Transcripts For BBCNEWS Newsday 20170814 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS Newsday 20170814

for the nation. good morning. it is 8:00am in singapore, 1:00am in london, and 8:30am in the north korean capital, pyongyang, where the regime has reiterated its right to hold nuclear weapons as a legitimate self—defence measure against the united states. it is the latest statement in the increasingly hostile war of words between the two countries, and it comes as the head of the us military, generaljoseph dunford, is due to meet president moonjae—in and south korea's defence minister. afterwards, he will go on to china and japan. the bbc‘s richard galpin reports. on the pacific island of guam, people turned out in large numbers on sunday to pray for peace. they are now potentially in the firing line, as the stand—off between the united states and north korea continues. pyongyang has threatened to fire missiles toward this island, which is home to major us military bases. we are here to pray for the leaders of those countries to be able to remain calm, and think about the people, and the lives of the people we have here. in japan, anti—aircraft systems were deployed at the weekend to shoot down any north korean missiles aimed at guam. this area of southern japan would lie on the flight path. this is the most serious crisis in the region since the end of the korean war, in the 1950s, according to some military experts. there is a real risk, by miscalculation probably, more than anything else, and by rather unbalanced rhetoric, of something happening that no—one intends. and i think it is very dangerous. i think we're closer to there being some sort of fighting in the korean peninsula than we have been since the ceasefire in 1952. despite this, us president donald trump is not toning down his rhetoric, particularly his recent statement that the us military was fully locked and loaded. i hope that they are going to fully understand the gravity of what i said, and what i said is what i mean. so hopefully they will understand exactly what i said, and the meaning of those words. those words are very easy to understand. on monday, the united states‘ most senior general, joseph dunford, will be in the south korean capital, seoul, for meetings with the government there. the americans say there is no imminent threat of conflict, and the diplomatic track is continuing. but tensions are likely to rise even higher in a week's time, when yet more planned military exercises involving the us and south korean armed forces take place in the region. another show of force to try to convince north korea to halt its nuclear weapons programme. our correspondent robin brant is in seoul. bring us up to detail on what the latest is and what we're hearing on the legitimacy, they say, of their nuclear programme. well, these are fairly mild words which have emerged in north korean state—run news agencies, a statement which describes what they say is a legitimate self—defence, referring to their nuclear possessions, against what they say are the threats and the vigor of the united states. so stating that kind of military concept that lots of nuclear states do, essentially having these weapons act as a deterrent against other nations using them. so that is the words we have this morning. i think perhaps tomorrow, on 15 august, which is liberation day in north korea, we may expect some more of the rhetoric, perhaps more of the bellicose language we have heard emerging from kim jong—un, bellicose language we have heard emerging from kimjong—un, who is north korea's leader. tomorrow is one of those days when offered a statement is made or some kind of show of strength. so perhaps something more poetic, maybe, from him tomorrow. as you heard in richard galpin‘s report there, the relationship twin south korea and the united states is very important. joseph dunford, of the united states, is here today. it is a scheduled meeting. during a regional tour he will go to china and japan as well but clearly that will dominate the talks. and of course, as talks continue, you are saying a little earlier that everybody knows how south korea has always been prepared for the possibility of military confrontation on the border. just talk us through any change in perhaps the preparations that you have heard about that are under way at the. well, look. i mean, they talk about being permanently prepared for any swift action that may be necessary. this isa action that may be necessary. this is a country with a standing army of 500,000. there are 30,000 american troops here as well. we learned at the weekend that, in terms of civil defence preparation, there are drills every year. but this year i think some signs that maybe they are stepping up their preparedness. here in seoul last year, when they had this drill, people are guided down into shelters and metro stations, just a handful of districts in the city took part. we are told this time around, which is next week, every area in the city will take part. it is worth saying, though, just to go back to the comments of some senior officials in the united states, the head of the cia on us tv saying he sees nothing imminent in terms of a military confrontation between north korea and the united states, but he added he wouldn't be surprised if there were further missile test is coming from the north in the weeks ahead. thank you very much for that. wa nt to want to bring you some breaking news thatis want to bring you some breaking news that is coming to us, but soldiers have launched a confrontation against suspected jihadists ian burkina faso. according to a journalist in the area, at least to make people, including one foreigner, were wounded in this attack. soldiers have launched an operation against suspected jihadists in burkina faso. details are still coming in, and we will keep you updated if we hear anything further on that. our other top story — 46 people are now known to have died in a landslide in the indian state of himachal pradesh. the landslide was caused by torrential rain in the himalayas. in neighbouring nepal, the authorities say 69 people have been killed in flash—flooding. rachel cary reports. after three days of torrential rain, nepal's emergency services are stretched to their limit. an airport in the country's south—east and more than 3a,000 homes near the indian border are submerged. translation: as this disaster was taking place, i remembered three elderly women, who lived in an old—age home. they were calling for help, but i couldn't help them as i couldn't reach the place due to the flooding. this was the scene in the popular chitwan national park. near here, in the tourist resort of saurahi, elephants and rafts were sent to rescue nearly 500 holidaymakers. while flooding in nepal happens annually, locals say has not been seen on this scale in more than 20 years. neighbouring countries are also counting their losses. in india, at least 45 people died when a landslide hit two buses in the himalayan state of himachal pradesh. both buses were swept into a gorge. efforts to recover the buried are ongoing. while the rain is forecast to ease on monday, there are still another three weeks until the typical monsoon season is over. rachel cary, bbc news. also making news: the former white house communications director anthony scaramucci says there are people inside the white house working against president trump. he was giving his first tv interview since being sacked last month, afterjust ten days in office. the president is not a representative of the political establishment class. and so, for whatever reason, people have made a decision that they want to eject him. it's almost like he's opened up the door now for america's ceos and america's billionaires to enter the political system. the new york times has revealed the social networking site facebook discreetly launched a photo—sharing app for chinese users. facebook is banned in mainland china, and has made clear its intentions to crack the tightly controlled market. the app, called colourful balloons, was released through a local company. justin thomas has won golf‘s final major of the year, the uspga. the 24—year—old's victory put paid to a possible first major title for japan's hideki matsuyama, who had led the tournament going into the final nine holes. but a disappointing run of shots cost him the chance of creating history, as he ended in a tie for fifth place. more onjustin's win coming up in sport today later this hour. let's take you to karachi, where pakistan is celebrating its independence day. 70 years ago, pakistan was founded, when british colonial rule ended and partition split india into two nations. we will have a full report later in the programme on pakistan's independence day. the white house has defended president trump's response to the violence in charlottesville, virginia, after the biggest gathering of white nationalist groups in america for decades. it says he had condemned all extremist groups. a 20—year—old man has now been charged with murder, after a car was driven into a woman who was part of a demonstration against the far—right rally. laura bicker reports from charlottesville. after a violent day of division, charlottesville has come together to pray, to show that this city condemns the hate brought here by neo—nazis and white supremacists. the virginia governor went from row to row, hugging worshippers in this baptist church. he promised to keep politics out of the pulpit, but there was a message he felt he had to give. it is about politics in that the political rhetoric in this country today has bred bigotry. hundreds of white supremacists gathered in the city yesterday for a planned rally. brawling broke out as far—right groups, including the ku klux klan, were challenged by civil rights activists. the police dispersed the crowds, but the day would not end peacefully. a car, at speed, rammed into protesters. the crash killed 32—year—old heather heyer, who had fought racism all her life. police have charged 20—year—old james fields with second—degree murder. one of the organisers of the far—right rally tried to hold a press conference. he was heckled, almost drowned out. i would like to condemn any of the violence that happened yesterday. i disavow anything that led to folks getting hurt. crowd: shame! shame! as the crowd shouted him down, he tried to leave, but instead he was forced to flee. police moved in to keep the protesters back. these people feel that bigotry has no place in the streets of charlottesville. but this could be any town, any city across america. it is an example of the simmering racial tension, and that has become heightened under president trump. the president stopped short of explicitly condemning the alt—right for these violent scenes, and some fear that having donald trump in the white house has emboldened white supremacists. it is important for us to call these people what they are — white supremacists. i don't understand why that is difficult. that is what they are. they're not hiding this behind the statue. they didn't come here because of a statue. they came here, as david duke said, to fulfil the promise of president trump, and take their country back. calm has been restored for now, giving the city time to remember those who lost their lives while challenging hate and trying to keep the peace. laura bicker, charlottesville. you are watching newsday on the bbc. still to come on the programme: it is 70 years since pakistan's creation, but what do people think of the founding father's vision of the nation, as they celebrate the country's independence from india? also on the programme: police investigate the mystery of what happened to this swedish journalist, missing after riding on a privately built submarine. the big crowds became bigger as the time of the funeral approached. as the lines of fans became longer, the police prepared for a hugejob of crowd control. idi amin, uganda's brutalformer dictator, has died at the age of 80. he's been buried in saudi arabia, where he lived in exile since being overthrown in 1979. two billion people around the world have seen the last total eclipse of the sun to take place in this millenium. it began itsjourney off the coast of canada, ending three hours later when the sun set over the bay of bengal. welcome back. you are watching newsday on the bbc. i'm mariko 0i in singapore. i'm babita sharma in london. our top stories: america's top military chief arrives in south korea as the north says it has a right to have nuclear weapons to defend itself against the us. torrential rain has caused landslides in the indian state of himachal pradesh, meanwhile rescue operations continue in nepal, where flash flooding has turned streets into rivers. now you may remember the story — how this police officer caught a shoplifter stealing an outfit for a job interview. well, rather than arresting him, the officer not only released him but went further, by buying him the clothes for the interview. it turns out the teenager got the job and begins work next week. that story is popular at and later in the programme, we look at what football has to do with starting a newjob. let's take a look at some front pages from around the world. singapore's straights times speculates that us president donald trump appears to be easing up on his accusation that china is stealing us intellectual property. the president will sign a executive memorandum on monday to announce whether an investigation into china is now necessary. the paper says the us is now looking to china for help amid rising tensions with north korea. the south china morning post reveals hong kong police are monitoring about 20 indonesian maids in the city who are believed to be islamic state sympathisers. the action follows a report by an indonesian think tank which says there are at least 50 female workers in east asia who took part in extremist discussion groups. and the china daily reports on how some of the uk's most celebrated schools are competing to attract chinese students over the summer. a record number of chinese students went to the uk to take part in summer programmes this year. now, what stories are sparking discussions online? well, mariko, here in the uk, many people got a treat on saturday night — shooting stars littered the sky as the perseid meteor shower was at its peak over the uk. these are just some of the incredible pictures sent in to the bbc from around the country. up to 100 shooting stars an hour were visible, and good news — if you're on this side of the world, there's another opportunity to see the display tonight if you're on this side of the world. 70 years ago today pakistan came into existence. british colonial rule ended, and partition split what had been india into two nations. as pakistan celebrates independence, reeta chakrabarti has been to the city of karachi, the first capital of independent pakistan and birthplace of the country's founding father, mohammed jinnah. it is pakistan's birthday, and on every street corner, there are flags and celebration. but its 70 years have been mixed. it was founded as a democracy, but has had military rule. and people have argued whether mohammed jinnah wanted a secular state or an islamic one. i went to one of karachi's universities to asked what students thought of mohammed jinnah asked what students thought of mohammedjinnah and asked what students thought of mohammed jinnah and pakistan today. his name is the biggest in pakistan. he is like a father. he is the father of the nation. he created pakistan. do you think mohammed jinnah would be happy with pakistan as it is today? he would be happy. it is progressing every day, every second. on this event at -- on this 70th anniversary, it is flourishing every day. do you think that mohammed jinnah would be happy?- would see the basic needs of the people, the needs of the people are not being to field right now. much of the problem lies in the religion. because people nowadays, they have, they are not tolerant. and they have too much emotion. crowds come to mohammed jinnah's mausoleum to too much emotion. crowds come to mohammedjinnah's mausoleum to pay their respects. the country he founded was rocked again last month when the prime minister was forced to resign over corruption charges. finding political stability seems to be one of pakistan's biggest challenges. reeta chakrabarti, bbc news. and we'll have a special series of features, on the partition of india, all this week on bbc world news. you can also visit our website for more information. simply go to click on the link, and you'll find personal stories from people who went through partition at the time, and an interactive timeline explaining why it happened 70 years ago. now if you've ever contemplated a career change or are taking a newjob, this may be for you. some recruitment experts say the first 90 days of a newjob are crucial to a person's success. and a new staff member should treat a new role like an elite footballer would if he were joining a new club. simon lance, managing director of hays in greater china, told me how they came up with the parallel. i think that has always been a lot of comparisons between sports and the corporate world. and in the context of a new employee, and building a team of successful employees, it is about performance. the comparisons we see there are really about how to perform from day one, and the steps you would take either as an elite sportsmen or a new employee to make sure you are performing well on game day. what exactly a re performing well on game day. what exactly are you supposed to do? give us some exactly are you supposed to do? give us some details. if you go for a job next week, what should you be doing? 0k. all the sports fans out there it will sound familiar, but preparation really is the key. new employees often make the mistake of turning up on theirfirst day often make the mistake of turning up on their first day at expecting to begin from 9am on monday morning. if you compare that with elite sports people, there is a lot of preparation work that goes into their thinking and their strategy before they arrive on game day. so for a new employee, taking the time to really research the company, and with the tools are at —— the tools that are available online now, even manages, get an idea of the company you arejoining. so you are inducted before you even begin. if you think that about sports teams and what they do through the game, there is a huge amount of focus and, i suppose, science behind the way they approach the game. and thinking about that as an employee, and really understanding the role and responsibilities and the pressure that will come with a newjob just gives you an advantage when you start that new career step. so i guess like facebook or linkedin, stalk your future bosses. that would bea stalk your future bosses. that would be a disadvantage if you did not do that? i don't think it is a disadvantage. most corporate organisations do have good induction programmes, and they expect you to be spending a little time with them having this explained to you. if you arrive on day one and are there to impress and can demonstrate strong knowledge of your company and co—workers on day one, i do personally think it is a huge advantage, and something that does not go up unnoticed by hiring managers. there's a mystery in denmark which police are trying to solve. they're searching for a missing swedish woman but they've found no clues on the submarine where she was last seen. the owner and designer of the submarine escaped when it sank. he's being questioned. danny aeberhard has more. investigators have begun scouring the nautilus. they're looking for clues to help solve the mystery about what might have happened aboard on thursday night. kim wall, a freelance journalist whose work has been published internationally has not been seen or heard from since. the sub was raised off the sea bed on saturday and brought to land overnight where it was partially drained. no—one, either dead or alive, was found inside, but forensic specialists will continue their work. after he was arrested on friday, peter madsen said he had dropped ms wall off on one of copenhagen's islands on thursday night. a police spokesman said he had not given a different explanation of what happened during the voyage. —— a police spokesman said he had now given a different explanation of what happened during the voyage. the spokesman would not elaborate. he also cast doubt on his account that the nautilus sank when he was trying to repair an issue with the tanks that are used for ballast. he told journalists that the submarine had apparently been sunk deliberately. meanwhile, the search for mrs wall or her body continues. danny aeberhard, bbc news. you have been watching newsday. stay with us. we will take you to japan to meet the inventor of a robot that helps people to tackle stress and loneliness. and i got to meet a very inspirational als patient that was trying to learn how to communicate using this robot. and before we go, a rare white moose has been captured on camera. the animal, one ofjust 100, was seen in west sweden. the moose aren't albino but grow white fur due to a genetic mutation. thank you forjoining us. see you soon. this week has been quite changeable. if we take a look back at last week, parts of eastern england had over 60 millimetres of rain. that is pretty close to one month's worked in 36 hours. certainly, the south—east has been the wettest of the weather. but it might close to normal at the moment in scotland and northern ireland. lastly, we had some decent spells of sunshine in western scotland. on wednesday, you can see this beautiful picture, there was over 13 one half hours of sunshine. generally speaking, last week, the jetstrea m generally speaking, last week, the jetstream was to the south. so we we re jetstream was to the south. so we were on the colder side of the jet strea m were on the colder side of the jet stream and the more unsettled one for some. through the weekend, the jetstrea m for some. through the weekend, the jetstream moved steadily north. that allowed for decent spells of sunshine for many of us and also sumwalt, particularly along the kent coast, with temperatures in the mid—20s. the heaviest of the rain will always be across scotland through the morning. it will be fairly ragged as it moves through wales in south—west england. but in the south—east, we keep the dry, sunny weather, and the warmth. 33 degrees not out of the question for london. but the rain will pack up over south—west england and wales. not too much in the south—east corner, but rain to clear overnight on monday into tuesday. it will do so, then we have a sherratt regime with weather from sitting across the country. —— tetri. some of us will be thundery as well. but if you dirty showers, it won't feel too bad. we could see highs of 2a degrees. a little cooler and fresh up degrees. a little cooler and fresh up with some showers to the north—west. a brief reach of north pressure “— north—west. a brief reach of north pressure —— a brief reach of high pressure —— a brief reach of high pressure before a change is sitting in the winds waiting for us. when they looks good on the whole, particularly in chartered eastern areas. eventually, winds will strengthen with the rain pushing on. so the south—east will see the highest values. 0ut so the south—east will see the highest values. out to the west, a little more disappointing. from wednesday into thursday, wet and windy pressure, whether moving across the country. gales of the coast in particular. —— wet and windy weather moving across the country. heavy showers, but feeling cooler later on. i'm babita sharma, with bbc news. our top story: north korea says it has the right to hold nuclear weapons to defend itself against the us. it comes as america's top military chief arrives in south korea. generaljoseph dunford will meet president moonjae—in in seoul. torrential rain has caused landslides in the indian state of himachal pradesh, and in nepal. rescue workers are struggling to help the people missing or cut off by flash—floods. and this video is trending on shooting stars have littered the sky, as the perseid meteor shower reached its peak over the uk. at the weekend, up to 100 shooting stars an hour were visible. the perseid meteor shower occurs everyjuly and august. that's all from me for now. stay with bbc news. and the top story here in the uk: the chancellor and international trade secretary have made a joint pledge saying that

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Charlottesville , Virginia , United States , New York , Pyongyang , P Yongyang Si , North Korea , Burkina Faso , Japan , Hong Kong , Copenhagen , Køavn , Denmark , United Kingdom , China , Whitehouse , District Of Columbia , Indonesia , Canada , Uganda , Guam , Pakistan , London , City Of , Seoul , Soul T Ukpyolsi , South Korea , Himachal Pradesh , India , Singapore , Nepal , West Sweden , Saudi Arabia , Karachi , Sindh , Americans , Chinese , Indonesian , Scotland , North Korean , British , South Korean , America Ceos , Klux Klan , Rachel Cary , Joseph Dunford , Simon Lance , Kim Jong , Hideki Matsuyama , Justin Thomas , David Duke , Peter Madsen ,

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