Transcripts For BBCNEWS Newsday 20170817 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS Newsday 20170817

where the firestorm following president trump's latest comments blaming both sides for the violence in charlottesville, virginia, continues to burn. business leaders have joined two former republican presidents in condemning his stance. the bbc‘s north america editor, jon sopel reports. # amazing grace... the memorial service for heather heyer, an anti—racism protestor mown down by a white supremacist in charlottesville on saturday. but far from this being an occasion when a nation comes together, america seems more bitterly divided than ever. they tried to kill my child to shut her up. well, guess what? you just magnified her. applause this was charlottesville on friday night — racist groups chanting "jews will not replace us," carrying ku klux klan style torches, and also marching to the slogan "white lives matter." yesterday, the president blamed both sides for the violence that ensued. you had a group on one side and you had a group on the other and they came at each other with clubs and it was vicious and it was horrible — and it was a horrible thing to watch. but there is another side. there was a group on this side — you can call them the left, you have just called them the left — that came violently attacking the other group, so you can say what you want, but that is the way it is. it is true there was violence on both sides. but the race hate protesters had come tooled up for trouble. many carried guns. this is not the army, but a right—wing militia that turned up bristling with weaponry. most had clubs, helmets and shields with white supremacist insignia. the anti—racism demonstrators were not organised, they were mostly local people among whom a small core had come to fight. but donald trump seeming to draw a moral equivalence between swastika—carrying neo—nazis and anti—racism protesters has brought near universal condemnation. the senior republican paul ryan tweeting: the only significant voice of support last night came from the former leader of the ku klux klan, david duke, who said: there is reported to be deep unhappiness among some senior white house staff over the president's comments. he had not been due to say anything and significantly, a new intervention — this time from two the former living republican presidents, george hw bush and george w bush — saying there is no room for bigotry or anti—semitism in today's america. donald trump left new york today to resume his hardly quiet or relaxing holiday. more isolated from the political and business establishment than at any time since he took office. jon sopel, bbc news, washington. our other top story: a week of national mourning has begun in sierra leone in the wake of the devastating flooding and mudslides that struck near the capital of freetwon on monday. officials say more than 100 children are among the 400 people who are known to have died when part of a hillside collapsed. and at least 600 people are still missing. from freetown, martin patience reports. in freetown, the ambulances are rushing not to the hospital but to the main mortuary. they are ferrying the dead — victims buried alive by a landslide. the relatives wait outside to collect their bodies. the stench of death is overpowering. emotions are raw. bishi lost her sister. daniel wasn't home when disaster struck. but he tells me six members of his family are dead, including his wife. they died, they died. the grief and anger is tangible here. this is a nation mourning the loss of hundreds. and rescue workers say that authorities are hampering their rescue efforts. this gaping scar was once a neighbourhood. now a landscape changed forever. it's the scene of a recovery operation on the hoof. diggers have been drafted in but there are no sniffer dogs, not enough body bags. the fear is disease could spread unless hundreds of corpses are found. a trickle of aid is getting through but many, like adama, are now homeless. i've lost everything, she tells me. martin patience, bbc news, freetown. also making news today: millions of people are still stranded after days of heavy monsoon rains across bangladesh, nepal and india. more than 250 people have been killed. these pictures are from sunsari district in southern nepal where the koshi river overflowed. some residents say the government response has not been enough. indian soldiers have clashed with chinese troops along a disputed border in the western himalayas with the two sides hurling stones at each other. is. the governor all the state in venezuelan known as amazonia — witnesses report hearing shots from the prison for several hours. indian soldiers have clashed with chinese troops along a disputed border in the western himalayas with the two sides hurling stones at each other. officials say indian servicemen formed a human chain to prevent chinese forces entering territory claimed by india. also on the programme: the hollywood actor tom cruise has broken his ankle while performing a stunt during filming for the new mission impossible film. the 55—year—old star was hurt as hejumped between the roofs of high rise buildings during filming in london last weekend. production of the action film, which is one of the most lucrative franchises, could be delayed for up to three months as mr cruise recovers. so—called islamic state is collapsing in the middle east and attention is turning to fighters returning home, some of them still very young. it's believed at least 2,000 children have gone through is military training. they are known as the ‘lion cubs‘. the bbc has discovered some of them now living in europe with the authorities unaware of their past. quentin sommerville has this special report. this is childhood in the so—called islamic state. this footage, filmed secretly in raqqa and passed to the bbc, is of what is calls the ‘cubs of the caliphate‘. they are child soldiers, barely teenagers. clumsy and armed to the teeth, their guns are almost too big for them. even as is is collapsing, it's investing in its future. it's a slow and steady defeat. this was is‘s capital in iraq. mosul‘s old city is now in ruins. this is where the is war machine suffered its biggest defeat but it isn't the end of them. here the fighters honed their skills. this was their training ground. imagine fighting in this, and then surviving. well, some did — some escaped, and some have made it to europe. we travelled to belgium, and there we met ahmed. he joined is when he was just 15. translation: they taught me how to use a kalashnikov. we stayed for seven days in mosul. they kept talking about martyrdom operations. i was brainwashed and i believed it. i told my family, "you can't change my thoughts, and, no matter what you do, i'm going to stay." he became disillusioned with is and escaped, first to turkey, and then to europe. the authorities here don't know about his past. translation: they were my enemies but now i'm living among them, eating and drinking among them. when all this happened, i started to hate my entire past and started to establish a new life. he's not alone. we travelled to germany, where we met motassin. again, his youth means his is membership has gone undetected here. he was one of many groomed by the group. they would give us whatever we wanted, and tell us we were the best, that we were right and all the others were wrong and must fear us. they would also allow us to carry oui’ weapons wherever we go. for two weeks, he underwent military training and was skilled in sharia law. he was assigned to an is media unit. 0thers, though, volunteered for suicide missions. they prefer children to adults because they can use them to bomb between civilians. nobody would expect that a 14 or 16—year—old boy would bomb himself. both teenagers that we met say they've turned their backs on is but, as we travelled across europe, we learned of at least three more young fighters living here. we approached the eu police force, europol, but they declined to comment. europe is still vulnerable but it's here where the journey begins. 0n the turkish border, syrian refugees can still slip through, scrabbling past searchlights and guard towers. near the border, i met a people smugglerfrom raqqa, one of many still operating. he helped one of the boys make it from is territory to europe in only a month. translation: i've helped many, a huge number. the route is getting worse. it used to be easier in 2014 and 2015. now the situation is more difficult thanks to the presence of us backed forces. now the situation is more difficult due to the presence of us backed forces. you have to go through the kurds, the rebels and the us forces. it's difficult. is is not yet defeated. its territory is shrinking and its supporters fleeing. these are the final days of the so—called caliphate, but still the islamic state is no less of a threat. and, amid these ruins, they leave behind a legacy — hundreds of child soldiers, and a new generation of hate. america and china's most senior military leaders will meet for a third day in beijing on wednesday. the us generaljoseph dunford and his chinese counterpart, general fang fenghui, have a lot to discuss, not least how to deal with north korea. i spoke to victor gao who is director of the china national association of international studies. he was also an interpreter for the former chinese communist leader deng xiaoping. i began by asking him for his assessment of the situation. and a warning, there is some flash photography during the interview. the fact that the chinese top military leader and the american top military leader are engaged in discussion and dialogue is very reassuring. that means, between china and the united states, there are channels for communication and dialogue, and the two countries can communicate with each other directly, despite the rising tension on the korean peninsula. tension is rising and the stakes are getting higher, and i would say the stakes in korea has never been as close to war or conflict as it is now, and i think we need to call on the united states to preserve peace, rather than take dangerous actions leading possibly towards war, and it's also very encouraging to see that the president of the republic of korea, president moon, is also calling for the united states not to resort to war to solve the nuclear weapons proliferation issue on the korean peninsula. therefore i think we need to stand firm to encourage more dialogue and negotiation, and to call on the united states to give up the idea of launching a war against dprk. how likely do you think that will be? well, it's tough, and the nuclear weapons programme is becoming more and more sophisticated, and we need to find an effective way to stop it and achieve the denuclearisation goal on the korean peninsula. however, i'd say, even though it's getting tougher and tougher and more challenging to achieve this goal, it is exactly the time to use all our wisdom, courage and vision together, rather than being disunited, for example, and to avoid the united states from sending up a very mixed and confusing signal, not only to dprk, but all the people here in this part of the world. if war breaks out on the korean peninsula, the consequences will not be limited to dprk or the republic of korea, and it's also important to know that china and russia are now recently issuing a joint statement calling for no reckless action to be taking place at china's doorstep or russia's doorstep. the chinese government is engaging with major countries, including germany, for example, to present the case about peaceful negotiation, and about opposition to war, and i think it will take all these major countries together to stop the possibility of war and to pave the way for negotiation, leading towards denuclearisation. you're watching newsday on the bbc. still to come on the programme: the partition that should have been peaceful. we hear from two eyewitnesses on the violence in india's second largest city that changed the course of history. also on the programme: one more shot as 007. daniel craig confirms he'll be back as james bond. washington, the world's most political city is today assessing the political health of the world's most powerful man. indeed i did have a relationship with miss lewinsky that was not appropriate. in fact, it was wrong. in south africa 97 people have been killed today in one of the worst days of violence between rival black groups. over the last 10 days, 500 have died. chanting: czechoslovakia must be free! russia is observing a national day of mourning for the 118 submariners who died on board the kursk. we are all with them now, within our heart. the pope has celebrated mass before a congregation of more than 2.5 million people, in his hometown of krakow. "stay with us, stay with us," chanted this ocean of humanity. "well, well," joked the pope, "so you want me to desert rome?" this is newsday on the bbc. i'm rico hizon in singapore. thanks forjoining us. i'm babita sharma in london. our top stories. business leaders resign after donald trump's comments in relation to charlottesville. there's grief and anger in freetown as authorities are blamed for hampering rescue efforts. at least 600 people are still missing after monday's mudslide. game of thrones‘s next episode has been pirated and shared online in the latest leak to hit the fantasy tv series. however, this time the source of the leak was not hackers or thieves, but rather the show being mistakenly released on its broadcaster's streaming platform too early. more on that story at let's take a look at some front pages from around the world. the south china morning post carries the latest on the kidnap claims by hong kong democracy activist howard lam. the paper says he's been charged with misleading police. authorities allege cctv footage contradicts mr lam's account of being kidnapped. the china daily discusses a film about so—called comfort women used by the japanese. the low—budget film has become an unlikely hit. their front page picture shows one of the 22 women who survived one of the darkest chapters of world war two. and the japan times carries an intriguing photo on its front page of pepper, the humanoid robot, in a buddhist robe. softbank robotics has announced it has now programmed pepper to recite sutras as part of its new funeral services. the horrific violence that accompanied the partition of india should not have come as a surprise to anyone. a year before independence the muslim leader, muhammadjinnah, called a general strike and a nationwide rally to demand a separate state, pakistan, for india's muslims. in most of the country the meetings passed off peacefully. not in calcutta, then india's second largest city. the effects of what was to happen there would change the course of history. the bbc has been speaking to two eyewitnesses. at the time of the riot, i was only eight years old. i was 12 years old when the riot took place. archive: and so to india's first port, calcutta. there was a meeting. thousands and thousands of people gathered there. muslim league declared this is the slogan, "islam in danger". the tension between the two communities was growing, you know. everybody was afraid that if anything happened, we must have to fight back. the hindus started realising that we are going to be in trouble. these sort of riots start by rumour spreading. in the beginning it was muslims who took the leading part but on the second, third day...from the second, thrid day it started to be hindu part. mainly the hooligans, they started creating chaos. and they started killing. while walking down this street, i saw within the dust pits, mutilated part of leg, hand, and skulls. i started shivering. from now on people started realising that hindu muslims cannot live together in india. there must be pakistan. in every age, great men are born. gandhi was one of these. gandhi never wanted partition — never. but at last, he said when you do not want to be together, to this extent you become communalized, then devided. this great calcutta killing is a black spot in the cultural history. we have a special series of features on partition all this week on bbc world news. and there's much more on our website too. simply go to... along with lots of personal stories you will also find an interactive timeline, explaining more about why partition happened 70 years ago. he's back. the actor daniel craig has confirmed he will return as the british secret agent james bond. the 49—year—old says it will be his final outing as the 007 spy. but it's not the first time he's said that. chi chi izundu reports. james bond theme music. months of speculation, will daniel craig come back for a fifth time as 007? will you return as james bond? yes. cheering and applause. daniel is the seventh actor to take on bond and is commercially the most successful of the franchise, with skyfall being the first to break the billion—dollar mark at the box office. it was only a matter of time before he was back home at mi6, regardless of how many times it's been destroyed in the films. despite the cars, the martinis, and, of course, the women, let's not forget that after the release of spectre, daniel said he would rather slit his wrists than play the fictional mi6 spy again. and if you believe what you read in the press, he's going to be well paid. and while daniel was mulling over that offer, other names, like idris elba, were being discussed, but for fans, daniel is the man with the "golden gun". after all this speculation, we finally got an answer and it's like christmas in august. you know, daniel craig has reinvented bond, and his films are amongst the most successful am and his films are amongst the most successful and critically acclaimed, so i think we really are glad we've got an answer and we're looking forward to bond 25. he will be 51 by the time bond 25 hits the cinemas in 2019. and the stunts from spectre left him needing knee surgery. so it's understandable that he says this time is the last time. chi chi izundu, bbc news. looking forward to the next james bond, babita. baby it will be babita bond. laughter. you have been watching newsday. stay with us. we speak to the man holding the purse strings to one of the fastest growing economies in asia. find out how the philippines finance secretary sees the country's ties with china. and before we go, if you're a fan of cheetos crisps, this might be the restaurant for you. a cheetos—themed restaurant is opening in new york city for three days only. the menu includes cheetos grilled sandwiches, cheetos tacos, cheetos meatballs, cheetos nachos and even a cheeto dessert. definitely get a feast of your cheetos there, don't you? that's all for now. stay with bbc world news. let's see if the weather is going to be behaving itself on thursday. looking a little mixed. there's some rain out there right now, but thursday itself is looking not too bad across the uk. there will be some sunshine around and a few showers as well, so you mightjust about need your brolly. but early in the morning, still raining across many parts of england, particularly eastern areas — that's where there could be some heavy rain still, anywhere from newcastle, just about into the midlands, east anglia and the south—east, but mild in the morning. 16 in london. 15 for leeds, and around about 13—14 in scotland and northern ireland. the cloud and the rain — the overnight cloud and the rain — might drag its heels a little bit across the south—east but eventually it should be out of the way in the north sea, and then we've got that mixture of sunshine and showers. and the showers might happen across the south—west, through the midlands, wales, scotland and northern ireland too, but not too many of them across northern england, we don't think. could be a beautiful day in cumbria and the north—east of england, for example. how about the cricket? just the chance of a shower, probably not too many of them around, so the risk of any disruption i don't think is particularly high. now, the forecast into friday — so, thursday night into friday — a low pressure is barrelling across the uk, and one thing that we will all notice on friday is the strength of the wind. it's going to be a very blustery day across the uk, all parts of the country. there will be some very blustery showers around, as well, across many northern and western areas of the uk. some of those showers will be heavy. so temperatures might be, say, 15—21 degrees, but it might feel cooler than that because of the strength of the wind. saturday, maybe not quite so windy but still pretty breezy. there will be some showers around but not as many. i think, overall, a slightly better day i think on saturday for most of us. now, i'm going to go back to what is happening right now, just off the eastern coast of the us, we have hurricane gert here, and that is going to be influencing our weather to an extent come sunday. this is what's going to be happening, so gert is going to start dying away, fizzling out, over the next two or three days and then it gets mixed up with the weather systems that usually come our way anyway. and basically what'sgoing to happen is the leftovers of gert — so the clouds, some of the wind and rain — will be crossing our country during the course of sunday. so you could call it "ex—gert" if you like, but it's certainly not going to be a hurricane. that means rain in some parts of the country but some uncertainty exactly how much rain, how much wind. but it will be an unsettled sunday for sure. so here's the weekend summary — there will be some blustery showers and wind around for sure. this is bbc news. i'm babita sharma. our top story: more resignations as business leaders respond to president trump's comments over the violent protests in charlottesville. a wave of resignations from two advisory panels prompted mr trump to announce that both bodies had been scrapped. there's grief and anger in freetown as authorities are blamed for hampering rescue efforts — at least 600 people are still missing after monday's mudslide. and this story is trending on the actor daniel craig confirms he is making his fifth and final appearance as 007 — james bond. stay with bbc news. and the top story here in the uk: the government wants business as usual on the irish border, after britain leaves the eu. the prime minister says people and goods should be able to cross

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Daniel Craig , Appearance , James Bond , Fifth , Singapore , 8 , 007 , New York City , In London , 1am , 1 , Trump , Sides , Violence , Comments , Charlottesville , Firestorm , Virginia , Business Leaders , Bbc , Presidents , Stance , Jon Sopel , Republican , North America Editor , Amazing Grace , Two , America , Nation , Protestor , Memorial Service , Supremacist , Occasion , Heather Heyer , Child , Groups , Applause , Guess What , Jews , Group , Islam In Danger , Side , Ku Klux Klan , White Lives Matter , Style Torches , Yesterday , One , Other , Each Other , Clubs , It , Way , That , Left , Thing , Protesters , Militia , Hate , Trouble , Guns , Army , Helmets , Demonstrators , Weaponry , Up Bristling , White Supremacist Insignia , People , Neo Nazis , Core , Condemnation , Equivalence , Last Night , Paul Ryan , Voice , Tweeting , Leader , David Duke , Deep Unhappiness , Anything , Intervention , Staff , George Hw Bush , George W Bush , White House , Room , Anti Semitism , Bigotry , Holiday , New York , Story , Bbc News , Mourning , Business , Office , Establishment , Children , Freetwon On Monday , Part , Capital , Mudslides , Flooding , Wake , Sierra Leone , Hillside , Officials , 100 , 600 , 400 , Freetown , Relatives , Victims , Landslide , Bodies , Mortuary , Ambulances , Hospital , Martin Patience Reports , Bishi , Stench , Death , Sister , Emotions , Draw , Daniel Wasn T Home , Members , Family , Disaster , Wife , Six , Grief , Anger , Authorities , Loss , Hundreds , Rescue Workers , Rescue Efforts , Recovery Operation , Landscape , Scar , Neighbourhood , Hoof , Scene , Fear , Body Bags , Diggers , Corpses , Disease , Sniffer Dogs , Many , Trickle , Everything , Aid , Martin Patience , Adama , India , Monsoon Rains , News Today , Millions , Southern Nepal , Bangladesh , 250 , Government , Border , Soldiers , Chinese , Response , Stones , Troops , Sunsari District , Pictures , Western Himalayas , Koshi River Overflowed , Residents , State , Governor , Amazonia Witnesses , Hearing Shots , Servicemen , Prison , Human Chain , Programme , Film , Forces , Filming , Territory , Tom Cruise , Stunt , Ankle , The Hollywood Actor , Mission Impossible , Islamic State Is Collapsing , Production , Action Film , Mr , Cruise , Franchises , Hejumped , Roofs , Buildings , Star , High Rise , 55 , Three , Fighters , Some , Military Training , Home , Attention , Middle East , 2000 , Europe , Childhood , Special Report , Islamic State , Quentin Sommerville , Lion Cubs , Child Soldiers , Caliphate , Armed To The Teeth , Cubs , Footage , Clumsy , Defeat , Collapsing , Iraq , War Machine , Ruins , Old City , Skills , Isn T , Mosul , The End , Ahmed , Belgium , Training Ground , Fighting , 15 , Translation , Martyrdom Operations , Kalashnikov , Seven , Matter , Thoughts , Turkey , Drinking , Enemies , Germany , Membership , Life , Youth , Motassin , Best , Others , Weapons , Media Unit , Sharia Law , Oui , 0thers , 0 , Boy , Suicide Missions , Civilians , Nobody , 16 , 14 , Europol , Backs , Refugees , Journey , One Of The Boys , Guard Towers , Scrabbling Past Searchlights , People Smugglerfrom Raqqa , Situation , Route , Number , 2014 , 2015 , Presence , Thanks , Rebels , Kurds , Supporters , Islamic , Legacy Hundreds , Threat , Third Day , Generaljoseph Dunford , Military Leaders , Generation , Beijing , Victor Gao , Fang Fenghui , China National Association Of International Studies , Counterpart , Director , Interpreter , Lot , North Korea , Dialogue , Fact , Military Leader , Flash Photography , Interview , Assessment , Warning , Discussion , Chinese Communist , Deng Xiaoping , Countries , Tension , Korean Peninsula , Communication , Channels , World War Two , Stakes , Peace , Conflict , Actions , President , Negotiation , Issue , Proliferation , The Republic Of Korea , Moon , Nuclear Weapons Programme , Idea , Goal , Example , World , Courage , Signal , Disunited , Wisdom , Vision , Consequences , Republic Of Korea , Russia , Doorstep , Place , Statement , Calling , Action , Denuclearisation , Opposition , Case , Possibility , Newsday , Course , History , Eyewitnesses , City , The World , Man , Relationship , Miss , Health , Lewinsky , Submariners , Chanting , Czechoslovakia , South Africa , 97 , 118 , 500 , 10 , Pope , Heart , Mass , Congregation , Kursk , 2 5 Million , Stay , Ocean Of Humanity , Hometown , Krakow , Desert Rome , Babita Sharma In London , In Singapore , Rico Hizon , Thanks Forjoining , Top Stories , Relation , Mudslide , Leak , Episode , Pirated , Game Of Thrones , Platform , More , Show , Pages , Look , Fantasy Tv Series , Thieves , Hackers , Source , Broadcaster , South China Morning Post , Bbc Com Technology , Around The World , Lam , Cctv Footage , Latest , Police , Kidnap , Account , Paper , Democracy Activist , Howard , Hong Kong , Humanoid Robot , Women , Japan Times , Comfort Women , Hit , Low Budget Film , Picture , China Daily , Japanese , Chapters , 22 , Photo , Pepper , Probe , Softbank Robotics , Buddhist , Funeral Services , Partition Of India , Sutras , Country , Muslims , Most , Strike , Meetings , Muslim Leader , Surprise , Anyone , Rally , Independence , Pakistan , Muhammadjinnah , Riot , Effects , Calcutta , Eight , Archive , 12 , Muslim League , Thousands , Meeting , First Port , Communities , Everybody , Growing , Hindus , Riots , Rumour , Second , Hindu , Hooligans , Chaos , Street , Killing , Dust Pits , Skulls , Leg , Hand , Shivering , Muslims Cannot , Extent , Gandhi , These , Age , Men , Communalized , Partition Never , Devided , Bbc World News , Spot , Series , Features , Great Calcutta Killing , Website , Timeline , Stories , Lots , 70 , Spy , Time , Secret Agent , Outing , Theme Music , British , Chi Izundu , 49 , Speculation , Bond , Times , Box Office , Mark , Actor , Mi6 , Cheering , Successful , First , Franchise , Yes , Skyfall , Films , Spectre , Cars , Wrists , Play , Release , The Martinis , Press , Fans , Offer , Names , Idris Elba , Answer , Golden Gun , Christmas In August , Stunts , Cinemas , Knee Surgery , 25 , 51 , 2019 , Purse Strings , Babita Bond , Baby , Laughter , Restaurant , Opening , Finance Secretary , Economies , Ties , Fan , Asia , Philippines , Cheetos Crisps , Cheeto , Feast , Menu , Cheetos Nachos , Sandwiches , Cheetos Tacos , Cheetos Meatballs , Cheetos , Weather , All , Don T You , Let , Showers , Rain , Sunshine , Mixed , Brolly , Parts , Areas , Anywhere , South East , Northern England , Midlands , East Anglia , Newcastle , Cloud , The Rain , Scotland , Northern Ireland , Leeds , North Sea , 13 , Mixture , North East Of England , South West , Wales , Cumbria , Shower , Chance , Cricket , Disruption , Risk , Wind , Strength , Pressure , Barrelling , Notice , Well , Temperatures , 21 , Coast , Hurricane Gert , Leftovers , Happening , Weather Systems , The Clouds , Fizzling Out , Hurricane , Ex Gert , Uncertainty , Resignations , Sunday , Weekend Summary , Babita Sharma , Sure , Protests , Panels , Wave , Bbc Com , Councils , Search , Survivors , Talks , Grooming The Next Generation , Goods , Cross , Prime Minister , Irish Border ,

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