussion today. Certainly, i think we need to look and probed more into the detail about how eu migration has affected britain. When i did a survey online in my own constituency, where they voted overwhelmingly to leave, when i asked what they thought of students or highly skilled workers, they were less worried about that then the impact on low skill, low paid sectors and areas such as doncaster. New labour was much less concerned about ordinary voters concerns than growing the economy. They ignored it and turned a deaf ear to that, and that was a mistake, not just economically but culturally. It is notjust about economic spot the social atmosphere. In my own constituency in the don valley, in 1997, it was over 90 white. The non british vote has increased since then. It is a big change in communities. I wonder if people feel that the message from new labour was that even two boys that was racist. I think part of the problem was that there were mistakes, and it has been acknowledged that we did not have Transition Controls in the way we have over romania and bulgaria. Across all parties, politicians tend to look at the net figures nationally without bearing down on what is happening in different communities, and i do think that is where notjust around immigration but around globalisation, the loss ofjobs, on the big scale, particularly when the economy was doing well before the recession, it could mask these problems. The thing you are acknowledging is that even a small Population Change can mean a big social shift. And the rate of it as well. Actually, it is a problem for people even to discuss it. You would not have the Labour Leadership saying it was a problem, would you . Jeremy did address some of the problems, in his own words, which might be different from my words. Thats ok. He did address the fact that some employers have used loopholes through Freedom Of Movement to basically. Thats economic, not cultural. It overlaps. When you add in zero hours contracts and young people cant put together the money for a deposit on a flat to rent, and when people are feeling that wholesale recruitment through an agency to a town in poland has come into their local factory, its not only hitting them in the pocket but in their hearts as well. Thank you very much indeed. Were joined by The Shadow Attorney General baroness chakra barti. First of all, can you explain labours policy on Freedom Of Movement as discussed today . Can you explain what it actually is . I will do my best. The priority is the economy, and we think that at this moment in their negotiations that will come, the priority is trying to get access to the Single Market. We dont have an ideological position thats for or against immigration, the priority is the economy, but as caroline said, the economy has to wipe everyone, those at the top said, the economy has to work for everyone, those at the top and at the bottom. When you are talking about the impact on the economy, you have to take care of business, yes, that wants to have Free Movement, but you also need to think about people whose wages are being undercut, about housing, Public Services and so on. If it was necessary for the economy to have more immigration rather than less, you would favour that . Yes, but only do if you do the corresponding thing, to make sure that Migrant Labour cannot be exploited and that peoples wages are not undercut and that you do all the things to ameliorate the impact on people lower down the economic scale so that Free Movement isnt something that is just benefiting people at the top but not benefiting people at the bottom who feel that Migrant Labour is being exploited, that they dont have homes and access to schools and hospitals and so on. The economy has to work for everyone, which is why the stuff about wages fits completely in with this policy. It cantjust be about brexit but about what kind of country we want to have afterwards. But we are not necessarilyjust talking about low wages paid to workers coming in, for example, seasonal workers. We are talking notjust about that but about the impact of low skilled workers coming into the uk, where there is a glut of low skilled workers, and what you are not saying is that, actually, there will be a two tier system, which Caroline Flint wants, which takes high skilled workers and then if necessary low skilled workers. Jeremy corbyn is simply saying he wants to get rid of the undercutting of wages. That is not a comprehensive policy on Free Movement. We cannot have a comprehensive policy on Free Movement because we are not currently sitting at the negotiating table. I think there has to be negotiation and the government has no plans whatsoever. What is clear is that the labour party will put the economy first but the economy must work notjust for those at the top but every level. You are facing a by election in cumbria and in that by election it will be a hard fight. Voters voted to leave. Do you think that whatJeremy Corbyn said today would reassure people who are natural labour voters. People in that constituency are worried about the state of the hospital, they are worried about the future for their children and families. Theyre not anti immigration in some abstract way, they are not racist or xenophobic. They want to be part of an economy that works for everyone. They might want fewer immigrants in their community for the same reasons that Caroline Flint was talking about, you either want to raise the question of racism. Im saying most people i have ever met in the uk regardless of their position on brexit, are not anti immigration in abstract way, what they want is an economy and society that works for everyone. What that means is that immigration has got to serve the economy but the economy has to be something we can all share in. So you do not allow the exploitation of migrant workers, you provide housing for everyone, health care for everyone. Im keen to stick to this point, what caroline was saying was that there may be an influx of migration in a big city but in other areas even a small shift can make a massive cultural difference. Do you accept that for some people that cultural change, that change in their whole world is something that is important to them and theyre worried about being marked out as racist if they even raise it. I do not think it is racist to be concerned about the impact of immigration. I think that a lot of people fear the other when the other is not even in their neighbourhood but when there is an impact, it is the duty of government to provide the Public Services, the housing, and to avoid the undercutting of wages and that is the way to create an economy that works for everyone. Lets move on toJeremy Corbyn and his pronouncement this morning that there was to be a wage cap. He talks about footballers earning millions and bankers and so forth. Did you know he was going to say that . Jeremy has been talking about inequality and general and Wage Inequality in particular probably all of his life. Did you know that he was going to announce this morning that he was in favour of a cap. I think he was completely authentic. But not this afternoon because he had to change that policy by then. That is not my reading of it and you have asked me for my reading of it is not the bbc reading of it. I am saying only that it was a major day for labour today, they work to be setting up their stall on Free Movement of people mainly but this was him rebooting for the new year and it begins with a policy that i understand no one in the Shadow Cabinet knew was going to happen. That he was in favour of a cap on high pay and that was then and using different tools. Footballers . In the Public Sector you could say were going to cap Public Sector pay at the top. We have a ratio system. In the private sector you could look at things like Tax Incentives and the ratio between people at the top and bottom of a company. The big picture. Danny blanchflower said it was a lunatic idea. But by the afternoon Jeremy Corbyn has announced something completely different, perhaps tweaking the tax system and an extension of the ratios. There are different ways to approach Wage Inequality in different sectors but what is clear and authentic is thatjeremy is for a more equal britain and many people are with him on that. During the day today whenJeremy Corbyn was talking in peterborough about Free Movement and wage caps, his Campaign Director was messaging about the prices in the health service. It is extraordinary that he was sending messages about that on twitter, rather than addressing that huge crisis today, he was saying one thing and his Campaign Director was saying another. It was the perfect opportunity to take on the nhs question head on. That is about spin. It is about substance. I do not think so, we have been doing a greatjob on the health service. The Shadow Health secretary. This was a major speech. You are saying Thatjeremy Cannot talk about health care and inequality and brexit. Unfortunately this country is in such a pickle at the moment that it is is responsibility to speak about all of these things. Do you think it went well today for the ideal Positive Thatjeremy has spoken authentically and spoken from his heart, directly to people and the biggest criticism that you can put to me is that it seemed a bit too unspun. We have an nhs crisis, criticism of the government brexit strategy, labour 27 rating. Youre not very well because perhaps days like this happen and you appear to be going off cack handedly. You talk about Spin Byjeremy spoke from the heart about values and vision and i think given the chance, he will speak directly to his audience and that will go well. And that would be twitter. That would be twitter. It is going to be more than twitter but we do have to speak more directly to people, no question about that. The question of Wage Inequality, there has been some developments and chris cook is here. Something came out from the ons today, slightly poorly timed because it suggests that there has been quite good news on Wage Inequality. We have this graph showing the coefficient, the propensity of inequality for the population. What were drawn at the moment, these three major elections. What we can see is this gigantic surge in inequality under the thatcher government, a slow retreat under labour and then continued retreat recently. Basically since 2007 there has been £1600 increase in the wages at the bottom fifth and £1000 so for wages of the top. So actually inequality has been shifting since the financial crisis. And Jeremy Corbyn has been speaking about this a lot so presumably you would give credit to the conservative government, since 2010, for bringing this inequality down. The figures you describe, forgive me they are a drop in the ocean. For people who cannot afford the rail hike, who cannot leave home in their 20s and buy a home, in Real Terms Inequality is a gaping chasm in the country and £1000 at the top just is not going to cut it. Thank you both. Donald trumps son in law and close confidante Jared Kushner is 36 today. Yesterday his father in law gave the Multi Millionaire an early birthday present when he appointed him as a senior white house advisor a reward perhaps for his tireless efforts to get trump elected. Kushner is a Property Developer and a newspaper owner,it is not yet clear whether he will have to divest himself of all his interests to take up the apparently unpaid hugely influential role. Whats even less clear is Jared Kushners politics. Heres our diplomatic editor mark urban. Some of the newjersey property baron, Jared Kushner had some of a newjersey property baron, Jared Kushner had a privileged upbringing. His path from harvard in the family firm looked like plain sailing. Until 2005, when his father charlie was convicted of tax evasion and witness tampering. I was there, charlie was a well respected member of his family and community. It was a terrible blow to the family. Jared as the second oldest child, it was hard for him and for his sisters and brother. The Kushner Conviction Sprang from vicious political and family rivalries. Mr kushner engaged in a conspiracy. Some have claimed that this battle left Jared Kushner with a strong desire for revenge. Theres definitely a psychological drama at play, a lot of people spoke about kushner wanting revenge early in this election season. Now Chris Christie is nowhere in the picture when it comes to the trump administration. May be holding out hopes for a roll down the line but not on day one. In these cases, often there is at least a glimmer or grain of truth to these stories. We have seen both in trump and kushner a desire to get even. Hungry yet, or do we starve another day . The life of Jared Kushner with turns of fortune feels a little like a 19th century novel. It has been reported that his favourite book is indeed the count of monte cristo. Dumass saga of how unjust imprisonment leads the hero to amass a fortune and he spent a lifetime seeking revenge. Certainly his alliance through marriage with the trump family has now brought him to the apex of political power. Jared is a very successful Real Estate Agent but i think he likes politics more than real estate. He is very good at politics. Notoriously reluctant to give interviews, kushner, who isjewish, took to the pages of a newspaper he owns, the new york observer, to defend trump against a charge of Anti Semitism during a campaign. Is dana schwartz, one of the people you see behind you in the newsroom is dana schwartz, who broke the story for us and it shows you what i mean about a publisher who does not, is not heavy handed. She wrote a Piece Questioning why donald trump, are clearly anti semitic element, come to support him. And jared answered, no candidate can be held responsible for every one of their millions of supporters. But i know this guy and there is not a racist or anti semitic bone in his body. When trump to the white house, his son in law was also there. Kushner was credited with designing a Winning Campaign on a shoestring and his knowledge of how washington actually works is slight. Perhaps hes a very able person but we have no track record tojudge that. He has no experience and he is coming this position by his Family Network and so he has got to prove himself. But it is not for nothing that there are anti nepotism laws and it is notjust this one relative, there are always relatives that trump is putting into power very close to power, without appropriate chinese walls. So it is a problem. If Jared Kushner has a tendency for extremism it is in the matter of Family Loyalty and that is what has made him indispensable to donald trump. As for his actual politics, he has exhibited what Henry Kissinger has characterised as a considerable degree of constructive ambiguity. Jared is a fair guy and listens to a lot of people and is willing to be persuaded but ultimately he is quite decisive. The observer i think is the only newspaper in the country for example that endorsed both donald trump and Hillary Clinton in their respective primaries. That shows not only the ideological diversity but that we pick winners. Not forgetting the count of monte cristo. After the trump victory, Chris Christie, the man expected to organise the new administration, but who had gloated when the father of Jared Kushner was convicted, was fired. Is it my turn . It is. When it comes to the new white house and the influence on trump, many pin high hopes on his special adviser, just 35 years old. Many powerful people in washington and new york found some comfort Jared Kushner was going to be in the ear of donald trump before Big Decisions are made. So much of what trump said on the Campaign Trail was so toxic and frightening and yet kushner is someone who is soft spoken, he is moderate, in some ways he is a progressive. And can round off some of the hard edges of donald trump. In the dwindling days of the obama presidency, many in washington are anxious. The President Elect could not be more different in style and one reason why they now pin their hopes on those around trump. Carrie fisher died less than a fortnight ago, but in the minds for disney movie moguls and star wars fans she is very much alive and with what might be regarded as unseemly haste disney is negotiating with the actors estate over her continued appearance in the franchise. If disney gets the go ahead Carrie Fisher willjoin Peter Cushing, who last month, 15 years after his death, played a key role in rogue one as grand moff tarkin. With computers, anything is possible, but is it desirable . While some living actors are contracting over the use of their image when they die, others like robin williams, who killed himself in 2014 explicitly banned the commercial use of his image until 2039. You got in here, finally. There wasnt much that could be done when an actor died in the middle of filming. Just waiting for you to call. Patience, its not one of our virtues. Peter sellers was resurrected as Inspector Clouseau in the Trail Of The Pink Panther using deleted footage from previous films in the series and a stand in with bandages on his head. When brandon lee died on the set of the crow, he appeared courtesy of Stunt Doubles and basic special effects. But the advent of cgi has meant that some of our stars never fade. Killers are killers. When oliver reed was involved in a fatal drinking competition before hed finished filming gladiator, production had to re shoot parts of the movie. They also used a body double and cgi to complete the project. The ethics of using technology to include deceased actors in films after theyve committed to a project are one thing. But things get a little bit trickier when the project is instigated after a performer has died. Its safe to say that Audrey Hepburn never appeared in an advert selling chocolate during her lifetime. Would she have wanted her image used in such a way . Well never know. In last years Star Wars Film, rogue one, Peter Cushing, who died 119911, was brought back to life. His character was crucial to the story, and his estate gave permission for the actor to appear. A young princess leia, as played by Carrie Fisher, also popped up at the end of the film. She gave her permission. But her death just before christmas poses a conundrum for the main star wars series. The next instalment is in the can, but the last episode hasnt gone into production. Could anyone else play such an iconic role . Disney clearly thinks not. So, will she be brought back to life for the final instalment in the Star Wars Franchise . Were joined by tim webber, who is the Chief Creative Officer at framestore the bafta and oscar awarding winning visual effects studio, and anna smith, the president of the critics circle. Good evening to you both. Anna, first of all, are you squeamish about keeping actors alive for commercial gain . Yes, especially in that advert with Audrey Hepburn, it feels slightly queasy and strange to see them recreated, albeit brilliantly. It is too uncanny. If an actor sadly dies in the middle of making a film they have already consented to being in, it would be their wish to continue with that, but to completely recreate them is another matter. I wonder what you would say to that, because framestore is one of the companies that can do this stuff, but it is no longer a performance by an actor. It is still a performance by an actor, but that will be a different one. It is a recreated actor. I look at it as essentially digital make up. It is another actor, not Peter Cushing, but he is wearing digital make up. That is different to people dressing up when they are giving performances as the queen or as. But they are alive. Or as winston churchill. People wear make up and try and become other people will stop it is part of acting. If it was the case that the whole Indiana Jones franchise were rebooted in 20 years, and people thought, we have to have Harrison Ford in this role, you would have no qualms about that . I would have qualms. It is a nuanced thing to do and it depends on fire you are doing it and how you do it. But i also think its not really up to us to judge whether that should happen or not. I think it is hard to know who can judge when someone is dead, but the estate of the person, ithink, are probably the best people to make the call. Anna. Is the estate the best person . Only the actor can judge. The performances are so nuanced and a lot of it is about empathy. You think about the Great Performances of our time, and often they are whimsical and cannot be recreated easily. I heard that Carrie Fisher altered her star wars scripts that obviously cant happen if she is going to be, as it were, recreated for the last one in the franchise. It wont be the Carrie Fisher, the personality of Carrie Fisher. Absolutely. I can see the conundrum. If i were them, i would find a smaller role so that if there is a cgi Carrie Fisher, at least it is not a huge role. Is there an issue in this precarious profession that keeping going with the whole lot is actually rather uncreative, when you think of the new lot coming through. That certainly is a danger, and i think the Film Industry has a tendency to be uncreative and to stick to proven things from the past. A film star is far more than just a visage, it is the performance. That will not be Peter Cushings performance. It might be a fine performance by a contemporary actor, but it is not Peter Cushing. By a doppelganger. The actor who was anonymous, because he does not get credit for his performance, is digitally enhanced himself, or herself, and then elements of Peter Cushings face are recreated . Thats correct. Essentially, they are made to look like Peter Cushing, which also does involvement appellation of the performance, to a small extent, just little ticks have to feel like they are Peter Cushing. It is complex. Do you think it alters the audience responds when they know what they are watching is something that is incredibly skilfully done, and they might be taken up more by seeing how good the technology is than by having an emotional connection with the character . When an actor is deceased, you cannot help but be aware when they are so famous. It takes the audience out of it. A lot of people said about the last Star Wars Film that it gave them a joke. It takes them out of the story a bit. It makes it more like animate something, less like it makes it more like anime or something, less like a naturalistic human performance. It must. It certainly can be distracting, and i think it is important to use it in the right way at the right time. It can be distracting, but i dont think it need necessarily be less like a human performance. That depends on the scale and techniques that are used to create it. And i dont think we are there get. I have looked at that Peter Cushing performance, and i look that youre making of the Peter Cushing, and of course, im looking for everything to think about whether or not it is the real person. It is very hard to recreate a human. It is incredibly hard. It wasnt us that made Peter Cushing. I dont think the skills have got to the point where it is absolutely believable as a human being yet. Would you like to see Carrie Fisher in the last of the franchise . I would, but not too much because it would be distracting. I agree that a little bit would be a good thing. It is important to have continuity to the story, but not too much. Thank you both very much indeed. A quick look at the front pages the woman who is at the head of the whitworth in manchester is to become the tates first female director. In the telegraph corbyns migration policy in disarray. The woman behind the scoop of the century. Thats it for tonight. We leave you with ed sheerans new release, castle on a hill. In a daring artistic move first spotted by Facebook Group made in poor taste, sheeran has decided to rework the Classic Acoustic Anthem Freelove Freeway by david brent. Well leave you to decide which version is better. Good night. I was running from my brother and his. Pretty girl on the hood of a cadillac, yeah. Running from the law through the backfields and. Broken down on freeway 9. Tasting the sweet perfume of the mountain grass i rolled down. Take a look at her engine starting i leave her purring and i roll on by, bye bye free love on the Freelove Freeway the love is free and the freeway is long i got some. Im on my way. Driving at 90 down those country lanes. Going home cos my babys gone. Shes dead. Shes not dead. Good evening. Before the weather gets wintry it gets a little bit wild tonight. Wind of 70 mph expected in Northern Scotla nd of 70 mph expected in Northern Scotland as low pressure pushes in. Wind is picking up, sweeping away mild air, introducing cold conditions tomorrow. The wind is the greatest concern for tomorrow. Wales, Northern England and Northern Ireland, 60 mph, it might impact on travel. This is the morning rush hour. Frequent showers. And and Northern Ireland and england. They are wintry over high ground in england. The wind in their parents might be problematic. The gales around the western coast of western england. Not a strong south and east. One or two spots of Light Rain 01 east. One or two spots of light rain or drizzle. The winds will clear away the cloud. Skyers brighton for southern areas into the afternoon at temperatures will be dropping skies brighten. Showers turn at lower levels later. It is a day where temperatures continue to drop. After starting in double figures, 78 in the south, three or four in scotla nd in the south, three or four in scotland seven or eight degrees. On thursday, increasing showers, evenif on thursday, increasing showers, even if you dont cease no, temperatures lower further south, more cloud here, and as rain pushes in and the cold air digs in we could get quite interesting weather. Maybe some snow for the hills of south wales and South West England and then the rain turning to snow on the high ground of other counties, even to low levels. A lot could change. Stay tuned to the forecast. On thursday, further north, frequent showers. Some will miss them altogether. Where you see the snow, you might get a covering, 20 centimetres over the highlands. And it will be an icy day. The winds making temperatures feel like it is subzero for just about all of you. Welcome to newsday. Im Babita Sharma in london. The headlines his final big speech as president. Barack obama arising chicago for his farewell address. Jeff sessions, the man picked to be the nexus attorney general, has told a congressional hearing that he is no racist and has never supported the ku klux klan. Nexus attorney general. Fifa approves plans for a massive expansion of footballs world cup 248 teams. And the woman who sat in the front row of history. Britains War Correspondent Claire Hollingworth has died at the age of 145 to 48 hollingworth has died at the age of 145 to 48 teams. The age of 105

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